In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken.

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1 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People June 25: Life Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. We thank you for the home you make in each of our lives, and the revelation of your glory in our relationships and communities. (Silvia Gosnell via Trinity Church Boston) God of life, We thank you for the lives that touch ours in unexpected ways, that we may reach out and embrace those easily overlooked and forgotten. (Cathy Tyndall Boyd) God of life, Help us to mirror and participate in the mystery of your divine life: to reflect and join the stream of never-ending love that flows among your people. (Silvia Gosnell via Trinity Church Boston) God of life,

2 We pray for our families and for our children, for their awe and delight in your creation as they giggle and grow in your world. (Erin Hughes, W. Scott Radeker IV) God of life, Father, you established the four corners of the earth and bid us care for it: the seeds that become trees, the music of the birds: we pray for the life contained within it. (Kyle Oliver, Gale Smith) God of life, As rivers flow into the ocean, we pray for oneness in the spirit, that we may extend your compassion and love to all living things. (Ann Fontaine) God of life, We pray that our lives be transformed into something beautiful for you. (Catherine Lee) God of life, Almighty God, the first gift you gave us was life in your creation, and by your grace we receive life eternal. We pray for the continued, vibrant life of this church and its work in the world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

3 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People June 26: Thanksgiving Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. God of rain and sun, we thank you for helping us through the stormy times, for every time our hearts break and let the light of your love in. (St. Paul s New Orleans; Joanne Leslie) God of grace, We thank you for the dedication of young adults everywhere who are spending their summers in service and love to others and to God. (Youth of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania) God of grace, We give thanks to all those who minister to the young and the transient. (Eliza Marth, Lisa Brown) God of grace,

4 We give you thanks for our human curiosity, for our spirit of exploration and our thirst for knowledge that takes us beyond the frontiers of our understanding and into the universe of your creation. (St. Paul s New Orleans) God of grace, We give thanks for the bounties of this earth and the hands that care for and harvest them, for the signs of your abundance shining forth all around us. (St. Stephen s Durham, the Reverend Pamela Dolan) God of grace, God, we thank you for reminding us that you are not only found in church on Sunday, but everywhere - in the mornings when we walk our dogs, in busy airports, on the shores of the ocean, at summer camp, in the wilderness of forest, in the garden, in our cities, on our reservations, and here in our midst. (cdlmonk; Walker Adams, W. Scott Radeker IV, Jan Robitscher, City of Soul Memphis, Cathi Head Bencken; Diane Gentner, Caroline Carson) God of grace, We give thanks for those among us who are called to serve and reach out in your grace and love. (Diocese of West Texas) God of grace, Lord, we spend so much of our time wanting and wishing, and yet we are surrounded by the gifts you have given us. Help us always to remember that you are the source of all good things. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

5 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People June 27: Praise Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. Praise to the Father, with trombone and pipe organ, saxophone and flute, for drums and dancing and voices joined in song, for the gift of music that transcends all boundaries, inspiring, comforting, and bringing joy. God of glory, Praise to the Son, who did become the throat of the hourglass, encompassing the sun and the moons, that sends new-born souls down and draws back those who have navigated life to its earthly end. (Elizabeth T. Massey) God of glory, Praise to the Holy Spirit, operating in so many ways around, about, and within us. (Martin Dickinson) God of glory,

6 We give praise to God for the beauty given each of us in all our diversity, that we are beginning to heed your call to act justly, to respect, protect, and love the dignity of all human beings. (Karen Montagno, Diocese of Massachusetts) God of glory, We praise you for summer tomatoes, for crusty bread fresh from a friend s oven, for fragrant basil leaves, for the nourishment of our souls and bodies and the senses to revel in all of your wonders. (Jesi Dunaway Nishibun at Trinity Church Boston) God of glory, We praise you for the gift of words, to express the deep longing of our souls. We praise you for the gift of silence amidst the noise, in which we may be still and know that you are God. (Joanne Leslie, Johnna D. Paredes) God of glory, Humbled and dazzled by your glory, we tremble, we praise you, God, with unclean lips, knowing that even then you hear and love us. (Jamie Coats) God of glory,

7 We praise your name in the great congregation, with the energy of youth, the wisdom of age, with the love of all of the children of the household of God. (Jennifer of St. Elizabeth, Buda, Texas) God of glory, Lord, how great thou art: you have created the worlds, the stars, the rolling thunder. We praise you for the greatness of your creation a world of abundance, with seasons of work and harvest where we find nourishment, balance and peace. May our prayers rise like kites on the breath of the Spirit. (last line from Ann Fontaine) Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

8 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People June 28: Adoration Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. Father, there are not enough hours in the day for us to sing our love to you. With each song, we adore you. With each breath, we thank you. With each kindness, we remember you. (Ann Strickland) God of love, Blessed are you for the splendor we see in the faces of the humanity you created and called us to serve; God of love, Blessed are you in the voices of forgiveness that overturn violence; Blessed are you in these moments your church is given of holy unity and vision. God of love, (The Reverend Canon James G. Callaway, Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion)

9 Reconciler of all our brokenness, we adore you, for your power in our weakness, for the power of your love that has brought us life through your son. (Agatha Nolen, Heidi M. Weaver) God of love, Father, we adore you on your throne in heaven, in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, and in the hearts of your faithful people. (David Allen, SSJE) God of love, Because glimpses of your splendor, holiness and beauty are revealed in people of every race, gender, age and ability, we adore the wonder of You, the One Who Is. (Sr. Diana Doncaster, Community of the Transfiguration) God of love, We adore you in the gentle rain from heaven; in the murmuring of birdsong; in the sweetness of ripe berries. We adore your still small voice at the heart of all creation. (Lisa Kimball, Gale S. Smith) God of love, O God of incomprehensible infinity, your love for us is eternal: you love us in our weakness and our strength, our selfishness and our selflessness. We lift our prayers of adoration - our love for you, however imperfect, made perfect by yours. (Address from Br. Martin) Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

10 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People June 29: Penitence Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. God of grace, open the doors of our hearts to your persistent knocking. (Ann Fontaine) Forgive us for times when we have lived in the shadows instead of the light, the times we have clung to our myopic vision, not looking past ourselves when You offer us Your eyes to see the world s glories, and its needs. (Bexley Seabury, Cherie Renae) God of forgiveness, Give us strength as we struggle with the shadows we have created or allowed to grow; forgive us for closing our ears and hearts to your loving voice and for believing we do not need or deserve you; forgive us the hurt we cause others and ourselves in the wilderness of our addictions and grief. God of forgiveness,

11 We so often fail to see your love at work in the world around us, and anxiety so often blinds us to your risen life in our midst. Forgive our fear of growth and change, so that we may live into the joy that is our inheritance as your daughters and sons. (Patrick Ward, Trinity Boston clergy) God of forgiveness, For the times when we have been too busy to tend to our neighbors needs, we pray for forgiveness. (Bexley Seabury) God of forgiveness, For our moments of self-importance, of snarkiness, of laziness, of selfishness, for the times we feel we have failed our families and loved ones, we pray for forgiveness. (Agatha Nolen, Mary Thorpe, Kathryn M. Ryan, Caris Adel, W. Scott Radeker IV) God of forgiveness, For our blindness to the prejudice in our society and the bias in our own lives, we pray for forgiveness. (John R. Deuel) God of forgiveness,

12 Hear and forgive the sorrows in our hearts which we are not yet ready to speak out loud. (St. Stephen s Durham) God of forgiveness, In our humanity, we are imperfect. In a nation still divided by race, creed, self-identity and politics, we forget to love one another as you would have us love. Let us move forward in the peace of your grace, that we might bring that peace and grace to the world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

13 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People June 30: Intercession Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. We pray for the saints in every age. (Tom Macfie, University chaplain, Sewanee) God of compassion, We pray for refugees everywhere and for those who are struggling to find a safe harbor from violence, terror, and abuse. Look upon those whose hearts are broken in the hopeless corners of the world. Be our love, our vision. (Sara Lee Macdonald, Kyle Oliver) God of compassion, We pray for our young persons, for guidance, wisdom and grace, as they come to know your church. (St. Stephen s, Durham) God of compassion,

14 We pray for those sweet and furry friends, our companions who give and love, and rely on us for care and survival. We pray for all of God s creatures. (St. Paul s, New Orleans) God of compassion, We pray for those who have no voice. We pray for those who grieve: what has been lost will be found again, in your time. (Lisa Fry, Tracey Lemon) God of compassion, On this day when we remember the life and witness of Jonathan Daniels, who gave his life because of his activism, We pray for all those who are marginalized. God of compassion, In praying for one another, we draw closer to you, and closer to each other. Work through us, grant us the integrity to speak against prejudice, the strength to act against injustice and the compassion to do all of this in love and humility. (second sentence from the Reverend Ingrid Andersen) Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

15 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People July 1: Petition Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. Father, sometimes it feels like the entire world is going crazy and that it takes all we can do just to keep up. We pray for peace and clarity in an ever-changing, unpredictable world. (Andrew, St. Elizabeth, Buda, Texas) God of the ages, Help us to remember to look up from our checklists of life and to thrive in Your creation, to be more present in the little moments, to stop and gaze at beauty s glimmer, to let go of the undone. (Margaret; Erin Hughes; Iditewig [Instagram handle]) God of the ages, Help us to see when we have too much and do not know it. Help us to focus on the needs of others rather than on how others perceive us. (Lisa Leopold, Marlayna Maynard) God of the ages,

16 We ask your help to support to those experiencing emotional or physical violence of any kind. (Broderick Greer) God of the ages, Help us to wake from easy indifference, to attend to the moment, to the present, to your presence. Remind us of the unity in our diversity and give us persistence through moments of struggle. (Sr. Ellen Stephen; Jennifer Wickham) God of the ages, Help us to embody your Spirit, that we may be your wellspring of blessing in the midst of suffering and a beacon of hope rising from the ashes of despair. (Wendy Bailey, Trinity Church Boston) God of the ages, Grant us the strength to speak the truth always, even when our voices shake, trusting that your love will heal all wounds. (Andrew Amanda Leigh) God of the ages, Father, you know what we want, what we fear, what we mourn and what we hope. Guide our hearts and minds to ask for what we do not know we need, the gifts of your spirit and wisdom, gifts that transform us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

17 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People July 2: Oblation Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter, e mail and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. Father in heaven, we give you all that we are and all that we have: our faith and our unbelief our certainties and our doubts, our triumphs and our failures, our joys and our sorrows, (above: Br. Robert Sevensky), our fumbling hearts, our flawed vision, our imperfect intentions. (Cherie Renae) Work your healing power in and through us. God of vision, We offer ourselves, in work, and rest, and play: to seek common ground with people of all faith traditions, to search for those who are lost and bring them home. (Sarah Brock, David Ouzts; sermon by the Reverend Rebecca Stevens) God of vision,

18 We offer to you our voices, to sing your thanksgiving and praise so that the world will know the power of Your infinite love; (Matt Gin via Trinity Church, Boston) God of vision, We offer to you our voices to lift the spirits of those who are grieving. (Matt Gin via Trinity Church, Boston) God of vision, We offer to you our voices to speak for the marginalized, the oppressed, and all members of your creation who cannot advocate for themselves. (Matt Gin via Trinity Church, Boston) God of vision, All we have are these fragile bodies, these battered souls. To you we offer them, God of wondrous creation and transformation, for they were never truly ours. (Andrew Amanda Leigh) God of vision,

19 We give you our skills, our passions and our labor: in healing, in music, in social justice; we give you our prayers and our perspectives, and we ask for wisdom to channel your work. (St. Stephen s, Durham; Tricia Grayson, Hugo Alaiz, Annette Foisie, David Allen, Cathy Tyndall Boyd, Ingrid Anderson) God of vision, We offer our community: (Bexley Seabury) that we may be a welcoming refuge and sanctuary to everyone. God of vision, We give you the work of these nine days: our debates and our headaches, our compromises and our agreements, our resolutions and our amendments, our exhaustion and our frustrations. Most of all, we give you what is at their foundation: our faith and our conviction that this is where we make a difference in your kingdom. God of vision, Lord, you have called us to do your work in the world, to be your hands, your feet, your body. Here we are, Lord: show us where you would have us go. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

20 General Convention 78 Prayers of the People July 3: Celebration Today s Prayers of the People are curated from and inspired by the prayers submitted by the Church through Instagram, Twitter, e mail and Facebook. Following each petition are the names of those who submitted the language and/or ideas for each prayer. In the silence that follows each bidding, I invite your prayers, both spoken and unspoken. We celebrate life together in this community of faith, and most especially celebrate being reunited once again with brothers and sisters who have followed your call down different roads. (Jim Woodrum) God of joy, We celebrate life together in ancient liturgies, in contemporary forms, in circles of friendship, in music and prayer and worship. We celebrate our journey together on God s good path. (elements on Instagram) God of joy,

21 We celebrate the amazing little things, those moments of harmony in our lives: the evening light, the clouds in the sky, the summer wildflowers; time with children, hugs from friends, the return from a journey. (Julie, St. Elizabeth s, Buda, Texas; St. Paul s, New Orleans; Sarah Brock; Marlayna Maynard) God of joy, We rejoice in our coming together in this city and give thanks for all our brothers and sisters in Christ who have helped to make this a rich experience. Let us leave here committed to taking the good news out into our neighborhoods, inviting others to join us and serving others along the way. (The Rt. Reverend Andy Doyle) God of joy, We celebrate and give thanks for the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori and her faithful ministry to The Episcopal Church. We lift prayers for her and for her family as her life and calling follow new currents. May her joys be as deep as the ocean. (Final sentence: an ancient blessing, variously attr.) God of joy, We celebrate and give thanks for our Presiding Bishop-elect, the Right Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, who begins an historic ministry in The Episcopal Church. We lift prayers for him and for his family; inspire, encourage and protect him in this new calling. (Final petition: The Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., Bishop of Ohio) God of joy,

22 We celebrate and give thanks for the Right Reverend Barbara C. Harris, the first woman consecrated a bishop in the Anglican Communion, for her faith and leadership, and for her inspiration to all women who have followed, as she marks her 85th birthday. God of joy, We celebrate this Church, these people, the world we work in, your gifts of life, love and grace. Bless our ministries as we move forward from this day; inspire us to be caretakers of each other, to shine your light in the world, to minister to those who know you and those who do not yet know you. We are one together. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


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