The CIETEP - Paraná s Center of Innovation, Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship - Development and Implementation

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1 The CIETEP - Paraná s Center of Innovation, Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship - Development and Implementation Ronald Dauscha (1), Ramiro Wahrhaftig (2), and Filipe Cassapo (3) (1) CEO of the CIETEP, (2) Consultant at the CIETEP, (3) Innovation Manager at the CIETEP, Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present the so-called CIETEP Centro de Inovação, Educação, Tecnologia e Empreendedorismo do Paraná (Paraná s Center of Innovation, Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship), which is presently being implemented at the Industry Federation of the State of Paraná Brazil (FIEP). This Center is part of a broader and comprehensive Innovation System which is being developed in partnership with several important actors in the innovation scenario of the Brazilian Society. The CIETEP has then been created in order to integrate and provide a strategic alignment of diverse innovation services and initiatives offered by the institutions which compose the FIEP: the National Services for Industrial Learning (SENAI), the Social Services for Industry (SESI), the Evaldo Lodi Institute (IEL) and the Industry s University (UNINDUS). These services and initiatives include research laboratories, innovation training and development, basic and advanced innovation consulting, continuous education, financial support for innovation, among several others. The main purpose of the recently developed CIETEP consists therefore on implementing, through projects development and specific competence offer, a continuous Strategic Innovation Program, composed by products and processes, which aims at sustainable value creation, for the industries of the State of Paraná, as well as to answer to the most diverse industrial needs for innovation and technology, in order to accelerate innovative initiatives. Some highly specialized institutes will be part of this project, such as an Industrial Design Center, a Mathematical Industrial Institute and a Creativity and Innovative Environments Laboratory. The already existing Technological Observatory of the FIEP will also be integrated to the CIETEP, as well as a Biotechnological Business Modeling Agency. The CIETEP s range of action will include productive channels, local productive arrangements, high-and-low-maturity innovative enterprises, as well twelve specific strategic technological paths for the Brazilian state of Paraná, so that a general innovation maturity improvement can be fostered. All these activities will be managed by the FIEP s team, in partnership with government agencies, laboratories, in order to support the needs of all kind of organizations, including small and medium businesses.

2 1. Innovation at the rise of the XXIst Century: Challenges and Opportunities It has become clear and quite obvious for every kind of business or social activity that the capability of creating knowledge, and therefore to innovate, is without any doubt the key management practice that shall be foster more than any other process. Of course, one could argue that knowledge has always been important, and that innovation has always been the main driver of business performance. The fact is that, if it of course is clear that knowledge creation and transfer is central to human social activities, the questions of managing knowledge and innovation had never been asked before in a society that was mainly experience-oriented. The recent growth of the Internet, the mobile communication, and the consequent phenomenon of globalization, electronic commerce, worldwide interconnected businesses and supply-chain has created a reality were all kind of businesses, in all kind of contexts are compelled to live constantly on the edge of the new: new clients, new needs, new technologies, new crises, new risks, etc. As argued Eamonn Kelly, the CEO of Global Business Network (GBN) and a partner in the Monitor Group, author of Powerful Times: Rising to the Challenge of our Uncertain World (Wharton School Publishing, 2005), in an article called The Tall Order of Taming Change 1 : The world has never been certain - the unknown, unexpected and unimagined have long been central to the human drama. Still, two themes emerged during the 1980s and 1990s that set the stage for the radically increased uncertainty we experience today the dual imperatives of change and competition. We have all learned the story of change by heart. Factors such as globalization, accelerating technological shifts, deregulation, a faster pace of innovation, the convergence of industry sectors, and mounting expectations of customers and capital markets have combined to shake even the sleepiest corners of our economies. The survivors have been those companies that were able to respond by speeding up their competitive metabolism. As we plunge into the 21 st century, though, humanity is also becoming everyday more aware of the drawbacks of the so-called industrial miracle. During the 19 th and 20 th century, a string of technological breakthroughs and new machineries were able to allow the creation of a neverseen global economical wealth, giving rise to the Industrial Age. However, it is nowadays clear that the linear mental model of classic industrial wealth creation the take-make-waste paradigm has become a threat to humanity. New global systemic risks have effectively emerged during the last decades, warning all technological and product innovation enthusiasts of the price we shall pay in a close future, if we are not able to strategically redirect human creativity to a necessary capacity of creating sustainable value, on 3-P (People, Planet, Profit) perspective. The recent global economic crisis, the global warming, the growing gap between the rich and the pour (a gap which is actually growing inside countries, and not only between the North and the South), the growing toxicity and the poor industrial and chemical waste management are the most visible and obvious consequences of a general lake of a deeper systemic understanding of reality. Therefore, creating and transferring systemic knowledge, that is, the lived and shared experience of an interdependent, deeply connected and cyclic natural World is urgently required among all kind of society stakeholders (governments, public organizations, private companies, Universities, R&D Centers, NGOs, etc.) so that a new sustainable practice of innovation can be foster among society. Therefore, the main challenges for the so-called knowledge management or innovation management shall no more be the search for destructive and self-sufficient competitiveness and profit. Innovation enthusiasts should then recognize that a new kind of innovation is urgently needed. This now kind of innovation should clearly be more collaborative, and it should focus more clearly on human and social needs. Finally, it should effectively take into account the present real global challenges, which are food, wastes, energy and water, in world where the human race will surely continues to grow exponentially. Such new innovation should then emerge as the result of a human co-creation, that is, a cultivated proximity of each individual, and 1 Eamonn Kelly, The Tall Order of Taming Change, in the FINANCIAL TIMES, March 17, 2006

3 of businesses with customers and suppliers. It should be the result of constant dialog, prototyping, as well co-designed processes, services and products. This new innovation should typically be based on the recent works of researchers like David Cooperrider, Richard Boland, C.K. Prahalad, Peter Senge or Otto Scharmer. Thus, the five axioms which should support a new proposal for innovation oriented toward sustainability are: 1. Changes emerge from the social domain to gain the technological domain, not the contrary. One should recognize that it is the dynamics and changes of social realities which enable the emergence of new technologies. 2. Technology means more than hard techniques, it also mean soft social engineering. One should recognize that in a complex social networked world, technologies do not consist anymore only on hardwired gadgets, but also more and more on social arrangements of stakeholders. 3. Sustainable innovations are those which can effectively integrate themselves in the current social transition. It is important to recognize that the need for sustainability and a more systemic understanding of the world is fostering the emergence of a new social equilibrium, from a hierarchical linear reality to a complex networked one. 4. New sustainable soft social technologies emerge from new networked knowledge creation among society. In a social networked complex reality, knowledge cannot be anymore produced by isolated individuals: on the contrary, the new means of production are the extended social networks where new technologies are crowdsourced. 5. To grow is not an imperative anymore. Despite the fact that, in a classical linear vision of business activities, the key-success factor for companies consists on always growing, the emerging new society is showing us that businesses can now live without growing in the long tail of mass customization. Based on these five axioms, the main purpose of this article will be to to present the so-called CIETEP Centro de Inovação, Educação, Tecnologia e Empreendedorismo do Paraná (Paraná s Center of Innovation, Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship), which is presently being implemented at the Industry Federation of the State of Paraná Brazil (FIEP), a multidisciplinary innovation center that has then been created in order to integrate and provide a strategic alignment of diverse innovation services and initiatives in the Brazilian State of Parana. This paper will then present the FIEP (Industry Federation of the State of Paraná) and the main structure and strategy of the CIETEP. The paper will also give further details on one of main initiative of the CIETEP: the creation of an Internet portal which will allow the emergence of virtual social networks aiming at creating and transferring knowledge for sustainable innovation. 2. The FIEP (Industry Federation of the State of Paraná) The Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná (FIEP) is geared toward the economic and social development of our State and congregates four other organizations within the so called FIEP SYSTEM: the Center of Industries of the State of Paraná (CIEP); Industrial Social Service (SESI), National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) and Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL). Focusing directly on technological innovation, sustainable development and social responsibility, FIEP invests on the improvement of labor force capacity as a key for a more competitive industrial sector, promotes working environment quality and provides business opportunities and strategic information for entrepreneurs. FIEP is represented in every region of Paraná through 20 regional coordination branches.

4 3. The CIETEP (Paraná s Center of Innovation, Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship): A strategic initiative for improving the Parana s Innovation Maturity While following its mission of strengthening the development of the Paraná State Industry, the FIEP is fully aware of its role as regional and national innovation catalyst. Therefore, in order to allow the general improvement of the Parana s industries innovation maturity level, the FIEP decided to created in 2008 the so-called CIETEP. CIETEP means Center of Innovation, Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship of the Paraná State. The CIETEP has then been created in order to integrate and provide a strategic alignment of diverse innovation services and initiatives offered by the institutions which compose the FIEP: the National Services for Industrial Learning (SENAI), the Social Services for Industry (SESI), the Evaldo Lodi Institute (IEL) and the Industry s University (UNINDUS). These services and initiatives include research laboratories, innovation training and development, basic and advanced innovation consulting, continuous education, financial support for innovation, among several others. The main purpose of the recently developed CIETEP consists therefore on implementing, through projects development and specific competence offer, a continuous Strategic Innovation Program, composed by products and processes, which aims at sustainable value creation, for the industries of the State of Paraná, as well as to answer to the most diverse industrial needs for innovation and technology, in order to accelerate innovative initiatives. Some highly specialized institutes will be part of this project, such as an Industrial Design Center, a Mathematical Industrial Institute and a Creativity and Innovative Environments Laboratory. The already existing Industrial Development Observatory of the FIEP will also be integrated to the CIETEP, as well as a Biotechnological Business Modeling Agency. Existing Innovation Activities: SENAI, SESI, IEL and UNINDUS Consulting and education In development Industrial Design Center Industrial Institute of Mathematics Creativity & Innovative Environment Lab Biotech modeling agency Techno-park International: Partnerships Events Common Projects Main Innovation Events: Top Innovation (nov 09) Technology and Innovation Common Forum (nov 09) Innovative Cities Conf. (march 10) Industrial Design Biennial (oct 10) Brazil: Governmental Projects MEI (Brazilian INI ) The CIETEP - Center of Innovation, Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship of the Paraná State

5 The CIETEP s range of action will include productive channels, local productive arrangements, high-and-low-maturity innovative enterprises, as well twelve specific strategic technological paths for the Brazilian state of Paraná, so that a general innovation maturity improvement can be fostered. All these activities will be managed by the FIEP s team, in partnership with government agencies, laboratories, in order to support the needs of all kind of organizations, including small and medium businesses. c.i.e.t.e.p Comprehensive System Industries Regional Units / Unions / Clusters /... CIETEP P r o g r a m s Steering Committee Information and Knowledge Management Processes: - Mapping - Creation - Transfer - Retention - Protection - Collaboration Controlling Infrastructure Innovation Management Incentives Management Entrepreneu rship. Technological Prod. & Serv. Events & Fairs CIETEP Forecasting & Structured Prog. Audit Committee Medias: -Web 2.0 -Social Networks -Business Intel. -Learning Mgt Planning & Development Technologies Full Sustainability SENAI SESI IEL FIEP UNINDUS External Partners Regional Units The CIETEP Conceptual Model, Processes, and Action Here follow some of the concrete actions the CIETEP has already launch theses last months: 1. The International Conference of Innovative Cities, CI-CI 2010, to be held in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, from 10 th through 13 th of March, The main purpose of this event is to create a global network of people involved in innovation initiatives related to Cities, so that a prolonged exchange of ideas, visions and technologies (including social technology) can be provided among a global network of connected innovative cities. The event is being prepared based on a set of questions that are presently being discussed by a Scientific Committee. The major themes which will be debated during the event are: a. The Blooming of the Cities Remarkable Experiences of Social and Technological Innovations which shall build new sustainable urban environments (including environments which allow the sustainable development of Industries) The Cities in Globalization and Local Action b. Government reinvented from Cities perspective Remarkable Experiences of Innovative Management (including urban planning, management of innovative programs and management policies) Remarkable Experiences of Political Innovations (including policies and politics) The City as a Complex System or Living Organism. c. The Governance of Cities Development Remarkable Experiences of Innovation for Endogenous Development Remarkable Experiences of Innovation

6 for Sustainable Development The City understood and managed as a Sustainable Network. d. Networked-City and Network of Cities FIEP-OPTI Curitiba, Cidade Inovadora Project Presentation Kick-off of the Innovative Cities Network. 2. The 3rd Brazilian Design Biennial CURITIBA, will be held in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, in September 2010, and will receive people during 30 days. This huge event on Design will concentrate the best of what the Brailizan industry has to present in terms of the state of the art. Knowledge initiatives during the event will be based on seminars, lectures and workshops. The Brazilian Design Biennial will be a forum that will reflect the contribution of design to the Brazilian society in terms of innovation, considering its economic, social and environmental development. The Biennial will also be an event that reflects the dynamics of the market, presenting the many contributions of design as a factor of competitiveness and greater sustainability of products and services to the needs of consumers and users, aiming to awake society to its strategic importance. The event should also contribute to the consolidation of the expression of design and presenting the Brazilian cultural identity Brazilian Trademark, seeking to be a national event with international projection. The Biennial should finally broadcast its influence to the design and industrial sectors in the country, and should be recognized by entrepreneurs, professionals, academics and consumers, with repercussions in the national media. 3. The Design Center. Based on a study realized in March 1996, as for the establishment of a Design Center in the State Paraná by Professor Pierre Henri De Jean of the Technological University of Compiègne and the designer Massimo Manzoni of ADE Design, Italian Ergonomics, with the support of local advisers, an Executive Group ahs been created in august 1997 for the establishment of the Design Center of Paraná. By supporting entrepreneurs in developing innovative and competitive products, the Paraná Center of Design was then created, and has been working on building a design culture in Brazil. With its pioneer work, this center has served as a model for the idealization of the Design Centers of the city of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, as also acted as support for other States design centers. The institute also was in charge of developing the Strategic Planning of the Brazilian Program of Design, which includes actions for the period 2007 to One of the most significant initiative of the Center for Design is the Design Workshop to Business. Since 2000, this event brings to Brazil international benchmarking in order to provide successful experiences of the use of design as a tool for innovation and differentiation in a highly competitive global market. Among entrepreneurs, professionals and students, the Business Design Event brought approximately thousand people in the 11 editions that have already been realized in Curitiba (PR), Sao Paulo (SP) and Porto Alegre (RS). The initiative enabled to bring to Brazil worldwide experts like Bruce Wood, Robert Brown (2000), Gwyn Tudor, Martino Zanotta, Mauro Lipparini (2001), Jane Pritchard, Luis Fernando Moro (2002), Massimo Morozzi, Corrado Fontanini, Fran Samalionis ( 2003), Martin Darbyshire (2004), Paul Priestman, Lars Engman (2005) and Mechel Popcorn (2008). The Design Center also coordinates the Paraná Design & Excellence Brazil - DEBrazil ( an initiative of the Brazilian Minister of Industrial Development and Commerce and the Agency for the Promotion of Exportation and Investments (Apex-Brasil), which supports the participation of Brazilian innovative products and with good design in the if Design Awards, the most important in the European market. In the 2008 edition, the DEBrazil offered financial and logistical support for the participation of 98 Brazilian products to compete for the if Product Design Award. Eighteen of them were among the 821 winners, selected from products entered, from 35 different countries.

7 4. The Sustainable Knowledge and Innovation Portal Initiative for the State of Paraná In order to fulfill its vision, and pursue its strategic objective of fostering innovation, the CIETEP shall them be able to be a knowledge-catalyzing center. The questions we shall then raise are: what do we exactly understand to be knowledge, and how does a connected interdependent society foster the creation of sustainable knowledge? Of course, a deeper epistemological study of the nature of knowledge could be proposed here, starting from the cosmic ordered vision of the World of Aristotle, going through the Cartesian revolution of the scientific objective knowledge, the dream of an artificial intelligence, sustained by the symbolic and functionalist epistemology of the 1956 Dartmouth Conference, and finally ending to the recent critics to the so-called objective knowledge, with the contemporaneous proposal of embodied meaning and biological phenomenology of Maturana, Varela and Capra. However, as the main purpose of the knowledge and innovation initiative of Industrial Federation of the State of Paraná (FIEP, Brazil), do consist on providing a systemic leverage for sustainable collaborative innovation, among the stakeholder of the State of Paraná and the Brazilian Society, we would here like to simply oppose the classic individual and objective perspective on knowledge to the more challenging (and contemporaneous) perspective of swarm subjective knowledge. What is then knowledge? An object which can be stored in a base (which shall then be called a knowledge base )? Is a set of document stored in an Electronic Document Management (EDM) tool the lived and shared experience of an interdependent, deeply connected and cyclic World we mentioned before? As we recognize that several so-called knowledge management initiatives would answer a strong yes to these questions, arguing in favor of a knowledge quantitative control, which would provide efficiency, competitiveness and even strategic advantages on the competitors, we would like here to advocate against this linear objective perspective on knowledge. Of course, our two main arguments for that are that (i) this perspective has clearly led us to a take-make-waste linear paradigm, based on the notion of a destructive and blind competition for the maximum financial profits (forgetting the necessary balance between profit, people and the planet), and (ii) this perspective is epistemologically inaccurate, as it is based on clear confusion between the media (information) and the cognition (the biological and individual capability for effective action). Our conceptual proposal will then consist on arguing that knowledge is not a set of information, nor a set of data or symbolic calculations, but a social construct, which we shall technically and operationally define as a phenomenon which emerges from the linguistic and embodied interactions which occur inside social networks. Although this position may seam a simple philosophical abstraction, it actually has very concrete consequences for the Knowledge and Innovation Initiative we are describing in this paper: (i) (ii) (iii) The initiative has to be co-constructed and co-prototyped by mobilizing the crossvision and cross-challenges of all stakeholders of society, and will then not be based on the unilateral vision of a given expert ; The new knowledge which shall be created during the co-prototyping and the coevolution of the initiative shall be the result of the complex non-linear social interactions of all kind of stakeholders of the Brazilian Society (government, public organizations, private companies, Universities and R&D Centers, NGOs, etc.), and not the result of a linear and controlled knowledge-production process; The new knowledge created inside this shared understanding on the real necessities and challenges of society shall be systemic, in the sense that it will not present itself as a linear unilateral vision of a given actor (a given company, a given public entity or NGO) but rather as a shared systemic co-creation, which will then, once put into action among all actors, create value on a 3-P perspective (people, planet, profit) ; Based on the challenge we identified in the introduction of this paper (the urgent need to get over the linear take-make-waste paradigm by allowing the co-creation of new systemic knowledge which shall support sustainable innovation), and based on the conceptual proposal we realized

8 for the understanding of knowledge (a collective phenomenon which emerges from the complex uncontrolled interactions of social networks), knowledge creation (the art of cultivating social networks, so that new realities can co-emerge from complex social interactions) and sustainable innovation (the capability to put a shared vision into action in order to create new sustainable value for the all society, on a 3-P perspective), we would finally like to describe the The Knowledge and Innovation Portal Initiative of the Industrial Federation of the State of Paraná (FIEP, Brazil). Private Sector SOCIETY Public Sector Organization C Institution C Organization A Organization A Organization B Entity B Academy NGOs University A Entity A Competence Center B Research Center C NGO B Entity C The CIETEP/FIEP as a Sustainable Innovation and Knowledge Network Catalyst The initiative consists on a project, which has started in June 2009, and will give birth to its first co-prototyped product in August 2009, followed by a sequence of new co-prototyped releases during 2009 and 2010, and which main purpose consists on co-creating a virtual knowledge creation and sharing space, where all the stakeholders of the State of Paraná and Brazilian Society, will co-create and transfer sustainable innovation experiences. The Portal will concretely consists on a digital social network space, where several collaboration and content services will be available: An Integrated perspective on Sustainable Innovation among all stakeholders of the Paraná State A Sustainable Innovation Reference e-library Sustainable Innovation Experts and Tendencies Maps Sustainable Innovation Education A Sustainable Innovation WebTV Collaborative Innovation Pipelines Sustainable Innovation Knowledge Forums and Instant Messaging Social Networks Open ideas Networks and Sustainable Innovation Pipelines It is of course important to mention that the Portal Services as well as the media organization (that is, the information so-called taxonomy and metadata ) are presently being co-created by mobilizing all kind of Brazilian society stakeholders in a bench of semi-structured interviews, and

9 will co-evolve with the qualitative and quantitative observation of the social happenings inside this electronic environment, as well as the continuous dialog which has now started to foster the Portal co-construction. Technically speaking, the portal will be based on the so-call web 2.0 techniques and web services. It will allow social networking, identity and content management, profiling and RSS feeds, as well taxonomies and metadata management and sharing (what is often also called folks-tagging or folksonomy ). As far as the results of the Initiative are concerned, the main vision of project consists on strengthening the role of the Paraná State s Industries Federation as a catalyst of knowledge creation for sustainable innovation among all stakeholders of society. We shall then be able to create a space of free debate about the future that society really desires, so that good practices and breaking-edge ideas can emerge and be transferred among all kind of actors, and, in particular, among the actors whose shared dialog clearly needs to be leveraged. In a few words of conclusion, knowledge for sustainable innovation shall emerge from the e-social networked complex relations fostered by the co-created digital collaborative environment we called The Knowledge and Innovation Portal of the State of Paraná. Public P1: Paraná s Organizations (Industries, Public Companies, etc.) Public P2: The FIEP and its System Public P3: National and International Competence Center Public P4: National and International Universities and R&D Centers Identity Management and Personalization (Profiles, Web-services and RSS) Presentation (Design) Information Classification and Access (Taxonomy and Metadata) Knowledge Services Contents Management and Access Integrated perspective on Sustainable Innovation Sustainable Innovation Reference e-library Sustainable Innovation Experts and Tendencies Maps Sustainable Innovation Education Sustainable Innovation WebTV Collaboration Knowledge Forums Instant Messaging Social Networks Open ideas Networks Sustainable Innovation Pipelines E-Commerce: Service Management Measurement and Administration Services The Innovation and Knowledge Portal General Architecture 5. Conclusion and perspectives Among the several challenges which the CIETEP will have to address will be its capability to answer and to provide tools, knowledge and consulting experiences for very concrete and often urgent inquiries like: 1. How shall my company obtain financial resources for its innovation projects and R&D activities? 2. How shall my company implement innovation management processes? 3. How shall my company implement a Creativity Program? 4. How shall my company get prepared for products exportation?

10 5. How to allow the intervention and collaboration of PhDs inside my Company? 6. What is the Parana State Industry s innovative maturity level? Awareness Conduction Coaching Consulting FASE I II III IV Status of the Industry The Importance of Innovation is unknown No experience in Innovation No accountability for innovation Unknown Necessities Tendency for experimentation Accountability Defined Technology inside Strategic Plans Running Projects Technology Managed Technology inside Strategic Plans Independent Projects Departments and R&D Centers Created CIETEP Actions Introductory Lectures Success Cases Training Give new innovation Opportunities Pilot Projects Promotion Coaching Forecasting Incentives Best Practices Consulting Consulting Tools and information providing Process support Optimization CIETEP Consulting Activities are dependent on the Maturity Stage of its Client 6. Further readings and References The conceptual proposals and the main stream of the CIETEP project are based on several powerful contemporaneous approaches on the nature of knowledge, innovation, and sustainable value creation. We would like to mention here the main references on which this paper and our vision are based, in order to allow the reader to get a deeper perspective on this new project of the Paraná State s Industries Federation: BACHIMOND, B. Hermeneutique materielle et Artefacture: des machines qui pensent aux machines qui donnent a penser. Thèse de Doctorat a l école polytechnique en épistémologie. (1996) CAPRA, F. The Web of Life. ISBN (1997) CAPRA, F. The Hidden Connections. ISBN (2002) DE GEUS, A. The Living Company. Harvard Business School Press. (1997). HAVELANGE, V. Society and Human Action: Cognition or Interpretation. In Cognition, Biology, Technology: The Science and Philosophy of Embodied Mind. UTC, IGC. (1999). JOHNSON S. Emergence The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software. ISBN (2001) KAHANE, A., SENGE, P. M. Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities. Berrett-Koehler; 2 edition. ISBN-13: (2007)

11 MATURANA H. Autopoiesis. In M. Zeleny (Ed.) Autopoiesis: a Theory of Living Organization. Amsterdam: Elsevier North Holland ; SCHARMER, C. O. Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges. SoL, the Society for Organizational Learning; 1st edition. ISBN-13: (2007) SENGE, P. M., SMITH, B., KRUSCHWITZ, N., LAUR, J., SCHLEY, S. The Necessary Revolution - How Individuals and Organizations are working Together to Create a Sustainable World. New York: Doubleday/Currency.. ISBN (2008) SENGE, P. M, SCHARMER C. O, JAWORSKI, FLOWERS. Presence Human Purpose and the Field of the Future. (2004) SENGE, P. The fifth discipline: The art and the practice of the Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday/Currency. (1990). SNOWDEN, D. The Art and science of Story or Are you sitting uncomfortably? Business Information Review, Dec (4): (2000) VARELA, F. Principles of Biological Autonomy. New-York. North Holand. Autonomie et connaissance, trad. Paul Dumouchel et Paul Bourgine, Paris, Seuil ; WENGER, E. Communities of practice. Learning, meaning and identity. Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press. (1998)

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