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1 originalni naučni rad UDK : ; Jelena Vasković Student doktorskih studija PRIMENA NFC TEHNOLOGIJE U SISTEMIMA PLAĆANJA Rezime NFC (Near Field Comunication) ili komunikacija bliskog polja je nova bežična tehnologija kratkog dometa koja se razvila iz već postojećih bežičnih tehnologija, tačnije kao njihova kombinacija, koja omogućava interakciju dva uređaja na bezbedan način. Ona znatno pojednostavljuje međusobnu interakciju uređaja približavanjem ili dodirom i omogućava prenos podataka između njih. U radu je prikazan način funkcionisanja NFC tehnologije, zatim su date njene karakteristike, kao i stanje na tržištu NFC telefona. Analizirane su mogućnosti primene ove tehnologije, njene prednosti, kao i praktični primeri upotrebe. U radu je prikazana primena NFC tehologije u sistemima plaćanja i data je tabela koja prikazuje sisteme za NFC plaćanje koji se danas koriste. Ključne reči: NFC, NFC mobilni telefon, beskontaktno plaćanje JEL klasifikacija: E42, G21, O33 Rad primljen: Odobren za štampu:

2 original scientific paper UDC : ; Jelena Vasković PhD student Summary The Near Field Communication - NFC technology is a new wireless short range technology that was developed from the already existing wireless technologies, more precisely, their combination which allows for a safe interaction between two devices. It has significantly simplified mutual interaction of devices by bringing them in close proximity or touch, and allowing for a data exchange between them. This paper presents the way NFC technology functions, its characteristics, and the present situation prevailing on the NFC phone market. The application options of this technology were analysed, its advantages, and practical cases of its deployment. The NFC technology application in the payment systems was also presented in this work, and a table is given showing the NFC payment systems which are in use today. THE NFC TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION IN PAYMENT SYSTEMS Key words: NFC, NFC mobile phone, contactless payments JEL Classification: E42, G21, O33 Paper received: Approved for publishing:

3 Uvod Savremeno okruženje nameće brz tempo života u kome ljudi ne žele da troše svoje dragoceno vreme na nepotrebne stvari. Nove tehnologije omogućavaju čoveku da skrati vreme koje mu je potrebno za obavljanje svakodnevnih poslova i one danas brzo bivaju prihvaćene i implementirane. Tehnologije mobilnih uređaja su u poslednjih nekoliko godina značajno napredovale. Telefoni su pored svojih osnovnih servisa u koje spadaju razgovori i razmena poruka dobili i mogućnost da obavljaju mnoštvo drugih poslova. Može se slobodno reći da oni teže ka objedinjavanju u jedan uređaj, svih funkcionalnosti koji prosečan čovek svakodnevno koristi. NFC tehnologija Near Field Communication (NFC) je bežična komunikaciona tehnologija koja se koristi za razmenu podataka na kratkoj udaljenosti do 10 santimetara. NFC koristi induktivno uparene uređaje koji rade na frekvenciji MHz. Ona je standardizovana prema ISO 18092, ECMA 340 i ETSI TS i kompatibilna je sa standardom za beskontaktne kartice (ISO 14443). [1] NFC tehnologija putem koje se ostvaruje komunikacija između elektronskih uređaja koji su u neposrednoj blizini omogućava korisnicima da obavljaju sigurne, beskontaktne transakcije, pristup digitalnim sadržajima i povezivanje elektronskih uređaja jednostavnim dodirivanjem ili približavanjem. Za komunikaciju putem NFC tehnologije, jedan uređaj mora da radi kao aktivan čitač/ pisač, dok je druga strana pasivna i funkcioniše kao tag. Postoje tri vrste uređaja koji mogu učestvovati u prenosu podataka putem NFC tehnologije, a to su: NFC čitač se koristi kao inicijator u NFC komunikaciji. NFC mobilni telefon može biti i aktivan i pasivan uređaj u zavisnosti od potreba aplikacije u kojoj se koristi. NFC tag je pasivan uređaj koji može komunicirati sa aktivnim uređajem. U zavisnosti od načina rada koji je ustanovljen između aktivnog i pasivnog uređaja, razvijena su tri moda funcionisanja: Mod čitanja ili pisanja finkcionišu tako što NFC mobilni telefon inicira komunikaciju sa tagom. Inicijator može pročitati podatke sa taga ili ih upisati. Mod imitiranja kartice, funkcioniše na pricipu da su oba uređaja aktivna. Inicijator komunikacije je NFC čitač koji kreira magnetno polje. Kada se mobilni telefon približi čitaču, on reaguje kao pasivan uređaj i odgovara na njegov zahtev. Peer-to-peer mod funkcioniše na pricipu da dva aktivna NFC mobilna telefona uspostavljaju komunikaciju preko koje imaju mogućnost da međusobno razmenjuju podatke. Uređaji funcionišu tako što jedan uređaj inicira transakciju dok drugi odgovara na zahtev. NFC tehnologija se može implementirati u bilo koji uređaj, međutim najinteresantnije je dodavanje ove tehnologije mobilnim telefonima za šta je ona prevashodno i namenjena. Na ovaj način korisniku se omogućava da plati, dobije pristup, kupi kartu, dobije informacije ili razmeni kontakte dodirom taga svojim mobilnim uređajem. Karakteristike NFC tehnologije Kada se govori o karakteristikama NFC tehnologije, treba napomenuti da je to protokol kratkog dometa, koji podržava komunikaciju na udaljenostima do 10 centimetara. Uređaji se moraju skoro dodirnuti da bi se uspostavila veza između njih. Ovo ima dve važne posledice [3]: Uređaji se mogu osloniniti na protokol koji obezbeđuje da njihova komunikacija bude bezbedna jer su pri povezivanju blizu jedan drugom. Lako se kontroliše da li dva uređaja zaista komuniciraju međusobno. Postupak protokola je vrlo blizak ljudima, kada je potrebno da dva uređaja komuniciraju, potrebno ih je prineti na odstojanje manje od deset santimetara ili ih međusobno dodirnuti. To znači da je uspostavljanje mrežne veze između njih potpuno automatizovano. Čitav proces izgleda kao da se uređaji prepoznaju i povezuju bliskom komunikacijom. Važna karakteristika ovog protokola je podrška za pasivni režim komunikacije, što je značajno za uređaje koji se napajaju pomoću 88

4 Introduction Contemporary environment imposes a fast way of life where people are reluctant to spend their precious time on unnecessary tasks. New technologies are providing for short-cuts that can make it possible for a man to go about mundane tasks swiftly, and they are being promptly accepted and implemented. The mobile phone technologies have made a significant progress over the last few years. In addition to their basic services of providing communication and exchange of messages, they have now acquired the multitasking options. It may be freely stated that they are venturing towards being a single device providing for all the functions that an average person may need in his everyday life. The NFC technology The Near Field Communication (NFC) technology is a wireless communication technology that is used for exchange of data requiring a short distance of 10 centimetres of less. NFC uses induction coupled devices operating within radio frequency band of MHz. It is standardised and compliant with the ISO 18092, ECMA 340 and ETSI TS , and is compatible with the contactless card standard ISO [1] The NFC being a technology providing for communication between electronic devices which are in close proximity, it allows its users to execute secure, contactless transactions, have access to digital contents and link electronic devices by a simple touch or by bringing them in close proximity. For communication through the NFC technology, a device must operate as an active reader/writer, while the other side remains passive and functions as a tag. There are three types of devices that may be used in the transfer of data through the NFC technology, and they are: NFC reader which serves as initiator in the NFC communication; NFC mobile phone that may be an active and passive device, depending on the application mode in which it is used; NFC tag which is a passive device that can communicate with the active device. Depending on the operating way set up between an active and a passive device, three functioning modes have been developed: Reading or writing mode that function by the NFC mobile phone initiating communication with the tag. Initiator may read data from the tag, or write them down. Card imitation mode functioning along the principle of keeping both devices active. Communication initiator is the NFC reader creating a magnetic field. Once the mobile phone is brought in close proximity to the 89

5 internih baterija, jer je kod njih čuvanje energije prioritet. Protokol omogućava uređaju, kao što je mobilni telefon, da prilikom rada štedi energiju pri pasivnom načinu NFC komunikacije. Ovaj režim ne zahteva od uređaja da generiše RF polje i omogućava da se cela komunikacija napaja samo sa jedne strane, to jest sa strane aktivnog uređaja. Naravno, samom uređaju će i dalje trebati interna baterija, ali se ista ne mora trošiti na napajanje RF komunikacije. Sledeća važna karakteristika je mogućnost da se putem NFC komunikacije automatski podešavaju parametri za druge bežične protokole. Podešavanje parametara za druge protokole kao što su Bluetooth ili bežični Ethernet zahteva dodatne napore i znanje što se putem korišćenja NFC komunikacije može pojednostaviti tako što bi se sa jednog uređaja preuzeli parametri mreže i preneli na drugi uređaj jednostavnim dodirom. Obzirom na to da je NFC protokol kompatibilan sa protokolima beskontaktnih kartica koji se nalaze u širokoj upotrebi, kao što su FeliCa i Mifare, NFC uređaji mogu poslužiti kao čitači kartica. Kada govorimo o plaćanjima putem NFC mobilnih telefona treba naglasiti da se u njih može instalirati aplikacija za plaćanja (digital wallet) koja može da kominicira sa velikim brojem drugih beskontaktnih kartica i telefona. Ova komunikacija između uređaja je jednostavna i intuitivna za korisnika, a sve se odvija brže u odnosu na plaćanje karticama, koje treba provlačiti kroz POS terminal. Osim toga telefon je autonoman uređaj koji raspolaže značajnim računarskim resursima tako da se na njemu mogu sačuvati podaci sa više računa, kao što su kreditne, debitne i pre paid kartice što dalje omogućava korisniku da odabere instrument plaćanja, kao što je to radio sa klasičnim karticama i realnim novčanikom. Banke i mobilni operateri su veoma zaineresovani za implementaciju platnih i kartičnih aplikacija i NFC mobilne telefone. Istraživanje sprovedeno od strane Visa International je utvrdilo da je 89% stanovništva isprobalo mobilne transakcije kao pogodnost i alternativni metod plaćanja. Proizvođači uređaja su shvatili da im treba kratkodometni komunikacioni standard koji je kompatibilan sa smart card čitačima i drugim sistemima koji se već primenjuju u indusriji. NFC dozvoljava da se plaćanje smart karticama i scenario pametnih ulaznica dalje razvijaju omogućavajući da se bilo koji NFC uređaj koristi kao platni, kartični uređaj ili elektronski novčanik. Krajnji cilj bi trebala da bude potpuna zamena bezbrojnih, kreditnih, debitnih, loyalty, pre paid i drugih kartica koje korisnici masovno nose u svojim novčanicima. NFC telefoni Primena NFC tehnologije u mobilnim telefonima po statističkim pokazateljima je dobro prihvaćena od strane korisnika i u stalnom je porastu što se može videti na slici 1. Slika 1. Broj proizvedenih i prodatih mobilnih telefona Prema ABI research (Slika 1) očekuje se da 21% od svih proizvedenih i prodatih telefona budu NFC. To znači da će ih u godini biti prodato više od 300 miliona. Na uspešnost širenja ove tehnologije posebno su uticale kartične organizacije koje su shvatile njene prednosti i ubrzo kreirale svoje beskontakne brendove. Tako su American Express, Master card i Visa uložili značajna sredstva u razvijanje svojih sistema beskontaktnih plaćanja zasnovanih na NFC tehnologiji. Značajan trenutak u razvoju primene NFC tehnologije dala je kompanija Pay Pall 90

6 reader, it reacts as a passive device and responds to its request. Pear-to-peer mode functions along the principle of two active NFC mobile phones establishing communication where they have the option of exchanging data. Devices function when one device initiates transaction while the other one responds to the request. The NFC technology can be implemented in any device, but the most interesting feature is the option of adding up this technology to the mobile phones, which was its initial and primary objective. User is allowed in this implementation to effect payment, gain access, buy a ticket, receive information, or exchange contacts by merely touching the tag with his mobile device. The NFC technology characteristics When speaking of the NFC technology characteristics it should be noted that it is a short range protocol supporting communication at a distance of 10 centimetres or less. Devices must be at such a proximity almost touching in order to establish communication. This has two important consequences [3]: Devices may rely on communication protocol providing for their safe communication due to their close proximity. It is easy to control whether two devices have really established mutual communications. Communication protocol is very close to people when for two devices to communicate it is necessary to bring them in close proximity of 10 centimetres or less, or have them mutually touching. This means that the setting up of the network communication between them is fully automatic. The entire process rather resembles the devices recognising each other and bonding in close communication. An important characteristic of this protocol is the support for the passive communication regime, which is significant for the internal battery feeding devices, as in their case power saving is a priority. This protocol allows the device, such as a mobile phone, to save energy during operation in the NFC passive communication mode. This regime does not require the device to generate RF field, and allows the entire communication to feed only from one side, i.e. from the side of the active devices. The device itself shall certainly require an internal battery but it does not have to be spent on RF communication feeding. Another important characteristic is the option for automatic adjustment, through the NFC communication, of the parameters for other wireless protocols. Adjustment of parameters for other protocols, such as the Bluetooth or the wireless Ethernet, requires additional efforts and knowledge, which can be simplified by the use of the NFC communication in the way that network parameters from one device would be taken and transferred on to another device by a simple touch. The NFC protocol being compatible with contactless cards protocols which are currently in use, such as the FeliCa and Mifare, the NFC devices may serve as card readers. When speaking of the NFC mobile phones payment mode it should be noted that the payment application can be installed (digital wallet) which can communicate with a large number of other contactless cards and phones. This communication between devices is simple and intuitive for the user, and it all operates faster than in credit and other cards payments, which have to be passed through the POS terminal. In addition, telephone is an autonomous device that has available significant computer resources and thus can store data from many accounts, such as the credit, debit and prepaid cards, which allows the user to select payment instrument, as is the case in classic credit card payments or real-life wallets deployment. The banks and mobile operators are very much interested in the implementation of payment and other card applications in the NFC mobile phones. Research conducted by the Visa International established that 89% of population has tried mobile transactions as an advantage and an alternative method of payment. 91

7 kada je objavila da će podržati NFC kao novu mogućnost plaćanja putem mobilnih telefona. Oni su demonstrirali mogućnosti korišćenja NFC Android Widget-a koji omogućava plaćanje tako što se dva telefona prislone jedan na drugi. Ovakve transakcije bi bile besplatne pod uslovom da oba korisnika imaju otvoren račun kod Pay Pall-a. Svakako da je najveći podsticaj razvoju ove tehnologije dao Google kada je razvio svoj digitalni novčanik. Kada se jedan tako veliki igrač na Internetu pojavi sa novom tehnologijom treba očekivati njen veliki uspeh. Primena NFC tehnologije Dodavanjem mobilnim telefonima funkciju beskontaktne kartice i čitača dobijamo novi NFC inteligentni uređaj. On se sada može povezati sa drugim NFC uređajim u neposrednoj blizini. Ovakvom kombinacijom stvaraju se preduslovi da se formira niz novih usluga. Prednosti NFC mobilnih telefona su [4]: Interaktivnost. Mobilni telefon je interaktivan uređaj koji poseduje ekran, ima tastaturu za unos, proizvodi zvuk i vibracije. Sve ove funkcije omogućavaju da NFC servisi na mobilnom telefonu budu interaktivni. To podrazumeva razvoj aplikacija koje će raditi na mobilnim uređajima i koristiti njegove interfejse. Ovo predstavlja značajno poboljšanje u odnosu na ranije korišćene tehnologije (RFID, Smart Card). Daljinsko upravljanje NFC aplikacijama Na jednom NFC mobilnom telefonu može se instalirati više NFC aplikacija. Jedna kartica je dovoljna za sve njih. Mobilni telefon sa svojim interfejsima omogućava upravljanje raznim funkcijama i aplikacijama, kao što su dinamičko prilagođavanje okruženja, preuzimanje aplikacija, personalizacija, zaključavanje, otključavanje, prijavljivanje, aktiviranje i deaktiviranje aplikacije. Aplikacijama se može upravljati na daljinu u realnom vremenu, tako da korisnik može da počne korišćenje nove usluge. Takođe, korisnik može da zatraži od svog provajdera usluge da se zaustavi NFC aplikacija, kada je njegov NFC uređaj izgubljen ili ukraden. Korisnici i provajderi su samim tim u boljem položaju u pogledu na bezbednosne rizike i opasnosti koje su vezane za njihove NFC servise. Daljinsko upravljanje korisnicima Funkcija upravljanja je dostupna korisnicima i provajderima usluga uvek komunikacijom preko mobilne mreže. Npr. provajder usluga može, uz saglasnost korisnika, preuzeti različite evidencije o korišćenju NFC usluge od strane određenog korisnika. Zatim, npr. korisnici mogu pristupiti svojim ličnim podacima u realnom vremenu. U odnosu na beskontaktne kartice izdate od strane jednog provajdera servisa, NFC mobilni telefoni mogu koristiti servise od različitih pružaoca usluga. NFC tehnologija se u svetu već dokazala i uveliko se koristi. Korisnici noseći mobilne telefone sa ugrađenim NFC-om, mogu kupovati, dobijati uputstva, razmenjivati informacije i sve to samo jednostavnim prinošenjem telefona, NFC uređaju ugrađenom u informacione kioske, reklame, čitače na vratima i na hiljade drugih uređaja i sistema. Da bi se na najbolji način uočila širina primene 92

8 Figure 1 Number of produced and sold mobile phones Device producers became aware of the fact that what they actually need is a short range communication standard which is compatible with the smart card readers and other systems currently in use in the industry. The NFC allows for the smart card payments and smart tickets scenarios to be further developed allowing for any NFC device to be used as payment, card device, or as an electronic wallet. The ultimate goal should be a total replacement of countless credit, debit, loyalty, prepaid, and other cards which the users are carrying en mass in their wallets. NFC phones The NFC technology application in the mobile phones field, according to the indicators, has been well received by the users and is on a constant growth trend as presented in Figure 1. According to the ABI research (Figure 1), it is expected that 21% of the entire produced and sold phone will be the NFC ones. This means that in the year 2012, more than 300 million of such phones will be sold. The successful expansion of this technology was especially impacted by the cards organisations which have well perceived its advantages and promptly created their contactless brands. The American Express and the Master Card and Visa have invested substantial funds in the development of their contactless payment systems based on the NFC technology. An important instance in the development of the NFC technology application was provided by the Pay Pall Company when it announced its support for the NFC as a new option in the mobile phones payment system. They displayed the options for the NFC Android Widget application allowing payment to be made by bringing two phones in close proximity of touch. Such transactions would be free of charge provided both users are having an account open with the Pay Pall. It stands beyond any doubt that the greatest boost to the development of this technology was provided by Google when it developed its digital Google Wallet. Once such a major player on the Internet appears with the new technology what is to be expected is its great success. The NFC technology application By adding the contactless card and reader function to the mobile phones we acquire a new NFC intelligent (smart) device. It can be connected now with the other NFC device in the close proximity. Such a combination creates the options for setting up series of new services. The advantages of the NFC phones are the following [4]: Interactivity. Mobile phone is an interactive device which has a screen, a keyboard for entry; it produces both sound and vibration. All of these functions are allowing the NFC mobile phone services to be interactive. This means that applications will develop that will function on mobile devices and use their interface. In addition, this is a substantial improvement in respect to the earlier technologies that were in use (RFID, Smart Card). NFC applications remote control. It is possible to install in one mobile phone several NFC applications. One card is sufficient to receive them all. Mobile phone with its interfaces is allowing for control of various functions and applications, such as the dynamic environment adjustment, taking over of the applications, personalisation, locking-in and lockingout, reporting, activating and deactivating 93

9 NFC tehnologije date su mogućnosti njene upotrebe: Upotreba NFC telefona u vozilima javnog prevoza (gradski, međugradski autobus, metro, avion) Uz upotrebu NFC mobilnog telefona mogu se primiti detaljne informacije o redu vožnje ili ceni karte sa informacionog kioska ili postera. Moguće je platiti kartu, odmah je preuzeti na telefon i pri ulasku na aerodrom, železničku ili autobusku stanicu je iskoristiti jednostavnim prislanjanjem telefona uz obeleženo mesto na ulazu. Upotreba u automobilu Kada jedno vozilo koristi više osoba, svakoj od njih je potrebno da pre upotrebe podesi sedišta i retrovizore prema svojim potrebama. Ova podešavanja mogla bi se zapamtiti u mobilni telefon i upotrebiti kada god je to potrebno prislanjanjem telefona uz obeleženo mesto. Takođe, telefon bi mogao da postane i zamena za dokumenta o vozilu i vozaču, jer bi se ti podaci mogli uskladištiti na telefon i kada je to potrebno preneti prislanjanjem telefona uz NFC uređaj saobraćajnog policajca ili druge osobe koja treba da proveri ove podatke. Još jedna korisna mogućnost jeste upotreba telefona za plaćanje parkinga. Upotreba u prodavnici, kafiću ili restoranu Moguće je izvršiti plaćanje računa u kafiću, restoranu ili prodavnici karticom iz NFC telefona. Mogu se preuzeti detaljne informacije o ponudi, kao i informacija o akcijama za taj dan. Uz upotrebu NFC telefona mogu se preuzimati kuponi ili sakupljati loyalty poeni koji bi se kasnije iskoristili za popuste ili ostvarivanje drugih vrsta beneficija za potrošače. Upotreba u maloprodaji NFC tehnologija može biti veoma korisna u maloprodaji. Na ovaj način korisnici NFC mobilnih telefona bi bili u mogućnosti da ostvare različite vrste pogodnosti u vidu popusta, sakupljanja kupona ili ostvarivanja drugih vrsta beneficija, kao i da preuzmu različite vrste informacija o proizvodu ili usluzi koja se nudi u tom maloprodajnom objektu. Sve što je potrebno da korisnik uradi jeste da svoj mobilni telefon prinese mestu obeleženom kao NFC tag. Dodirivanjem taga koji se nalazi na pakovanju proizvoda korisnik preuzima detaljne informacije o tom proizvodu. Isto tako moguće je ostvariti određene popuste jednostavnim prinošenjem telefona NFC tagu koji se nalazi na promotivnom posteru. Ovakav kupon bi se nakon preuzimanja uskladištio u telefon korisnika i on bi pri plaćanju proizvoda mogao da ga iskoristi tako što bi telefon prislonio uz obeleženo mesto. Još jedna mogućnost za upotrebu NFC tehnologije jeste za preuzimanje informacija o akcijama koje su aktuelne za taj dan. Na ulaz bi trebalo postaviti NFC tag sa kog bi korisnik mogao svojim telefonom da preuzme željene informacije. Još jedna pogodnost koja se može ostvariti upotrebom NFC-a jeste plaćanje karticama integrisanim u mobilni uređaj. Na ovaj način može se platiti odabrani proizvod ili usluga jednostavnim prislanjanjem telefona uz aparat postavljen na mestu predviđenom za plaćanje. Na ovaj način kupac bi pored plaćanja proizvoda, iskoristio sakupljene kupone ili preuzete popuste i ostario sve vrste beneficija koje je predhodno preuzeo na svoj telefon. Upotreba u pozorištu, bioskopu, na koncertu ili stadionu Upotrebom NFC telefona moguće je izvrštiti preuzimanje podataka o koncertu sa postera koji sadrži NFC oznaku, kupiti karte putem SMS-a, vending mašina i sl., odmah ih dobiti i zatim iskoristiti putem mobilnog telefona jednostavnim prislanjanjem na obeleženo mesto na ulazu. Vending mašine Interesantna je upotreba NFC tehnologije u kombinaciji sa vending mašinama. U ovom slučaju korisnik bi trebao da približi svoj mobilni telefon NFC tagu koji se nalazi na aparatu, čime bi preuzeo kompletnu njegovu ponudu. Zatim je potrebno da izabere željeni proizvod, nakon čega bi se na ekranu telefona pojavila cena. Korisnik treba da potvrdi transakciju ukucavanjem svoje sifre i zatim ponovo približi telefon odgovarajućem mestu na aparatu. 94

10 applications. Applications may be remote controlled in real time, so that the user may start using new services. In addition, the user may request from the service provider to stop the NFC application when his NFC device is lost or stolen. Hence both users and providers are in a better position regarding security risks and dangers involved in their NFC services. User remote control. The control function is accessible to users and service providers always through the mobile network communication. Service provider, for example, and with the consent of the user, can download various records on the NFC services used by the respective user. In addition, users may have access to their personal data in real time. Regarding the contactless cards issued by one of the service providers, the NFC mobile phones may use also services offered by other service providers. The NFC technology in the world has already proved its worth and is currently widely applied. Users carrying their mobile phones with the installed NFC are free to make purchases, receive instructions, exchange information, and all this by simply bringing their phone in close proximity to the NFC device installed in the information desks, advertising posters, readers on doors, and thousands of other devices and systems. In order to assess in the best possible way the broad range of the NFC technology application, various options for its use are given as follows: The NFC phone use in public transport (metropolitan, suburban, intercity bus, metro, plane transport) Using an NFC mobile phone, it is possible to receive detailed information on the travel timetable or a price of ticket at the information desk, or from a poster. It is also possible to pay for a ticket, immediately store it in the phone, and at the entry to an airport, railway or a bus station, present it by simply bringing the phone in touch with the point so designated at the entrance. Use in a car When a vehicle is used by several persons, each one of them needs to adjust the seat and rear mirrors according to his/her requirements. Such adjustments could be stored in the mobile phone memory and used whenever necessary by bringing the phone close and touching the designated point. In addition, the phone could become a substitute for the documents on the vehicle and driver, as such data could be stored in the phone and whenever necessary, transmitted by bringing the phone in close and touching proximity with the NFC device of the traffic police officer or some other person authorised to check these documents. Another useful option is the use of phone when paying parking tickets. Use in a shop, coffee shop, or in a restaurant It is possible to pay the bills in a coffee shop, restaurant or in a shop with the NFC phone card. Detailed information can be stored on the offer, and information on the events planned for that day. With the NFC phone use it is possible to take coupons or collect loyalty points which may be used latter on for discounts or some other consumer benefits. Use in retail The NFC technology may be very useful in retail sales. In this way the NFC mobile phone users would be able to enjoy various facilities in the form of discounts, collecting coupons or some other type of benefits, and of storing information on the product or service that is offered in the given retail sales establishment. The only thing that the user should do is to bring the mobile phone in close proximity to the point designated as the NFC tag. By touching the tag which is located on the packaging of the product the user is receiving detailed information about that given product. It is also possible to obtain certain discounts by simply bringing the phone close to the NFC tag which is situated on the promotion poster. Such a coupon would be then stored in the user s phone and while paying for the product it could be used by bringing the phone close in the proximity of the so designated point. Another option for the use of the NFC technology is taking over information on the actions and events planned for that day. At the entrance into the establishment, an NFC tag should be placed 95

11 NFC tehnologija u sistemima plaćanja Kada govorimo o NFC tehnologiji treba naglasiti da su ovi sistemi najčešće korišćeni za plaćanje. Do danas je implementirano više ovakvih sistema, što je i prikazano u tabeli 1. Tabela 1. Trenutno aktivni NFC sistemi plaćanja NFC sistemi plaćanja Zemlja Treba napomenuti da su u tabeli prikazani sistemi plaćanja koji su se održali. Godina početka rada Go virtual Kina 2003 NTT DoCoMO Japan 2003 G-Cash Filipini 2004 Maxis FastTap Malezija 2006 Mobile Visa Wave Payment Malezija 2006 OneSMART PayPass Malezija 2006 EZ-link Singapur 2007 Payez Mobile Francuska 2007 SingTel Singapur 2008 Tesco Visa Wave Trial J. Koreja 2008 Turkcell Turska 2008 Visa Paywave Gvatemala 2008 vivo Tech Gvatemala 2008 M1 Mobile Payments Singapur 2009 NFC Telefónica Španija 2009 Ping. Ping touchatag Belgija 2009 Visa pay wave Kanada 2009 GOOGLE Wallet USA 2011 ISIS USA 2011 Osim pobrojanih veći broj ovih sistema je implementiran, ali su posle izvesnog vremena ugašeni. Razloge za njihovo gašenje treba tražiti pre svega u nedostatku mobilnih uređaja i korisnika koji bi se uključili u sistem. Trenutno stanje na tržištu mobilnih telefona je takvo da je broj značajno veći nego u predhodnih nekoliko godina što se može videti na slici 1. Mobilno plaćanje na blizinu se kartica. oslanja na postojeću finansijsku infrastukturu. NFC telefon je predviđen da se koristi u aplikacijama za plaćanje uz pomoć kreditnih ili debitnih kartica koje izdaju finansijske institucije tj. banke. Aplikacije i informacije o bankarskom nalogu su šifrovane i učitane u sigurne oblasti u mobilnom telefonu. Telefon koristi ugrađenu NFC tehnologiju za komunikaciju sa POS sistemom trgovca, na sličan način kao kod korišćenja beskontaktnog plaćanja karticama (RF) koje su danas u masovnoj upotrebi. Procesi plaćanja i upravljanja transakcijom su potpuno identični kao kada potrošač plaća tradicionalnom beskontaktnom, smart ili karticom sa magnetnom trakom, bilo da je ona kreditna ili debitna. Mobilno plaćanje upotrebom NFC mobilnog telefona može se obaviti i na mestima sa POS ternimalima (kao što su prodavnice) i na različitim automatima koje koriste postojeću infrastukturu za plaćanje. Plaćanje se obavlja jednostavnim prinošenjem telefona na nekoliko centimetara do beskontaktnog POS terminala. Proces je u potpunosti isti kao da se koristi beskontaktna kreditna ili debitna 96

12 from which the user could access with his phone the desired information. Another facility which is available with the NFC use is the payment with cards integrated into the mobile device. In this way it is possible to pay for the selected product or service by simply touching the phone with the device placed at a designated payment point. Hence the consumer would use also, in addition to making the payment, the collected coupons or acquired discounts and would profit from all sorts of benefits that he had previously stored in his phone. Use in a theatre, cinema house, at a concert, or a sports stadium With the use of the NFC phone it is possible to access and store data on concerts from a poster which contains the NFC sign, and also buy tickets through the SMS, by vending machines, and similar, and immediately Table 1 Instant activated NFC payment systems NFC payment systems Country Starting year Go virtual China 2003 NTT DoCoMO Japan 2003 G-Cash Philippines 2004 Maxis FastTap Malaysia 2006 Mobile Visa Wave Payment Malaysia 2006 OneSMART PayPass Malaysia 2006 EZ-link Singapore 2007 Payez Mobile France 2007 SingTel Singapore 2008 Tesco Visa Wave Trial S. Korea 2008 Turkcell Turkey 2008 Visa Paywave Guatemala 2008 vivo Tech Guatemala 2008 M1 Mobile Payments Singapore 2009 NFC Telefónica Spain 2009 Ping. Ping touchatag Belgijum 2009 Visa pay wave Canada 2009 GOOGLE Wallet USA 2011 ISIS USA 2011 thereupon to receive them and then use them by simply touching by mobile phone the designated place at the entrance to the venue. Vending machines It is interesting to mention the use of the NFC technology in combination with the vending machines. In this case, the user could bring his mobile phone to a close proximity of the NFC tag placed on the device, thus accessing its complete offer. What is required thereupon is for the user to select the desired product, and on the phone screen the price would appear. The user should confirm the transaction by entering in his code and then again bringing the phone close in proximity to the designated point on the device. NFC technlogy in payment systems When speaking of the NFC technology it should be noted that these systems are most frequently used for payment purposes. A number of such systems have been implemented to date, as presented in Table 1. It should be noted that Table 1 presents payment systems which have prevailed. In addition to the above listed ones, a number of such systems were implemented but after a certain time they were put out. The reason for this should be looked for primarily in the shortage of mobile devices and users required to join the system. Situation at present on the mobile phone market is such that the number has substantially grown over the last several years, as demonstrated in Figure 1. Close proximity mobile payment system relies on the existing financial structure. The NFC phone is intended to be used in payment application with credit or debit cards issued by the financial institutions, i.e. banks. Applications and information on the banking order are coded and entered into security areas of the mobile phone. The phone is using an integrated NFC communication technology with the 97

13 Slika 2. Model sistema NFC mobilnog plaćanja Preduslov za korišćenje ovog servisa je da potrošač i trgovac imaju otvoren nalog kod provajdera servisa mobilnog plaćanja (PSP - Payment System Provider) (sl. 2) [5]: kupac prinosi svoj mobilni aparat aparatu prodavca i time šalje čitaču prodavca zahtev za naplatom. Taj zahtev prodavac prosleđuje PSP sa ostalim podacima potrebnim za plaćanje (iznos), PSP proverava akreditive kupca i prodavca (u osnovi to proverava da li su se kupac i prodavac prijavili za takav servis mobilnog plaćanja). Vrši verifikaciju zahteva, PSP šalje mobilnom uređaju kupca zahtev za potvrdom, na šta mu kupac odgovara potvrdom kupovine, nakon uspešne potvrde, PSP vrši pozadinsku obradu i ažuriranje računa kupca i prodavca, PSP šalje potvrdu o kupovini kupcu i prodavcu, u sistemima zatvorene petlje, trgovac može narediti PSP da zatim premesti novčana sredstva na standardni račun u banci. Google Wallet Google Wallet je sistem mobilnog plaćanja koji je razvijen od strane Google-a koji treba da omogući korisnicima da uskladište sve kartice koje svakodnevno koriste u mobilni telefon. Ova aplikacija radi posredstvom NFC tehnologije i omogućava njenim korisnicima da izvrše plaćanje brzo i jednostavno, prislanjanjem telefona uz PayPass terminal. Za sada se preko Google wallet aplikacije može plaćati City MasterCard karticom ili Google pre paid karticom. Mnogi trgovci koji su partneri sa Google-om nude mogućnost svojim klijentima da jednim prislanjanjem telefona plate, ostvare dostupne popuste i zarade loyalty poene. Takođe, trgovci partneri integrišu svoje gift kartice u Google wallet aplikaciju, čime kupcima omogućavaju da plate njihovom gift karticom ili nekom drugom kreditnom ili debitnom karticom. Veoma je važno obezbediti visok nivo sigurnosti kada su mobilna plaćanja u pitanju. Za početak je moguće zaključati smartphone telefon tako da niko ne može neovlašćeno da ga koristi. Pri pokretanju Google wallet aplikacije, neophodno je pre obavljanja plaćanja, ukucati pin kod koji se sastoji od četiri cifre. Sledeći element sigurnosti jeste postojanje čipa koji se naziva Secure Element na kome se čuvaju kodirani poverljivi podaci korisnika. Ovaj čip je smeštem nezavisno od glavnog operativnog sistema telefona i njemu mogu pristupiti jedino autorizovani programi kao što je Google wallet. Kada je sigurnost u pitanju bitno je još naglasiti da su neke sprovedene studije pokazale da prosečnom korisniku kartice treba oko osam sati da primeti da je njegova kartica nestala [2]. Kada se sve kartice nalaze u telefonu, bezbednost je veća jer će korisniku svakako biti potrebno znatno manje vremena da primeti da je njegov telefon ukraden, što će mu omogućiti da brze reaguje i spreči nastanak potencijalnih neželjenih posledica. ISIS Isis je zajedničko ulaganje u procesiranje plaćanja između kompanija AT&T, T-Mobile i Verizon Wireless. Ovaj posao je objavljen 16. novembra Sistem je predviđen da bude zasnovan na NFC tehnologiji. Sistem za mobilna plaćanja ISIS se udružio sa Discover network-om i Barclaycard US. ISIS je objavio aprila godine da će sredinom započeti program mobilnog poslovanja u SAD. Jula ISIS je objavio patrerstvo sa Visa, Mastercard-om, Discoverijem i American Express kartičnim sistemima. 98

14 POS trading system, in a way similar to that in the use of contactless payment cards (RF) which are currently in extensive use. Payment and the transaction control processes are fully identical with the way the consumer is making payment with the traditional contactless, smart or magnetic tape card, either a credit or a debit one. Mobile payment with the NFC mobile phone may be made also in places with the POS terminals (such as shops) and on various ATM using the existing payment infrastructure. Payment is done by simply bringing the phone to a close proximity of just a few centimetres of a contactless POS terminal. The process is fully identical with the use of the contactless credit or debit card. Figure 2 Model of the NFC mobile payment system Payer 3.2. Confirmation 1.1. Payment request 3.1. Confirmation request NETWORK Server 4. Background processes The precondition for the use of this system is for both the consumer and the vendor to have an open order with the mobile payment system provider (PSP - Payment System Provider) (Figure 2) [5]: Consumer is bringing his mobile phone close to the device of the vendor thus sending the vendor s reader payment order. This order is sent by the vendor through the PSP with the other data necessary for payment (the amount). PSP is checking credibility of the consumer and vendor (basically checking whether the consumer and vendor have registered for such mobile payment system). Verification Payee 1.2. Payment request 2. Verification of the order is carried out. PSP is sending request for confirmation to the mobile device of buyer and buyer is responding with the confirmation of purchase. After a successful confirmation, PSP is making a back office processing and updating of the consumer and vendor accounts. PSP is sending confirmation on purchase concluded to the consumer and the vendor. In the closed-loop systems, vendor may order thereupon the PSP to transfer the respective money amount to a standard bank account. Google Wallet Google Wallet is the mobile payment system developed by Google which is intended to allow the users to store all the cards that are in their daily use into a mobile phone. This application is working through the NFC technology and provides its users with the option of making payments in a fast and simple manner, by bringing the phone in touch with the PayPass terminal. At present, through the Google Wallet application it is possible to make payments with the City MasterCard or Google prepaid card. Many vendors who are Google partners are offering options to their clients to gain additional discounts and earn loyalty points by one simple touch of their phone payments. In addition, trading partners are integrating their gift cards into the Google Wallet application allowing the consumers to pay with their gift card or some other credit or debit card. It is very important to ensure a high level of security in case of mobile payments. As a start, it is possible to lock a smart phone so that there can not be any unauthorised use. In setting up a Google Wallet application, it is necessary before making a payment, to insert a PIN code consisting of four numbers. The next security element is the presence of a chip called Secure Element which is keeping coded confidential consumer data. This chip is located irrespective of the main operational system of the phone 99

15 Kada se pogleda struktura učesnika u ovom poslu jasno je kako će se u budućnosti plaćati. Visa i MasterCard plaćanja Trenutno, MasterCard i Visa preduzimaju značajna ulaganja u Evropi kako bi se stvorila infrastruktura za beskontaktne transakcije. Još godine Visa je uložila 10 miliona eura kako bi pomogla malim trgovcima da u poslovanje uvedu novu tehnologiju. Većina bezkontaktnih platnih uređaja koje je Visa sponzorisala distribuirani su u Velikoj Britaniji, Italiji i Turskoj, dok su pilot projekti pokrenuti u Francuskoj, Nemačkoj, Poljskoj, Španiji i Švajcarskoj. Najpoznatiji Visa International beskontaktni projekt vezan je za plaćanje javnog prevoza beskontaktnim karticama u Londonu. Najveći izdavač kartica u Velikoj Britaniji, Barclaycard, je u saradnji s TFL-om (Transport for London) počeo izdavanje Visa kartica na kojima su podržane aplikacije Visa PayWave (aplikacija za podržavanje beskontaktnog plaćanja) i Oyster (aplikacija vezana za korišćenje javnog prevoza u Londonu). Projekat je uspešno započet u septembru godine. On korisnicima omogućava korišćenje jedne kartice za plaćanje javnog prevoza i plaćanje usluga nevezanih za javni prevoz u iznosu do 10 funti. Zaključak Sa nastankom i razvojem NFC tehnologije i njenom integracijom u mobilne uređaje, otvorila se perspektiva za razvoj novih aplikacija koje mogu da unaprede svakodnevni život. Kao i sve nove tehnologije i NFC je do sada imala usporen razvoj i implementacija novih servisa je išla sporo. Osnovni nedostatak u proteklom periodu bili su NFC uređaji (telefoni) ali kada su na scenu stupili veliki poslovni sistemi kao što su VISA, MasterCard, Google i drugi može se sa sigurnošću pretpostaviti da će razvoj biti ubrzan. Ako se ovome doda da su veliki sistemi uložili preko 100 miliona dolara u razvoj NFC plaćanja, ne treba sumnjati u budućnost ove tehnologije. Sa druge strane ako se posmatraju proizvođaći mobilnih telefona uočljivo je da se svakim danom pojavljuje sve više tipova sa NFC mogućnostima. Tako Nokia izbacuje na tržište jedan NFC mobilni telefon ali već 2011 ista kompanija na tržište plasira 5 novih modela NFC telefona. Blackberry u ima ima 8 tipova NFC telefona. Svi ostali proizvođači prate ovaj trend tako da će se NFC uskoro tretirati kao standardna tehnologija koja se nalazi u mobilnom telefonu. Da bi mobilni telefon komunicirao sa drugim uređajima oni treba takođe da budu opremljeni i osposobljeni za NFC komunikaciju. Razvojem mobilnih plaćanja na blizinu pomoću NFC tehnologije stvoriće se novi način plaćanja koji će omogućiti brže, lakše, jednostavnije i praktičnije plaćanje. Izgubiće se potreba za nošenjem više platnih kartica, upravljanjem računima i troškovima jer će svi ovi poslovi biti integrisani u lični mobilni telefon svakog od nas. Upotrebom NFC telefona lakše je platiti robu ili usluge, koristi javni transport, razmeniti podatke između uređaja. Pametni telefoni, kojh je u poslednjih nekoliko godina sve više, uskoro će biti standardno opremljeni NFC tehnologijom. Pored telefona NFC tehnologija će biti ugrađena i na mnoga druga mesta poput automobila, kancelarija, prodavnica, što će u omogućiti 100

16 and it may be accessed only by the authorised programmes such as the Google Wallet. Regarding the security aspect, it is important to note that some of the conducted research studies show that an average card user takes about eight hours to notice that his card is missing [2]. Once all the cards are installed in the phone, security is enhanced as the user will certainly take a much shorter time to notice that his phone has been stolen, which will give him the opportunity to react promptly and prevent potential detrimental consequences. issuing Visa cards, with the support for the Visa PayWave applications (application for the contactless payment support), and the Oyster (application for the use of public transport in London). The project successfully started in September It allows its users to use one single card for payment of the public transport and payment of services irrespective of the public transport, up to the amount of 10 pounds sterling. Conclusion ISIS ISIS is a joint venture into payment processing between the companies AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless. This deal was announced on 16 November The system was intended to be based on the NFC technology. The mobile phone payment system ISIS joined in with the Discover network and the Barclaycard US. ISIS announced, in April 2011, that by mid it will start with its mobile operations programme in the USA. In June 2011, ISIS disclosed its partnership with the Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and the American Express cards systems. One look at the structure of participants in this venture clearly designates what will the payment systems be like in the future. Visa and Master Card payments At present, Master Card and Visa are making some substantial investments in Europe in order to create an infrastructure required for the contactless transactions. Early in the year 2009, Visa invested 10 million EUR in order to render assistance to the small-size vendors in introducing new technology in their businesses. The majority of contactless payment devices sponsored by Visa were distributed in the United Kingdom, Italy, and Turkey, while the pilot projects were set up in France, Germany, Poland, Spain, and Switzerland. The most recognisable Visa International contactless project was made in the public transport contactless ticketing payment system in London. The biggest cards issuer in the United Kingdom, the Barclaycard, in cooperation with the TFL (Transport for London), started Concurrent with the advent and the development of the NFC technology and its integration into mobile devices, new prospects are opened for the creation of new applications that can enhance daily mundane tasks. Not unlike all the novel technologies, the NFC has also encountered a slow progress and the implementation of new services was taking its time. The basic drawback over the past period were the NFC devices (phones), but once major business systems came on the scene, such as VISA, Master Card, Google, and others, it may be assumed with certainty that the development will gain pace. If we are to add here the fact that the large-scale systems have already invested over 100 million dollars in the NFC payment system development, there should be no doubts about the future for this technology. Mobile phone producers, on the other hand, significantly produce day by day a growing number of the phone types with the NFC options. Nokia 2006 launched on the market one NFC mobile phone, but already in 2011 that same company launched on the market another 5 new models of the NFC phones. Blackberry in 2011 had 8 types of the NFC phones. All the other producers are following this trend so that the NFC will soon be treated as a standard technology to be found in a mobile phone. For a mobile phone to communicate with another device it is necessary that they are equipped for and capable of the NFC communication. The development of mobile payment at close proximity through the NFC technology will create a new way of payment which will allow for a faster, easier, simpler, and more practical manner of payment. The need to carry 101

17 Literatura / References 1. Management of Multiple Cards in NFC- Devices, Gerald Madlmayr, Oliver Dillinger, Josef Langer, and Josef Scharinger, FH OOE F&E GmbH, NFC-Research Lab 2. Services through NFC technology in AmI Environment, ERPAS 2008, godine 3. Near Field Communication White paper, Ecma International, godine 4. Essentials for Successful NFC Mobile Ecosystems, NFC Forum, godine 5. Proximity Mobile Payments: Leveraging NFC and the Contactless Financial Payments Infrastructure, Smart Card Alliance Contactless Payments Council, godine 6. Near field communications, Giesecke & Devrient, godine 7. Gauthier Van Damme i Karel Wouters, Practical Experiences with NFC Security on mobile Phones, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, godine 8. Introduction to afscm mobile NFC service specifications, Association Francaise du Sans Contact Mobile, godine 9. Smart Cards in Mobile Payment / NFC, Smart Card Alliance, godine da svaki prosečan građanin svakodnevno upotrebljava ovu tehnologiju. Kada se uz sve to napomene da je NFC tehnologija zasnovana na međunarodnim standardima, odnosno da nije vezana za lokalno tržište već je globalno prihvaćena dolazi se do zaključka da je ona definitivno tehnologija budućnosti na koju će se savremeni čovek lako i brzo navići. Beskontaktno plaćanje postalo je nužno u sredinama u kojima je uvedeno, a prilagođavanje potrebama korisnika osnovni vodič, koji danas može donositi konkurentne prednosti. Korisnika koji obavljaju beskontaktna plaćanja je iz dana u dan više, a potreba za modernim komuniciranjem sve veća. U korist ovoj tehnologiji pre svega ide to što je korišćenje veoma jednostavno i krajnji korisnik ne mora učiniti velike napore da bi koristio uređaje koji su mu namenjeni. Sve se svodi na jednostavnost i multifunkcionalnost u korišćenju. 102

18 several payment cards will no longer be there, or to control accounts and costs as all of these tasks will be integrated in the personal mobile phone of us all. With the use of the NFC phone it is easier to pay for goods and services, it is easier to use public transport, or exchange data between devices. Smart phones which are growing in number rapidly over the last few years will become soon well equipped with the NFC technology. In addition to the phones, the NFC technology will be installed also in many other places, like the cars, offices, shops, which will allow for every average citizen to be able to use this technology in his everyday life. In addition, let us note that the NFC technology is based on international standards, i.e. it is not linked to any local market but is globally accepted, and thus we can conclude that it is definitely a technology of the future that will perfectly suit the needs and habits of a contemporary man who will gladly embrace it. Contactless payment has become a necessity in the environments where it was introduced, and the adjustment to the needs of the users the basic guide which can bring today competitive advantages. The number of users of the contactless payments is growing day by day, and the need for modern communications is also growing. This technology is primarily supported by the fact that its use is very simple and that the final beneficiary does not have to make any great efforts in order to use the devices which are placed at his disposal. Everything comes down to simplicity and multi functionality in the actual use of the device. 103

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