Kentucky Department of Education KDE Program Review for K-3 September, KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 1 K- 3

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1 Kentucky Department of Education KDE Program Review for K-3 September, 2012 KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 1 K- 3

2 Curriculum & Instruction Demonstrator 1. Student Access All students have equitable access to highly effective curriculum and instruction. K-3: CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Limited/No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) Teachers rarely collaborate on planning for meeting the needs of all students. a) Teachers informally share ideas and strategies for instruction. a) Teachers consistently collaborate with others on their team or grade level to plan instructional units, including common assessments and supplemental activities to ensure that each student has access to the curriculum and access to supports necessary to attain the curriculum. a) Teachers collaborate school wide to ensure each student has access to learning experiences that are necessary and appropriate for attaining and even progressing beyond curricular standards. Parent, community and higher education partners are regularly involved in helping design engaging and relevant learning experiences that may extend beyond the school walls. b) Students have limited access to the equipment and materials they need to attain the curriculum. There is inconsistency or inequity throughout the building. Instruction is not revised to meet individual student needs. b) Students have some access to the equipment and materials they need to attain the curriculum. Instruction is not often adjusted based on needs and/or students are not given opportunities or instructed in how to use the feedback in an effective way in order to improve student work. b) Students have access to a variety of equipment and materials that are relevant and necessary to support their needs. Instruction is continually revised and students are instructed in how to use the feedback to improve their work. b) Students have access to and use a variety of equipment and materials designed to meet their individual needs and enhance their learning experiences. Instruction is continually revised and students are instructed in how to use the feedback to improve their work. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 2 K- 3

3 Curriculum & Instruction Demonstrator 2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) for all students as defined by state and national standards. Limited/No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) Curriculum is not aligned to state standards. b) There is no plan/policy on the use of instructional time/curriculum implementation. a) Curriculum is only topically aligned to state standards and/or does not include pacing recommendations. b) Inadequate instructional time is provided in the schedule to effectively plan and enact the curriculum; OR instructional time is not prioritized and effectively used for addressing the curriculum. a) The curriculum is vertically and horizontally aligned to state standards and fully addresses the rigor/intent of the standards. It includes specific pacing recommendations. b) Adequate instructional time is provided for teachers to plan and fully enact the curriculum. a) A rigorous curriculum is aligned, vertically and horizontally, to state and national standards with a focus on 21st Century Skills taught in the context of core subjects and interdisciplinary themes. Pacing guides are present and updated annually based on implementation data and lessons learned. b) Ample instructional time is provided and utilized effectively by all teachers to address the curriculum. Flexibility is built into the schedule to further address student misconceptions as well as to provide enrichment opportunities to ensure student success. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 3 K- 3

4 Curriculum & Instruction Demonstrator 3. Instructional Strategies All teachers implement research-based instructional strategies that include characteristics of highly effective teaching and learning for all students. Limited/No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) Instructional strategies throughout the school are predominantly teacher-centered and involve whole class or inflexible groupings of students. a) Instructional strategies vary widely throughout the school. Students work in small groups, based on student needs. a) Teachers routinely use studentcentered and evidence-based instructional strategies that include classroom discussions, questioning, and learning tasks that promote critical thinking skills. Teachers scaffold instruction. Students work in flexible, collaborative groups based on student needs and learning styles. a) Teachers routinely use highly effective, student-centered and evidence-based instructional strategies that include classroom discussions, questioning, ageappropriate inquiry-based activities and learning tasks that promote 21 st Century Skills. Students work in flexible, collaborative groups based on student interests, choice, needs and learning styles. b) Teachers rarely focus lessons on defined/standards-based learning targets. b) Teachers may share a learning target but do not necessarily ensure the target is connected to intended standards and/or that success criteria for meeting the target is understood by all students. b) Teachers consistently involve students in defining and/or writing learning targets (using clear and precise language) that are essential to standard attainment. Students can describe what it takes to achieve the target (the success criteria). Instruction is planned to directly ensure that students meet the targets and ultimately have opportunities to demonstrate understanding of the standard as a whole. b) Teachers and students coconstruct/review the learning targets daily. Students can articulate what they are learning to do and how they will know they are successful. They regularly selfassess and engage in peerassessment strategies. Students also track their progress with learning targets throughout instructional units and have multiple and varied opportunities to demonstrate learning. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 4 K- 3

5 Curriculum & Instruction c) Students are not engaged in crosscurricular instruction. Instruction remains segmented by content areas without regard to natural and authentic integration. c) Students are not regularly engaged in cross-curricular instruction. Integration happens occasionally and doesn t appear to be intentional. c) Students are engaged in crosscurricular instruction that is deliberate, culturally responsive, and includes handson, authentic and applied learning experiences. c) Students are consistently engaged in a variety of cross-curricular instructional activities that are deliberate, culturally responsive, and include hands-on authentic learning experiences. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 5 K- 3

6 Curriculum & Instruction Demonstrator 4. Kentucky Systems of Intervention (KSI) /Response to Intervention (RtI) A school establishes and uses a systematic, comprehensive system that addresses accelerated learning, achievement gaps, highly-effective instruction, readiness to learn and student transitions. A school provides a seamless framework, using state and federal funding, that addresses academic and behavioral needs, that is accessible to all students. Limited/No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) A KSI/ RtI decision making protocol has not been established. b) Universal screening is not utilized to potentially identify students for intervention. a) A KSI/ RtI decision making protocol has been established but is ineffective and not always equitably applied. b) Universal screening is used to determine students for intervention, but the data is not used to determine intervention services. c) Instruction is not research-based. c) Instruction is not always researchbased, or is not always accessible to all students. Services attempt to provide interventions for student achievement but are not always effective or are inconsistent. d) Intervention teams are not established, or members do not regularly meet to discuss student needs. Academic and behavioral intervention services are ineffective and inconsistent. d) Intervention team members meet and discuss programmatic and behavioral needs, but the follow through is ineffective or inconsistent. a) A KSI/ RtI decision making protocol has been established and is used to make decisions based on student needs. b) Universal screening is used to determine students for intervention and the data is used to determine intervention services. c) Highly effective instruction includes tiered services that provide intervention to increase student achievement, is researchbased, aligned to standards as well as across tiers, and accessible to all students. d) Intervention team members meet to discuss academic and behavioral needs of students and adequately address those needs. a) A KSI/ RtI decision making protocol has been established and is always used to make decisions that are based on individual student needs. b) Universal screening is used to determine students for intervention services; diagnostic assessment and/or supplemental report data is used to further inform the individual student s intervention services. c) Highly effective instruction includes tiered services that provide a comprehensive system of interventions to maximize student achievement, is research-based, aligned to standard as well as across tiers, and designed to meet the individual needs of all students d) Intervention team members routinely meet to discuss the academic and behavioral needs of each intervention student and effectively meet their needs. Team members communicate KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 6 K- 3

7 Curriculum & Instruction intervention plans and progress with students and families. e) Progress monitoring is not used. e) Progress monitoring is used infrequently, or is not used to inform decisions about instruction. f) The school has no communication regarding interventions with the families of those students identified for intervention. f) The school has very limited communication regarding interventions with the families of those students identified for intervention. The family is only notified of intervention services. e) Progress monitoring data (as required in SB , including specifically diagnostic data) informs decisions about instruction and individual student learning. Instruction is adjusted based on the progress monitoring data. f) The school regularly communicates intervention services and progress with the families of those students identified for intervention. Family communication is focused on improving student learning. e) Progress monitoring occurs on a routine schedule. Data collected informs decisions about instruction and individual student learning. Instruction is adjusted based on the progress monitoring data. f) The school consistently communicates intervention services and progress with the families of those students identified for intervention. Family communication is focused on improving student learning. Families provide regular input and reflection into the student s intervention plan, services, and/or progress. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 7 K- 3

8 Formative & Summative Assessment K-3: FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Demonstrator 1. Assessments Teachers should use multiple assessment processes to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional strategies and curriculum to enhance to student learning and achievement. Limited/No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) Teachers do not use assessment data to monitor student progress or guide instruction. a) Teachers inconsistently and/or irregularly use informal assessments to monitor progress and/or guide instruction. a) Teachers embed day-to-day/weekto-week/informal assessments to monitor progress and guide instruction (aligned to the school s systemic plan/policy). a) Teachers collaborate to consistently embed day-today/week-to-week/informal assessments to monitor progress and guide instruction (aligned to the school s systemic plan/policy). b) Teachers rarely use assessment methods to gather data about student understanding. Teachers rarely reflect on instruction, nor make adjustments to support each student s learning. b) Teachers use limited assessment methods to systematically gather data about student understanding of learning targets, reflect on instruction, and make adjustments to instruction. b) Teachers use multiple and developmentally appropriate assessment methods (e.g., formative, screening, diagnostic, interim, benchmark, summative) to systematically gather data about student understanding of learning targets, reflect on instruction, and make adjustments to instruction. b) Teachers collaborate and analyze multiple and developmentally appropriate assessment methods (e.g., formative, screening, diagnostic, interim, benchmark, summative) to systematically gather data about student understanding of learning targets, reflect on instruction, and make adjustments to support each student s learning. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 8 K- 3

9 Formative & Summative Assessment Demonstrator 2: Expectations for Student Learning Teachers communicate consistently high expectations and use common standards for student learning in K-3. Limited/No implementation Need Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) Students and families are not provided models and/or descriptions of intended learning targets. a) Students and families are rarely given models and descriptions of intended learning targets. Descriptions may be unclear and/or incomplete. b) Teachers rarely provide feedback. b) Teachers provide primarily evaluative feedback (e.g., grades, scores, generic comments such as well done or try harder ) rather than descriptive and focused feedback that can actually assist the student in improving their work. a) Students and families are provided with clear models and descriptions of the intended targets to be mastered. b) Teachers provide timely, learning target-focused descriptive feedback to students and provide guidance on how to apply the feedback to enhance student work. a) Students and families are provided guidance with descriptive and clear models of the intended targets to be mastered to enable students to define the clear criteria for their success. b) Teachers provide timely, learning target-focused descriptive feedback to students and provide guidance on how to apply the feedback. Sufficient time is given regularly to students to refine their thinking, enhance their learning, and improve their work based on the intended learning targets. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 9 K- 3

10 Professional Development K-3: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1. Opportunities Professional development opportunities are planned with teacher learning needs in mind and in response to data available about school needs, teacher practice and student learning. Limited/No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) There is no professional development action plan. a) A professional development action plan is developed but not fully implemented and/or appropriate for K-3 instruction. a) The professional development action plan is linked to the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) and is appropriate for K-3 instruction. a) The professional development action plan is linked to the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP), is appropriate for K-3 instruction, and is revisited throughout the year to assess the implementation and fidelity and to make needed changes. b) Teachers have limited access to job-embedded professional development. b) Teachers have adequate access to job-embedded professional development. b) Teachers have access to and participate in job-embedded professional development (e.g., distance learning, conferences, workshops) that supports research-based K-3 practices. b) Teachers base their job-embedded professional development choices on research, self-reflection and review of student outcome data. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 10 K- 3

11 Professional Development 2. Participation Teachers are leaders in their professional community, and guide/lead professional development that meets the needs of the professional learning community. No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) Teachers and administrators do not participate in professional learning communities. a) Teachers and administrators are passive members of professional learning communities. a) Teachers and administrators actively participate as members of professional learning communities that focus on research-based K-3 practices, planning of instruction, analysis of assessment data/student work and student performance. a) Teachers and administrators actively participate as members and leaders of professional learning communities that focus on highly effective and researched-based K-3 practices, planning of instruction, analysis of assessment data/student work and student performance to impact both the K-3 program, as well as individual student needs. b) K-3 teachers and administrators have no contact with external partners. b) K-3 teachers and administrators have limited contact with external partners. b) K-3 teachers and administrators regularly collaborate with the community, local business partners, as well as early learning communities and secondary partners. b) K-3 teachers and administrators are provided time in the school schedule, a stipend and/or professional development credit for collaboration with community, business, early learning and postsecondary partners. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 11 K- 3

12 Administrative/Leadership Support & Monitoring K-3: ADMINISTRATIVE/LEADERSHIP SUPPORT AND MONITORING Demonstrator 1. Policies and Monitoring School leadership establishes and monitors implementation of policies, provides adequate resources, facilities, space and instructional time to support highly effective K-3 instructional programs. No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) School leadership/sbdm committee neither monitors nor allocates sufficient time and resources that are necessary to support an effective K-3 program. b) SBDM committee does not establish formal policies. c) School council/leadership never or rarely communicates with parents about the K-3 program. a) School leadership/sbdm committee monitors and/or allocates time and resources without consideration of specific needs for an effective K-3 program. b) SBDM committee establishes policies for the K-3 program, however the policies are not datadriven and are not routinely monitored or reassessed. c) School council/leadership communicates with parents about the K-3 program. a) School leadership/sbdm committee continually monitors the availability of resources in effort to thoughtfully allocate sufficient blocks of instructional time and developmentally appropriate resources needed to support an effective K-3 program. b) SBDM committee establishes and enacts a process to at least annually analyze data related to the implementation and impact of policies and practices specifically for the K-3 program. c) School council/leadership communicates with parents and community frequently about the K-3 program. a) School leadership/sbdm committee continually utilizes input from stakeholders to organize and monitor the availability of outside resources in effort to effectively and equitably allocate the necessary time and resources needed to support a highly effective K-3 program. b) SBDM committee involves teachers, parents and community stakeholders annually in the analysis of data to make recommendations for continuous improvement in the K-3 program. Policies and practices for a highly effective K-3 program are revisited and revised annually based on multiple sources of impact data. c) A variety of sources, including technology and media resources, are regularly used to communicate current information about the K-3 program with parents and community. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 12 K- 3

13 Administrative/Leadership Support & Monitoring d) School leadership/sbdm does not establish policies that promote best practice in the K-3 program. d) School leadership/sbdm establishes policies that promote best practice in the K-3 program. Implementation is inconsistent or may not be fully functioning. d) School leadership/sbdm establishes and maintains policies that promote best practice in the K- 3 program (e.g., critical attributes: continuous progress, developmentally appropriate educational practices, multiage and multiability classrooms, authentic assessment, qualitative reporting methods, professional teamwork, and positive parent involvement) d) School leadership/sbdm maintains and stabilizes policies that promote best practice in the K- 3 program (e.g., critical attributes: continuous progress, developmentally appropriate educational practices, multiage and multiability classrooms, authentic assessment, qualitative reporting methods, professional teamwork, and positive parent involvement) KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 13 K- 3

14 Administrative/Leadership Support & Monitoring Demonstrator 2. Principal Leadership Principals are the primary leaders of all K-3 program efforts and support teacher leadership through shared leadership strategies and actions. No implementation Needs Improvement Proficient Distinguished a) The principal lacks understanding of the specific elements and attributes that contribute to an effective K-3 program. a) The principal supports the K-3 program but does not effectively monitor the implementation and impact on student learning and access to appropriate learning experiences and supports. a) The principal works collaboratively with teachers to define, support, and continuously improve the K-3 program. The principal regularly facilitates K-3 team meetings in order to monitor and support all K-3 program efforts. a) The principal intentionally creates a structure to promote and empower teacher leaders to define and continuously improve the K-3 program. The principal collaborates with the teachers/teacher leaders regularly to analyze program and student data, providing feedback and support for ongoing improvements that promote the success of every K-3 student and all K-3 program efforts. b) The principal does not promote an environment that supports a professional learning community. b) The principal facilitates professional learning regarding the K-3 program. b) The principal participates fully in and facilitates research-based professional learning in relation to the K-3 program. b) The principal participates fully in, facilitates and leads research-based, on-going professional learning in relation to the K-3 program. c) There are no policies in place to assess assignment of staff to meet student needs. c) The principal establishes policies for the assignment of staff based on needs of students. c) The principal makes decisions related to staff assignment based on student needs determined by student trend data. c) The principal makes decisions related to staff assignment based on student needs determined by trend data around student performance and staff abilities. KDE:ONGL:FCS September, 2012 Page 14 K- 3

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