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1 The French Revolution and Napoleon: On the Eve of Revolution 2. The French Revolution 3. Radical Days of the Revolution 4. Age of Napoleon

2 6.1 On the Eve of the Revolution Describe the Social divisions of France s old order List reasons for France s economic troubles in 1789 Explain why Louis XVI called the Estates-General and summarize what resulted Understand why Parisians stormed the Bastille

3 Terms, People, and Places Ancien Regime Estate Bourgeoisie Deficit spending Louis XVI Jacques Necker Estates-General Cahier Tennis Court Oath Bastille

4 French Society Divided Before the revolution, France is ruled under an ancien regime, or old order in which the country is divided into three classes The three classes are called the Estate The First estate is the Clergy The Second Estate is the Nobility The Third Estate is the Peasant Class

5 The Clergy Enjoy Wealth Clergy of France still enjoyed great wealth Clergy still provided social services Schools Hospitals Orphanages Philosophes targeted the Clergy for reform criticizing the church for involvement in politics

6 Nobles Hold Top Government Jobs Second Estate Second Estate was the titled nobility Under strict royal control the Nobles were granted top jobs in government, the army and courts Nobles hated Absolutism, resented the Royal Bureaucracy that took their Jobs Third Estate Vastly Diverse Bourgeoisie-middle class lawyers, bankers, doctors, journalist, merchants Bottom was the rural peasant class Also included urban workers

7 Life of Privilege The top two classes paid almost no taxes Majority of taxation came from the Third Estate Peasants angered when Nobles tried to re instate the manorial dues Enlightenment ideas began to take hold in the Third Estate calling for the First and Second to pay their fair share

8 Checkpoint What was the social structures of the old regime in France? 1. First estate: Clergy 2. Second Estate: Nobles 3. Third Estate: The majority of the population

9 Financial Troubles France finical troubles came from Deficit Spending Deficit Spending government spends more money that it takes in King Louis XIV lost Seven Years War Louis XV spent on an extravagant lifestyle Louis XVI (dull witted) lost money on the American Revolution Louis choose Jacques Necker as his finance minister Necker was removed from his job when he imposed taxing the First and Second Estate

10 Checkpoint What economic troubles did France face in 1789 and how did they lead to further unrest? France had a large national debt and soaring food prices. This caused people to go hungry and then caused unrest among the people

11 Louis Calls The Estate General With Pressure from the Wealthy and powerful upper class Louis calls the Estate General Estate General legislative body that encompasses representatives from all three classes Called to meet at Versailles Cahiers notebooks filled with grievances to be presented before the Estate General

12 Delegates take the Tennis Court Oath Estates General met May 1789 First and Second Estate would always vote together Third Estate felt this was unfair since they represented the majority wanted a Head Count After being left out of the votes the Third Estate convened on the tennis court next to the palace and voted themselves to be the National Assembly Tennis Court Oath: declaring they would not leave until there was a sound and just constitution

13 Checkpoint What actions did delegates of the Third Estate take when the Estate General met in 1789? They declared themselves the National Assembly representing the people of France and took the Tennis Court Oath, swearing to meet until they created a new constitution.

14 Parisians Storm the Bastille July 1789 Violence breaks out in the streets of Paris Looking of weapons and gunpowder the people head to the Bastille Bastille a medieval prison for political prisoners The captain of the Bastille denies entry Parisians storm the Bastille and chop off his head

15 Checkpoint What was the significance of the storming of the Bastille? This was a new sense of empowerment of the people.

16 Section Review What led to the storming of the Bastille and the beginning of the revolution? Inequalities between the Third Estate and the other two estates. Hunger and poverty, increasing cost. This led to the Third Estate to attack the nobles and demand a new constitution. In this tense atmosphere, fear that the royal troops would occupy Paris led Parisians to storm the Bastille in search of weapons.

17 Section Review How did the views of Society differ between the nobles and peasants in 1789 France? Inequalities between the Second and Third estate.

18 Section Review 6.1 How would your economic reform program benefit France?

19 Section Review What issues arose when Louis XVI called the Estates-General in 1789? Issues about voting, which led the Third Estate to proclaim itself the National Assembly and take the Tennis Court Oath

20 6.2 The Revolution Unfolds Explain how the political crisis of 1789 led to popular revolts Summarize the moderate reforms enacted by the National Assembly in August of 1789 Identify additional actions taken by the National Assembly as it pressed onward Analyze why there was a mixed reactions around Europe to the events unfolding in France

21 Terms, People and Places Faction Marquis de Lafayette Olympe de Gouges Marie Antoinette Émigré Sans-culotte Republic Jacobin

22 The French Revolution Unfolds Historians divide the French Revolution into phases The moderate phase ( ) The national assembly turned France into a constitutional monarchy The radicle phase ( ) period of escalating violence which led to the end of the monarchy and the Reign of Terror The Directory ( ) a movement away from the radicle ideas if the revolution The Age of Napoleon ( )

23 Political Crisis Leads to Revolt Rumors run wild of soldiers attacking towns and stealing grains This leads to a Great Fear Peasants motivated by famine and fear attack nobles Peasants destroy manorial records and steal grain

24 Paris Commune Comes to Power Paris is in turmoil and Revolutionaries are splitting into factions Factions dissenting groups of people struggling to gain power Marquis de Lafayette - fought along side of George Washington was in charge of the French National Guard

25 Two Main Factions Moderates Largely Middle Class Organized the National Guard against the Royal troops First Wore the Blue White and Red Radicles Replaced the Royal Government in the City Could mobilize whole neighborhoods to violence Had newspapers and political clubs

26 Checkpoint What caused the French Peasants to revolt against the Nobles? Famine and Fear of Government assault. Rumors that soldiers were attacking villages and stealing grain

27 The National Assembly Acts August 4 in response to the violence the National Assembly meets and Feudalism is abolished. Nobel's in the Assembly agree to give up their privileges. This included- Hunting rights Manorial dues Special legal status and titles Tax exemption Nobles had lost all this already just made official

28 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen Modeled after of the Declaration of Independence All men were born and remain free and equal in rights They enjoyed natural rights to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. Insisted governments existed to protect man not control him All male citizens equal in French law Asserted Freedom of Religion Called for people to pay taxes with accordance of their ability Set up equality for public office

29 Women were left out Declaration of Rights of Man captured in the phrase Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Declaration did not grant women equal rights Olympe de Gouges demanded equal rights for women Wrote Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female citizen Argued all men and women were created equal and women had the same right to hold public office as men

30 Women March on Versailles Marie Antoinette Austrian born queen of France lived in great extravagance Women angered by no food marched 13 miles in the rain to Versailles shouting for bread Women refused to leave unless they met with the king After storming the castle King Louis agrees to move to Paris

31 Checkpoint How did the National assembly react to peasant uprisings? Voted to give up privileges like manorial rights, and tax exemption and titles.

32 National Assembly Presses On Church is placed under state control Priest and bishops were now elected Church of France had no ties to Pope Sold Church land to raise money The Constitution of 1791 establishes a new government Set up a limited monarchy Legislative assembly had power to collect taxes create laws Members were elected by tax paying males 25 or older

33 Louis Tries to Escape King is basically a prisoner Decided to try to escape Disguised as a servant rode out of Paris in a carriage Someone recognized the king because his face was on money Many declared Louis a trader to France because of his escape attempt

34 Checkpoint What were the provisions of the Constitution of 1791? Set up a limited Monarchy, Created a new legislative assembly, replaced old provinces with 83 departments, abolished provincial courts and reformed laws

35 Radicles Take Over rulers of European countries thought of it as a threat. Increased border patrols to stop the French Plague Émigrés - political refugees that flees France Enlightened Despots turn against France Catherine the Great burns her letters from Voltaire Edmond Burke writer that was for the American revolution wrote When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away we have no compass to govern us.

36 Threats come from Abroad King of Prussian and Emperor of Austria issue the Declaration of Pilnatz Declaration stated that France would be attacked if they harmed the monarchs People prepared for war Working class Sans Culottes push the revolutions into the radical phase San Culottes working class French known for long pants

37 National Assembly declares War on Tyranny San Culottes demand republic Draft a second Constitution Republic government ruled by the people Jacobins begin to take power Jacobin salon made up of mostly middle class lawyers and intellectuals Declare war on Austria and Prussia and Britain The powers expected to win easily but fighting went on from

38 Checkpoint How did the rest of Europe react to the French Revolution? Supporters were pleased but the nobles and governments were against the revolution because of the violence.

39 6.2 Section Review 2. What Political and Social reforms did the national assembly institute in the first stage of the revolution? Revoked privileges of nobles Issued Declaration of Rights of Man Placed church under state control Wrote a constitution that set up a limited monarchy

40 6.2 Section Review 3. How was the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen similar to the Declaration of Independence? Both documents emphasized freedom, equality, and natural rights for men. The basic principles came from the ideas of John Locke

41 6.2 Section Review 4. What did the constitution of 1791 do? How did it reflect enlightenment ideas? Put Catholic Church under the control of the state Created a Legislative Assembly whose members would be elected by tax paying male citizens over 25 Reflected Enlightenment ideas Ensured equality for male citizens

42 6.2 Section Review Describe what happened to the monarchy. The monarchy lost most of its power and was dethroned.

43 6.3 Terms, People, and Places Suffrage Robespierre Reign of Terror guillotine Napoleon Nationalism Marseilles

44 The Monarchy is Abolished War is going poorly for the French Well Trained Prussian armies are slicing through France Many officers are deserting because of loyalty to the king Violence is breaking out because of disapproval of the King and the war The Guillotine is introduced

45 The Guillotine A new execution device invented by Dr. Guillotin Thought to be a more humane form of execution Became a symbol of terror in France First to be guillotined were the kings guards at the palace

46 Tensions lead to Violence August Parisians storm the royal palace of the Tuileries They carry the royal guards off to the guillotine The Royal Family is forced to flee to the National Assembly for protection where they are taken into custody Later In response to the Declaration of Pinatz mobs storm prisons holding nobles and priests killing about 1,200

47 Radicals Take Control Backed by angry crowds the Radicals take control of the Assembly and rename it National Convention Declare France a Republic Call for equal Suffrage among ALL men Suffrage right to vote Jacobins seize control

48 Death of a King The Convention put Louis XVI on trial and convicted of treason January 1793 Louis is led to the gallows and executed by Guillotine October 1793 Marie Antoinette is also executed

49 Checkpoint What occurred after the radicles took control of the Assembly? Called for a new legislative body, extended right to vote to all male citizens, abolished the monarchy, established the republic, and executed the king and queen

50 Terror and Danger Grip France After the death of the king France goes through a very dangerous time They are at war with Britain, Spain, the Netherlands and Prussia France is also facing internal rebellion from loyalist Food shortages and famine still grip the city The Convention is split between the Jacobin radicals and the moderate Girongins

51 The Convention creates a New Committee The Committee of Public Safety is created to deal with threats to the revolution 12 Person committee with Absolute Power Prepared France for war by issuing a levee en masse The carried out all trials and executions

52 Robespierre The Incorruptible Maximilien Robespierre a radical and member of the Jacobin s One of the leaders of the revolution, a lawyer by trade Called the incorruptible because of his fierce dedication to the peoples cause in the revolution Was against the death penalty but evolved into a tyrant Believed France could only achieve a republic of virtue through the use of terror One of the Architects of the Reign of Terror Liberty can not be secured unless criminals loose their heads

53 Reign of Terror September July 1794 About 300,000 were arrested during the Reign of Terror About 70,000 were executed

54 End of The Reign of Terror Members of the Convention feared the Committee of Public Safety Fearing that they were next to be arrested opponents to Robespierre arrested him While in custody Robespierre tries to take his life He is sent to the guillotine After his death the executions slowed drastically

55 Checkpoint Why did Robespierre think the Terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution? Believed it was necessary to go to extremes to continue the revolution

56 The Revolution enters the Third Stage Moderates are now in charge of the Convention Draft a third constitution 1795 set up a five man Directory with a two house legislative system Middle class and Bourgeoisie were the dominate force during this time period Peace made with Spain and Prussia

57 Threats to the Directory Directory filled with corruption Rising bread prices caused revolt among the Sans- Culottes Returning émigrés with loyal ties to the monarchy Re emergence of the Catholic Church

58 Checkpoint What changes occurred after the Reign of Terror came to an end? Moderates set up the Constitution of 1795 which set up a five man Directory and two house legislatures

59 Revolution Brings Change Nationalism Fueled by revolutionary ideas nationalism spreads throughout France Nationalism strong feeling of pride and devout loyalty to ones country Social Reform Religious toleration Set up schools Organized systems to help poor and old soldiers Abolished slavery in colonies

60 Checkpoint What changes occurred in France because of the French Revolution? Monarchy is overthrown, old regime in gone, the state controls the church

61 6.3 Section Review 2. What events occurred during the radicle events of the French Revolution Beheading of the monarchs, the Reign of Terror

62 6.3 Section Review 3. Summarize the goals of the Jacobin Get rid of any traces of the old social order, seize the lands of the nobles, abolish noble titles, also remove the monarchy

63 6.3 Section Review 4. Why was the committee of Public Safety created To deal with threats to the revolution

64 6.3 Section Review 5. How did the Reign of Terror lead to the Directory France was tired of the executions and members of the National Convention felt their lives were in danger. This led to the execution of Robespierre and other radicals. This also led to the creation of a new constitution and the Directory

65 6.4 The Age of Napoleon Understand Napoleon s rise to power and why the French strongly supported him Explain how Napoleon built and empire and what challenges the empire faced Analyze the events that led to Napoleon's downfall Outline how the congress of Vienna tried to create a lasting peace

66 Terms, People, and Places Plebiscite Napoleonic code Annex Continental system Guerrilla warfare Scorched Earth Abdicate Congress of Vienna Legitimacy Concert of Europe

67 Napoleon Rises to Power Born in Corsica Sent to France to learn how to be a soldier Favored Jacobins and republic rule

68 Victory Clouds Losses December 1793 drove the British out of Toulon Scored several other victories against Austria Forced Austria into a treaty 1798 Fought British in Egypt

69 Rise to Power 1799 helped to overthrow the Directory Set up a new three man governing board called The Consulate Drew up a new constitution Forced Spain to return Louisiana territory to France

70 Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor Declared himself Council for Life Later assumed the title of Emperor Took crown from the Pope and placed it on his own head Held Plebiscite or popular vote by ballot to elect him self

71 Checkpoint How did Napoleon rise to power so quickly in France? His ambition an military success helped him rise to power in the absence of any true leaders.

72 Napoleon Reforms France Order, Security, and Efficiency replaced Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity Controlled prices, encouraged industry, built roads, set up a system of public schools Made peace with the Catholic Church with the Concordat of 1801 Lasting reforms and laws set up were called the Napoleonic Code The Napoleonic Code Replaced many of the reforms of the Revolution

73 Checkpoint What reforms did Napoleon introduce during his rise to power? Improved the economy, established a public school system introduced the Napoleonic Codes which were included equality, and religious toleration but undid some of the reforms of the revolution.

74 Napoleon Builds an Empire gained a reputation as a skilled military leader Attacked using a fast moving army By 1812 built a Grand Empire I grew up on the field of battle and a man such as my self cares little for the life of a million men

75 The Map of Europe is Redrawn As Napoleon created the vast French Empire he redrew the Map of Europe Annexed land from Spain, Netherlands Belgium and Germany Dissolved the Holy Roman Empire Created new countries and inserted relatives at the rulers

76 Napoleon Sticks Britain Britain was only country that stood in the way of total European domination Set up the Continental System which was blockade against British Imports to Europe Fought Brian in Egypt to cut off their access to the Middle East Discovered the Rosetta Stone in Egypt By causing the British to attack U. S. Ships Triggered the War of 1812

77 Checkpoint How did Napoleon come to dominate most if Europe by 1812? Using a fast moving army he was able to defeat the other powers of Europe. He tolerated great losses of men in exchange of victory. He would annex lands and install friends or relatives as rulers

78 Napoleon's Empire Faces Challenges Nationalism Many countries welcomed the ideas of Revelation but felt Napoleon was a suppressing conqueror The resented the Continental System and the act of Imposing French Culture Spain and Austria Spaniard resisted the change to the Spanish Catholic Church Conducted Guerrilla Warfare ageist Napoleon's Army Guerrilla Warfare using hit and run tactics against a superior Military

79 Russian Winter Stops The Grand Army Invaded Russia Russia used a Scorched Earth Policy in Retreat Destroyed all resources that Napoleon's army could have used Harsh Winter conditions forced the Grand Army to Retreat 500,000 reduced to about 20,000

80 Checkpoint What challenges threated Napoleon's empire and what led to the disaster in Russia? Nationalism of individual states and guerrilla warfare in Spain Austria seeking revenge on France Large expanse of land to cross in Russia as well as the Russian Winter overcome the scourched earth policy

81 Napoleon Falls from Power After his defeat in Russia forced to Abdicate the throne Abdicate-to give up Sent into exile in the island of Elba with 1000 troops When British administrator leave the island Napoleon and his troops escape Upon his return to France he is treated as a hero France had re instated a monarch King Louis XVIII and went back on revolutionary reforms Louis sent troops to stop napoleon and they ended up joining him Marched on Paris forcing Louis to flee and reclaimed his title as Emperor

82 Battle of Waterloo Fearing Napoleons Power Europe raced to raise an army ageist him Napoleon also raised his army of one million strong Met in battle at Waterloo Was against Arch Duke Wellington first time he met a commander equal to him in skill Wellington knew Napoleons tactics and was able to defeat him Napoleon was again sent into Exile to the island if St Helena Died six years later

83 Checkpoint How did Napoleon impact Europe and the rest of the world? Spread ideas of Nationalism Helped expand the American territory with the Louisiana purchase Abolished the Holy Roman Empire and set up Germany

84 Congress of Vienna Chief Goal was to suppress revolutionary uprisings Strived for peace in Europe Re instated the legitimate rulers of the countries Created the Concert of Europe a system in which European powers met an periodically discussed any problems affecting the peace in Europe

85 Checkpoint Explain the chief goal of the Congress of Vienna Create a lasting peace in Europe Establish a balance of power Protect the monarch system

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