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1 HANDBOOK FOR APPLYING TO GRADUATE SCHOOL Cassie Goff M.S. Educational Leadership

2 Introduction Is Graduate School Right for You? Questions to Consider When Deciding Where to Apply Application Process & Timeline Personal Statement Letters of Recommendation Resume TABLE OF CONTENTS Visiting Campus Additional Resources References

3 INTRODUCTION The admission processes for graduate school are more competitive today than ever before. This handbook can provide you basic information about graduate school and the application process, along with some tools to help you stay on track with your application timeline. Best wishes in your educational endeavors! Before applying to graduate school, it is important to have a clear understanding of what you want to do. If you are still in the exploration process, instead of filling out graduate school applications, focus on self-assessment and career planning as your first step.

4 IS GRADUATE SCHOOL RIGHT FOR YOU? There are many questions to consider before jumping into a graduate program. Explore what receiving a graduate degree will do for you. There are several ways you can do this: Ask yourself: will receiving an advanced degree help me to attain my career goals? Examine yourself: are you ready for the commitment it will take to persist to graduation day? Financially? Mentally? Emotionally? Research how receiving an advanced degree will impact your salary. Talk to professionals in your field. Is an advanced degree a requirement for your profession or are there other ways to obtain your desired position? Weigh the pros and cons: consider the above questions and fill-out the pros and cons worksheet.

5 WEIGH THE PROS AND CONS Pros of attending graduate school Cons of attending graduate school

6 WHAT TO CONSIDER WHEN Decide what the most important factors are and rank them 1-12 A c c r editation : B e sure to d etermine t h e p ro p er a c c r editatio n yo u r field r equires, if a ny. Yo u c o u ld encounter some serious p ro b lems if t h e pro g r a m d o es n o t h ave the n ecessar y a c c r editatio n. Fo r instance, if yo u attend a n u n a c c r edited law school, yo u m ay not b e allowed to sit for t h e state b a r exam - a requirement to b e a p r a c t icing law yer! A d m i ssion S t a n d ards: M o st schools p u b lish informatio n a b o u t t h e ir a d m ission standards, including u n d ergraduate G PA and standardized test scores. S o m e also publish t h e n u m b er o f a p p licants c o m p a r ed to t h e number o f students admitted. Researc h /Ac a demic Fo c us: S o m e g r a d u a te p ro g r a m s p o ssess a specific strength o r focus in one o r two areas w ithin a discipline. I t 's a g o o d idea to ex p lore f a c u lty interests a n d research a r e a s of each pro g r a m. C os t /Financial A i d : B e sure yo u examine a ll a ssociated c o sts ( e.g., t u ition, b o o k s, fees, h o u sing). E x p lore w h et h er a ny financia l a ssistance m ay be ava ilable to yo u for each pro g r a m, including g r a n t s, loans, and a ssistantships. C u l t ure: F ind schools w ith c u ltures t h a t fit yo u r style; by d o ing so, yo u 'll increase yo u r c h a n c es to exc el. Ta lk w ith d epar t m ent c h a ir s o r f a c u lty m embers to ascer t a in t h e d egree o f fit w ith t h e appro a c h, t h e a c a d emic p ro g r a m, a n d t h e c u lture o f t h e d epar t m ent. Fac ul t y : One ver y basic a n d c o m m o n ly - u sed m easure in this a r ea is the p ercentage o f c lasses t a u g h t by f u ll - time f a c u lty. H owever, a lso ex p lore t h e r eputation o f t h e f a c u lty. C o n sider, for example, f a c u lty a c c laim, p ro fessional ex p erienc es, a n d / o r n u m b er o f scholarly p u b lications. Fo r d o c to r a l p ro g r a m s, identify f a c u lty w ith w h o m yo u share m u t u a l r esearch interests a n d w ith w h o m yo u m ay want to work. 1

7 DECIDING WHERE TO APPLY S c ho o l L o c a t ion/ S urro u nd ing C o m m u n ity: S o m et imes t h e va lue o f a g r a d u a te d egree is g r eatest in t h e a r ea w h ere t h e school is located. A lso, c o n sider t h e type o f a r ea t h e school is in - do yo u want a n urban, r u r a l, o r suburban set t ing? P hys ical Fa c i lities: M a ke c er t a in t h a t t h e school h a s the t y p e s o f f a c ilit ies yo u n eed. S ay, for example, yo u r specialization is m a r ket r esearch. Yo u 'll want to find o u t about t h e pro g r a m 's c o m p u ter f a c ilit ies a s well a s their b ehavioral labs for a c t ivities such as focus g ro u p s. Rep u t ation/ranking : T h ere a r e several o r g a n izatio ns t h a t rank g r a d u a te p ro g r a m s, such as U.S. N ew s & Wo r ld Repor t a n d B u siness Week. R a n k ings c a n b e a g o o d indicato r o f q u a lity, b u t yo u n eed to p ro c eed w ith c a u t ion - make sure yo u investigate t h e source o f t h e r a n k ings a n d have a c lear u n d erstanding o f w h a t t h e r a n k ing is really telling yo u. Fo r example, a p a r t icular school m ay have a h igh overall r a n k ing w h ile t h e pro g r a m yo u a r e c o n sidering m ay b e weak. C a r eer A s s i stanc e: I t 's likely t h a t o n e of yo u r m a in g o a ls for earning a g r a d u a te d egree is c a r eer a d va n c ement o r c a r eer c h a n g e. As such, yo u 'll want to ex p lore t h e c a r eer d evelopment a n d p lacement a ssistance each p ro g r a m p rovides to g r a d u a tes. E ven though t h is a ssistance should a c c o u n t for o n ly a small par t o f yo u r overall job search u p o n d egree c o m p let ion, it's still a n impor t a n t f a c to r to c o n sider Resourc es : As yo u assess a school's resources, d o n 't just sto p a t learning a b o u t its librar y h o ldings. T h ink o f " r esources" a s all t h o se t h ings t h a t suppor t yo u r g r a d u a te p ro g r a m, such as endow m ents a n d foundations t h a t h elp f u n d student r esearch a n d p u b licatio ns. S ize: C er t a inly, yo u want to c o n sider t h e size o f t h e u n iversity, w h ich c a n be impor t a n t in terms of t h e resources ava ilable a n d t h e kind o f enviro n m ent yo u a r e seeking. B u t d o n 't forget to look a t the size o f t h e g r a d u a te p ro g r a m a s well. A f ter a ll, t h a t 's w h ere yo u 'll spend m o st o f yo u r t ime. F ind o u t a b o u t f a c u lty/studen t r a t ios in t h e p ro g r a m. 1

8 APPLICATION TIMELINE Time Table Most application deadlines fall between December and Februar y of the preceding year (professional programs such as medical and law school have earlier dates ). Be sure to leave plenty of time to research programs and gather application materials (16 months is recommended). The following is a guideline: June: Begin researching potential schools. Determine if your program requires an entrance exam (GRE, MCAT, LSAT etc.). Register for the entrance exam. July: Request information from schools that interest you. August: Take the entrance exam. If you're not happy with your scores, sign up to take it again. Begin writing your personal statement. September: Finalize your list of prospective schools. Contact your recommenders. October: Request of ficial transcripts from your undergraduate institution. Arrange a campus visit if you can. November: Have someone in the field and a few smar t (and honest) friends read over your personal statement. December: Complete and submit all applications, keeping two copies of ever y section for your records. Verify that your recommendations have been sent. January: Focus on financial aid fill out the FAFSA online and look into private loans, grants, assistantships and fellowships. February & March: Time to relax and wait. April: Celebrate your admittance! 2

9 SCHEDULE TRACKER Begin Researching Schools and Programs by: Take the Practice Entrance Exam by: Register for the Entrance Exam by: Request School and Program Information by: Begin Writing your Personal Statement by: Approach Letter Writers by: *Deadline for Letter Writers : Request Of ficial Transcripts by: Arrange a Campus Visit by: Fill Out and Complete Application by: Request Financial Aid Information by:

10 PERSONAL STATEMENT The main task in writing your statement is to convey passion, excitement, and individuality! What are they really looking for? More than anything else, admissions committees are looking for some insight into your persona; they are hoping to get a glimpse of the human being behind the data in your file. 3 Reflect and write it out Write 2 unique characteristics about yourself Name 2 people that have had an impact on you professionally Name the turning point for you when you decided to apply to graduate school Name 2 reasons you want to attend graduate school

11 5 STEPS TO WRITING AN EFFECTIVE PERSONAL STATEMENT S t e p o n e : R e f l e c t o n p a s t e x p e r i e n c e s t h a t h a v e i n f l u e n c e d y o u r d e c i s i o n t o a p p l y t o g r a d u a t e s c h o o l. U s e t h e s e s a m p l e q u e s t i o n s a n d t h e w o r k s h e e t o n t h e p r e v i o u s p a g e to r e f l e c t u p o n b e f o r e w r i t i n g : W h a t i s s o m e t h i n g u n i q u e a b o u t y o u? T h i n k a b o u t y o u r l i f e a s a w h o l e ( f a m i l y, v o l u n t e e r e x p e r i e n c e, t r a v e l, i n t e r e s t s ). W h o o r w h a t h a s i n f l u e n c e d o r i n s p i r e d y o u t o p u r s u e y o u r p a r t i c u l a r f i e l d? W h a t w a s t h e t u r n i n g p o i n t f o r y o u w h e n y o u d e c i d e d t o a p p l y t o g r a d ua t e s c h o o l? W h y d o y o u r e a l l y w a n t t o a t t e n d g r a d uate school a n d y o u r s p e c i f i c p r o g r a m? S t e p t w o : R e a d t h e d i r e c ti o n s c a r e f u l l y. S o m e p r o g r a m s a s k s p e c i f i c q u e s t i o n s. B e s u r e t o a n s w e r a n y a n d a l l o f t h e q u e s t i o n s. O t h e r p r o g r a m s m i g h t s i m p l y a s k y o u t o w r i t e a p e r s o n a l s t a t e m e n t. B u t b e s u r e t o u s e a l l t h e w o r d s t h e y a l l o w b u t d o n o t g o o v e r t h e w o r d l i m i t. T h e r e i s a r e a s o n t h e y p u t a w o r d l i m i t i n t h e i r r e q u i r e m e n t s : a d m i s s i o n s r e a d e r s r e a d t w e n t y, t h i r t y, s o m e t i m e s o n e h u n d r e d e s s a y s f o r o n e p r o g r a m. S t e p t h r e e : C r e a t e a n o u t l i n e. T h e o u t l i n e w i l l s e r v e a s a f o c u s w h e n w r i t i n g. Y o u c a n c r e a t e a n o u t l i n e u n i q u e t o t h e q u e s t i o n s y o u a r e a n s w e r i n g o r y o u c a n u s e t h e s a m p l e p r o v i d e d t o g u i d e y o u r w r i t i n g. S t e p f o u r : W r i t e. T h e r e i s n o o n e r i g h t w a y o f w r i t i n g, e v e r y o n e h a s t h e i r u n i q u e s t y l e. S t a r t w r i t i n g e a r l y a l l o w i n g y o u r s e l f t i m e t o c r a f t t h e b e s t s t a t e m e n t p o s s i b l e. D o n t e x p e c t y o u r f i r s t d r a f t t o b e p e r f e c t. I t i s c a l l e d a p e r s o n a l s t a t e m e n t f o r a r e a s o n, b e s u r e t o u s e s p e c i f i c e x a m p l e s t h a t s h o w c a s e y o u r p e r s o n a l q u a l i t i e s. S t e p f i v e : P R O O F R EAD. B y t h e e n d o f w r i t i n g a n d p r o o f r e a d i n g y o u w i l l p r o b a b l y h a v e y o u r s t a t e m e n t m e m o r i z e d. H a v e o t h e r s r e a d y o u r s t a t e m e n t l o o k i n g f o r d i f f e r e n t t h i n g s. F o r e x a m p l e, h a v e a f r i e n d r e a d t o s e e i f t h e y t h i n k i t i s i n t e r e s ti n g. H a v e a p r o f e s s o r r e a d t o s e e i f h e / s h e t h i n k s i t i s a p p r o p ri a t e. H a v e s o m e o n e f r o m t h e W r i t i n g C e n t e r r e a d t o e n s u r e y o u v e u s e d c o r r e c t g r a m m a r. H a v e s o m e o n e f r o m t h e C a r e e r D e v e l o p m e n t C e n t e r r e a d t o m a k e s u r e y o u v e a n s w e r e d a l l t h e q u e s t i o n s a n d t h a t i t m a k e s s e n s e. L a s t l y, r e a d i t o u t l o u d t o y o u r s e l f, y o u w i l l b e a b l e t o h e a r h o w i t f l o w s.

12 SAMPLE PERSONAL STATEMENT OUTLINE Why this field? When did you decide that you wanted to go into this field? What influenced your decision? What are your career goals? Mention both long-term and short-term. Make your career goals sound firm, like you ve thought about them. Be sure your career goals align with the school you re applying to. Why this school? How will this school specifically help you achieve your career goals? Mention research that is being conducted there. Specific professors you are interested in working with. Mention anything you know about campus culture or reputation. Specifics of the program (student to faculty ratio, practicum opportunities, mentor programs, placement rates, etc.). Don t use personal reasons such as convenient, quick drive, know friends there. What can you bring to the table? What makes you stand out as an applicant? How have your experiences shaped you and will help you succeed in grad school? Prove how you will be able to succeed in grad school and in particular, their program. Wrap up Don t need to sign your statement. Conclusion paragraph, reiterate what you just told them. Don t necessarily need to thank them (end of cover letter isn t necessary). Final Tips If you feel inadequate in any area, be sure to address that (low GRE scores, low GPA for a semester, lack of involvement in co -curricular activities, etc.) Use transitional statements and ensure the document flows Ensure you ve changed out all the specific school information such as school names, etc.

13 Quick Tips LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION What others have to say about you could possibly influence whether you are admitted to graduate school or not. Be careful to select 3 people who: 1. Know you well enough to write a detailed letter 2. Will say wonderful things about you 3. Are reliable enough to turn your letter in on time Ask your letter writers 3-6 weeks in advance. Provide your resume, transcript, statement of purpose as a lens to write their letter through. Let your letter writers know if you would like them to speak about something specific. Be sure to send a thank you letter.

14 VISITING CAMPUS Visiting the campus of your prospective school(s) can be really helpful in your search for the right campus and program. It can also give the admissions committee a stronger sense of who you are as a person, beyond what they will glean from your application. Your campus visit can include some or all of these ideas: Attend a Colloquium Campus Tour The Admissions Interview Informational Interviews Financial Aid Office Visit Exploring the City

15 RESUME Your graduate school resume may include different categories than your classmates because your experiences will be different. The sections you choose to include and the order in which you choose to list them should be strategic. What do you want the admissions committee to pay the most attention to? Layout--The layout and order of your resume should be organized with the most important and related experiences at the top and should be determined by what you would like to emphasize to the admissions committee. Some of the most commonly included categories are: Objective Education Academic Experience/Highlights Research Employment Volunteer, Community, and/or Extra Curricular Involvement Certifications/Professional Development

16 RESUME O b j ective : A shor t sentence identifying t h e school a n d the p ro g r a m to w h ich yo u a r e applying. E d u cation : B e sure to include t h e n a m e o f yo u r undergraduate c o llege / university, d egree, g r a d u a t ion d a te, m a jor, m inor, a n d G PA. A c a d emic E x p erience a n d H i g h l ights: S elect t h e most outstanding a c a d emic a c c o m p lishments to highlight for t h e a d m issions c o m m ittee. A r eas that m ay be included a r e: I n ternships, Research, S c h o larships, I n d ependen t S t u d y, I n ternational S t u d y, H o n o r s, C o n ferences, P r esentations, o r Special P ro jects. ( T h ese m ay b e subto p ics u n d er E d u c a t ion o r they m ay be t h eir ow n c a tegories.) E m p l oym en t : L ist t h e most releva n t a n d r ecent job p o sitions. B e sure to include b u llet p o ints t h a t highlight t h e skills t h a t w ill b est suppor t yo u r a p p licatio n for g r a d u a te school a n d yo u r m a jor a r ea of study. Vo lunteer, C o m m u ni t y, a n d / or E x t r a Curricular I n vo lvement : I f yo u p a r t icipated in c a m p u s or c o m m u n ity a c t ivities t h a t d eveloped yo u r leadership, t ime m a n a g ement, o r other skills impor t a n t to yo u r success in g r a d u a te school, include t h ese a c t ivities a n d p rovide a b u lleted list that shows yo u r p a r t icipatio n. O b s er va ti o n : M o st g r a d u a te schools p r efer a p p licants w ith a c o m b ination o f a c a d emic a n d ex p eriential b a c k g ro u n d such as o b ser va t ion o r internship ex p e r iences. C e r t ifications : I n c lude a ny r elated c er t ific ations ( C P R, F ir st Aid, et c. ) A d d itional C a tegories-: A d d itional c a tegories yo u might c h o o se to include a r e: M emberships L eadership E x p e r ienc e Fo r eign L a n g u a g e s C o m p u ter S k ills

17 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES There are hundreds of websites to utilize as resources when making decisions about graduate school. Below are trusted sites to make use of. Finding a Graduate School Test Prep

18 1. Career Vision vision.org/about/gradua te_school_right_for_me.htm 2. The Princeton Review ication-timeline.aspx 3. Stewart, M.A. (2009). How to write the perfect personal statement 4 th edition. Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson s, 4. Minnesota State University, Mankato Career Development Center / INFORMATION ADAPTED FROM

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