1. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and complete the Reflection.

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1 2 Section Two: Staying Fit DAY ONE In this lesson, I will view an animation titled L excursion de ski. 1. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then view the animation L excursion de ski on the Animation CD or Website. Context: Karine and her class are at the local ski hill for a day of skiing. Karine has never skied before and ends up hurting her leg. While the students have lunch, they discuss which sports they like and dislike. 3. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, and 3. Pg 1

2 DAY TWO In this lesson, I will work on previously learned and new vocabulary related to sports and physical activities. 1. Name the different sports you see illustrated in the pictures below. Ensure you use the correct definite article (le, la, les) before each sport. Consult the Glossary if you are unsure about the name of a particular sport. Pg 2

3 2. Listen to Track 9 on the Module 1 CD and take some time to learn the new vocabulary. Use the following pictures from left to right to help you follow along. Listen a second time and repeat each word after you hear it. Record yourself saying the words below. Compare your recording with the track. How is your pronunciation? Practice saying again the words that are giving you difficulty. le badminton le basketball le ballon chasseur le football le golf la gymnastique le patinage la planche à neige le tennis le volleyball le ski alpin le ski de fond courir faire du jogging faire du saut à la corde faire du toboggan jouer à la marelle faire une promenade jouer à cachecache jouer au chat perché Pg 3

4 When we want to indicate what something is, we use the expression C est. For example: C est le badminton. We use the expression Ce n est pas to indicate what something is not. For example: Ce n est pas le badminton. C est le tennis. Some sports are played individually while others are played on teams. Study the sentences below: Je fais du ski du fond. C est un sport individuel. Je joue au basketball avec mes amis. C est un sport d équipe. 3. Open Section Two, Day Two of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 4

5 DAY THREE In this lesson, I will learn about staying in good shape and become familiar with the Guide d activité physique canadien. 1. Open Section Two, Day Three of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. Then do questions 1 and Read the context below then listen to Track 11 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures to help you understand. Context: The students have just completed the unit Eating Healthy. In Health class they are now learning about how physical activity impacts their health and well-being. Pg 5

6 Pg 6

7 In the dialogue you just heard, the characters mentioned different reasons to exercise and to participate in physical activity. For example: Ça m aide à développer mes muscles. Reasons and healthy activities: se détendre renforcer le cœur rester souple conserver un poids-santé améliorer son bien-être Pg 7

8 continued Mme Morin referred to Le Guide d activité physique canadien which is a document produced by Health Canada. It offers suggestions on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle and different kinds of physical activity one can do at home, at school, with family or friends. The Guide has grouped different activities into three groups according to how they affect your body. 1. Les exercices d endurance Ces exercices consistent de mouvements répétitifs qui réchauffent ton corps et accélèrent les battements du cœur. (help warm up your body and increase your heart rate) Courir est un exemple de ce type d exercice. 2. Les exercices d assouplissement Ces exercices font bouger les articulations et impliquent des étirements. (move your joints and involve stretching) La danse est un exemple de ce type d exercice. 3. Les exercices de musculation Ces exercices renforcent tes muscles et tes os. Ils augmentent ta force. (build your strength while working your muscles and bones) La natation est un exemple de ce type d exercice. 3. Open Section Two, Day Three of the Workbook and do questions 3 and 4. Pg 8

9 DAY FOUR In this lesson, I will review how to use the verbs Faire and Jouer. In English, you play certain sports and do others. This is the same in French. When you are playing, you use the verb Jouer. When you are doing, you use the verb Faire. Look at the chart of activities and sports that have already been mentioned in this section. Notice which ones you play and which ones you do. Jouer Faire Je joue au soccer. Je fais de la danse. Tu joues au hockey. Tu fais du saut à la corde. Pg 9

10 continued Jouer Faire Il joue au basketball. Il fait une promenade. Elle joue au ballon-chasseur. Elle fait de la natation. Note that if you are talking about someone else, you use different pronouns and therefore the verb changes form. When using the verb Jouer, with the pronoun Tu, we write joues with an s. When conjugating the verb Faire for the pronouns Il and Elle, we write fait with a t. In French and English when we are talking about people, their names can be replaced by a pronoun. Look at the example sentences below: Miguel joue au tennis (Miguel plays tennis.) Isabelle fait de la gymnastique. (Isabelle does gymnastics.) Il joue au tennis. (He plays tennis.) Elle fait de la gymnastique. (She does gymnastics.) A male name is replaced with the pronoun Il and a female name by the pronoun Elle. Pg 10

11 continued Sports and physical activities are often associated with different seasons. Can you remember the names of the seasons in French? Look at the examples below. Je joue au soccer au printemps. Je fais de la natation en été. Je joue au football en automne. Je fais du toboggan en hiver. When you want to know what kind of activity someone does during a specific season, we can ask one of the following questions: Quelle activité est-ce que tu fais? or Quel sport est-ce que tu joues? We then add the season to the end of the question. For example: Quel sport est-ce que tu joues/fais en hiver? Here are two possible answers to this question: Je joue au hockey en hiver. Je fais de la planche à neige en hiver. Pg 11

12 continued If we wanted to know what kind of activity someone did during the summer, the question would become: Quelle activité est-ce que tu fais en été? A possible answer to this question would be: Je cours en été. You are already aware that French terms used to describe various sports differ from one French culture to another. For example, in Canada, we say Je joue au soccer. and in France, they say Je joue au football. Look at the additional examples of this difference below: In Canada, we say Je fais du patin à roulettes. whereas in France, they say Je fais du roller. In Canada, we say Je cours. and in France, they often use the expression Je fais du footing. Pg 12

13 1. Open Section Two, Day Four of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 13

14 DAY FIVE In this lesson, I will use the verbs Aimer and Préférer to describe likes and dislikes about sports and physical activities. 1. Open Section Two, Day Five of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Watch the animation L excursion de ski again. Pay special attention to which sports and activities the different characters say they like, dislike, and prefer. 3. Open Section Two, Day Five of the Workbook and do question 1. The characters used different verbs in the animation to talk about which sports and physical activities they liked and disliked. We use the verb Aimer to express what we like. Look at the examples below. J aime le ski alpin. Tu aimes la natation. Il/Elle aime le tennis. Nous aimons le soccer. Vous aimez le golf. Ils/Elles aiment la danse. Pg 14

15 continued The verb Aimer is also used to express what we don t like. Look at examples below. Je n aime pas le ski. Tu n aimes pas la natation. Nous n aimons pas le football. For a negative sentence, you need to put an n before the conjugated form of the verb aimer and pas after it. The verb Préférer, is used to express that you prefer something. Je préfère le ski de fond. Tu préfères jouer au chat perché. Il préfère le baseball. Elle préfère le patinage. Notice that the verb Préférer follows the same conjugation pattern as the verb Aimer. In order to find out what sports and/or activities someone likes, we can ask one of the following questions: Quels sports est-ce que tu aimes? Quelles activités est-ce que tu aimes? We use the tu form of the verb Aimer to ask about one s likes. Here are a few possible answers to the questions given above: J aime le baseball. J aime jouer à la marelle. J aime le soccer. J aime faire du toboggan. When we want to inquire about someone s dislikes, the question becomes: Quels sports (Quelles activités) est-ce que tu n aimes pas? Pg 15

16 continued Again we answer this question with the pronoun Je, but this time with the negative form of the verb Aimer. Je n aime pas le football. Je n aime pas jouer à la marelle. If we want to find out someone s favourite sport or activity, we ask the question: Quel est ton sport (ton activité) préféré? Examine the possible answers to this question: Mon sport préféré est le tennis. Mon activité préférée est le saut à la corde. Did you notice that in the second sentence above there is an extra e at the end of the word préféré? This is because the word activité is feminine. 4. Open Section Two, Day Five of the Workbook and do questions 2 and 3. When we want to indicate how much we like something we use special words called adverbs of quantity. Assez, beaucoup, moins and peu are examples of such adverbs. Look at how these adverbs are used in the sentences below. J aime beaucoup le ski alpin. (I like downhill skiing a lot.) Tu aimes assez le soccer. (You like soccer quite a bit.) Pg 16

17 continued Il aime peu la natation. (He doesn t really like swimming.) Elle aime moins le football que le tennis. (She likes football less than tennis.) The adverb is placed directly in front of the sport or activity being mentioned. 5. Open Section Two, Day Five of the Workbook and do questions 4, 5, and 6. Pg 17

18 DAY SIX In this lesson, I will use different adjectives to describe sports and physical activities. 1. Open Section Two, Day Six of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Watch the animation L excursion de ski again. Pay special attention to the words that the characters use to describe the different sports mentioned in the animation. Did you notice that the characters used adjectives in the animation when describing which sports they liked and disliked? Study the sentences below from the animation. Je n aime pas le ski. C est un sport difficile. (I don t like skiing. It s a difficult sport.) J aime faire la nation. C est très amusant. (I love swimming. It s so much fun.) Pg 18

19 continued Review adjectives using the chart below. Masculine Singular Feminine Singular Masculine Plural Feminine Plural amusant amusante amusants amusantes fun English Equivalent difficile difficile difficiles difficiles difficult ennuyant ennuyante ennuyants ennuyantes boring excitant excitante excitants excitantes exciting facile facile faciles faciles easy intéressant intéressante intéressants intéressantes interesting In French, adjectives agree with the nouns. This means that they become masculine or feminine and singular or plural depending on the gender and the number of the noun they qualify. As a rule, we add an e to make the adjective feminine and an s to make it plural. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, the adjectives difficile and facile have the same form when masculine or feminine. There are many more adjectives to choose from other than those listed in the chart above. Consult the Glossary or a dictionary. This will help you find the definition of new adjectives as well as their correct spelling. 3. Open Section Two, Day Six of the Workbook and do question 1. Pg 19

20 When we want to know someone s opinion or feeling regarding a particular sport or activity, we use the question format below. Comment est-ce que tu trouves? The name of the sport or activity is written in the blank. Study the example questions and answers below: Q: Comment est-ce que tu trouves le patin à roues alignées? A: Je trouve le patin à roues alignées difficile. Q: Comment est-ce que tu trouves la natation? A: Je trouve la natation intéressante. Notice how the adjective comes directly after the sport in both sentences above. In the second answer, the adjective is written in its feminine form as the noun la natation is feminine. Check the Glossary if you are unsure of the gender of a particular word. This will ensure you use the correct form of the adjective. 4. Open Section Two, Day Six of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, and 4. Pg 20

21 DAY SEVEN In this lesson, I will learn new vocabulary related to different places where we go to do or play sports and be introduced to the verb Aller. 1. Open Section Two, Day Seven of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then listen to Track 15 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures to help you understand. Context: Miguel, Karine and Justin are walking home from school. As they walk, they discuss different places they go to during the week to play or to do various sports. Pg 21

22 In the dialogue you just heard, the characters used the verb Aller when indicating where they go to play or do a specific sport. These places are called les endroits. Study the examples below. Je vais au terrain pour ma pratique de soccer. (I go to the field for my soccer practice.) Tu vas au centre de récréation pour jouer au basketball. (You go to the recreation centre to play basketball.) Il va au parc pour faire de la planche à roulettes. (He goes to the park to skateboard.) Elle va à la piscine pour faire de la natation. (She goes to the pool to swim.) Notice how the conjugated form of the verb Aller changes according to the pronoun you use. This is because it is an irregular verb. We use the preposition à before naming a location in a sentence. For example, à la piscine. However, we say au terrain. If the endroit being named is masculine, use au. Pg 22

23 3. Listen to Track 16 on the Module 1 CD and take some time to learn the names of les endroits. Use the following pictures from left to right to help you follow along. Listen a second time and repeat each word after you hear it. Record yourself saying the words below. Compare your recording with the track. How is your pronunciation? Practice saying again the words that are giving you difficulty. le centre de récréation le gymnase le parc la patinoire la piscine la piste la piste de ski le terrain 4. Open Section Two, Day Seven of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, and 3. In order to find out what someone does at a specific location, we ask the question Qu est-ce que tu fais au/à la? The name of the location is written after the preposition au or à la. Study the examples below: Qu est-ce que tu fais à la piscine? À la piscine, je fais de la natation. Qu est-ce que tu fais au gymnase? Au gymnase, je joue au volleyball. The answers are given using the Je form of the verb Faire or Jouer. Remember that the verb you use depends on whether the sport is being done or played. 5. Open Section Two, Day Seven of the Workbook and do questions 4 and 5. Pg 23

24 DAY EIGHT In this lesson, I will review clothing and equipment associated with different sports. 1. Open Section Two, Day Eight of the Workbook and do question Read the context below then listen to Track 19 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures to help you understand. Context: Yvan meets up with Justin and Miguel at the skateboard park. Before they start skateboarding, they discuss the different equipment they need. 3. Open Section Two, Day Eight of the Workbook and do question 2. Pg 24

25 You just reviewed articles of clothing and equipment we wear when playing sports or participating in a physical activity. In order to say what you or others are wearing you need to use the verb Porter. Porter means to wear in English. Look at the examples below. Je porte un casque. Tu portes des chaussures de danse. Il porte des protège-poignets. Elle porte un maillot de danse Notice that the conjugated form of this verb is porte with the pronouns Je, Il and Elle; however it takes an s with the pronoun Tu and becomes portes. Remember: We use the indefinite articles un, une and des when describing something we wear. When we want to know what kind of clothing or equipment someone wears when doing or playing a particular sport, we use the question Qu est-ce que tu portes? Study the examples below: Q: Qu est-ce que tu portes pour faire du jogging? A: Je porte un pantalon d entraînement et des chaussures de sport. Q: Qu est-ce que tu portes pour jouer au hockey? A: Je porte un casque de hockey et des jambières. 4. Open Section Two, Day Eight of the Workbook and do questions 3, 4, 5, and 6. Pg 25

26 DAY NINE In this lesson, I will review les parties du corps and use the expression avoir mal. 1. Open Section Two, Day Nine of the Workbook and do question 1. Then complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then listen to Track 20 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures to help you understand. Context: Miguel, Justin, and Isabelle are getting ready to play soccer at the local field. Before they start their game, they discuss the different parts of the body that can get hurt and the correct equipment to wear. Pg 26

27 The characters mentioned different parts of the body in their dialogue. Were you able to identify the expression they used when they talked about a particular body part hurting? If you guessed, avoir mal, then you re right. Avoir mal means to hurt or to ache. Study the examples below: Tu peux même avoir mal à la tête si le ballon te frappe. Parfois, j ai mal aux mains quand je joue dans les buts. Notice that when someone is talking about a part of their body that hurts, they say J ai mal. The preposition used in front of the body part changes depending on whether it is masculine, feminine or plural. When naming a masculine body part, we use the preposition au. When the body part is feminine, we use the preposition à la. If we are naming more than one body part, the preposition aux is used, regardless of whether the word is masculine or feminine. There are two exceptions however. Since the French words for shoulder and stomach both start with vowels, we say J ai mal à l épaule. and J ai mal à l estomac. 3. Open Section Two, Day Nine of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, and 4. Pg 27

28 DAY TEN In this lesson, I will review concepts from previous lessons in Section Two. 1. Before moving to today s activities, take some time to review this section and be aware of all that you have learned. Day One: The characters went on a field trip in the animation. Give the title of the animation and name three sports that were mentioned. Day Two: Give the French name for each of the sports and activities shown below. Day Three: Name the three kinds of exercise according to the Guide d activité physique canadien and give an example of each. Day Four: Write a sentence using the correct form of the verbs Faire and Jouer for the pronouns given underneath the pictures below. Je Elle Tu Pg 28

29 Day Five: Answer the following questions using the correct form of the verbs Aimer and Préférer. Quel sport est-ce que Justin aime? Quel sport est-ce que tu n aimes pas? Quelle est ton activité préférée? Day Six: Write a sentence using an adjective from the Helpful Hint on Day Six to describe each of the sports illustrated below. Day Seven: Write a sentence indicating where you go to play or do the sports shown above. For example: Je vais à la piscine pour faire de la natation. Day Eight: Say what each of the characters below is wearing using the correct form of the verb Porter. Day Nine: Write a sentence using the expression J ai mal for each of the body parts shown below. Ensure you use the correct preposition (au, à l, à la, aux) in your sentences. 2. Open Section Two, Day Ten of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 29

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