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1 MASTERS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM PAD Public administration research methods Spring 2013 Regression IV -- Categorical data and time series Statistic of the week graphic source Religion * I. Categorical data * This week is a bit of a catch-all week, in which we specifically address a couple of items that I wasn't able to fit in earlier, as we continue this process of model building learning-by-doing. The two items: categorical data and time series analysis. Categorical data: that which is measured in categories, not as a continuous variable. By way of explanation (and this draws from Berman & Wang, p. 44; O'Sullivan et al, p ; and Levin and Fox p. 4-8), one generally breaks variables down as follows: o Interval variables. I've also seen these referred to as continuous variables, as one of their two key characteristics are that they are:...continuous, in that they can take an infinite number of values. Age, for instance, can be measured in years (as I write this, I am years old). It can also be measured in months (656.17), days (19,971?), hours (479,304), minutes (8,758,240) and 1,725,494,400 seconds (calculations based on rounding off the number of days). Interval -- By this is meant the distance between the various measurements are equal: one year is one year away from two years, which is also one year from three years, etc. o Categorical variables: what we are talking about today. Two mains types: Ordinal -- Like interval variables, these are 'ordered', in that one is more or less than another, but the intervals between these are not necessarily of equal value. So in a Likert scale response to how satisfied you are with your course, your options may be Page 1 of 12

2 very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, unsatisfied, or very unsatisfied. There is a definite rank ordering here, but the distance between the various choices is not necessarily the same. Nominal -- variables that are no more than named designations. Religion, for instance, is measured as Protestant (with the myriad denominations within this!), Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, Shinto, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Baha'i, Jain, Taoist, Sikh, and myriad smaller groups. But (despite what advocates of too many of these belief systems will tell you) one is not necessarily better than another, and a rank ordering of all is something only the nuttiest zealot would attempt. Dummy a special kind of nominal variables are dummy, 0-1, either/or variables. We ve used this at least once in this class so far, with the Indiana v. Florida variable. 'Categorical' data is often what you end up with in qualitative research, especially survey research. As an illustration, as suggested above a response to the question "How old are you," can be answered quantitatively with a number: 45. If this data is entered into a dataset with 1000 respondents, one can readily analyze the responses. What is the mean? years! Categorical data is harder to handle. Categorical data can be coded into spreadsheets numerically: 1-5. But note that these numbers often don't function like numbers. This is especially evident in what might be called attitudinal variables, or those that use a Likert scale, to quantify what are otherwise non-numerical phenomena. How old one is can readily be counted, but how one feels about (to use a Belle County dataset example) public services cannot be. Their 1 = excellent, 2 = good, 3 = fair, 4 = poor coding is ordinal, but not necessarily interval. For the respondent the difference between 1 (excellent) and 2 (good), may not be the same as the difference between 2 and 3 (fair). In other words, the slightest fault may cause the respondent to classify a service as good (2) rather than excellent (1), but the service may have to be considerably worse than 'good' (2), almost without special merit altogether, before it is classified as fair (3). Worse, different people may apply this coding schema differently. If this is the case, treating the variable numerically has its problems. Whereas the difference between 2 and 3 and between 3 and 4 are exactly the same when analysing numbers, these differences aren't the same when analysing categorical data. In their limited discussion of categorical variables, too, O'Sullivan et al (p. 106) discuss nominal variables (note that they don't use the term categorical, prefer instead 'nominal' and 'ordinal'). For these, numbers assigned by SPSS, for instance, have no use beyond shorthand identifiers. The Belle County dataset, for instance, opens with a question on race: 1 = Black or African-American 2 = Hispanic 3 = Native American/ Indian 4 = Asian 5 = White Using descriptive statistics to generate a mean for this variable (it happens to be 4.16) means nothing (by the way, this variable should have been created as a 'string' variable, so that you can't calculate means for it). Instead, one would report this variable using frequencies (Analyze, descriptive statistics, frequencies, throw 'respondent race' into variables, OK): Page 2 of 12

3 Table 1 -- Respondent race Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Black or African American Hispanic Native American/Indian Asian White Total Missing System Total As we will see, nominal variables can best be handled by creating dummy variables. So you could reconfigure the religion variable and make a new Catholic variable, coding 0 = non- Catholic, 1 = Catholic, and can now assess the impact of Catholicism on dependent variables. Again, even income, which in this dataset is converted from a continuous to an ordinal variable, can't readily be treated as a numerical variable. A mean income of 5.4 means little, it doesn't even necessarily indicate that the mean income is 4/10s of the way along the interval in category 5 ($35,000 to 49,999). This data would, instead, be reported using frequencies, as follows (Analyze, Descriptive Statistics, Frequencies, throw 'respondent income' into variables, OK): Table 2 -- Respondent income Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Less than $10, $10,000-$14, $15,000-$24, $25,999-$34, $35,000-$49, $50,000-$74, $75,000-$99, $100,000 or more Total Missing System Total Frequencies are especially useful for presenting classic Likert-scale type categorical data, so the 'Overall county service value' rating in the Belle County dataset would look like this (Analyze, Descriptive Statistics, Frequencies, throw 'overall county service value rating' into variables, OK): Page 3 of 12

4 Reporting categorical data In this section we will Valid Very poor value look at a number of ways Somewhat poor value to report categorical data. Fair value The differences between reporting and analyzing Good value aren't that stark, though. Excellent value Even a simple sample Total mean, or a presentation of Missin System the frequency of responses (i.e. simple counting), allows one to analyze. From Figure 3a, for g Total instance, one can see that Belle County residents who responded to this survey generally think that they get value (if not 'excellent' value) from their county services. That is a form of analysis. Statistics, and rigorous quantitative analysis of a social phenomenon, needn't require sophisticated regression derivatives. A simple sample mean can be a powerful statistic, explaining a lot. It also shows how data can be far more powerful than the alternative. Are citizens happy with the new program? The response from a member of county government might be something like this: "Seems good. I've been talking to a dozen or so people, and they seem generally positive." Note that this form of analysis: Table 3a -- Overall county service value rating Uses a very small sample, with only a dozen or so. Uses a very unsystematic sample. How were these dozen people selected (from the local Starbucks that morning, a Rotary club meeting that noon, and a bar that night?), and how representative were they of the broader population? Is opaque. How was the question asked, how were responses tallied? Is vague. "They seem generally positive" is terribly imprecise. Frequency % Valid % Cum. % Instead, why not do a systematic sample of the community? A far more robust way of reporting community reaction to a new program would be to report, "A random sample of over 500 community members found that over 80% indicated that they get value from the new program." This is what the Belle County dataset is able to say. This ability of even simple counts to allow strong, useful analytical statements to be made points to a second fundamental problem (in addition to the "if you can't count it, it doesn't count" problem) with especially academic quantitative analysis, in that the purpose often seems to be to show off your familiarity with sophisticated methods, rather than to analyze the phenomenon. So often statistical steamrollers are used to break analytical walnuts. Keep it simple! As indicated above, the 'frequencies' function in SPSS can be used to generate data useful for reporting the results of a categorical variable. On the Belle County dataset, for instance, we can do the following: Page 4 of 12

5 Frequencies Present frequencies, using Analyze, Descriptive Statistics, Frequencies (which got us the respondent race data, above). Notice that you have the option to also produce some descriptive statistics with this, by clicking 'Statistics' on the 'Frequencies' window. I don't find the SPSS output to be terribly attractive or professional looking, and containing a lot of superfluous information the reader might not need. Percent, Valid Percent and Cumulate Percent, for instance, all are not needed. So you might want to redo it by creating a new table in MS Word, perhaps (to reconfigure Figure 3a, above) using this format that I've been using in my own research lately: Note, too, that in my non-stats classes, when I ask you to write papers, I also offer bonus points for (as it is described in my standard assignments page format, the bullets below come from page 6 of the PAD5700 Assignments page): If one was to 'incorporate' the reconfigured Table 3b 'into the narrative of the paper', one might simply write, "As shown in Table 3b, a strong majority of over 80% of residents responded that they felt they received at least fair value from the value of county services. Nearly 40% reported that they received good or excellent value." Descriptive statistics Table 3b Overall county service value rating Number Percent Very poor value Somewhat poor value Fair value Good value Excellent value Total Notes: 29 cases were missing data. The source is the Belle County dataset. One can present descriptive statistics, using Analyze, Descriptive Statistics, and Descriptives. Try this using the variable 'Years resident in county', which is a purely continuous variable, with values ranging from 1 to 83 years. The results: Table 4 Years resident in county N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Years resident in county Valid N (listwise) 506 To report this, you would not even necessarily need a table. In the narrative, one could just write: "The mean years resident in the county was " Sample sorting Page 5 of 12

6 Restrict the sample for further analysis. We did this a bit in the midterm exam. Assume that you want to know the years resident in the county of those most negatively disposed towards Belle County services. First go into Data, Select Cases, click the dot for 'If condition is satisfied', then the button for 'If'. This will open a 'Select Cases: If' window. In this window, insert 'valserv' (Overall county service value rating) in the window, and produce the rule 'valserv < 3'. This will give you the respondents that indicated Belle County services are of poor value, or somewhat poor value. Click Continue, then OK in the Select Cases window. Repeat then the steps above for descriptive statistics. The results: Table 5 -- Descriptive Statistics, Belle County critics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Years resident in county Valid N (listwise) 82 This tells you that of the 82 respondents that rated the overall services that poorly (note that this is the same number reported in Table 3, above, with 23 reporting 'very poor' and 59 'poor' value = 82), and that these individuals had lived in the county slightly longer than the rest of the sample: a mean of years, versus the years for the whole sample (from Table 4). The sample can be sorted in any number of other ways. For instance, 'Based on time or case range'. Another way to do the sorting that we just did above would be to first go in to Data, Sort Cases, put 'valserv' in the 'sort by' window, you might as well leave the data in the default, 'Ascending' 'Sort Order'. Note how the cases have been sorted in ascending order on the 'valserv' variable, starting with the 'no responses', then the 1s, 2s, etc. Given that in the previous analysis we wanted to know who indicated that the value of Belle County services was 'very poor' (1) or 'somewhat poor' (2), we can now select these cases using Data, then Select Cases. This time we will use the 'Based on time or case range' function, and click 'Range'. The 'Select Cases: Range' window allows us to insert the range of cases we want to analyze. With the data sorted as it is, we can see that the 1 responses begin at case #30, and the 2 responses end at case #111. So put those two numbers in the appropriate spots, and click OK. Calculate descriptive statistics for Years resident in county, and you'll get the same figures as before. Important point!!! If you save an SPSS spreadsheet while the 'Select Cases' function is being used, the saved file may omit all omitted data. At least this was the case with older versions. So either go back to 'Select all cases', or do not save when this function is operating. Graphics Pie chart. We can also produce a variety of graphics to present the data. Categorical data is especially well-suited to everyone's favourite (and my least favourite) graphic: the pie chart. Go to Graphs, Legacy Dialogs, Pie, click 'Summaries for groups of cases', Define. Indicate that Page 6 of 12

7 'Slices Represent % of cases', 'Define slices by' the variable 'Respondent race', and click OK. You should get Figure 6: This is the same data presented in Figure 1, save that this is a graphic, rather than a numerical presentation of the data. With regards to when to use this, note again my standard, professional writing grading criteria for tables/graphs: "Note the 'well used'... This does not mean produce a large, gaudily coloured pie chart" like the one above "when it would be easier to simply write '55% of Vermonters remain opposed to the civil unions law.'" So the pie chart above really provides little information that can't more effectively (and economically) be communicated by simply writing "The population was majority white, with a large Black minority and smaller groups of Hispanics, Native Americans and Asians. Notice that only categorical data (or data with relatively few slices of pie) are readily presented like this. Try the same for the variable Years resident in county, you get Figure 7: Psychedelic, but not very useful, is it? Bar chart. Click: Graphs, Legacy Dialogs, Bar, Simple, Define, 'Bars Represent % of cases', load 'Overall county service value rating' in as 'category axis', click OK. You get Figure 8: This is the same data presented in the table in Figure 3 (and 3b), above. The Histogram function gets you essentially the same thing. Tables Note that my favourite graphic, the Scatterplot, isn't well suited to categorical data. You can see this by going to Graphs, Legacy Dialogs, Scatter, Simple, Define, and Page 7 of 12

8 loading 'Overall county service value rating' and Gender on the Y and X axis, respectively. I'll save paper and not copy it in, as it ain't too useful. You can, though, present this sort of relationship by producing a simple table. SPSS used to have a separate function for this, but I haven t been able to find it for years. You can trick it into producing simple tables through the Crosstabs function: Analyze, Crosstabs. Put Overall county service value rating in the Row, Gender in column. Click OK. You get this: Table 9 -- Overall county service value rating * Gender Crosstabulation Count Gender Male Female Total Overall county service value Very poor value rating Somewhat poor value Fair value Good value Excellent value Total At a glance, you can see that men (bunch o' whiners!) outnumber women in the two 'poor value' rows, women (bunch o' sissies!) outnumber men in the two 'value' rows. Again, SPSS output isn't terribly attractive or professional looking, so you might reconfigure it as follows: Table 10 Gender and overall county service value rating, Bell County Male Female Very poor value Somewhat poor value Fair value Good value Excellent value 7 17 Notes: 29 cases were missing data. The source is the Belle County dataset. Higher level analytical stuff The purpose of this section's material is to shift to somewhat higher order analytical techniques that can be applied to categorical data. Perhaps the most fundamental thing to keep in mind when analyzing any data is to pay attention to the units in which the data is expressed. This is especially important because categorical variables can present challenges in interpretation. In the Bell County dataset: 'Years Resident in the County is a purely interval variable'. The units refer to years. Age is not a purely interval variable in this dataset, it is ordinal. The units refer to categories: 1 = under 25 years; 2 = ; 11 = 70 and older. Page 8 of 12

9 'Overall County Service Value' rating is an ordinal Likert scale. The units refer to categories: 1 = very poor value, 2 = somewhat poor value, 3 = fair value, 4 = good value, 5 = excellent value. 'Residence in City Limits' is a dichotomous (either/or) variable. The units refer to one of two, opposite things: 1 = inside; 2 = outside. Race, again, is a nominal variable. As constructed in the Bell County dataset, it is un interpretable in quantitative analysis. The point here is that interpreting the results of these variables can be tricky. Hypothesis tests We'll start with hypothesis tests. Hypothesis testing for categorical variables doesn't differ that much from that for interval variables. The categorical variable is simply treated like a number. One sample t-test As we have seen, in SPSS-ease, this is called a one sample t-test. Assume that the Belle County survey was based on a standard survey form recommended by the International City/County Management Association. Further assume that the mean overall county service value rating for some dozens of counties that have applied the ICMA survey is We want to see if the overall county service value rating for Belle County is significantly different from this status quo, null hypothesis figure. In SPSS, go to Analyze, Compare Means, One-Sample T Test. Put 'Overall county service value rating' in as the test variable, and use a Test Value of 3.0 (the ICMA, 'null hypothesis'). Click OK. The results: Overall county service value rating Table 11a Overall value compared nationally N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Overall county service value rating Table 11b Overall value compared nationally Test Value = 3 95% Confidence Interval of the Mean Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper The One-Sample Statistics tell us that there were 477 responses to this question, with a mean of 3.22, a standard deviation of 0.902, and a Standard Error of the Mean or, in PAD570-ease, a standard deviation of the sampling distribution of Note that the mean of 3.22 refers to that 1-5 (very poor to excellent) scale. It doesn't mean 3.22%, or 3.22 years, $3.22, or 3.22 gumnuts. The One-Sample Test data gives us a test statistic of 5.433, indicating that the likelihood that a sample of 477 would randomly yield a sample mean of 3.22, if the true population mean was Page 9 of 12

10 really 3.00, is standard deviations of the sampling distribution from the mean. We know that this is very unlikely, and so can conclude that it is very unlikely, with close to a zero probability (the significance -- Sig. (2-tailed) -- is 0.000), that a sample of 477 would randomly yield a sample mean of 3.22, if the true population mean was really If this sample mean of 3.22 can't be explained by randomness, you can be fairly confident that it is explained by a true difference between Belle County and the other counties that have applied this ICMA survey. In formal hypothesis testing terms, we can reject the null hypothesis that attitudes to overall county services in Bell County is no different than that in other counties across America. Note: this assumes, of course, that we have been careful to minimize the likelihood that our implementation of the survey did not introduce biases. Independent-Sample T Test Using SPSS, conduct an hypothesis test to see if newer and older residents differ in their Overall County Value Service Rating. The null hypothesis is that they do not differ. Here, we want to see if the overall county service value rating for Belle County is significantly different between the newer and longer-term residents. Click on Analyze, Compare Means, Independent-Sample T Test. Your Grouping Variable will be 'valserv', click Define Groups, the Cut Point dot, then 2.5 as the cutpoint. Insert 'Years resident in county' as the Test Variable. This, again, should compare those who indicated 1 or 2, to those who indicated 3-5. Click OK. The results (edited to fit): Table 12 a Overall value by years in county Overall county service value rating N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Years resident in county >= < Years resident in county Table 12b Overall value by years in county Levene's Test for Equality of Var. t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Diff. Std. Error Diff. Equal variances assumed Equal variances not ass The Group Statistics tell us that there were 82 cases with a value of less than 3, with a mean of years resident in the county; 395 cases with a value greater than or equal to 3, with a mean of On the Independent Sample Test, the Sig. (2 tailed) figure of.431 tells us that the statistical significance of the difference between the two means of 1.65 years is small relative to the variance in the sample, and that we can not reject the null hypothesis that there is no difference in the number of years resident in the county between those with negative attitudes toward county services, and the rest of the population. Page 10 of 12

11 Paired-Samples T Test Do the value service ratings differ for the environmental programs and the public schools? Here, we want to see if one variable differs from another. Click on Analyze, Compare Means, Paired- Samples t Test. Highlight both 'Public school value rating' and 'Environmental programs value rating', and load these into the 'Paired Variable' box. Click OK. The results (I've redone the formatting): Table 13a Public school value v. environmental value Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Pair 1 Public school value rating Environmental programs value rating Table 13b -- Public school value v. environmental value Paired Differences Std. Std. Error Sig. (2- Mean Dev. Mean t df tailed) Public school value rating - Environmental prog. value rating The 'Paired Samples' results indicate that the two did indeed have different mean figures. The Paired Samples Test data again give a test statistic of 2.67, with a probability of.008. This tells us that if the people of Belle County were indifferent in their opinions of these two programs, there is a.008 chance that scores this far apart would be generated randomly. Given that this is less than a one percent chance, we can be about 99% confident that the perceived value of these two programs is indeed different, or in formal hypothesis testing terms: we can reject the null hypothesis that there is no difference in Bell County residents' attitudes regarding the value of public schools and environmental programs. * II. Time series * We are going to do a sort of poor person's time series analysis here, mostly just to introduce you to the concept. The idea is to introduce time as a variable. An important provision to keep in mind is one of the assumptions of regression analysis, from lecture 5, #3 in the list of considerations of regression: "residuals are independent," by which is meant "one value of x is not related to (is independent of) the next." Over time, values of x often are related to the next. Much popular global warming analysis, for instance, will point to a string of recent hot years as evidence that something is going on. Yet we know that temperatures one year to the next are not independent of each other: an el nino cycle, for instance, can last 3-4 years. In economic terms, though, I'll consider years independent of each other, mostly because changes in economic Page 11 of 12

12 conditions generally occur quicker than one year. You can see this in the linked "Gross Domestic Product tables" from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. So by way of a poor person's time series analysis: take my Macro Economic statistics file: MacroStats. Assume that you wanted to analyse variation in US GDP growth rates after World War II. This period is selected because prior to this era the economy was especially volatile, with the massive contractions of the Great Depression, then equally large growth periods as a result of the stimulus provided by New Deal programs and war. You can see this in the following line chart: graphs legacy dialog line choose 'simple', Data in Chart are Values of Individual cases, click 'Define' Line represents: GDP change Category labels: Variable Variable: Year. Click OK You get this: Note the wild fluctuations prior to 1950 or so, as well as the evident slowing in US economic growth. So we want to be able to hold constant that long term, slowing growth trend in looking for relationships between other variables and economic growth. Now I ll do a multivariate regression, with economic growth the dependent variable, and time (Year), federal expenditures, and the cost of imported oil as independent variables. The results (put in my standard table format): Table 15 Regression of Economic growth on year, price of imported oil, and federal spending β Standardized β t test Probability (s.e.) Constant (55.64) Year (.027) Imported oil ($ real) (.021) Federal outlays (% GDP).111 (.244) Adjusted r 2 =.059 F (3, 37) =.156 Holding years constant, oil prices have an impact on economic growth, while growth of federal spending does not. Page 12 of 12

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