Radiant Floor Heating

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1 Radiant Floor Heating Gary Hayden, P.E. ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer

2 What is Radiant Heat? The Sun Camp Fire Wood Stove

3 Modes of Radiant Heat Convection Conduction Radiation

4 Heat loss Parameters Amount of Heat Lost to Cold R- Values Air Infiltration

5 Goal for Heating Heat loss = Heating Capacity

6 Surface Temperatures

7 Floor Surface Temperatures PERIMETER AREA Maximum Floor Surface Temperatures for Comfort Occupied Area 85 o F Perimeter Area 95 o F Outside Walls Bathroom 90 o F 3 OCCUPIED AREA

8 Perimeter Area Calculation 3 feet 20 Perimeter Area Calculation [25 x 3 + ((20-3 ) x 3 )] = 164 ft2 Occupied Area Calculation [(25 x 20 ) 164 ft2] = 336 ft2 25

9 Heat Transfer Coefficient

10 Floor Heating Output Calculation F o r m u Ol a u ftop Ca r ul tc u l a t i o n f o r R a d i a n t F l Btuh/ f 2 t = H x T ( C F l o o r S u r f o F a c Re ot oe m o p F T ) e m p H e a t T r a n s f e r C o e f f i c ti he / un f 2 t- o F o r ( UH 2 ste f C o r = q u1 i. c9 k 6 cb a l R o ote me pr a t ui s de r e s i rco e d m fle o vr t e l a or f o m ( T y p o if ctao l o l7f y 2) 6 5

11 Sample Calculation Results Floor Surface Temperature o F Room Temperature o F Output Btuh/ft

12 RFH Design Requirements Heat loss for Space Heat Production from Floor Installation / Floor Coverings Hydraulics Tubing and Circulators (Pumps) Heating Source Boiler Geothermal Solar Electric

13 Heat Loss for Planned Space

14 Heat Loss Numbers Component Length Width/Height Area ft 2 T o F R-value ft 2 o F/ Btuh Total Heat Loss Btuh Window Wall Glass Door Wall Floor * Ceiling Total Btuh 2,690

15 Heat loss Basics * C r a ws l p a c e T e m p e ra tu re e q o F u a ls 4 0 B tu h = (S u rfa c e A re T a ) */ R-v a lu e T = R o o m T e m p e r ao tuu rtd e o o r T e m p e ra t u re R e m e m b e r to s u b tra c t w in d o w a n d d o o r a re a fro m o u t s c a lc u la t e w a ll. a re a s A ir In filtra tio o f n1.5 x 2,6 9 0 = T o ta l H e a tlo s T o ta l H elo a ts s = 4,0 5 9 B t B a sic H e a t L o s s C a lc u la tiod n : M e th o 1 ) D e te rm in e th e a ir te m p e ra tu r e d i ffe r e n c e b e t w e e n o ut td. ou osr e ath n d e in d ed so ire o r, d in d o o r te m p o F e r) ale tusr s e th ( 6e 8 o u td o o r te m p e r a tu r e e x p e c te d o n th e c o ld e s t d a y o f th e y e a r. 2 ) M u ltip ly th e to ta l o u td o o r w a ll a r e a, l e s s t h e w i na dbo y w tha e nt d. dd oiv o r ida e reth is v a lu e b-v y ath lu e Rfo r th e w a ll. T y p ic a l w a lls h a v e a -vto a lu ta l e Ro f ) M u ltip ly th e to ta l w in d o w a re T a. bd y i vt hi de e th is v a lu e b-v y ath lu e Rf o r t h e w in d o w. T h e a v e r a g-v e ar lu e fo r a w i n d o w is ) D o th e s a m e hfo e r c et ilin g a n d th e f lo o r. T-v ya plu i ce as l ar r e 3 8 f o r c e ilin g s a n d 1 9 fo r flo o r s. 5 ) A d d u p th e h e a t lo s s f o r e a c h c o m p o n e n t t o d e te rm i n e th e t o ta l h e a t lo s s fo r th e ro o m. 6 ) M u ltip ly th e h e a t lo s s b y 1.5 t o a c c o m m o d a te ft o r c air lcin u la f iltra te t oe tit ao tlol n hs. s 7 ) D e te rm in e th e h e a t lo a d p e r flo o r h e a te d a re a r e q u i re m e n t b y d iv id in g th e to ta l h e a t lo s s b y th e f h e a t in g. R e m e m b e r th a t th e f lo o r a r e a th a t is c o v e r e d w ith c a b in e ts o r o th e r fix tu re s uwrc ill e. n o t b e

16 Available Floor Surface Area 15'-0" 8'-11 1/2" 10'-10 13/16"

17 Mean Heating Water Temperature Mean Heating Water Temperature = MHWT (Supply Water Temperature + Return Water Temperature) / 2 = MHWT Example: Supply Water Temperature = 110 of Return Water Temperature = 90 of MHWT = ( ) / 2 = 100 o F

18 Circuit Lengths for RFH Circuit Lengths for ½ and 5/8 Nominal PEX ASTM F876/F877 1/2 PEX 300 ft. Recommended 350 ft. Maximum 5/8 PEX 400 ft. Recommended 500 ft. Maximum Reference: RPA Guidelines 2004 Edition Section

19 Pump and Pipe Tables

20 RFH Installation Methods Slab on Grade Joist Space Sub-Floor Installation

21 RFH Outputs by Type

22 Slab on Grade Floor Covering Concrete Slab Insulation Heating Pipe Ground or Structural Panel

23 Sub-Floor Installation F lo o r C o v e r in g H e a t in g P ip e L t. W e ig h t T h e r m a l M a s S u b F lo o r In s u la tio n F lo o r J o is t

24 Joist Space F lo o r C o v e r in g H e a t i n g P i H e a t T r a n s f e r P l a t e s S u b F lo o I n s u la t io n F l o o r J o i s t

25 Embedded Floor Installation F l o o r C o v e r i n g H e a t i n g P i p e H e a t T r a n s f e r P l a t e s W o o d D i v i d e S u b F l o o r I n s u l a t i o n F l o o r J o i s t

26 Heating Element Spacing Slab-on-gra de Cove ring R=0.00 MHWT - o F Floor Surface Temperature o F Pipe Spacing - Inches

27 Floor Coverings Type of Floor Covering Thickness of Floor Covering (inches) R-value (Btu/ft 2 - o F) * Max Exposure Temperature ( o F) Carpet Pad Slab Rubber Oak Flooring Ceramic Tile Marble Laminate Flooring Carpet Plywood Linoleum Cork * Table Data is generic and should be verified by specified flooring manufacturer for each installation and design case.

28 Exposure Temperature o Exposure Temperature F Exposure Temperature Floor Surface Temperature - o F

29 RFH System Components Pipe Manifolds Fittings Accessories Controls Tools

30 Pipe ASTM F876/F877 - PEX c NSF-rfh ICBO ES ER 5421 PPI Listed DIN 4726 Oxygen Barrier

31 Manifolds Brass Copper Easy Assembly Proven Components Many Different Sizes

32 Fittings All Brass Construction Fully Tested and Certified NSF-rfh ICBO ES ER 5421 No Special Tools Required ASTM F877 Crimp Fittings Special Tools

33 Installation Accessories Labor Saving Back Saving Professional Installation Prevents Pipe Damage

34 Modern Controls Labor Saving Decreases Trouble Shooting Time Proven Service Record Improves System Performance Professional Installation

35 ASHRAE Handbook

36 Tools Decreases Installation Time Back Saving Professional Quality Eases Installation

37 Pump Injection

38 Pump Injection with HX

39 Thermostatic Mixing Valve

40 4 Way Mixing Valve

41 Resources for Design ASHRAE Handbooks Radiant Panel Association Manufacturer's Guides / Manuals

42 Questions

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