The Birth Of John The Baptist Luke 1:39-80

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1 Lesson 206 The Birth Of John The Baptist Luke 1:39-80

2 MEMORY VERSE LUKE 1:50 And His m erc y is on those w ho fear Him from generation to generation. WHAT YOU WILL NEED: A 5' piece of tape in a straight line in the middle of the room. A chair (one or two pillows from home optional). Several pieces of paper with the phrases I m afraid, Help, I can t find my way, Oh no, what am I going to do, etc. printed on them. ATTENTION GRABBER! Jump for Joy Have the children line up single file at a line of tape on the floor. Have each child do a standing broad jump from the tape as far as they can. As we study the life of John the Baptist we are going to see the jump from the Old Testament to the New Testament. John the Baptist is the last of the prophets and appears for the first time in the New Testament. He was chosen by the Lord to be the one to go before Jesus to announce His coming.

3 LESSON TIME! Today we are going to see how Zacharias, Elizabeth, and Mary praised God for the fulfillment of His promises and His work in their lives. We read that Mary went to live with her cousin Elizabeth for a time. It s possible she sought to escape the escape the whispers of those who were suspicious of her. Although she knew that her baby was a very special baby from God, it appeared to the people around her that she was having a baby without a husband. She could have tried to explain her story; but probably, no one would have believed her. L U KE 1:39-44 N o w M ar y ar o s e i n t h o s e d ay s an d w e n t i n t o t h e h i l l c o u n t r y w i t h h as t e, t o a c i t y o f J u d ah, an d e n t e r e d t h e h o u s e o f Z ac h ar i as an d gr e e t e d El i z abe t h. An d i t h ap p e n e d, w h e n El i z abe t h h e ar d t h e gr e e t i n g o f M ar y, t h at t h e babe l e ap e d i n h e r w o m b; an d El i z abe t h w as f i l l e d w i t h t h e H o l y S p i r i t. T h e n s h e s p o k e o u t w i t h a l o u d v o i c e an d s ai d, " B l e s s e d ar e y o u am o n g w o m e n, an d bl e s s e d i s t h e f r u i t o f y o u r w o m b! " B u t w h y i s t h i s gr an t e d t o m e, t h at t h e m o t h e r o f m y L o r d s h o u l d c o m e t o m e? " F o r i n d e e d, as s o o n as t h e v o i c e o f y o u r gr e e t i n g s o u n d e d i n m y e ar s, t h e babe l e ap e d i n m y w o m b f o r j o y.

4 Six months have passed since the angel told Zacharias about the baby who would be born to Elizabeth and him. Elizabeth was at home cherishing in her heart the fact that God was giving her a child and that he would be the forerunner of the promised Messiah. Elizabeth was quietly waiting and Mary was traveling in haste. Sometimes it is hard to wait upon the Lord to fulfill His promises in our lives. We want everything to happen now. But God has a perfect plan and He will accomplish it in His perfect timing. We can learn about waiting from Elizabeth and Mary. The Rest and Haste Game Pick one child to sit in a chair in the middle of the room and encourage the child to be as comfortable as possible (you may want to bring a couple of pillows from home). Pick another child to run in a tight circle around the chair as many times as he can before you say stop (give each child about 15 seconds). Repeat the process with several pairs of children. Compare the difference between resting in the chair and making haste by running around. Which one wears you out? Which one is relaxing. Then they met! Elizabeth was not expecting Mary; her visit was a surprise. When Elizabeth greeted Mary with joy, her baby leaped inside her. Then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she knew before Mary had even told her that Mary was carrying inside her the very Lord of Glory!

5 Elizabeth began to praise God. God loves music and poems that express His beauty and goodness. Elizabeth s song recognizes the greatness of Mary s privilege to be the mother of Jesus, but her main reason for singing was out of love for the Lord. Mary then sings her song because she knew that God is worthy of our praise. Sing Praise to the Lord Ask the children if they know any praise songs. Allow several of them to share titles until one or two are mentioned that you know. Lead the children in one or two acappella praise songs explaining that God is worthy of our praise. L U KE 1:45-56 " B l e s s e d i s s h e w h o be l i e v e d, f o r t h e r e w i l l be a f u l f i l l m e n t o f t h o s e t h i n gs w h i c h w e r e t o l d h e r f r o m t h e L o r d. " An d M ar y s ai d : " M y s o u l m agn i f i e s t h e L o r d, An d m y s p i r i t h as r e j o i c e d i n G o d m y S av i o r. F o r H e h as r e gar d e d t h e l o w l y s t at e o f H i s m ai d s e r v an t ; F o r be h o l d, h e n c e f o r t h al l ge n e r at i o n s w i l l c al l m e bl e s s e d. F o r H e w h o i s m i gh t y h as d o n e gr e at t h i n gs f o r m e, An d h o l y i s H i s n am e. An d H i s m e r c y i s o n t h o s e w h o f e ar H i m F r o m ge n e r at i o n t o ge n e r at i o n.

6 H e h as s h o w n s t r e n gt h w i t h H i s ar m ; H e h as s c at t e r e d t h e p r o u d i n t h e i m agi n at i o n o f t h e i r h e ar t s. H e h as p u t d o w n t h e m i gh t y f r o m t h e i r t h r o n e s, An d e x al t e d t h e l o w l y. H e h as f i l l e d t h e h u n gr y w i t h go o d t h i n gs, An d t h e r i c h H e h as s e n t aw ay e m p t y. H e h as h e l p e d H i s s e r v an t I s r ae l, I n r e m e m br an c e o f H i s m e r c y, As H e s p o k e t o o u r f at h e r s, T o Abr ah am an d t o h i s s e e d f o r e v e r. " An d M ar y r e m ai n e d w i t h h e r abo u t t h r e e m o n t h s, an d r e t u r n e d t o h e r h o u s e. We see from Mary s song that she knew the Bible very well. She loved it and memorized it and her song is full of scripture. Mary starts her song with pure praise. Her spirit was rejoicing in God the Savior. She understood how special her baby was in God s great plan, and she was expressing it in this song. She was worshipping God as she sang this song because she knew that God is worthy of our praise. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months; then she went home. The Bible does not say much about that time except that her betrothed husband, Joseph, protected her. L U KE 1:57-66 N o w El i z abe t h ' s f u l l t i m e c am e f o r h e r t o be d e l i v e r e d, an d s h e br o u gh t f o r t h a s o n.

7 Wh e n h e r n e i gh bo r s an d r e l at i v e s h e ar d h o w t h e L o r d h ad s h o w n gr e at m e r c y t o h e r, t h e y r e j o i c e d w i t h h e r. S o i t w as, o n t h e e i gh t h d ay, t h at t h e y c am e t o c i r c u m c i s e t h e c h i l d ; an d t h e y w o u l d h av e c al l e d h i m by t h e n am e o f h i s f at h e r, Z ac h ar i as. H i s m o t h e r an s w e r e d an d s ai d, " N o ; h e s h al l be c al l e d J o h n. " B u t t h e y s ai d t o h e r, " T h e r e i s n o o n e am o n g y o u r r e l at i v e s w h o i s c al l e d by t h i s n am e. " S o t h e y m ad e s i gn s t o h i s f at h e r ; w h at h e w o u l d h av e h i m c al l e d. An d h e as k e d f o r a w r i t i n g t abl e t, an d w r o t e, s ay i n g, " H i s n am e i s J o h n. " S o t h e y al l m ar v e l e d. I m m e d i at e l y h i s m o u t h w as o p e n e d an d h i s t o n gu e l o o s e d, an d h e s p o k e, p r ai s i n g G o d. T h e n f e ar c am e o n al l w h o d w e l t ar o u n d t h e m ; an d al l t h e s e s ay i n gs w e r e d i s c u s s e d t h r o u gh o u t al l t h e h i l l c o u n t r y o f J u d e a. An d al l t h o s e w h o h e ar d t h e m k e p t t h e m i n t h e i r h e ar t s, s ay i n g, " Wh at k i n d o f c h i l d w i l l t h i s be?" An d t h e h an d o f t h e L o r d w as w i t h h i m.

8 What was Elizabeth s baby to be called? Verse 63 says, His name is John. Remember, God makes possible what seems impossible. A baby was born to a woman too old to have a baby, but God had a purpose for that baby and now he was here! God was going to make him ready for his very special job as the forerunner of the Lord. Who remembers what a forerunner is? The relatives thought the baby should be named Zacharias like his father, but Elizabeth told them that he was to be called John. The relatives didn t agree so they took a writing tablet to Zacharias and told him to write the baby s name. He wrote, His name is John. The baby already had his name given to him by God. After Zacharias wrote the name he was able to talk again. Breaking the Silence Ask for a volunteer to stand quietly before the class for about 30 seconds. At the end of their time, have them say the very first thing that comes into their head (preface with older children that only edifying statements are allowed). Repeat the process with one or two more children. Talk about what it must have been like for Zacharias to receive his ability to talk again after 9 months. The first thing Zacharias did was to sing a song! Zacharias worships God in his song too. John s name means the grace of God, and grace means that we are given something we don t deserve: forgiveness for our sins and a place in heaven! Zacharias song is celebrating God s grace because he knew that God is worthy of our praise.

9 L U KE 1:67-79 N o w h i s f at h e r Z ac h ar i as w as f i l l e d w i t h t h e H o l y S p i r i t, an d p r o p h e s i e d, s ay i n g: " B l e s s e d i s t h e L o r d G o d o f I s r ae l, f o r H e h as v i s i t e d an d r e d e e m e d H i s p e o p l e, An d h as r ai s e d u p a h o r n o f s al v at i o n f o r u s i n t h e h o u s e o f H i s s e r v an t D av i d, As H e s p o k e by t h e m o u t h o f H i s h o l y p r o p h e t s, w h o h av e be e n s i n c e t h e w o r l d be gan, T h at w e s h o u l d be s av e d f r o m o u r e n e m i e s an d f r o m t h e h an d o f al l w h o h at e u s, T o p e r f o r m t h e m e r c y p r o m i s e d t o o u r f at h e r s an d t o r e m e m be r H i s h o l y c o v e n an t, T h e o at h w h i c h H e s w o r e t o o u r f at h e r Abr ah am : T o gr an t u s t h at w e, be i n g d e l i v e r e d f r o m t h e h an d o f o u r e n e m i e s, m i gh t s e r v e H i m w i t h o u t f e ar, I n h o l i n e s s an d r i gh t e o u s n e s s be f o r e H i m al l t h e d ay s o f o u r l i f e. " An d y o u, c h i l d, w i l l be c al l e d t h e p r o p h e t o f t h e H i gh e s t ; f o r y o u w i l l go be f o r e t h e f ac e o f t h e L o r d t o p r e p ar e H i s w ay s, T o gi v e k n o w l e d ge o f s al v at i o n t o H i s p e o p l e by t h e r e m i s s i o n o f t h e i r s i n s, T h r o u gh t h e t e n d e r m e r c y o f o u r G o d, w i t h w h i c h t h e D ay s p r i n g f r o m o n h i gh h as v i s i t e d u s ;

10 T o gi v e l i gh t t o t h o s e w h o s i t i n d ar k n e s s an d t h e s h ad o w o f d e at h, t o gu i d e o u r f e e t i n t o t h e w ay o f p e ac e. " Zacharias said, His name is John, and his song explains the name grace. God had shown grace to people all through history, and now his greatest gift of grace was about to be given: Jesus, coming to take our punishment for sin, coming to give us an eternal home with God in heaven. That's grace! When God sent Jesus, He thought of everything we would need. God leaves nothing out. Zacharias song tells us three things God has given us in Jesus: 1. Forgiveness for sin - In Jesus, we are forgiven and cleansed of all of our sin. 2. Spiritual light - The world without Jesus is full of the darkness of sin, but when we come to know Jesus, God gives us indescribable light! God knew that we all sit under the power of death, but when Jesus died for us, He conquered death and freed us from the bondage of the fear of death. Everyone will die one day and death is scary without Jesus. Without Jesus death would separate us from God forever. Death is what we all deserve because of sin. When Jesus comes into our lives, we don't need to be afraid of death anymore, because we are promised eternal life with Jesus. Death becomes a door to our incredible new home in heaven! 3. Peace - In Jesus we find peace. When everything in our world is scary, we can have peace. When we are in the middle of the world's crazy confusion, we can walk with peace in our hearts.

11 Peace in a Worried World Have the entire class sit on the floor fairly close together. Give them directions to act worried by either pretending to cry, or shout various phrases of concern. For example, you could have them say the following: I'm afraid, Help, I can't find my way, Oh no, what am I going to do, etc...(you may want to write some phrases on small pieces of paper for older children). Direct one volunteer to walk carefully through the worried group very peacefully. Have the peaceful child tap a worried child on the shoulder and allow that worried child to become another peaceful child. Now have both peaceful children to continue to tap other until the entire group becomes peaceful. This is how God s peace is in our lives. The Lord comes to us and reminds us that in Him we have peace and can be peaceful even in hard situations. We find out in Zacharias song that Jesus was born to take a way our sin, to be our light, and to be our peace. L u k e 1:80 S o t h e c h i l d gr e w an d be c am e s t r o n g i n s p i r i t, an d w as i n t h e d e s e r t s t i l l t h e d ay o f h i s m an i f e s t at i o n t o I s r ae l. John grew as all children do. He grew into an adult. He matured into a man and was taught by his parents about the Lord. At some point he went into the desert to live. He stayed there until it was time for him to actually start his job as herald and forerunner of Jesus.

12 We are now at the end of one story and the beginning of another. God had been preparing men for the coming of the One who would save them; now He is about to come. The Edge Game Using the same tape as used in the Jump for Joy game have one or two children stand on one side of the tape with their toes on the edge. At your signal have the children fall over onto the other side of the tape (let them be dramatic and silly, but use your attention getting signal to regain control of the class). Explain to the class that John marked the end of one way God spoke to people and that Jesus marks the beginning of God s new way. God s old covenant was finished and His new covenant was just beginning with Jesus. John was on that side of the tape; we are on this side. PRAYER Lead the children in a prayer of praise and thanksgiving expressing that God is worthy of our praise. If there are any children who have not yet responded to the Gospel, give them opportunity to do so.

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