The Law of Attraction: The Secret to an Easier, Smoother, and Faster Way to Magnetize What You Want by Maya Bailey, Ph.D.

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1 The Law of Attraction: The Secret to an Easier, Smoother, and Faster Way to Magnetize What You Want by Maya Bailey, Ph.D. Are you interested in using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires? Would you like to discover an easier, smoother, and faster way to magnetize what you want? If you answered yes, then you need to know about the Victim, Flat Liner, and Deliberate Creator in you. What s important is that you learn to identify these states of consciousness because it s only from the Deliberate Creator that you can implement the Law of Attraction. This article will teach you how to recognize and clarify what state you are in at any particular moment. In addition, you ll be given tools and techniques to transform your consciousness instantly. The power to change is always in the present moment. Louise Hay STEP 1: IDENTIFY YOUR MODE What mode do you find yourself in most of the time? If you are caught up in feeling helpless, then you are in the Victim mode. Other indications are blaming, complaining, judging, and feeling powerless to make the changes you wish to make. The Victim Mode simply means that you are identified with the victim within. We all have one, it s just a question of whether that is your primary identification or not. If you are feeling numb, empty, devoid of feelings and just going through the motions of life, you are caught up in the Flat Lining Mode. You can see this mode by looking at people s faces. Do they look pale and lifeless, like

2 walking zombies? How do you look when you look in the mirror? More importantly, how do you feel in your every day energy? Do you find yourself a bit lost, not sure of your purpose and feeling less than totally alive? If you answered yes then you are temporarily in a Flat Lining mode, an easy thing to do when you live in a society that doesn t encourage the honest expression of feelings. In contrast, how do you imagine you would feel if you knew, really knew deep down inside that you were the Deliberate Creator of your life? Do think you d be glowing, raring to go and excited about life? There s a certain inescapable zest that comes from knowing that you, and only you, are responsible for your life. If you don t like the conditions of your life, you know you can change them. Start to notice from moment to moment what mode you are in. Don t judge yourself or try to change anything. Just observe your mindset. STEP 2: COMMIT TO BECOMING THE DELIBERATE CREATOR. First of all, know that becoming the Deliberate Creator is a process and be patient with yourself. There s a reason why we identify with our inner Victim or inner Flat Liner. That s what was modeled for us. Thatʹs how we thought we should be. Very few of us grew up with enlightened parents who knew that they were the Deliberate Creator s of their lives. Next, a commitment is needed to become the Deliberate Creator of your life. That means committing to being very mindful of your thoughts and the words you speak. If you find yourself using words like, I have to or why does this always happen to me? then you know you re identified with your inner Victim. Change your words to I choose to and instead of seeing life as happening to you, embrace the perspective that you create everything. Find the lessons in all that you create.

3 Whenever you find a place of deadness or flatness in yourself, perhaps manifesting as a lack of energy, ask your self What am I really, really feeling? Remember Flat Lining is only a cover up for feelings. When you know your feelings, you know your truth. To get in touch with feelings, start to notice your body. Your body tells the truth but your mind lies. So don t go into your mind to find your feelings, go into your body. What are your sensations? Are you feeling expanded or contracted? Are you feeling warm or cool? Is there pain in your body? If so, talk to the pain and find out what it s trying to tell you. Finally, and most importantly, remember to BREATHE. When you are breathing deeply, you are opening the way to your feelings. STEP 3: OVERVIEW OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION Now that you have committed to becoming the Deliberate Creator of your life, you are ready to practice the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is based on the concepts of Quantum Physics. All you need to know is: Everything is energy Everything has a vibration Like energies attract like energies Your thoughts and feelings create your vibrations For example, if you want to use the Law of Attraction to create prosperity, then you need to be in the vibration of what you want to attract to draw it to you. In other words, you need to focus on what you want, namely prosperity. Feel what it feels like to have it, energize your belief that it s on the way, clear any beliefs that would block you having it, and allow prosperity to come to you.

4 If that went by a little fast, just breathe, relax, and stay tuned. In Step 4, I ll chunk that down for you. You ll learn the 5 Steps of the Law of Attraction and begin to magnetize your desires. Remember to breathe a lot and keep your breathing deep and even. Then if you find your breathing getting shallow or tense, ask yourself, So what do I want? You ll find that your breathing will deepen and your energy will lighten as you enjoy focusing on what you want. STEP 4: THE FIVE STEPS OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: 1. Identify what you don t want 2. Identify what you do want 3. Feel what it feels like to have it 4. Clear all opposing beliefs 5. Allow it to come to you Why is it important to identify what you don t want? Because by identifying what we don t want, we clarify what we do want. Without the contrast, we would never be sure of what we want. For example, how do you know what you want in a life partner? Usually through dating and getting into relationships, you begin to identify what works for you and what doesn t. Every relationship, no matter how painful, brings more clarity about what you don t want and one step closer to getting clearer about what you do want. How do you know what you DO want until you identify what you DON T want? Once you know what you don t want, you can train your mind to think in terms of do wants. How does it feel to say, I want out of debt, compared to I want to use my gifts, talents, and abilities to do work I love and be richly rewarded. Notice where your attention goes. We get what we focus on. If you

5 focus on the debt, you get more debt. If you focus on talents being richly rewarded, you get more of that. : Notice how your thoughts make you feel. If you make a statement and it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling, then you re focusing on what you do want. Here s a money example, I don t want to be broke. Feel the negative energy in that statement. So now pick a thought that makes you feel good, makes you smile and warm inside, like I love knowing that business comes to me easily and effortlessly. What would be your favorite warm, fuzzy thought? Think it often. STEP 5: IDENTIFY WHAT YOU DO WANT This may seem like an easy step after identifying what we don t want but for most people this is a barrier. How many times have you been afraid to dream too big? How many times have you kept yourself from daring to want because it s safer to stay in the status quo? How many of us were taught when we were growing up: Don t want more. That s greedy. Just be grateful for what you have. Either on a subconscious or a conscious level, many people don t dare to want. To do step 5, you need to break the want barrier. You need to dare to want and dare to dream new dreams. This is the time to give you permission to want. The next thing is to make your wants magnetic. How do you do that? Think about the whys of wanting something. Why do you want a $200, 000 a year income? What would you feel if you had it? What would you be able to have or do that you don t now have? Would it give you freedom, financial security, or a lot more fun? Identify what makes your juices flow. What gets you excited about having this want manifest in your life?

6 Once you ve identified a want, keep asking yourself over and over again why. To make it even more powerful do it with a friend. They tell you their want and you keep asking why until they are in touch with the feeling they would have when the want is fulfilled. Notice how enlivened and animated they become during this process. Then switch and let them ask you until you begin to notice what feelings it would give you to have what you want. Does it make you feel more real and alive? We ll discover more about the importance of feelings in the next step. STEP 6: FIND THE FEELING PLACE OF YOUR WANT The key to having what you desire is to find a way to feel good about your want instead of discouraged because it hasn t arrived yet. What this means for you is that you must find the feeling place of having what you want, while at the same time avoiding the feeling place of not having it. Here are some examples: If you want a new job, feel (get jazzed about) how it feels to be in the new job? What kind of warm fuzzies does it give you? If you want to triple your income, feel (get jazzed about) how it feels to be making triple your income. How delicious is that feeling? To help a want come to you, you need to get excited about having it so you are flowing out as much powerful, high vibrational energy as possible. Remember when we said like attracts like? Guess what you get when give out positive, powerful energy? You get the same back. What kinds of feelings carry a high vibrational rate? If you guessed love, gratitude, joy, and appreciation, you re right. What about the opposite? Well if you want to lower your vibrations, just dwell in the victim energy, hurt, sadness,

7 blame, or just the plain poor me feeling. What will that get you? More of the same. Do see now why it pays to think thoughts and feel feelings that raise your vibrations? Whenever you are dwelling on a current condition that you don t like, ask yourself So, what do I want? Find a way to get excited about what is on the way to you. How many ways can you find to raise your vibrations? What is that you can do to give you an uplifted feeling? Extroverts generally get that from being around people and introverts get that from being alone. What kinds of positive self talk can you give yourself that makes you feel good? What things in your life give you joy? How can you focus on a want and find joy in knowing that it s on the way? In the next step we ll discover what gets in the way. STEP 7: CLEAR YOUR BELIEFS Does the Law of attraction work? Yes, it definitely does providing you re living your life from the perspective of the Deliberate Creator and you have cleared your opposing beliefs. What does that mean? If you desire to have wealth and all the beliefs inside of you are in alignment, no problem. However, if any part of you has any old belief that is negative about money or holds a belief, on a subconscious level, that rich people are bad, your desire will not be manifested.

8 Here s an example, a former client of mine came to me because she felt stuck in her efforts to achieve success. I ve done everything. I ve read all the right books, I ve had all the right training, and I ve even practiced the Law of Attraction diligently. In spite of all that, I seem to be sabotaging all my best efforts to make money. Through the course of the coaching she became aware of beliefs that she didn t know she had. Her parents were well meaning and did their best. However they grew up in the depression era and had a scarcity consciousness about money. My client was bombarded with beliefs like, There s never enough money, making money is a struggle, and people who have money are bad. They lack compassion for others. Well, is it any wonder my client couldn t get ahead? There was a part of her that felt she d be a bad person if she was wealthy. No one wants to be a bad person, so subconsciously she created herself to be a good person by holding back on her success. It was like she had one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. Once she became aware of that scarcity driven part of her, she made efforts to heal that part. She treated it as a protective part of her that just needed to be re educated. Now when she practices the Law of Attraction, all parts of her are in alignment with prosperity and she finds herself being a magnet for money. Look into any area of your life that you ve experienced difficulty in making your dreams come true whether it s money, love or having a healthy body. Ask yourself what beliefs might be opposing your desire. Get out a journal and write about what could be in the way. Sometimes people are able to bring their old beliefs to the surface on their own and sometimes it requires the skill of a therapist or a coach. Be aware not to judge yourself it you identify any self sabotaging beliefs.

9 STEP 8: LET GO AND ALLOW IT TO COME TO YOU What does it mean to let go? Well, paradoxically enough, you are much more likely to be a magnet for your desires when you are detached from the outcome. In other words, if you do not desperately need it to come to you so you can be happy, then you are providing the right vibration to allow yourself to receive it. Remember, Like attracts like. If you are flowing out high vibrational feelings like love, gratitude, and appreciation, you are bound to magnetize the same to come back to you in the form of abundance, love, radiant health or whatever your original intention was. Here s another way to think about it. Always remember the phrase High Intention and Low Attachment. If you are going into a business meeting, be prepared, be in a positive state, and be optimistic. In other words, intend for the optimal result. That is all you can do. You can t control the outcome, so why be attached? You re more likely to succeed if you are unattached and sending out confident vibrations. Here s the way Deepak Chopra puts it in his book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, Intention is not simply a whim. It requires attention, and it also requires detachment. Once you ve created the intention mindfully, you must be able to detach from the outcome, and let the universe handle the details of fulfillment. Whenever anything happens, even if it s something you label as bad remember and trust that it has happened to help you in the fulfillment of your dreams. Your job is to find the positive in the negative and trust that there is always a positive. Feel free to use the affirmation from Catherine Ponder s book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, Everyone and everything prospers me now.

10 If you have trouble trusting, then go into the feeling place of gratitude, a high vibrational feeling. Keep in mind, Gratitude opens the way for more good to come into our life. Louise Hay STEP 9: WHAT TO DO WHILE YOU WAIT FOR IT TO COME TO YOU Here s the secret, take Inspired Action, rather than Frantic Action. If you re in the Victim mode, you are likely to take frantic action because you re afraid. Now that you have embraced the Deliberate Creator mode, it s time to take only those actions that feel inspired. How do you do this? First, set an intention. Be very clear on what you want to magnetize into your life and why. Be sure it s a desire that gets your juices flowing. If you re not clear what you want, just observe the contrast in your life. What are the things you are sure that you really, really don t want? Just flip them around and you know your desires. If you have several, create a different intention for each. For example if your desire is prosperity say I intend to use my gifts and talents and attract prosperity into my life. If your desire is health related, and then say, I intend to listen to my body and attract radiant health. Second, find a way to quiet your mind so you can listen to your inner nudgings. You ve probably already experienced what intuition feels like. That s an example of following your inner nudgings. Begin to approve of yourself and all of your thoughts and feelings. Then when you get a hunch you won t be so likely to discard it. In fact, do just the opposite. Act on those hunches. Feel and listen to the energy inside of you. Where is it pulling you? As much as possible live your life in the high vibrations of love, gratitude, appreciation and joy. When you are in those states, listen to what your hunches are inside. What is your heart telling you? What is your inner wisdom suggesting?

11 What can you do that feels right to you and gives you joy at the same time? If you re feeling joy in the process of taking action, then you re taking inspired action. You are listening to the voice of your inspiration and becoming a powerful magnet for your desires. You have indeed become the Deliberate Creator of your Life. For more marketing tips, tools, and strategies, please go to my website at and apply for a Complimentary Skyrocket Your Business Coaching session. In this powerful session, you will walk away with a renewed sense of energy about turning your business around.

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