Hadoop/MapReduce Workshop. Dan Mazur, McGill HPC July 10, 2014

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1 Hadoop/MapReduce Workshop Dan Mazur, McGill HPC July 10,

2 Outline Hadoop introduction and motivation Python review HDFS - The Hadoop Filesystem MapReduce examples and exercises Wordcount Distributed grep Distributed sort Maximum Mean and standard deviation Top 10 Combiners 2

3 Exercise 0: Login and Setup Log-in to Guillimin $ ssh -X class##@guillimin.hpc.mcgill.ca Use the account number and password from the slip you received Log-in to the Hadoop cluster $ ssh -X lm-2r01-n01 Copy workshop files $ cp -R /software/workshop/hadoop. Load Hadoop Module $ module show hadoop $ module load hadoop 3

4 Exercise 1: First MapReduce job To make sure your environment is set up correctly Launch an example MapReduce job $ hadoop jar $HADOOP_EXAMPLES pi $HADOOP_EXAMPLES=/software/CentOS-6/tools/hadoop/hadoop /share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples jar Final output Job Finished in seconds Estimated value of Pi is

5 Hadoop What is Hadoop? 5

6 Hadoop What is Hadoop? A collection of related software ( software framework, software stack, software ecosystem ) Data-intensive computing ( Big Data ) Scales with data size Fault-tolerant Parallel Analysis of unstructured, semi-structured data Cluster Commodity hardware Open Source 6

7 MapReduce What is MapReduce? Parallel, distributed programming model Large-scale data processing Map() Filter, sort, embarrassingly parallel e.g. sort participants by first name Reduce() Summary e.g. count participants whose first name starts with each letter 7

8 Hadoop Ecosystem Apache Hadoop core HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File System Yarn - Resource management, job scheduling Pig - high-level scripting for MapReduce programs Hive - Data warehouse with SQL-like queries HCatalog - Abstracts data storage filenames and formats HBase - Database Zookeeper - Maintains and sychronizes configuration Oozie - Workflow scheduling Sqoop - Transfer data to/from relational databases 8

9 Hadoop Motivation For big data, hard disk input/output (I/O) is a bottleneck We have seen huge technology improvements in both CPU speeds and storage capacity I/O performance has not improved as dramatically We will see that Hadoop solves this problem by parallelizing I/O operations across many disks The genius of Hadoop is in how easy this parallelization is from the developer's perspective 9

10 Hadoop Motivation Big Data Challenges - The V -words Volume Variety Velocity Amount of data (terabytes, petabytes) Want to distribute storage across many nodes and analyze it in place Data comes in many formats, not always in a relational database Want to store data in original format Rate at which size of data grows, or speed with which it must be processed Want to expand storage and analysis capacity as data grows Data is big data if its volume, variety, or velocity are too great to manage easily with traditional tools 10

11 How Does Hadoop Solve These Problems? Distributed file system (HDFS) Scalable with redundancy Parallel computations on data nodes Batch (scheduled) processing 11

12 Hadoop vs. Competition Hadoop works well for loosely coupled (embarrassingly) parallel problems Process coupling MPI Database Hadoop Parallelism 12

13 Hadoop vs. Competition Map or reduce tasks are automatically re-run if they fail Data is stored redundantly and reproduced automatically if a drive fails Fault Tolerance Database MPI Hadoop Parallelism 13

14 Hadoop vs. Competition Hadoop makes certain problems very easy to solve Hardest parts of parallel programming are abstracted away Today we will write several practical codes that could scale to 1000s of nodes with just a few lines of code Developer Productivity Database MPI Hadoop Parallelism 14

15 Hadoop vs. and Competition Hadoop, MPI, and databases are all improving their weaknesses All are becoming fault-tolerant platforms for tightlycoupled, massively parallel problems Hadoop integrates easily into a workflow that includes MPI and/or databases Sqoop, HBase, etc. for working with databases Hadoop for post MPI data analysis Hadoop for pre MPI data processing 15

16 Python Hadoop is implemented in Java Developers can work with any programming language For a workshop, it is important to have a common language 16

17 Python - for loops Can loop over individual instances of 'iterable' objects (lists, tuples, dictionaries) Looped sections use an indented block Be consistent: use a tab or 4 spaces, not both Do not forget the colon mylist = ['one', 'two', 'three'] for item in mylist: print(item) 17

18 Python standard input/output #!/usr/bin/python import sys import csv Load modules for system and comma separated value file functions reader = csv.reader(sys.stdin, delimiter=',') for line in reader: data0 = line[0] data1 = line[1] Loop over lines in reader 18

19 Dictionaries Unordered set of key/value pairs keys are unique, can be used as an index >>> dict = {'key':'value', 'apple':'the round fruit of a tree'} >>> print dict['key'] value >>> print dict['apple'] the round fruit of a tree dict 'key' 'apple' 'value' 'the round fruit of a tree' 19

20 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Key Concepts: Data is read and written in minimum units ( blocks ) A master node ( namenode ) manages the filesystem tree and the metadata for each file Data is stored on a group of worker nodes ( datanodes ) 20

21 HDFS Blocks datanode datanode 1: 64 MB 2: 64 MB 3: 22 MB 150 MB myfile.txt datanode datanode datanode datanode 21

22 HDFS Blocks datanode datanode 1: 64 MB 2: 64 MB 1: 64 MB 2: 64 MB 3: 22 MB 150 MB myfile.txt datanode 3: 22 MB datanode Data is distributed block-by-block to multiple nodes datanode datanode 22

23 HDFS Blocks datanode 1: 64 MB datanode 2: 64 MB 1: 64 MB 2: 64 MB 3: 22 MB 150 MB myfile.txt 3: 22 MB 3: 22 MB datanode datanode 3: 22 MB 1: 64 MB 2: 64 MB 2: 64 MB Data redundancy default = 3x If we lose a node, data is available on 2 other nodes and the namenode arranges to create a 3rd copy on another node datanode 1: 64 MB datanode 23

24 Exercise 2: Using HDFS Put a file into HDFS $ hdfs dfs -put titanic.txt List files in HDFS $ hdfs dfs -ls Output the file contents $ hdfs dfs -cat titanic.txt $ hdfs dfs -tail titanic.txt Get help $ hdfs dfs -help Put the workshop data sets into HDFS $ hdfs dfs -put usask_access_logs $ hdfs dfs -put household_power_consumption.txt 24

25 MapReduce Roman census approach: Want to count (and tax) all people in the Roman empire Better to go to where the people are (decentralized) than try to bring them to you (centralized) Bring back information from each village (map phase) Summarize the global picture (reduce phase) 25

26 Roman Census: Mapping Village mapper mapper Village 287 men 293 women 104 children 854 sheep... Village Capital Village mapper mapper Village Village Note: These mappers are also combiners in Hadoop language. We will discuss what this means. 26

27 Roman Census: Reducing 854 sheep 34 sheep reducer 1032 sheep 206 sheep reducer sheep sheep sheep sheep children sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep women sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep men sheep 91 sheep 545 sheep reducer 2762 sheep 27

28 MapReduce Data key, value pairs key, value pairs key, value pairs key, value pairs key, value pairs key, value pairs key, value pairs key, value pairs key, value pairs mappers sort and shuffle key, all values key, all values key, all values key, all values reducers results 28

29 Mapper Takes specified data as input Works with a fraction of the data Works in parallel Outputs intermediate records key, value pairs Recall hash tables or python dictionaries 29

30 Reducer Takes a key or set of keys with all associated values as input Works with all data for that key Outputs the final results 30

31 MapReduce Word Counting Want to count the frequency of words in a document What are the key, value pairs for our mapper output? A) key=1, value='word' B) key='word', value=1 C) key=[number in hdfs block], value='word' D) key='word', value=[number in hdfs block] E) Something else 31

32 MapReduce Word Counting Want to count the frequency of words in a document What are the key, value pairs for our mapper output? A) key=1, value='word' B) key='word', value=1 C) key=[number in hdfs block], value='word' D) key='word', value=[number in hdfs block] E) Something else Explanation: We want to sort according to the words, so that is the key. We can generate a pair for each word, we don't need the mapper to keep track of frequencies 32

33 MapReduce Word Counting If our mapper input is hello world, hello!, what will our reducer input look like? A) hello world hello C) hello 1 hello 1 world 1 B) hello 1 world 1 hello 1 D) hello 2 world 1 33

34 MapReduce Word Counting If our mapper input is hello world, hello!, what will our reducer input look like? A) hello world hello B) hello 1 world 1 hello 1 C) hello 1 hello 1 world 1 D) hello 2 world 1 Explanation: The reducer receives SORTED key, value pairs. The sorting is done automatically by Hadoop. D is also possible, we will learn about combiners later. 34

35 MapReduce Word Counting Want to count the frequency of words in a document What are the key, value pairs for our reducer output? A) key=1, value='word' B) key='word', value=1 C) key=[count in document], value='word' D) key='word', value=[count in document] E) Something else 35

36 MapReduce Word Counting Want to count the frequency of words in a document What are the key, value pairs for our reducer output? A) key=1, value='word' B) key='word', value=1 C) key=[count in document], value='word' D) key='word', value=[count in document] E) Something else 36

37 Hadoop Streaming Streaming lets developers use any programming language for mapping and reducing Use standard input and standard output The first tab character delimits between key and value Similar to Bash pipes $ cat file.txt./mapper sort./reducer HADOOP_STREAM=/software/CentOS-6/tools/hadoop/hadoop /share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming jar hadoop jar $HADOOP_STREAM -input <input dir> -output <output dir> -mapper <mapper script> -file <mapper script> -reducer <reducer script> -file <reducer script> 37

38 mapper.py #!/usr/bin/env python import sys for line in sys.stdin: # split the line into words words = line.split() for word in words: print word, '\t', 1 Scripts require a hash bang line Import the sys module for stdin Loop over standard input Loop over words Print tab-separated key, value pairs 38

39 reducer.py #!/usr/bin/env python import sys prevword = None wordcount = 0 word = None for line in sys.stdin: word, count = line.split('\t', 1) count = int(count) if word == prevword: wordcount += count else: if prevword: print prevword, '\t', wordcount wordcount = count prevword = word if prevword: print prevword, '\t', wordcount 39

40 Testing map and reduce scripts It is useful to test your scripts with a small amount of data in serial to check for syntax errors $ head -100 mydata.txt./mapper.py sort./reducer.py 40

41 Exercise 3: Word count Place the directory montgomery into HDFS $ hdfs dfs -put montgomery Submit a MapReduce job with your *tested* scripts to count the word frequencies in Lucy Maud Montgomery's books $ hadoop jar $HADOOP_STREAM \ -mapper mapper_wordcount.py \ -file mapper_wordcount.py \ -reducer reducer_wordcount.py \ -file reducer_wordcount.py \ -input montgomery \ -output wordcount 41

42 Exercise 3: Word count View the output directory $ hdfs dfs -ls wordcount View your results $hdfs dfs -cat wordcount/part View your (sorted) results $ hdfs dfs -cat wordcount/part sort -k 2 -n 42

43 Storage The Guillimin Hadoop cluster has 10 nodes with 300GB of storage per node with the default HDFS setup (replication factor 3, 64MB blocks). Alice wants to upload two 400GB files and run WordCount on them both. What will happen? A) The data upload fails at the first file B) The data upload fails at the second file C) MapReduce job fails D) None of the above. MapReduce is successful. 43

44 Storage The Guillimin Hadoop cluster has 10 nodes with 300GB of storage per node with the default HDFS setup (replication factor 3, 64MB blocks). Alice wants to upload two 400GB files and run WordCount on them both. What will happen? A) The data upload fails at the first file B) The data upload fails at the second file C) MapReduce job fails D) None of the above. MapReduce is successful. 44

45 Storage The Guillimin Hadoop cluster has 10 nodes with 300GB of storage per node with the default HDFS setup (replication factor 3, 64MB blocks). Alice wants to upload three 400GB files and run WordCount on them all. What will happen? A) The data upload fails at the first file B) The data upload fails at the second file C) The data upload fails at the third file D) MapReduce job fails E) None of the above. MapReduce is successful. 45

46 Storage The Guillimin Hadoop cluster has 10 nodes with 300GB of storage per node with the default HDFS setup (replication factor 3, 64MB blocks). Alice wants to upload three 400GB files and run WordCount on them all. What will happen? A) The data upload fails at the first file B) The data upload fails at the second file C) The data upload fails at the third file D) MapReduce job fails E) None of the above. MapReduce is successful. Explanation: Our small cluster can only store 1.0TB of data with 3X replication! Alice wants to upload 1.2TB. 46

47 Simplifying MapReduce Commands The native streaming commands are cumbersome TIP: Create simplifying aliases and functions e.g. mapreduce_stream(){ hadoop jar $HADOOP_STREAM -mapper $1 \ -reducer $2 -file $1 -file $2 \ -input $3 -output $4 } alias mrs mapreduce_stream Place these commands into ~/.bashrc so they are executed in each new bash session (each login) To avoid confusion, we will only use the native commands today 47

48 Exercise 3: Hadoop Web UI Hadoop includes a web-based user interface Launch a firefox window $ firefox & Navigate to the Hadoop Job Monitor Navigate to the namenode and filesystem Navigate tot he job history 48

49 49

50 Example: Distributed Grep Note: We don't have to write any scripts! Note: There is no reducer phase Hadoop Command: $ hadoop jar $HADOOP_STREAM \ -D mapreduce.job.reduces=0 \ -D mapred.reduce.tasks=0 \ -input titanic.txt \ -output grepout \ -mapper /bin/grep Williams View Results: $ hdfs dfs -cat grepout/part-0000* 50

51 Household Power Consumption Dataset: household_power_consumption.txt From the UCI Machine Learning Repository 9 Columns, semicolon separated (see household_power_consumption.explain) 1. date: dd/mm/yyyy 2. time: hh:mm:ss 3. minute-averaged active power (kilowatts) 4. minute-averaged reactive power (kilowatts) 5. minute-averaged voltage (volts) 6. minute-averaged current (amps) 7. kitchen active energy (watt-hours) 8. laundry active energy (watt-hours) 9. water-heater and A/C active energy (watt-hours) $ hdfs dfs -put household_power_consumption.txt 51

52 Exercise 4: Distributed Sort Write a mapper that, for each line of data, outputs Key: minute-averaged active power (3 rd column, line[2]) Value: The entire line of input data Write a hadoop command that will sort the input data by the key value Use /bin/cat as the reducer. Not necessary to attach a script with -file. $ hadoop jar $HADOOP_STREAM \ -D mapred.output.key.comparator.class=\ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.keyfieldbasedcomparator \ -D mapred.text.key.comparator.options=-n \ -mapper mapper_dist-sort.py \ -file mapper_dist-sort.py \ -reducer /bin/cat \ -input household_power_consumption.txt \ -output sortedpower 52

53 On which date was the maximum minute-averaged active power? What should the output of our mapper be? A) power 1 B) date 1 C) date power D) something else 53

54 On which date was the maximum minute-averaged active power? What should the output of our mapper be? A) power 1 B) date 1 C) date power D) something else 54

55 Exercise 5: Compute the maximum Write a mapper and a reducer to compute the maximum value of the minute-averaged active power (3rd column), as well as the date on which this power occurred 55

56 Combiners To compute the max, you may have... Output a list of all values with a single common key Had a single reducer compute the maximum value in serial We would like to do some pre-reduction on the mapper nodes to balance the workload from the reducer to the mappers To find the maximum, we only need to send the maximum from each mapper through the network, not every value 56

57 Combiners (maximum)... 20/12/2006;02:46:00;1.516;0.262; ;6.200;0.000;1.000; /12/2006;02:47:00;1.498;0.258; ;6.200;0.000;2.000; /12/2006;02:48:00;1.518;0.264; ;6.200;0.000;1.000; Map 16/12/ /12/ /12/ /12/ /12/ /12/ /12/ /12/ /12/ /12/ Combine 16/12/ /12/ Shuffle and sort, reduce 57

58 Combiners To compute the maximum the reducer and the combiner can be the same script max() is associative and commutative max([a,b]) = max([b,a]) max([a, max([b,c])]) = max([max([a,b]),c]) 58

59 Combiners To test your combiner scripts $ cat data.txt./mapper.py sort./combiner.py./reducer.py Hadoop sorts locally before the combiner and globally between the combiner and reducer Note that Hadoop does not guarantee how many times the combiner will be run 59

60 Histograms Histograms 'bin' continuous data into discrete ranges Mwtoews,

61 Exercise 6: Histogram Write a mapper that uses round(power) to 'bin' the minute-averaged active power readings (3rd column) Output for each reading: [power bin], 1 Write a reducer that creates combined counts Input: [power bin], count Output: [power bin], count This script must also function as combiner Submit your tested scripts as a Hadoop job Use the reducer script as a combiner $ hadoop jar $HADOOP_STREAM... -combiner reducer_hist.py... You may generate a plot (plotting is outside the scope of the workshop) $ hdfs dfs -cat histogram/part solutions/plot_hist.py 61

62 Histogram 62

63 Exercise 7: Mean Write a mapper and reducer to compute the mean value of minute-averaged active power (3rd column) 63

64 Mean and Standard Deviation We can't easily use combiners to compute the mean max(max(a,b), max(c,d,e)) = max(a,b,c,d,e) mean(mean(a,b), mean(c,d,e))!= mean(a,b,c,d,e) Reducer function can be used as a combiner if associative: (A*B)*C = A*(B*C) commutative: A*B = B*A e.g.: counting, addition, multiplication,... Computing the mean and standard deviation means the reducer is stuck with a lot of math Combiner idea for mean key = intermediate sum value = number of entries 64

65 Power consumption by day of week Are there days of the week when more power is consumed, on average? Want to know the mean and standard deviation for each week day Simplification: Compute average of minuteaveraged powers, grouped by day of week 65

66 Python datetime The datetime module is a powerful library for working with dates and times We can easily find the day of the week from the date import datetime from datetime weekday = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d").weekday() 66

67 Exercise 8: Mean and Standard Deviation Write mapper and reducer code to compute the mean and standard deviation for active power (3rd column) for each of the seven days of the week Test your scripts using serial Bash commands Submit your job to Hadoop Tip: Wikipedia - Algorithms for calculating variance Python code to compute mean and variance in a single pass 67

68 Speedup - Mean and St.Dev. ~2 million entries Serial Bash version $ cat household_power_consumption.txt./mapper.py sort./reducer.py 75 seconds Hadoop version 2 mappers, 1 reducer: 50 seconds Speedup: 1.5X 2 mappers, 2 reducers: 48 seconds Speedup: 1.6X -D mapred.reduce.tasks=2 4 mappers, 4 reducers: 29 seconds Speedup: 2.6X 68

69 Top 10 List Mapper output: key 1 Combiner returns top 10 for each mapper output: key count Reducer finds the global top 10 output: key count 69

70 Exercise 9: Top 10 websites Produce a top 10 list of websites accessed on the University of Saskatchewan website usask_access_logs Be careful Some lines wont conform to your expectations How to handle? skip? exception? 70

71 What questions do you have? 71

72 In the time remaining... Import your own data into HDFS for analysis Your quota is 300GB (after replication) by default Examine some data from Twitter /software/workshop/twitter_data 3.8 million tweets + metadata ~ 11 GB Continue to work with the workshop data sets titanic.txt household_power_consumption.txt usask_access_logs Contact us to add your user account to the Hadoop test environment (class accounts deactivate later today) guillimin@calculquebec.ca 72

73 Keep Learning... Contact us for access to our Hadoop test system Download a Hadoop virtual machine View online training materials html 73

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