Your God is one God: there is no God but the All-Beneficent and AllMerciful Allah.

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2 Page 1 of 9 اهلل أ ن ا ه ال إ ل ـه إ الا ه و وا م ل ال ئ ك ة وأ مول وا مالمع ل م م ش ه د Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He; and likewise do the angels and the men possessed of knowledge { 81} 3 - سورة آل عمران ۰۰۱۸ ا ل ه ل اا ل ا و ه ز ي ز ع لا ي ك ح لام ١ و ة ك ى ل م لا واو لو ا م ل ع لاا م ى ا ق ط س ق لا ب ١ د ه ش ه للا ه ن ا ا ل ه ل اا ل ا و ه Allah Himself bears witness that there is no God but He; and likewise do the angels and the men possessed of knowledge, standing firm on justice, there is no God but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. ۰۰۱۶۳ ا ل ه ل اا ل ا و ه ن م ح رلا ي ح رلام ١ { و م ك ه ل ا ه ل ا د حا و 863} 2 - سورة البقرة Your God is one God: there is no God but the All-Beneficent and AllMerciful Allah. { 4-8} سورة اإلخالص ۰۰۴ و م ل ن ك ي ه لا و ف ك ح ام ۰۰۳ و م ل ل و يد ١ م ل د ل ي ۰۰۲ ه لل ا م صلاد ۰۰۱ ل ق و ه ه للا ح اد Say: He is Allah, the One and Unique; Allah, Who is in need of none and of Whom all are in need; He neither begot any nor was He begotten, and none is comparable to Him. و و ه ي ذ لاي ف ء ا م سلا ه ل ا وي ف ض ر ا لا ه ل ا He it is Who is God in the heavens and the earth. { 18-14} 43 - سورة الزخرف و ك ر ب ت ي ذ لا ه ل ك ل م ت و م سلا و ۰۰۸۴ و و ه ي ك ح لا م ي ل ع لا ١ و و ه ي ذ لاي ف ء ا م سلا ه ل ا وي ف ض ر ا لا ه ل ا ۰۰۸۵ و ه ي ل ا ن و ع ج ر ت ١ و ه د ن ع م ل ع ة عا سلا ١ ض ر ا لا وب اا م ه ن ي Belief: Part 1-2: Oneness of Allah (For More Files Please Visit) { Page 1

3 Page 2 of 9 He it is Who is God in the heavens and the earth. He is the Most Wise, the All-Knowing. Blessed is He Who has dominion over the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. With Him is the knowledge of the Hour; and to Him you shall all be sent back. سورة األنعام- 8} 6-3 { م ح ل ا ه ل ل ي ذ لا ق ل خ و م سلا و ض ر ا لا و ل ع ج م ل ظلا و ر و نلا ١ م ث ي ذ لا و ر ف ك ه ب ر ب ل د ع ي ۰۰ و ه ي ذ لا ك ق ل خ ن م ن ي ط م ث ى ض ق ا ل ج ا ١ و ل ج ا م س م ه د ن ع م ث م ت ن ا ر ت م ت ۰۱ و و ه ه للا ي ف و م سلا وي فض ر ا لا ١ م ل ع يم ك ر س و ك ر ه ج و م ل ع يب ا ب س ك ت ۰۲ All praise is for Allah alone, Who created the heavens and the earth, and brought into being light and darkness, and yet those who have rejected the call of the Truth ascribe others to be equals to their Lord. He it is Who has created you out of clay, and then decreed a term (of life), and has also appointed another term, a term determined with Him. Yet you are in doubt! And He it is Who is One True God in the heavens and in the earth. He knows your deeds - both secret and open - and knows fully whatever you earn. س ي ل ل ث م ك ء ي ش Nothing in the universe is like Him. سورة الشورى } - 82 { س ي ل ل ث م ك ء ي ش ١ و و ه ي م سلا ي ص ب لا ۰۰ ه ل ي لا ق م و م سلا و ض ر ا لا ١ ط س ب ي ق ز رلا ن م ل ء ا ش ي و ر د ق ي ١ ه ن ا ل ك ب ء ي ش م ي ل ع ۰۱ Nothing in the universe is like Him. He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. His are the keys of the heavens and the earth. He enlarges and straitens the sustenance of whomsoever He wills. Surely He has knowledge of everything. Belief: Part 1-2: Oneness of Allah (For More Files Please Visit) { Page 2

4 This is a proclamation for all mankind that they may be warned by it, and that they may know that their God is none but the One True God. { 82} 84 - Page 3 of 9 سورة إبراهيم ا ذ ه غ ل ب و سا ن و و ر ذ ن و و و م ل عو ا م و ه ه ل ا د حا و و ر ك ذاو لو ا م ۰۰۵۲ This is a proclamation for all mankind that they may be warned by it, and that they may know that their God is none but the One True God, and that men of understanding may take heed. سورة األنبياء } - 28 { و ل نا ك م ه ي ف ة ه ل ا ا ل ا ه للا د س ف ل ١ ح ب س ف ه للا ب ر ش ر ع لا ا م ع و ف ص ي ۰۱ ا ل ل س ي ا م ع ل ع ف ي و م ه ل س ي ۰۲ م ا ذ خ تا ن م ه ن و د ة ه ل ا ١ ل ق ا و تا ه نا ه ر ب ١ ا ذ ه ر ك ذ ن م ي ع م و ر ك ذ ن م ي ل ب ق ١ ل ب ر ث ك ا ا ل م ل ع ي ١ ق ح لا م ه ف ض ر ع م ۰۳ و ا م ل س ر ا ن م ك ل ب ق ن م ل و س ر ا ل ا ي ح و ن ه ي ل ا ه ن ا ا ل ه ل ا ا ل اا ن اد ب عا ف ۰۴ Had there been any gods in the heavens and the earth apart from Allah, the order of both the heavens and the earth would have gone to ruins. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Throne, Who is far above their false descriptions of Him. None shall question Him about what He does, but they will be questioned. Have they taken gods other than Him? Say, (O Muhammad): "Bring forth your proof! Here is the Book with admonition for those of my time and there are also scriptures with admonition for people before me." But most people do not know the Truth, and have, therefore, turned away from it. Never did We send any Messenger before you to whom We did not reveal: "There is no god but Me. So serve Me alone." Belief: Part 1-2: Oneness of Allah (For More Files Please Visit) { Page 3

5 So worship your Lord until the last moment (of your life) & associate none as a partner with Him. Page 4 of 9 So serve your Lord your Lord Who created you and those who were before you. سورة البقرة } - 22 { ي ا ي سا نلا و د ب عا م ك ب ر ي ذ لا ك ق ل خ و ي ذ لا ن م ك ل ب ق ك ل ع ل و ق ت تد ۰۰ ي ذ لا ل ع ج م ك لض ر ا لاا شا ر ف وا م سلا ء ا ن ب ١ و ل ز ن ا ن ما م سلا ء ا م ر خ ا ف و ن مر م ثلاا ق ز ر م ك ل ١ ا ل ف ل ع ج ت ه ل لدا د ن ا و م ت ن ا م ل ع ت ۰۱ O Mankind, submit to your Lord Who created you and those who were before you; in this way only you may expect to save yourselves. It is He Who has made the earth a bed for you and the sky a canopy; and it is He Who sends down rain from above for the growth of every kind of food products for your sustenance. So, when you know this, you should not set up equals to rank with Allah. سورة األنعام- 808} { و ق ل خ ل ك ء ي ش ١ و و ه ل ك ب ء ي ش م ي ل ع ۰۰ م ك ل ذ ه للا م ك ب ر ١ ا ل ه ل ا ا ل ا و ه ١ ق لا خ ل ك ء ي ش د ب عا ف ١ و و هى ل ع ل ك ء ي شل ي ك و ۰۱ ا ل ك ر د تص ب ا لا ١ و و ه ك ر د يص ب ا لا ١ و و هي ط للاي ب خ لا ۰۲ And He has created everything and He has full knowledge of all things. Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no god but He - the Creator of all things. Serve Him alone - for it is He Who is the guardian of everything. No visual perception can encompass Him, even though He encompasses all visual perception. He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware. Belief: Part 1-2: Oneness of Allah (For More Files Please Visit) { Page 4

6 Page 5 of 9 ۰۰۲۳ { وى ض ق ك ب را ل اا و د ب ع ت ا ل ا ها ي ا 23} 81 - سورة اإلسراء Your Lord has decreed that do not worship any but Him. And worship your Lord until the last moment (of your life) that will most certainly come. ۰۰۹۹ { و د ب عا ك ب رى ت ح ك ي ت ا ي ي ق ي لام 99} 88 - سورة احلجر And worship your Lord until the last moment (of your life) that will most certainly come. And associate none with the worship of your Lord. { 880} 81 - سورة الكهف ن م ف نا كا و ج ر ي ء ا ق ل ه ب ر ل م ع ي ل ف ١ ل ق ا م ن ا ا ن ا ر ش ب م ك ل ث مى ح و ي ي ل ا ا م ن ا م ك ه ل ا ه ل ا د حا و ۰۰۱۱۰ ا ل م عا ح لا ص وا ل ك ر ش ي ة دا ب ع ب ه ب ر د ح ام Say (O Muhammad): "I am no more than a human being like you; one to whom revelation is made: 'Your Lord is the One and Only God.' Hence, whoever looks forward to meet his Lord, let him do righteous works, and let him associate none with the worship of his Lord". Allah does not forgive associating partners with Him, and this greatest wrong-doing will take you to the Fire of the Hell. { 12} 8 - سورة ا لائدة ۰۰۷۲ وب ا ن ي م ل ظل ل ن م را ص ن ا ١ ه ن ا ن م ك ر ش ي ه للا ب ر ح للا م ه للاج لا ه م و ة ن و نلا هى را Allah has forbidden Paradise to those who associate anything with Him in His divinity and their refuge shall be the Fire. No one will be able to help such wrong-doers. Belief: Part 1-2: Oneness of Allah (For More Files Please Visit) { Page 5

7 Page 6 of 9 { 83} سورة لقمان - 38 و ذ ا لا ق ن م ق له ن با ل و و ه ه ظ ع ي ي ن ب يا ل ك ر ش ته للا ب ١ ن اك ر شلا م ل ظ ل م ي ظ ع ۰۲ And call to mind when Luqman said to his son while exhorting him: My son, do not associate others with Allah in His Divinity. Surely, associating others with Allah in His Divinity is the highest wrong-doing. سورة النساء } { ن ا ه للاا ل ر ف غ ي ن اك ر ش ي و و ر ف غ يب ا ن و د ك ل ذ ن م لء ا ش ي ١ و ن مك ر ش يه للا ب د ق ف ر ت فاا م ث ا م ي ظ ع ۰۰۴۸ Surely Allah does not forgive that a partner should be associated with Him, although He forgives any other sins for whomever He wills. He who associates anyone with Allah in His divinity has indeed forged a mighty lie and committed a tremendous sin. سورة النساء } { ن ا ه للا ا ل ر ف غ ي ن ا ك ر ش ي و و ر ف غ ي ب ا ن و د ك ل ذ ن م ل ء ا ش ي ١ و ن م ك ر ش ي ه للا ب ر ح ل ض ا ل ل ض د ي ع ب ۰۰۱۱۶ Truly it is only associating others with Allah in His divinity that Allah does not forgive, and forgives anything besides that to whomsoever He wills. Whoever associates others with Allah in His divinity has indeed strayed far away. The way of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) & his followers سورة الكهف - 81 {31 }ا ن ك ل و ه ه للا ي ب ر و ا ل ك ر ش اي ب ر ب د ح ا ۰۱ As for myself, Allah alone is my Lord, and I associate none with my Lord in His Divinity. Belief: Part 1-2: Oneness of Allah (For More Files Please Visit) { Page 6

8 Page 7 of 9 Do you disbelieve in Him Who سورة األنعام- 89} 6 { ل ق ي ا ء ي ش ر ب ك ا ة دا ه ش ١ ل ق ه للا ١ د ي ه ش ي ن ي ب و ك ن ي ب ١ و ي ح و ا ي ل ا ا ذ ه ا ر ق لا ذ ن ا ل و و ن م غ ل ب ١ ن ى ا ه ش ت ل ن ا ع م ه للا ة ه ل ا ى ر خ ا ١ ل ق ا ل د ه ش ا ١ ل ق ا م ن ا و ه ه ل ا د حا و وي ن ن اء ي ر با م م ك ر ش تن ۰۱ Ask them: 'Whose testimony is the greatest?' Say: 'Allah is the witness between me and you; and this Qur'an was revealed to me that I should warn you thereby and also whomsoever it may reach.' Do you indeed testify that there are other gods with Allah? Say: 'I shall never testify such a thing.' Say: 'He is the One God and I am altogether averse to all that you associate with Him in His divinity '. سورة الكهف } { ر ف ك ا ذ لا ب ك ق ل خ ن م با ر ت م ث ن مة ف ط ن م ث كى و س ل ج رم ۰۰ Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you out of dust, then out of a drop of sperm, and then fashioned you into a complete man? سورة البقرة } - 29 { ف ي ك ر ف ك ت ه للا ب و م ت ن ك تا و م ا ي ح ا ف ١ م ث ت ي م ي م ث ي ي ح ي م ث ه ي ل ا ع ج ر ت ۰۰ و ه ي ذ لا ق ل خ م ك ل ا م ي ف ض ر ا لا ع ي م ج ١ م ث و ت سا ى ل ا ا م سلا ى و س ف ع ب س ت و م س ١ و و ه ل ك ب ء ي ش م ي ل عم ۰۱ Belief: Part 1-2: Oneness of Allah (For More Files Please Visit) { Page 7

9 Page 8 of 9 How is it that you adopt the attitude of disbelief towards Allah when the fact is that you were lifeless and He gave you life, and He will cause you to die and again restore you to life: then you will ultimately return to Him. He it is Who created for you all that there is on the Earth; He then turned to the sky and ordered it into seven heavens. And He has full knowledge of everything. So do not set up any other God with Allah lest you { 39} سورة اإلسراء - 81 وا ل ل ع ج ت ع م ه للاا ه ل ا ر خ ا ق ل ت ف ي فم ن ه ج م و ل مو ح د م ۰۲ So do not set up any other God with Allah lest you should be thrown into Hell, rebuked and deprived of every good. { 23-22} سورة اإلسراء - 81 ا ل ل ع ج ت ع م ه للاا ه ل ا ر خ ا ع ق ت ف و م ذ مو ذ خ مم ۰۱ وى ض ق ك ب را ل ا د ب ع ت ا ل ا ها ي ا ۰۲ Do not set up any other god with Allah lest you are rendered humiliated and helpless. Your Lord has decreed that do not worship any but Him. Belief: Part 1-2: Oneness of Allah (For More Files Please Visit) { Page 8

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