D iabetes self-management education

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1 S T A N D A R D S A N D R E V I E W C R I T E R I A National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Eduation MARTHA M. FUNNELL, MS, RN, CDE 1 TAMMY L. BROWN, MPH, RD, BC-ADM, CDE 2 BELINDA P. CHILDS, ARNP, MN, CDE, BC-ADM 3 LINDA B. HAAS, PHC, CDE, RN 4 GWEN M. HOSEY, MS, ARNP, CDE 5 BRIAN JENSEN, RPH 6 MELINDA MARYNIUK, MED, RD, CDE 7 D iabetes self-management eduation (DSME) is a ritial element of are for all people with diabetes and is neessary in order to improve patient outomes. The National Standards for DSME are designed to define quality diabetes self-management eduation and to assist diabetes eduators in a variety of settings to provide evidene-based eduation. Beause of the dynami nature of health are and diabetes-related researh, these Standards are reviewed and revised approximately every 5 years by key organizations and federal agenies within the diabetes eduation ommunity. A Task Fore was jointly onvened by the Amerian Assoiation of Diabetes Eduators and the Amerian Diabetes Assoiation in the summer of Additional organizations that were represented inluded the Amerian Dieteti Assoiation, the Veteran s Health Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Indian Health Servie, and the Amerian Pharmaeutial Assoiation. Members of the Task Fore inluded a person with diabetes; several health servies researhers/ behaviorists, registerednurses,andregistered dietitians; and a pharmaist. The Task Fore was harged with reviewing the urrent DSME standards for MARK PEYROT, PHD 8 JOHN D. PIETTE, PHD 9,10 DIANE READER, RD, CDE 11 LINDA M. SIMINERIO, PHD, RN, CDE 12 KATIE WEINGER, EDD, RN 7 MICHAEL A. WEISS, JD 13 their appropriateness, relevane, and sientifi basis. The Standards were then reviewed and revised based on the available evidene and expert onsensus. The ommittee onvened on 31 Marh 2006 and 9 September 2006, and the Standards were approved 25 Marh DEFINITION AND OBJECTIVESdDiabetes self-management eduation (DSME) is the ongoing proess of failitating the knowledge, skill, and ability neessary for diabetes self-are. This proess inorporates the needs, goals, and life experienes of the person with diabetes and is guided by evidene-based standards. The overall objetives of DSME are to support informed deision-making, self-are behaviors, problem-solving and ative ollaboration with the health are team and to improve linial outomes, health status, and quality of life. GUIDING PRINCIPLESdBefore the review of the individual Standards, the Task Fore identified overriding priniples based on existing evidene that wouldbeusedtoguidethereviewand revision of the DSME Standards. These are: The previous version of the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Eduation was originally published in Diabetes Care 23: , This version reeived final approval in Marh From the 1 Department of Medial Eduation, Diabetes Researh and Training Center, University of Mihigan, Ann Arbor, Mihigan; 2 Indian Health Servie, Albuquerque, New Mexio; 3 MidAmeria Diabetes Assoiates, Wihita, Kansas; the 4 VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, Washington; the 5 Division of Diabetes Translation, National Center for Chroni Diseases Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; 6 Lakeshore Apothaare, Two Rivers, Wisonsin; the 7 Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medial Shool, Boston, Massahusetts; 8 Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland; the 9 VA Ann Arbor Health Care System, Ann Arbor, Mihigan; the 10 Department of Internal Mediine, Diabetes Researh and Training Center, University of Mihigan, Ann Arbor, Mihigan; the 11 International Diabetes Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota; the 12 Diabetes Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medial Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and 13 Patient Centered Solutions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Corresponding author: Martha M. Funnell, mfunnell@umih.edu. DOI: /d12-s by the Amerian Diabetes Assoiation. Readers may use this artile as long as the work is properly ited, the use is eduational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See lienses/by-n-nd/3.0/ for details. 1. Diabetes eduation is effetive for improving linial outomes and quality of life, at least in the short-term (1 7). 2. DSME has evolved from primarily didati presentations to more theoretially based empowerment models (3,8). 3. There is no one best eduation program or approah; however, programs inorporating behavioral and psyhosoial strategies demonstrate improved outomes (9 11). Additional studies show that ulturally and age-appropriate programs improve outomes (12 16) and that group eduation is effetive (4,6,7,17,18). 4. Ongoing support is ritial to sustain progress made by partiipants during the DSME program (3,13,19,20). 5. Behavioral goal-setting is an effetive strategy to support self-management behaviors (21). STANDARDS Struture Standard 1. The DSME entity will have doumentation of its organizational struture, mission statement, and goals and will reognize and support quality DSME as an integral omponent of diabetes are. Doumentation of the DSME organizational struture, mission statement, and goals an lead to effiient and effetive provision of servies. In the business literature, ase studies and ase report investigations on suessful management strategies emphasize the importane of lear goals and objetives, defined relationships and roles, and managerial support (22 25). While this onept is relatively new in health are, business and health poliy experts and organizations have begun to emphasize written ommitments, poliies, support, and the importane of outome variables in quality improvement efforts (22,26 37). The ontinuous quality improvement literature also stresses the importane of developing poliies, proedures, and guidelines (22,26). Doumentation of the organizational struture, mission statement, and goals an lead to effiient and effetive provision of DSME. Doumentation of an organizational struture that delineates hannels are.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, SUPPLEMENT 1, JANUARY 2012 S101

2 Standards and Review Criteria of ommuniation and represents institutional ommitment to the eduational entity is ritial for suess (38 42). Aording to the Joint Commission on Areditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) (26), this type of doumentation is equally important for small and large health are organizations. Health are and business experts overwhelmingly agree that doumentation of the proess of providing servies is a ritial fator in lear ommuniation and provides a solid basis from whih to deliver quality diabetes eduation (22,26,33,35 37). In 2005, JACHO published the Joint Commission International Standards for Disease or Condition-Speifi Care, whih outlines national standards and performane measurements for diabetes and addresses diabetes self-management eduation as one of seven ritial elements (26). Standard 2. The DSME entity shall appoint an advisory group to promote quality. This group shall inlude representatives from the health professions, people with diabetes, the ommunity, and other stakeholders. Established and new systems (e.g., ommittees, governing bodies, advisory groups) provide a forum and a mehanism for ativities that serve to guide and sustain the DSME entity (30,39 41). Broad partiipation of organization(s) and ommunity stakeholders, inluding health professionals, people with diabetes, onsumers, and other ommunity interest groups, at the earliest possible moment in the development, ongoing planning, and outomes evaluation proess (22,26,33,35,36,41) an inrease knowledge and skills about the loal ommunity and enhane ollaborations and joint deision-making. The result is a DSME program that is patiententered, more responsive to onsumeridentified needs and the needs to the ommunity, more ulturally relevant, and of greater personal interest to onsumers (43 50). Standard 3. The DSME entity will determine the diabetes eduational needs of the target population(s) and identify resoures neessary to meet these needs. Clarifying the target population and determining its self-management eduational needs serve to fous resoures and maximize health benefits (51 53). The assessment proess should identify the eduational needs of all individuals with diabetes, not just those who frequently attend linial appointments (51). DSME is a ritial omponent of diabetes treatment (2,54,55), yet the majority of individuals with diabetes do not reeive any formal diabetes eduation (56,57). Thus, identifiation of aess issues is an essential part of the assessment proess (58). Demographi variables, suh as ethni bakground, age, formal eduational level, reading ability, and barriers to partiipation in eduation, must also be onsidered to maximize the effetiveness of DSME for the target population (13 19,43 47,59 61). Standard 4. A oordinator will be designated to oversee the planning, implementation, and evaluation of diabetes self-management eduation. The oordinator will have aademi or experiential preparation in hroni disease are and eduation and in program management. The role of the oordinator is essential to ensure that quality diabetes eduation is delivered through a oordinated and systemati proess. As new and reative methods to deliver eduation are explored, the oordinator plays a pivotal role in ensuring aountability and ontinuity of the eduational proess (23,60 62). The individual serving as the oordinator will be most effetive if there is familiarity with the lifelong proess of managing a hroni disease (e.g., diabetes) and with program management. Proess Standard 5. DSME will be provided by one or more instrutors. The instrutors will have reent eduational and experiential preparation in eduation and diabetes management or will be a ertified diabetes eduator. The instrutor(s) will obtain regular ontinuing eduation in the field of diabetes management and eduation. At least one of the instrutors will be a registered nurse,dietitian,orpharmaist.amehanism must be in plae to ensure that the partiipant s needsaremetifthoseneedsare outside the instrutors sope of pratie and expertise. Diabetes eduation has traditionally been provided by nurses and dietitians. Nurses have been utilized most often as instrutors in the delivery of formal DSME (2,3,5,63 67). With the emergene of medial nutrition therapy (66 70), registered dietitians beame an integral part of the diabetes eduation team. In more reent years, the role of the diabetes eduator has expanded to other disiplines, partiularly pharmaists (73 79). Reviews omparing the effetiveness of different disiplines for eduation report mixed results (3,5,6). Generally, the literature favors urrent pratie that utilizes the registered nurse, registered dietitian, and the registered pharmaist as the key primary instrutors for diabetes eduation and members of the multidisiplinary team responsible for designing the urriulum and assisting in the delivery of DSME (1 7,77). In addition to registered nurses, registered dietitians, and pharmaists, a number of studies reflet the ever-hanging and evolving health are environment and inlude other health professionals (e.g., a physiian, behaviorist, exerise physiologist, ophthalmologist, optometrist, podiatrist) (48,80 84) and, more reently, lay health and ommunity workers (85 91) and peers (92) to provide information, behavioral support, and links with the health are system as part of DSME. Expert onsensus supports the need for speialized diabetes and eduational training beyond aademi preparation for the primary instrutors on the diabetes team (64,93 97). Certifiation as a diabetes eduator by the National Certifiation Board for Diabetes Eduators (NCBDE) is one way a health professional an demonstrate mastery of a speifi body of knowledge, and this ertifiation has beome an aepted redential in the diabetes ommunity (98). An additional redential that indiates speialized training beyond basi preparation is board ertifiationinadvaned Diabetes Management (BC-ADM) offered by the Amerian Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), whih is available for master s prepared nurses, dietitians, and pharmaists (48,84,99). DSME has been shown to be most effetive when delivered by a multidisiplinary team with a omprehensive plan of are (7,31,52, ). Within the multidisiplinary team, team members work interdependently, onsult with one another, and have shared objetives (7,103,104). The team should have a olletive ombination of expertise in the linial are of diabetes, medial nutrition therapy, eduational methodologies, teahing strategies, and the psyhosoial and behavioral aspets of diabetes selfmanagement. A referral mehanism should be in plae to ensure that the individual with diabetes reeives eduation from those with appropriate training and redentials. It is essential in this ollaborative and integrated team approah that individuals with diabetes are viewed as leaders of their team and assume an ative role in designing their eduational experiene (7,20,31, ,104). Standard 6. A written urriulum refleting urrent evidene and pratie guidelines, S102 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, SUPPLEMENT 1, JANUARY 2012 are.diabetesjournals.org

3 with riteria for evaluating outomes, will serve as the framework for the DSME entity. Assessed needs of the individual with prediabetes and diabetes will determine whih of the ontent areas listed below are to be provided: Desribing the diabetes disease proess and treatment options Inorporating nutritional management into lifestyle Inorporating physial ativity into lifestyle Using mediation(s) safely and for maximum therapeuti effetiveness Monitoring blood gluose and other parameters and interpreting and using the results for self-management deision making Preventing, deteting, and treating aute ompliations Preventing deteting, and treating hroni ompliations Developing personal strategies to address psyhosoial issues and onerns Developing personal strategies to promote health and behavior hange People with diabetes and their families and aregivers have a great deal to learn in order to beome effetive self-managers of their diabetes. A ore group of topis are ommonly part of the urriulum taught in omprehensive programs that have demonstrated suessful outomes (1,2,3,6, ). The urriulum, a oordinated set of ourses and eduational experienes, inludes learning outomes and effetive teahing strategies ( ). The urriulum is dynami and needs to reflet urrent evidene and pratie guidelines ( ). Current eduational researh reflets the importane of emphasizing pratial, problem-solving skills, ollaborative are, psyhosoial issues, behavior hange, and strategies to sustain self-management efforts (31,39,42,48,98, ). The ontent areas delineated above provide instrutors with an outline for developing this urriulum. It is important that the ontent be tailored to math eah individual s needs and adapted as neessary for age, type of diabetes (inluding pre-diabetes and pregnany), ultural influenes, health literay, and other omorbidities (123,124). The ontent areas are designed to be appliable in all settings and represent topis that an be developed in basi, intermediate, and advaned levels. Approahes to eduation that are interative and patient-entered have been shown to be effetive (83,119,121,122, ). These ontent areas are presented in behavioral terms and thereby exemplify the importane of ation-oriented, behavioral goals and objetives (13,21,55, ,128,129). Creative, patient-entered experiene-based delivery methods are effetive for supporting informed deisionmaking and behavior hange and go beyond the aquisition of knowledge. Standard 7. An individual assessment and eduation plan will be developed ollaboratively by the partiipant and instrutor(s) to diret the seletion of appropriate eduational interventions and self-management support strategies. This assessment and eduation plan and the intervention and outomes will be doumented in the eduation reord. Multiple studies indiate the importane of individualizing eduation based on the assessment (1,56,68, ). The assessment inludes information about the individual s relevant medial history, age, ultural influenes, health beliefs and attitudes, diabetes knowledge, self-management skills and behaviors, readiness to learn, health literay level, physial limitations, family support, and finanial status (10 17,19,131, ). The majority of these studies support the importane of attitudes and health beliefs in diabetes are outomes (1,68,134,135,138,139). In addition, funtional health literay (FHL) level an affet patients selfmanagement, ommuniation with liniians, and diabetes outomes (140,141). Simple tools exist for measuring FHL as part of an overall assessment proess ( ). Many people with diabetes experiene problems due to mediation osts, and asking patients about their ability to afford treatment is important (144). Comorbid hroni illness (e.g., depression and hroni pain) as well as more general psyhosoial problems an pose signifiant barriers to diabetes selfmanagement (104, ); onsidering these issues in the assessment may lead to more effetive planning ( ). Periodi reassessment determines attainment of the eduational objetives or the need for additional and reative interventions and future reassessment (7,97,100,152). A variety of assessment modalities, inluding telephone followup and other information tehnologies (e.g., Web-based, automated phone Standards and Review Criteria alls), may augment fae-to-fae assessments (97,99). While there is little diret evidene on the impat of doumentation on patient outomes, it is required to reeive payment for servies. In addition, doumentation of patient enounters guides the eduational proess, provides evidene of ommuniation among instrutional staff, may prevent dupliation of servies, and provides information on adherene to guidelines (37,64,100,131,153). Providing information to other members of the patient s health are team through doumentation of eduational objetives and personal behavioral goals inreases the likelihood that all of the members will address these issues with the patient (37,98,153). The use of evidene-based performane and outome measures has been adopted by organizations and initiatives suh as the Centers for Mediare and Mediaid Servies (CMS), the National Committee for Quality Assurane (NCQA), the Diabetes Quality Improvement Projet (DQIP), the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS), the Veterans Administration Health System, and JCAHO (26,154). Researh suggests that the development of standardized proedures for doumentation, training health professionals to doument appropriately, and the use of strutured standardized forms based on urrent pratie guidelines an improve doumentation and may ultimately improve quality of are (100, ). Standard 8. A personalized follow-up plan for ongoing self management support will be developed ollaboratively by the partiipant and instrutor(s). The patient s outomes and goals and the plan for ongoing self management support will be ommuniated to the referring provider. While DSME is neessary, it is not suffiient for patients to sustain a lifetime of diabetes self-are (55). Initial improvements in metaboli and other outomes diminish after ;6months(3).Tosustain behavior at the level of self-management needed to effetively manage diabetes, most patients need ongoing diabetes self-management support (DSMS). DSMS is defined as ativities to assist the individual with diabetes to implement and sustain the ongoing behaviors needed to manage their illness. The type of support provided an inlude behavioral, eduational, psyhosoial, or linial (13, ). A variety of strategies are available for providing DSMS both within and are.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, SUPPLEMENT 1, JANUARY 2012 S103

4 Standards and Review Criteria outside the DSME entity. Some patients benefit from working with a nurse ase manager (7,20,98,157). Case management for DSMS an inlude reminders about needed follow-up are and tests, mediation management, eduation, behavioral goal-setting, and psyhosoial support/ onnetion to ommunity resoures. The effetiveness of providing DSMS through disease-management programs, trained peers and health ommunity workers, ommunity-based programs, use of tehnology, ongoing eduation and support groups, and medial nutrition therapy has also been established (7,13,89 92,101, , ). While the primary responsibility for diabetes eduation belongs to the DSME entity, patients benefit by reeiving reinforement of ontent and behavioral goals from their entire health are team (100). Additionally, many patients reeive DSMS through their provider. Thus, ommuniation is essential to ensure that patients reeive the support they need. Outomes Standard 9. The DSME entity will measure attainment of patient-defined goals and patient outomes at regular intervals using appropriate measurement tehniques to evaluate the effetiveness of the eduational intervention. In addition to program-defined goals and objetives (e.g., learning goals, metaboli, and other health outomes), the DSME entity needs to assess eah patient s personal self-management goals and his/ her progress toward those personal goals. The AADE7 self-are behaviors provide a useful framework for assessment and doumentation. Diabetes self-management behaviors inlude physial ativity, healthy eating, mediation taking, monitoring blood gluose, diabetes self-are related problem solving, reduing risks of aute and hroni ompliations, and psyhosoial aspets of living with diabetes (112,160). Assessments of patient outomes should our at appropriate intervals. The interval depends on the outome itself and the timeframe provided within the seleted goals. For some areas, the indiators, measures, and timeframes may be based on guidelines from professional organizations or government agenies. In addition to assessing progress toward personal behavioral goals, a plan needs to be in plae to ommuniate personal goals and progress to other team members. The AADE Outome Standards for Diabetes Eduation speify self-management behavior as the key outome (112,160). Knowledge is an outome to the degree that it is ationable (i.e., knowledge that an be translated into self-management behavior). In turn, effetive self-management is one(butnottheonly)ontributortolongerterm, higher-order outomes suh as linial status (e.g., ontrol of glyemia, blood pressure, and holesterol), health status (e.g., avoidane of ompliations), and subjetive quality of life. Thus, patient self-managementbehaviorsareattheoreoftheoutomes evaluation. Standard 10. The DSME entity will measure the effetiveness of the eduation proess and determine opportunities for improvement using a written ontinuous quality improvement plan that desribes and douments a systemati review of the entities proess and outome data. Diabetes eduation must be responsive to advanes in knowledge, treatment strategies, eduational strategies, psyhosoial interventions, and the hanging health are environment. Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is an iterative, planned proess (161) that leads to improvement in the delivery of patient eduation (162). The CQI plan should define quality based on and onsistent with the organization s mission, vision, and strategi plan and inlude identifying and prioritizing improvement opportunities (163). One improvement projets are identified and seleted, the plan should inorporate timelines and important milestones inluding data olletion, analysis, and presentation of results (163). Outome measures indiate the result of a proess (i.e., whether hanges are atually leading to improvement), while proess measures provide information about what aused those results ( ). Proess measures are often targeted to those proesses that typially impat the most important outomes. Measuring both proess and outomes helps to ensure that hange is suessful without ausing additional problems in the system (164). AknowledgmentsdWork on this artile was supported in part by grant nos. NIH5P60 DK20572 and 1 R18 0K from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health. The Task Fore gratefully aknowledges the assistane and support of Paulina Duker, MPH, APRN-BC, CDE, and Nathanial Clark, MD, CDE, of the Amerian Diabetes Assoiation; Lori Porter, MBA, RD, CAE, of the Amerian Assoiation of Diabetes Eduators; and Karmeen Kulkarni, MS, RD, BC-ADM, Past President, Health Care and Eduation of the Amerian Diabetes Assoiation; Malinda Peeples, MS, RN, CDE, Past President of the Amerian Assoiation of Diabetes Eduators; and Carole Mensing, RN, MA, CDE, for their insights and helpful suggestions. We also gratefully aknowledge the work of the previous Task Fore for the National Standards for DSME: Carole Mensing, RN, MA, CDE; Jakie Bouher, MS, RD, LD, CDE; Marjorie Cypress, MS, C-ANP, CDE; Katie Weinger, EdD, RN; Kathryn Mulahy, MSN, RN, CDE; Patriia Barta, RN, MPH, CDE; Gwen Hosey, MS, ARNP, CDE; Wendy Kopher, RN,C,CDE,HTP;AndreaLasihak,MS,RD, CDE; Betty Lamb, RN, MSN; Mavourneen Mangan, RN, MS, ANP, C, CDE; Jan Norman, RD, CDE; Jon Tanja, BS, MS, RPH; Linda Yauk, MS, RD, LD, CDE; Kimberlydawn Wisdom, MD, MS; and Cynthia Adams, PhD Referenes 1. Brown SA: Interventions to promote diabetes self-management: state of the siene. Diabetes Edu 25 ( 6 Suppl.): 52 61, Norris SL, Engelgau MM, Naranyan KMV: Effetiveness of self-management training in type 2 diabetes: a systemati review of randomized ontrolled trials. 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