How To Save A School From Closure

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1 t Franklin news-record.vol. 25, No. 8 \vo sections, 28 pages Phone Thursday, February 24, 1977 Application for second class postage pending at Manville, N.J $4.50 a year/15 cents per copy news notes Where s the money coming from? t h,oks like tile t.wnship may have to dig into one pocket to pay lr,cal property owners ant of the other. Township munager Harry Gerken fonnd ant last week that the east.f processing some 10,000 $20 rebate checks from Franklin s $ in unbudget state school aid will not be picked up by the state. As a resuh, the township conncil may have to ann,nd aml rendvertise its new budget to include about $2,500 fiw the processing of those checks. And that $2,500 will come out.f taxpayer s wallets. The rebates will be available to local property owners and are due to be mailed.nt by May 1. Mr. Gerken said. He added, hnwnver, that hc s writing a letter to Trenton asking h)r some kind of explanation on how the rebates should be handled. t was snggested at Tnesday nigi]t s council agenda session that instead.f mailinff the checks out, which would cost about $1,3(10. the township eonld keep the checks at the mnnieipal building anti ask property owners to pick them up. Bat Mr. Gerken doesn t think that s a viable alternative, "Some property owners don t even live in town," he explained, "and how are you going to set il up so that l people can get here to pick them up?" t might also mean the mtmicipal building would have to be openetl some nights to accommodate the rebates, which would end op costing the mtmiclpallty, too.. Hopefuls announce board candidacy Three of the fonr board of education members whose terms expire next month mve declared their candidacy for the March 29 ehw.tion. Boar{ presidem Sandra Grundfest of 19 Hill Ave. officially annotmced h,,r candidacy last week, along with board members Janet Salzman of 25 Barker Rd. and Alfred Caesar of 8 1 Eugene Ave. All three are rtnming h)r fnll three-year terms. Mrs. Grundfi,st was elected to the board in 1974, while Mr. Caesar was elected to Sam Williamson s two-year unexpired term in 1074 and Mrs. Salzman was appointed to replace boanl memln,r Wasy ) Cruz last summer. {t,aning aain this year for a three-year term will be Edward Vetter of 4 Winthrop B.d. He made an nnsuccesshd bid for a seat last y!,ar. William Zdep, board vice president, will not seek reelection. Candidates h)r the one-year unexpired term of Mr. D Cruz are Bruce Duvids.n,f Sommerall Rd., Frank Badessa of 1435 lhmtihon St. and Frank Campbell of 5 Domino Rd. Bike route changed to Hamilton St. Upon receiving word this wcek from the county that its proposal t. pt,t u bikeway ahmg Franklin Boulevard was unfeasible, the township council Tuesday night agreed to ask the cotmty if the rome could rnn along Hamilton Street instead. Aeeonling t. a letter front rite county, the Franklin Boulevard route does not fit into the scheme of their network of bikeways in the township. Since the bikeway grant must be nsed in tbe Franklin Boulevard area, however, the council decided to propose a new r.nte that rnns along Hamilton Street to the New Bnmswick city line. Tow,tship munagcr Harry Gerken sakl yesterday that he expects the e.unty will approve the ahered path and bus asked township parks and recreation director Tim Tapp about some kind of timetable o,t initiating the project, Free laughs on the library. Comedy will,e on the house tonight when the Mary Jacobs Library in Rocky lull presents four vintage films, guaranteed to kee ) everyotle langhhlg. Featnred will be "The General" with Buster Keaton, "The Golf Specialist" with W. C. Fields, "Easy Street" with Charlie Clmplin and "Bl:tze Glory." The program, which is free and open to the public, is schedtded to begin at 7:30. The library is located at 64 Washington St. in Rocky tlill. For further information, call the library at 1609} }73. School Budget session Saturday The school bndget will be the topic Sattwday morning when tire township emmcil and the board of education get together. The meeting is set to begin at 9:30 a.m. in the library of the Sampson G. Smltb Scbool and is open to the public. and inside... The annual industrial issue of The Packet Magazine is ineluded witb this issue. The 48-page supplement features an in-depth.look at the growing trend among industry and commerce to sponsor the purchase and pnhlic display of art. A two-page series of photos and story covers the topic in the central Jersey area. arts... -3B calendar... 6A classified B letters... 4A obituaries... 10A sports... 9A Yechh!...,at tt Little Miss Muffet (Dana Reed, left) tries not to look too afraid while, the Old Woman in the Shoe (Linda Frey) eats a magic of the spider on top of Mother Goose s (Nancy Hovan, right) cookie to give her energy to allow her to keep after her first aid box during Saturday s production of "Mother children s wants. All three are members of the 4-H Makers Goose s Magic Cookies" at the township library. Miss Muffet and Bakers group. had just eaten one of the cookies to give her courage. Mean- )Steve Goodman photo) WORKNG WOMEN Nurse makes career of her own apart from helping doctors hy Jaoe etreff Special Writer ONE S DSARMED by the strength of her opinions on the status of nursing today. t soon becomes understandable that she feels more at home behind the podium in a lecture hall than taking pulses in a hospital ward. She is especiany straightforward in her defense of the psychiatric nurse as a qualified therapist. " see the physician as a highly skilled technician," she said during an interview at her ornately-arohitected Victorian home. "Because of all the technical advances they have to keep up with, they really haven t must time for anything else. That s where see the nurses taking over, especially where a patient s emotional needs are concerned." Registered nurse Edwina Skiba King cannot imagine taking orders from a {lector. nvolvement is the key word in Ms. tier attitude, as wel as the career King s approach to therapy. She has she is shaping, signal the emergence been asked by R.N. Magazine, a of tin entirely new breed of nurses on professional monthly, to write an the American medical scene. No article on this topic. She plans to expand on her view that the effective longer "the hand maidens of the physician." as Ms. King puts it, many therapist is one who is constantly nurses teday consider themselves the available to the patient. doctor s colleague. "You have to stay close," she explains, "A client isn t going to be With as much dedication as any Nader s taider, nurses are lobbying feeling stress only during the in Washington for patients rights and sebeduled therapy sessions." improved ilcalth care. They are activists, reformers and consumer sometimes accompanies patients Ms. King makes house calls and advocates. Since 1973, when the when they must be hospitalized. She American Nursing Association passed often invites herself to dinner in her a Nurse Practice Act which redefined patients homes. t is this kind of the profession, increasing numbers of constant attention that sets the nurses have also become private psychiatric nurse apart from the practitioners. psychiatrist with a medical degree, 51s. King is a case in point. Three she believes. years agoshe opened her own practice "t s a misconception to think if of individual, group and family you re sick you have to go to a doctor," therapy in her home at 53 Kossuth St., she said. "There are so many kinds of Somerset. health care that can be provided by lien interest in the emotional nurses. They can determine normality, and are perfectly capable of aspects of illness began when she was in nurses training at Setan Hall doing general physical exams." University. She found herself drawn to Ms. King is quick to add that all "lhe really needy people," the nurses in private practice must make families waiting outside the intensive it clear that they are not physicians, care unit. This concern intensified and that any pathology they disgover {luring her first important job, in the during an examination will be psychiatric ward of the Veterans referred to a doctor. tlospital in South Orange. t became a bonafide specialty, with the requisite ER OWN OFFCE has a distinctly credentials, when she earned a medical ambiance. Framed diplomas masters degree in psychiatric nursing lend importance to the green and from Rutgers University in white walls. Dozens of books announce Gentle-mannered end soft-spoken, her interest in a wide range of with a two-foot cascade of light brown emotional disorders and therapeutic hair, Ms, King would fit most anyone s techniques. Her desk, with its neat image of the modern Florence arrangement of pans, notebooks and Nightingale. Two cherubic daughters, clock, face a semi-circle of comfortable chairs. There is, indeed, a three-year-old Rebecca and fivemonth-old Jennifer, almost perfect the couch, where "nobody ever has to lie image. down." She runs one to one-and-a-half hour therapy sessions in the office three days each week. Her fee per session is considerably lower than those normally asked by psychiatrists, She explains that counselors and nurse psychotherapists must have reasonable rates, since the patients of therapists without a medical degree are not eligible for third-party payments from nsurance plans like Medicare and Blue Cross-Blue Shield Balancing the two parts of her life, working and mothering, poses no problem for Ms. King. PrlvidenUally, See NURSE, page 10A Council vetoes PUD assessor by Jakl Kalansky Managing Editor The long-brewing controversy over the proposed 1020 Associates PUD in Franklin has reached a boiling point in the past week. Not only has the planning board agreed to hire an outside lawyer to investigate the gift of 200 acres of open space by developer Bertram Banner to the county for a golf course, but the township council was also faced with a decision regarding the assessment of the 700-acre piece of property. Pending expected council approval, the planning board has agreed to employ Plainfield attorney Daniel S. Bernstein to look into several questions regarding the board s approval last June of the hotly disputed gift. Meanwhile, Tuesday night, the council vetoed a suggestion from township tax assessor Roger Payne to hire a private assessor to compute property taxes on the PUD. According to Mr. Payne, that move would have cost the township between $3,000 and $5,000. He said he posed the idea to the council "because of all the controversy surrounding the PUD." The assessor, who has long been under fire by council members regarding his assessments, explained, "1 thought the township might not trust my figures, so wanted to give them an opportunity to call in a third party to second guess my assessments." Mr. Payne said there might be questions concerning the actual value of the land, now that the developer has hegun to move on he preliminary approval he received from the township a year ago. Beginning with the 1978 assessing year, the 200 acres donated for the golf course can no longer be taxed by the municipality. n addition, Mr. Banner has already begun plans for sewers and road improvements for the PUD. After a few choice words about Mr. Payne were exchanged by the council, GONG OVER some of hot notes, Edwina King offers a patient ear in her Somerset home, (Mark Cz,ajkowski photo) it decided that there is no reason to spend the money on an outside assessor just for the PUD. "f he tpaynel can t handle it, he should get out," asserted mayor Norman Fisher,.ED BY ardent PUD foe Joseph Martino, who is a member of both the council and the planning board, the board agreed last Wednesday night to have a lawyer from outside the county check into the legality of the resolution it passed allowing the golf course gift. Among the questions it wants answered are those concerning the need for a public hearing on such a resolution, since none was held before it passed the board. Further complicating matters is the fact that Mr. Banner s counsel, William Ozzard, is also the county s attorney. Several months ago he received a reprimand from the county ethics hoard concerning another matter involving the PUD and the county. The planning board wants to know if his handling of the golf course transaction, too, could be considered unethical. Tied into that question, however, is another over whether or not the county parks commission is an autonomous unit of the Somerst County board of freeholders. Since planning board attorney Sanford Chernin drew up the original resolution, he has disqualified himself from passing any judgement on it, Township attorney Thomas Cafferty also refused to work on the problem because he says it is out of his jurisdiction as lawyer for the township council. Mr. Bernstein was described by planning board chairman Robert Morgenberger last week as "probably the most knowledgeable in the state in planning and municipal land use law." lls father, Harry, was one of the writers of the state s municipal land use code. f after the investigation, it is found that improprieties concerning the POD and the golf course do exist, the planning hoard will probably try to rescind its June 23 resolution.

2 2-A lhe Franklin NEWSRECORD Thuray, February 24, 1977 Phillips School fate nearing decision by Bob Bradis huilding, buying or renting a between the board and council and council, since according to kind of "hlaek seal operator" best way n fulfill this need if StaffWrlter building to house the offices, was scheduled for tonight to the master plan of the com- to lake care of the boiler since with the council or with a The township however, has discussany financialdecisions plex, one aere is set aside for it s completely automatic. The fate of the Phillips private developer. She explained that since the board is discussed renting the Phillips concerning the school the!oard offices. There would be $9,000 left School may be a step closer to School for use as a recreation "The board s situation, as it The township could apply for over that is used for the settlement although it will part of the township, that it center for the community, stand now with the present federal funds to set up a public present teen center, if it s take at least a few more would like to deal with a "The Phillips School is nol location of administrative works program if the decision closed. Mr. Gerken said that it meetings between the town- large enough for the adtownship hody, like the council offices," explained Dr. is made. The township was ship council and the board of would only cost $7,000 to pay and nol a private developer. ministration offices. The cost Grundfest, "is the Railroad turned down the first time eciueation, who got together for the nmintenanee and t> renovate the school for "We have a viable tenant," Avenue School is full and the Tuesday night, before any offices would )e like throwing lease could be called at decision is reached good money to bad," said Mr. anytime," Board president Sandra l,ungdon. Several board departments Grundfest and member f the Phillips Schoolis used are also located in offices Kenneth Langdon told the for a community teeter, the spread around the township. eouneilthat the board has had hoard feezs public sympathy The transportation deparla problem in the past with the would be en their side in ment is ;d the old municipal housing of administration looking for a new location for buildiogwhich the board rents offices and they are looking administrative offices, for $1 a year from the council. intu the possibility of either A closed executive meeting Special services are in the lam/ton Street School and Adult ligh School offices are PALNURUS.,/i, n the high school. FEBRUARY SALE DAYS ARE HERE! when it applied for a $1.2 million public works grant last year. "The option to build the ;tffiees on the municipal complex site leaves :m avenue open for funding through a public works program," said council member Charles Durand. The possibility of using the Phillips School as a recreation facility is also under discussion. The lease of the youlh center at be A&P shopping center expires in April. and the township must either renew the contract or vacate the building. Township maoager tlarry Gerken explained that the "The Phillips School could Antiquarian Bookseller be a possibility if we lad to get out of Middlebush quick," K e are alv, a,, s iot,n,s ed hi p[tr- admitted Dr. Grundfest, "But vhailu V.mldeh, librarit-, or to- wc need more space. The diidual,.,k, priot, l hillips School is not large d),,l-ttraph. add tnaps.f iot*,n,st enough. t s the same size as Phillips School has the t- tht. bibii.phih.,,s the t{ajlroud Avenue School." facilities for a recreation iuvd. The possibility of huilding center. "With no renovation, the offices at the municipal Please oddress your inquiries to: R,D. Box 257. there is room for games for the building complex was also Stockton, N.J teens, eraftruom for activities discussed between the board of the senior citizens, a fully (609) equipped kitchen for food preparation, and enough space for the parks and recreation committee to hold their club meetings." funding of the Phillips School sltid for the remainder of the year. The board however, is looking [or some kind of assurance that it wil have a pernament deation for its administrative offices said )r. Grundfest. "We are here to negotiate on a particular situation. We are not and repeat, not looking to negotiate a position for the board to be sneokered," added Mr. Langdon. The hoard s major concern is that they need a new building for their offices. Dr. (;rund[fes tohl the council the Tim custodian that works for the nmnicipal building could AT PRNCETON POOL TABLES also be used to take care of the Montgomery Pharmacy 19 Phillips School if it becomes a days earlier which netted comruunity center, Mr. approximately $6,000 in Gerken noted, tie added that merchandise and drugs. there would not have to be any Robert William Kopseo, 27, of the East Millstone section of l"ranklin was arrested in U.B.. 8fit. Reg.$699. SALES599. MPERAL sift. Reg.$735. SALES699; Gunnar Oestergaard Manville by Montgomery FLOOR MODEL $ ft. Reg. $685. SALE $845. Danish Professional officer Kenueth Chrusz and cces0rres 7 Ft. Reg.$625. NOW$ ft. Display Dressage Champion 1975 Manville police. Officer SALE $625. will conduct Chrusz also arrested Louis nchlded DRESSAGE CLNC William Zimmer, 26, in his 8 ft. Non-Slate Tables $99. (Only 3 left) & East Millstone home that same day with the cooperation DEMONSTRATON ALL ACCESSORES FOR YOUR TABLE 25% OFF of Franklin Township police. Sat., Feb A.M. The suspects were booked in WE DO RECOVERNGS THE PRNCETON the municipality where PRNCETON POOL TABLES (at ALL WORK CO.) RDNG CENTER arrests were alade as well as Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton in Montgomery. Rt. 206 Belle Mead, N.J. ;20. horse $.00 spoctotm Mr. Kopseo was released on (201) nformation { $2,000 )ail and Mr. Zimmer is being hehl it) the Somerset Save with us and earn America s Top Regular Passbook Rate! =,t o,o 5.25,,o pj, COMPOUNDED DALLY UO EA!!!Annualla... On FROM DAY OF OEPO$1T TO DAY OF WTHDRAWAL 350 George Srtell R. 27 & Pmspecl Avenue S.6990 Other High-Earning Savings Plans Also Available! Mr. Langdon. "As of tonight we received two phone calls from developers with bids. With each call, the price of the hids rose." Dr. Grundfest assured the council hat they were not ahout to "hang a threat." They also realize the need of the people, she said. "The eouneirs interest is the peoples interest," concluded.mayor Norman Fisher. "Any tlecision will he held off until tile council can decide what they are going to be using the school for." Local men charged with drug theft MONTGOMERY -- Two County Jail on $10,000 bail, Franklin Township trlen were aceorcling to Ptl. Chrusz. arrested last Friday and charged with hreaking and entering and larceny in connection with a theft at the Bilotti--Ke) board,specialist Officer Chrusz has been working un the investigation since the rohbery of merchamlise -- mostly watches -- and large quantities of drugs was reperted Sunday morning, Jan. 30, by the Montgomery Pharmacy located in the Montgomery Shopping Center till Boute 206, Soon after the incident, "bits and pieces of the merchandise aml drugs begun showing up in areas of the county," he said. Officer Chrusz obtained u search warrent for Mr. Kospco s home and obtained more of the allegedly stolen merchandise. The hvo men charged with the crime, reportedly good [friends, will go hefore the Smnerset County Grand Jury, althmigh no dale has been set, according to Ptl. Chrusz. PRCES ARE GONG UP Get Your 17, "Bands" Now While Still Under $1,000 TS A,ATN BAND! l"s A R(X:K BAND * T S A SWNG BAND T S A ().KA AN) * TS A (2pUNT R y BAND! * T S A SOUL BAND! Plus Many, Many Morelll T S THE F MT{ t E By Baldwin o.,,... *995 o h *ml:, lak., fin*.r.t, make a mh.,orht.f ftln [itr.tlr entirq, lanlil.. )ltt. fingrr f.r lilt. m,,hm) and just.m. flngrr. hae a full,, ",.ur rh.irr barking il up. llite ).ur family rtlllrl, than l, hi i,iljl) lg iiiil. Just Featurvs Lmk on at the Thes v F.% Outstanding M.Ct: E = ) B Mdwi n... i....,. E ull Rhythm Accordion Seetton Piano Flule, Vlbra Harp T AO PereugRol Guitar Patterns llurprtchurd. Trumprt ExrluNhe Banjo ASH. Auto Mute Stort, lhmrs: Daily 10 to 9 P.M. Saturday 0 to 5 P,M. o:,%g,v,*,, ;,... ;i.;: / = !ighway o. 33, lamiltua Sq. $ PRACTCNG yoga are Cedar Wood Woman s Club members (left to right) Helene Hemighaus, Judy Eoxley and Maria Farina. Drama group somples yoga The l)rama Department of member of the group, showed in a session of meditation to the Cedar Wood Woman s ninny different forms and complete the program, Mrs. Club, experienced a very exercises while explaining the di[ffercnl form of drama by effeet these have on the human lemighuus has been pracparticipating in a demon- hody and their importance on tieing yoga for t5 years, stration of yoga. Mrs, physical fitness, parlicipatinginelassesaswell taymond ilemighaus, a The group also participated, : individual teaching. Middlebush woman kills boyfriend, then herself A 50.year.old Middlebush Pottce said they received a The call came at 1:38 a.m. wi(ow shot her 47-year.old call from a neighbor who said and when police entered the boyfriend t) death and then Francis Stankovitch had home they found Mrs. shot herself eltrl, Sunday in Stankoviteh lying face down the hedroom t)f her home in telephoned her saying she had on the bed with a gun next to what police say wits a murder- just killed her boyfriend and her and her boyfriend John suicide, was going to commit suicide. Slisky of 198 Willow St., Easl Brunswick on the bedroom floor wilh his head resting on the bed. Local man convicted of rape of 15-year-old Bath were pronouncedead t,,. Dr. Kaphm. Mrs. A Franklin man was con. victim thai Mr. Chancy approached her June 13 at Van wouml in the chest and Mr. Slankovitch [from a single tiered last Thursday by a Middlesex County Criminal Dyke Avenue and Somerset Slisky from three shots, two in Court jury of raping a 15-yearold girl after dragging her into The girl ran along Van Dyke his arm. Street. his upper torso and another in a [field(tile afternoon last June. Avenue but, according to her After [four days of trial testimony, she was dragged Police said the couple had he[fore Superior Court Judge into a field where Mr. Chaney appeared in excellent spirits John E. Bachman, the jury raped her. at a parly earlier in the deliberated for two hours Even though shaken by the evening and gave no further hefore convicting 30-year-old experience, the girl was able details other than a suicide " Wahcr Lee Chancy of 719 to give New Brunswick uote, apparently written by Somerset St. Detective Kenneth Yanish a Mrs. Stankovileh. The jury also found Mr. description of her assailant, Cltaney guilty of assaulting the noting a tattoo. "Lee," on his New Brunswick girl with intent to rape. Chaney must Bridge notes left arm. A search of the area failed to undergo a psychiatric lurn up the defendant but fiveand-a-half weeks later, on July The winners of the evaluation before Judge Bachnlau imposes sentence. 21. the girl was walking her Monday evening bridge were: Assistant Middlesex County clog in the same area and first place - Steve Berkowitz Prosecutor Carl Swanson spatted Mr. Chancy. and Brian Cige, second place - off[feted testimony by the She subsequently identified Rich Johnson and Jan Lucas, him at New Brunswick police hird place - Dave and Eileen headquarters and again in Riebaek. eourl. Mr. Chancy disclaimed any The Bridge Club is spon- knowledge of the rape, he said sored t.,, the department of parks and recreation of he had never left the front Franklin Township. All area yard of his home that day. A neighbor supported his claim. bridge players are invited and But Detective Yanish the cost is $1 each evening a testified that on the afternoon player attends. of the rape he had chocked the The next scheduled Bridge neighborhood thoroughly will he held on Monday, Feb. several times and had not seen Mr. Chancy outside his Somerset Street house. B ut Sampson G. Smith School and play will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. Presenting "THE ANSWER" 36 MPG.City PRC[ falt "/ _111_ UNO[RCOATi=VVV & PRP. LC[NS[ FE[S & STATE TAX [%TRA Two *n sleek if color desired as not *n stock allow about 3 to 4 whk $ for dehvery RELABLE USED CARS 74 TOYOTA Corona, 2.D0o Sport 73 SUBURU. 4.U001, 4.Cy CHEVROLET Vega. 4.Cyl., Coupe, Automatic Transmission. 4. Speed, Manual Trans., Manual Automatic Transmission. Manual Cylinder. Manual eteel*ng and Brakes. Steering and Brakes. Steering and Srakes. ss.m,... $1495 4z M,... $795 a,.000 mi... $ TOYOTA Corolla, 4.Cylinder, 4, 71 PLYMOUTH Grana Couce 74 TOYOTA Corolla. 2.ODor. 4 Speed Manual Transmission. Small V8. Automatic Transmission. C 1inde. 4.Speed Manual Tran. Manual Sleering and Brakes. Vinyl Power Steering. Power Blakes. smisson, Manual Top. Factory Air Codition Steering and Brakes 66.0) Mil... $1595 a. Mi,...$1395 K].O00 mil... $ FAT t28, 2.Door Sedan, 4.Cyl.. 71 TOYOTA Corona. 4 Door. 4Cy 74 FORD Pinto. 2-Door. 4-CyL, 4-Speed Manual Tcans.. M0nual4-Soeed Transmission, Manual AUlO, Trans.. Manual Steering and Steedng and Brakas Sleeting and brakes. Brakes. Vinyl Top Miles M,,...$895.Mi,... $ TOYOTA Coolla. 2.Door, Sport 71 FORD Country Squire Station "73 TOYOTA Celica, Standard Coupe. 4-Cyl., Automatic Trans., Wagon. Small V,0, Aut omatic Manual Trans,, 4-CyL. 4-Speed. Manual Stee ing and Brakes, Transmission, Power Slee ing, Manual Brakes. Manual Steering, AM/FM Radio Power Brakes. Air Cond., FM Radio, =.oo0 M,...$1495 =,M,,... $1098 Vinyl Top. 72 TOYOTA Corolla. 4 Door, 4 71 TOYOTA Mark. 4.ODor Cylinder, Automatic Transmission, Mil... $2395 Stalion Wagon, 4.Cy.. Aulomalic Manual Sleerin 0 and Brakes. Fa, Trans., Factory Air Cond.. Manual ) 3 TOYOTA Corona, 2,Door, tory Air Condlt ion. Steeling and Brakes. SpottCoupe, 4.Cyl,, Aulomfi AM/FM Radio, Trans., Factory Air Coati.. AM/FMBt.Mi,... $1595 T.M,,... $ Track Tape, Vinyl Top. Manual 72 AMC GREMLN X. 6-Cyl., 3 Sleerfn B Speed Manuel Trsna,, Pwr end Brikea, Sleeting, Manual Brakes, 46,000 Miles.. STATE TAX EXTRA 1195.M,... $2295 [.cs..,.sa.o ]

3 , rhur]ay, February 24,1973 l he Franklin NEWS-RECORD HOST Glenn Davis (leftl pauses for a moment with his Brazilian guest Aeclo Neves Cunha. (Mark Czajkowski photo) A teen s life in Rio not much different by tob Bradis which cost about $9,000. Staff Writer There s also a ear called Puma that is made in Brazil. 1"o most of us, Riode Janeiro Annie described it as being is a vacation spot where the very comfortable and lavishly sun is always shining, the equipped. Motor bikes are also water crystal clear and the used by a lot of people because tcmperatare never goes below of a heavy traffic problem in 70. So when you ask why would the city of Rio. anyt)ne leave there to come to "The schools in Brazil ate l the United States daring the very small compared to the l coldest winter, the answer hctler be good. Far Aceio Neves Cunha, there is a good answer, he is an exchange student from Brazil who spent last week at the home of linger and Pat Davis of Pranklin. While skiing one weekend. their son Glenn met Aecio who tohl him that he hadn t been doing much since he has been in America. lie had been living ill the home o[ a youn girl and her parents for about two-anda-half months and said he never really did too much because the girl was not very outgoing. So after the arrangements were made by both families, Aceio came down to Franklin ospend a week with the Davis family. tie had been attending Arlington fligh School in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. taking courses m ceramics, transportation, electrical shop, physical education and Spanish. That might sound like an easy schedule, but the facilities in Brazil are not large enough to offer courses like these for him to take. Aecio came to the United States through the Open Door Program which cost him about $-1,000. "The reason it s so expensive is because the Brazilian governmentries to discourage people from leaving the country," he explained in an interview last ANY OTER teenager, Accio listens to the same rock groups and watches the same television programs tits favorite groups are Led Zeppelin, The Who, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Prampton and he "really likes Bob Dylan." The television programs he watches are The Waltons and Knjak. fits favorite sports are soccer and volleyball. "n Brazil, everyone plays soccer and volleyball. There is a stadium that holds 150,000 people and everyone goes to see the soccer teams play," he said. Football and hockey are hard for him to understand, he explained as his reason for not liking to watch them. "The food is also different here than in Brazil. n Brazil we eat rice, beans, and more rice." He described the food in Brazil as being very hot and spicy. So he adds a lot of salt ones in the United States. Four hundred students is con- sidered a big school in Brazil," explained Aeeio. The students there only go to school a half day. There are two sessions that they can choose to attend. The first one starts at 8 a,m, and stops at 12:30, the second starts at p.m and runs until 5:30. The school year is from March to June and then resumes after one month off until November. July is considered their winter break, AFTER Gll SCOOL most students go to either the Federal University which l pays for all their education or to the state universities that cost on the average about $3001 per month, which the students 1 pay 1 for. The majority of the students study medicine or; law and try to get jobs in one of the American companies. tf they do not attend the universities, graduates can get a job that pays around $100 a month. There is no hourly wage in Brazil. The women of Brazil have an easy life, aeoording to Aecio. Most women do not work because financially they don t have to, he said, so most of their time is spent on the beach or walking to the different shops. "Everyone itz Rm bns one if not two maids, one for cooking and the other for cleaning." He added that "[ have never made my own bed." Aeeio plans to gel a college degree in civil engineering and then he will probably enter into politics like his father and grandfather. His father is a Republican Congressman and his grandfather is leader of the Democratic party n the country. The people of Brazil only vote for senators and Congressmen and il s these elected officials who choose the president of the country. The Brazilian Journal and Gobel are the newspapers of the" country that. keep the people informed of the government. One thing that Aeelo said he misses at home is that this week is the biggest celebration in the country. There is a big carnival before the start of Lent and everyone celebrates it together. "This is the only time that the lower and upper class get together," said Doors Open 9:30 A.M. Aeeio. He went on to describe and pepper to the food here. how everyone will dance in the " The people of Brazil do not streets, eat, drink until all want to learn English but a lot hours of the night and then go [ do to get jobs in the Americanhome and swim for a while and companies in Brazil, he said. then return to the streets for There are many American more celebration. This, he companes thete ke Shell and said will go on nonstop for four Exxon where many people of days. "t s the best time of the "aaaj. CASH Brazil work. year." gaily9:30.5:30 LANDAU & The driving age in Rio de Aeelo is back in Rio de Sat. 9:30.5:00 Janeite is 18 but it s not Janeiro now, but said he hopes %j e/#merou.t.,k CARRY 114 Nassau St. unlikely to see someone under to return and see the other Uj..)) ASales Final age driving. Many people parts of America, *Especially l " drive Cbevrolets and Fords Disney World." " i i i i Doll house andantique toy show set for Sat. A Doll House, Dolt, Miniature and Antique Toy Show will be held on Saturday, Feb. 26th at the Griggstown Reformed Church Hall, CanaJ Road, Griggstown, N.J. from l0 a.m. to 5 p.m. The show is being sponsored by the adl of the Guild and is elr seconn annual affair. Rosary Altar Society to sponsor cancer program PTA slates Chinese Auction The Middlebush PTA is sponsoring a Chinese Auction to be held at the Middlebush School Auditorium at 7 p.m. Friday evening, Feb. 25. There will be jewelry, toys, an airplane ride, hand made items and many, many, more prizes. Donation is $1. Refreshments will be served. CO UNTR Y CORNER Prime Meats & Dell - Lunch Counter DALLY & SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS MEAT SPECALS (Feb 23. Mar 1) Whole Top Round of Beef (16-22 bs.) X.-= m Shell Beef bs3 SUPER SPECAL $2.79 Filet Mignon (6-8 bsj $169 lb. lb. VALUABLE C0UON This Coupon Worth! $10 aa Towards Purchase of a ( average weight bs.) HNDQUARTER OF BEEF iii Expires 3//77 HOURS: Men.. FrL 7.6, Sat. 8.5, Sun. 8. Call the Meat Surgeon for appointment (201) ROUTE 206 & HARLNGEN ROAD BELLE MEAD Retailers and exhibitors are coming from as far away as Massachusetts. While locally the citizens ate getting out their treasured dolls, doll houses and toys, some of them Health dept. checks for prostate cancer passed down for several generations, to be judged. toys will be Judged forbest prostate cancer survive special free cancer screening clinic. Rosettes will be awarded for Display, Old Toy, and most whereas, 5O per cent found and the Best of Show in the Doll unusual toy. treated in the military are Contest in 14 different Doors will open for the cured. categories among them Best publicatl0a.m, and close at 5 The difference is early ELD Wooden Doll, which could be a.p.m. Donations $1 for adults detection. t must also he Joe Ellis, Mason Taylor, and 24 cents for children appreciated that cancer of the Sprfngfield, etc. Or the best escorted, prostate is the third most Papier Mache. The pre- Grenier, Grenier, or Superior are some of those that fit in this category. Some of the other categories are American The regular monthly meeting of the St. Matthi as Rosary Altar Society of Somerset, will be held in the cafeteria on Wednesday, Celluloid, American Composition, Fulper, Homemade March 2 following Mass in the church at 8 o clock. Mrs. doll made by contestant, doll Ayers, a volunteer from the wearing clothing all made by American Cancer Seeiety will contestant and other show a film followed by a categories for all ages. workshop. All are invited. Doll houses will be judged for Best of Show, Colonial, Federal, Victorian, Country Cottage, Townhouses, Chalet, French Country House, Beach House, English Tudor, Far- LANDA U S Season Ending RUMMAGE Sale of Classic Women s Sportswear 2 Days Only mhouse, Contemporary, Gambrel, Modern Southern Mansion, Cabin, Converted Barn and house for recycled.ou.. PAPER TOWELS Hey Big Saver... articles. All these houses will The Health Department is eommoncauseofeancerdeath clinic for men held monthly be completely furnished to go alerting the public on the in men and also that there are where detection can be found. with the peried, dangers of cancer of the more deaths from prostate Mcn over 40 are urged to have Miniatures will be judged prostate. National cancer canem in men than from their physician do this exam for most unusual made by statistics show tha t only five canceroftheuterusinwomen, regularly or call the health contestant, old miniature, best per cent of the men in the The health officer points out department for an apdisplay, etc., while antique civilian population with that FranklinToweship has a pointment for the township Reductions up to 70% Everything Must Go Fixtures For Sale,.,R. LETTUCE 9t Foodtown Hos t All! WeGladly Redeem g&djl FoOd stomps Redeem y o, ag Supe, a , Magic $7,50 or mote pumhase YOU SOvo More De, Monte t:g Sweet Peas 29 Del Monte Corn -- 4,o,S oos Cut Or Fonch Style 1 Del Monte Oreen Beans 4 ill DO Monte Peas& Carrots FRDAY-SATURDA Feb. 25th Feb. 26th U.S.DA. Cholce Boneless Beef 3 Sl,CO,cons U.S.D.A. Cholce Boneless Beef U.S.D.A. Cholce Boneless Beef With Bottom Portion A Top 19 Rump RoundRoast 39 Eye Sb i 1 Roast Sl Round Roast 1 1 (Whole freezer cuts DdClK sjghty higit,) i. U.S.D.A. Cholce-Well Trlmmed ili:i:: Porterhouse T-Bone Steak U.S.D.A. Choice Boneless Beef Steaks announces Marriage Enrichment Worksh Five Consecutive Sunday Evenings February 27 - March 27 Sexual Enhancement for Women One Day Workshop, Sat. March 12 For information write The NSTUTE FOR EXPERENTAL LEARNNG & DEVELOPMENT Box 6254, Lawrenceville, N. J or call Send for our schedule of coming workshops. AMERCAN SNGLES Too Round 1 q 11 Sirloin 11p Round or i Round for Swlssing t olb 69..SD C,o,ce,cne,o,s.e,,oSlFreshGov tlnsd. ;:! London Broil Top Round Chicken LegSW,hTh,ghs HeawDulytlcluld 64oz. cont. Sl 9 Powder 4o^, $1 19 Dynumo Detergent B All Detergentg;;,&gl YOU,SaveMore--.. kibo lesl 59 PfllsburyExfratlght 21b.i1 ulsnwasner All pg. Pancake Flour kg.u 5 oz. K.llchen 05 cups ncluded) A J C Plain of Magic Kitchen 5 oz. 1t3/3 = / Ol-xle Dispenser each to Dixie Re flls i. - p;gl - Frozen Foodtown.,Li, a ll i ;j JTj!.3,,1] iii ijr?j i$,1 ii:/rirti [L,j 3010 Pitier pkg i... Morton f " Fresh Collfomlo ceberg,39 100%Pure Florida Fresh Ttoplcana Macaroni& 2ooz.(! l #ill/= / Orange,auo.,ll CheeSeFrozen pkg.. / i-ll gt,# / Juice n) MalneSpeclal :ta,,,,:r:,q,r,,,g l / M,rooures,,oeo Armour, vao S129 Potatoes Frozen p g. W_ 1 h.a ttti tn,,.,so s*.,= m.a *= acomc, ecl 100/.. pkg ndlon River Size 48 Seedless l pkg. Frozen Green Giant Crea m.,.....,...tooz.slvoa....,gs. 111,11111 American / --- l Kosher Franks FrozenWllhPearlOnlons lz. ]1E / U -llll RlchbrookFmshlySllced lft ½ lb. Foodtown Peas k. O" vi White " For i Frozen Foodtown "=... S TurkeyRoll Diced Peppers 0 ;;, U.S.# FreshlySlicedlnclO Laleslllt _ FrozenFoodfownForSfew24Oz.@J Vegetables m, 0,,3 AnJousweef, Pears y 3 t,s. 99 American Cheesevww Square Oake O,me only n tm feature wice &eltu Dens (Prk:os ecrrve Monaav Golden, Fudge, Maple Nut, or Crumb 79 ( Colored or White [b.lj v iced 13Oz.pkg =o4toolulflemlmntilyomlegemlfoollowcu4tomev navaiaoiencaetlpeefectvesu1day2t1msahagt/fenxv26ev tenmhellghllolmltlolello3potkogesolt:yialm, ollyotm4muor OV teml i "? Foodtown Markets rnm S only,)

4 : 4-A The Franklin NEWS RECORD Thuraay, Febm=7 24,197 Feds say forms cause confusion by Stuart Crump Jr. Staff Writer Tax time, 1977 may mean double trouble for New Jersey this year. Till.: ONLY OTER common Jerseyites will be paying a state mistake, according to Mr. Glazer, is income tax for the first time. At the made by senior citizens rover 65 years federal level the 1976 Tax Reform Act old} who neglect to take a second has introduced several major changes standard deduction for themselves. in the income tax filing procedure. To They are entitled to one deduction for top it off, the nternal Revenue Service eing a taxpayer and a second for has "simplified" the tax tables for being over fi5 years of age, he said. filing 1976 returns. At the federal level, many more mistakes are occurring in returns /ts A tesult, an RS survey of whichave been filed so far this year, early tax returns revealed that 12 per an RS spokesman in Newark has cent of the taxpayers are making reported. mistakes on their returns. By contrast, only 4.7 per cent made mistakes is a miscalculation of the amount of One of the most common problems :. two years ago. tax by people who use the "simplified" At the state level, director Sidney tax schedules. Taxpayers are Glazer has reported that very few neglecting to subtract all their mistakes are being made on New deductions and exemptions before Jersey income tax returns. The tax form is (compared to the federal return) relatively simple and straightforward. Mr. Glazereports that despite the tact that people with incomes under $3.000 do not have to file a state return, many of them are doing so anyway. Also, those with incomes under $:1,O00 who had some tax withheld from their incomes are entitled to a refund of all the tax. They do nut have to do any calculations on their tax return. taking their adjusted gross income incomes up to $8,0O0, line 23c on the They need only indicate that their and going directly to a tax table before 1040 form. "They either don t meethe income is under $3,000. they arrive at their taxable income. f dependency criteria or they re taking they do that, they re not taking too much or too little," the spokesman whatever they re entitled to," the said. "This is an item of confusion." spokesman said. Also, "plain old mathematical This error occurs, the spokesman errors" throughout the form are a speculated, because in past years the common mistake, the spokesman exemptions (i.e., the number of said. dependents were written right into the Taxpayers taking the standardized tax tables. The "simplified" tax tables deduction who don t itemize deductions often miscalculate, too. this year require the taxpayer to calculate his own exemptions. For the single taxpayer, the standard deduction is $1,700 minimum or Many taxpayers who use the 1040 long form are listing their tax on line 16 per cent of total income up to a 15c (or line 15 on the 1040a1, the maximum of $2,400. n other words, "adjusted gross income" line, rather "f you have an income of less than than on line 16, where it actually $10,625 and your deductions total more belongs. " don t know why they re than $1,700, you should file the long doing this," the RS spolesman confessed. form. f you have a gross income of " think they re confusing $15,11O0 or more and $2,4000 or more in their adjusted gross income with the deductions, you should file the long consulting the tax tables. tax." form," the spokesman said. Fur those filing the "long form" Also, the taxpayers are listing For married couples filing jointly, making errors in computing the "uther income" on the adjustments to the minimum standard deductions is itemized deductions is a common income line (line 14) rather than $2,100 or 16 per cent of the couple s mistake. line 12 where it belongs. The figure combined income but no more than "raking the wrong standard listed on line 12 is added to the income $2,8O0. deduction is a big mistake this year," (line nine), whereas the figure listed the tits spokesman said. "Taxpayers on line 14 is subtracted from the income. separately can deduct either $1,050 MAtRED COUPLES filing are net taking enough; they re understating their standard deduction. minimum or 16 per cent each but not ANOTER TEM of confusion is the more than $1,400, if they take the "l AVE A UNC people are earned income credit provision for standard deduction The Way We Look ENTER OUR GRAND PRZE DRAWNG BEFORE 4RM. NEXT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Be sure and enter our Grand Prize Drawing fora SONY COLOR TELEVSON and three additional prizes of HOME SAFETY SMOKE ALARMS. Entry blanks are available in our office. Anyone over 18 years of age may enter. Please, only one entry per person. DRAWNG WLL BE HELD 4:30 MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 28. WNNERS WLL BE NOTFED. BUT, WE VE EXTENDED THE TME FOR YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE GFT OFFER We have a choice of FREE GFTS for you when you open either a checking or savings account with as little as $ and $100 in a savings account brings you absolutely FREE checking as well! letters to the editor PM story misleading To the Editor: High School until 3:05. Any teachers who leave at an earlier time without some special reason are in violation of that contract. t seems As an English teacher with unlikely to me that Kenneth are in wrong place ll years experience, five of Langdon, a board member, them at Franklin High School, would not be aware of this read with some dismay a fact. A New Jersey motorist pulls up to a red light, recent article by Bob Brandis, With. allof the high school s flicks on his right turn signal and. conditioned by one of your staff writers. The past problems, consider such years of driving habit, waits for the green light to article, which appeared in misinformation as is contained in this article to be an The driver belfind gives a blast on the horn, The make the turn. your issue of last Thrusday, Feb. 17, concerned a reevaluation of the high school s. people of Franklin Township, first driver then recalls the new right-on-red law, extreme disservice to the PM session by board of as well as a slur on the looks anxiously to the left and pulls around the corner beneath the red light. education members and administrators. Unfortunately, should be corrected im- teachers at the high school. t the article also appears to mediately. t is common hr the driver pulling up to the red have several items of Edward S. Waters light to forget the new law. One problem at nearly misinformation. Editor s note: According to every intersection is that the signs announcing "No First, students do not eat the hoard of education, any turn on red" are placed on poles well behind the lunch at 2:15 as the article student who has to take a bus point where the first car would be stopped at a red states. Students and faculty nume mav leave the high schoolat 1:40 p.m. Mr, Bradis light. That driver, then, can t see the "No turn on eat from 1:40 to 2:15. Secondly, the school does not "of- article was, however, in- red" sign nnd has to wonder whether there is one correct in the information ficially end" at 1:40; classes,, concerning the lunch period. behind him or not. end at 1:40.. Lastly, and mast We stand corrected. But while "When in donbt, stay put" is the reaction that importantly of all, the PM the letter states that teachers session is not voluntary for ore required to stay until 3:05, tokes over in most cases and the driver waits for the teachers. Teachers may not it was reported at the meeting green rather titan risking a ticket. leave at 2:15 as your article referred to in the story that t wotdd help a lot if the state or municipality involved would simply move those "No turn on red" plainly misinforms the public, many teachers actually do leave the building at 1:4o. t The contract between the board and the Franklin was not made clear at that signs to a position right next to rite traffic signals. timewhetherurnut allof those Township Education teachers had appointments The lead driver at any intersection cannot see the Association clearly states that necessitating their leaving light on the corner to his immediate right which is teachers may not leave the early. where most of tbe signs now are posted. However, if all those signs were moved to the light on the far corner, across the intersecting street, there would be much less confusion, freer flow of traffic and less editorial Right-on-red signs horn blowing by drivers in the second car in line at red lights. letter policy All readers are encouraged to write letters to the editor.,etters must be signed and include the writer s address t is our policy to print the name and address of the signer. but names may be withheld from print in certain circumstances txpon request of the writer and approval by the editor. We reserve the right to edit letters for length; 25O words is the preferred maximum. Every letter in good taste concerning a locally pertinent matter wilt be published. Deposit $100 to $499 Deposit $500 to $4,999 Deposit $5,000 or more We hope you ll come to see us in our temporary trailer office -- so we ve turned down our thermostats and stayed with our customer hours. ACROSS FROM THE NORTH PRNCETON SHOPPNG CENTER :, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 12 Noon Agent for United Van Lines PRNCETON-HGHTSTOWN ROAD PRNCETON JCT., NEW JERSEY / The Franklin NEWS-REC Serving Franklin rownship Pul)lished every rhuda.v at 300 Witherspoan St. Princeton, N.J. b.v The Princeton Packet, nc. Loeol office: 2,10 Smuh Main St.. Manville, N.J , Teleplmne: Moiling aihlress: P.O, Box 5. Middlebush, N.J Jaequel[ne Ka]ansky.... Managing Editor luberl S. Kqrman... Advertising Manager Alice Leeh..... Office Manager 5obscrlptinn rates: $,1.511 per, ear 159 mu of statel. Two yea $8. Three years $10. Newsstand price 15 een s per copy. Application to mail at Second-Class postage rates is pending at Man,fille, New Jersey 0883,5 TE PRNCETON PACKET, NC.." Publlsher Telephone: Central office, production plant and corporate headquarters, 300 Witherepoon St., Princeton, N J Mo L. Kilgore Beilman... Buard Clmirman Edward P. Bnrke... Editor t General Manager Edward F. CarroU... Executive Editor & Asst. Gen. Mgr. Robert lhacldnson... Prodncthm Manager loslyn Denard... Advertising )ireetor & Bnsh:ess Manager William Bennett... Cirenlation Manager

5 Th.y, February 24, 1977 Queen of Hearts candidates begin raising money 5-A Marilyn Koehler ]:rances Jo/mso! Candidates for Somerset a dollar raised in the can- resides in Belle Mead with her Sacrament School of Religion. ticipates in intramural Amy Weisberg County Heart Association s didate s name. All husband, John and four She enjoys bowling, bridge volleyball and gymnastics. Whtiehouse Station is the final Queen of Heartswere revealed organizations will be honored children. She belongs to and tennis Candidate for the Somer- candidate Sponsored by the this week by co-chairmen equally and the name of the Soroptimist nternational and The candidate of the villa-raft,an Exchange Club State Bank of Raft,an Valley, Anthony Capriglione of Queen will be drawn at the the American Cancer Society Somerset Trust Company is is Susanne Sutphen. Mrs. she works as a teller. Her Warren and A Salem or QueenofHeartsBallonMarch Her hobbies include gardening, swimming and ployed as a bookkeeper there with her husband and two sailing and tennis. Marilyn Koehler who is em- Sutphen resides in Somerville hobbies are needlework Whitehouse. 12 at the Redwood nn. "n the past several years, it The candidates this year snorkling. A resident of Flemington, she children A former teacher, has taken more and more are: Mary Anne zzo of Bound is a native of Somerville who she teaches Sunday School and money raised to have a chance Terri M. NawracaJ of Brook resides with her enjoys bowling and other Library School in Manville. ELPFORPARENTS to be Queen," they said. Manville, candidate of the parents. A candidate of the sports. She is on the board of directors "What we really wast is to Hinsborough National Bank is New Jersey Savings Bank, she Sponsoring Lisa Shippee of of the American Red Cross, a Parents of hyperkenetic or emphasize the community an executive secretary of the is a graduate of Bridgewater- Somerville is the Somerville community advisor to the super-active children will be participation and to recognize band and a graduate of Raritan High School East and Federated Teachers Somerville Board of glad to know of modern the organizations who make it Somerset County College. She enjoys art as a hobby Association. A Somerville Education, a member of the developments which will help possible for the Heart likes traveling, photography, Frances Johnson of High School senior, Miss Somerset Hospital Auxiliary their children when Nancy Association to perform its music and winter sports. Bridgewater is a candidate of Shippee is presently partieipating in the Somerville the Heart Fund. A part-time Association of Burlington and a volunteer for FSH and Pomilio, of the Feingold services for county residents." Bertha A. Than is sponsored the Somerville Kiwanis Club. New rules for the Queen of by the First National Bank of A mother of four children, High School cooperative industrial education program, named Young Woman of the seyfile," Monday, Feb. 28, at model, she has been recently County, appears on "Jer- Hearts program call for the Central Jersey. She is an ad- Mrs. Johnson is an officer of Queen to be chosen by lottery, ministrative assistant at the the Hamilton School PrO, and working at Wagner & Company, Somerville. She par- Jaycee-ettes. and Year by the Somerville Area 8:30 p.m. on channels 23, 50, 52 with each chance representing Rocky Hill Branch. Mrs. ThaU a teacher in the Blessed 58. NTRODUCNG AN OPEN AND SHUT CASE Amy teisberg Terri M. Nawracaj Bertha A. "l hall EXPRESS YOURSELF n celebration of Black tltstory Month, "Express Yourself" on Sunday, Feb. 27, at 7:30 p.m. on New Jersey Public Television channels 23, 50, 52 and 58 honors "The Black Poet in Black History;" those American black men and women who have used verse and rhyme as a mea of expressing their unique thoughts and feelings in a country that has continually tried to suppress both the bodies and the minds of its black inhabitants. FOR A NEW SAVNGS ACCOUNT. Lineoln Federal Savings introduces the Lineoln Federal Case. How would you like 5¼% interest compounded continuously and credited monthly on your savings, an accurate monthly statement of all your transactions, a free emergency cash and identification card you can use all across the country, and more free services and benefits than you can fit in a brief case? Lisa Shippee Susamw Sntphe, Winter Workshop" set The Somerset County Unit of leisure time activities for the the New Jersey Association developmentally disabled, for Retarded Citizens is While adult family members sponsoring a "Winter are attending the "Winter Workshop" for the families of Workshop," the family s developmentally disabled children and developmentally persons on Saturday, Feb. 26. disabled persons will have the The "Winter Workshop" at opportunity to attend a free Somerset County College will "Children s Workshop," run from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 geared especially for their p.m. Four very pertinent interests. topics will be discussed during Registration fee is $5 per the day. Dr. James Quick, person. A mother/father D.D.S. will present a format couple may register at the on proper dental care for the discount fee of $5.50. Lunch is developmentally disabled. provided for all paid J.R. Kudy, attorney at law, registrations. Children and will discuss the special considerations families must persons may register for free, developmentally disabled account for when preparing however, they must bring family wills. James their own lunches. All Ferrigiano, centrm regional registrations must be received supervisor of the Bureau of Guardianship, will discuss ramifications of legal guardianship. And last, but not least, a panel made up of Eileen Kasson from the state Department of Community Affairs, Pat Wcstrich the recreation coordinator of Somerset County Unit ARC, and tleidi Terranova the creative arts technician of the Readington Adult Activities Center will present workable suggestions for recreation and by the Somerset County Unit office at 203 South Main St., Manville, or call no later than tomorrow. Please call or bring in your registrations - we are looking forward to seeing you. Policy Holders CALL 6U for ;nsuronce We nsure everybody for Homeowners and Auto nsurance CAPTAL NSURANCE AGENCY of Mercer Co., nc. 1684% Pennlngton Rd. Trenton. N.J. nee o.,*=e* wuh Me*c*r Ce. aew PHLP ZASSLER, O.D., M.ED., ED.D. OPTOMETRC EYE EXAMNATONS by appointment only 3 DARROW COURT KENDALL PARK (South Brunswick) TEL.: (201) That s what you ll get when you open a Lincoln Federal Case-our great new statement savings program. Drop into a Lincoln Federal Savings Branch today. Let us help you open a Lincoln Federal Case and show you what s in it for you. COMPOUNDED C.; : AND CREDTED MONTHLY.. TRAVELERS CHEQUES FREE 6 ; DEPOST ANO /:.../ RECEPTS, TRANSACTON 2 A FREE GONTNUOUSLY ; EMERGENCY CASH AND A FREE DENTFCATON CREDTED MONTHY. VNYL COVERED WALLET f FOR YOUR STATEMENT f SAVNGS REGSTER A FREE MONTHLY STATEMENT OF ALL YOUR TR A FREE STATEMENT SAVNGS KEEP =ERSONAL RECORD OF EACH TRANSACTON FREE DRECT DEPOST GOVERNMENT PAYROLL CHECKS Name Address SUBSCRBE NOW! n The Manville News HLLSBOROUGH BEAC03. -7] The Franklin NEWS-RECORD 1 year for $ years for $8.00 [] 3 years for $10.00 [ Senior citizens - 1 year for $2.75 [. Out of State - 1 year for $9.00 Send to P.O. Box 146 Somerville, N.J or CALL : -- Zip_ Open a Lincoln Federal Case. Everything s m for you. Main Office: One Lincoln Plaza, hstlield, N.J. (201) Scotch Plains: 361 Park Avenue (3) Plainfield: 127 Park Avenue Hlaboroug W Bellemeed: 108 Amwell Road () Brick Town: 545 Brick Boulevard Eatotown: Monmouth Mall StMng: 1188 Valley Road () Tom s River:. 181 Route (2); Ocean County Mall HooperAvenue (8) Chter $1xlngs Shopping Center. Route 206 Murray Hill: 82 Floral Avenue e

6 he Franklin NEWS RECORD Thsy, Vebn. 24, Wn CHOOL D.RY2 ASSEMaLYON sources of current energy, series of sessions on the Avenue and Hiller*st schools. (flute); Joyce Friedberg ltigh winners participated in poem based upon the recent honor of "Black History later, the [ourth graders ENEtGYSSUES methods used for power "Spectrum of Teaching The workshop on the 28th will (flute); Edward Kessel the Region t-north concert, television series "Roofs." She Week." toured the library and viewed generation, possible future Styles." Beginning with the take place at thc Conerly Road (trumpet) and Susan Kevra which was held at Union High then presented it to her The child=;en were greeted a variety of prints, pictures Last Thursday Franklin sources tot energy, and the faculty of the Sampson G, School and will be attended by (clarinet). Susan place first School on Jan. 93. students along with a dittoed by Billic Miller and Yvonne and stories about outstanding High School students saw an social, economic and enelectronic motorcycle, an vffonmental choices we face teachers have been learning Road, Middlehush, Franklin clarinet entries. NCOMNG PARENTS could trace their own "roots." filmstrips aa black history. the building. They were also Smith School, Franklin the faculties of the MacAfeeout of approximately 100 family tree on which they Censer, who showed them blacks, on display throughout animated garbage can and a when we use energy. Anotherabout this innovative program Park, Kingston and Coneriy Four young musicians from NGT Much of the material treated to cookies by he bicycle that generates oleo- issue raised was that of con- and its impact in education. Road Schools. Franklin High School were CLASSESVST paralleled recent fourth grade librarians. ricity. They were all part of servation. Mr. Mosston first conceived chosen for this year s high Parents of incoming seventh LBERATON LBRARY social studies materials, as it Four classes went on the trip the latest assembly program The next assembly programand developed his theories in At.L-STATE WNNERS school level all-state musical graders are invited to an featured famous black to the library, along with sponsored by the student planned for Franklin High is a government aml presented demonstration the 60 s and recently enunciated them in a book called all.state concert on Feb. 13. Sampson G. Smith School on Con*fly Road School visited Tubman, Robert Smalls, Dr. were the fourth grade groups ANNOUNCED groups, and performed in the annual "Parents Night" at the Four classes from the Americans such as Harriet Principal Bee Baker. They by prufessional ree of charge by a non-profit gymnasts. "Teaching: From Command The names of Franklin They are: Donna Braun Wednesday evening March2,the Frederick Douglas Martin Luther King, Gwen- Brooks and Frederick Kahty Rogan and Ellsnor of Gloria Long, Joan Harris, education and research (o Discovery." The spectrum Township Public Schools (clarinet); Walter Hauck, ltl at 7:30 p.m. Liberation Library on Fullerdolyn consurtium called "Oak Ridge EARLY DSMSSALS is a universal, theoretical students selected for New (F horn); Sharon Seaman According to guidance Street, earlier.this month, in Douglas himself. Menace. Associated Universities." structure of alternative Jersey all-state musical (clarinet) and Barbara Luf- department chairperson The suhject was "Energy Three Franklin Township teaching styles and their groups have been announced (glass(e-flat sopranogloria BurneR, parents will Today and Tomorrow" and elementary schools closed positive relationships with by Richard Perini and Danny clarinet), learn about the intermediate some relevant questions were early last Monday, in order to each other. t does not Witherspcon, music teachers A to(olaf nine Franklin High school curriculum, become Teachers learn about raised about energy: "Where allow an in-service session for "promote" one style over and band directors at the School students were sac- aequa)nted with the building does it come from? What is it? teachers. Five more will another, but identifies each intermediate and high schools. eessful in (he Hegion t-north and facilities, and meet ad-. C h,w do we use it? Why is it dismissearly on Monday,Feb. and delineates the specific Nineteen students from the all.state tryouts: Richard ministrators, teachers and gelling exnsivc?" 28, for the same workshop. roles of both teacher and Sampson G. Smith School tried Keesel (clarinet); Ravi counselors. rearl v e movement Teacher - demonstrator Muska Mosston, director of learner is each style. out for the intermediate level Khanna (clarinet); Patti Charles V. Hill used such the "Center on Teaching" in Through the Center on band and concert on Feb. 5 at Csorba (clarinet); Dion Arm- LOCAL ROOTS Governor Byrne has and is consultant to the New for the little ones or verbal unusu;fl equipmento describe Trenton, has been presenting a Teaching, Mr. Mosston has tlerbcrt ltoover Junior High in strung (trombone) and Todd proclaimed March "Physical Jersey Association for Health rewards or body language or worked with teachers and Edison. Nine were chosen for Her(man (clarinet),aswell n recognition of Black Education Month" in New and Physical Education as do it your own way. But don t administrators, analyzing the honor from among approximately b00 young people above, who also qualified for second grade teacher at the the four musicians listed Bistury Week, Elsie Hannon, Jersey The physical well as the eastern district of forget it," she said. teaching behavior and seeking education teachers of Franklin the Alliance for Health, to expand relationships with who auditioned all-slate. All nine Franklin Middlebush School, wrote a According to Ms. Weinfeld, Township s Public Schools got Physical Education and "l. h,fh.r Svrrr, Ytm. pupils and to increase impact Those selected to participate this workshop was the first in a an early start on the event last Recreation. on the cognitive, effective, in [he all.state concert on series of body movement Monday afternoon, when they r hrr, 7", B:"rTH O R.S ELV:N... social and physical March 27 were: Brian Before asking the teachers events. On March 21, staff met at the intermediate school ii -- development of students. to try some creative members will be joined by Tarantino (clarinet); Richard for an in-service session on Last week s session was held Spero (clarinet); Shown Cody "creative movement." movement themselves, Ms. interested students at a second Our Entir. Staff Has at the Hiller,st School and clarinet); Patricia O Donnell tlunter pointed out that workshop involving body "We are all involved in included teachers from the (clarinet}; Korea Kevra creative movement not only movement. At this time, Gaff movement all the time, improves coordination, body Retnrned from Advanced Pine Grove Manor, Elizabeth flute); Deborah Arnold whether we arc in physical Shapiro, a former teacher at education or art, or any other control, rhythm, fitness and the MacAfee Road School, will lla R C UTTNG CLA SSES... subject area," declared endurance, but also has been bring a jazz dance club from correlated in studies to improved academic school to demonstrate and to the Highland Park middle Celeste Hunter, to the ELD teachers, Ms. Hunter was conducting achievement. discuss the creation of such a "r,.r, 1".. 71 Look h,lter For 19. group in Franklin. announces a workshop at the invitation of "There are no wrong WE USE AND RECOMMEND Lois Weinfeld, chairperson of movements in creative All students and staff of the classes in elementary physical movement, so students cannot intermediate school will enjoy ACD-BALANCE[ education. A retired physical fail," explained Ms. Hunter. a dance performance by a ORGANC PROTEN PRODUCTS GESTALT THERAPY TRANNG education teacher herself, Ms. She urged her audience to professional group on March introductory and advanced Hunter is on the board of "create a warm, accepting, 30. On that date, the Jan Starting Saturday, March 26 directors of the Middlesexenthusiastic climate" for their Wodynski Dance Company County Arts Council and the pupils and to provide rewards will perform at S.G.S, For nformation Write National Dance Association as well. "Use a pat on the head assemblies. THE NSTTUTE FOR EXPERENTAL HLLSBOROUGH PLAZA RT. 206 S ]02 "rocn& (,(>t!n rl<,!aw. gtylln :; 0 OFFERNG THE LATEST N PRECSON HARCUTTNG Coil l=oln tmon, LEARNNG & DEVELOPMENT Box 6254, Lawrencevi[le,. J or call Send for our schedule of coming workshops. PRNTNG B 8. B PRNTNG SERVCES Daves Men s Boys Shop 41 S. M(Un St. Formal Wear For Hfro Policeman Mailman FUEL OL Men itlo A BESSENYE & Son Oil Burners nstalled 586.Hamihon St. New Brunswick K CALENDAR OF COMNG EVENTS YOUR SERVCE CHARLES V. HLL demonstrates a bicycle that generates electricity, during the latest in a series of student governmentsponsored assemblies at Franklin High School. 617W. Complain Rd. Manville, N.J Business and Social Printing Forms-B ulletins-flyors-tickets Cards - Envelopes- Letterheads-nvitations NSTANT PRNT PHONE: 1201} WE LL FX YOUR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Hoffman to speak at citizens Court Gloria No. 462, C.D. of A. trip to Paper Mill Playhouse.,\1/ FAVORTE comedy "The Fatal Weakness." Bus leaves 7:15 p.m., parking lot meeting T PAYS TO /X, at Bound Brook Pollce Station. Reservations: 355-B67B. PPE Joseph Hoffman, former.. commissioner of labor and Franklin 0. Council. 8 p.m., Municipal BEd industry and a gubernatorial Franklin Bd. of Adjustment, 8 p.m., Municipal Bldg. Musical - "Music Man" - Hillsbotough High School Auditorium, ADVERTSE! 8 p.m. Also Friday and Saturday - Tickets at the door. John David Ltd. candidafc will address the Gotcha Franklin Township Citizens Bake Sale, Benefit Queen of Hearts Candidate Amy Weisberg, for Better Neighborhoods at 7 Brian C!ge (left) and John Ancom compete in last week s three-day ping pang tournament all three branches of State Bank of Raritan Valley. TOCCOmST p.m. Tuesday, March, at Franklin High School. The event is sponsored annually by the school s Key Club. CALL (Mark Czajkowski photo) FRDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Montgomery Shopping Center Franklin High School, Francis Branchburg Women s Club - Arts Et Crafts Exhibit and Sale, 10 Rt, 206. Rocky Hill Street, Somerset. a,m. - 9 p.m., Somerset County College. Also Saturday. The public is cordially in- Thomas Sorbino completes auto course Fish n Chips Dinner - Women of St. John s Church, W. High (609) riled. Anyone requesting St., Somerville, 5-7 p.m. Reservations Quaker Bridge Mall further information, should Marine Private First Class Somerset, has completed the and repair of the wheeled Circle Players production - "Verenlca s Boom." 416 Victoria Lawtenceviile contact Nancy Henry Thomas J. Sorbino, son of Advanced Automotive vehicles used by the Marine Ave.. Piscataway. Friday and Saturday, 8:30 p.m., Sunday 7:30 p,m., thru March 20. Tickets (609) Janet Sorbino of 36 Phillip St., Mechanic Course. Corps. Their studies were designed to prepare them for Family Square Dance - Alexander Batcho School Gym, North Duringtbe12-weekeourseat supervisory positions with 13th Ave., Manville 7-10 p.m. the Marine Corps Base, Camp automotive maintenance and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 HORSS FEED&SUPPAE5. PET repair units. Wine and Cheese Pony - St. Peter s Medical Center Aux., 8 FOODS. WLD BRD SEED. received detailed instruction He joined the Marine Corps p.m., Hospltal School o1 Nursing Auditorium. Call Community ANMAl FEED. WE ALSO Relations Dept. for tickets. K 6y Lejeune, N.C., on the inspection, students servicing in February CARRY WATER SOFTENER Franklin Council/Board of Education Joint Meeting, 9:30 a.m., SALTS. LAWN & GARDEN SUP. SGS library. PLES. SHOES. BOOTS. Queen of Hearts Radiothon - Radio Station WBRW, 1170 AM. JACKETS & GLOVES. Somerset County Heart Assoc. BELLE MEAD SALE Children s Program - Films "Where the Wild Things Are," "Patrick," and "Talek and His Lamb," 10:30 a.m. Somerville :ARMERS CO-Of Public Library. LNE ROAD Bake Sale - Benefit Queen of Hearts Candidate Lisa Shipper, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Somerset Shopplog Center, front of Somerset Trust. BELLE MEAD S ) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Antique Show and Sale - Sisterhood of Temple Shalom, Temple, No. Bridge St., Bridgewater. Noon-8 p.m. Also Monday. CASH BONUS Hillsborough Scholarship March, 1-3 p,m. $1. donatn. Manville Elks Aux. Spaghetti Dinner, 1-7 p,m. Adults $3, Direct from Chevrolet on any NEW Children $1.50. Big Buffet Supper and Dance Social - Somerset-Hunterdon Chapter CHEVETTE, VEGA or of Widows and Widowers, 7-11 p.m., Holiday nn, Rt, 22, earnervi(le. i6 132 XEROX COPES o,l,r. MONZA TOWN COUPE" MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 (Quantity offer expires February 28, 1977 Penny Sale - 15th District, Ladies Auxiliary V.F.W, - Memorial Hall, 600 Washington Ave., Manville, 8 p,m. Prices n Stock - Ready for mmediate Deliver, Hillsborough Environmentsl CommisSion. 8 p.m., Municipal Bldg. Available) Manville Council, 8 u.m., Municipal Bldg. Township 1976 LEFTOVERS Millstone Board of Education, 8 p.m. Bake Sale - Benefit Queen of Hearts Candidate Marilyn Koehlsr, Pharmacy 1 - Chevette Woody Hatchback Somerset Trust Company s Bridgewater, Findems, Somerville and Watchung offices. K Vega Hatchback Bake Sale - Benefit Queen of Heart* Candidate Terri M. 712 Hamilton St., Somersel 1 - Vega Notchback Nawracej, Hillsborough National Bank, Amwell Rd. NOTARY PUBLC Vega Hatchbacks 4 - Chevette Hatchbacks,=,,,as EASY CREDT TERMS 1- Monza Town Coupe rosy v.m monm OOtll E or,, tt w=v, urz.( 0u Don t pass up a chance like this. While our Ms.hCmr POOL BULDERS Call Now For Free Survsy l stocks are large, 9 hurry n and take advanta, mm m mm mm mm mmmmiimmm= mmmm mmmm=mmm it oru rnxl lriif rnnrt/ CLP t111$ rffi(0 t $t fo COlF[tt[ Nf)ON ml= of this money.back opportunity. bep/trl Rr.w dr.kbtl u.,,o=, sen m4, rm=..,=y... -:. 1, LAWRENCEVLLE, NJ. =648 Many otheb to choos from l,--t,c nnnn 20 h 9tt.Rt 130 ietese g,=,m /u,n-...,,,.,. a,, (NEVROLET NC. ard qlf VVV WaM Mate No.ObllOtma nl matioa /, r, NnE... V ROUTE 206 ADDRESS..., Acros trom,r,nceto, A,roor!... PHONE S0 i.-- -

7 Thmday, February 24, t9"r/ ht, Franklin NEWS RECORD, Schools offer a range of corrective learning experiences Edllor suote:followlnglsthe an experience likely to affect "classifiable," there are building--suehastbeserviees "Resource Room for te There are also three Youth and Family Services child psychiatrist, describe,s That makes the job even nl, thlrd and concluding article ln your child s education and several courses which the of the speech therapist or Hearing mpaired" and is "educable" classrooms for assists parents with the the students as "unusually challenging." a three part series on special life? team may suggest, But reading teacher, or the ab located at the Pine Grove students who are midly to financial responsibilities of happy and relaxed," Judging from what "Z education in Franklin s public whatever the path recom. tentions of Title or Corn- Manor School. Here a moderately retarded (two room and beard. "Kids in Mr. Sherren s Kozlik, supervisor of spe schools. f your youngster is found mended, the ultimate goal is pensatory Education per- specially trained and equipped elementary, one secondary) "Each case is reviewed "not ctassifiable" under the 11 the same for every child - sonnel, classroom," explains the education, has heard r, teacher works only with as well as two "trainable" periodically by the team," by Lenore Greenberg specific categories of the "mainstreaming."thatts, the The team may prescribe psychiatrist, "get more work parents and administrate auditorily impaired pupils. classes for more severely reports school social worker done than any other Franklin Public Schools state s Beadleston Act, (such youngster is kept within the participation in a "resource ctassroomfranklin must be doi retarded young people. Peg Griffin, "and changes are know. His mcthed is simple, something right. He has bf Communications Consultant as orthopedically, visually or environment o[ a conventional room." Located in the St)U,D Tile TEAM lu some cases the team made in the educational neurologically impaired), the classroom to the extent adteam can still elementary schools, HJllcrest, Heknowswhereeachkidisat, told that parents, recommend a "self- might advice " out.of.district- Your child might soon as they are functioning prescription if necessary. As Your child has shown and he s right there with him. thoroughly investigate ( recommendvisable. f special educationsampson G. Smith and contained" special educationplacement." evidence of learning problemsmedificattan of his or her programs are recommended, Franklin ttigh schools, there Children in Mr. Shcrren s special education offering unit, your child could attend be enrolled in another public adequately without special class are learning a lot variouschool systems beh and has been referred to the school program or other as- he or she is mainstreamed or arc nine resource rooms. Theyone of five categories of school system because a more programs, they can be hecause they re getting a moving into the area of,( school s child study team. lion. For example, a child whoreturned to the conventional arc staffed with qualified classrooms full-time, in place appropriate facility exists r e e v a l u a t e d f o r tremendous amount of choose Franklin because of Evaluations have been is found to lack motivation, classroom as soon (and as teachers who have continuedof his or her conventionalthere. Or, as mandated by declassification purposes." completed by the various might well remain within a much) as possible. beyond a bachel6r s degree to satisfaction and a feeling of fine program. n fact, class. Franklin Townshipstate law, the board of specialists. What are the conventional classroom, but At your conference with the achievement." county frequently reco obtain certification for special Public Schools have three education might provide your OW CAN a corrective "corrective learning experiences" that might be counseling. The team will recommend that certain work with learning- neurologically impaired tallat also might benefit from child study team, they may education. These instructors Dr. Boonin praises the mends Franklin as an classrooms for the child s educational tuition and learning experience help your quality of Franklin s teachers cellent choice. transpertatioa to attend a educationally handicapped prescribed? Which of these consult with parents, makemodifications be made right and programs in general, "W.e are grateful," says handicapped students on aa the elementary level) and four private day program, certified child? Perhaps a description experiences might be recommendations and assist within the conventional d e c la r in g t ha t : Kozlik on behalf of individualized basis, with no groups for the emotionally by the state department of of one sueh Franklin recommended to you by the the family and teacher in classroom arrangement. Or, more than five youngsters in disturbed (three elementary Township"Educationally, Franklin is department, "to the cen education. Should a private special education facility will very much better than team as most beneficial for implementing the p}ans, they may suggest utilizing the room at any one time. and one secondary). Children manyoffice staff, the Board residential program be serve to illustrate. Speakingo[ school districts. This Education and the citizens your youngster? How is such f your child is resources available within the The tenth resource room is placed in these classes must recommended, the local board flank Sherre#s self-containedachievement is particularly Franklin. Their supp highly unique - a successful have a potential average-topioneer in the field. t is the pays the educational tuition, classroom, Dr. Nathaniel impressive because of the makesuch an outstand above-average intelligence. while the state s Division of Boooin, Franklin s consultingdiversity of the population,program possible." k HANK SHERREN and Friend - " He knows whereach kid is at, and he s right there with him." Hospital schedules CPR training sessions Cardio - pulmonary re- the classes next month will available, at thescene and on suscitation (CPR) once take place on three con- the way to the hospital. performed exclusively by secutive Tuesdays, March 8, "t s so frustrating to arrive doctors, nurses and rescue March 15, and March 22. Each at a home and find the victim squad members, is now being class will begin at 7 p.m. and has died as their family stood taught to all segments of the end by 10 p.m. The program by helplessly," said Barbara community. The results, it is has been arranged through Cooney, a member of the East hoped, will be a reduction in James Cannon, volunteer Brunswick Rescue Squad and deaths due to heart attack. chairman of safety services a CPR instructor. "f only A lifesaving technique, CPRfor the Central New Jersey someone bad started CPR is a first line emergency approach. Through :CPR an Cross. have had a chance,! she ad- Chapter of the American Red many of these people would individual can help someone "n Seattle, Washington,"ded.... who has suffered a heart attack by maintaining the of the city s 500,000 citizens course to be offered next Mr. Cannonoted, "one-fifth To sign up for the CPR victim s life support systems were trained in one year to month, contact the Corngive CPR. Now about 150 reunify Relations Department of breathing and circulation until a rescue squad or health coronary victims are saved at St. Peter s Medical Center. professional arrives. annually, and hall" of them by Because of the importance lay-people. Without CPR these. of CPR. both the American victims would have died MEN-WOMEN Bed Cross and the Americanbecause help did not arrive in Heart Association would like time." to have at least one member The importance of having Soldiers of.eachousehold certified in lay-persons know CPR is easy CPR. They are especially o understand. Wanted. anxious to have members of "When someone suffers a families who bare a history of heart attack, minutes -. AS you know, we need heart disease learn the especially the first few technique. minutes -- can mean the difference between life and want to serve their Country. good, young people who To help the associations achieve their goal, St. Peter s death," noted Charles Byrd, a We need some to serve it Medical Center in conjunctioncpr instructor. The heart in the United States Army. with the local chapters of the stops beating when a coronary We may not have a draft, Red Cross and Heart occurs and consequently the But we still have a need, Association will sponsor victim s brain is deprived of Army life is not for every monthly courses in CPR. The oxygen. After four minutes one. You may get up early classes offered under the auspcices hapter of of the the Central Red Cross, New Jersey will the risk of death is measurably dogtired, long after the brain cells begin to die and in the morning, work hard unless oxygen is restored soon all day. and hit the sack, be taught by certified CPR increased. sun has disappeared. instructors who were trained Half of the 680,000 persons But for those who arc up by the Middlesex County who die annually from heart to the discipline Army life Chapter of the Heart attacks, die before they reach demands, the rewards are Association. a hospital. An estimated 50,000 great. Job training. Good Scheduled to be held at St. individuals could be saved it pay. Travel, n.service odu. Peter s -D Confer cure Room, emergency care were rational opportunities. And a chance to grow as an in, BAKE SALE dividual. f you re interested, give A bake sale will be held Saturday from t0 a.m. to 3 PCK MY BRANS! p.m, at the Somerset Shopping Center in front of the Somerset RecenCy retierd from a Solid Trust Co. career in marketing many kinds of The bake sale is for the consumer products. Currently, benefit of Queen of Hearts wanto put my blains to work in a small or large business the area, candidate Lisa Shippe, Would you like to discuss how you sponsored by the Somerville can use my experience to increase Federated Teachers your s sales and profits? Outtlandin Association. All proceeds will references. And whbt you pay me is benefit the work of the not too important. Because Somerset County Heart already have a regular income. Write Box #03842, c/o Packet. Association. LEGAL NOTCE Comptroller of the Currency us a call. We think you*ll be a better person for it. Call Army Opportunities Join the people who ve joined the Army. A tq,,a O=,ulunl,y tmpl0vet TREASURY DEP OF TilE JNTED STATES Washington, D.C. LEGAL NOTCE Whereas, satlsfactor/ evidence has been preeented to the Comptroller of the Currency that "THE MONTGOMERY NATONAL BANK," located in Township of Montgomery, State of New Jersey, has complied with all pmvlsinns of the statutes of the United States required to be complied with before being authorized to commence the business of banking as a National Banking Association; Now, therefore, hereby certify that the above-named aociadon is authorized to commence the businesa of banking as o National Banking Association. n testimony whereof, witness my signature and sealer oifice this 27th day of January. 1977, i A i - o""0,,_,,s.s.,,u.., 4oo,,o.,.,,s c Charter No Robert Bloom Acting Comptroller o/the Currency

8 .Thursday, February 24, 1977 MERT taste science applied to new low tar loomm cigarette with impressive results. The MERTbreakthrough technology that produced a whole new taste standard in low tar smoking has now been applied to a 100mm cigarette. New MERT 100 s. Only 12 mg. tar. Yet packed with Enriched Flavor" tobacco. Tobacco fortified with certain key flavor-rich ingredients isolated in cigarette smoke and proven to deliver taste way out of proportion to tar. f you smoke but haven t chosen to take advantage of the MERT breakthrough because you prefer a longer length cigarette, you]l be interested. Kings: 9 rag?tar; 0.7 mg.nicotine- 100 s:12 mg; tar, 0.9 mg.nicotine av.percigareue byf C Method. Warning: Tile Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking s Dangerous to Your Health. MERT MERT& MERT MENTHOL. KNGS & i,!,. " Because now you have your MERT, too. Read the test results for yourself. lst Data Conclusive New 12 mg. tar MERT 100 s were taste-tested against a number of major 100mm brands ranging from 17 mg. to 19 mg. tar. Thousands of smokers were tested. The results: overall, they liked the taste of MERT l O0 s as much, as the higeer tar loomm brands tested. MERTand MERT MENTHOL. King Size and new 100 s. The taste barrier for low tar smoking has b een broken again, op,,,,,,.,,o.,oc.,0,, MERT lo0

9 Th.rlay, Febr. y 24,19"/7 hf franklin NEwS-RECOR} Warriors top Peddle, but fall to Ewing by Mark Basch Special Writer The Franklin Warriors split two games last week. On Friday, they were overpowered by Ewing ( as Ew/ng s Dan Jones and ( Arnie Pewee combined for 49 points. Last Wednesday, the Warriors were able 1o overcome poor performances in lhe first and third quarter to hold off Peddle Prep, (6-it), With the split, Franklin is now 12-9 on the season, assuring third year coach Gerald Martin of his first winning season. Ewing ran away from the Warriors with outstanding shooting, hitting 58 per cent of their field goal tries and 17 of 22 foul shots. On the other hand, the Warriors shot a dismal 39 per cent and only eight of 16 free throws. Jones was from the floor and 4-4 from the foul line o finish with 28 points this season s average) while Powell added 21 points on nine field goals and three of four foul shots. Three other Blue Devils hit for double figures, Mark Patterson with 12 and Jan Howard and Mike Caldwell with l0 apiece. James Pace and Gene Brookins paced the Warriors with 14 each while Greg Purnell added 13. Ewing jumped to a 7-0 lead before a Purnell jumper with 4:46 left in the first period put Franklin on the scoreboard. However, the Blue Devils pulled away moments later and were on top after one period. The Devils increased the margin to 17 three times in the second quarter before a late Warrior rally closed the gap to nine al halftime. Trailing 40-23, Purnell connected on two shots and Joe Carter followed with another field goal to cut the gap to After an exchange of baskets, a Powell bucket put the Devils up 44-3L Brookins closed out the half with two field goals, the second a siam dunk, as the Warriors went into the locker room trailing only The momentum seemed n be turning to the Warriors early in the third quarter as they climbed to within five points, However, the Devils put lhe game away with an 18-4 spurt which gave them a lead before two more Brookies buckets made it after three quarters. Ewing went on 1o lead by as much as 27 in 1he final quarter as they outsoored the Warriors Tile WAtltOBS defeated Peddle with a well balanced scoring attack as four players and two others had nine each. Moses Clayton and Brookins had 13 apiece to lead the Warriors. Clayton also had 23 rebounds. Purneil added 11 land six assists), Mike Henderson had 10 (all in the fourth quarter, shooting 5-7) and Carler :rod Pace had nine apiece. Rich Fredenhurgh of Peddle was the game s high scorer with 21 points while Mike Korinski added 18 for 1he Falcons. Bronkins carried the Warriors in the first quarter, scoring nine of Franklin s 11 points, lie hit three straight shots as the Warriors grabbed a quick 6-0 lead. tlowever, with no one else scoring for Franklin, Peddie came back to take the lead They led 14- t after one quarter. Two quick shots by Korinski gave Peddle an advantage early in the second period. The Warriors turned the game around with a 22-4 streak n take an point lead, Brookins finally gel some help from his teammates its Maria Gonzales scored eight of those points, Brookins, Clayton, and i: urnell had four ned /. rank Cull added lhe other two. Franklin finished with 28 points in the quarter as they took a 10 point hal[time lead, The Falcons scored eight straight points at the start of the third period, cutting the Warrior lead n Clayton Two-way tie tops Rec League basketball After one week of cam- Brundage scoring 22 points for petition in he men s Rutgers Service Center. Recreational Basketball League there is a two-way tie The Men s Recreational Basketball League is spanfor first place between sated by 1he Parks and Bulgers Service Center and Recreation Department of New York Life. Each team has Franklin. The League meets compiled two viclories without three times a week, Monday, a loss. Rounding out the field Tuesday and Wednesday are the Jaycees, Franks evening at Franklin High Follies, Bulldogs and the School. Greys. Standings W L High point scorers of he RutgersServieeCenter 2 O week are: Post from New New York Life York Life with 16 points; Jaycees 2 O t O Millemanfrom the Greys with l; ranksfouies points; Weuner from the Bulldogs with 26 points and Bulldogs Greys Garden classes set The New Jersey Cooperative Extension Service and Cook College at Rutgers University, will hold a one-day home gardeners school on the Cook College campus Saturday, March 26, from 9 a.m, to 3:30 p.m. The program is designed for both 1he beginner and ex. perieneed home gardener. All sessions will include everyday lechniques and information that can be used by gardeners to improve the quality of their plants and the quantity of yields from their gardens. Each participant will be able to attend six of 27 different sessions. Flower gardening, vegetable gardening, planting and care of small home landscaping are a few of the topics being offered. A brochure including a registration form is available at your local county extension office. Each applicant is asked lo indicate three choices for each session and return 1he registration form and fee by March. Wherever possible, first, second and third choices will be honored. A schedule of classes indicating the time and location will be received by the applicant before March 26. Due to space limitations, registrations will be accepted on a first.come, first-served basis nstructors will include county agents, extension fruits, pruning, indoor gar- specialists, and teaching and dening, foliage plants, canning research faculty from Cook and freezing fruits and College. vegetables, lawn care and Lunch will be available. When you re planning to landscape - landscape with a plan...why not call one of our landscape architects today. doerler.landscapes phone put the Warriors ahead by four with a short jumper but Paul MasseHi answered with another bucket to keep the Falcons within two points. The learns exchanged two baskets apiece before a Korinski jumper tied the game late in the quarter Joe Carter sank two free throws and followed with a field goal to put lhe Warriors back on top. Masselli ended the period with a free throw as 1he Warriors led Korinsk/ storied the final stanza with a bucket that pulled the Falcons within one, Franklin then broke the game open with t3 straight points to take their biggest lead of the game, 62-48, with about five minutes remaining. Pace got lhe Warriors started with a foul shot and field goal. Purnen scored the next four and flenderson put in the last six. Still, the pesky Falcons would not quit. Two minutes later, they were back in the game, trailing only tlenderson dropped in a layup and Purnell found Carter for another bucket with 2:24 left which gave the Warriors an point Some sloppy play in the final two minutes allowed the Falcons to come witbin six at the final buzzer. TEll,," J.V. TEAM also split their games last week, moving their record to They were defeated by a very strong Ewing team (18-1) Franklin was behind after one quarter but fell far behind in the second quarter and were unable to come back. Antis tlastings led five Warn/ors in double figures with 19 points. Franklin rolled over Peddle ]0-53. llastings and Keith Black paced the Warriors with 15 each. Last night, the Warriors completed the regular season against Steinert. On Monday, they will begin play in the state Group ll playoffs, facing Asbury Park. One of the worst winters in our history and drastically reduced gas supplied from pipeline companies have plunged New Jersey into a crisis that will continue into Spring. United Way celebrates reachtng goal Amid applause and cheery, Johnson was the evening s organizations with a $24 campaign volunteers of the guest speaker. Mr. Heldrich employee gift per capita and Wrestling First Round District United Way of Central Jersey lalked briefly about the future at least 70 per cent parannounced last week that they of Middlesex County and 1he ticipatinn. Recipients include: reached their $1,850,000 goal. importance of volunteer AC-Deco Division of GMC; 8owling State Tournament The first Central Jersey agencies such as the United United Auto Workers, Local fund-raising campaign to Way. 541; Amboy Terminaling reach its goalduring the past The second halt of the Company; nternational eight years, volunteers were evening featured campaign Union of Operating Engineers Boys Basketball StateTournament jubilant over their success. awards to the firms, employe Local 825; American Red Girls Basketbal State Tournament Nearly 600 people were groups, and individuals actively participating in the pany, Chevron Oil Company; Cross; Bridge Supply Com- present to hear lhe news at the United Way Annual Meeting campaign. Thirteen Gold Delawaro-Raritan Girl Scout and Awards Banquet last Awards were presented to Council; Deleo-Remy Division Wednesday. those organizations with a $36 of GMC; Local 416, UE, AFL- Richard W. Barlow, employee gift per capita and CO, CLC; E.l. DuPont de Campaign Chairman and at least 85 per cent arlicipation. Recipients in- director of manufacturing for BM praised the work of cluded: A T & T Long Lines campaign volunteers: "We and general divisions, had a great team of dedicaled Amerada lless, Bell people working. This campaign exemplifies the concern Scouts of America, Chicopee Laboratories, national Boy held by the people -- em- Manufactttring Company, ployees and residents of Middlesex County and Franklin Township -- for other people." The first half of the night s banquet was the annual meeting of the United Way Textile Workers Union of America Loom 630, Family Service Association, Johnson & JDbnson Baby Products, Johnson & Johnson Corporate, Johnson & Johnson Purchasing & Surgikos, Johnson Nemours Photo Division; First Savings & Loan Association of Perth Amboy; BM Corporation; Johnson & Johnson Col Fibe; AFL-CO & CLC, Milltown Local 536; Local 68, nternational Union of Operating Engineers, AFL- CO; Johnson & Johnson D.O.C.; Johnson & Johnson E.S.D.P.; Mobil Chemical Co. Research and Development; New Jersey Association for Retarded Citizens; New Jersey Bell Telephone Co.; conducted by Dr. B.alph & Johnson Research, Landis nternational Brotherhood of Gerber, Dean of lhe Graduate Ford, O Connell & Salisbury, Electrical Workers, Local 827, School of Social Work al Prudential nsurance Com- Unite 2; nte_rnational Rutgers, and United Way pany. United Way of Central Brotherhood of Electrical President. Jersey, Urban League of Workers, Local 827, Unit 6; Dr. Garber turned 1he post Greater New Brunswick, Over 2,000 Central Jersey of President over to John YMCA - Raritan Valley, residents and employees are Varley, vice president of YMA- PerthAmboy. YWCAyear-round volunteers of the operations for Johnson & of Central Jersey. United Way of Central Jersey Johnson Personal Products. which supports more than 100 N.J. Commissioner of n- n addition, there were 36 human care programs through stitutioos and Agencies, Anne Silver Award Winners agencies. Klein, attended the affair and made a surprise presentation to Dr. Garber upon conclusion of his final remarks. John J. lieldrich, corporate vice president, administration, At Johnson and life KMBLE FUNERAL HOME One Hamilton Avenue Princeton (609) Directors: Edwin L. KEmble. R. Sirchall K/mb/e. Claude M Crater Servingthe Princeton Areq Since 923 MERCER COUNTY BRANDES UNV. WOMEN S COMMTTE is collecting OLD BUT STLL USABLE BOOKS (Adults & Children) Tax deduetihle receipts given For drop off sites or pickup Call: Watch for our book sale in April Please call before?,larch 1 8th quonltite$ GAS CONSERVATON S A MUSTTHROUGH THE WNTER AND NTO SPRNG. Although we have resumed gas deliveries to our industrial customers-thanks in a large measure to your massive conservation-we remain in a day-to-day situation. Another cold snap or let up on your conservation effort, and we could be in worse shape than before. Some industries undoubtedly would have to be closed again. And, next time, residential customers may also suffer shut-offs. Your conservation is vital to avoid another curtailment of industrial protect thousands of jobs.., and to assure uninterrupted service to homeowners and apartment dwellers. Conservation is also extremely important if we are to replenish our dangerously low gas reserves to prepare for next winter. 2O!10 O0 go a_a 7O 6-O 50 4O FHS ATHLETC SCHEDULE Friday, Feb. 25 J P Stevens, Edison COMFORT KNG S FNEST WASHNGTON S BRTHDAY PROBABLY THE GREATEST COMFORT SAL EVER HELD! SEALY BEDDNG! We re poslive you w, re ogmze ihi$ outstanding upper. tunity to buy lop guo]dy Seoly bedd*ng at tid,culouuy low prices. Qualay.bu0 wih hundreds of specially tempered. coils, durable foundalions, puffy cush,onmg. Choose from smoolh tops, firm quilts, luxury qu*lts, elegant designer cover. Sure to go fast at heje,emarkob/y low pricel so shop early! FRM Sold regularly for much mo, e. Hundreds of steel coils. Durable heavy welghl covers. Firm support at budget prices! Smooth top. $44. TWN SZE Full Size each piece... $64 Queen Size 60xB0" Each Piece... S86 FRMER Added support ond comfort. Famous Sealy quolity innertpring and custom quilted decorotor covers. Super savings! $$4 TWNSZE Full Size each piece... Queen Size 60xgO" each piece... King Size 76x80" 3.piece set... FRMEST PSE&G urges you to continue conserving gas. Here are some tips to follow: re arm Cuddler style sofa. 1 Set your thermostat no higher than Rag.419 s during theday, and 60 at night, 2 Minimize the water the heater use of thermostat hot water. setting, Lower Use the cold water laundry cycle, Take showers instead of baths, 3 Eliminate all non-essentia use of gas, including outdoor lamps. Monday, Feb. 28 S74 S94 S249 Top quality and more luxurious feel. Deluxe covers with layers of puffy cushioning. Limited in this group so hurryl *64 TWNSZE full alze eocn piece... S8 4 (ueen Size 0x0" Each Piece... SlO4 King Size 76x80" 3.piece set... S264 Sealy Posturepedic 4 Shut off heat and close the door in unused rooms. Loose pillow back contemporary sofa. SALE s nsdect your homeorapartment from lop to bolfom tar drafty windows and doors, Wealherstrip lhem. Put plastic sheeting over windows and air conditioners, 6 nsulate your home, For more conservation tips, send/or our free booklet. Mail the coupon now, [, Free bookletells you ] howto onserveenergy. J H Return ths coupon L--,.--l today for your free 1111 copy of "Uae Energy ] Wisety and Save,,Sie i Money." Conservation :, PO. BOX 333! Hillside, New Jersey Name... Address... i To be announced To be announced SMMONS w s,8o., HDE-A-BED S0FAS! L City. 1 - =-. Slale.== Zi_.=..,. Sot. l0 Til5 ) LAWRENCE: 0 PSBG Public Service Electric and Gas Company Saturday, Feb. 26 M/d State Bowl East Brunswick Shopping Center Save ts0. to t270. on Hlde-A.lad* Sofas This is the quckes we ve ever been able to deliver o famous Simmons Hide-A-Bed Sofa. So you can luke your choice of styles, upholstered in luxury fabric, end have it in your home fast er then you d believe! Simmons HideA-Beds Sole Priced From $ STYLES FOR MMEDATE DELVERY,oo,.,.,o..oh,.o...,l Shop MDn..Frl. 0 til 9, Sot, 10 til 5; Sun, 12 ll S Tit ENTONt greed SL 883.3; 37 Shop Mon..Fd. l0 ell 9 LA-Z-BOY SHOWCASE SHOPPES h,., N.. u,,, n,o, co..,,.a,td,,) J Open rhi$ Sundoy 12 TO S

10 10-A he Franklin NEWS RECORD Thursday, Febru-y g4, 1977 police blotter TwentyscvcnyearoldCesar 1969 Opel hanging. When and Wnston Canal Road and reported broken into through Augusto Qucvedo of Elm Patrolman Severino stopped skidded into a ditch. Anthony the cellar window Friday. tlurst, N.Y. was arrested the car be found the driver Motors and Guaranteed Police reported two rings and Saturday when police stopped didn t have proof of insurance,motors were called to pull the cash with a total value of his 1973 Dodge Van and found was driving with a suspendedtruck out. $1,425 stolen. the vehicle to be unregistered, license, ficticious plates, and,lee with a restricted license plate, that the ear was unregistered. **** lie was later released on $4,000 The vehicle was reported in Also reported broken into bail. Police say the in- bad stateofrepair. The workshop of the Friday was the home of vestigation will continue, Edgemere at Somerset tloward Peppi of 81 Weston...* Apartments was broken into Rd. Police say the rear door *,** last Thursday. The door of the was forced open and one shot A fire truck was damaged workshop was reported kicked Police also arrested David Sunday when the Elizabeth in and police say tools, locks, llaloman of 159 Main St., Apt. Avenue Fire Co. was pumps, cigarettes, tiles, and )7 Saturday for a number of responding to a call by a man lights valued at $1,370 were motor vehicle violations, who said his chimney was on stolen. YD. DENM-POPLN-CANVAS KETTLECLOTH CORDUROY GARBARDNE gun and shells valued at $160 were said to be stolen. Police say that Mr. Haloman ire. Police said the truck There were three robberies REHEARSNG a scene trom "Li t Abner" with other members of the cast are Helene Klein and Jeff was traveling on Easton slipped off a snow covered * ** reported last Thursday to local Avenue with the muffler of bis roadway at Weston Causeway police. The first was a C.B. Babey, who will portray Mammy and Peppy Yokum. "T S KND OF HARD for Avenue A car that in New was Brurtswick stolen from was radio Bullen valued at at the $125 TraveLodge reported on l w-- people outside of our immediate family to understand Deice Battery on Jersey stolen from the ear of Stepben lit us," she said. "We don t do snapped NOTCE Abner" casting completethings at conventional times. "All of a sudden, thought recovered at the Hamilton Eastoo Avenue. Lanes lot Saturday. Police Albert Noble reported five 8- Jerry s job gets him home as what s the rush? " stopped The general public of Franklin Township is hereby in. track tapes stolen from his car The musical, "Li ] Abner," senior poll. late as two or three in the found out that a group of Brunswick, a sophomore at my doctoral studies right then at Arthur Treaeher s Fish and opened on Broadway in Jeff, a FHS freshman, morning. t s not unusual for and there. Yon sometimes get youths were "hanging around Plus X tligh School in formed by the FRANKLN TOWNSHP BOARD OF Chips on Franklin Boulevard. November, 1956, but A Capp s who moved from Connecticut Piscataway, who has apto Franklin in t975, lives with us to sit down to dinner at so locked into work and the ear" and learned the car EDUCATON that the advertised Conference Session The vent window was forced cartoon made its very first midnight." peared in productions of "Li l schedules that you don t have was stolen when they made a scheduled for THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, ]977, at 8:00 open, he said. appearance in the New York his parents, Jean and Roger Ms. King has also managed time to pick daisies anymore. check on it. The 1964 Chevrolet Abner" und "Annie Get Your p.m. in the iacafee Road School Auditorium for the The third robbery took place Daily Mirror on Aug, 12, Babey on Abbot Road. Jeff, at to ease the little girls into a Now there s plenty of time to was returned to the owner, Gun." Stan Pearlman of at the home of Jean Ballai of Along with Abner came the age 15, is a talented actor, Concord Drive will appear as later bedtime, enabling her to fingerpaint with my three. Bendiet Bittner of Manville. purpose oi reviewing the budget for sch0ol year Ralph Street, Police say a rich abundance of incidents singeranddaneer, whowasan the conniving Washington spend more time with them year-old, and pick more 1978 has been CANCELLED. portable radio worth $53, a and characters that has made apprentice in summer stock at politician, General Bullmoose. after finishing the day s work. daisies," man s diamond ring worth Dogpatcb internationally the Clinton Musical Theater in Stan has uppeared in "Fiddler The home of John Solazzo at $t20 and $55 in cash were famous and provided tbe Coonoctieut where he per- on the H.oof" and "Oklahoma" 67 flawthorne Drive was reported stolen. world with such institutions as formed on stage and received and last summer in the Sadie Hawkins Day. a backstage education in all Villagers production of [ When "Li l Abner" is facets of theater production. "When presented at Franklin High d You Comin Back, Re obituaries ris stage debut locally was in Ryder?" EVERFRS r Villagers castingfor SHot L School in March by the Band the Temple Beth-El produc- Other major roles will be Parents Association, the roles Lion of "Oklahoma." played by Bill Carroll of Ab- Feb. 23to rhc Villagers Barn Theatre thcoming production el "Hot L of Dogpatch s leading senior Since the age of seven, Jeff bolt Road as Available Jones, of Middlebush will hold an Baltimore" on Tuesday and citizens, Mammy and Pappy has developed an interest in Brianllcmmingof Bunker Hill Lillie Winters Andriko who died in Fabric open-casting call for its for- Thursday evenings, March 1 Yokum, will be played by FtS magic and has taught a course Feb. 96 Road as Earthquake McGoon Surviving are two sons, l 4t 4t t t t t t t it t lt t and 3 at 8 p.m. at Chic s nn, students, ilelene Klein and in the Franklin Township and think Aeker of Edison as Mrs. Lillie liles Winters of Steve of Somerset and Geza of located on French Streets in Jeff Bahey. After-School Enrichment Mayor Dawgmeat. Amwell Road, Somerset, died Old Bridge; two daughters, MLL ROAD, New Brunswick. Show dates tielene, a senior, is tbe Program and performed a The list of supporting last Tuesday in her home after Mrs. alga Radios and Mrs. : DAY CAMP ; will be Friday, Saturday and daughter of Beatrice and tlatlowecn Magic Show for players includes Glenn a brief illness. llelen Dalley, both of mill Sunday evenings July 22 thru Seymour Klein of King Road. the children at MacAfee Road Wrigley of tlunt Road as Born in Woodstown, she was Somerset; a sister, Mrs. Vera Aug. 2t. She bas appeared locally in the School. On Saturdays, Jeff Speedy McRabbitt, Chris a resident of tbis area most of Magyari of New Brunswick;.k PROGRAM,t,t Needed in the cast are 10 Cedar Wood Woman s Club demonstrates magic at the lemmingof Bunker tlill l{oad her life four grandchildren, and five men ages and seven productions of "Oliver" and Premier Magic Shop in New us Appasionata yon Climax, Mrs. Winters was employed great-grandchildren. TRP.A.DAYTEEN PROGRAM, women ages Also needed "Fiddler on the Roof" and in Brunswick. 45" SPORTSWEAR Ralph Henning of Cedar Grove for many years as a Burial was in Franklin WEEK SESSONS- is a heavy woman aged?2,-40. "Oklahoma" for Temple Beth- "llae role of Marryin Sam, Lane as tlairless Joe, Bobby s:deswoman in Arnold Constable and Co.. and, prior to Brunswick. Memorial Park, North 14,15,16 yr. olds.. Tbc production will be El. At FS, llclene has been which was created by Stubby Kopehains of Kyle Road as. DFFERENT TRP EVERY DAY!. directed by Lynn Winik. n the active in the drama society, Kayc in both the stage and Lonesome Polecat, Sharon thai, in Rosclle s.. C,lJ. PROGRkM EOR ta, L4YR. QLOS following weeks try-outs will yearbook, ski and spanish movie versions ol "Li l Ab- Scbapow a{ Neptune Court as tier survivors include a son, = STLt N EFFECT! he held for "The Little Foxes" clubs and was voted "Best nor," will be played by Stupefyin Jones and Pam Norman D. Hiles of Middlcbush; a.(laughter, Mrs. Knute Sathre : 10t.s2t.tss: and "Dial "M" for Murder." Dramatic Actress" in the Richard Chibbaro of North Cutler of Cambridge Lane as Moonbeam MeSwine. Dorothy Clark, with whom she Knute Sathre, 90, formerly Performances will be given lived; four sisters, Vlrs. of Forest Ave., Griggstown at 3 p.m on the evenings of Gertrude Petcrson of Woodstown, Mrs. Florence Zane of Nursing Rome, Staten sland. section, died Saturday in Eger March, t2, 18, and 19 and at 2 p.m on the afternoons of Pennsville, Mrs. Lydia Wright Born in Norway, be came to March 13 and 20. Tickets may of Woodbury, and Mrs. Elsie the United States in 1907, lie obtained from any member Selig of Poeono Manor, Pa.; settling in Brooklyn. He of tbe Franklin lfigh School Band or by calling Our Good Stuff sale. 25%-50%oft Wow! Terrific! And all that kind of stuff. NURSE Continued from page one both her mother and her mother-in-law live in neighboring towns. The two grandmothers take turns caring for Rcbeoca and Jennifer while Ms. King sees her patients. llcr husband, Jerry, a projectionist at a New Brunswick movie theater, is "an unusual person, not easily ruffled." Although the schedules of the two Kings are nsually way out of "syne," she feels they spend more time together than most families heeausc of, not in spite of, their uncertain schedules. Now seasoned night owls, they awaken late each morning none the less apple-cheeked for the adjustment. n addition to practicing therapy, Ms. King consults for the Mr. Carmel Guild, part of a community mental health center in Newark. Sfie is also associated with nternational Nursing Consultants, a nonprofit corporation concerned with foreign nurses in tbe United States. She has nc. Lured for numerous nursing and medical schools, and ran a two-day workshop in geriatric nursing for the University of Arizona s College of Nursing. n 1e75, she entered New York University and began work towards a doctorate in nursing. Then something two grandchildren, and five moved here in 1950 when he great-grandchildren. retired. Mr. Sathre had been Burial was in Cedar Hill employed as foreman for Cemclery, East Millstone. Christcnscn Bakers, Brooklyn, for 20 years. During World War, he POOL DSTRBUTOR Eva Andriko served in the Army with the American Expeditionary Must sell balance of 1976 pools., Mrs. Eva Jeno Andriko, 8S, Force in France. Mr. Sathrc complete wilh deck, fence and of 547 lamilton St., Somerset wasa life member of Veterans liltet. 31 x 16 overall. section, died Sunday in St. of Foreign Wars, Post 9111, Peler s Medical Center, New Franklin Park. Only.$695,Brunswick. He was the husband of the COMPLETELY NSTALLED A native of llungary, she late Anna Sathre. TERMS AVALABLE. had moved here from New Surviving are two sons, Warehouse must be emptied now Brunswick 34 years ago. Mrs. Robert of Griggstown and Call Walehouso COLLECT. Ask for Andriko was a member of Svenof Brookfield, Conn,, and DON Magyar Reformed Church of four grandchildren. ( New Brunswick. Burial was in Griggstown She was the wife of George Cemetery, Griggstown. i SHORT LENGTHS - SLGHT RREG, VALUES TO 1.98 YD. rio" POLYESTER FANCY DOUBLE KNTS YOU CAN TAFFOR MSS ONE CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF LA-Z.BOY; LA-Z.BOY COUPON SALE r=, $20 0 OFF EVERY LA-Z-BOY N STOCK N ADDTON TO OUR SAtE PRCES FULL BOLTS g REMNANTS SWEATER KNTS ALSO CUSTOM DRAPES, SLPCOVERS & RE-UPHOLSTERY EVERFRST Fabric mill RT. 27 Et 518 Princeton, N. J Jt/iJiir Men. - Sat Thurs. b Fri. 10-9:30 THE POTTERY, 2500 Oil NaDk)rs assorted COlOrs Reg $125 sate 90: The Mall at Shorl Hlls: N.J.; Princeton: June., Rles. 27 & 5t8; Matawan: The Marketplace, Ro MaEam 231 Ota Ave (23,01 EtM tt#e 59thUlO*nU n 12 tel A*e 61OCaeslna/a/&g/lnSt, 1 49Gmenw.ChAve mtom Now, for a limited time, you can buy that cam- oilable chah yoona always dreamed of at a substantial SAViN6$111 LA-Z-BOY SWVEL ROCKER FROM f 1"l LA-Z-BOY, WE VE 60 T ON tale NOW Fill O[UVFY AND SO.UP Rdina-lotkars Swivel Eoskers Fill AY.A.WAr lo.z-loungars Wall-lledlners Wl DUVFi $krlok ts )flllls

11 _T.hursday, February 24,1977 JAPANESE LANDSCAPNG S FOR THE FEW... who can appreciate -- more interesting natural design - more unusual plant materials THNK NOV aboat your spring plants Pely.n.gardens Call Polly Fairman (609) /or consultation (trained in Japan) Princeton Central Post Windsor Hlghts.Herald Manville News Hsborough Beacon Franklin News Record PAA plans Soho tour in March PRNCETON -- A day in deductible contribution. For edited the "Wellesley News," tutored, and waselected to Phi Soho, where Princeton Art those who are not members of Beta Kappa.After graduation, Association members and the PAA, the cost is $11, and irea residents will have a includes all of the above as in 1970, she worked for the guided tour of the main well as a $4 tax-deductible African Affairs department of galleries, has been planned by contribution to the PAA. British Broadcasting Camthe PAA for their March tour. Reservations for these popular pony in London for a year. For two years she studied fine art PRNCETON -- American School, and later studied with A charter bus will leave the tours are taken on a first Heifetz at the University nf Princeton Shopping Center come, first served basis, at Byam Shaw College where violinist Eugene Fader, whom Southern California. Prior to racine side) at 9:30 a.m. on Main tour guide for the she won prizes for her work. "People" Magazine has called his Moscow victory, Fader had Last year she received her the "Mick Jagger of classical March 16 for the area south of event will be Susan Carol wan both the Merriweather M.A. from Hunter College. She music," will make his Prin- Houston Street. Heinemann, resident of the The trip is open to all area, artist and art critic. A has had two shows in New oeton recital debut on Monday, Post Competition in members of the community, 1966 graduate of Princeton York City - at Artist s Space March 7, at 9 p.m., as part of Washington in 1967, and the and is operated on a "cost High School where she was and at the Fine Arts Building. the "MUsic-at-McCarter" Paganini Competition in Genoa, taly, in 1972, the first plus" basis. Total cost far PAA salutatorian, Ms. Heinemann Ms. Hninemann has written series. American in 21 years to win members is St0, including went to Wellesley College for Artforum, Arts Magazine Fodor, a 24-ycarold virtuoso the first prize there. transportation, a "snack where she majored in art and a new publication, from Turkey Creek, Colo., became an international t was at the Paganini pack," gratuities, anda$3tax- history. At Wellesley she. Heresies.. celebrity overnight when he Competition that fi Soviet tied for the top prize in the 1974 violinist suggested to Fader Tchaikovsky Violin Cam- that he enter the Russian petition in Moscow - the first contest. For some reason, the winner ever from the western 19 judges withheld First Prize" world in this violin "niymand avarded three Silver pies." Not since pianist Van Medals -- to Fader and two Cliburn s victory in this same Soviet violinists. Reports from competition in 1958 had an Moscow, however, say that American musician made most in the capacity Russian such an impact on the concert audience felt that the world - both in Moscow and in American should have the United States. received the Gold Medal, and Fader began studying the that he was the only one of the violin at the age of seven, and trio to receive a standing was a soloist with the Denver ovation. Symphony at 11. While still in. Tickets for Fader s Prinhigh school, he won a eeton debut are now on sale at scholarship to the Juiliiard the McCarter Box Office. / Violin virtuoso to give recital Shankar returning to Alexander Hall PRNCETON -- Ravi Many American composers Shankar, the unchallenged had fundamental aspects of master of the sitar who is their work altered by the widely recognized as the ndian music that Shankar foremost musician of the nan- introduced. So did John Western world, will give his Coltrane, the influential jazz seventh Princeton concert on figure of the sixties, as Well as Saturday, March 12, at 8 p.m. the Booties and the rest of the in Alexander Hall on the rock world. Beatle George university campus, tie will be larrison was a Shankar pupil accompanied by his longtime at one time, and it was associate, Alia Rakha, on the Shankar who first proposed labia, the historic "Concert for The impact and influence of Bangladesh," in which he took Ravi Shankar on American part along with Harrison, Bob music making in the last Dylanandothcrs. Heisnoless decade has been more accomplished as a composer, profound than that of any having scored a half-dozen other non.western musician, movies, and has also written As the first ndian concert two concerts for Sitar and a rtist to attract a widespread Orchestra, as well as apaudience in the United States, pcaring in "joint recital" with he spearheaded the another one-time sitar pupil "discovery" of ndian music violinist, Yehudi Menuhin. and things Eastern, in Tickets for the Ravi Shankar general, that characterized concert are now on sale at the the 1960 s. McCarter box office. Belle of Amherst to aid Bates Fund creating poetry thm insponsor a special theatre The Princeton YWCA will terpreted universal exevening to benefit its Pearl pcrience. The stage portrayal, written by playwright and poet Bates Scholarship Fund on William Luce, captures both April 4 when Julia tlarris the mischievous wit and comes to McCartcr Theatre in spiritual profoundity of Emily "The Belle of Amherst." Dickinson. Tickets for premium or- The theatre benefit camehestra seats, priced at $15 mittce is headed by Mrs. each, also include a coffee and James Thornton, and includes informal lecture on Emily Mrs. Charles Dennison, Mrs. Dickinson, the Woman and the Peter Knipe. Mrs. William Poet, led by Princeton Kirby, Mrs. Robert Of- University professor Judith fenhauer, Mrs. John Wilt. t will be held at the,teloughlia, Mrs. Albert Princeton YWCA on April 2. A Barclay, Mrs. Nathanial Butt gala reception will follow the,rs. ttarnid O Brian, Mrs. 3erformance at McCarter George Ford, Mrs. Charles Theatre. Agle and Mrs. Clifton Bennett. Playing to rave reviews on Ticketsat$15 tofwhieh$7,so Broadway and across the is tax deductible) purchased country, Miss Harris will from the YWCA will benefit bring to Princeton audiences the Pearl Bates Scholarship for the first time her Fund and help extend the memorable celebration of the YWCA s opportunities to all life, spirit and poetry of Emily women and girls. Please Dickinson. Although alone an enclose a stamped, selfthe stage, she peoples it with addressed envelope with your family, friends and neighbors check and mail as soon as one can almost see, and possible to the YWCA, Paul establishes for the audience a Bobeson Place. Tickets, rapport with the legendary because they are limited, are maiden lady who lived her on a first come, first served quiet life in Amherst, Mass., basis, and will be mailed prior during the 19th century, rematch 10. New Orleans jazz returns to Nassau PRNCETON -- The" drummer Cie Frazier (73) Preservation Hall Jazz Band and "Sing" Miller (63) will introduce some new faces, piano; while making their -- as well as some familiar Princeton "debuts" will be ones - when they return to Frank Demond, on trombone Princeton for their sixth an-. and Narvin Henry Kimball on nual concert March 19 at banjo. Alexander Hall. For further information and Widely regarded as the ticket reservations for the foremost exponents of the sixth annual Preservation Hall "original" New Orleans Jazz" Jazz Band performance in the concert world today, the contact the McCarter Theatre seven band members range in box office. age from the "youngster," founder,allan Jaffe, 40, to clarinetist Willie Humphrey, who will be 77 later this year. DAVDSON CORUS The combined ages of the. Band s seven members total The Davidson College Male 451 years. Chorus from North Carolina F.amiliar to Princeton will present a concert at 7:30 audiences from past p.m. Saturday in Hun School Preservation Hall ap- Auditorium. The noted Pcaranees, in addition to Mr. collegians will sing in five Jaffee and Mr. Humphrey, northern states during their will be cornetist Percy current Spring Tour. Humphrey - brother of Willie, B arts & leisure Peddle sets play HGHTSTOWN - The Dramatic Society of the Peddle School will present its Junior Drama Chtb of "Up the Down Staircase." The show will run Thursday and Friday in Gelger-Reeves Hall at 8 p.m. Back to Renaissance PRNCETON - Muslca Aha, a group of singers and instrumentalists performing music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, will give a free concert on Tuesday, at 8:30 p.m. in Alexander Hall, sponsored by the Friends of Music. Robert Moreen, assistant professor of music at Princeton and the group s founder, Will direct a program of Vittoria and other composers of the Spanish Renaissance Sacred and Secular music. Assisting Professor Morcen will he Katherine Rohrer and Jennifer Lehmaun, who will conduct the instrumentalists. Members of the chorus include Ellzabeth Horn, Judith Fader, Jane Lawrence, Katherine Rohrcr. Linda Mindlin, Susan Aimasi Mandel, Henry S. Horn, Seth Welner, James Klumpner, William Stowe, Theodore Levin and Michael Long. nstrumentalists are Jennifer Lehmunn, H. Judith Linsenberg, Geoffrey Naylor, and Sylvia Fontign. nstruments used include vlol, dulcian, recorders and harp. Soup du [our CRANBURY - A collection of old soup tureens is being exhibited at the museum of The Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society during the month of February. Highlighting it will be a demonstration of soup making by Mrs. Richard Bcrger on Saturday, at 2 p.m. She will show how to make soup stock; and her demonstration will feature Black Bean Soup, long an American tradition to serve during the winter months. Soprano in recital PRNCETON - Sharon Alexander,.prano, a member of the faculty of Westminster Choir College s Preparato Division faculty, will give a recital in the college s Playhouse Friday at 8 p.m. Sle vii be accompanied by David Agler, also of the faculty and organist/cholrmaster o All Saints Chtu ch. Other assistants will be Lisa Sandow Lyons, violin, and Martha Boughner, clarinet. Ms. Alexander will present songs of Verdi and Rossini; an aria from "Der Hauslichc Krieg," an opera by Schubert, songs by Chausson and Saint Saens; and "On this sland," a song cycle by Benjamin Britten. All- Tchaikovsky TRENTON - The Greater Trenton Symphony will present an all Tchaikovsky program and Natalie Hinderas, the Symphuny s distinguished guest artist, will perform the great "Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat Minor" on Sunday at 8 p.m. n addition to the featured work of the evening, the Symphony win also perform the "March Slav," the "String Serenade" and the "classic "Romeo and Juliet Overture," Tchaikovsky s lyrical orchestral interpretation of the Shakespcarean tragedy. The program will be under the direction of conductor William Smith. Back in the saddle PRNCETON - "Hearts of the West," which recalls affectionately the tacky world of Hollywood B-pictures in the early 1930 s, will be the next presentation in the Movies-at-McCarier series, whh showings on Tuesday, March,, and Sunday, March 6 at 7 and 9 p.m, at 10 McCosh Hall. Tickets for Tuesday showings will he on sale from 10 a.m. and Sunday s showing from nmm through 5 p.m. at the McCarter box office. Moving Visions V TRENTON - "Moving Visions," the experimental film series at the New Jersey State Museum, moves into its fifth week with a program entitled "Exploring Other Arts" Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Along with such classics as Norman McLaren s "Pas de Deux" and Allan Miller s "Bolero", the evening will feature a remarkable animated film by Caroline Leaf, called " The Street." Among the other films to be shown is Anita Tbeeher s questioning "Homage to Magritre". Admission: $2, Symphoniconcert PRNCETON - The John Witherspoun Middle School Orchestra and conductor Portia Sonnenfeld will sponsor the Sunday free concert at 3 p.m. by the M-err County Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Matteo Giammnrio. Playing mimic by Ravel, Mendelssohn and Rimsky-Korsakoff, the MCSOrchestra will be returning for the second year to the Princeton public school. Members of the orchestra include students of junior and senior high schools and area colleges in the Delaware Valley. Foreign film classic EDSON - Agnes Varda s classic film, "Le Bonheur", will be shown at four separate times on Monday, Feb. 28, in the Middlesex County College Performing Arts Center. t will be screened (in French with English subtitles} at l0 a.m., noon, 2:30 p.m. and again at 8 in the evening. Hot L Baltimore. auditions MDDLEBUSH - The Villagers will hold open casting for "Hot L Baltimol e" on Tuesday and Thursday, March 1 and 3, at 8 p.m. at Chie s nn, New Brunswick. The cast calls for 0 men between the ages of 18-65, seven women aged Lynn Winlck will direct. Show dates are July 22- Aug. 21.

12 2-B Thumiay, February 24,19"/? Angel City to bow Choir to sing at Carnegie The Westminster Choir, augumented to voloes, will sing an auspictou American premiere at Carnegie Hall on March 2, Wednesday, of Krzysztof Penderecki s "Magnificat" wlth the YaLe University orchestra. The composer, who was born in Poland in 1933, will conduct. Soloist for the performance will be: David Arnold, of the Westminster faculty and a well known baritone who regularly sings with me:lot orchestras; Peter Beeker, countertenor, and a soloist at St. Thomas Church in New York; Mark Bleeke, tenor, a soloist of Westminster Choir; Lester Erich. tenor, a Westminster graduate and a soloist for numerous oratorio groups in New York and New Jersey; John Goldsmith, countertenor, a Westminster graduate and choral conductor at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio; Patrick Mason, baritone, of the Waverly consort and former member of the Gregg Smith Singers; and MOTHER AND DAUGHTER played by Mikky Lipsey, standing, and Mate Yaguda, in The Wilbur Pauley, soloist in Elf act of Gamma Rays on Man-in4he-Moon Marigolds," Princeton Community Players Westminster Choir drama opening March 4. J di, e cst hite s New,,.idge 3,,z We Serve The Very Finest Lunches 3 Valley Crafter Dinners Prepared By Chef Charles () Hara World Premiere of "Angel City," now in rehearsals at McCarter Theatre, includes Anthony McKsy Players ready Marigolds Music" Nightly, Also Piano Music Jrom 6 P.M. and Stephen Long as a pair involved with producing disaster movies in sunshiney, seedy L.A. classes begin Michael Kahn is directing the new work which opens Thursday, March 3, in Princeton. PRNCETON - The Prin- indulge in impractical dreams century-old crone who barely All Major Credit Car(s Accepted PENNNGTON -- The cetoncommunity Players will about turning her unattractive moves and never speaks - a Widtey K(mdash tllltll 58(i-035t) "Valley Crafter" elasses, held present "The Effect of home into a paying tea.recm. $50 a week boarder with the Thirty-Six-Ninety Quakerl,ridge Boa(l at the Pennington Gamma Rays on Man-in-the- Ruth,,the elder daughter, family - are the entire cast of t/z Mile Smlh t, gaker Bridge Mall Presbyterian Church s corner Moon Marigolds," by Paul suffers from epileptic tension, a strangely gripping and house, begins their fifth group Zindel, in their theqtre at 171 Pleasure-loving and shallow, moving play. Appearing Wed. & Thurs. (Feb oflessons, covering a six week Broadmead for eight perperiod on Monday, Feb. 28. "PHAZE" her frustrations trend to erupt Leo J. Cohen, one of the fermances on three weekends, in sharp-tongued outbursts Players more experienced gallery notes opening nn Friday March 4, at which scatter bitterness about directors, is staging ", Fri., Sat. & Sun: Feb. 25, 26, 27) New courses include Sewing 8:30 p.m.,and running through her. Her sister, Tillie, has an "Marigolds." The cast. inimagination that delights in eludes Mikky Lipsey, Jane with Stretch Fabrics, March 19. Beginning Sewing+ Weaving, First produced in Houston in the atom and all its works. Her Beard, Mate Yaguda and Water Colors and Leaded Daguerreotypes, calotypes exhibited in the show that runs contemporary prints in the Glass, all taught by ex- 1964, the play has been a project, in these bleak Anne Bredon. Tickets may be and photogravures are among through March 31. Holman Hall Gallery at TSC, perienced local professionals, favorite with theatrical surroundings, of carrying on a reserved by calling 921-t]314. 5neo o+c, le4 the early photographs now on Feb. 2t to March 16. t will They join the regular classes companies ever since it science class experiment nformation on special rates Special Fri. d Sat. Feb in the Marhm llama display in the exhibition include lithographs,, etchings, at Quilling, Macrame, Chair opened off Broadway in involving radioactivity and for group sales may be obflowers, is both pathetic and t presents a very human gallery of Princeton engravings, and silk screens. Caning, Rushing and Splint, rained from the Players "HOLDAY FVE" conflict between fait h and inspiring, Uoiversity s Firestone Quaker Bridge Mall announces an art and sculpture techniques will be represented A variety of style and Pen and nk Drawing, Crewel, president, Judith Forusz, at Mon., Tues. & Wed. (Feb. 28. March 1.2} Library. Lewis Carroll s Alice, Needlepoint, Lamp Shade despair, as dramatized in the These three women, plus a (609} of "Alice in Wonderland;" an show sponsored by the Garden by the 12 young artists: Jere making, Beaded Flowers and story of a widow and her two "THE FANTASTC JM YOUNG" 1869 eclipse; a rhinoceros State Cultural Council to be Bernard, Steve Chopin, Rug Hooking. high-school age daughters. i i i Beatrice, the mother, is a bone; poets Walt Whitman and held at the mall on March 18- William Conlon, Hanlyn For further information, call slattern living from day to day Alfred Tennyson; and the 2tL Davies, Susan Hamilton Bolt, or with no higher vision than to University s llth president, Celebration of the Arts 77 is David tchkawich, Ran A GOURMET CHNESE RESTAURANT James McCosh, are some of open to all professional artists Miehaud, Kaare Rafoss, John the subjects. and sculpturers. Roy, Nancy Silvia, Larry Specializing nszechuan And Hunan Cookie "Photography in the t will be a judged show; Spaid, and Fred Wessel. GOP Club plansprogram Princeton University Library: cash prizes and ribbons will be tchkawich, Roy, and Conlon "One of the six outstanding Chinese restaurants in the state of New Jersey and the best in the. From The Pencil of Nature to presented. Four first place have recently had one-man M(_NTGOMERY -- A creation of a public relations Camera Work," which will cash awards of $125 each will shows in New York Each of calendar of social events for committee to be headed by Princeton area." remain on view through April be awarded in the designated the artists is represented in 1977 has been announced by Jessie lavens and blarie Eek. New Jersey Monthly (Jan. 19T/) 24, traces the development of categories: Oil" and mixed mater collections; some have Robert Manka, president of William Doremus was named photography in the 19th media (not under glass); works in the Museum of Modern Art. Club. Richard Lloyd has been McLean vice chairman. he Montgomery Republican finance chairman and Jane Come in and Try us, we d like your opinion, too. century from a purely water colors; graphics and illustrative craft to an art mixed media (underglass); The opening reception will numed general chairman of Qutrter " bus hess meetings 1342 BRUNSWCK AVE., TRENTON, N.J. form. sculpture he held on Wednesday, Feb. 23 the year s program with Betty "l%e exhibition has been Judges are Alan Rosenbourn, art historian and Gallery. The gallery hours A dinner dance in May will of the Republican Club will be (At U.S. 1 8" Brunswick Circle) from 3-5 in the Holman Hall Langan as vice chairman. held on Wednesdays. The next drawn from the more than (609) one is April.t3. 30,00 tgth-eentury assistant director of Princeton are: Sunday t-3,monday- he the highlight of the club s HOURS: Mon..Tues. Weds. & Thurs , photographs in the University University Art Museum; and Friday noon - 3, Thursday 7-9 spring season, and thc Fri. & Sat Sun.4:30-10 library s collection and includes books which contain the School of Visual Arts, New end i)f summer will again be NEW MAHNE Alberta Kreh, former dean of p.m. traditional family picnic at the actual photographs, glued onto York City. leature event for Republicans. pages, or primitive Artists-interested in participating should contact RuthWorkshop on October, and a club dinner will Willett, son of Shirley V. A tennis party is slated for Marine Private John C. photemechanical reproduclions. Baur, Promotion Director, )eheld in January. n addition Perrinc of 14 Fairview Ave., "Whether pasted in books or Quaker Bridge Mall, -7- llfe goals Republicans are planning a has completed the infantry WED. Dance 8- Enjoy not, most 19th-century 8130 for space reservations; or pre-election candidates combat training course at the photographs were conceived Ellen Schulman, Director, set at Center reception. Marine Corps Base, Camp The Jan Scott Revue as illustration," according to Garden State Cultural Council, Mr. Manka also announced Lejeune, N.C. doe Rothrock, curator of THURS. Dance El- Listen To the Jazz graphic arts, who arranged A six-week Life Goals Workshop will be offered by of Johnny Coles Trio the exhibition. "By 1839, when photography s invention the Woman s Place of Princeton. Led by Sheila Morgan, LQLSTER TAL $S.9S \ FR./SAT. Dance - Enjoy Have Sunday BruncWwith DAY. LF L MC-NON $1.91 : ; became known,",he explains, A show of contemporary the techniques of wood the workshop will be a low tapestries from the Charles P+. the engraving and Lithography keyed, structured group experience open to all women. A n compliance with State order, we will be closed Sun-. The Jan Scott Revue mnav.sscaos!! Slaken Collection of Contemporary Tapestries and had already ushered in the age ",.,,, ;.. of mass illustration Sculptures will run through variety of training methods day, Monday Tuesday during the energy crisis. Photography was the mirror March 4 at Western Electric s will be utilized, to examine and Grand " The Allentown perfected." Before the advent Corporate Education Center clarify past, present and of photography, Rothroek, future life goals in order to Jllirw/v# Feed Company on Carter Road. All the Opening notes, we relied on handdrawn reproductions, and ndia and France, using tapestries were hand woven in arrive at action steps to attain /" Main Street are 1304 N^PU; ) gf.2. DN$ " " F.,A,T WNO.,O: /,//#TleA reo these goals. Feb. 97., Allentown, N.J T uften details were lost or designs created by contemporary artists in close Ms. Morgan, a gestalt ; Cocktail Hour 5-7 changed in the copying and therapist and consultant, uses Can For nfo. on Private parties engraving. collaboration with the gestalt, bio-energetics, encounter and sensory Firestone s exhibition weavers. The artists * We also rve lunch: Wed. - Sat. l anl - 2 pm gallery is open from 3 a.m. to 5 represented include Ben awareness to encourage & Saturday night supper: 5-9 pal p.m. Monday through Shahn, Marcel Brevet, Pablo personal growth. She has MONDAY. Lobster Night. Specialsize Saturday and from 2 to 5 p.m. Picasso, Karel Appel, Pint trained at the New York nstitute for Gestalt Therapy on Sunday. Mandriaan and other noted lobster at a very special price, contemporary artists, Several and the Esalen nstitute. Check your favorite Shanty for details. pieces of sculpture by Fee for the entire six-week Raymond Barger are also workshop is $30. To register, included. please make checks payable to Mercer County Community the Woman s Place. Size of the TUESDAY. Seafood Festival, Delicious CoLlege s annual visual arts group will be Limited to 14. For entrees!-seafood, salad, faculty show opens Monday, more information call the March 7, with a reception in A selection of drawings, Woman s Place at potato-and unlimited chowder, $4.50. the library gallery from 4 to 8 p.m. at the West Windsor sculptures, and sculpturedrawings by Jane Teller will WEDNESDAY. Lobster Night-back by i} campus. Works by photography inbe shown at the Anne Reid Art SUNDAY BRUNCH Gallery at Princeton Day ::: struetors Jim Coleman, Peter popular demand! Call for details, School, Feb. 16 to March 7..Krumins, Mary Peck, Alan ]],30 A.M. to ],30 P.M. Mrs. Teller s work has been : Weitz and technical assistant exhibited widely throughout Claudia Tedeschi will be Fresh Fruit Salad THURSDAY. Seafood Lover s Delight. displayed. The work of MCCC the United States, and in Paris, France, and the Fresh Slrawberries All the fish you wish, fried or broiled, ::.!! associate professor WiLliam American Embassy in Tokyo,!: Barkedate, who is on sabbatical for the spring shown in The Whitney, the Japan. Her work has been Quiche Lorraine That s fantastic,,,for only $ : semester, will also he in the,ca,a, Variety of Crepes museum of Modern Art in New ",,. exhibit which will be in the York City, the Philadelphia All d,e PRME RB college s Triangle Gallery in German Fries FRDAY. Date Night, You can t beat i Art Alliance, the Princeton the Student Center. GalLery of Fine Art and the : n the Library Gallery, H2;:;;;;A Bagels, Lax, Cream Cheese the food-or the pricel Dinner for Squibb Company Gallery. works from the studio arts i Among the works are a ": area of the visual arts : department will include series of olive tree drawings ll Assorted Danish & Coffee two for a special menu for only $10,95. done alter a trip to Greece, as,:,e,,ayand u.,ay paintings, prints, drawings, $4.95 Our Brand-New Early Bird Special. well as n other small pen and watercolors and ceramic ink drawings; four large TheBESTBUFFET Five specially-priced entrees on sculpture. The works of + : faculty members Vinee sculptures, and two sculpture - thin rode of the drawings, "Land and Sea" M ssl... Regular A Lo Code Menu after ] P.M. Monday through Friday from 4:30 to slppl O.VO Ceglia, Jack Harris, Art and "Landscape in Three 6 p,m, Sunday 3 to 5 p,m, $3.95 to $4.?5,.+ Kraass, Mel Leipzig, Evelyn Parts." ALL MAJOR CREDT CARDS AccEPTED Stern and Sam Willig will be... WHTEY KONDASH lt l,ju lllgtltstown displayed. Works. by Frank THRTY.SX-NNETY QUAKERBRDGE i; Rivera, recently named chairman of the visual department, and newly arts The Trenton State College %0^ 0 Y 44^ U^287 ROAD Art Students Association and " t " m,eso,,ho.q.ok.rbrd.e,,nll appointed technlcal assistantand Heritage Commission are the Mercer County Cultural, Pa,,y.oom, / (6o9).6.o.o ENJOY OUR UNLMTED CHOWDER AND SALAD BAR WTH OUR SPECALSr James Colavlta will also be presenting an exhibition Specials served from 4:30 p,m. SPECALS! HGHTSTOWN ROUTE #33. (609)

13 Thursday, February 24, B reviews THEATRE OPENS THURSDAY, 3 (previews March The World Premiere of MARCH sr vf,,..,rf. "A Moving Picture Show" in two acts! by Sam Shepord directed by Michael Kahn TCKETS ON SALE NOW! HEATRE "THE MOST STMULATNG EVENT OF THE SEASON!" "SHOULD BE SEEN N EVERY STATE N AMERCA, JULE HARRS S PERFORMANCE S ASTONSHNG." rle BELLE MaN. & TUES. APRL 4-5 * 8 p.m. Special Matinee: TUES., APRL 5 at 2 PM Tickets: Eves: arch. S7.50 & 6.50; Bale. S7.00 & 4.50; Mat: arch. $6.50 & 5.50; Bale. S6. & 3.50 lll,, l.,, l?iiii ERTMUL LER CLAssCs Comedy s alive and well on Great White Way t is not that the season in agent s advice to keep their ["Differ populates his on- mitments." New York has not produced a humor at a commercially lertainment with New Yorkers And do not overlook ns number of funny plays. t ia viable level. We are asked to telling us how they hang on June s "California Suite" b: just that until recently there despair of this, but there is 0nd where they gel off. We Neff Simon, which is still at th were some lingering doubts something to be said, after all, meet such people as the stayat-home, who, after being sketches set Jn a Californi, O Neill, Though its fou about the current ability of the for humor that is funny. There 2 and 3) theatre to come up with a is precious little of that in burglarized, decides to go out hotel are uneven, it is worth really first rate comedy. "Comedians" and not very o be mugged in the streets visit just to hear Barbar The English import "Dirty much of anything else either. because she does not want that Barrio say to shamefaoe Linen" by Tom Stoppard is an Very funny indeed is Larry sort of person in her home. roly-poly Jack Weston. afle often amusing rendering of a Gclbart s "Sly Fox" at the There is also the father who finding another woman aslee Parliamentary committee s Broadhurst, but this is an ruefully hide his five-year-old in their bed, "if you picked he inquiry into sexual impropriety in government. But heoce not a modern play in the check and a one-way ticket to you know her m gonna kil adaptation of "Volpene" and son goodbye with a $10,000 up m gonna divorce you. l the funniest things in this play purest sense. Such niceties Miami because the lad has you." ore more in the nature of aside, this 1890 s San Francisco setting of Ben Jonson s adv/ce: "Avoid major cam- Nathaniel Zimsk net"worked out." His parting antics then real comedy. Aa example would be fhe win. e]assi is not to be missed, for some committee secretary the comic acting is fully equal who asks angry debaters to to the script s unending supply slaw down to her dictation of humor. As tim miser who nn Cabaret brings speed and is continuany losing outwits his would-be her clothes. Such carrying on beneficiaries, George C. warmth to chilly wintel Symposium honors Seltz hardly compares with that Scott s rapid fire cynicism delicious exaggeration of never misses. Take, for One of the first welcome needn t be naughty to be nict Artists, historians and critics prominent the art world gathered the Princeton Art Museum on human traits we associate example, his appreciation of a harbingers of spring and There s fun to be had thee Saturday to participate in a symposium held in honor of the late William C. Seitz. Mr. Seitz was with great comedy, but it does hypocrite for the sincerity summer, too, is the return of Friday evenings, and MaatE professor of art at Princeton from 1953 until 1960 when he left to become Curator of the Department of Painting and Sculpture Exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art. Several artists and add up to a clever diversion, writ(on on both his faces, with the nn Cabaret to the Prince of Ceremonies Dan Berkowi f "Comedians" by the its delicate combination of William room of the Nassau promises more skits. He English playwright Trover collectors have given works of art to the Museum in his memory and an exhibition of these works odmiration and disdain. nn for a mini season that found that a mine of materii Griffiths is indeed a comedy, Turning to farce in the will be on view at the Museum until April 3. Over 400 people attended the symposium to hear such runs through the next five will emanate from the pens t its its boosters maintain, then secondary role of an unruly distinguished speakers as artists George Segal and Frank Stella and art historians John Rewald, Friday evenings. students its problem is just the opposite judge, Mr. Scott is also uncannily effective, as when, in his "Show 5to Barbara Rose and Robert Rosenblum. Here sculptors George Segal and James Rosati chat at a of " Dirty Linen s/ ts story of Last Friday a responsive per" writing class at th reception which followed the symposium. the audition of student overcome by the wisdom in h/s audience, including teens, Princeton Adult School. cemedians by a booking agent hreat to throw the book at parents and grandparents, Who to praise in this eurret N TtANN(; has plenty of tried and true someone, he does just that. greeted the perennially youthful performers with frequent whole cast! Dan, Sue Bertit Cabaret enterprise? Th insights, hut they are not, by Only Jules Feiffer s "Hold Navy Ensign Christopher P. and.large, very fuuny. Aa a Me." which just opened at the applause and bursts of Roe Brown, Liz File, teat,.,, /FRDAY! Grazel. son of Mr. and Mrs. ntatter of fact, the best thing in Cabaret Theatre, fills laughter as the troupe, Rita McDowell, Bria Joseph M. Grazel of 140 the play is Jonathan Pryce s the bill as a completely new proving that nothing is saered Watkinson. Reid White, Dia Brookside Drive, was electrifyingly impressive phty with the humor and or sacrosanct, poked fun at Crane, and in the orchestr: AND 10:30 graduated from the Navy s pantomime performance, human dimensions of great themselves, the energy crisis, Peter Wright at the pian Aviation ndoctrination which is a marvelougly eerie comedy. t is a rollicking foray Amy s schooling (would you Steve File, and Giles Crar Prince William Room, Nassau nn Course talc). AC is the first evocation of a human into that area between gnawed believe Joan Lucas in a blonde making his debut on the fiddb step in the Naval flight predicament and not funny in values and the need to get wig?), and TV household Maybe there will be son training program leading to the least. Such originality is situated that is urban life at its commercials. repeat numbers taken fiat CALL FOR RESERVATONS this initial performance designation as a naval aviator. not rewarded, of course, and most urban. n over 70 nicely The material is as bright There certainly was amp] -Kerr, NEW YORK TMES MONDA Y.FRDA Y lie is it 1972 graduate el the comedians who win contracts are those who follow the on his famous cartoons, Mr. super scrubbing aids; a show Now in addition to Gre arranged vignettes, all based and bristling as those home material for encores. Princeton High School. Works of Literature there is -grol, NEWSWEEK HGHTS THEATRE new series, Great Works COUPLES ONLY Walter to conduct Music set to Whatever to hal the appetites of the cults "3 G/ANT WEEK HGHTSTOWN, N.J. DCK&JABE /GEORGE SEGAL JANE FONDA [$i "CARRE" OUR GANG. N.]. s buffs. New tunes, skits, a swinglngest couples club ;s old favorite hit songs ma] weight workshops now open in Middlesex this a pleasant way to start County on Friday evenings. weekend. Self.lmage and Hunger, a An on-going Gestalt Serving sophisticated nn Cabaret welcome bad workshop for women using a workshop is also available for couples since Thank you for bringing sore (R) gestalt approach to weight men and women on Monday warmth to this chilly winte: Please call 79 t.2256 problems, will meet on evenings beginning March 7. ALL i T or write Dept. 4. Thursday, March 3 at the This workshop is open to Elaine P. Heinema L.S CALLfON P. O. Box 803 Woman s Place, 14,. people who have attended Self- SHOWTMES Foirlown, N.J Witherspoon St., at 8 p.m. The mage and tiunger Workshops workshop, which meets for six consecutive Thursdays, is led by Cleo Walter. dl M Princte0n Recital Debut theatre ml il ltilte Princeton of the1974tchaikovsky Violin New Jersey - lj*g EZi i: *...G%#. Organ Concert. FOD{)R.,. r HE VSE Pork dinner sel in Griggstown and wish to continue this approach and to others who have participated in a Gestalt or human growth workshop. The fee for this six week EVERY SAT. & SUN. NTS workshop is $30, and GRGGSTOWN T registration is limited to 10. Griggstown Volunteer Fire C HEL D O VER! 1\ NOTTNGHAMFor information or enrollment will hold an "all you can eat " BALLROOM in either group call Cleo roast pork dinner on Saturda, 1SHOW8 P.M. Walter, March 5, at the firehouse o Fd.-Sat.-Sun. 7:10 b 9:20 Fd.-Sat.-Sun. 7:10 Et 9:20 Merce, St.. Hamilton Sq.. H.J. Canal Head. The Largest Balhom in the East r DUSTN HOFFMANin BARBARASTRESAND Serving hours will be from ell K f lr" WithA, eieeands to a p.m. Admission KRS KRSTOFFERSON University Sat.- EDDE SHAW,.llll,31_li#... Children under 10 will : admitted for $ O Sun..BENNY SNYDER /M ET & MX MARATHONMAN (R) A STAR S BORN(R) AROLte,ANeS " [ jw Sun..,.llP.M. s=..9,1zp.a..=,,, F,,,s=t g-m, PREE PAR,. OEN!ER,.. CtNMA]... / L,e et us,ctl aa.ha YNo..0m.NO." s3.s0ar"sw"k to.."",.:,., EASTea n.wn i i!: "!,HE A"ES*: 3:,iL,, Put0 o n,qed, n0 olub o,... gte. " widowed, tepalated, divorced, all ages..[ T renton War [. 203ro, addtl, 60 S.iofo. call Helen Memorial Aud. " l4k P] 7 8 P.M.. ]l!:] 0584 or thmette 201"545"4994 s,oos,oo.oxo.o =.,= March 3.4, 5, 10, 11, 12 Sat.. J Fellowship :,,.,, MON; MAooHRC PUSC!,--- ll[ 111RJl from the...,au, u:,u ",. k., Tunnelvisian A Romance arch 12e8 PM MNeB/ r Sis.on.on t :, 7.,o lllwld * d?l" $, porotec WALT DLHcY ROGgnoN u... led [11 mmm mmy,.a,ioenominatio.s,the Firs erosbyte inn Church CRUC St iby ARTHURMLLE Returning by Popular Demand! Sixth Annual Princeton Appearance! ALEXANDER HALL on the Princeton Campus SAT., MARCH 19 8 P.M. Tickets: $6, 5, 4 NcCARTER THEATRE COMPANY i: P.O. BOX 528, Princeton, N.J, TEtEPHONE: [ ) University Place, lust oll campus Group Sale s: 8Q zrJ o) i An American nternational Release t. (609) HUN SCHOOL OF PRNCET Men Thus el" 1 K[8t lllll M ""..., 0, Borg. at, Wed. o Fn. pm; Fn. Sat,,attet,=cm USHWm*tAVt i WohtpSunday2P.M. EOGERSTONE RD., 1, 7.8:40, 10:10; Sun. 2, 3:45. 5:20, [] $1 50 DaNA ON. Men and women of all aqes welcorr Social Friday a:3a P.M. 7, 8:40,10:to Baby Sitting Provided PnlNDETON, N. J, MEETNGS HELD AT UNTARAN CHURCH. THURS, 8 P.M. 8:O0 P.M. SAKS AUOTOR t/d Academy Award s....,, aon..thurs. 7:25, a:35; Bag FOR THE 24th - 35 i l Mat, wed. t FtL 1, Fri. r. Sat. FOR THE 25th - t.o0 McCARTER THEATRE CO: Michael (ahn, Producing Director presents Saturday, March 12 at 8pro Alexander Hall n dip s Master of the Sitar RAV SHANKAR with ALLA RAKHA, Tabla Tickets: $ & 4.50 eeeqeeooeeeeeoooeleeeeee Saturday, March 26 at 8pm Alexander Hall An Evening with " DAVD BROMBFRG and Friends... :y:.".2..?:yo..,. SEATS NOW AT BOX OFFCE & ALL TCKETRON OUTLETS McCorter Theatre Box Office, P.O. BUR 526, Princeton N J Fh0ne Orders= (609 e21.870o "fickefron outlets 1212) RO N ;

14 mf. p,vco,vpcx "Seven For Central Jersey" +o+so++o+s+ +.+,+ Classified Jqdvertising Business Business Business Business Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities Opportunities Help Wanted Help Wanted The Franklin tlllsbor(x/gh BEACL "e Manville News, NEWSRECORD Thursday, February 24, 1977 BUSNESS WANTED -- Have THE SKY S THE LMT -- be SUCCESSFULCHEM-CLEAN ESTABLSHED MONEY- BOYS / GRLS--- There is a clerk/typist. PURCHASNG -- Expediter Mature, - SECRETARY -- for market SECRETARY / RECEP- RECEPTONST-- for small $25,000 cash available for the your own boss. Fast food/sor.furnture STRPPNG & MAKER - Offered for sale. newspaperoute available on energetic person needed by and social research firm. Must TONST -- Medical Office international education office purchase of local business, ice cream. Fully equipped. REFNSHNG CENTER A profitable automated mobile your street. Cranbury/East local-growmg computer firm liave good vocabulary and East Windsor. Challenging to handle telephoner mail. Box # 03855, c/o Princeton 1500sq.R. building. 3 acrelot. (The Wood Shed)for sale and power wash rig engineered Windsor or 655- to asmst the buyer. Call Pat Packet. Direct shore route. Near Great relocation within Mercer and installed m a Dodge skills grammar, and excellent must like typing to type. position for mature individual relateduties, l-3yrs, current Adventure. Excellent opportunity for a family franchise territory, market, Vehicle fleets, mobile LEG -- RESTAURANT FLOOR Somerset Middlesex tri.county Sportsman Van. Has a wide Arnold,( Call Ann Peterman, Response " exp. Good benefits, salary Analysis Corp., Princeton 609. range $145-$160. Call Ms. CAR)STOtE buisness. Asking $70, Established Owners homes degreasing old small office, Princeton area, SUPERVSOR -- Nassau nn, 921-3:1:t3. CLEANNG PERSON. Massey , between moving. Weekly gross building surfaces. Excellent experiencepreferred. Reply to Princeton, N.J. Full-timeE X _ wanted. Exp., re ab e, recent Employer Affirmative Action GOOD LOCATON presently in excess of $2000.part4ime, weekends 2nd bus. Box #03858, c/o Princeton tlallmark CARDS t ossession spring for the professional man. position full fringe benefits babysitter needed for student local checkable rots. Call 609. $25,000 cash required CRAFT BUSNESS $50,000. Full training. Packet. Going business reasonably mch life insurance Blue mother, Men, Wed Thurs, AVALABLE because o[ Qualified inquiries to Richard Cross/Blue Shield p ension 5pro. Own ransportation and priced. Must sell. Call for THECOMPANYSTORE retirement of principal. CRANBURY / EAST WNDworking conditions. Call RECREATON DRECTOR-- plan. paid vacation. Pleasant references a must PART TME SHPPNG / M L L S T O N E T W P Modesl investment takes over N.j.Williams B XTelephone224 Belle Mead 3825.details or 359- SOR -- Established morning a going business with national am - 5 pm Tuesday newspaper route available to Bruno Cresti llam-2pm, 609- RECEVNG CLERK _ and assistant needed for sales. Cnn be operated from through Saturday. reliable person with car to arrange for in- MATURE PERSON -- with men s retail store Quaker summer recreation program. BEAUTY SHOP -- Lawrence home. Reply to Box # 03841, DEL - - BRY Excellent earnings for part terview. interest in casting & antiquing. Bridge Mall, Lawrenceviile Children, grades 1-8; 6 week Twp. Call for details. W.S. e/o Princeton Packet. BUSNESS - Located in prime lime work or 655- Artist-designedplaques. Full- N.J. Good driving record program. July t. Aug BORDEN REALTOR APTS area of Mercer County. Ex lime position Princeton Jet. essential t48. 12:30 daily. Submil resume by " units. Gross over $42,000. cellent gross. Sale includes SECRETARY POSTON location. Call March to Michael Spooner P Z- V - Price $175, Located in busy shopping complete package. Liberal R[. 571, Clarkshurg, N.J. SECsion OPEN -- n small non.profit terms. CallJ. Howley [or more dept. nf a large Prmceton educational organization. lo for center. Owner is moving to details, insurance agency. Ext. typing Excellent typing skills widower, 11 yr old girl. Live in Florida. Call Lee Thelle for PaR SALE -- patio block NASSAU PLACEMENTS m o r e d e t a i 1 s skills including statisticae required ;is well as adbusiness. Good opportunity for Liberal fringe benefits. Call niinistrative ability. Call for NURSE-RECEPTONST or out. Full or part time. Refs. %larj, ri+, M. 8ea Hunt hardworking group. Terms appointment 009-B , available Carolyn Landis. BO(KKEEPER -- takecburge level t>f exprence WANTED RN or LPN with recent experience for work in OB.GYN PART OR FULL-TME We specialize in Princeton fishmarket located with advertising agency e- SECRETARY. we need a secretaries at the in shopping center. Excellent ountinl systems, rotal career oriented person who office. Typing required, full Reliable and mature person AGENCY business opportunity - $10,000 lamnliarntv with current ax has average or better typ ng executive level. time. to assist in clerical duties of full investment. Hurry! This Help Wanted ormsse;tdresumelopobox skillsandapptitudeforfigures operating a quality dry Speciallng in ACCOUNTANT MBA -- opportunity won t last Prineehm, N.J and is willing to assume a wishes to purchase ac- variety of duties. Unique Coil cleaning firm. Temporary Help counting, bookkeeping tax 195 Nassau Street EDMUNDCOOK&CO. ASSSTANT DRECTOR opportunity with sma 1 (609) Pleasant surroundings, with Perrm.n,nt lhlc,rlf,,rlrs in practice in Princeton area. Reallors APPRENTCE-- to learn the OF growing art supply company all fringe benefits. Wages Partnership or retirement servicing of oil burners air.%,r n,tarhd, (:h,rir al ACCOUNTNG SERVCES Rosemont N.J. location commensurate with ability. situation, also of intere.t. conditioners humidifiers and Exm.tir,. EDP nrld Highest references. All repl[ Central N.J. community Will train. Apply in person T.r hnir ul electronic air cleaners. Do not confidential days, SMALL HUSNESS, NASSAU college seeks college graduate apply if you are not eves or Box # ST. LOCATON. RETAL. Call SECRETARY to: with major in accounting. to mechanically inclined, ike WORK AT LOME - the The Manulaclunng Managm of out BALEY 03049, c/o Princeton Packet. or ctetails Realty World - 2 years experience preferred, hard and full time work. Call thlmi]lon Bonanza Program growing cmporallon needs a Secretary VERBEYST 352 Nassau St., Princeton, Audrey Short. nc Responsibilities include: Miss tlutchinson at helps you earn $300 and more with good lyping 0rid stenography kills Tulane St., Princeton (6O9) 924-? 134 weekly by mailing circulars EMPLOYMENT SERVCEPARTTME supervision of payroll, and 2 to 4 yearsolid secrolarial ex parlance. Outies incluge correspondence, coordination of accounting for For information, send record koodn,b,ml Receptionist/ EXCLUSVE BATH SHOPrestricted fund accounts, etc. financial aid, maintenance of llo, P--eaetical stamped self-addressed en- Figure aort ude R and msemlal. compuling sla isrcs. R*+uah akt Nurse -- flelp semi-invalid velope to HOUSEWORTH, 302 Typist opportunity in Palmer SRuare available. Terms negotiable, College considering further woman starl day. Needed 9- Glenn Ave, Lawrenceville We offer oducaponal essstance, paid [al,r, lwlq TKhnJ nteresting spot in Princeton office hospital+radon, lao msurance, major KROL REALTORS automation of its accounting lhun or 10am-12noon, Men JOB SERVCE N.J medical, regulareviews, reliromenl of United Jersey Sank. Requires WE ARE A MEMBER OF A 3O.orRcE system. Some Pax switchboard experience and 7575, Data hru Fri after Prooram Colt Barbara Scalene at (601 Professional. Technical. Clerical. Skilled Unskilled SYSTEM COVERNG THE NORTHEASt. Processing exposure weald be typing ability at wpm. Ex- 5::10pm. CEMST R&D - we seek an S2-211f, FEE PAD POSTONS. 0erience preferred, Professional oflice. SECRETARY/B.LNGUAL fff broad organic synthetic helpful. Salary range min organic chemist, max. 5 years CALL US FOR AN NTERVEW BUSNESS OPPORTUNTY- $11,000. Respond in confidence PRNCETON APPLED NOW AT 2 SUBURBAN LOCATONS WANTED -- Princeton area. with salary history to: Box -- experience. Exposure to RESEARCH CORP CALLMR. HAGGERTY Manager-controller MBA with #03864 e/o Princeton Packet, gig slrt Position available for bi- plastics paints coatings EqualOpportunily E mployo M/W PRNCETON R08BNSVLLE Art609) 92,=-SOOO 20 years growth/profit Equal Opportunity / At- PUt.clan. N J. lingualindividual with 2years desirable. We invite all 353 Nassau Street Mon,-Fa. 9.5; SOL 10.1 UNTED JERSEY BANK oriented experience. Will Rt. 130 & W00dside Rd. firmative Action Employer. secretarial experience in our t ualified and interested apinvestasaetivepartner. Reply Student Services Office, plicants to submit resumes, or PEOPLES TRUST Box #03850, c/o Princeton Center City-Trenton. Ap- Repply in confidence to Mr. N.J..Division of Employment Services Secretaries/Tyoists An Egual gualopporlundvempoye, Opportundv Employer MF Packet. PartTime PROGRAMMER/ plicant must be able to read. V.F. Maurer, nterstab Sunday, 7-10pro, Tues. llam- NO FEE CHARGED write and type Spanish Chemicals nc. P.O. Box 638, WHEN YOU o+ ANALYST SYSlEMS ANALYSl have valid N.J. driver s Prepare specifications for WPM, shorthand 00-1 Equal Opportunity Employer THNK OF license. Contact Personnel ii WPM. Salary range: $7,055- M/F. specific programs and T0524,000 Dept, THE CARRER modules, prepare test data, WE ARE MOVNG AHEAD $9,620. For additional in- TEMPORARY FeoPaid CLNC, BelleMead, N.J.,201. Temp rary Pr fessi nal,.... formation and/or interview and perform module end... with tod Century 21 guaranteed training for our A/R, MkD.n fytn,e ttme,keti.g... portunity874"4000" please An c ntact Equal OP" sub-system tests to insure Pers nnelemployer M/F. Fee Pold To $24,000 Sales Force WORK and home andon.lineordmenlrysytems. BM370 Services, Mercer County that modules conform to computer whh MFT/MVT/VS/OS.... with Century 21 the largest relocation network Community College SYSTEMS ANALYST THNK OF KELLY n u rsin g care. Mlnulacturing hsckground e plul PAER J 4800, ext Equal Op- Ou, client desires experience With test criteria; code modules in the nation. Over 3,000 offices. ADE - for nursery school, portunitv / Affirmative Action pxograrnmmg i11 ANS nd COBOL RPG and programs, develop user How can we help you? c,,o,,,,,..,,o:... with NEW marketing techniques and advanced Dutiesineludeclassroom work o, FORTRAN You will be involved wilh Secretaries Employbr. documentation; modify (201) o DONMcGRFF plus driving school mini-van. APAR =nventont omrol. MleS analyst= and on.line order ontpq systems, BM 370 sub-systems, programs and programs for our Sales Force ( 80 WPM shorthand 55WPM tyuln9 ) (201) KROWASSOCATES We will train for special files in license, tlours: Wed & Fri, 1- BABYSTTER NEEDED - psstvs. Manufacturing background. accordancewith... with the help of Century 21 national advertising YOU ARE NVffED TO 2O :30pm, Thurs, ll:30-4:30pm, mature, motherly. Refs Ca, o,=,d... to: requirements, test and including magazine, newspaper, billboards and 7 Glenwood Avenue Executive Typist Call weekends after DON McGRFF document the data television. J01N OUR STAFF! CALL. EaMOrange. N.d Weds. bet. 5 & 5:30. KROW ASSOCATES modifications. One + years... with the Century 21 Croshaw Agency ( 55 WPM experience desired with reputation, second to none, for integrity and RECEPTONST/TYPST !900.B.M. 360/370, OS/VS or professionalism. Senior Typist BABYSTTER N OUR 7 Glenwood Avenue,,o.t desk position with busy flame -- for 2 girls, 4 & yea r East Orange. N.J OF/MVT, PL/1 and ( 55 WPM BULDNG CUSTODAN architectural engineering firm. old, v, eekdays, flexible hours, OS/JCL plus factors; MS, Yes, we are moving AHEAD. ARE YOU? Handle heavy switch board own transportation an VSAM, CMS, DBMS Rocky Hill energetic and loving person, SALES We invite you to grow with us. For a confidential interview please call Ed Tornquist, mgr. f on pu,tunllles a v+ letv to ot SeleC tobs. you f you days can of wor WOrk load, greel clients and (inquiry). Full Time - 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. salesmen. Good typing skills a somelight housework REPRESENTATVE Call full days or apply and nave a one goc. o ou o ce convenlen skills. must Excellent benefits include: 1 month paid you have been considering a Real Estate Career, locations. don t miss this opdortunity N. Olden Av*. r are cvllenl opporlunity for field sales vacation, paid major Gai C.U.H.A. for one child in my Lawren- ro... ;++.+.P,i...J...NJ. medical, tax-deferred fullyvested retirement plan and Call Tr*nfon. N.J. 609.n Worren Ploz= West for interview 45 State Rd. ceville area home two or three... " Route 130 Htghtstown S8 B Princeton, N. J arernoons a week. Must have Apo+c,,n, s,o.,d h+,, ma.i.g +.d much more. own transportation, sales exmtionco w hin p s cs me s First National Bank of Central Jersey (609) References retlulred. Call 609- oapa, o, gms Send resume to: KELLY GRL A D,v of K,,v S,,,wcq,+ Equal Opportunity Employer M/F utter 6. Salary will b Commensurate wilh OR- An Equzll Oppotrnfl+1 Fplovt,r MF RECORDS ASSSTANT... fringe )onofits including Meaical/Duntdl ns.. Ptoht Sharing. eta Companycar and The Princeton Packet Newspapers 300 Wtherspoon St. Princeton, N.J (609) CLASStFED ADVERTSNG South Somerset Newspapers P.O. Box 146 Somerville, N.J. (201) FORM (one square for each letter, number, space or punctuation) 4LNES- 1 NSERTON...,... $ NSERTONS, no changes, paid before billing... $4,50 NAME ADDRESS f billed add 50c billing charge CLASSFCATON NSERTONS PAD. CHARGE All Classified ads appear automatically in one week or $1.00 for 3 weeks and the all 7 Packet newspapers: The Princeton same therafter. Ads may be displayed with Packet, The Lawrence Ledger, The Central white space margins and/or additional :Post, Windsor-Hiqhts Herald, The Manville capltal letters at $3.50 per inch. A special News, The Franklin News-Record and the discount rate is available to advertisers running the same classified display ad for a Hillsborough Beacon. Ads may be mailed or phoned in. The deadline for new ads is 5 minimum of 13 consecutive weeks or different classified display ads totaling 20 or p.m. Monday if they are to be properly classified. Cancellations cannot be aceepted after 5 p.m. on Monday. "Too Late for monthly billing. Box numbers are $1.00 more inches poi" month with arrangements to Classify" ads will be accepted until noon extra. Tuesday. TERMS: There is a 50 billing charge if ad is RATES: A Classified Ad costs $3.00 for up not paid in advance. Personals, Situations to 4 lines for one insertion, or, if originally Wanted, Housasitting, Apartment Sublets, ordered, $1.50 additional for 2 consecutive Wanted to Rent or Share and all out of area weeks or issues, and the 3rd consecutive and moving ads are payable with order. insertion is FREE. Thereafter, each consecutive insertion only costs $1.00, The pot corrected bv the advertiser immediately This newsnaner is not resnonsibte for errors next increment of up to 4 lines is 50 for following the first publication of the ad. OFFCE OF ACADEMC RECORDS... Must have ability to originate, review and maintair, academic records. Experience in academic office desirable, Campus atmosphere, 4 weeks vacation after 1 year, and many Other benefits, including 35 hour week. Call the business manager between 9 A.M. and 4 P.M. PRNCETON THEOLOGCAL SEMNARY (609) CARNEGE REALTY, nc. NVTES YOU TO ATTEND CAREER NGHT nvestigate Real Estate As A Profession We Offer: e Top Commission Plan = Personalized Help = Professional Sales Training = Unlimited ncome = nfield Training = Equal Opportunity = Advanced Training = Contests 8- ncentives = Pre-sold mage = Prestige Organization = nterstate References * Professional Seminars MONDAY, MARCH 7, :30 P.M. UNVERSTY ROOM, NASSAU NN Princeton, N. J. For Your Reservation, Call (609) wilh cover loller idicaun s salary requ,eme,tsto: Princeton, N.J sex 03 o3 q.anogportundyemployer M/F Equal Opporlunity/Affirmalive Action Emelover M/F Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Joan Ooig Personnel Services PRNCETON UNVERSTY swift temps CLERKS TYPSTS SECRETARES Temporary work means a full day s work for a limited amount of time. Work close to home, good hours, get paid right away. Jobs available in Hightstown, Princeton, Cranbury, Twin Rivers. Call Pat or. Sue. Never o lee swift temps Systems Basic Tlmeshorlng, lnc., a leading Collfornlu based manufacturer ol nteractive Timesharing end Smell guslness Computer systems, has a challenlng cureer op. portunlty for a systems analyst based n Cherry Hill, New Jerley. Candidate will provide technical supporto field mprketlng representatives n the Eoltern Reglon. Must have the ability to cammunlcate effectively with customers. The polltlon requires o mlnlmum el $ years lystems and programming experience, prefur=bly with minicomputers and nteractive 0ASC. Prior experience n a llm]lur lupport capaclty wilh a mini. computer manufacturer end or Tlmelharlng Service Bureau; o definite plus. Vendor experience with DEC as Business Data Products Software Speclollct 11/05, 11/34, 1 /4g epecldlly attrocffve. Deslr0ble appl[cotlonl experience n dlltrlbutlon management, order entry and educatlonal/ad. mlnistratlve sytemz. College degree or lulvalent preferred. We offer on attractive hale solar,f, liberal company paid benefits, plus profit shorln0. For prompt consldcrutlon, p/ease coil or send resume to: Sam Anson Basic Timesharing, nc. M3 Cherry Hill Executive Compvs Cherry Hill, N,J PRNCETON EMPLOYMENT Croshaw Agency nc. 307 N. Main St., Hightstown : Every O/rice lnde(.,endenrlv Owned. SALES MARKETNG SALES ENGNEER Specific experience in the field of photo-electric]ry required end en aptilude for sales. Selected candidate will be trained for a future assignment in a regional sales office of EMR. The major responsibiliry will be the development of customer conlacts for the sale of muh[prier phototubes, and other special purpose pholo-eiaclric devices to government agencies, universities, and industry. Travel necessary. Formal background should include a degree in Engineering or Physics, plus a min. of 3-5 yrs. in sales. PRODUCT SUPPORT ENGNEER Background or experience in photoelectric devices preferred as a pre-qualification for this position. Job duties include technical support of field engineers, customer interface, and product documentation. Engineering degree or specific engineering experience required. MARKETNG ANALYST This position requires a person with the academic background and educational tools to assess new product markets and applications. Candidate should be articulate and capable of analysing industrial trends and competition factors for presentation to upper management. Formal background might include a BSEE 8. MBA. EMR PHOTOELECTRC is a div. of Sangamo Weston nc., a subsidiary of Schlumborger Ltd,, whlch is huedquartered in New York with other subsidiaries and divisions throughout the world. EMR develops, manufactures, Bnd markets internationally recognized photoelectric devices and systems of extremely high quality. Major products include multiplier phototubes, special purpose imaging tubes, high voltage power supplies, dlgifal optical data acquisition sys,ems, non-contact optical inspection systems, andcharacter recognition systems.. Located in Princeton, N,J. which is geographically midway betwesn New York and Phila., and one hour fromthe ocean beaches, the community offers the best cultural and recreational advantages of east coast living, Salaries for the above positions are all compatible with ndustry standards and depend primarily on backgrounds and experience. Pie, send detailed resume to K,B, Shaw, EMR PHOTOELEC- TRC, 8ox 44, Princeton, N,J , An Equ*l 0pPonu.w Emplov SANGAMO WESTON Schlumberger

15 Help Wanted Thursday, February 24, 1977 Help Wanted "Seven For Central Jersey" Classified.,qdverfising Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted The Franklin Jobs Wanted q-llsboh BEACON,. "Bee Manville News NEWS RECORD 5-B Jobs Wanted Announcements RESEARCH ASSSTANT -- CEF SWTCHBOARD OPERATOR RN S HOME TYPST / Princeton, N.J. policy 40 fir. Week -- part time. Some eventhgs TECHNCAN WANTED - to MAN, des. wknd, PTposition, TYPST - on permanent or PERSONAL GROWTH SECRETARY -- With electric dog chore, exp, write P.O, Box part time basis at home. Will RETREAT - Group workshop research and consulting firm days and/or weekends & operate lawn servicequip-fulment in the Lawrooceville- time, 3pm-t-m & ll-m- typewriter, dictaphone exdesires a research assistant Experienced chef with holidays per arrangement. 7am shifts;part time lli)m- perienco. Professional. Must 7334, West Trenton, N.J also type thesis, papers, letters, etc. Plainsbore, munications, self-awareness, to improve your com- Ewing area Training with recent degree in cul nary ability needed for Experienced. Call or apply, 7am shift. Excellent salary & he available year round and sell-expression in human engineering or economics to pesilion of second cook. Should personnel dept THE provided starting Feb. 28. uriver s license required working conditions. Contact tree for oecasmnal work in EUtOPEAN WOMAN relationships. Professional work on a stud) of the have some management CARRER CLNC, Bele personnel for interview ap- office. Send background inpojntment: formation and sample of year old son want room and PBX OPERATOR yrs. pleasant countr), setting. working part time and her 12 facilitators. March 25-27, in Contact Lawn Doctor of economic and envwonmeatal ability and experience. 5 Day Mead. NJ An Lawrence - Ewing at input of new technology. Send week. Excellent benefits, Equal Opportunity Employer, typing to Box #03544, e/o board with nice family in experience on various busy Moderate fee, regtster early resume to Econ nc., 90O State working conditions and modern M/F. THE CARRER CLNC Princeton Packet. Princeton area (son goes to boards for private industry Rd., Princeton, N.J An kitchen facilities Send resume BELLE MEAD, NJ Chapin school). Would like large companies, etc. Desires equal opportunity employer. with salary requirements to SUPEtVSOt LCENSED PHYSCAL O0 DENTAL HYGENST, part reasonable rate or in exchange to make a change. Efficient DOL- - S - Box c/o Princeton MATERNAL An Equal Opportunity Era- time, New Brunswick office. do some work tseeretarial, reliable references. Please MNATURES! Show & Sale, THERAPST: Suburban Packet. An Equal Opportunity ( lilt,) EALTll Send resume to: Box 16.4, c/o bookkeeping, childcare, call Mrs. Gray at S8. March 26, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, rehabilitation center outpatient providing all treat- ployer, M/F GErrY PERSONNE Central Post, Kendall Park, languages). Excellent St. Anthony s Hall, Maxwell Employer M/F. l,eadership opportunity for ments to children Full-time REAL ESTATE SALES N.J references. Call Ave., llightstown. Admission BABYSTTNG -- n my $1.50 with this ad. Sponsored CHEMST registered nurse with ehnical permanent. Salary commensurate with experience. West Windsor area. Full or BA my BABYSTTNG N MY age. ltot lunch. Lawrencevllle. PEOPLE -- needed to work home. Reliable mother. Any by tlightstown-east Windsor : analytical $13K SERVCE TECHNCAN -- expertise in Obstetrics and DESGNER with some experience as a Pediatrics. Fami)y center Contact: Mrs. Margaret C. part time / work your own home, Mon.-Fri., 6 a.m. t tome. REASONABLE llistorica lsoeiety =. _ air rand, $16K steam fitter and/or plumbing. care. Mixed OB-GYN Belviso Executive Director, hours / experience is not p.m., own trans ATES CAROL S PLACE -- Personalized stationery, in- PURCHASNG Apply only if you are interested in full time and hard and good benefits. Bachelor s Behabiljtation Center, 2300 PETER L. OLVER, KTCHEN RELP FOR BABYSTTNG -- any age. vitatioos and gift items at program. Competitive salary Delaware Valley necessary, we will train you. chemicals $K GAL/GUY work. Call Miss Hutchinson, degree preferable. Call llamilton Avenue (Klempner REALTY NC Restaurant in food prep, part reiablo mother, Hillsborough. EXCELLENT HOUSE- diseouot prices. Call Friday $ )irectnr of Nursing Service, Buildingl, Trenton, New Call anytime, time days, :1512. CLEANEB.- Formerly with RECEPTONST $130 llclcn Fud Medical Center, Jersey 08619, Telephone t6091 The Holly Cleaning Service. SECRETARY 750 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, A TEN CENT CALL could tousecleaner -- once BUSNESS WANTED Excellent referenpes. Own MOTHERS! Going back to executive $180 CHLD CARE - Warm, N.J ext An earn you up to $150 a month, weekly, Kingston area, must PARTNEB.SHP CON- transportation. Call work or school? Established MARK V capable woman to help with Equal Opportunity Employer. SDERED. 40-year old Nursery School provides Learn how you can earn have own trans operator $14.0 infant and some housework. NATONAL COMPANY -- business manager seeks solid UALTY DAY CARE for money as an Avon -- Flex. hrs Cureer program with all business opportunity -- representative by selling BABYSTTNG -- in my your preschooler or Kindergarlen child. Loving Care ALL FEE PAD! RECEPTONST- CLERK/- fringe benefits. Train NURSES ADES -- full&part m:mufacturing, wholesale, world famous products right in TYPST -- Position open sales/management. $175-$250 time, all shifts. ntermediate retail or service. Up lo $160,000home. Any age. Can pick up in an educational setting. Call your own neighborhood. Call Ll.130 lightstown tomemakers EARN - $10. immediately in pleasant small per week, with training care facility. Monroe Twp} cash and good credit your childfram your home or Busy School_ to 25. for l z hrs. of your time. office for someone with typing allowance. By appointment. now or 6D9-B83-Call Mrs. Lazarczyk available. Must generate school in E.W.T, Ref s Call eves. for ability. Experience with Mr. Walchinsky or minimum $25,000 in salary and ENJOY CRAFTS? Have a information. figures an asset. Variety of Equal (pportunity Employer. pay a return on investment. craft demonstration in your responsibility offered. Excellent fringe benefits EAD NUBSE CONSTRUCTON ENGN- ADVERTSNG SALES PEP. Partnership considered; give CREATVE HSTORAN -- home and receive free gifts. EER - Engineering valuation 7 -- Part-time Must have experience in advertising or Expanding ambulatory care t)u r ATENTEPT. brief rundown on what you during my 20 years of teaching Call Debby Sklar, ; available. Please respond with consulting company has NATON WDE CO. - seeks SWTCHBOARD OPERATOR have and phone number for history and llterature have opened u new regtomd office summary of relevant experience and references to retail management trainees. -- permanent part time, afternoons evenings and earnings. Some loon] travel telephone sales. High potential prompt reply lo Box No used all forms of audio-visual near Princeton. Positions are center needs dynamic nurse c/o Princeton Packet. teaching aides. have an B.AMBL:NG PNES DAY Ambition a must. Call available for experienced llox #03648, c/o Princeton weekends. Small Nassau St, leader with direct outpatient extensive knowledge of history CAMP -- Hopewell, N.J. Now 1848 eves. for appointment. possible. Call cnnstruction, cost, analyst and Packet. experience. Applicant must office i)0ssess ability to coordinate FtENC- CHEF -- over 20 and can assimilate its events enrolling for summer recent ennstruction years experience, excellent into literature. Now want to program. Call or staff development programs, engineering graduates. Work CAREER OSTONS for ENG-G. - CHEMSTR"- Y - involves some travel and BUSPERSON - 10:30 to 3, Mon people with a grmving 78 yr old Local/nationwide specialists TtREE HNA NSURANCE patient education, and comi efs. Looking for position ur combine my subject matter 0o for brochure and content with tax executives thru Fri. f insurance company+ Service in placement of ag technical REPS NEEDED - daytime munity health projects. partnership. Write Box 3843 knowl.edge, my classroom special rate for February c/o Princeton Packet. ex erlenee ami controllers of major U.S. established policy holders. personnel in RO Sales, Mfg. work, send resume to Mill Current N.J, license plus audio/visual and my registration. know-how into Klein, e/o Paul Revere n- bachelor s degree reqmred. the A/V industry. 1 will consider any creative stimulating CHLDREN S HOUSE Corporations. Ability to OUSECLEANNG - East Averuge earnings from & Engrg. Send resume to: estimate building costs from $ $15,000. lhgher earaings commensurate DV., 1101 State Rd., Research Medical Center, 750 Brun- area Box #03652, c/o Princeton Enroll your 3 year-old in new surnnee Co Penninglon Apply to Assistant Director of,pn WSHES to do babysitting in her home. Kreps School VST MONTESSOR Windsor, t day per week. L0R Assoc., TECHSEARCHltd. Trenton, N,J Noting Service, lclen Fuld possiblity. nterest? Reply to Hendersoo Rd., Kendall Park. construetinn drawings a must. Transportation, reliable and Knowledge of accounting w/ability. Group hospital, Park Princeton, N.J principles helpful. Salary references. Call or swick Ave., Trenton, N.J Packet. class , nailer medical & car insurance. Free group life, (60O) FEE PAD. commensurate with ex LADY S COMPANON - live. : ext EXECUTVES / BUSNESS ,perience. Send resume in pension phm profit sharing & in - private home, must be MEN -- During my New York confidence to Box )3854, c/o OUSEWORK - 2 days per. hi;my other benefits. Nu ex- GUARDS -- Uniforms furnished. Work in Prin- 5 hours per week.. Hours neat. Call SHORTtAND & TYPNG business career. invested MY OUSEKEEPER for 15 LOOK,LOOK, LOOK. There is rineeton Packet. week in Lawreaeeville house. )erience necessary, we train. over $ ,000 in advertising yea rs is looking for days work. parking at Princeton Station. tj ( all Mr. MeKee, days 8:30-3, ceton/lawrenceville area. (; ; eves, For appt. call An BABYSTTER Needed for my flexible, Call for and promotion. Companies Bates 60 cents per day, $1.00 equal opportunity employer. infant san so can work l, 2, or information. did it for are all highly ranked for overnight, by the week in Fortune Magazine s 500 $3.00, by the month $8. The PART TME- Delivery & farm EARN FULL TME PAY for 3 days a week. Prefer my :1290. leaders. This is but one part of BABYSTTNG - days my only overnight parking in work part time work displaying home my experience. What does it borne, lunch, reading, craft Princeton Copper Craft Guild Prod. No EARN EXTRA MONEY - by EARN A GOOD NCOME -- MAR(ET RESEARCH FRM mean to you? You can take projects, more than TV. collections, no del. Commission plus bonus. Easy makeup clinic in your home. professional career in SalesMEDCAL SECRETARY -- people who wish toparticipatework in your business today - method of inner evolution hostessing a home care or While you train for a -- in Princeton N.J. desiresthis experience and put it to lightstown area. 60OA TE FOURTH WAY - s a CARPET NSTALLER or helper, experience necessary. managem t oppor, avail. Car For information call Call Mr. DeCandia, Experienced. 35 hour week m paid round table discussmns essen., call EOE m/f. 14% days), rarely Saturday on a variety of subjects. For be it small or large. Recently which utilizes various work. Excellent salary and details please write to retired from a famous corporation. Now want to put my - desires partime job in the from ancient, modern, and STUDENT N ACCOUNTNG techniques and principles benefits. Must be good typist Response Analysis. P.O. Box RECEPT. TYPST afternoons. Exp. only RELABLE PERSON -- to do DOMESTC WORKER -- OFFCE ASSST, / addressograph operator. with good letter form good marketing skill to work for one accounting field. " contemporary sources te housekeeping and babysitting Reliable with initiative 1 full 168, Dept. 2;/, Princeton, medical terminology. Busy or two businesses in this, after 4pro. stimulate the natural and 4 hours every Saturda),. Good day plus flexible additional Princeton business N.J phones, medical insurance general area. On a part time healthy development of pay, own transportahon and hrs. Salary open. 609-, organization seeks relaible forms, billing and scheduling. basis. As a working consultant human organisms 1NTC -O E references. Call DETAL SECRETARY - no part time employee for Sendresumeand references to and "dn-er." nterested to emotionally, lntel eetually and arcr 5pm. shorthand necessary various office duties. Flexible CS CO. - has limited know more? Would you like to NURSES ADE - Would like physically. ntroduced into Box #03637, c/o Prioeeton Minimum, 20 hrs. per week in OUSEKEEPER - live in. schedule, 12 hrs. per wk. oenings for representatives. meet and let me discuss private duty, 11-7 or 7-3, in the America by G. Gurdjteff. established thriving real simple cooking care for Accurate typing required. 1 Packet L Earn $10 - $15 per hour specifically how believe can home. Reterenees Centers for the Study of this LPN - part time private duty, estate office in Lawrenceville. elderly woman, tlighland wk. paid vacation after yr. teaching skin care to women. apply my knowledge to your method exist world-wide. A some light housework. Reply Ask for Mrs. Townsend, 609- l ark area , l-gpm, Reply to Box 573, Princeton, 1 NATURAL COSMETCS -- Full training provided. Bc problems/solutions. No local school headed by an Box # 03862, c/o Princeton _.00. _ eves, NJ 06540, with brief Make extra money at your your own boss. Set your own obligalion. Wonderful experienced teacher is now description of past job experience. home. Management careers leisure! Become an T hours. Work from your own references. Reply to Box # CHLD CARE - my home near accepting.students. Only Packet. Montgomery Twp Schools. representative and sell ouropen to all after 6 months , c/o Princeton Packet. serious people need inquire Reliable mother phone COOK - CHAUFFEUR )OMESTC ELP needed quality-products. Call WANTED - 3 or 4 times per days per wk to maintain a WANTED ON Perfect extra-income op- PRNCETON CO-OP NURportunity for those who must TWO COLLEGE STUDENTS - WOMAN, honest relmple ann TYPSTS & SECRETARES wk. 3-Bpm, Rots. required. beautdul Princeton home. SERY SCHOOL - an open Call mornings. General housekeeping, AND/DR PRACTCAL work around a family Seeking odd jobs; carpentry, dependable, demres work as space facility with multi-age Temporary assignments laundry, & ability to get along NURSE - To live in with PART TME -- eves. Sat & schedule. Call for into. and 0aintin, eneral repairs. Call part-time housekeeper or programs and a choice of 3 or 5 elderly " lady. References Sun.Emporium Cards & Gifts, interview Mrs. after 5pm, O0 or 466- companion for elderly person. day mornings. Located, and/or permanent placement with children. Superb benefits required. Please call Kingston Man, Bailey. 902J. Can stay some nights. Exc. available. WANTED --"practical nurse & generous vacation. Salary Nassau & Cedar Lane. Call us 1700 days, or eves. & ref. Own trans or or companion nurse to assist depending on exp. Call Mrs. Elinor Williams, Apply elderly woman. No cleaning. Burbara Roudahush weekends, Or write John Frohling, 20 NCREASE YOUR NCOME - CHLD CARE - in my home, or Pat.Ha-dilg_ 921,-... Light duties , x 212. Summit St., Gleeridge, N.J. Aefiveand progressive offices Jobs Wanted Eiker Rd., Plainsboro, safe BANNEB in Belie Mead-and Franklin play area. Weekly, hourly or FLEA MARKET - ndoors, WLL KEEP Your children BUSNESS ASSOCATES Park seeking full and part daily weekly in my home. Nr. inlersection of /30 & 571. Call. Every Sunday, 7 a.m. - 5 Flagtown Firehouse Employment Placement RELABLE WOMAN - with teceptonst / WANTED -- Person time sales agents, experience llillsborough Vol. Fire Co. No. Service refs. for general housework. SECRETARY -- Good typing to do gen l clean up preferred, motivatmn and CHLD CARE -- wll babes t 145 Withcrspoon St & stcm)graphv required. duties, Mon-Frl 3-4pro. $2.5"0 in my home on New Rd in p.m. Call or ability to deal with people a Princeton 609.9/ per hr. Ca bet. Men. Jct. nfants welcome. ELP, BOY S OR GRL S? -- PU-ON )iversified dulibs. Cldl Mrs. must. We are members of OFFCER -- A generalist to Cuomo tar interview :30 & 4, Middlesex and Somerset Call Youth Employment Service (Y.E.S.) Moo-Fri. 2:30 GONG AWAY? - Will take w,uu, OK WDOWERS! Multiple Listing Systems. And to 5 p.m A nonprofit student employment Driver, References. Reliable. Join us at our socials, the care of children & pets. Tired o[ TV and being alone? SALESPERSON for growing coordinate internal and external communications for a time experience required. So. Relecion Organizations. We BABYSTTER / MOTHER S DENTAL ASSSTANT - full members of Multiple international company. ExceL commissions, great benefits. statewide professional Brunswick off co also offer an interesting bonus ELPER -- Light organization. Princeton area or Mercer County WOWs, Call for appt association. Responsibilities CREDT CORRESPONDENT plan as incentive. For con- housekoeping, afterschoolaed omy. Bromley nn 1616 Nottingham Way, flamilton Township. on E.O.E. M/F include press releases, CLERK fideatial interview ask for Lea in summer. Need tram Fridays, Feb. 18, Mar. 16, journal, newsletter, some NURSES ADE OR LPN to Cooper, MD--JERSEY sportation. EW-Hightstown RESPONSBLE -- resourceful college grad, mature. ANDYMAN - Looking for April 15, 8 p.m. Call layout and staffing of volunteer committees. 2 years of correspondent clerk with woman 30 s. L re-in or out. Experienced own Unusual opening for a credit help active artially disabled REALTY, area after 4pro CLERK TYPST -- must have gardner work and any odd 2273 or jobs. Experienced. Please call good s h ping. kills s with a( least practical experience is previous business experience Pleasant surroundings. Call correspondence, organizational skills, mag card WE W,L COLLECT your after 3 p.m., yrs." exp. Accuracy & gd. required. Send resume to P.O. and phone contacts. Good pro. typing skills required. Some AMBTOUS PERSONS- LOOKNG } OR temporary spelling essential; knowledge Box 1715, North Brunswick, knowledge of bookkeeping and Who want to earn but who can live-in housekeeper/- l, figures, seeks full time unwanted books. East of filing practices. Varied N.J _ insurance background helpful HELPER- Parttime. Will only work part-time. Opeompauion work in Princeton bosition as administrative Brunswick Friends of the CtlLD CARE provided in my gen l office duties. Pleasant small office located in E. DENTAL ASSSTANT - Experienced for modern office in but not necessary. Excellent train if mature; bondable & portunity for good extra in- area. Must bring mature, assistant, executive secretary t,ibrary. Contributions are tax Windsor benefit package including free handy with tools. Some come. Phone for appointment, small dog bet- egal secretary or what have home. Reliable and experienced. Fenced in yard. deductible. Call pension plan, group health and driving. 6( ween 5-Tpm. Available April 1. you eves. tot pick-up or bring to The Lunch provided. Grover s Library. East Windsor. F Mig, Princeton Jet. area. 0O9- life insurance. Pleasant working conditions, in attractive surroundings. Apply TRAVEL AGENT -- experience required in travel BEALTtl SERVCES agency procedures. Liberal MANAGER -- Princeton Personnel Dcpt: SCROOL CROSSNG PRNCETON SALON -- PRNCETON VCNTY -- WOMAN DESRES--nursing GUARDS - 2 parttime. Pick up Seeking part-time hair stylist Refined widow wishes to PLAY GROUP - Morning & or companion work. Days. Will YMCA. "Qua}tried masseur. THE CARRER CLNC w/background in haircutting prepare dinner 5 days a week afternoon sessions, ages 2-5, applications, EW Police Hq. sleep-in weekends, Exp. & benefits. For interview call Some management, gd. at Belle Mead, N.J. Questions or into: Sgt. Joseph & P, edken products for older couple within refs , anytime. Announcements Mrs. Mauror at working with people. Salary, Waraksy 8:30 to 4: or walking d stance,of the bus cralts,fun activities,in a warmgames & artshappy & i ADRlNSTRATVE SECRE- $6-6K depending upon exp. & Equal Opportunity Employer = line. Salary open. Phone mme atmosphere training. Call Mr. Knight, 609. M/F CllAL,ENGNG before 12, L EXPERENCED MOTHER MAGCAN Scouts, Parties,. TARY -- ueeded for full time NUtSNG POSTONS wishes babysitting work. Banquetsetc. Girl cut in half "position with growing national CARPENTERS HELPER -- WANTED -- 1/2 day per week Sleeping accomodations, by electrm saw plus Houdini JERSEY SOCETY OF ENTRY LEVEL -- Clerical organization involved in tennis Must be expereinced in Newly organized mental housecleaning. $3.60 per hr. meals provided lock escape. Gordy, PARAPSYCHOLOGY position withpsychological lectures investigations - for and ; research and education. Must framing, drywall, installing WANT TO PROVDE CHLD testing firm. Good typing & health unit employing current References available. Reply Bridgewater area rnscareh on psychic and other i be college graduate with good windows, trim, etc. Must have therapeutic medalitles, needs Box #03856, c/o Princeton typing skills, knowledge of CARE? or are you providing it detail ability required. Contact. Stoolmacher at tennis, willing to do routine now. 9 tools, experienced physiatric RN for Sign up with 4-C and Packet. EXPERENCED - free lance HE MONTESSOR prcdictionrelated work as well as in. become a member of our ll-7 am shift, full time. journalist looking for job in l RESCHOOL OF EAST members invited. Attend free :i dependent correspondence. family day care system Many BABYSTTER -- Part time Pleasant working environment. Send resume and services available. For further for 3 children when school s New r. field, l do writing, reporting, WNDSOR S SOMETHNG members meetings yearly Critical Care Pavilion EUROPEAN LADY, with 2 tyb information, contact 4-C, 609. closed due to weather or with latest equipment has son desires a live-i job. Ba y photography, etc. For more MORE. YOUR CHLD WLL plus open meetings. Come to references to U.S.TA emergency situation. Working HOUSEKEEPER --! day per opening for experienced can go oa "Day Care Concritical care nurses, full time ter." Call after 6 p.m. available for 19T/.78 school Holiday nn Parsippany. mformatmn call LOVE T! Applications now our :eminar. Feb mothers needs someone wk. Must have own transpertation. Belle Mead area. and part time, 3-11pm and ll- available. For information, ---- year. Some openings presently n[ormatiea, call Education & Research capable & dependable as soon Committee, 71 University as possible. Pre[ecable in area References, am. Coronary certification Place, Princeton, N.J CAPTAN. HEAD WALTER/ of Kreps School. Call after preferable. Contact Assistant RESPONSBLE MOTHER - BABYSTTER--Well known & call duringschool FLOO[J NSURANCE -- We No phone calls please. HEAD WATRESS at Nassau Director of Nursing Service, offers love & care for exceptionally reliable. Hot hours. OPEN HOUSE EVERY are prepared to answer your 6pro. f4j nn, Princeton, N.J. Full time BABYSTTER / Mother s llelcn Fuld Medical Center, youngsters, ages 1 to 4. luncfi, naps, complete FRDAY, 9-11am, l-3pm, questions and provide the position, full fringe benefits helper wanted for 6 year old, 75o Brunswick Ave, Trenton, Homemade soup & bread for playground facilities, necessary flood insurance,or RECrity including life insurance, Blue guare company needs personable and attractive person LFE GUARDS Twin irst grader. Hours 9am- N,J ext lung:h, lots of fun things to do, Reasonsblerates CO-OP NURSERY SCHOOL, your home or business. Call Cross/Blue Shield, paid Rivers Community Swim 6:30am, 3:30.0pm weekdays. ins,de & out. n pretty, Kendall Park. Registration. for information, Peter J. to greet visitors and employees for prestigious client vacation. Pleasant workin Clubs are accepting applications now for 1977 sum- School area. Seventh or eighth TECRNCAN Must be leeaed in Kre EEG secluded part of Kingston. Programs for 3 & 4 yr. olds. Russo Agency 20 Denow CHLD CARE.- experienced condilions. Call Bruno Crestt Trans. & refs. avail For into. call or Road, Lawrencevllle N.J between liam and 2pm.. mer season. Must be qualified. grade Kreps student acceptable. Call available for experienced Hightstown, 609: , Temporary, full time position in Skillman area Excellent mother wdl care for your nsure to be sure child. Walter C. Black area, working conditions with free to arrange for intervicw. CommunityTrust Milford Rd. eves. or O days, Caren. EEG technician. Will train for FRENCH WOMAN -- ex- URGENTLY NEED -- No calls. Apply Twin Rivers health and life insurance and..x vacation. $2.75 per hour to & Tw n R vers Dr, Twin EKG. Contact personnel dept. perienced in food preparation. WANTED Bottique items for Princeton Rivers. start, Send resume or letter of THE C&B SWNG BAND -- fer interview appointment: For restaurant or gourmet DESGN LOGOS -- let- Trinity Church (Episcopal) work experience to nterstate NURSES, RN or LPN -- - Needs trumpet player.and shod. Part or fullume terheads, cards, signage, CRARTERMEMBERS March t9 Rummage ann Soeurity 7"/ Milltown Rd., 7:30. ntermediate care pianist w/electric.piano THE CARRER CLNC. posters, forms, brochures, for Riding Club Treasure Sale Old silver, facility tmonroe Twp). Call East Brunswick, N.J BABYSTTER NEEDED -- n preferably. Call Michael or BELLE MEAD, NJ ads annual reports, murals, jewelry/, crystal, china, Mrs, Lazarczyk 609.4, Lawrcneevlllc area for two Jamie at 60O BABYSTTNG -- ages 3 to 6, super graphics, packages,whpse parpqse is in promote paint,ngs, figurines children. Call after 6:30 p.m., An Equal Opportunity Era- in your house after school and books, and any grsphicsyouexcellence of horsemanship & needlepoint, antique toys SALES -- part-time, for 6G , ployer M/F on weekends. Lawrencevllle may require. Cai10o horse care We plan to provide furniture, rugs, clocks, et national consumer service WOULD YOU LKE -- to work PCTURE FRAMER -- village area. Reasonable. members with as many varied Your contribulion will be men company, Guarantee $4 per a few hours daily & Sat. in an hour plus commission. All interesting shop?we have that BUSVAN. needed 4 days a week, 32 horse-feinted experiences as graciously received. Pleas, TYPST PART TME -- gen l rates. Call Z57, WOMAN DESRES HOUSE feasible. For into: call call Emily Bennett 60O46 Montessori School s accepting hours. Must be fully exleads provided. Evenings and sales pnsrlon for you. Some applications for part time,rienced in all framing skills. office work. Small private MATURED WOMAN will CLEANNG, $2.60 per hour or or join Us at 9350 (days), weekends. Lawrencc/Ewing sales exp. necessary, 60O-924- driver, $3.55 per hr, 11:30 -, Fine working conditions and school. Exe. typing skills, babysit, your home, Prince. roning in my home or yours, Nan Agars (tl Newlin Rd., (eves) to make arrangement area. Call after The Hope Chest, Montgomery Center, Reeky Rill , rio Princeton PacKet NJ 0 540, tram., : or good pay. Please write to pox Reply to Box 2008, Prlnceton, area. Exc. ref. $2.40 hr. Own $2 per hour, Rightstown area Princeton) at 7:45, Mar. 8th fortheircarefuldellverytoth ;.3pro, only (609) church.

16 Personals 7"ti PRNC ron P.qcKKr "1"1, zwmnce, l zdge, r THE F.NTPJL POST EDNDSOR-H/GHTS HEP.,//LD 6-B Personals Class tried Bargain Mart "Seven For Central Jersey" Bargain Mart dvertising Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart CHLLSBOROUGH BEACONt, The Manville News The Franklin NEWS RECORD ( Thursdsy, February 24, 1977 Does your drinking worryyour TROUT FSHNG - several LAFAYETTE 8 track stereo COMBNATON AM-FM WELCO 600 DAZO Blueltne HAPPY HARRY $$$ for new SEARS COLOR rv -- 9_ v, MEN S TSSO wmstwaten, 1962 GBSON EPPHONE family? s it causing problems sportsmen wanted to form tape deck, slip mount $20.: 74 CASSETTE recorder without printing machine. Prints up to or used guns, all kinds. Will walnut console. 5 automatic second hand, GUTAR. Asking $350. Phone in your life? Get HOTLNE strout fishing club. For information call evenings, 609-7o unev. Wheels $25. alter 6 pm Moo. thru That S. lamps & 2 ammonia cylinders gunparts also purchased. Call metal band. Brand new. $65. Pontiac, Abl/FM radio $50.; 4- speakers. Call " wtde. Complete with trade for antiques. Machine " calendar date, gold finish with point of view. Nonjudgmental confidential, vingroom couch {needs $25. $ anytime, ask for Harry. (201) ready-to-listen any night cover} $50. matching v. rm or Write to GVE AWAY - Hammond KUSTOM AMP - Challeng[er (144, ehar $25.; 2 - V hp electric ALL KNDS OF USED P.O. Box 1811, New Brun- chord organ, bench, music. Studio model 2 yrs. old, mint GET SLENDER NOW and motors $10. oa FURNTURE -- antiques and FREWOOD -- Seasoned swick, Superb condition. $225, CONTENTS OF- HOME - condit on. $135 firm. Call Tom earn money for last pounds. eollectibles, D.C. Treasure Oak &}lardwoods, Delivered 1324 after 4 p.m anytime. i furniture appliances, small M NOT ASSERTVE -- are after 6pro. MOVNG SALE - Sat. Feb. 28, Cove, 44 Spring St., Princeton, & stacked,s30 for pickup truck COUNTRY ANTQUE SHOP terns. Contact Mr. Sand at you? Lers form a group and 9 am, misc. antiques & furnishings: china closets t31, farm & round many sets of at Jimmy Hall s building load Good setectmn tables, tavernt help each other Reply Box "Elegant small occasional #o3860, c/o Princeton Packet. Bargain Mart dressers, English chairs, early cupboards, dry ehairby Hickory, Mahogany, CUSTOM SPEAKER SYS-. TEM - for home, business or. schoolmasters desks {approx. SEA74-. ALL ART MEDA including sinks, pierced tin pie safes, cream &gold regency stripe (800) butcher block ice cream Delivered and stacked. $50 a woodearvings sold in my home jam cupboards, desks, trunks, new coad., $60. WedgewoooHELLO WE RE BACK-- professional use. $ WANTED -- non-smoking parlor table & chairs, rockers cord. Call dressers chests of drawers, edme pattern china 32 pes, no We ve found a new home and 6074 after 5:30. at (/3savings. Call Artist 201- animal hwer wants ride w. BABY CARRAGE -- Bill- chairs, Gate-leg mahogany cradles, lamps & fixtures, chips $40. 3 ft. ivory tusk it s terrific. We re street level same to Cleveland, Ohio area tite Park Avenue model, table, cedar chests oil lamps, FREWOOD - seasoned round DEALERS WELCOME! $ , ext. 139." with lots of room and we re anytime. Will share expenses. excellent condition, $ crocks, plants and etc. % mile and split logs. All hardwood. Lg. 2 story shop filled with waiting to fill it with your PLAYER PANO FOR SALE Reply to Box #03861 e/o S. of Ridge Rd, First house $70 for a full cord. $40 a half GOLF CLUBS -- First Flight, modestly priced antiques unwanted chairs desks, -- antique Aeolian, manual Princeton Packet. past Princeton Combustion cord delivered. Slahwood $50. Labs. a cord, $30 a half cord. Shearer 4 woods, 2-9 iron, and golf bag. Rts Pluekemin, N.J. PLATFORM BED -- dbl tables, lamps, small couches, a,d eleclric pump. Best offer. FOOD STORAGE -- Free BAMBOO GREEN SOFA $160. Tree Surgeons, , Wed. thrusun custom built, like new, with 4 ad infinitum. Give us a call Call inch foam mattress. Also and bring it on over. Men-Sat, 7 miles No. Somerville Circle copy nf "Famine and Survival matching dresser. $ , Fri. till 9pro. "On Consignment," 4 Chambers FOUR STEEL BELTED -- TWN CARRAGE -- made in FREWOOD FOR SALE $40 (both). Will sell separately. in Arncrica" (ells you how. radial tires, barely used. GR taly excellent condition $65. FENDER RHOADES PANO truck load will deliver. Call 609) 92(-2227 or (4. $25 each Ca] after 5pro (Saturn), Key with bottom cabinet anytime FOR SALE. 23" Color TV and hard cases. Call C--D-E-R apple nectar pure console $500 firm. Call after and nutritious, st availab e WDOW - retired executive at Terhune Orchards. Cold Soil FOR SALE - seasoned hardwood. Will deliver. $49. rail. All sizes "for home and TRASH CAN LNERS -- l*, OAK BUFFET - $50, Youth pm, bed, bassinet crib telephone 3 PC GARRARD Turntable, ANTQUE MRROR -- with would like to meet lady interested in taking short or long ceton. Open daily 1O-6, Sat & truckload. Call Peggy td, just 5 rains, from Prin- design work engraved, go d industry: Below wholesale. table $10 ca. Duncan Phyfe PLANED ROSE Fisher Amplifier / Roe. trips, tlave home in Princeton Sun 10-5, 6o after Spin, Dining room table, $ SCENTED geranium plants Panasonic 8 track. Fisher rimmed frame. Good for use 120 BASS ACCORDAN for your Valentine. Lush speakers & accessories. $280 over dresser, washstand, Excellent condition, $80. Call wilh car. Refs. exchanged greenhouse grown. $2.50 each. or best offer. Call mon-fri., 94, buffet etc. $50 or best niter Call eves. after 5:30pro, all V/rite giving telephone number, Box #03865 e/o POOL DSTRBUTOR -- Must 6-PC. BROYHLL (Brasilia) MULTLTH 125o -- Offset AQUARUM - 47 Gallon, O day weekends STARCK CONSOLE PANO -- Princeton Packet. sell balance of 1976 pools, bedroom set, walnut, King size press. Excellent condition. stand, filter, and accessories Blonde $680. Excellent con-" complete with deck fence and mattress and box springs Call $75. Call UNQUE *** BOUTQUE APT SALE - quality items, filter. 31x 16 overall. Only $695. included. Excellent eoeditioa. Come Visit One of the finest selections of dition. David Forman, everything mnsi go MS. BSO completely installed. Terms $700. Call AVSOB ON ALl, availabe. FREE shop at home MNK COAT - Magnificent, l) L)- M : CRAFTS-f/ b previously owned better 3658 after 6 p.m quality family clothing at Pin AFF: ts OF LFE scrvice. Warehouse must he TE WOOD SHED FURfull length, dark ranch, sable MANSHP -- is alive and Money Prices[ emptied now. Call warehouse collar & border, mink belt. demonstrated at Tom NTURE STRPPNG AND teadings /2 Price COLLECT, ask for Don, 201- REFNSHNG CENTER can Size $ Pipcc:wver & Son. Special proopening sale of our band- FineGifts 14 Mercer St. PN MONEY BOUTQUE Wanted To Buy Garage Soles OBtSCO E BEADER strip (and refinish) antiques, carved tobacco pipes in Hopewell, N.J. ES ltea)ngs baby carriages, banisters, 058 Georges Road OAK VENEER SDEBOARD bars, beds, boat fittings, hookcases, boot jacks, botched $(00. 17" black & white TV 84" COUCH -- Excel. tend, progress. Look for us at the Antiques North Brunswick - Best offer. Call after 6pm. sign of the ndian in the Consignment Resale GARAGE SALE - houseplants, WANTED: Humidifier for 20( q4B paint and varnishing attempts, buffets, canoe pad- coffee table Sl.,lil 0.Princet n Men-Sat, noon (538. MainSt. Hightstown 2394 collect. with stand, $50. Marble top courtyard at 306 Alexanner Collectibles OpenTues - Sat 10-4 pm baby items, floor polisher, ] small home. Call only if condition is good, eves gym mat, ehilds gym & many / others. / Feb. 25, 26, GOTlE LAS! -- llave an SEAtS -- solid state portable dies, chairs children s furniture, churns, clock cases, used once, had exc. care, like ] WO0 -- Yorktown Ct., Princeton Jet. / Nalund ( osmotic workshop stereo. $25. Single maple bed, al your hmne or club meeting. innerspring, mattress and coat racks, corner cabinets, MOV a- fur- BLACK PERSAN - lamb SEA WEED- Liquified or new. ncludes one Shure mike, WAN-7ED O - Great hostess discounts or spread. $ cradles, cribs, croquet sets, niture & appliances in exgranular. The ideal plant amp. with plug-in for instruments, 2 lg. speakers, 2 coat, mink trim, size 10. Records. 78 s. Paying $5 per Antiques :) cue racks, desks, diving cellent condition. 9 pc. hind raising ideas. Call 00% t.ovely quality, style, eond. vitamin. At Peterson s Nutboards, gun stocks, hand Thomasvilletaiian provincial 100..Call John (-m: Asking $ sery, Lawrenceville Road, stands, leather covers for all. cranked wall phones, hi-fi dining room set, Thayer- Cost $050. Asking $775 (cash). FUtNTURE -- Black Princeton cabinets, bigh chairs, Coggm 106" sofa, contemporary coffee tahle, Best offer takes it OLD AUTOMOBLES -- in YR OLD OAK CHARS : deacon s bench, excellent No l:-sust- A o-;i E R condition, $35. Large desk, humidors, hutches, inlay and your garage or barn wanted-- high backs, $25/ea PEREGO BABY TRUE LOVE BURNS - with PtETTY FACE? -- Consider veneer, jewelrey boxes, kitchen cabinets, knife racks, contemporary 10 shelf room for future public display Cash antique red, $35. Call CARtlAGES. GDOD CON- Romeo log spiring service, MFNSA. the international divider, bedroom set, Quadrapaid, will pick-up Call DTON Call bigb society. For a standordized test to take at home, louvers, medicine cabinets linen chests lazy susans phonic sound system, 22 eu. ft. METAL FOLDNG TABLES 7903, 8-5pro weekdays. 33 C R--- ERDS ; Amana side by side - 72-x30, $15. 51x24, $0. Call - Most hy Edison. Prefer to sell senti check or M.O. for $6 to CANDELER -- Large (2 mirror frames, music stands TWO SNOW TRES -- $30. FBEEZE{ BEEF refrigerator / Freezer, in 1 lot TWO OR THREE fruitwood MFNSA, c/o Jan Williams, 28 light bronze Candelabra. Cost palettes, picture frames, Nylon 4-ply tubeless gas dryer end tables/lamp tables. Call Murr L,, Place. Princeton, N J. $75(. must sell. Make offer. pianos, radiator covers with rims. Good condition. 6{}9- tume grown naturally fed ffter 4pm f voo ve been tested at railings, rocking horses sala steers. Cut to your own KTCEN CABNETS between 8:30-9:30 ANTtQUE- Pump organ, -- includes sink counter top evenings. Vctor an, excellent condifion. or al)ove the 98th percentile, bowls, sewing machine specification, wrapped and Asking $200. Call i range, built-in oven. Best send or ree brochure. A cabinets, shelves, stilts, stools, frozen. Kauffman Farm 609. SKS -- Kastle 190ram, sample newsletter af the North l"ob. SALE -- Perego combination carriage and stroller. dressing, end, ping-pong, -- Vinyl Latex Fiat $4.50 and incld. Excellent condition, violin. Please call sbindle-baek, 10,z ft. Good tables (bedside. coffee, dining, 465-O773, Master Chg. avail. Salamen 4O4 bindings Sant)l fer BENJAMN MOORE PANT Marco heels poles & case WANTED O BUY -- 1/2 size ANTQUE PNE BENCH --, Central N.J. group is available (;nod condition telephone, typewriter), tea m, request. _... $6.t5 a.allon. Call Lawrence C.B. BARN - discount prices. $ days; 609- STEREO -- Fisher 250, am/fm condition. $ carts, toilet seats, tool boxes, Merit Paint & Wall Coverings On all C.B. radios, antennas & nights. receiver, $125. Dual 1019 after 5 pro.,bfattaran couple, 35 & GGANTC FURNTURE toy chests, trays, umbrella at , located at 2901 access turntable, $35. Jensen DL-120 WANTED: FRONT END 40. very ()rite, educated, attractiv,.;lv average, wish to CLEARANCE SALE -- stands, vegetable bins, waste Brunswick.Pike (Route ), speakers, $,50. or $175. takes BODY Parts [..or 1970 Cougar. Reeliner, $89.95; Herculon baskets, wine racks, window Lawrenceville. l,lmo all UlPCl sal]le, or singles, who are sofa, love seat & chair, all 3 for boxes, wooden iceboxes, work FREWOOD - Seasoned Oak & Have for sae urill & heaanght Shotguns & rifles TLT.TOP CHERRY CANassembly for 1968 Cougar SE,ECT SEEKEHS, in order $ piece dinette, $89.95; benches and zithers. Visit Hardwoods, Delivered & CASRT $1Ooverwholesale DLE STAND -- early wing (n form group exploring 4.drawer pine chest, $49.95; THE WOOD SHED one mile stacked. $30 for pickup truck cushioned colonial couch. 1 yr. Ammodtscounted FREWOOD , evenings. chair mortise and tenon hednnic sensuality. Reply to student desk, $54.95; convertible sofa, sleeps 2, $ Shopping Center, just off Rt. north of the Montgomery load % off most hand guns construct. 3 pcs. Victorian sofa Box No , c/o Prineetoo old. Excellent condition, $350. Heloading supplies discounted TEA (ART-- prefer black/- & 2 chairs. 4 llitehcock chairs Cash & Carry. ALPNE 206 on Bridge Point Road Blue Ethan Allen colonial club Buy Sell& Trade brass color, also silver chest & and round tilt-top table, 42" Packet. FURNTURE CO W. Montgomery Twp.) chair, $45. Queen Anne cherry DSCOUNT LGHTNG and Murphv sspartsmen sden SYLVANA CONSOLE large copper container. All in diameter attributed - Quervoile Main St., Somerville Closed Sunday & Menclay. end table, Excellent condition, tlome Accessories The :1152 t. 27, Kendall Park COLOR TV, ex. cond. 27". $200 top cond AB.E, OU ANXOUS? Learn $( Roosters Coup: Largest Wed, Thur, Fri12-8 or best offer. Call , lamp, shade & Fixture Sat Sun12-6 mon-fri, 94. t) relax, subjects needed for Sorento GUTAR -- never study at Burgers Medical SELG SOFA - contemporary, operation, OPEN 7 DAYS EXERCYCLE -- Reasonable. NEW SOP School. lcalthy males tuxedo arms, green & off white HECONDTONED - used. Reiker skis size 11, On Rt. 29, South of Call between 6pm- No charge, no drugs stripe, 65", very good condition. $75. 60" parsons table, Refrigerator, 30 day almost new. Polorod and Lambertville, N.J. ALSO: guarantee, can deliver. Gas 44El 9 a.m. (o 4:30 p.m. camera with carrying ease, King s Korner, fireplace COMPLETE 2 METER FM THE WELL DBESSED 9pm.. tlankin s Antiques dryer, $50. Baby crib, stroller excellent condition $ equipment etc., , Sta. Clegg FM-27B, 031PWR 169 MercerSt & dressing (able, good conclition. Black fur 6-piece Benjamin Room, gift terns, SPLY, ARX-2 Base Ant, 100ft. EARLY BRD WANTED -- Used Camelback }lightstown, NJ PBOGRESSlVE -- teart 3 PC. COLONAL beige see- lounge furniture, excellent DELl CASE -- 8 ft. Open etc RG8U COAX, Hustler Mobile SOPS AT sofa. Call 609.T/ We Sell & Buy furniture, china, Ant & Mount. Heathkit, VHF v arnling woman desired for (tonal with matching rust club condition. Call Cooler. Needs compressor. SWR Meter, W.E.T.T. Pad on TlE OUTGROWN StlOP glass, silver, "jewelry, lovely WAcrap active relatioaship. My in- chair - naugahyde excellent $ Used FURNTURE of every air less than 10 hrs. $ Nassau St. things. Come in & browse. (el ests are: volunteer condition. 2 maple step tables, description. Largest collection eves. Princeton, N.J. copper, brass, lead, Open 11 to 4:30, Tues thru Sat. org:lniza(ions, cooking, athletics. )hatography and round coffee table % WOlf,D BOOK TROPCAL FSH SALE -- in Bucks County. Daily til 5 Tues thru Fri, 10-5 aluminum, stainless steel, wool braided rugs, l-t0 round, tbeater. Write to David ENCYC.OPEDA Every Saturday at Paradise closed Sunday. Edison Fm... Sat sterling silver, etc., solids or turnings, ndustrial, business Wolfsnnt, P.O. Box l-9xl2 oval, excellent con- Aquarium Center. Huge niturn, Doyiestown, Pa. 857, FREWOOD- Seasoned, cut to or private. Correct market " dillon. Call eves Substantial savings on new savings on our large selection Somerville. N.J sets of 1976 edition. Limited of top quality fish. Supplies SPR -" F-M - fireplace size, split, delivered price, cash paid. S. Klein WE HAVE JUST PURand equipmentoo. 11 am to 5 Freezer hoof, excellent & stacked. Truckload (about PHLCO SDE - BY - SDE Metals Co., nc. 2t56 Camplain CHASED lots of merchandise. JON US -- meet new people. SEASONED FREWOOD -- supplycall Branch Mgr. pm. Call for easy directions, 1 quality. Fed on pasture and 3/4 cord) $48. Call evenings FROST-FREE -- Self Such as a set of 4 Pressbaek Rd., Somerville, N.J arents Without Partners, $60/cord, $4O/half-cord. Call Mr. blenosky ris Drive, East Windsor 609- grain. No steroids. Halves, weekends or 448- defrosting 19.1 cu. ft. Phone chairs, round oak. table Chapler 387. We offer conviviality, awareness, adult & i rozen. Will deliver T/ ra split halves, cut to order, refrigerator. French porvinciat sofa, 2 end tahles 2 WANTED Stamp Collections, w/claw feet,sq. oak tables, rockers, an oak dining rm. packed, labeled and flash lamps, sofa, washer, 6 piece U.S. and foreign Call after 6 icebox (looks like a sin. children s activities, gourmet AAA FACTORY OUTLET - BOOKSWAP - 65 cents an BROWN CASTRO -- convertible, nearly new mattress, bedroom set + mattress/box p.m. 6O O. sideboard) wicker chairs, pine meals, d:mees, understanding, "CLARK GABLE SALE" - book, 36 cents with trade. THE KLPSCH SPEAKERS, Sansui spring ,1 after 5:30 pie safe, 8 pc. oak bdrm sol, S Amp, Kenwood tuner, Phillips etc days, All "Gone-With-The-Wind" BOOKMAN, 247 So. Main St., fabric slightly worn, $ & weekends. roll top desk, plus much more WANTED -- Camper top 2064 & eves. lamps, handhlown, hand Manville o arm chairs, $25 each TYPEWRTERS -- Electric, turntable, Bass manamp, Mumanual, portable, office ron Phaser, Cerwin Vega 18" furniture & glassware. (cap) for 1973 Chevy decorated, at least 20% off. 93, SOFA & CHAR -- Plus 2 pr. ECamino. Must be in good NANNE S PRETTES AN- FURLONG LAMP FACTORY models. New, reconditioned, speaker. Call Tim, TQUES, Monmouth Jct. Rd: slip covers, $60. Assortedcondition. Call CONTROL hunger and lose OUTLET largest for a 99 mile 2 "WASH ADDERS, CALCULATORS next to BM, Dayton, N.J antique jewelry, $-$59. Ladiesafter 3: Open 12-5 closed Moa. weight with New Shape Diet MAYTAG WASHER & GE TANKS, equipped for air radius. 8 mi[ns north of Hatbore on Rte 263, Furlong, Pa. Name brands. Rentals camel coat, mze 14, $ & Tues. Plan and llydrex Water Pills, DRYER - Perma-press cycles. agitatioa, like new $50 ca. or Repairs, Trade-ins, CENTER at Siegel s Franklin Park Excellent eoodition $75 for both. Double basket LESLE 760 speaker system OPEN 7 DAYS. Weekdays 8-8, tsusns5 MACHNES, 104.L WE BUY FURNTURE --and Pharmacy. Sat. 10-5, Sun Micro Dot 3754 after 3 p.m. carrier for bike $6.; 5 gal. fish, Nassau St Solid state with 2 channel protank $S household items - one piece to amp. Good for use with any ROGER S - silverplate coffee entire eootents of home. Call FEBRUARY SALE -- starts Pricing. ( instruhaent. Also Mutron & tea service brand new. Also Sat. Feb. 12 in all 21 shops. ALCO}-- H0OL OUS OUR PRCES ARE SO LOW ELP AND NFORMATON ON "WATERPHALL" BEDROOM SET -- Single bed, CULTURED MARBLE,PLYWOODSHEATHNG-ext, syntesizer effects. Dual turn- lovely 1/3 ct. round diamond. THE TOMATO FACTORY CALL tleavily leaded Cut Crystal night stand, dresser w/mirror, VANTY TOPS - Wholesale & new 4x8.3/8" $5.88. =," $7 1 table model 122% Lafayette Best offer or 443- now open Mon-Thurs 114:30 : amplifier & Criterion 108 evenings. lamps customers are amazed mattress & box spring, antique Retail. ALTEG POLY- 5]8" $8.98, 3/4" $10.88, i iln EXERCSER - for leg Fri-Sun. tl-5, Hamilton Ave. in speakers.goodsystam for any we supply sockets and wiring. white. Never used. $ MARBLE, 73 W. Somerset St., dried lumber lx3x8, 39 cents, therapy. Call {609) Hopewell off Rte WEDDNGS ARE OUR SPECALTY -- Good daneeable music for all ages at FURLONG LAMP FACTORY Raritan room x3x0, 88 cents, 2x4,8, 95 cents, PROFT & FUN -- With ring 3776 and or , OUTLET. Andersen windows, 25% off, party for you or your reasonable prices. The LVNG ROOM sofa, tables, DNETTE SET - table & 4 sidings/8"4xg$11.88sht.r.r. 27% off textured 1-11 plywood organization. Select and take WOULD LKE TO BUY in THE LANTERN ANTQUES- CRTERAN GREENHOUSE home from 100 styles all sizes, good cond. a sm refrigerator Copper & Brass cleaning. S. Musicians O487. lamps, area rug & drapes. chairs, extra leaf, colonial, ltatltan LUMBER S -- Very good conditlon, ties, new creosoted, 8 $ x22. W/heaters fans iifetime guarantee. No waiting for college room. Sometimes Main St. (Nex to Hagerty thermostat, alarms electric going out of business sale. reasonably priced Can deliver. Call Bob collect, for "orders. Rings by called a "cube" refrig. Must Florist), Cranbury, N.J. 609:" 7oak a.m.calland201"359"51938 a.m. between wiring, water treatment, Gena After 32 years our entire inventory, fork lifts trucks etc. Call after 6 pro GAY SWTCHBOARD information center. Call eves fertilizer unit & plant benches. Charlotte be square and fit on table top Pldase call afler 65. Best hours 7-10 p.m. Moa. for sale. Roof shingles, $ FOR SALE - PANAONC 16" 2 SNOW TRES X 15 lots 5:30pm. thru Thurs. discontinued prefinished black and white television. $,35 o[ tread, 1 wheel inc uded. School or College address. 2 WHEEL HEAVY CART "THE OLD SCHOOL" plywood, $2 each - R.R. Ties, firm $ Call Home, business, zip code. WTH TOWNG ARM - $30. Washington St., Rocky Hill.. $5.50 each - every item Rubber stam of all kinds WOULD LKE TO BUY in Love seat & 2 deep chairs, LONEL TRANS - AmericanSpeeiahzing in British per OVEREATERS ANON t ry MOUo. discounted 20 to 80%. Raritan and sizes made to your order good eond. a sm refrigerator need some work & covers, $25..-meets Thursday evenings, Lumber, nc. 260 Hw T 18 East BEAUTFUL -- white crib for college room. Sometimes DEANS FLEA MARKET, 1367 (st Presbyterian Church, Brunswick. and mattress $40. GM child at: 2 English wardrobes, maple. 1 Flyers or res wanted. Any celain and American Art. oge or condition. Call Glass. Open Saturdays only called a "cube" refrig. Must fitted w/drawers & shelves, Goorges Rd., indoors, every oarseat $16. Dressing table $4. be square and it on table top. $80 & $85. Call g12, from Sat For tables $ tlighstown. For information Stroller $4. Four yellow NKSON S Please call are call or counter stools $25. Freezer, 82 Nassau St. 5:30pm. ATTENTON NVALDS -- FURNTURE: SOFA, BAR, Musical BELL POST ANTQUES 20.5 eu.ft. $250. Call rio9448- eliminate stair climbing with stereo console, bedroom" set lghtstown PLANNED almost new Stair Glide. Easily SACRFC,Z -- Must sell BEDS WOLESALE SX DRAWEl METAL OFF- No teas. offer refused nstruments. Collectibles Furniture& Oil Lamps PARENTOOD CLNC-- installed, adjusts to most unique pecan dining table, 6 Mouday evenings. Call stairways. Call before 6pm, ehmrs. Must see to appreciate. CE DESK - Wood grain, for 6739, Many interesting items 20 CUBC FT. Commercial FOAM RUBBER mica top. File drawer :hrome MARTN Ukelele s, $ chest freezer, old in good WOLESALE legs. Like new. $ Call condition, $25, You transport. DNETTE TABLE -- formica SNGLE? - Tennis parties, BUREAU WTH MRROR RUSTY SCUPPER FREE TO OUR CUS- mixed doubles. Hopewell $50, walnut china closet $50 TYPE FURNTURE STABLE MANURE -- large top, 2 leaves, 4 chairs; light OPEN DALY TOMERS! Every month we pickup truckload $25. blue Lawson sofa; 2 barrelpedal STEEL GUTAR - Valley Tennis Center. For 2 steel wardrobes, $25 each, 2 give away hundreds of into, call or 215- kitchen chairs, $6 ca. 2 maple COLONAL LVNG ROOM - PLATFORM BEDS delivered. (609) back chairs, blue; desk; end MSA, 3 pedals, l knee leve Just west of 206, Dutchtewn - table; fixtures, odds & ends. w/volume & case. $275. Call Harlingen Rd., Belle Mea@ dollars worth of Food and 862-$889. step end tables $15 each. 2 Large & 4 cushion sofa, end N.J. Vitamins and Cosmetics to our large suitcases, $2 each. tables, lamps side chairs, WATER BEDS customers. You can get FREE DSHWASHER - Portable, kitchen base cfihinet, pore. Excellent connition merchandise too. That s just brown Whirlpool mperial 300 REWARD - Friday 2/4/77 late evening a blue car struck my top $26 maple cushioned UPHOLSTERNG one of the Good Reasons for with cutting board lop Like BM EXECUTVE model D --,i typewriter. 3 yeare old, newly CLARNET -- Excellent chair, new, $55, Blackstone brown sta. wgn, perked at 455 washer, $25, club chair & SAFE you to shop at NUTRTON -- FRE-RATED, DXE new, $ reconditioned condition, great for beginner,,pets & Animals :: Terhune. Ca with matching ottoman, $ "xl2" inside measurement. CENTER, Route 130, block BED & FOAM FURNTURE with case $85. Call Deb information lb. Badger tire extinguisher, 20 BC; electric belt south of Princeton.Hlghtstewn CO , Road. (16No.MalnSt.,lllghtstown SPRNG HOUSE PLANT KENMORE WASHER & CAR POOL -- vicinity of DARKROOM -- Complete reducing machine; t room STORM WNDOWS -- SALE cents up; Beautiful DRYER BOX STALL -- for rent in:." $ Will sell PANO -- Exeenent condition, Reeky Hill, 4 miles fronv; lamilton-lightstown - black & white. CANON humidifier; sump pump; wooden, used, all sizes, OPEN TO THE PUBLC hanging naszets $3,50 up. separately. Modern dining rm cherry wood finish. Moving Allentown to F. Monmouth. CAMERA & accessories. - Sperti sun lamp, Model P-109; Screens too, $5/ea. Call after WED, THURS, FR & SAT, 12 Weekends 8-5. Tindalls light fixture. 3 glass balls on ring, Nassau [ending St. Lighted arrange ments. outdoor : must sell. $250. Call after 6pro, Call , 3pro, noon- 7 p.m & Greenhouses goqd chain, $ , Bargain Mart Musical nstruments

17 HER,,qLD Thursday, February 24, 19"/7 Pets & Animals Pets g Animals "Seven For Central Jersey" Class fried. dv er tis ing Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale The Franklin qtllsborough BEACON. "e Manville News NEWSRECORD 7-B 3UNEA PGS - Peruvian 9,ABtADOt RETREVEt SAAB 99.good parts car. 71 FORD WAGON -- just had 74 RX3 MAZDA CHEVROLET - Brookwood 75 CHEVY custom delux C-20 P OBOE LESSONS -- oboe reed R O F E S S O N A L -- %byssiniau breeders & babies, tree. Good with children, good Best offer M7 after engine work. Asking $1000 or miles, 4-spesd. Asking $2300. wagon - plu snow tires, $550. pick-up-350w/4.speed 11,300 making, expert instruction. NATURAL COLOR- wedmiles, $ eves. 2-$5 ca watch dog :30 p.m. best offer Excellent condition. Call 9-5 Call eves. dings Bar Mitzvahsprom% specialty. Serving Central pro, and after 6 pm STANDARD POODLES -- PEDGREED White 72 VOLVO station wagon CORVETTE COUPE Jersey 7 years. Remarque 1975 FAT 124 Spider, cony. AKC, shots, black male and miniature French Poodle - stereo, am/fro 4.speed a/c, white/saddle leather interior, FoR SALE. 65 Chevy Van hers GUTAR and LESSONS intermediate, - beginera- Studios, with additional hardtop. Only female, bred for tern- lovable, excellent companion. radial tires, 49,000 m., excel. 4 spd.. fully equipped, TA Truck. Call Z% phasis on proper technique, 1973 MAZDA RX2 rotary - 0,000 ml Exc. oond. $3, Business Best offer rend after 7 p.m. radmls, low mileage $ Excellent rood., 3O,000 miles, arer 5:30 pro. and quality lesson materials. erament door, radio, $1600. Call ated Call Mike White, 6{) , Services ,or after 6 Din lunch truck. $4000. Caff anytime. RStl TERRERS -- 2 r.;, ro,le We BRTTANY SPANEL pup MAVERCK GRABBER - BMW ,000 miles $ VW-exc. road. Best offer. WLL TUTOR high school WORK WANTED -- Light... J X":... 7"L,J nies -- Field champion sired orange & black automatic, Ca mathemallesandphysies. Call assembly.collating & sorttog are expecting our serene Colin r.,... An n tmnnl e t mnll Excellent gun uog oreeomg. radio, snow tires, $ PNTO RUNABOUT FORD F250 - Super cab Paul, evenings (201) for sheltered workshop. an- i... AKC )203 or Excellent condition. Stick Truck - after 3 p.m GU"T-A R" all Quality assured. Call Mr. for. all of us MGB 71 --good condition, R & shift, snow tires, am radio. 64 MERCEDES 190C brown, 2985 with or without full styles, all artists. Tcchnique, Kennedy, tl, radials, luggage rack, eew $ ,000 miles, 4 new Michelins, camper self-oontained,, WANTED - male Scottic for reading, improvisation, EWFOUNDLANDS- male stud service around April. 73 BUCK Century - uxus tap and cover. nterested needs work. $500. or best offer. arranging, transeripfinns, ere. TYPNG / SECRETARAL air, p/s, auto, am/fro, vinyl parties only, call , female 3 months o d, AKC, Mast he proven sire champion sired. NASHUA after 5pro. roof, good eood. Best offer. 5-8pro. Can be seen on Sat & 1971 VW WAGON -- new auto. Learn only what you want SERVCES -- Error-Free eves. Sun. $1700. trans., steel belted radials, PCK-UP Chevy Scott- very flexible format. Lessons Automatic Typ!ng-Mailingssdale 1/2 ton stepside, 0 foot AUKE bloodlines cal -- young -... hoop goou rebuilt engine VW (pmvateorsmallgroup) given Reports - Manuscripts, -- homes, will help alter, SUPERBUG, new engine, a/c, 74 CHEVY SPORT VAN G10. bed, 350 VS,, am/fro on Princeton campus. Best of, Theses-Letters, etc. Cassette "REE-- female Doberman J i -- 2",,5h el, Lo rs 73 FORD 500 Custom - 4 door 4 spd. snows, both exe. eond. Long body. 356-V8. Auto trans. ps, pb rear shding window, references available Transeriptien. Office: 60 N. w/air, $ or 1948 WLLYS Army Jp -- Sacrifice. Asking $1,200 each. ( yr. old), pb,new), ps, CB radio. 15,000 miles. Must Main St., Cranbury. old, FltEg- Mixture of,,,,,. o-.o-..o w th Myers snow plow. very tires, nst. group, am radio, be seen. $4, Reasonable Rates. Tele Sehnauser and Terrier. 3 good condition Call t D springs, $3500 or best offer THE GUTAR STUDO females and 1 male 7 weeks 3M9 after 0:30 p.m. Call Nassau St. offers classes & TVPNG DONE N PRN- )ARY GOAT FOR SALE VW -- good condition, mlf Nubian does. Will freshen old FOP, D LTD -- 2 door 73 DODGE 4x4 P.U. 50,000 private instruction in the CETON AREA by an cxmiles V0, 4 spd. p/s, am/fro 0 Classical Guitar perienced secretary working 00,000 miles on rebuilt engine, hardtop. 302 VS, auto, vinyl n mid-march; 1 half French,ASA APSOA -- AKC $000. 6o VW SQUARE BACK -- top, new tires & exhaust 66 CHEVY STATON WAGONtrack, 4 way plow 12 x 16, 5 " t/pine buck. Call 3-8pro ehampiun line or needs tune-up. Very good from home. All work corntire wbt. spokes system. $ $ VW Squareback, [} tires. $ p[eted on Selectric t 75 DODGE VAN - completely $ VW Squareback, $150. SPANSH TEACHER -- typewriter. Also error free Call Princeton customized, full insulation, Licensed & experienced typing done on Mag. CARD 4 GOLDEN RETREVERS -- ;mall Animal Rescue League real wood paneling. Must see. 5lnHmr AKC reg. 2 males, MPALA WAGON -- 7o CAMARO -- green, auto, 1975 FORD F250 4 x 4, cap 12- available fer tutoring. Call 609- machine. Call 60% females. One golden $30, one t; j2t after 6 p.m. loaded, clean, 327 V8, many, p/s, 307-8, 90,000 miles, good 16.5-tires, AM/FM radio & speckled $20. 2 blacks $15/ea. new parts, new tires. $ condition. 1 owner. $ , VW miles. 4-speed. more. Asking $4, TYPNG -- letters, theses, Priced for quick sale. Ready rauials. $ Plymouth3261 eves. resumes, term papers, 1974 BMW Bavaria -- mmaculate, dark green with 35,000 miles. Ps/pb, auto, air, Valiant Brougham Special - by March 1 (6 weeks old1. No SCUBA DVNG -- Call for dissertations, scription, addressing acssette tran- & shots. Call natural interior. 4-speed, 66 CADLLAC sedan DeVille - 08 PLYMOUTtl WAGON - new shocks, battery & snows. 67 DODGE Van -- long body, course nearest you. Scuba mailing. Copies made while sunroof, Koni s, etc. White, black vinyl top, full tlos- "S lent auto, just serviced, good $2750. Call c,vl. std. trans, good con- sales, rentals air, service, Replaeement would be over power telescope tilt wheel, dihon. $ trips. PRNCETON AQUA you wait. PROFESSONAL facilities near Princeton. commuter. Best offer over SPORTS, 306 Alexander St. TYPNG SERVCE, Warren $46,000. Must sell this week for beautiful eond t on, $ ndoor arena, trails, trainin,. $ after 5 p.m. Prnceton, Plaza West, East Windsor, $ t, MERCEDES BENZ 250 N.J. Call and instruction. Beau Run SE - loaded. nterior like new. 63 FORD % ton pickup, $525. Farm, Skillman, N.J or VW SQUAREBACK -- JAGUAR XKE COUPE $2, TUTORNG The Princeton Packet* rebuilt engine, snow tires, 1970 PONTAC TEMPEST - Abarth exhaust, Koni shocks, READNG ENGLSH has some SAVE asking $800 or best offer. Call statioowagoo auto, a/c, p/s, FREE MALE PUPPY - 8 anytime, between 7-9pro, ,000 miles, good eood hen. Cannon headers, electronic 1973 AUSTN MARNA - good, OR SALE Chevy 1/2 STUDY SKLLS Press Time Available AVE is a lending institution. months, part Beagle & $ ignition, air horns, air conat,toning, chrome wire wheels, ,52 eves. Handles well, $600. Call 3-8pro, Adults & Children condition. Asking $1800. Callton pickup. Starts easily. STORY FRENC Web OffsetPress We lend a helpfng hand to Bassett. 1louse broken and custom real wood interior, THE LEARNNG Let us print your newspaper or omeless animals. friendly. Call BLACK tlardtop 71 BUCK SPORTWAGON -- leather seats, stereo tape EXCANGE libemale purehred black & WRANGLERS 4-ti CLUB - MUSTANG - a/e, 4 new radial ps/pb, a/c, 44,000 orig. miles. deck. There is no other Jaguar CffEVROLET mpala in-house organ. Camera ready 157S. MainSt. lightstown convertible, very gd. cond. mechanicals or negatives white Pointer. tlorse Tack Sale. Sat., Feb. 26, tiros, dent in back bumper, Unusually good rood. Asking like this one on the road. Complete service record and $1495. Belle Mead Machinery & 6o " " required. We print regular iyoung female Beagle - type 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 4-ti Center, $ $ standard pages or tabloids, honest appraisal of condition Equipment pup. Milltown lid.. Bridgewater. given to serious inquiries. DRAKE BUSNESS Male black & tan purebred SELLERS - Do you have used Beagle. equipment or riding apparel to 69 CHEVROLET Brookwood 1972 LNCOLN -- loaded. Spare parts, testing" equipment, and tools included. Must COLLEGE Your paper can be printed on regular 30# newsprmt or 50# 1 female and 1 male Poodle. sell? We will display & sell it wagon - plus snow tires, $550. Fxcellent condition. $2700 or 55 CHEVY PCK-UP -- USED FORK LFTS Collie pups foryou on a commission basis eves, best offer be seen days, or Completely refinished WTE 17 Livingston Ave. white offset stock. There is nominal extra charge for a eves. Car in Mechanically excellent 3000 LB. CAPACTY New Brunswick N.J. :3 year old male all black Bring all items to 4-H Center, Princeton, N.J. condition. New 6-ply tires. Propane fuel, 106" lift, power Complete Secretaria and second spot color, i}" you so Coekapoo, prefers adult Thurs., 2/24 & Fri., 2/25, NOVA -- 2 dr., V6, 18mpg, 68 CtRYSLER - $350. Exc. Am/fro radio heater. $650 steering, automatic trans. Accounting Courses desire.,family. p.m. BUYERS - We will have Auto. trans, p/s. New tires, road. Leave sale. Call Ca after 6pro. Excellent condition. Day and Night Courses Male young vellow Lab and good used tack for sale at exhaust and battery. Recently 3615 (8am-5pm) or FORD LTD. all power, Guaranteed. Telephone: Our capacity for your needs is 24 pages standard and 48 Golden Retriever type dog, reasonable prices. nformation, Call Hudson days, FORD PNTO - 60,000 miles. 4- FRANK LEVER tuned after 5 p.m. tape, radials asking $2200. pages for your tabloids. shot,haired. 3 year old female rish Setter after 7 p.m. speed. Extra clean. $4000 or JAZZ PANO from pianist - Call Mr. Hutchinson or Mr. 6 mns. old female Doberman 65 VW good eondi!ion good 1974 GREMLN -- l owner, best offer. Call 6(} ALLLFTEQUPMENTCO. composer. Learn to play what Burke at 1609) for type dog, looks like Doberman Lost g Found transportation. $400. Ca after you hear and feel. Call excellent condition, std. trans. parueulars on your printing anytime and will be a large dog. 5:30 p.m., bucket seats, new tires, 1969 DODGE DART -- 6 cyl. 4 Z CAMARO -- LT- needs. Female Collie type semi- blue/whito. :12,000 miles. $1850. dr. auto. radials am/fro body. 4-speed. One of the last Boats onghaired, about a year old. FOUND - young male eat, after 4pro. Male adult Rhodesian 1973 NOVA SS -- Cragers, new 94.0oo miles. Clean Faithful, true "muscle cars". Well (We have won state oraoge & w hite, long haired. Ridgebaek. tires, blue w/black. Very good economical, 21mpg. $575, 609. cared for absolutely factory PANO LESSONS -- from national press awards for Male 2 year old German road. Asking $1800 or best PORSCtlE Targa eves equipped (even tires), " 22 CATALNA 1974 FG sloop, concert pianist, recently quality press workl guaranteed, 29,000 true miles.,old deck, white hull, swing Professor at Moscow Con- Shepherd." offer speed ivory, w/$1500 in servatory. Now accepting... earrera modif Flawless. 74 )ODGE CUSTOM between 9-4. [eel, raised cabin top, bow students, all levels, beginners TYPEWRTER REPAR-- FOUND - Young Cat, gray & Garaged. Serv ree. Best offer MONACO--- 4-door hardtop. stern pulpits galley, head, & advanced General cleaning and repairs. Call Mrs. Graves for an appointment, tlours oriented. Quad V area VW - ext. cond, garaged , (MWF), 5-9pm, steering & seats. $ of new parts Good kid s cushions. CG equippea. 10HP -- Radigan, black, seems to be family over $9750. Call Ms. Melnick, Central air, am/fro stereo pb, FORD WAGON 67--Has ots sleeps 5. Batfery ligh.ts, gold Free estimates. Calf Ed 0-4 p.m., Sat ,000 miles, rimmed snows S:d. 10-2pro only starter, mechanic s toy. Needs Chrysler OB Harear Trailer. Report lost and found pets $2,450. Belle Mead tuneup. Best offer Excellent condition. (201) 359- VOCE TEACHER -- highly within 24 hr. period and call the police if you find an injured 3 LEGGED tlmalayan , qualified, has limited openings TYP, PAPERS - pet. cat,siamese coloring) Lost in 70 LE MANS -- Now trans., AUD Silver Fox for serious students letters, theses, monthly Belle Mead or Princeton Univ. now battery, a/c, am/fro/- sunroof, a/c stereo, 4-speed, - 19 F.G G.-Lfully1016. reports neatly typed. area. Answers to "Sam." A 72 CHEVY VEGA -- Bright tape ps 7 good tires, Asking cxc. eond. Best offer JEEP -- CJ3A, like new equipped plus trailer. Asking Deadlines met. Call tldeway FARM offers the special pet of a young man. red with black vinyl interior 3- $1200. Ca l eves eood., overdrive rollbar auto $5000. Also 3HP OB. $ finest facilities for the care &.teward offered. With any speed standard trans., Steel hubs, new paint, top, seats, TUTORNG -- FRENCH boarding of your horse, with info; please call day or night, belted tires. Averages 25 miles carpeting, battery, brakes, "- Princeton, Lawreneeville the largest area indoor ring & or per gal. $595. Call DODGE POLARA 1973 VEGA GT WAGON -- low etc. Drive anywhere. $2000. area AVALABLE. Part time lounge. Only a short scenic week days only, (,vcs. CUSTOM -- $1990 ps/pb, dc, mileage auto, airl am/fro firm ecr,mtio-al,,,, executive business consultant. amfro radio, radia/tires, Die radio, PANO LESSONS from fyourbusinessis not running drive. Most reasonable rates. tlard battery. Call after 6pm, Vehicles pianist-oomposer. All levels, smoothly and not as profitable nstruction, beginner, hunt M ERCEDES BENZ C SLVER AUD FOX Call anytime, as you would like, 1 am sure seat, and western. Lindbergh FOUND -- Mounlainview Rd CHEVY MPALA, Station Rd., tlopewell small tri-colored onghaired Sih, er Blue, leather interior. WAGON - 16,000 miles, all Wagon, exc. eond. 36,000 mi. can help you. have had many dog. [ ted harness, 20 hs Lambskin seat covers, sun options. Superb condition auto., air., P/B, P/S. $ LARK CAMPER-Sleeps S.A.T. REVEW COURSE. years o! experience in all roof, air, fully equipped. 28, PEUGEOT - std. trans. ava abe March 10. $ Stove, sink, ice box. Excel. For information call Mrs phases of business operations miles am/fro radio, a/c, sunroof, Cood. $ Levine Contact R.K. Ribsam, P,O. Feeds and Grains steel belted radial tires, excellent condition, owner must phone (609) Box 100, Trenton, NJ or for all animals at $25 REWARD - to finde, my ROSEDA,E MLLS 119 VW BUS -- Shocks, brakes, sell, best offer JAGUAR LAND ROVER -- CONTNENTAL door 1972 SK-D00 Snowmobile -- EXPERT 274 Alexander St. large orange male cat. Lost luneup just done. Engine in after 6 pm. Authorized dealer. T & T town car. Black with red 440 Nordie Excellent con- MATH Princeton Feb. 12, around Cherry Brook good, s. hape. Needs muffler. 1 Motors, 210 Woodbridge Ave., leather, immaculate con- dition. Call after TUTOR CARPET NSTALLER -- will Dr., Montgomery tire & headlight adjusted to Highland Park, N.J dition. Under S000 miles, $ :30 p.m. Licensed Math Teacher sell carpet, do installations & past inspection. Could use 1977 PONTAC FREBRD?L after 5pm repairs. Licensed & bonded. body work. $425. Call FORMULA - p/s, p/h, auto or " DOGS air, am/fro, 3,000 miles. Silver LOST -- MALACCA CANE 1976 MG MDGET SPECAL with burgundy interior. $5,800. DSCOUNTED R.V., mobile TEACHER for Guitar & Violin w/curved bone handle. Sentimental value only. 68 PONTAC EXEC door -- ex. eond. approx. 6500mi. i 1alorccles home supplies & pickup caps. -- beginners, intermediates & Obedience & problem training Call fter 7 pro, Asking $3650. Days Financial Coleman Mark.. &. A/C advanced. Graduate with BA in your home or my kennel. REWARD ,[ hardtop, gold rh, auto, ps/pb 2700, eves % off plus free g,tt Music Ed from Berklee air. Good condition Best offer. 75 ONDA CVCC Station YAMAA Excellent purchase. Kamp Rite College of Music Boston. Services DANEl, J. MULLEN , after 6pm. wagon -- a/c, roof rack, 4 spd condition t813. Specializing in Rock & Jazz PO Box 10 Cranbury, NJ LONG HARED - Grey male trans, 6G or PORSCRE 911T - dark green, guitar & classical Violin. Also NCOME TAX Preparation - * eat, white bib & paws. Answers to Casper. Missing from after 4 p.m , 6.speed, fm radio. Call teach composition theory & NY & N J, STATE & over 30 years in this area 74 SAAB 99 EMS -- Excellent 70SUZUKRM250-Exeellent MOTOR HOME RENTAL - Brooktree home. Family & 73 VW 412 WAGON - Radial arranging. Pro[essional FEDERAL. Your home or condition, plus extras, Must condition $975. Phone Self contained air sleeps 3. clog sad snows, am/fro. Just tuned. playinl experience. Will play mine DOG BEAVOR sell. Best offer. Call after 6pro, 00,000 miles. Best offer over 70 VW BUG -- superior rend Owner m:fintained, am/fro, $250 weekly: or $50 daily plus,or an affairs. Reasonable PROBLEMS- solved by 215: $ $13[}0. Negotiable l0 cents/mbe rates BUY A BARGAN -- NCOME TAX Returns professional psychologists. in KAWASAK Needs prepared. Qualified Tax your home. Canine CounselingAutos Wanted 69 R.S. CAMERO -- NEW meehanieal work PHELAN S MOTOR HOME Accountant, in your home. of Princeton or 74 AUSTN MARNA GT MAZDA, ,000 mi., PANT. MAGS, NEW TRES, /tuto trans, white/walls, a/c, 4spd, am/fro stereo. Like : after 5.. RENTALLuxurytravelatlew PANO/ORGAN N- Callforappt. Goorge HARLEY DAVSON -- K ALL JUNK CARS and trucks rodials. 35,000 mi es. Dea er new, received co. car. $2,850. weekly rates. Free travel STRUCTONS- n your home, model, rebuilt, $2, SBERAN USKY PUPPES wanted. Free towing St5 and says $1400, make me aa offer information. Glasstite camper Roger P. Turney, F.A.G.O,, AKC registered up. Scarpat Auto Wrecking, 609.t.xJ2-4128, days, , 74 GRAND TORNO -- exc. cap le for all pick-up trucks. L.T.C.L. 30 Robert Road after 5pro , eves. & weekends. rood., ps/pb, a/c 6 new Princeton, COMPUTERZED 70 OLD DELTA S -- a/c, radia s, auto after YAMAHA -- Herr Brothers -- ORSE tay -- Good for JUNK CARS WANTED 66 CtlEVELLE -- white, 2 dr, s/pb. a/, many new parts, 5. Motorcycle Sales - Service - NCOME TAX ody damage rt side. Best Parts N. Olden Ave., 75 HOLDAY 20, mini motor F R E N C H C O O K N G cattle also. Wagner. Bros., sedan, VS, auto, ps, gd, rood., offer Trenton home, side bath, fully LESSONS -- Beginning RETURN Lambertville, R.D., N.J. ANY CONDTON $51) after 5pro. equipped, 9,400 miles, ex- DATSUN wagon March 10. Maroie Citron 609. Phone speed, air, am/fm, snows, cellenl $,S00. Firm FEDERAL-NEW JERSEY VOLVO wagon, a/e, radio, radials & snows, 71 OLDS 442, must sell, 609- Asking $ eves 72 CL Honda, excellent NEW YORK STATE & CTY. " exe. rend. $2, ) lar. 4 pro), or after 5. rend tion, low mileage, 6" 72 VW.pop up cameer, 67;000 PROFESSONALLY LK.C. ALASKAN MALA- A- JUNK CA S orks on now, extras. $1500 or miles, k,ng $2500. ves NDVDUAL NSTRUCTON PREPARED MUTES - Puppies l0 weeks $45 best, offer old. Slots & wormed. 2 F ) VEN N FOR SALE $ Ford AND EVALUATON "emales (:lass 2 & 3, Falcon, good rood t on, CAPR am/fm, 69 GALAXY Needs N teadng AND OTER WE ALSO PCK UP after 7pm. radials, tach, exc. cond. some work but in running LEAB.NNG PROBLEMS BY TAX EXPERTS N YOUR Asking $2, eondit on. $450 or best offer. 8 FT. TRUCK CAMPER -- HOME KAWASAK CC - set Sleeps 4. Stave, sink, ice bex, Experienced specialist, after 6 pro. Call arcr 5 p.m., up for dirt. Exc. cond. with Roof rack ladder, Extras..Background in Gillingham and REASONABLE LABRADOR RETREVER. Eclectic methods. free. Good with children, good 74 MAZDA RX3- coupe, 4 helmet, $540. Will talk Excellent condition. Call , watch dog spd stereo, miles after 5. Call JUNK CARS WANTED--$20- $2,000. Be e Mead VW BEETLE -- M,000 mi, 1975 GRANADA -- 4-door , 7779, 7325 OLD ENGLSH SHEEP Dog. $ fi $1200. Call cyl, auto, p/s, p/b, air, vinyl roof, many extras rues. rid. Must sell. Call , Trucks Mobile Homes Catering : NCOME TAXES -- propared, 1973 VEGA GT - exc, cond. 75 TOYOTA CELCA, 4 sp., economically and accurately. Auto Supplies auto, a/c, radio, radials, 23 AM/FM exe. ccnd., 29,000 mi. CATERNG PARTES, din- Call for appt. PUGS - Male $100, Female $75. mpg, $1200 or best offer dark green / tan. inter. Must 73 CEVY VEGA -- Super VAN FORD 66-- A- body, hers. Waitresses bartenders. NCOME "-" -xpcrt Both yr. old. AKC reg sell aft, 6. clean. 30,000 miles, am/fro, new paint carpet, sndard, 1974SCHULT2x65,3bdrm,, Moving, must sell. Negotiable. FOREGN CAR PARTS - ale. auto. trans, $1395, economical 6 sharp. all after A/C, expander shod, Hors D Oeuvres, ddsserts Wholesale to the public on pm, $795, aft. 6 p,m " preparation LOR Associates VW SUNROOF - excellent brand names. Open 7 days a 1968 FORD Mustang -- green, condition, reasonable EXCELLENT PROV w.n week good condition brood mare, 15. ch. m.12y MERCEDES BENZ FORD F00 RANGER 2 MOBLE HOMES - m- NATURAL COOKNG & TAX ACCOUNTANT -- Shown successfully. Unridable CRUSE CONTROL kit for 74 TOYOTA COROLLA FORD, 6 new snow tires, SEL -- automatic trans,- a/c. 360.VB, 4-speed, black w/red medlate occupancy, adults MUSC - For any occaslcn, Federal and state returns because of lameness. Pictures car. Never used. Call for make sll. 4 dr. am/fro, snows, 57,000new battery. - original owner, fully equipped n excellent interior. Very clean, 29,000 only, On lot, 2 BR and 3 BR, Groups up to 35. For more preper. in. your home by, on request. Call after 6pm, 201- and model information miles, very good condition. good running coati, and body. condition. Leather inter,0r. miles. Many extras, $5200, Call Rimsonably priced informb, tlen call Vieki at 201. experlence prolesstnnal 572*3699. Ask for Jessiea, $ $325 (201) Asking $5500. Call 201, : nights accountant. Call L Trucks nstruction Photography

18 Financial Services MAASCON ( Management Analysis & AccountingServioe 8.B Home Repclirs PLUbBLNG-Lic. #4621. Need a plumber, free estimates-an types of plumbing, Call Mike anytime day or night Phone Consultants) is in its 6th year of business. The success is the direct result of the personal care given to your tax return when it is completed, in your CARPENTRY -- home where all your records ;ire. f you think that you will qualify for itemizing you may Home Services Special Services Painting & Building Paperhanging Services GARAGE DOORS, installed & repaired. Home repairs, free SNOW PLOWNG & LGHT PANTNG -- Residential & MARV CONOVER BULDER HAULNG commercial. Specializing in - Carpentry & Masonry. estimates oils, stains, masonary paints Complete Bulldin8 Service. and firecord paints. New Addition, alteration home CARPET CLEANNG WLL CUSTOM-MAKE SPECAL -- Any size room Drapes Slipcovers, bedsteam cleaned by experts, spreads. repairs. Gary Orlando -4c.sidewalks & patios. Call 609- gutter installations and repairs, fireplaces, porches, Will build and/or Thursday, February 24, 1977 home $ New Dawn cover cornices, headboards0764. remodeling & additions. New etc. Your fabric. Call and old work, Gerald 4642, _ PANTNG -- nterior & WRGTCONTRACTNG exterior. Quality work. Free Winarski, wanto call dur ng /fiercer ELECTRONCS DRESSMAKNG AND estimates. CaR 609-, Excavating the day. n the evening you TV&RADOSERVCE ALTERATONS -- Janice Driveways graded, paved may ca[[ or 737-t150. f Antennas nstalled Wolfe. Call AL CARPENTRY and NANAK S Backhoe & Loader work you have u small corporation formicand panel work. No CB l{epair PANTERS or any other small business job too big, no job too small. 604 Bear Tavern Rd. entit you may wan to call West Trenton SAMMY VNCENT QUAR- Heasonable Quality MAASCON this year. Roland 6O "ret -- danceable music for l/ales Paint all ages & occasions. Call 609- Expertise in Workmanship. EATBLLS Van Dommclen, Public Accountant. NoWaiting , Year Round Business, CLLNG YOUR BLOOD? LET S MAKE NO BONES ABOUT T...TH1S HOUSE S ON ROUTE 206 CARPENTER S WORK -- BATTuB AND TLE JUST A BT ABOVE "rile MoN rgoblery SHOPPNG CENTER...AND Small jobs at reasonabletesurfacng. White & Free SAVE! T S ABSOLUTELY PERFECT FOR A PERSON WTH AN AT-HOME TAX RETURNS Reasonably prices. Call after 5 p.m., 201- colors. Free Estimates. JONJETHE,:stimates after5 p,m. Let our experts show you the BUSNESS WHO WOULD LKE TO FLOURSE h s in excellent c.nditlon priced My E. W. Office or or ALTEG. Call 201) MAGCCLOWN modern cost effective with four spacious bedrooms and - o baths T e hkitchen is bright, airy and with PROFESSONAL PANTNGyour home evenings techniques to cut fuel bills and every modern convenience, t s close m Princeton on a wotgled one-acre lot in the 2816 N. Mayborg. Acct. Magic comedy & balloon -- interior & exterior. Ed increase cam[art. Call Mr. very desirabhmontgomeryschoolsystem. Only.... $72,000! LOVNG CARE-- for your FLOO- R- = -ffard- animals. Available for school Noebels Heffner, % now. home including kitchen and wood floors sanded and shows birthdayparties grand. : ha{broom remodeling; finished. Phone openings and fund raisings. PANTNG & WALLPAPER- JOEVDRERO EXPERT NCOME TAX For further information call t ANGNG - Reasonable exc. PREPARATON - Pull ceramic, slate, quarry, vinyl KrrCRENS, BATHROOMS, refs. Bill Spears, t-6t4. knowledge new tax law. and V/A tile; roofing; CONCRETE & BLACKTOP CABNET RESURFACNG, & ;.. aluminum gutters, leaders Pederal N.J. & N.Y. At your COMPLETE REMODELNG and storms; interior and PROFESSONAL CAKE WORK PAT,OS WALKS _,. convenience in privacy of your -- Prompt expert work Free tartundel -- StDEWALKS & DttV YS : exterior painting; brick home or my office. Al design service & estimates. DECORATOR- Specializing Painting & Decorating, Ser- veneer; sheet rocking; in wedding Cakes, anniversary Sapoinick. Col[for appt wallpapering and paneling; cakes etc. Call for informat on, Mini ring the Princeton area for [== ;,l(l[. ) over 20 years. For quality and stucco and block tile ceilings; expert workmanship, phone J.B. LYDON - creative all types of home repairs. ARE YOU CONFUSED by the Window Cleaning 6G remodeling additions, decks, BE,,E MEA) J tot t,d lesioned for family ivln, this mot c..ngeneral repair furniture u.r mll Cohmial with, bedrooms. 2 & barbs. eat-in kiteben and fanlilv ncome Tax GOB- PET ;ts(n ( ONTtACTNG Floor Washing & FRONT END LOADER - and BLEDYGOOK? Let roe help 201-;t59-ZTt. Waxing back hoe. Ditch work sewers made to order, quality worki APE,ANGNG votl Call E.K. Shone llonest, Reliable electrical.regrading existing manship guaranteed, r..m (12x34L[,ivina ro,m i 13x26.,araer ban ustml dinine r,.,m. 2 ar SCtAPNG Exrieneed stone driveways. nstalling references; free estimates, earaze. Fall basemenl. Cenlral air clmditi, nlnn. 8x23 patio. Only :ll/ years i1733 or write to ltox 5011, "HolidayRates" new stone driveways, Earth call after 6 p.m., , y-nnu! EXCEL.ENT CONDTON. Readint R.R. mile. For a l..d -- Kendall Park G & R BULDERS -- General Prompt personal ser ice. All Callafler5pm moving, trenching, prleed rluht -- see this mnstnndina offer... $bq.qtttl land contractors. Additions & lypes of wall covering, Tax Returns Prepared alterations. Brickwork & clearing Free estimates MONTGOMERY Fed. NJ-NYC-NY State. fireplaces, patios, aluminum Dan Rudenstein. Elect ricia ns n the privacy of your borne. siding. Free estimates PRNCETON LADES CUSTOM NOT PRETENTOUS, but attraetlve and des rable conntrv-like place whb,1 Fed & NJ $39 & up , )SP)SA, SERVCE TALORNG -- coats, suits, Fed & NJ-NY $40 & up dressed, gowns, skirts, etc. N,W. MAUL & SON [amity room with fleld-stonc [ireplace, 3 hat]is, On a ve private and lit. )30& ilalf Acre Rd. PAPER RANGERS SPECAL VincentParker, lightstown made to order. Hillside Studio. U.S, l-lwy. 130 & Griggs Drive sec ded 3 acre wooded l.t. Call today f.r more details. Priced at..... $87,090. Cranbury, N.J. -Bedroom 12x14x8 $40. Fully t 182 d REPAR PARTS -- for all nsured. Call Styers Sales, 6($major appliances. Vacuum Repair Service ANOTHER PREVEW N MONTGOMERY cleaner bags, belts & repairs, tlome and ndustry FORMCA REFACNG -- E[eetricalPower & Piano Tuning Buocc Appliance Parts, 255 Garbage, Trash, Rubbish New door & drawer fronts. Lighting nstallations A REAL NEAT 3 bedremm ranch on 3 acres wi h.ts of matore evergreens anti No. Main St., Manville Removed New counter tops, Free est. PANTNG & PAPER- ndustrial Maintenance fnfit trees. Finished basement, idea fr new family. Asking... $ ANO UNNG HaulingofallTypes Ray Sakowsky, Allentown, ANGNG -- Frank Janda, N.J ELECTRCAN Realtrooic Computerized Listings, Multiple Listing Service in Somerset 292 Dutch Neck Rd. Call (609) rhe only roahor-operated system in C.onty, Mercer C.aot.v and hm- Regulating tepairing )(OltEltT. lald,ll :Z OME REPARS -- CESSPOOLS Beating&A/C the area. Come visit.s and we ll tvrdem Connty. tcgisterod alterations. Done by a perfectionist. No job toobig or too AND SNOW PLOWNG - Call Mcml)cr Piano Technicians SEP rlc TANKS anytime , s]mw yon our exeluslve c.nlputer ter CLEANED PANTNG NTEROR local mloalt, helpy,uimy,rsell. (;uihl, nc. small Reasonable rates Trucks - No Waiting college students 5 yrs. exp., Prompt daytime service {J HUMPTY-DUMPTY-FX T fully insured, free estimale, Jt)lN ltusse,, ltl.:)co, SEtVCE, we fix anything references avail Specializing in ndustrial PAN() TUNNG & REPAR MASON CONTtACTOt hat s fixable. Reasonable Ask for Mike. Maintenance, Residential -- David Forman at Years Experience ratty. (.:;ill t0 7. Wiring & Repairs. ENDE.ON N(" 6866 or Fireplaces, stone, brickwork, 20) AN rlng -- nterior & REALTORS steps, patios, concrete, Exterior, reasonable rates. 24 HR. EMERGENCY Furniture waterproofing, etc. LAMP SHADES -- Lamp STORAGE SPACE FOR Free estimates or SERVCE DAY & NGHT Ronte 206 Belle Mead, N.J tent -- GHTSTOWN WM. FSER BUll.DEllS mounting and repairs. Nassau ask for Dave ) AREA R_estora_tion N(. nteriors, 162 Nassau St.. JOHN CFELL, Electrical Princeton. Contractor residential CA RS-CAN ED-RUSREDreglued ligblened. Furniture sulting services. Protect your COPYWRTNG - and con- PAPERHANGNG, painting, cammercia & ndustriat stucco, masonry & carpentry wiring refinished. Years experience. NELSON C. MOUNT JR. GENERAL ELECTRC-- forms, songs, books, poem, repairs. Guaranteed workmanship. Call G.R. Vanstone, Free pick-up and delivery Major Appliance Factory Carpentry nt. & Ext. workofart,reoords, script,etc Painting, blinor Plumbing & Trained Service: Washer," Mad Charles (TM) nc., dryer, dishwasher, RusticMal. Manv e RENTALS r ELECTRCAL WORK -- No EXPANDNG: DP N STRP Electrical Repairs. refrigerator, range. Phone 9745, , job too big or too small. Workor 879-PAPER HANGNG PAN- manship huaranteed. Free deal apartment for single -- is now a complete service center for anything made of lng, PLASTERNG--Free etimates person located on a oountry estimates, reasonable rates, farm. 3 rooms and bath. Village Tempo... wood or metal that you have in Call ,, our home, found in your attic, PARTY RENTALS - Games. Avaialblemmediatley. bought at the flea markets & CARPENTRY, ALTERA- "TLE BUCKET & MOP" EXPERT ELECTRCAL costumes, shows, promotion TONS, ADDTONS. No job Professional Floor Cleaning, WORK Pr estoidhooses for the individual corporative auctions. We do hand stripping too large or too small. Doug: welcome. No job too small. Large2bedroomapanment Waxing and Window Washing. organizational rasing, ANGNG, DRY WALL room, den, large living PANTNG, PAPERall types of repairtng refinishmg, caning & rushing. Rook, Bulldders, Mr. Tom tlyc Diamond Electric, r with eat-in kitchen, dining Try us. you wonq be sorry. birthday parties, etc...product & CARPENTRY -- all sales. Mad Charles TM) nc. typesolnomerepairs. Serving room, bath and laundry. DP N STRP, 49 Main St., MASON--Plastered or KATRON ELECTRONCS OF Kingston, N.J Rust c Ma, Manville, N.J. Princeton for 8 yrs, Special Available immediately... Allow yourself the time sheetrock walls, ceilings, AMERCA - Repairs and , , winter rates. Call Open Men-Sat r,tl"enc:n" $3OO. holes, cracks, repaired. Most maintenance of TV s and or all masonry repairs. home appliances Call us-4(, to experience the mood VNYL COATED chain link -- EUROPEAN UPOLST- Shhctorek taping, spackling, or Painting & Building direct from manufacturer at EtER -- All kinds of furniture finishing done. Call Edward May Agency o/ quiet elegance... reoevcring. Antique specialty. Gudat (609} Paperhanging Services pricestremend USnow, savings - winter lteah,,r-... individually designed Quality work. Call SAFE? CABNET MAKER -- and/or SEMNAR. AN -- NE,SON GLASS & RD FENCZ CO.,,,.,,,.;.,,,.v,... Contemporary and Colonialhomes carpenter, llave references in Are your family and valuables AVALABLE FOR N- A,UMNUM Rt. $18, Bla.wenborg ["U(NTURE STRPPNG -- Princeton. Cabinets, interior really safe? Even in the TEROR / EXTEROR 45 SPRNG ST. nestled in a wooded retreat... refinishing, repairs & remodeling or repair of home. suburbs one in four homes is PANTNG JOBS. EX- PRNCETON regluing. We can restore the Call or victimized by crime each year PERENCED. REFEREN Roofing factory new look to your and home FRES strike most CES AVALABLE. MRRORS Ga rden in g & priced from the nineties. furniture with a durable long oboo at night while you sleep. REASONABLE RATES AUTO GLASS lasting finish. Satisfaction NOVOBLSKY & VAN DORN National Home Security Corp PLATE & WNDOW GLASS ROOFNG L a n d s ca All Kinds guaranteed, consumer bureau OME MPROVEMENTS - can help with the latest in p i n g registered. Proe nstimatos, Carpentry roofing, siding, int. eeonomteal alarm devices. CARPENTRY Free Estimates :, PAPERHANGNG & PANT- Come and see our /arnished model pick up & delivery. Eves t- &ext. painting. Cal Call now. NG -- int & ext, All work {}926. ADDTONS REMODELNG WLLAMSON andotheralmostcompletedhomes, guaranteed & insured. Free KTCHENS FREPLACES CONSTRUCTON CO..some with immediate occupancy, estimates CUSTOM BARNS by traveling north on Rt. 31. turning right CEtAMCTLE AUDO PLUS Home Repairs tathrooms- Kitchens Radio & TV Service Peter Wikoff ROOF REPAR SPECALST GOOD LAWNS BY on Dela ware.4 re, at shopping center - going Foyers - Patios - etc. Small Appliance Repair PROFESSONAL - Painting & -- Most minor leaks repaired past Main Street. turning right on Abey Dr, (P.L New construction & TV Antennas nstalled Paper Hanging. Part-time for under $50. nsured, GENERAL CONTRACTNG remodeling. Quality workmanship with aver 20 yrs. Car Radios Repaired jobs. Call Santos at ALL TYPES of excavating; guaranteed and a statewide LawnDoctor -- Free estimates. No job too re. will be within... Lamps Rewired land clearing; septic systems; service. Call collect, b small. Building complete experience in central Jersey "F T S BROKEN- drains; driveways installed, interior/exterior remodeling area. Fre estimates. WE LL FX T" cut out, stoned or paved call Mercer County and household maintenance. Walter Ayers Why wait until the roof leaks? Lawrooce-Ewing Evening Sorvice Available NOW STHETME- nterior A Padgett {201) after Plan ahead for your roofing G.R, Peacock, General 146 Witherspoon St. Custom Painting - Fast - 5 p.m. needs. Contractor, Princeton, N,J, Reliable - Free estimates NEW ROOFS REPARS TOY Home Services Call Tom authorized BULT sales ROTOTLLERS and service. GENERAL CONTRACTORS COOPEt &SCHAFER Call Bill Rogers in Trenton, FORMCA WORK - Plumbing m nor elect,, hand man work, New homes, additions, Moran Princeton t evenings and hauling. Reasonable. Call 201- J.A. WG & SON BULDERS Weekends. PANTNG -- nterior, exterior, wallpapering, light garages, driveways baths, kitchens roofing Special Services roofing, custom masronry, ftreplaces, DO YOU NEED MEN TO DO addit ons. remode rig carpentry. Quality work. Call swimming pools and patios. ALLED ROOFNG -- New LANDSCAPNG? Gardening, John: / Full line of aluminum and old roofs of all types lawn mowing, sodding, QUALTXl }tome PANTNG nterior - Exterior general LADES ALTERATONS -- products, repaired. Home remodeled seeding, cle an-up, hauling, borne repairs and carpentry. Pillow covers, curtains, inside and out. All work concrete work, atio drhpes. Call for further information Good work s not cheap. am NC ties drainage. We do CHEAP WORK -- s not good, WM, FSHER BULDER S guaranteed, No job too small, sidewalks, fencing, raflroa uliuing environment/rent One call does all. Guranteed PLUMBNG REPARS - work. Call-Rich Evenings & weekends at reduced rates. Licensed. Call reasonable, Paperhanging, Serving Princeton area for 30 driveway and sealing. We alo COLD? after 5 p.m. carpentry years. Financing arranged. -- LRlll[1 L ll Lie ( ART WORK, posters, flip BELLE MEAD ROOFNG -- deliver etc. Call gravel, anytime. sand, top soil, /,: charts, graphs, fliers yrs. in business. Free -. There would be no need to turn 6558, a.m. PANTNG - nterior, Exterior. Commercial down your thermostat if you FURNTURE GULD - ANNOUNCEMENT -- John, estimates on all type roofing OBAL " Model Home Open Daily had solar beat! t is practical Furniture refinishing and and available now for existing repair after 5 Residentia. Students. Low formerly of S.B.&H. Builders and leaders and gutters and GARDEN MARKETNG NC, " noon to five names or let us build you a new p.m. PARTY MOVES - Rent rates. Quality work. Experienced W/references. name of John Secool[sh is now operating under the-chimney flashfng. Call anytime, or 201- Landscape cartoons, comedies etc. with energy efficient solar heated easy cartr dge projector. $21 & FREE ESTMATE, Call 201- Builder, specializin in (local call from OesignerandContractor Princetonl, home. Call Rohl Construction LET WNNER S take care of up , days; custom built homes, add,tions, Alexander St. for free into,, your air rend., heating nights. and repairs. Over 20 years exp. Call us , anytime.. & sheet metal needs. They are 57 Princeton specialists and will do a better SNOW PLOWNG done. Call PANTNG: NTEROR & Princeton Ave., Hopeweti. Gardening & 4.24o GUNNESS AGENCY job. Call for free estlmales. Albert Padgett (201) EXTEROR Top quality work. SEAMLESS ALUMNUM Free EsUmates. ReasonableURETHANE SPRAY FOAM- Landscaping FOR SALE -- shredded &.loan S. Kr,,esen. Roaltor GUTTERS -- Victor Diamond, Rates. Fully nsured. CapitolNSULATON -- Houses, unshredded top soil, Also, fill R.R. 2, Box 210, Bridgepaint A&W FLM/VDEO TAPE PROD, - Painting , barns tnew and oldl, attics, dirt, o W. Broad Street, Hopewell Rd., Belle Mead, N.J For business or special occasions. f its a nay to roofs. Commercal and nbasements, walls, ceilings GREENSCAPE " " DOERLERLANDSCAPES night. FORMCA SERVCES Counter o remember or a message to NTEROR PANTNG -- free dustrial. Future nsulation Creatlvelandscapingat CARPENTRY REPARS and HomeRepa ws tell, call estimates, reasonable rates. Company reasonable rates. LandseapeDesigning l[ Villg the Hopewell Valley and smal alteral ann, Call KitchenCablnets clean work. Call T. haski after 5:30 p,m a-2693eves, Contracting for Over 20 Years N E E D R E P A 1 R S EXPERT TALORNO & REMODELNG. CON - Callus/oryourrealestateneeds! CARPENTRY REPARS - & carpet NSTALLER-- will ALTERATONS -- for ladies & BENJAMN MOORE PANT STRUCTON? We ll do just L, ADLER & SONS -- SM. TREE CARE, NC. -- offers Member o[ MLS alterations. Painting, tile sell carpet:do nstallations & men. Rammond Clothing, lightstown Paint & Wall about any, thing, No Job too PLCTY--Snappermowers- the following: complete tree work, frde estimates. 6{} repolrs. Lcensed & bonaea. Mercer St, {nexto Alions). Paper, 395 Mercer St small. Rouertson & Son tractors- tlllers-oute 130, N, service,, landscaping & lawn Liconsed in N.J. and Pa, or or 609o % off all wallpaper Brunswick, 20L , maintenance, ,,,o Met opolitan Amenities

19 Thursday, February 24, 1977 J 9-B Henderson, Of Course! DEFNTVE PRNCETON - Ambiance to the Nth - very near town center and all the reasons you want t) llve here. A large white colonial neither tom old nor too new surrmmded by evergreens and varieties ol established shrubs. A large comfortable living room (with a very striking iirsplace), superb dining room {with a floor to ceiling bayl overhmklng patio and [)col, a butcber b/ock countered contemporary kitchen, a panelled library., family rtmm, exceptional closet space, bcnmihd npstairs [tall. 5 ½ 3 ½ baths lone bedroom with complete hath is oo the first floor ior maid/in-law-gnest}. All wrapped up in an atmosphere of a gracious time... Offered at $175,000. A TOUCtl OF CLASS N A MOST EXTRAORDNARY COLONAL! n the desirable Bircbwood Estates area of West Windsor, one of the last houses there by the master craitsman, Bueci. enhanced by the excellent taste and meticulous bmtsekceping o[ its hwely owner.., a larger than most four-bedroom twn.story with a minimum.i exterior maintenance. Traditional culours and papers pervade the conthjrtable rooms. An unbelievable spacious and beautiful kltcben is a highllght of lifts family borne with every imaginable comlurt, inchuling a cohmlul fireplace in the ample family room. Please call Florence Dawes to see this lovely olferlng... $101,000. N THE WOODS WRAPPED N CEDAR SHAKES AND OVERLOOKNG A BG FARM SO YOU CAN WATCH THE CORN GROW, this superb 5 hedroom home has lots of living space and oeighhorliness. Large living room. and separate dining room (recently featured for its superb decorating in Packet magazlnel kitchen wlth eat-in area, and big family room {with floor to ceiling brick fireplace} create a great family living floor plan. Upstairs, a master suite with huge wulk-in closet/large dressing area and master hath plus 4 other bedrooms and a big hall bath. Custom this and special that and many an extra plus makes this an exciting house to look at. Near schools, shopping centers, turnpike and rail and bus commuting, Come and see thlaone!... Offered at $73,500. GLEN ACRES. a quh,t, v.mvenlent, speeial nehthb.rh.od oo the Princeton sffh, of West Windsor Township. One.[ the best onestory h.uscs rcce, ntly reforhished inslde and.rot witll n.w c,dar siding to complement the brick. nxurhmt hlndseaping and lots. privacy. A perleel spot for chihlren shure there is m, thru tra[- ilc, The lot itself hacks np to a norsery so the view is nmst enjoyable! Fmtr, lw. hill haths, cmuformbh, llvinl room wldi fireplace, dlninl, aml very special family ro.m addithm with parquet [hmr. ttrass-papered walls. and hemned c, ilintt. G..,1 arage. and part.. Please, call Jack lh.mhrrson quickly f..r a o.k al thi listlntt... :$6q.q00... ES AT ]S! Tasti, lunt.iihdl,lided int,i a el,nveuient hit whh trees and vit,ws. Also hl. ilse ill i.lllnnltin llilrk and i l,l,reillilln nrees, jail a shorl jlo " irom ii, i.ilalalilh,r lllli hi, v Yllrk Chv. Fllllr ledl llmu. _/ haihs, alrv i, int rl iont, dlninu rtnou ll ith lidint d.or. to lililltm, c.clmf+wmhlt, kltl!hert, fantdl" room %ltll firellllii.e, hl.iiinlql i.oilln and slhlhu i illlrs, oulside, loll. Oliill del!llraled, air P(llldhhmed, full basealenl. wli-i ilr iin illi0. ;... $70.q01l. THE SKETCH NOW A REALTYi This spectacular contemporary presently DON T MSS / HS TREASURE...owner translerred, and this per/eat three under construction by Benedict Yedlln and custom designed by Edmund Wilson bedroom ranch just miuntcs irom Princeton is back on the market! Why go to of the Hinter Group, is nearing completion and there is still time to choose in. Florida. when you can enjoy ymtr own st()cka(le fencedin in.ground pool. terlor colors. Situated on a professionally landscaped acre with access and ownership in a private park area, it offers all one could wish for in the unusual. The A SUPERB CONTEMPORARY AT TlE "N SPOT" OF TlE PRN jacent to a garden this home offers self-maintenance, well-insulated, full CETON AREA! lol.l. NG.L ROA) OVERLOOKNG TlE POND ON basement, living n)om. kitchen, surely family room (or dining areal overlooking flexible arrangement of rooms will make living in this house a joy. Living room TE fledens BROOK GOLF C()URSE. NA URAL.Y! One of hlnt the privacy of the, dns three bedr.oms and a bath. Landscaped with trees, it with fireplace, dining room, family room with fireplace, kitchen with every Angnstim, s nnisl imatinali i, hlinses with slhllnl doors it(ira every rounl t/i the ooislde! A low,v, aalurally wooded hit blooming wlth rhodmh, ndrons, is tile perfect first hilale, or retirement, h won t last long, so call to see it. modern convenience, study or bedroom with bath. Master bedroom with bath, thgwo.ds, lind llaclmsandra hiilh, herl is a sln etat niar hah!ilnv no the stairtwo more bedrooms and hall bath, fully air conditioned, front and rear decks, full case,werl,.kiag the livinu r,,,ol whh Willlamshnru lin,phicerieml hrick r, no bnsementundtwocargaroge, lmustlosee ,000. fh,or in eeilhll! llt.aolihillv dsllln d for t,nierlaininl whh all thc alueoiill,s a i! hiitise of this callhre shoilhl ha:e...air condliioulng, central valuont svmem. library. wli siliireiisi,s, fltl, lllqlrlilllns. hrel, lull and VO hali baths, hill o ice ;.::]3, " { i..,.. stairs ll a htture gllnli, i lililn, alnl nnli h nllll i.,... Asking $165.0ll0. VEllYSPEOlAL, BlOlBEl)ROOM, 21t bathc hmial naq ulct cul de sac in ;-..272,"..:. t.l;, --_- -.,.r l West Whldsor - minutes from tbe train station l l.2 miles) and even eloser to the. * 2".: Z :---_: ". 7 :7.- scbouls. A,l > car new h... hock lull of quulhy construetlnn and extra luxury hy A ic - it - f-lit ll,l the very partlcular owners. Features such as a large screened porchor the family tantly oilers his dream house or sale...a New England farm colonial wltb,. "...:_..1 f ; -<, ts) in the breakfast room, wcoden bannisters, special decorative moldings, folding wcoden doors, decorative tile, central air conditioning and hnmldification, deck and flagstone porch looks oat on deep woods across the back. nside finds al,m,i... six fireplaces of magnificent stone io the family room, of aid brick in the dlnin" st... and... over $5,0tl0... th of tr... nd landscaping, room, den aml... eatlnn... and two f... mantels in the large ilvin room rhere s nmre too - con)e see this special honle a deligbt to see and live in. <] / ille and master bedroom. Four lovely bedrooms, 3t baths and a separate apartment... Offered at $ over the garage! The exciting master bedroom inchules a separate solarinm aml a A VERY SPECAL SOUTHERN COLONAL OVERLOOKNG THE BEDENS BROOK GOLF COURSE...n a nearby area of fine estates, here is an beautllully appointed 10 x 10 bath/dressing room whh mlrrnred walls. Many extraordinary eustom-buihouse featuring gracious, spaeinus living room with other extras! All included with loving care, exqulsite use of materials and fireplace, separate dining room, warm eat-in kitchen with exquisite eahlnetry, fastidiuns attentinn to detail... $168,000. lamily room with planked floor and floor-to-ceiling brick lireplace. Master bedroom suite with full bath, three other comfortable bedrooms and hall bath. Many extras...stereo and intercom built-ln, central vammm system, burglar and fire alarms with smoke detector, wine cellar with European door! Beuntlful Springtlmc will arrive and it will be a more pleasant time in this ranch house in Princeton T.wnship, surrmmded by meticulously planned plantings. Magnilk ent lot close to die Neu York bns and all the convenlences thls town bas to oiler. S.idly buih with plaster walls, cedar lined closets, a flexlhle floor plan consisting oi living room0 dining room kitchen, two bedrooms, hall hath, utilhy laundry re.m, large jahnlsled shle imrcb easily converted to family room, an enclosed rear porch whh prlvacy, hilly air condltlooed for total eomlort.. $72,500. ;:,-.7:;....., i l:-,... 7-,7.4 :: < : A GRACOUS PRNCETON HOME N THE WESTERN SECTON! Gables galore, high ceilings, nooks and coroers...and lots of charm. Just ready for he redecorating crew, bat when yon re inished, you ll have a showplace. A large deck in the lovely back yard is a cmltemporary leature el this truly tradithmal cedar shake house. Five bedroonls plus, 3 ½ baths, and TWO living rooms with a lireplace in each! At an unbelievable asklng prlce for today s market... only $122,000[ WOODED! SPACOUS! CUSTOM BULT! FAMLY ORENTED! FAN- TASTC BUY! These words describe hut don t do justice to this large slx. bedroom, three bath house nn 1 acres built by a well-known local builder for his own family. Now it is time to move to other things! So we are proud to llst this house which feeturea a recently redone eat-ln kitcben with bulh-in harheque, living room with fireplace, separate formal dining room, family room with fireplace, and a beautifully iinlshed lull hasement. A fire alarm system, three. zone heating and roomy two.cur garage c0und out thls qualify structure. And only 8 minutes from Nassau Street, in nearby Lawrence Township... $109,000. JOHN T pastoral acreage 250 x 600 witb pines, hollys... $125,000.,, 7--.L- WALK TO EVERYTHNG YOU CAN BE N THE UNVERSTY OR TOWN LBRARY N FVE MNUTES from this lovely 100+ year old Colonial on Park Place. The right side is currently divided into two three-room apartments. The left side has large hlgh-eeilinged living room, dining room, kitchen and lavatory on the first floor. There are three bedrooms and a bath on the second. Large attic. The ideal place for living in une of the unita and have a large part oi the costs covered by income [rum the other twu. Or restore the harem to ita original grandeur. Asking... $110,000." MEMBER : MERCER and SOMERSET MLS RELO, NTER-CTY RELOCATON SERVCE HOPEWELL Hopewell House Square Hopewell, New Jersey (609) REALTORS PRNCETON 353 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey (609) NTERNATONAL REAL ESTATE FEDERATON PRNCETON REAL ESTATE GROUP BELLE MEAD Route 206 Belle Mead, New Jersey (201)

20 HOME HUNTER,f GUDE 10-B Thursday, February 24, 1977 Haveyoudiscovered!j afircstonc O Real statc 7., " 1! 4! i t:lii4 -. ROOSEVELT. auj it 1 Realtors : ;: " : ] "new Jersey s Unique Community i111., 1,lti " ] (609) rill ""- Manywe,.k...peep,...,edwhh.hea.e,,veh w... ducat... ioians flock here. ] Roosevelt s elementaw school averages 16 pupils per class. 173 NASSAU STREET " PRNCETON NEW JERSEY o...,, hae oi,y a ers and ware. i Anna Moo Bach Jim Firestone, Broker Donna Rolchard Pill..."i N"t : Roosevelt has municipal garbage collection. =ill Jobanne Friedman Taylor F., 2oft, Ft:h R... t has417 acres of"green Acres" :2 i, Joyce Panlt, Joy Barth F,ory... U Re... t has Now Jersey s largest stocked lake. ENCLOSED PORCH-MATURE PLANTNGS Robin Smith Sue Ann Snyder Joan Gronder Roosevelt is more within the moans of most Americans than. PRCED AT $60, J.hl. :. any other nearbycommunlty. J Front to back living room, formal dining room, ] Check these outstanding buys... enclosed sun porch, excellent kitchen, airy bedrooms, basement, 2 car garage, l " :. - "... FANTASTC BUY " Colonlal h... /,... featuring living r room. dining room, newly remodelled kitchen. 3 bedrooms, OPeN HOUSE large family room, 1 bath, 1 car garage und vlnyl.clad steel :! " SUN., FEB PM t= siding on entire house. $36,000. i= Directions: 206 North to left on Ludlow. Follow 1 1 RANCH- Living... signs. dining r... 3 bed... darn kit- 3 O. which could be separa:e...i,h addi, ion of host. Centra,y alr Condilionad. Just listed at $ ,,!:,,. j i=lll, NO FUEL SHORTAGE HERE This all electric ranch is so well built and well insulated that all heat and utilities average only. " " $55,00 p.... -, i. i! th. Thereare3bedrooms, lvbaths, largeliving room and dining loom and a tuld basement. On a halt acre lot adjoiningahugestetepark.. l :m...i OnlyS42,SOO. a=... d3,p.,l,. - EXTREMELY WELLANDSCAPED 2 STORY on ¾ acrewooded [ Just North of Princeton Overlooking the Bedens Brook Valley THERMOPANE GLASS HGHLGHTS: lj lot. Many fruit trees. Living room. dining room, eat-in kitchen, 4 ij Come See a Majestic New Contemporary wlth o View. bedrooms, 2 batls, 1 car garage. Cenoally air (end. $ PRVATE LAKE WTH j R T sar s "s sketch ply* s u i m tv go.d u w.xlmatl.n.t whut our newesl r.ntcnqmntrv llj SAND BEACH N BACK 1; J w he like. nside v il ll fin l airy rathedrtd veiling in the ll,.lnlt nmm and u itlasi,! - " D LOVELY St-LEVEL on.6 acre wooded lot. 4 bedrooms, 2 D AT $6S,900 t" - stl e fre co, u large f rn it rome u relaxing separute lamlh room with a.jj baths, living room, dining room. eai-ln kiichan with brick wall, "1 Currently with large brick fireplace to the ceiling hea t h view and a t r, en e eat-io kltcht n whjl inl,v uci,i,s ll till stunts. Jo the Lil paenlled family room and 1 car garage, S Jll with dutch oven, formal dining room hsdr mwngwillheas aa, sm=serl)edro.otsuit,,withaviow, uedtwouddltloeul c mlortabl faro v hedr n s i d it lull bulh. The slogh, Jl, vl l design is exeelithmalits is qlj overlooking brook and wooded view, 2 full la, e )or plun w e fyou Can t Buy t--trylt fet r!s s i (]rllllttllle sunkeli ivhig room slmuhl lnrtlu.r rill wo have 2lovely rentals available baths,2bedrooms, mature plantings, 2acresof i is g S. 4 h.lllie tnmi aev.dliers lit die arl,a. (:till ts lille hi review the plun, with land large closets. J llur excclh,nt liuihh.r, or llrlng ",llnr plao, ltnll let lis inltlre. s ",ltt ith the tldue we Call rjl from $360.$375 per me. plus utilities. i" -- J bnim for wm near.r in lirinrel-n. $10S.0OO. LAWRENCEVLLE CUSTOM BULT HOMES - WTH QUALTY CONSTRUCTON--N- For ARAr.aUsflng, :[ J 11 DVDUALLY DESGNED. Many outstanding :,-.t.:\,"!i; Wi qll features n prestigious area. 4-5 bedrooms- 25 Adlerman. Click & Co. :,,, ([. eat. q.7 fireplacesceremic tile baths - panelled family rooms - brickts - 2 car garages," Central Moreair conditioningdetails. MMEDATE" full basemen-oc. +" ". :. S,,.... " zir=, "=: " = " ": :. " ="......,: <7i1:,]i --.,.6 lt, lrishrealt rs and nsurorsstreet tllltlll! N...! -,.;.-..,,..,,,,. >, e,> CUPANCY """. " : : "%:, :. :. T $83,900-$97,g00. i Members:PrincotonRoalEstaleGroup, Muhiple ii... Listing Service, Global National R.E. Referral Service J :...::f.-.&;f OPEN HOUSE i i[. MN COUNTRY TYPE J Weekdays 10 A.M,-4 P.l, Weekends 1-4 P.M, ll,.-.l,l - HorseESTATE N FEEUNGbarn.brick pillars l i ; NOW RENTNG Afourvedroomwth2½ WOOD LANE ESTATES f.l/ baths fu basement.l.l (... 2 car garage, formal dining oom, brick p i i..-- fireplace, a second fireplace used as ll ] Sailing on Lake Carnegie o.e.g iii r Lawrencevilie, ] N.j. PRNCETON RMS onyourownprivatepotio qil "g s You ll enjoy living in mlr newest Princeton liathlg near the lake, Tastefnlh decorated r ]ll LtLrttry Apartment," 1 throughout from die Mng nmm with log burning fireplace to die eh, gent dining room L J with French doors to the snmnwr veruode.,erlooking he bnmk, this neweet Fireahme r ]]l i 1 listing h... oeh to offer. Upstul... tl... fortable hedr... lille jt,sl u few "111 dl Stat on Squa, Re te 206 Route2O6, State Rd., step... y ron t e k t... e tiel fame v... ith ec... eees to the out-of rl JJ ] and 2 Bedrooms 1 Belle Mead Princeton, d...offered for the first tl... h,volvprlvei,, iotat " $,2,S0B. 3,! NOW RENTNG! ( ( ].. kp, i*...#j/{. Starts at $21.5 per month -- ] ; -- -:,,,2- "!". NORTHGATE Features: :] lah-to-ff a//car/,ethlgorer " " " " APARTMENTS <.<,,<,re,. in e,,d/<,,,r W,t.. All Utilities except Electric /-;... " --- T-&L---7- and Princeton-Hightstown Rd. 2 air conditioners <o,,o... \X... _ tu EostWindsor, N,J. Prit, ato entrtmces " age _emp, "" ".. ". We/h-in closets T o ndividual bnlconios Storago roomwit/zinapt Ṁetropohtan Amenities" in a Parklike Setting: Spacious. Wonderfully ]1 and 2 Bedrooms L,,,n<,;,,,,,ns Superintendent on site Wooded, Family Oriented, and Brand New to the Market. J Jl from $225. per month Allow yoursel/the time "1 3 A Splendid Home You vmn t heli,ve h.v;,autlfnl the gr,unds tire of this.,,el.v,--5 hedn*.m,.h>nl,d bl Open Mon.-Frl. to experience the mood home. whieh fcatnres an extra.rdidarv hi-ground po. alul iullhl urea. nshh.. vllu ll bld Features. ] 2 : 00-5 : 00 p.m. un eleguat raised Mng room. u separate h,rmal dining ro,ml, a lastefullv pen,,lled of quiet elegance... famih... ith buih-ie b..ksheh... a f... taeding,,,,,,,i,, hrik bard,, c,,,i,, "3. SWiMMiNG POOL Sat. 10,2 p.m. convenlenl cat-in kilchcn whh a bnne[rv ronm aed p.wder r.lmt nl,arbv. U stuirs the D PLAYGROUND FACLTES individually designed be,t..., la,,,,, i... ll,.,,t,.m...,,,r,,t... :... it,..ith i:s,,,,n len b.l,. C...;:i 609-/1.48-4,801 a OFF STREET PARKNG Contemporary and Colonial homes nestled in a wooded retreat... ph, l,. whh a clr,ndar drivewuv, c,.,,tral air c,,,,dlthmi,,g, ue AM-FM i,ner,,,et, and a i AR CON DTONERS private parkllke setting that (.tt ll,.nj,,v all t, ar r,>und. Avalbhh. [,,r tht, first line s,: call iis e(iw. " " " $74,900.. KTCHEN WTH DNNG AREA Dlreotlons: from Princeton- Prlnceton.HRhts,own Rd. " THERMOSTAT CONTROLLED HEAT lurn right on Old Trenton Rd., % mile turn left nnd..: RESDENT SUPERNTENDENT C,,me andseeour fnrn,hed model.master TV ANTENNA Wanted To Rent Wanted To Rent and other almost completed homes.! :>. t sonw with immediate occupancy, ; " : " ONRT- F OF 1 MENT WANTED - Within Hichoel, 3 or 4 bedroom bytraveiingnorthonrt. 31-turningrlght MODEL APARTMENT OPEN DALY commuting distance of house on long term lease. Can on Delaware Ave. atshoppingeenter-gning i Trenton hy responsible single occupy anytime now till past Main Street. terming right on Abey Dr. (P, (609) man. Non-smoker good March. Excellent reterences. references. Reasonaile rent Call after Spm. please. Call Tony at -2- You will be within.., 2297 days or , eves. EUROPEAN WOblAN 1 working part time and her 12 n the Belle Mead Area JustNorth o Princeton rt Westminster Choir College year old son want room and board with nice family in "1 Wanted To Rent Wanted To Rent graduate student- married. This handsome all-hrlck colonla[ ie sltttated on a beaatilul three acre site at die foot of r l chiidreo - seeking 2 or 3 Princeton area (son goes to Sourland Mntmtain. nside you ll find an cntrv lover a vieg room with flr:p ace "11... bedroom apt, orsmall housein Chopin school). largeelegant dining room a aeparute smdv attd a cmp e v nmdern kitohcn. Upstairs. [] WAREHOUSE TO RENT -- ONE BDROOM APT. -- or or near Princeton. Required reasonable rateorin exchange are four eomforlable bedrooms attd two full baths, the master suite having its own ]] minintum 5,001) square feet, efficiency wanted. Respon- for June, June 197B. do some work tsecretarial, Reasonable rent. Furnished or bookkeeping, childeare, paratobath and shower. A gent of a houae b e Mcndly nelghborho,d. $68, within 5 miles of Montgomerysible single girl, Within Center, Rocky Hill commuting distance to unfurnished. Write Jake languages), Excellent 35B1. references. Call ,t-35,7. ljll "11 l! t "t li= l f-t - li il- l =l J J Trenton. Weekends & eves 201- Klassen, Box 689, Steinbach, Weekdays (8:30 to Manitoba, CANADA, ROA " i i t. d ra (ESF DNSBLE BUSNESS- 5pro) Aa, Phone PRNCETON - Prof. couple womanseeksonebdrm, apt. in desires to sublet furnished 2 Moving & Moving & Moving & ores.l_._. Princelon vicinity, Call Judy WANTED l bedroom apt, in WANTED STUDO -- 1 bedroom house or apt. Men days, - _ Princeton. Call Hark Van bedroom apt., for professional year. t2.s35-talt. a livin9 environment from : Hauling Haulin 9 Hauling Tongeren. ExecutiveDireetor, man (not in private name -- John Atelier please), PLease call, A-PROF, COUPLE exptg. 1st. PARKNG WANTED - for GARAGE WANTED -- [or 3567, needs 2 bed. country apt. or TTCS, BASEMENTS, WLL AUL T -- Cellars, BEE LNE EXPRESS - panel truck & trailer in new ear during spring cottage under $300. forages cleaned out. Light allies and garages cleaned, moving & hauling, reasonable tawrencc area. Outside or semester, within walking T H R E E M A T U R E muling & moving CaU Consumer rates. Free eshmates. Call References. 20t- 16-6Tta. Model Home Open Daily inside. Need to wash down distance of Rider college PROFESSONALS want 4-,102. Bureau Registered. 201-S e0uipment daily S , bedroom house within 10 miles MATURE.Small apartment WOMAN in DESRES exchange aoon Eo fil)e of Princeton. Excellent d OVL N-iffG---- tlaucnn CANCELLATON RES-P"O[B---" B--- --NESSDRY -- references. mmediate ocfor parttime work: :ellar to attic clean out. Odd imagine. We ll go anywhere. WOMAN needsapt.or house in Call or cupancy. Call Alex at work, Professional dressmaker ano obs. Free estimates. Call Ed. DEADLNE cook. Willing to pay up to $150 Scial winter rates rural area. Rels. 20t-84B-17 20wcekdays after 5 pm & , evenings, or or S P,M. MONDAY days, S eves. wcekends n rent. Call B Ret ercnees available,


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