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2 In many circumstances, it is useful or even necessary for a node in a wireless sensor network to be aware of its location in the physical world. For example, tracking or event-detection functions are not particularly useful if the WSN cannot provide any information where an event has happened.

3 To do so, usually, the reporting nodes location has to be known. Manually configuring location information into each node during deployment is not an option. Similarly, equipping every node with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver fails because of cost and deployment limitations (GPS, e.g. does not work indoors).

4 - Goals - Means for a node to determine its physical position (with respect to some coordinate system) or symbolic location Using the help of Anchor nodes that know their position Directly adjacent Over multiple hops Using different means to determine distances and/or angles locally

5 - Properties - Physical position vs symbolic location Does the system provide data about the physical position of a node (in some numeric coordinate system) or does a node learn about a symbolic location for example, living room, office 123 in building 4? Is it, in addition, possible to match physical position with a symbolic location name (out of possibly several applicable ones)?

6 - Properties - Absolute vs relative coordinates An absolute coordinate system is valid for all objects and embedded in some general frame of reference. E.g. positions in the UTM coordinates form an absolute coordinate system for any place on earth. Relative coordinates can differ for any located object or set of objects a WSN where nodes have correct coordinates wrt each other but have no relationship to absolute coordinates is an example.

7 - Properties - Absolute vs relative coordinates (cont.) To provide absolute coordinates, a few anchors (aka beacons or landmarks) are necessary (at least three for a 2D system). These anchors are nodes that know their own position in the absolute coordinate system. Anchors can rotate, translate, and possibly scale a relative coordinate system so that it coincides with the absolute coordinate system.

8 - Properties - Localized versus centralized computation Are any required computations performed locally, by the participants, on the basis of some locally available measurements? or Are measurements reported to a central station that computes positions or locations and distributes them back to the participants?

9 - Properties - Localized versus centralized computation (cont.) Apart from scaling and efficiency considerations (both wrt computational and communication overhead), privacy issues are important here as it might not be desirable for a participant to reveal its position to a central entity.

10 - Properties - Accuracy and precision Positioning accuracy is the largest distance between the estimated and the true position of an entity (high accuracy indicates a small maximal mismatch). Precision is the ratio with which a given accuracy is reached, averaged over many repeated attempts to determine a position.

11 - Properties - Accuracy and precision (cont.) For example, a system could claim to provide a 20-cm accuracy with at least 95% precision. Evidently, accuracy and precision values only make sense when considered together, forming the accuracy/precision characteristic of a system.

12 - Properties - Scale A system can be intended for different scales, for example in indoor deployment the size of a room or a building or in outdoor deployment a parking lot or even worldwide operation. Two important metrics here are, the area the system can cover per unit of infrastructure, and the number of locatable objects per unit of infrastructure per time interval.

13 - Properties - Limitations For some positioning techniques, there are inherent deployment limitations. GPS, for example, does not work indoors; other systems have only limited ranges over which they operate.

14 - Properties - Costs Positioning systems cause costs: in time (installation, administration), space (device size, space for infrastructure), energy (during operation), and capital (price of a node and infrastructure).


16 - Overview - Basic approaches Single-hop schemes Multi-hop schemes

17 - Overview - Basic approaches Single-hop schemes Multi-hop schemes

18 - Overview - Basic approaches Proximity (Tri)lateration and (tri)angulation Scene analysis

19 - Basic Approaches - Proximity The simplest technique is to exploit the finite range of wireless communication. It can be used to decide whether a node that wants to determine its position or location is in the proximity of an anchor. Only provides coarse-grain information, but OK. One example is the natural restriction of infrared communication by walls, which can be used to provide a node with simple location information about the room it is in.

20 - Basic Approaches - Proximity (cont.) Proximity-based systems can be quite sophisticated and can even be used for approximate positioning when a node can analyze proximity information of several overlapping anchors. They can also be relatively robust to the uncertainties of the wireless channel deciding whether a node is in the proximity of another node is tantamount to deciding connectivity, which can happen on relatively long time scales, averaging out short-term fluctuations.

21 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration versus angulation In addition to mere connectivity/proximity information, the communication between two nodes often allows to extract information about their geometric relationship. E.g. the distance between two nodes or the angle in a triangle can be estimated. Using elementary geometry, this information can be used to derive information about node positions.

22 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration versus angulation When distances between entities are used, the approach is called lateration. When angles between nodes are used, one talks about angulation.

23 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration

24 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration For lateration in a plane, the simplest case is for a node to have precise distance measurements to three noncolinear anchors. The extension to a 3D space is trivial (four anchors are needed). Using distances and anchor positions, the node s position has to be at the intersection of three circles around the anchors.

25 - Basic Approaches - (x = 5, y = 4) r 2 r 3 (x = 8, y = 2) r 1 (x = 2, y = 1)

26 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration The problem here is that, in reality, distance measurements are never perfect and the intersection of these three circles will, in general, not result in a single point. To overcome these imperfections, distance measurements form more that three anchors can be used, resulting in a multilateration problem.

27 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration The most important characteristics are: Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), Time of Arrival (ToA), and Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA).

28 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Angulation It exploits the fact that in a triangle once the length of two sides and two angles are known the position of the third point is known as the intersection of the two remaining sides of the triangle. The problem of imprecise measurements arises here as well and can also be solved using multiple measurements.

29 - Basic Approaches - Angle 1 Length known Angle 2

30 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Received Signal Strength Indicator In theory, the energy of a radio signal diminishes with the square of the distance from the signal's source. As a result, a node listening to a radio transmission should be able to use the strength of the received signal to calculate its distance from the transmitter.

31 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Received Signal Strength Indicator (cont) Assuming that the transmission power P tx, the path loss model, and the path loss coefficient α are known, the receiver can use the received signal strength P rcvd to solve for the distance d in a pathloss equation like:

32 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Received Signal Strength Indicator (cont) No additional hardware is necessary and distance estimates can even be derived without additional overhead from communication that is taking place anyway. However, RSSI values are not constant but can heavily oscillate, even when sender and receiver do not move. This is caused by effects like fast fading and mobility of the environment.

33 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Received Signal Strength Indicator (cont) Use statistics... (PDF for a fixed RSSI)

34 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Received Signal Strength Indicator (cont) In addition, simple, cheap radio transceivers are often not calibrated and the same actual signal strength can result in different RSSI values on different devices. Other problems are the presence of obstacles, and the multipath fading (the signal attenuation along the path can lead to incorrectly assuming a longer distance than it is in reality).

35 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Time of arrival (ToA) It exploits the relationship between distance and transmission time when the propagation speed is known. Assuming both sender and receiver know the time when a transmission for example, a short ultrasound pulse starts, the time of arrival of this transmission at the receiver can be used to compute propagation time and, thus, distance.

36 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Time of arrival (cont.) Depending on the transmission medium that is used, time of arrival requires very high resolution clocks to produce results of acceptable accuracy. E.g., for sound waves, these resolution requirements are modest, although propagation speed depends on external factors such as temperature or humidity and careful calibration is necessary. However, they are hard for radio waves.

37 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Time difference of arrival (TDoA) It utilizes implicit synchronization by directly providing the start of transmission information to the receiver. This can be done if two transmission mediums of very different propagation speeds are used for example, radio waves propagating at the speed of light and ultrasound.

38 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Time difference of arrival (cont.) Hence, when a sender starts an ultrasound and a radio transmission simultaneously, the receiver can use the arrival of the radio transmission to start measuring the time until arrival of the ultrasound transmission, safely ignoring the propagation time of the radio communication.

39 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Time difference of arrival (cont.)

40 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Time difference of arrival (cont.) The obvious disadvantage of this approach is the need for two types of senders and receivers on each node. The advantage, on the other hand, is a considerably better accuracy compared to RSSI-based approaches. Many localization methods use it.

41 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration What is then better? RSSI: simpler and based on standard hardware TdoA: provide superior ranging results but need more complex and additional hardware, and thus also more energy consumption.

42 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Mathematical basics behind 3-lateration Assuming distances to three points with known location are exactly given. Solve system of equations (Pythagoras!).

43 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Mathematical basics behind 3-lateration where: (xi,y i ) : coordinates of anchor point i ri distance to anchor i (xu, y u ) : unknown coordinates of node

44 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Mathematical basics behind 3-lateration Subtracting eq. 3 from 1 & 2: Rearranging terms gives a linear equation in (x u, y u )!

45 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Mathematical basics behind 3-lateration Rewriting as a matrix equation:

46 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Mathematical basics behind 3-lateration Example: (x 1, y 1 ) = (2,1), (x 2, y 2 ) = (5,4), (x 3, y 3 ) = (8,2), r 1 = , r 2 = 2, r 3 = 3! (x u,y u ) = (5,2) (x = 2, y = 1) r 1 (x = 5, y = 4) r 2 r 3 (x = 8, y = 2)

47 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Mathematical basics behind 3-lateration Example: (x = 5, y = 4) r 2! (x u,y u ) = (5,2) (x = 2, y = 1) r 1 r 3 (x = 8, y = 2)

48 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Mathematical basics behind 3-lateration What if only distance estimation r i 0 = r i + i available? Then use multiple anchors, that define a different system of equations:

49 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Lateration: Mathematical basics behind 3-lateration And choose the (x u, y u ) that minimize mean square error.

50 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Angulation

51 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Angulation Measure angles as alternative to distances. Either the angle of a connecting line between an anchor and a position-unaware node to a given reference direction ( 0 north ). Or the angle between two such connecting lines if no reference direction is commonly known to all nodes.

52 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Angulation Angle 1 Length known Angle 2

53 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Angulation A traditional approach to measuring angles is to use directional antennas, rotating on their axis, similar to a radar station or a conventional lighthouse. This makes angle measurements conceptually simple, but such devices are quite inappropriate for sensors nodes; they can be useful for supporting infrastructure anchors.

54 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Angulation

55 - Basic Approaches - Trilateration and triangulation Angulation Another technique is to have multiple antennas mounted on a device at known separation and measuring the time difference between a signal s arrival at the different antennas, the direction from which a wavefront arrived at the device can be computed. This results in strenuous timing requirements. Overall, angulation is a less frequent used technique compared to lateration.

56 - Basic Approaches - Scene analysis

57 - Basic Approaches - Scene analysis A quite different technique. IDEA: Radio environment has characteristic signatures ; they can be measured beforehand, stored, and compared with current situation.

58 - Basic Approaches - Scene analysis The most evident form of it is to analyze pictures taken by a camera and to try to derive the position from this picture. This requires substantial computational effort and is hardly appropriate for sensor nodes. Other measurable characteristic fingerprints of a given location can be used for scene analysis, for example, radio wave propagation patterns.

59 - Basic Approaches - Scene analysis One option is to use signal strength measurements of (one or more anchors) transmitting a known signal strength and compare the actually measured values with those stored in a database of previously off-line measured values for each location (e.g. the RADAR system is one example that uses this approach to determine positions in a building). Using other physical characteristics such as multipath behavior is also conceivable.

60 - Basic Approaches - Scene analysis While scene analysis is interesting for systems that have a dedicated deployment phase and where off-line measurements are acceptable, this is not always the case for WSNs. Hence, this approach is not the main focus of attention.

61 - Overview - Basic approaches Single-hop schemes Multi-hop schemes

62 - Single-hop schemes - Overlapping connectivity Approximate point in triangle

63 - Single-hop schemes - Overlapping connectivity Approximate point in triangle

64 - Single-hop schemes - Overlapping connectivity It tries to use only the observation of connectivity to a set of anchors to determine a node s position. The underlying assumption is that transmissions (of known and fixed transmission power) from an anchor can be received within a circular area of known radius. Anchor nodes periodically send out transmissions identifying themselves (or, equivalently, containing their positions).

65 - Single-hop schemes - Overlapping connectivity (cont.)

66 - Single-hop schemes - Overlapping connectivity (cont.) Once a node has received these announcements from all anchors of which it is in reach (typically waiting for a few periods to smooth out the effect of random packet losses), it can determine that it is in the intersection of the circles around these anchors. The estimated position is then the arithmetic average of the received anchors positions.

67 - Single-hop schemes - Overlapping connectivity (cont.) Moreover, assuming that the node knows about all the anchors that are deployed, the fact that some anchor announcements are not received implies that the node is outside the respective circles. This information further allows to restrict the node s possible position.

68 - Single-hop schemes - Overlapping connectivity (cont.) The achievable absolute accuracy depends on the number of anchors more anchors allow a finergrained resolution of the area. Accuracy degrades if the real coverage range deviates from a perfect sphere (as it usually does in reality). In addition, the transmission range has to be chosen carefully to result in a minimal positioning error, given a set of anchors.

69 - Single-hop schemes - Overlapping connectivity Approximate point in triangle

70 - Single-hop schemes - Approximate point in triangle The idea is to decide whether a node is within or outside of a triangle formed by any three anchors. Using this information, a node can intersect the triangles and estimate its own position, similar to the intersection of circles from before.

71 - Single-hop schemes - Approximate point in triangle (cont.) A B G F C E D

72 - Single-hop schemes - Approximate point in triangle (cont.) The node has detected that it is inside the triangles BDF, BDE, and CDF and also that it is outside the triangle ADF (and ABF, AFC, and others). Hence, it can estimate its own position to be somewhere within the dark gray area for example, this area s center of gravity. A B G F C E D

73 - Single-hop schemes - Approximate point in triangle (cont.) The interesting question is how to decide whether a node is inside or outside the triangle formed by any three arbitrarily selected anchors. Look at what happens when a node inside a triangle is moved: Irrespective of the direction of the movement, the node must be closer to at least one of the corners of the triangle than it was before the movement. Conversely, for a node outside a triangle, there is at least one direction for which the node s distance to all corners increases.

74 - Single-hop schemes - Approximate point in triangle (cont.) Moving a sensor node to determine its position is hardly practical. But one possibility to approximate movements is for a node to inquire all its neighbors about their distance to the given three corner anchors, compared to the enquiring node s distance. Deciding which of two nodes is closer to an anchor can be approximated by comparing their corresponding RSSI values.

75 - Single-hop schemes - Approximate point in triangle (cont.) If, for all neighbors, there is at least one corner such that the neighbor is closer to the corner than the enquiring node, it is assumed to be inside the triangle, else outside.??

76 - Overview - Basic approaches Single-hop schemes Multi-hop schemes

77 - Multi-hop schemes - How to estimate range to a node to which no direct radio communication exists? No RSSI, TDoA, But: Multihop communication is possible B X A C

78 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: State it as a semidefinite program Count the number of hops Use also range estimation between neighbors Collaborative multilateration

79 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: State it as a semidefinite program Count the number of hops Use also range estimation between neighbors Collaborative multilateration

80 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: State it as a semidefinite program Connectivity between any two nodes is only possible if nodes are at most R distance units apart. The fact that two nodes are connected introduces a constraint to the feasibility problem for two connected nodes, it is impossible to choose positions that would place them further than R away.

81 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: State it as a semidefinite program (cont.) This problem can be solved, but only centrally, requiring all connectivity information at one point. Because of its essentially centralized character and computationally expensive to solve, it is only of limited applicability to WSNs.

82 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: State it as a semidefinite program Count the number of hops Use also range estimation between neighbors Collaborative multilateration

83 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: Count the number of hops Assume length of one hop is known. The idea is to count the number of hops (along the shortest path) between any two anchors and to use it to estimate the average length of a single hop by dividing the sum of the distances to other anchors by the sum of the hop counts.

84 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: Count the number of hops (cont.) Every anchor computes this estimated hop length and propagates it into the network. A node with unknown position can then use this estimated hop length (and the known number of hops to other anchors) to compute a multihop range estimate and perform multilateration.

85 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: State it as a semidefinite program Count the number of hops Use also range estimation between neighbors Collaborative multilateration

86 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: Use also range estimation between neighbors If range estimates between neighbors exist, use them to improve total length of route estimation in previous method.

87 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: State it as a semidefinite program Count the number of hops Use also range estimation between neighbors Collaborative multilateration

88 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: Collaborative multilateration Assume some nodes can hear at least three anchors (to perform triangulation), but not all. Idea: let more and more nodes compute position estimates, spread position knowledge in the network. Problem: Errors accumulate.

89 Ideas: Collaborative multilateration (cont.) Localization & positioning - Multi-hop schemes - (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (?,?) (?,?) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (?,?) (?,?) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (?,?) (?,?) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (?,?) (12,14) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (?,?) (12,14) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (?,?) (12,14) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (30,12) (12,14) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (30,12) (12,14) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (?,?) (30,12) (12,14) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (22,2) (30,12) (12,14) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (22,2) (30,12) (12,14) A B C (2,10) (8,0) (18,20) (38,5) (22,2) (30,12) (12,14) A B C I: II: III: IV:

90 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: Collaborative multilateration (cont.) Similar idea to previous one, but accept problem that position of nodes is only probabilistically known. Represent this probability explicitly, use it to compute probabilities for further nodes.

91 - Multi-hop schemes - Ideas: Collaborative multilateration (cont.)

92 - Conclusions - Determining location or position is a vitally important function in WSN, but fraught with many errors and shortcomings: Range estimates often not sufficiently accurate Many anchors are needed for acceptable results Anchors might need external position sources (GPS) Multilateration problematic (convergence, accuracy)

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