Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť / Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ. Metodicko pedagogické centrum.

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1 Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť / Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ Kód ITMS: číslo zmluvy: OPV/24/2011 Metodicko pedagogické centrum Národný projekt VZDELÁVANÍM PEDAGOGICKÝCH ZAMESTNANCOV K INKLÚZII MARGINALIZOVANÝCH RÓMSKYCH KOMUNÍT Mgr. Katalin Lipták Csank LET'S PRACTISE!

2 Vydavateľ: Autor UZ: Kontakt na autora UZ: Metodicko-pedagogické centrum, Ševčenkova 11, Bratislava Mgr. Katalin Lipták Csank ZŠ M.Tompu Tompa M. AI, Rimavská Sobota Let's practise! Názov: Rok vytvorenia: 2013 Oponentský posudok PaedDr. Štefan Orosz vypracoval: ISBN Tento učebný zdroj bol vytvorený z prostriedkov projektu Vzdelávaním pedagogických zamestnancov k inklúzii marginalizovaných rómskych komunít. Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov Európskej únie. Text neprešiel štylistickou ani grafickou úpravou. 2

3 Obsah: 1. Úvod Shapes and colours worksheet Body worksheet Clothes worksheet Numbers and time worksheet House and furniture worksheet Animals worksheet Sports worksheet Family worksheet About me worksheet I am good at English grammar worksheet Christmas worksheet Easter worksheet Valentine s Day worksheet Zdroje obrázkov Prílohy

4 Úvod Vyučovanie cudzieho jazyka je pevnou súčasťou školských osnov. Na základných školách s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským (VJM) sa cudzí jazyk povinne vyučuje od 3. ročníka. Žiaci sa cudzí jazyk učia popri svojom materinskom (maďarskom) jazyku a štátnom (slovenskom) jazyku. Všeobecným cieľom je zabezpečiť dosiahnutie komunikačnej úrovne B1/B2 podľa Spoločného európskeho referenčného rámca (SERR) pre jazyky v prvom cudzom jazyku. Kľúčovými kompetenciami v oblasti jazykovej prípravy sú: porozumieť, hovoriť a písať. Učebnice a iné publikácie pre vyučovanie anglického jazyka dostupné na trhu sú výborné, avšak pre potreby krúžkovej činnosti v rámci MRK často náročné, resp. vychádzajú len v slovenskej jazykovej mutácii. Cieľom vytvorenia tohto učebného zdroja je poskytnúť pracovné listy pre potreby základných škôl s VJM, ktoré sú zamerané na precvičovanie slovnej zásoby jednoduchou, hravou formou. Pracovné listy sú rozdelené do tematických okruhov, slovná zásoba vychádza z požiadaviek SERR na úrovni A1, základná slovná zásoba je zosumarizovaná s maďarským prekladom (viď Prílohy). Pracovné listy poslúžia na precvičovanie a upevnenie poznatkov z anglického jazyka, môžu sa používať na vyučovacej hodine ako doplnkový materiál, ako aj pre potreby krúžkovej činnosti. Pracovné listy sú koncipované tak, aby s nimi žiaci mohli pracovať samostatne, len pri niektorých cvičeniach sa vyžaduje pomoc učiteľa. 4

5 SHAPES AND COLOURS WORKSHEET My name is 1. Colour the hearts. Színezd ki a szívecskéket. white yellow orange red pink purple green light blue dark blue grey brown black 2. Trace and colour the shapes. Keresd meg és színezd ki a formákat. Trace the rectangles and colour them brown. Trace the squares and colour them grey. Trace the triangles and colour them dark green. Trace the ovals and colour them light green. Trace the circles and colour them red. Colour the yellow. 3. Unscramble the letters. Rakj össze szavakat a megadott betűkből. lelowy =... lube =... regy =... kinp =... gareno =... clakb =... robwn =... der =... regen =... tiweh =... ruplep = Draw and colour a rainbow. Rajzolj és fess ki egy szivárványt. 5

6 5. Read about the shapes and then answer the questions. Olvass a formákról és alakzatokról, majd válaszolj a kérdésekre. Different shapes and forms are everywhere. Boxes and street signs are square or rectangular. Balls and wheels are round. The sun and moon are round. Wedding rings are round. Eggs and light bulbs are almost round. Pyramids and arrow tips are triangular. Tables and books are square or rectangular. Doors and refrigerators are rectangular. A stop sign has eight sides. A triangle has three sides. Pencils and pens are long and round. Your toes are short and round. Many things have various shapes. Humans and animals have various shapes. Faces have various shapes. Clouds have various shapes. Houses and buildings have various shapes. a) Which things are square?... b) Which things are round?... c) Which things are triangular?... d) What shape are your toes?... e) What shape are rectangular?... f) Which things are of various shapes? Colour the objects and write down the word. Színezd ki a tárgyakat és írd le a színt. The is... The is... The is... The is... The is... The is... The are... The is... The is... The is... 6

7 7. Colour the fields. Színezd ki a mezőket. 1 = green 2 = grey 3 = red 4 = blue 5 = black 8. Find the colours in the wordsearch. Szókereső keresd ki a megadott szavakat. yellow pink green purple orange blue p u r p l e j q d b i r e m d s e l p l n e d n h g u k u u k s b o o r a n g e l e s t d e p c a z e n i k y e l l o w g o l d n n o f k h r r v i x a i w l i i m e q b w g y f t d b r o w n n p n e red gold silver white brown 9. Read the story and underline the colours. Then answer the questions below. Olvasd el a történetet és húzd alá a színeket, majd válaszolj a kérdésekre. We do not live in a black and white world. We live in a rainbow world. Colors are everywhere. Colors are beautiful. A toilet bowl is white. A panda is white and black. A crow is black. The sky and the ocean are blue. An apple is red or green. An orange is always orange, but the sun is sometimes orange. A stop light is red, yellow, and green. A lemon is yellow. People are white, brown, or black. Fish and birds are many different colors. Hair is white, grey, brown, black, or red. A golf ball and a baseball are white. A basketball is orange. A tennis ball is green. A fire engine is red. A police car is white with a green stripe. The moon and the stars are white. Grass is green, but dirt is brown. A fried egg is yellow and white. Your blood is red. Your teeth are white. A stop sign is red and white. 7

8 a) How many colours are there in a rainbow?... b) What colour is a panda?... c) What colours are there in a stoplight?... d) What colour is the sun?... e) What is blue in the story?... f) What colour is grass?... g) What colour are your eyes?... h) What colour is your hair?... i) What colour is your classroom?... j) What is your favourite colour? Choose and write in the correct shape. What colour are the things? Válaszd ki és írd be a megfelelő alakzatba. Milyen színűek a dolgok? snow, stop sign, watermelon, tomato, milk, egg WHITE sun, paper, heart, clouds, star, blood, polar bear, strawberry, lemon, apple, rose, duck, mouth RED YELLOW 11. Colour poem. Read and learn it. Olvasd el és tanuld meg a versikét a színekről. I am learning all my colours, I'm really very smart. I put the colors in my head, I know them all by heart. I'm spelling all my numbers, It's easy as can be. And if I spell them all for you... Then you'll be smart like me! 8

9 BODY WORKSHEET My name is 1. Picture dictionary. Képes szótár. 2. What can you see in the picture? Choose the correct answer. Mit látsz a képen? Válaszd ki a helyes szót. leg shoulder eye leg ear hip head nose knee nose foot neck ear foot eye hand hand arm leg hair arm shoulder elbow knee face elbow arm hand toe body 3. Draw a picture about Molly. Rajzolj egy képet Mollyról. Molly has got long, black hair. Her eyes are green. She has got a small nose. Her mouth is not red, but pink. Her 9

10 4. Read the story and underline the body words. Olvasd el a történetet és húzd alá a testrészeket. Let s start with my head. On top it is covered with hair. On each side of my head I have an ear, so I can hear you. I also have two big eyes. They let me see you. My nose is for smelling. My mouth has two lips for kissing. Inside it has teeth for chewing and a tongue for tasting my food. It lets me talk, too. My head sits on my neck. It lets me to look to right and left and up and down. Inside my chest, my heart beats day and night. When I eat, my stomach fills with food. My two arms can hug you, and with my two hands and ten fingers I can catch a ball and write my name! And down below I have two legs, two feet and ten toes. 5. Fill in the correct word. Pótold be a megfelelő szót. I can see with my... I can smell with my... I can hear with my... I can touch with my... I can taste with my... tongue hands eyes ears nose 6. Wordsearch find the given words, from the letters left form a word. Szókereső keresd ki a megadott szavakat, a felmaradt betűkből alkoss szót. E L B O W D T C H E E N K R A H H A elbow, wrist, waist, shoulder, head, C G B O I E I E N thigh, face, hand, foot, knee, arm, leg A A R M S H G S D F F O O T D H T T Solution/Megoldás: S H O U L D E R Y 7. Unscramble the body words. Rakj össze szavakat a megadott betűkből. deha =... rahi =... are =... yese =... onse=... tomuh =... cenk =... tosmach =... mar =... hnad =... nifger =... gel =... 10

11 CLOTHES WORKSHEET My name is 1. Picture dictionary. Képes szótár. 2. Write what they are wearing. Írd le, mit viselnek. The boy is wearing a striped... He is wearing a pair of... On his feet he is wearing... The girl is wearing a... She is wearing a... On her feet she is wearing Find the given expressions in the wordsearch. Szókereső keresd ki a megadott szavakat. belt boots hat jacket scarf shirt shorts vest n s t o o b i h t c s h i r t a s e f r a c s t e b e l t o u t v f s t r o h s i j a c k e t t 11

12 4. Do you go shopping? What size are they? Write sentences. Jársz vásárolni? Ezek milyen nagyságúak? Alkoss mondatokat. extra small XS small S medium M large L extra large XL What size is the t-shirt? It is a... What size is the shirt?... What size is the hat?... What size is the top?... What size is the jacket?... What size are the shorts? They are... What size are the pyjamas?... What size are the jeans?... What size are the sport shoes?... What size are the sandals? Draw a picture of yourself. What are you wearing right now? Rajzolj képet magadról. Mit ruhát viselsz most? THIS IS ME. 12

13 6. What are you wearing when it is... Milyen ruhát viselsz, amikor snowy?... sunny?... cloudy?... rainy? When it is snowy I am wearing... When it is sunny I am wearing... When it is cloudy I am wearing... When it is rainy I am wearing Read the story and underline the items of clothing. Olvasd el a történetet és húzd alá a ruhaneműket. A poor little girl lived in a small family house. She always wore the same old skirt, blouse and jacket. She played in the garden every day. Sometimes she went to play to the nearby forest. One day she saw a large wooden box in the forest. What's this? She opened it. Clothes. This box is full of clothes. She pulled out a hat - it was all black. I don t think this is the hat for me, she said. She tried on different things. There. I think I look nice. She had a a pair of shiny red shoes on her feet and a nice yellow scarf around her neck. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress with flowers on it. Her favourite thing was a pair of warm white stockings. She looked really pretty. 8. Circle the odd-word-out. Karikázd be a kakukktojást. a) small large medium short b) boots hat socks shoes c) wear snowy rainy sunny d) trousers dress jeans shorts e) pink blue yellow beautiful 13

14 NUMBERS AND TIME WORKSHEET My name is 1. Do you remember numbers from 1 to 20? Emlékszel a számokra 1-től 20-ig? 1 =... two =... three =... 4 =... five =... 6 =... seven =... eight =... 9 = = =... twelve =... thirteen = = =... sixteen = = =... nineteen =... twenty = Now let s see the numbers to 100 match the word to the number. Most lássuk a számokat 100-ig kapcsold a szót a számjegyhez. 3. You can now learn the digital time easily. What s the time? Így a digitális időt is könnyen megtanulod. Hány óra van? It is 10 (o clock) 10 (minutes). It is two thirty. It s nine fifteen. b) It s your turn. Most te vagy soron

15 HOUSE AND FURNITURE WORKSHEET 1. Picture dictionary. Match the words to the picture. Képes szótár. Kapcsold a szavakat a képhez. My name is path house window door roof chimney garden 2. Draw... Rajzolj a chair... a table... a bed... a lamp... a tv... a sofa 3. Rooms and furniture. Circle the word that does not belong there. Szobák és berendezési tárgyak. Karikázd be az oda nem illő szót. a) kitchen: coffee machine table chair bed b) living room: television washing machine sofa armchair c) bedroom: coffee table night table lamp bed d) bathroom: bathtub mirror shower fridge e) hall: mirror cooker chair hanger f) dining room: table night table carpet chair 15

16 4. Read the story and underline the names of rooms and pieces of furniture. Olvasd el a történetet, majd húzd alá a szobák és berendezési tárgyak neveit. Once upon a time there lived a princess in a beautiful palace. There was a big kitchen, a lovely dining room, five living rooms, eight bedrooms and three bathrooms in the palace. The princess liked her own room the most. She had a some shelves, a huge wardrobe and a cosy bed in her room. There was also a mirror on the wall, a purple carpet on the floor and white curtains on the window. But the most loved piece of furniture was a comfortable pink armchair in the middle of the room. 5. What is there in this room? Write sentences. Mi van ebben a szobában? Alkoss mondatokat. a) THERE IS... b)... c)... d)... e) Wordsearch find the given words, from the letters left form a word. Szókereső keresd ki a megadott szavakat, a felmaradt betűkből alkoss szót. kitchen lamp K I T C H E N chair sofa mirror door M Y M L O L D H C I A U B O carpet bed house table O H R M S A O C A R P E T R U I O B E D S E R R S O F A SOLUTION/MEGOLDÁS:... 16

17 ANIMALS WORKSHEET My name is 1. Picture dictionary. Match the words to the pictures. Képes szótár. Kösd össze a szavakat a képekkel. goat horse hen/cock donkey pig cow sheep rabbit 2. Read the Elephant and friends story. Underline the name of animals. Olvasd el az Elefánt és barátai című történetet. Húzd alá az állatneveket. One day an elephant walked into a forest in search of friends. He saw a monkey on a tree. Will you be my friend? asked the elephant. Replied the monkey, You are too big. You can not swing from trees like me. Next, the elephant met a rabbit. He asked him to be his friends. But the rabbit said, You are too big to play in my house! Then the elephant met a frog. Will you be my friend? He asked. How can I? asked the frog. You are too big to leap about like me. The elephant was upset. He met a fox next. Will you be my friend? he asked the fox. The fox said, Sorry, sir, you are too big. The next day, the elephant saw all the animals in the forest running for their lives. The elephant asked them what the matter was. The bear replied, There is a beast in the forest. He s trying to eat us all up! The animals all ran away to hide. The elephant wondered what he could do to solve everyone in the forest. Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find. The elephant walked up to the tiger and said, Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals. Mind your own business! said the tiger. The elephant has no choice but to give the tiger a kick. The frightened tiger ran for his life. The elephant walked back into the forest to say the good news to everyone. All the animals thanked the elephant. They said, You are just the right size to be our friend. 17

18 3. Answer the questions about the story of Elephant and his friends. Válaszolj a kérdésekre az Elefánt és barátai története alapján. How many animals did the elephant meet?... Which of the animals can swing?... Which of the animals can leap?... Which of the animals has a small house?... Which of the animals was the beat? Picture dictionary. Match the words to the pictures. Képes szótár. Kösd össze a szavakat a képekkel. hippo tiger lion camel gorilla elephant crocodile zebra 5. Wordsearch find the given words, from the letters left form a word. Szókereső keresd ki a megadott szavakat, a felmaradt betűkből alkoss szót. B U F F A L O C P K G A D E E R A A M O N K E Y B T R D O G N F R I M R G S A R F A R O O S E A L A T D U T D U C K R F I S H O O C H I C K E N A L L I G A T O R deer chicken cat mouse dog rat parrot goose bird fish giraffe seal monkey duck chicken buffalo alligator SOLUTION/MEGOLDÁS: What is YOUR favourite animal? Write about it. Mi a TE kedvenc állatod? Írj róla

19 SPORTS WORKSHEET My name is 1. Wordsearch find the given words, from the letters left form a word. Szókereső keresd ki a megadott szavakat, a felmaradt betűkből alkoss szót. C R I C K E T T T A V W R E H Y U F O O T B E K K O V O G A C G F O O T B A L L L V L T N L B Y D E H H P P P L B L G D I Y U E R N R S F F E H E H B N T I X H O C K E Y Y L R B A G O L F E T T A D G B L B N L G S J X E N Y T E R A A L G L C Q L Z D I Y I T T L B A N K Y A K Z D M U N A T L E D I S C Q L J U D O G R E R S I M I L Y L Z D A I Q A R R A N M N I J L L A B T E K S A B G I N N J M Z D B O Q Q W R I O W E A E R O B I C S Q E R I O S T aerobics badminton baseball basketball cricket skating golf handball hockey judo karate rollerblading cycling football tennis volleyball 2. What kind of sport is it? Match. Milyen sport ez? Kapcsold össze. spins, jumps on ice, often to music you throw the ball into a basket fighting with the fists riding a bicycle a sport played with a ball and legs a sport you play in an ice rink gliding on skis moving through water using your arms and legs a sport played with a ball and a racket hockey skiing tennis figure skating swimming boxing basketball cycling football 3. Unscramble the letters. Rakj össze szavakat a megadott betűkből. xinbog =... nisnet =... ginkis =... lingcyc =... minbadton =... flog =... ratake =... tofolbal =... 19

20 4. What are their favourite sports? Complete the sentences. Mi a kedvenc sportjuk? Pótold be a mondatokat. Hi, I m Jenny. Hello. I m Susan. a) Joe s favourite sport is... b) Susan s favourite sport is... c) Pete loves playing... d) Jenny s favourite sport is... e)... likes... f)... favourite sport is ballet dancing. Hi, kids. I am Jim. Hi! I am Pete. Hello. My name s Julia. Hi, my name s Joe. 1. Your turn. What s your favourite sport? Te következel. Neked mi a kedvenc sportod? Which is the odd-word-out? Melyik a kakukktojás? a) basketball volleyball golf handball b) skiing swimming hockey figure skating c) swimming surfing cycling baseball d) dancing tennis badminton table tenis e) karate boxing kung fu jogging 3. Fill in the missing letters. Pótold be a hiányzó betűket. S_IM_ING F_OT_ALL BAS_B_LL V_LL_YBALL C_CL_NG 20

21 FAMILY WORKSHEET My name is 1. Family tree. Members of the family. Családfa. Családtagok. ME Write the members of the family into the correct place. / Írd a családtagokat a megfelelő helyre. mother (or mum, mummy), father (or dad, daddy), grandmother (or grandma, granny), grandfather (or grandpa, granddad), brother, sister, cousin Write down who they are. / Írd le kik ők. parents:... and... grandparents:... and... siblings:... and... Learn these expressions, too. / Tanuld meg ezeket a kifejezéseket is. wife and husband =... niece and nephew =... son and daughter =... great-grandma and great-grandpa =... girlfriend and boyfriend = Find 5 family members in the wordsearch and write them down. Keress 5 családtagot a szókeresőben és írd ki őket. G R A N D M A A E M B A C U D T E U D F N G S H I M J C N I S U O C L K S O N N O E

22 6. Read the story and answer the questions. Olvasd el a történetet és válaszolj a kérdésekre. Hello, kids! My name is Jimmy and I want to tell you about my family. I have two sisters and one brother. They are all very nice. My sisters names are Jane and Olivia. Jane is younger than me. She is ten years old. Olivia is my older sister. She is fourteen years old. My little brother is a baby. He is one year old and his name is Tommy. My mother is very pretty. Her name is Jennifer. My mum is thirty-seven years old. She is a very good cook she can make the best cookies in the world! My father s name is Paul. He is thirty-nine years old. My dad is a bus driver. He works a lot. We also have a pet at home. It is a dog called Tinker. Tinker is a small white terrier. He is very friendly and sweet. I play with Tinker every afternoon. a) How old is Jane?... b) How old is Olivia?... c) How old is Tommy?... d) How old is Jimmy s mother?... e) Is Jennifer a good cook?... f) How old is Jimmy s father?... g) What is Paul s job?... h) What is the name of the dog?... i) What colour is Tinker? Now it s your turn. Write about your family. Most te következel. Írj a családodról. My name is... I have got... sister/s and... brother/s. My mother s name is... She is... years old. My father s name is... He is... years old

23 ABOUT ME WORKSHEET My name is Fill in the sentences about yourself. Use the prompts. Írj magadról. Segítségnek használd a táblázatokat. My name is... I am from... I am... years old. My birthday is in... There are... people in my family. My mum s name is... and my dad s name is... I go to... Elementary School. I go to class... My favourite subjects... I also like... and... My best friend at school is... My hobby is... My favourite sport is... My favourite colour is... My favourite type of music is... My favourite singer/band is... My favourite drink is... My favourite fruit is... and my favourite vegetable is... 23

24 I AM GOOD AT ENGLISH GRAMMAR. My name is 1. Match the words. Kapcsold össze a szavakat. I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY IS ARE AM 2. Complete the story with the correct words (am, is, are). Pótold be a megfelelő kifejezést. I... Thomas. Susan... my sister. This... our dog - its name... Toffy. We... from London. Our mum... Theresa. Our dad... Peter. They... good parents. We also love our grandparents they... Elena and John. We... a happy family. 3. Form negative sentences. Alkoss tagadó mondatokat. I am Jim. =... Susan is my cousin. =... We are from New York. =... My grandparents are Theresa and Peter. =... Our family is sad. = Form questions. Alkoss kérdéseket. I am Jim. =... Susan is my cousin. =... We are from New York. =... My grandparents are Theresa and Peter. =... Our family is sad. =... 24

25 5. Whose is this? Match the correct words. Kié ez? Kapcsold össze a megfelelő kifejezésket. I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY YOUR THEIR OUR MY OUR HIS ITS HER 6. Fill in the correct word from exercise 5. Pótold be az 5. feladatban szereplő kifejezéseket a megfelelő helyre. Hello!... am Peter from Slovakia.... family name is Kiss. This is my sister -... name is Lea. This is... dog -... name is Mancs. 7. a) You can also say it this way. Így is el tudod mondani. farmer cowboy family This is the farmer s tractor. This is the cowboy s horse. This is my family s house. b) It s your turn. Most te vagy soron. my friend Dodi Erika

26 CHRISTMAS WORKSHEET My name is 1. My picture dictionary. Az én képes szótáram. My snowflake My candy cane My bell My star My angel My candle My gingerbread My Santa Claus My X-mas tree 2. Colour the gift tag. Díszíts ki az ajándékkártyát. A GIFT FROM: TO: 3. Learn the song by heart. Tanuld meg a dalt fejből. Silent night, Holy night All is calm, all is bright Round yon Virgin Mother and Child Holy Infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace - Sleep in heavenly peace. 26

27 4. Every year Santa makes a list to see who is naughty and who is nice. Help him. Santa minden évben készít egy listát arról, ki volt rossz és ki jó. Segíts neki. Tom kicked his little sister.... John did his homework every day.... Jim cleaned the blackboards at school.... Susan helped her brother with his homework.... Liam threw a rock at another boy.... Jenny cheated on her test at school.... Julia shared her snacks with her friends.... Ben stole some candy from the store.... Joseph fought with his classmates.... Kate took care of her baby brother after school Wordsearch find the given words, from the letters left form a word. Szókereső keresd ki a megadott szavakat, a felmaradt betűkből alkoss szót. B C A N D L E D E G N S T R E E L I G H T S L E L F E L E A F R I T L C A N D Y S N O W S T A R G Y L I M A F H bell candy snow gift lights tree candle deer star Santa family elf angel SOLUTION/MEGOLDÁS: What do I wish I for Christmas? Mit kérnék ajándékba? MY CHRISTMAS WISHES 7. You can make your own postcard. Saját képeslapot is készíthetsz. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 27

28 EASTER WORKSHEET My name is 1. Easter Bingo. 2. My Easter egg. Húsvéti bingó. Az én húsvéti hímes tojásom. BUNNY EGG HUNT BASKET CHICK LAMB FLOWER GRASS FIND HIDE LILY NEST GRASS EASTER SPRING CANDY SUNDAY PAINT FUN RABBIT 1. Easter postcard. Write and draw. Húsvéti képeslap. Írj és rajzolj. Best wishes for a happy Easter! With every good wish for a joyous Easter! Happy Easter to you and your family! My little chicks and flower bring into your life a joy of spring. With happy hearts and songs of cheer we send our love and greetings here. Wishing your Easter is decorated with love, peace, joys of spring and the season s blessings! Dear Love,... 28

29 VALENTINE S DAY WORKSHEET My name is 4. How many little hearts are there in the big heart? How many are around the big heart? Mennyi szívecske van a nagy szívben? Hány szívecske van körülötte? There are... There are... little hearts in the big heart. little hearts around the big heart. 5. Wordsearch find the given words, from the letters left form a word. Szókereső keresd ki a megadott szavakat, a felmaradt betűkből alkoss szót. heart love candy chocolate kiss arrow flowers rose your friends be mine cupid postcard sweet 6. Rewrite this Valentine card message. Írd át a Valentin-napi üzenetet. F P O S T C A R D L C A W C U P I D O A R E Y O U R B W N R E V O L H E E D O T R O S E M R Y W K I S S A I S F R I E N D R N C H O C O L A T E

30 Záver Kľúčovými kompetenciami v oblasti jazykovej prípravy sú: porozumieť, hovoriť a písať. Cieľom práce bolo poskytnúť materiály pre rozvoj všeobecných a komunikačných kompetencií na úrovni A1. Je to fáza objavovania a oboznamovania sa s jazykom. Pracovné listy a slovná zásoba uvedená v tejto práci slúžia pre potreby žiakov, ktorí si chcú osvojiť, upevniť aj rozšíriť slovnú zásobu na úrovni A1. Pracovné listy sa môžu používať pod vedením učiteľa pri frontálnej práci, ale môžu slúžiť aj pre samostatnú prácu, keď sa žiakom ponúkne printová podoba slovnej zásoby uvedenej v prílohe. Úlohy sú zamerané tak, aby aj slabší žiaci mali možnosť samostatne vypracovať niektoré typy úloh, ktoré sú medzi žiakmi obľúbené úlohy na kreslenie, osemsmerovky, doplňovačky. Pracovné listy slúžia len ako základ pre danú tematickú oblasť. Pri práci s nimi môže učiteľ siahnuť k ďalším aktivitám. Je vhodné doplniť ich ďalšími pesničkami, riekankami, vytvorením vlastného obrázkového slovníka. 30


32 PRÍLOHA Shapes and colours - basic vocabulary black = fekete blue = kék black = Fekete brown = barna colour = szín, színezni circle = kör, karikázni dark = sötét green = zöld grey = szürke light = világos pink = rózsaszín purple = lila red = piros orange = narancssárga oval = ovális round = kör alakú shape = alakzat square = négyzet rectangle = téglalap rectangular = téglalap alakú triangle = háromszög triangular = háromszög alakú various = különböző white = fehér yellow = sárga + What colour is it? = Milyen színű ez? Body basic vocabulary arm = kar body = test ear = fül elbow = könyök eye = szem face = arc finger = kézujj foot = lábfej hair = haj hand = kéz head = fej hear = hallani knee = térd leg = láb lip = ajak mouth = száj neck = nyak nose = orr see = látni shoulder = váll smell = szagolni taste = ízlelni toe = lábujj touch = érinteni tongue = nyelv + I can... = Tudok... 32

33 Clothes basic vocabulary Numbers 0 to 100 basic vocabulary a pair of = egy pár belt = öv blouse = blúz boots = csizma, bakancs cap = sapka clothes = ruházat coat = kabát dress = ruha hat = kalap jacket = kabát, zakó jeans = farmernadrág pyjamas = pizsama scarf = kendő, sál shirt = ing number = szám one = egy three = három five = öt seven = hét nine = kilenc eleven = tizenegy twelve = tizenkettő thirteen = tizenhárom fourteen = tizennégy fifteen = tizenöt sixteen = tizenhat seventeen = tizenhét eighteen = tizennyolc zero = nulla two = kettő four = négy six = hat eight = nyolc ten = tíz shoes = cipő shorts = rövidnadrág skirt = szoknya socks = zokni stocking = harisnya sweatshirt = melegítőfelső top = ujjatlan felső trousers = nadrág tracksuit = tréningruha t-shirt = trikó waistcoat/vest = mellény size = nagyság, méret wear = viselni + What are you wearing? = Mit viselsz? nineteen = tizenkilenc twenty = húsz thirty = harminc forty = negyven fifty = ötven sixty = hatvan seventy = hetven eighty = nyolcvan ninety = kilencven a hundred = száz minute = perc o clock = (egész) óra time = idő + What s the time? = Hány óra van? 33

34 House and furniture basic vocabulary armchair = karosszék bathroom = fürdőszoba bed = ágy bedroom = hálószoba carpet = szőnyeg chair = szék chimney = kémény curtain = függöny dining room = étkező door = ajtó flat = lakás furniture = bútor, berendezés hall = előszoba house = ház kitchen = konyha lamp = lámpa living room = nappali mirror = tükör roof = tető room = szoba shower = zuhany sofa = kanapé table = asztal toilet = illemhely window = ablak + There is a... = Van egy... + There are... = Vannak... Animals basic vocabulary chicken = tyúk cow = tehén cock = kakaas donkey = szamár farm animal = háztáji állat goat = kecske hen = tyúk horse = ló pig = malac rabbit = nyúl sheep = bárány bear = medve camel = teve crocodile = krokodil elephant = elefánt fox = róka frog = béka gorilla = gorilla hippo = víziló lion = oroszlán monkey = majom mouse = egér pet = házi kedvenc tiger = tigris wild animal = vadállat zebra = zebra + What is your favourite...? = Melyik a kedvenc...? 34

35 Sports basic vocabulary aerobics = aerobik badminton = tollaslaba ball = labda baseball = baseball basketball = kosárlabda boxing = boksz cycling = kerékpározás dancing = tánc football = labdarúgás fight = harcolni glide = siklani, csúszni handball = kézilabda hockey = hoki jogging = kocogás jump = ugrálni kind of = fajta move = mozogni play = játszani racket = ütő ride a bike = biciklizni rollerblading = görkorcsolyázás skating = korcsolyázás skiing = síelés surfing = szörfözés swimming = úszás table tennis = asztalitenisz volleyball = röplabda + I like... = Kedvelem... Family basic vocabulary aunt = nagynéni baby = kisbaba boyfriend = fiúbarát, udvarló brother = fiútestvér cousin = unokatestvér daughter = lánya valakinek family member = családtag family tree = családfa father = apa girlfriend = barátnő grandfather = nagyapa grandma = nagyi grandmother = nagymama grandpa = papa grandparent = nagyszülő great-grandma = dédnagymama great-grandpa = dédnagypapa husband = férj mother = anya nephew = unokaöcs niece = unokahúg parent = szülő sibling = testvér son = fia valakinek uncle = nagybácsi wife = feleség +... years old =... éves + I have... = Nekem van... 35


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