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2 A MESSAGE FROM SYDASOFT Der Helth Cre Professionl, Thnk you for tking time to review this rohure. I hve een involve in prtie mngement for nerly ee, uring whih time I hve extensively onentrte my usiness effort on unerstning the hllenges you fe ily in running suessful helth re prtie. I know you re eite first n foremost to proviing the est ptient re you n, ut I lso know tht growing re of onern to you is ensuring tht you run profitle, effetive prtie like ny usinessperson must. Tht's why my ompny hs investe three yers of time reting the first truly vne meil prtie mngement softwre prout, SyMED. From the y I oneive of this progrm n hire engineers to egin eveloping it, I hve mintine one single-mine fous: to rete the est meil prtie mngement softwre ville n offer it t resonle prie. SyMED reflets my vision -- n I m prou to present it to you. On the following pges, I invite you to see why SyMED is the est softwre for your prtie. This rohure, of ourse, n show you only prt of its vne fetures, so plese ownlo your free "working" emo from. I elieve you will fin tht my vision of n vne meil prtie mngement softwre truly supports the rems you hve of running suessful prtie. Sinere regrs, Kyle Frht, CEO, Sysoft, In. A QUICK LOOK INSIDE Moern Design... 1 Roust Clims Entry...2 Clims/Sttements...2 Verstile Aounts Reeivle Moule... 3 Dynmi Serh Cpilities...3 Avne Sheuling...4 Extensive Reports... 5 HIPAA & Seurity... 6 Integrtion of Digitl Files... 6 Applition Seurity... 7 Stunning Grphis... 7 Superill Genertor... 8 Point-of-Sle Trking... 8 Creit Cr Proessing... 9 QuikBooks Integrtion... 9 Tsks & Journl...10 Emil Cpilities Dt Export/Coe Import Avne Tehnologies Aitionl Fetures Three Resons to Choose SyMED...13

3 MODERN AND INTUITIVE DESIGN SyMED tkes meil prtie mngement softwre esign to higher level! e k g We know tht lerning new softwre progrm is often time-onsuming, frustrting tsk. To voi this, our engineers spent months esigning SyMED to e the most user-frienly progrm rete. Our interfe is ttrtive, quik to lern n funtionl eyon omprison. We offer wizrs n shortuts tht sve time n effort. Every t entry sreen in SyMED hs een rigorously evelope to guie users step-y-step to enhne workflow n reue errors. Beuse people work ifferently, SyMED offers multiple wys to ess ll funtions; eh user n hoose how to o their jo in the wy tht is most omfortle for them. f h j i SyMED s Smrt Fetures Cler system nvigtion using ynmi horizontl n vertil rs with lrge ttrtive ions llows quik essiility to vitl prts of the progrm, reuing the use of rop-own menus. Aility to rete multiple insurne ounts for single hrt, suh s ptient who hs oth regulr ount n r ient insurne se or Worker's Comp insurne se. Quik Lunh Menu provies fst ess to frequently use serh funtions. Artisti system-generte imges let you ientify ptient gener n ge t glne - or you n sn in rel ptient photos. e Integrte imge snning for insurne rs, ID rs... et. f View rel ptient & insurne lnes t glne. g Projet estimte ptient lnes. h "Te" sreens llow ess to gret el of informtion on ptient hrt. No nee to to jump roun the system to fin t. i Fst Jump-To" ommns let you shift from one type of work (relte to the tive hrt) to nother quikly n effortlessly. j View primry, seonry n tertiry insurne ounts sie-ysie, ll on one sreen. k Emil from within the progrm. An muh more. 01

4 ROBUST CLAIMS ENTRY Given the importne of effiient lims proessing to your sh flow, we eite ourselves to reting the est lims entry moule nywhere! Our engineers onsulte sores of helthre professionls to perfet n effiient, esy-to-use n frienly lims entry moule. Our sreens tke the guesswork out of lims entry n reue the possiility of hving lims rejete euse of t. e SyMED s Smrt Fetures Color oing of ritil t fiels. f g One-lik viewing of ll open lims for eh ptient. Fst toggling etween views of the ptient's urrent lne, the insurne lne, or reent illing & sttement t. You n view the CMS-1500 form (or CMS-1450) t nytime uring lims entry, so you n th missing t. e Sie pnel funtions give you quik ess to other vitl informtion relte to the ptient when entering lims. f Attrtive, olorful gri mkes viewing lim s line etils esier. Gris isply pyment n lne informtion too! g Atth notes to lims or sttements t etil line level. CLAIMS / STATEMENTS SyMED offers unmthe power in proessing insurne lims n prepring ptient sttements. Never lose trk of your lims with SyMED. When you re rey to proess lims, simply efine how you wnt to sort or th them n SyMED fins ll unproesse lims tht fit your riteri in split seon. The sme goes for Ptient Sttements. SyMED s Smrt Fetures Proess lims or ptient sttements from the sme ilog. Sort the lims or sttements to e proesse using speifi filters suh s y insurne, ptients, lotions, or provier types. View the ollr vlue of ll the lims tht mth your riteri efore proessing. Every th proesse is logge in Sumission Detils for future referene. e Proess lims on pper or eletronilly in HIPAA-omplint formt. Also, you n print severl types of Ptient Sttements. e 02

5 VERSATILE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MODULE Nothing is more vitl to your usiness thn keeping trk of your pyments. SyMED hs the leing ounts reeivle moule in the inustry. Our system simplifies the proess of reoring n pplying insurne, ptient, n pittion pyments. e Enter totl reeivle n see ll prior reeivles on one sreen. Color legen mkes it esy to ientify whether reeivles originte s insurne, ptient or pitte pyments. SyMED s Smrt Fetures Apply eh pyment iretly to speifi lims n hrges. Simply selet ptient, view his or her unpi lims, n ssign the mount to py to the pproprite lim. You n post pyments to lims line items in two ifferent wys epening on skill level. For eh ptient lim, view the history & etils of eh pyment pplie to it. Never lose trk of how lims hve een pi. When lim is ompletely pi from ll soures (ptient, primry insurne, seonry, et.), you n mrk it s Complete n SyMED utomtilly lultes ny remining write-off. e A ler isply lso shows you how muh of the entire reeivle remins to e pplie so you n trk your sh inflow with omplete ury. DYNAMIC SEARCH CAPABILITIES Whtever t you nee to fin, you won t lose time serhing in SyMED. SyMED mkes it simple to serh for ny item with its powerful ynmi serh pilities. You n perform serhes y grouping heers in ifferent queries. This llows the resulting report to e viewle in mny ifferent wys. Exmple: You wnt to serh for ertin ill numers (lims). Following first top-level serh, simply rg the olumn heers to the top n SyMED utomtilly resorts the results so you n view the lims y provier, proeure oe, pyments...et. SyMED s Smrt Fetures Choose your esire serh type n riteri. A first-level serh isplys the informtion. Drg olumn heers (in esire orer) to the lue re to sort y those heers. The results isply in tree-like view tht s esy to unerstn. You n re-sort heers to get ifferent results. 03

6 ADVANCED SCHEDULING f i h SyMED offers feture-rih sheuling moule tht meets your emning nees. Our sheuling moule is esigne to fulfill the emns of hrworking, usy offie. It's loe with fetures tht mke sheuling tsks esy n effiient. All in ll, this outstning sheuling system will stisfy ll those responsile for sheuling in your offie. Different sheule types for eh y of the week. Perform future ernings forest se on your sheule ppointments. Sen ppointment reminer notifitions y emil! g SyMED s Smrt Fetures Toggle quikly etween ifferent views of the sheule. You n view ppointments y the y, week, or month; or y resoure utilize; or y provier. Color oing y ppointment resons n y ppointment sttus. Esily trk nelle or no-show ppointments. Verstile ppointment-setting sreen llows you to view vitl ptient informtion suh s insurne, ignosis, estimte ppointment revenue, n uthoriztions. Jump to funtion llows you to quikly ess lims entry & ptient sttement sreens. e View or print ily ppointment lists per provier for ny single y or rnge of tes. Fin out how mny ppointments were seen toy for new ptients, existing ptients, or oth. Also view or print ppointment history per provier or per ptient. f Quik-A funtion llows you to sheule n ppointment for new ptient without reting full hrt. g Fst sheuling of multiple repetitive ppointments in vne for the sme ptient. h Aility to lok out rnge of times or tes to sfegur your personl or out-of-offie time. i Superill printing for eh y's ppointments for eh provier in the prtie. j Sheule n mnge repet ppointments effetively. e j 04

7 EXTENSIVE REPORTS SyMED s reports llow you to upgre the effetiveness of your prtie mngement. Some helth re linis simply o not get into the etils of prtie mngement often euse their softwre is iffiult to use, uninformtive, or limite in reporting pilities. Not so with SyMED. Our Reports moule omes rey with hunres of extensive reports nlyzing ritil issues in prtie mngement, inluing etile nlysis of: Aging reports Clims-relte reports Finnil reports Generl prtie reports Grphi reports Prtie nlysis Generl legers Lists n lels Monthly & yerly summries SyMED s wie-rry of useful reports help you mke etter eisions out the y-to-y n long-rnge performne of your prtie. You n exmine your sh flow, growth ptterns, expenses, future inome, n pln your next steps. You n lso esign your own ustom reports using our uilt-in Report Writer. You n rete virtully ny type of report to monitor n nlyze your prtie mngement ojetives. If you wish to o further mnipultion of your t, SyMED llows you to esily export your reports to severl populr progrms like Exel, Aess, Wor, n Crystl Reports. You n lso export your reports s PDF or RTF ouments! View ll mjor reports t one! Selet report options s neee Chnge titles n logo if you wish Selet esire filters View hunres of vlule reports! 05

8 HIPAA & SECURITY SyMED puts HIPAA ompline t your fingertips. HIPAA ompline is no longer hoie. As result, SyMED inorportes ll the ritil HIPAA-relte requirements: Applition Log Off Timer to ensure utomti logging off if softwre is left unttene for speifie perio of time. Multi-Lyer Psswor Seurity to ontrol whih users hve ess to vrious funtionlity of the softwre. HIPAA Reports for Employees n Ptients, inluing vriety of importnt reports for ily use. Auit Tril Anlysis tht prints report of eh user s tivity for ny speifie perio of time. Meil Reor Trnsfer Request Log to trk ny request y ptient for opies of their meil reors. Mny ritil HIPAA forms re provie so you n proue HIPAA-relte ouments for ptients on emn. The reports re ynmi, utomtilly rwing informtion from your ptient tse so there's less keyoring. You n proue forms for one or severl ptients t time. INTEGRATION OF DIGITAL FILES Integrte outsie informtion into your SyMED reors. SyMe is on the utting ege when it omes to mking full use of urrent igitl tehnology. Appen ny outsie igitl file to ptient's hrt inluing snne ouments suh s river's liense, photos, insurne rs, usiness rs, n muh more. The enefits of this outstning feture re signifint: Your ptient hrts re more informtive, entrlize, n omplete. You n ssess quikly whether ptient s insurne r is up-to-te. You n esily retrieve wier rnge of t out eh ptient to review, print, or emil. You eliminte spe-wsting pper files n lutter from your offie. In the ner future, you will e le to voie n vieo files s well. 06

9 APPLICATION SECURITY Ensure the seurity n privy of your ptient n prtie t. SyMED gives you full ontrol over the level of ess eh user in your offie is uthorize to hve. SyMED s Smrt Fetures You n enle seurity for the entire progrm -- or in the event tht you re the sole user, you n isle it ompletely. Determine eh stff memer's ility to see sreens or hnge t on form-y-form n/or ommn-y-ommn sis. Assign ess rights to eh user. You n hoose from Full Aess, Re Only, or No Aess for ny stff memer in your offie. e e If you use SyMED to mnge multiple prties, you n ssign eh user to ess only ertin prties. Users n hose from vriety of olorful ions to ientify their profile. STUNNING GRAPHICS SyMED s shrp & sophistite grphis llow you to intelligently ssess key initors of your prtie. Plesing to the eye, SyMED reports re presente in numerous grphi styles tht llow you to sor informtion quikly. The softwre inlues mny vlule tegories tht help you nlyze ily, weekly n monthly tivities. Aitionl grphis n e ustomize to fit the speifi nees of ny meil offie: Chrges y proeure or ignosis oe. Proutivity y provier. New ptient y insurne. Pyments y insurne Referre-y reports...n muh more. 07

10 SUPERBILL GENERATOR Tke ontrol of your superills. Our vision is to ssist helth re proviers to the fullest extent possile. Tht's why we evelope flexile superill genertor utility with whih you n esign n print your own superills quikly. Eh provier in your offie n hve ifferent superill - or even severl. SyMED s Smrt Fetures Selet one of our preformtte superills or rete your own in snp. Nme your own tegories, titles, heers n footers, oes, n other superill elements. Quikly enter the oes tht go uner eh tegory. Print out ll superills neee for speifi te, rnge of tes, or provier. e Superills re serilize n ontin vitl ptient & insurne informtion. f Assign eh provier efult superill to e printe from the Sheuling Moule efore eh y s ppointments. If neessry, you n overrie the efult superill with ifferent one uring the Appointment setup. e f POINT-OF-SALE TRACKING SyMED enhnes your ility to sell non-insurne prouts n servies. If your offie sells Point-of-Sle (POS) prouts n servies iretly to your ptients, SyMED's powerful Point-of-Sle trking system is for you. Our moule: Keeps trk of ll your POS inventory. Issues reminers to reorer when the inventory ips elow ny point you selet for eh prout. Prints vlule reports so you n ssess eh prout's sles history n profitility. Allows you to sell Gift Certifites, "series" or pkges of prouts or servies, n s the uyer uses up items, you n eit the ount n fully trk its usge. Hnles invoies n pyments outsie of your regulr A/R moule so you n mintin seprte reors from insurne-ille lims. 08

11 CREDIT CARD PROCESSING We offer semless integrtion of your reit r pilities. SyMED hs ompletely integrte reit r pyment system ville from oth the Aounts Reeivle n Point-of-Sle moules. Aept reit r pyments n proess them immeitely. Creit r pyments me towrs lims n e linke iretly to speifi lims. Creit r pyments me for non-insurne point-ofsle items re reore seprtely. You n voi sles or issue reit k; the ffete trnstion is utomtilly upte, inluing lims pyments so there is no nee to mnully fin n just lim. Note: Sysoft, In. n provie SyMED users with highly ompetitive rtes on merhnt ount for Vis, MsterCr, Amerin Express, or Disover. QUICKBOOKS INTEGRATION SyMED ties right into the leing smll usiness progrm to simplify ll your ounting nees. If you use QuikBooks for your other usiness prtie ounting, you'll ppreite the oorintion tht SyMED offers you to post your ounts reeivle t right into QuikBooks! No other prtie mngement softwre hs ome this fr in its ttention to vne funtionlity in professionl prtie mngement. Semlessly integrte your ounts reeivle with QuikBooks versions 2003 n newer. For oler versions of QuikBooks, you n simply export the t to file tht QuikBooks will then import. Either wy, SyMED will improve your ility to monitor your finnes n mintin omprehensive reors of your prtie. 09

12 TASKS & JOURNAL SyMED hs fetures to enhne ll your offie ministrtion nees. Tsk Trking This feture llows you to rete n trk speifi tsks tht you wnt to ssign to personnel in your offie. You (or ny stff memer) n efine tsk n ssign it to ny iniviul. You n speify Strt Dte n Due Dte, n ssign Priority Level to the tsk. Crete te reminer for eh tsk. Trk the sttus of eh tsk towr ompletion. Journl Cretion n Mintenne Our journl feture llows you to write ily journl entry or importnt reminers for tht y, omplete with full worproessor-like funtionlity n fetures. You n lso import RTF n PDF files into your journl suh s rtiles, memos, n offie notes. CAPABILITIES Esily ommunite with ptients, insurers, n other ritil ontts. If you re not tpping into the enefits of emil ommunition, SyMED will help you trnsition into this new er. You n emil ollegues in your prtie, referring otors, insurne ompnies, or ny ontt in your ress ook iretly from within the reor. You n emil ppointment reminers to ptients iretly from the Sheuling moule, sving you oth time n money from tritionl ppointment reminer methos. Wht's more, you n export ll ptient emil resses t one to MS Outlook or other emil pplitions suh s when you wnt to rost n nnounement. SyMED s Smrt Fetures Emil funtionlity is implemente throughout the progrm. You n emil ptients, proviers, insurne n others on-the-fly. Export ptient emil resses to MS Outlook n other progrms. Sen emil messges suh s ppointment reminers n seson s greetings iretly from within SyMED! 10

13 DATA EXPORT / CODE IMPORT SyMED helps you oorinte your t with your other softwre. We know there re times when you nee to export your files to other softwre, so we've rete powerful export funtion tht works with pplitions like Exel, Aess, MS Wor or nother prtie mngement softwre. Import or upte Proeure & Dignosis Coes with ese. SyMED llows you to import ignosis (ICD), proeure (CPT), HCPCS, n revenue oes (purhse seprtely). The oe import proess uptes the tse without overwriting or upliting oes. This is essentil s your oler oes my e tthe to previous trnstions tht must ontinue to e store. The oe import proess utomtilly goes through proess of verifition first to ensure totl ury -- nother etil tht rises SyMED ove the ompetition! ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES More roust vne fetures mke SyMED truly stte-of-the-rt! Biometris: Voie Dittion: Hnhel Devie: SyMED offers the ultimte seurity: fingerprint reognition. No one n log on until they hve provie n uthorize iometri signture. You n itte iretly into your ptients' reors. No time-onsuming n expensive trnsription. SyMED offers remote ess to the min server from nywhere in your offie. Trnsfer t iretly into ptient files or ess itionl informtion from hnhel evie. 11

14 ADDITIONAL FEATURES GENERAL Designe for Winows XP. Comptile with other versions Single user / Multi-user / Client Server Versions ville ENHANCED FEATURES Moern Grphil Interfe with Attrtive Ions Multiple Nvigtion Methos n Keyor Shortuts Prtie Setup - Multiple Prties Allowe Insurne Setup - Comprehensive Ptient Setup - Defults Cn e Set Ptient Quik A - On-the-Fly Entry Ptient Setup - Multiple Insurne Cses Customizle Lists n Terms Mximum Visit & Coverge Amount Trke Ptient Aount Pop-Up Note Writer Multiple Fee Sheules Allowe Creit Cr Authoriztion within Progrm Trking of Ptient Cnelle Appointments Feture-Rih Ptient / Provier Sheuler Resoure Sheuling Ptient Appointment Witing List Color-Coe Ptient Appointment Resons Color-Coe Appointment Sttus Provier Revenue Foresting Bse on Appointments Automti Finne Chrges Clultion Avne Serh Cpilities with Neste Sorting Automti Trking of Unpplie Pyment Blnes Automti Write-off Clultion After Pyment Completion Multiple Ative Winows Allowe on Desktop Built-in Context Sensitive Help File Delete Reors / Unelete Reors Cpility Color-Coe Pyments Trking Built-in HIPAA Reports Superill Genertor with Custom Design Cpility Multi-Level Psswor Protetion Full Integrtion with QuikBooks Aounting Point-of-Sle Inventory & Sles Trking for Non-Insurne Prouts n Servies Sol Dily Journl Tsk Assignment n Trking Multiple/Custom Ptient Sttement Formts Customizle Pyment Reminer / Dunning Messges Delye Seonry Billing ELECTRONIC CLAIMS SUBMISSION Sumit Clims to Severl Cleringhouses Sumit Clims in Different Formts Proeure & Dignosis Coe Verifition Clims Bth Trking UTILITIES Bkup & Restore Dt Files Export All Files in CSV Formt to Exel, Aess...et. Export Dt to Your Preferre Dt Proessor Pop-Up Clultor Perform Dt Files Mintenne Print Auit Entry Reports Export Ptient Emils to MS Outlook Import Coes Cpility REPORTS & PRINTING Ptient Birthy Lists Aress Lists / Lels Insurne Crrier Lists Dignosis Coe Lists Proeure Coe Lists Provier Lists CMS-1500 Clim Forms UB-92 Forms Ptient Wlk-Out & Reminer Sttements Insurne Miling Lels Insurne Aging, Ptient Aging, Servie Aging for 30, 60, 90, n 120-Dy Trking Pening, Suspene & Witing Clims Reports Billing & Pyment Sttus Item Billing History Insurne Poliy Report Reeivle Anlysis Mnge Cre Pyments Trking Ptient Leger / Insurne Leger Ptient Dy Sheets & Trnstion Reports Proeure Dy Sheets Insurne Anlysis & Aging Reports Custom Reports Trnstion Journls Referring Physiin Anlysis Referre-By Reports (Ptient Referrls, Avertising, et.) Insurne Chrge, Pyment, Reimursement Anlysis Prtie Anlysis - Chrges & Pyments Proeure Coe Detil & Summry Reports Inventory Reports Chrge y Provier Reports Monthly & Annul Trnstion Summries - n Mny More! 12

15 THREE REASONS TO CHOOSE SYDAMED: - Avne & Moern Prtie Mngement Softwre t Resonle Prie. - Professionl & Future-Oriente Softwre Compny Tht is Responsive to Your Nees. - Professionl Network of Lol Resellers to Support You. For more informtion or questions out SyMED, plese ontt us or your lol reseller. Phone: Fx: sles@ sysoft.om 13


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