Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, Projet A3 INRIA, FRANCE. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.1

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1 Interface et extension de Open Research Compiler Sébastian Pop Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, Projet A3 INRIA, FRANCE Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.1

2 Présentation générale L entreprise et l encadrement: INRIA Rocquencourt Projet A3 Encadrement: Albert Cohen Durée: 13 semaines (du 3 juin au 30 août) Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.2

3 Présentation du stage Buts du stage: Découvrir le compilateur Open64/ORC Documenter le compilateur Implémenter une passe dans le générateur de code. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.3

4 Structure du compilateur 1. FE (Front-ends) 2. WHIRL (Intermediate Representation) 3. IPA (Inter Procedural Analysis) 4. LNO (Loop Nest Optimizer) 5. WOPT (Global Optimizer) 6. CG (Code Generator) 7. ORC (Open Research Compiler) Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.4

5 Front Ends Front-ends C et C++ de GCC Fortran 90 de Cray Chaque front-end a ses propres AST Traduction des AST vers WHIRL Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.5

6 WHIRL Winning Hierarchical Intermediate Representation Language 5 niveaux: VH, H, M, L, VL lowering entre niveaux. Chaque optimization au bon niveau. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.6

7 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

8 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end F90 front end Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

9 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end WHIRL dumper F90 front end file1.o file2.o file3.o Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

10 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end WHIRL dumper F90 front end file1.o file2.o file3.o lib1.a lib2.so Linker Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

11 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end WHIRL dumper F90 front end file1.o file2.o file3.o lib1.a lib2.so Linker Inter Procedural Analysis (IPA) Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

12 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end WHIRL dumper F90 front end file1.o file2.o file3.o lib1.a lib2.so Linker Inter Procedural Analysis (IPA) Inter Procedural Optimizations (IPO) Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

13 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end WHIRL dumper F90 front end file1.o file2.o file3.o lib1.a lib2.so Linker Inter Procedural Analysis (IPA) Inter Procedural Optimizations (IPO) Loop Nest Optimizer (LNO) Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

14 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end WHIRL dumper F90 front end file1.o file2.o file3.o lib1.a lib2.so Linker Inter Procedural Analysis (IPA) Inter Procedural Optimizations (IPO) Loop Nest Optimizer (LNO) Main Optimizer (WOPT) Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

15 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end WHIRL dumper F90 front end file1.o file2.o file3.o lib1.a lib2.so Linker Inter Procedural Analysis (IPA) Inter Procedural Optimizations (IPO) Loop Nest Optimizer (LNO) Main Optimizer (WOPT) Code Generator (CG) Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

16 Inter Procedural Analysis file1.c file2.cxx file3.f C front end C++ front end WHIRL dumper F90 front end file1.o file2.o file3.o lib1.a lib2.so Linker Inter Procedural Analysis (IPA) Inter Procedural Optimizations (IPO) Loop Nest Optimizer (LNO) Main Optimizer (WOPT) Code Generator (CG) Executable file Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.7

17 Inter Procedural Analysis Rassembler l information sur l ensemble du projet. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.8

18 Inter Procedural Analysis Rassembler l information sur l ensemble du projet. Solution: sauver la WHIRL dans les.o reconstruire un AST global Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.8

19 Loop Nest Optimizer LNO travaille sur le High level WHIRL. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.9

20 Loop Nest Optimizer Représentations intermédiaires spécifiques: Array Dependence Graph LEGO: for data distributions Array and vectors accesses Vector space Systems of equations Polytopes Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.9

21 Loop Nest Optimizer Quelques optimiseurs du LNO: Loop unrolling Hoist conditionals Hoist varying lower bounds Dead store eliminate arrays Loop reversal / fission / fusion / tiling Array scalarization Prefetch Inter iteration Common Subexpression Elimination Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.9

22 Loop Nest Optimizer Lnoptimizer LWN_Parentize Tree nodes linked to their parent [LNO_Run_Lego] LNO_Build_Access Lego_PU_Init Lego_Read_Pragmas Lego_Fix_Local Lego_Fix_IO [ Run_autopar and LNO_enabled ] IPA_LNO_Map_Calls [ LNO_Run_Lego and not LNO_enabled ] Lego_OZero_Driver Get rid of inconsistent control flow [ LNO_Full_Unrolling_Limit!= 0 ] Fully_Unroll_Short_Loops [Roundoff_Level >= ROUNDOFF_ASSOC] Build Scalar Reductions REDUCTION_MANAGER [LNO_Opt > 0] Eliminate_Dead_SCF Hoist_Conditionals [not LNO_enabled and Run_autopar] Parallel_And_Padding_Phase Build_Array_Dependence_Graph Hoist_Varying_Lower_Bounds Dead_Store_Eliminate_Arrays Array_Substitution Reverse_Loops [Roundoff_Level >= ROUNDOFF_ASSOC] Array Reductions Eliminate_Zero_Mult [LNO_Sclrze] Scalarize_Arrays Conditionals moved outside loops [Run_autopar] Mark_Auto_Parallelizable_Loops Process_Pragmas Canonicalize_Unsigned_Loops Lego_Tile [Run_autopar] Perform_ARA_and_Parallelization [LNO_Run_Lego] Lego_Skew_Indices Lego_Compute_Tile_Peel Fission Fusion [LNO_Run_Lego] Lego_Interchange Lego_Peel Prefetch_Driver [LNO_Sclrze] Scalarize_Arrays [LNO_Aequiv] Equivalence_Arrays Return point [TT_LNO_GUARD] Guard_Dos [LNO_Minvar] Minvariant_Removal [LNO_Cse] Build_CG_Dependence_Graph Inter_Iteration_Cses [LNO_Run_Lego] Lego_Lower_Pragmas WN_Simplify_Tree Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.9

23 Global Optimizer WOPT travaille sur le Medium-level WHIRL. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.10

24 Global Optimizer Principales représentations intermédiaires: CFG (Control Flow Graph) SSA (Static Single Assignement) Quelques optimiseurs: SSA-PRE (Partial Redundancy Elimination) DCE (Dead Code Elimination) IVR (Induction Variable Recognition) VNFRE (Value Numbering based Full Redundancy Elimination) Copy propagation Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.10

25 Global Optimizer Pre_Optimizer PREOPT_IPA0_PHASE PREOPT_IPA1_PHASE PREOPT_LNO_PHASE PREOPT_DUONLY_PHASE PREOPT_PHASE MAINOPT_PHASE [MAINOPT_PHASE] WN_Lower LOWER_IO_STATEMENT LOWER_SHORTCIRCUIT LOWER_BITS_OP [dont_opt] [dont_opt] WN_Lower LOWER_COMPLEX LOWER_BASE_INDEX LOWER_ARRAY LOWER_ALL_MAPS LOWER_INLINE_INTRINSIC LOWER_IO_STATEMENT LOWER_ENTRY_EXIT LOWER_SHORTCIRCUIT LOWER_REGION_EXITS LOWER_BIT_FIELD_ID cannot print WHIRL tree after this point. use dump_tree_no_st stab = Symbol Table Opt_stab > Create [WOPT_Enable_Goto and (PREOPT_LNO_PHASE or PREOPT_PHASE)] Remove_Gotos [WOPT_Enable_Alias_Classification] Classify_memops CFG Create Set_feedback [Cur_PU_Feedback] Compute_dom_tree (dom and post dom) Remove_fake_entrfrom Whirlyexit_arcs Compute_dom_frontier Compute_control_dependence Analyze_loops Annotate CFG with feedback from Whirl FFA = flow free alias Create MU and CHI list Opt_stab > Compute_FFA SSA Construct Pointer_Alias_Analysis Dead_store_elim Opt_stab > Update_return_mu [WOPT_Enable_Zero_Version] comp_unit >Ssa() >Find_zero_versions Ssa > Create_CODEMAP Verify Live Range Detect_invalid_doloops Do_Pre_Before_Ivr [WOPT_Enable_IVR] Do_iv_recognition [WOPT_Enable_Copy_Propagate] Do_copy_propagate [WOPT_Enable_Fold_Lda_Iload_Istore] Fold_lda_iload_istore [WOPT_Enable_Bool_Simp] Simplify_bool_expr [WOPT_Enable_DCE] Do_dead_code_elim IVR = Induction Variable Recognition DCE = Dead Code Elimination do flow free copy propagation WOPT_Enable_Extra_Rename_Pass times CFG optimization [WOPT_Enable_CFG_Opt and MAINOPT_PHASE] Second rename Verify Live Range Do_copy_propagate [WOPT_Enable_Copy_Propagate] Fold_lda_iload_istore [WOPT_Enable_Fold_Lda_Iload_Istore] Do_dead_code_elim [WOPT_Enable_DCE] Verify_version [WOPT_Enable_Edge_Placement and MAINOPT_PHASE] Cfg > Remove_critical_edge [This_preopt_renumbers_pregs] comp_unit >Emitter() >Preg_renumbering_map().Init() [Run_ipl] comp_unit >Emitter() >Emit WB_IPL_Save WB_IPL_Initialize Perform_Procedure_Summary_Phase WB_IPL_Terminate WB_IPL_Restore [phase == PREOPT_LNO_PHASE and This_preopt_renumbers_pregs and WOPT_Enable_Second_Alias_Class and not REGION_has_black_regions] alias_mgr >Forget_alias_class_info ALIAS_CLASSIFICATION Classify_memops Transfer_alias_class_to_alias_manager [MAINOPT_PHASE] [WOPT_Enable_Bits_Load_Store] Lower_to_extract_compose so that LPRE/SPRE will only work on scalars, [WOPT_Enable_SSA_PRE] not bit fields [WOPT_Enable_Exp_PRE] [MAINOPT_PHASE] Do_vnfre Do_new_pre VNFRE = Do_vnfre "full redundancy elimination" Verify_version based on value numbering [WOPT_Enable_DCE] Do_dead_code_elim [WOPT_Enable_Local_Rvi] Do_local_rvi Find_lr_shrink_cand [WOPT_Enable_Load_PRE] Do_load_pre Repeat alias classification for LNO [WOPT_Enable_Store_PRE and not WOPT_Enable_Spre_Before_Ivr] Do_store_pre [WOPT_Enable_Bitwise_DCE] Do_bitwise_dce [WOPT_Enable_RVI] Set_pre_rvi_hooks RVI Emit_ML_WHIRL [WOPT_Enable_RVI] Perform_RVI Finalize Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.10

26 Code Generator Le générateur de code travaille sur la CGIR. CFG explicite chaque BB contient une liste d instructions chaque instruction est sous la forme: OP_result OP_code OP_opnd Représentation proche du code assembleur. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.11

27 Code Generator Principales passes du CG: EBO: Extended Block Optimizer GRA: Global Register Allocation LRA: Local Register Allocation GCM: Global Code Motion SWP: Software Pipelining CIO: Cross Iteration loop Optimizations FREQ: fréquences d execution des BBs Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.11

28 Code Generator CG_Generate_Code CG_Region_Initialize Convert_WHIRL_To_OPs Split_BBs split large bb s to minimize compile speed and register pressure [not CG_localize_tns] Localize_or_Replace_Dedicated_TNs EH_Prune_Range_List Optimize_Tail_Calls Init_Callee_Saved_Regs_for_REGION Config_Ipfec_Flags Generate_Entry_Exit_Code Localize dedicated tns involved in calls that cross bb s, and replace dedicated TNs involved in REGION interface with the corresponding allocated TNs from previously compiled REGIONs CG_Edge_Profile_Instrument GRA_LIVE_Init [CG_localize_tns and not value_profile_need_gra] Localize_Any_Global_TNs [Enable_CG_Peephole] EBO_Pre_Process_Region EBO = Extended Block Optimizer Optimize control flow (first pass) Invoke global optimizations before register allocation at O2 and above. [CG_opt_level > 0 and CFLOW_opt_before_cgprep] CFLOW_Optimize Perform all the optimizations that make things more simple. [IPFEC_Enable_Region_Formation] Reordering doesn t have that REGION_TREE property. [CG_opt_level > 1] Build Ipfec region tree. This is part of ORC. [not CG_PU_Has_Feedback and not IPFEC_Enable_Edge_Profile_Annot] FREQ_Compute_BB_Frequencies [IPFEC_Enable_Region_Formation and IPFEC_Enable_Region_Decomposition] region_tree >Decomposition() GRA_LIVE_Recalc_Liveness Perform hyperblock formation [CGTARG_Can_Predicate] (if conversion) Only works for IA 64 at the moment. [IPFEC_Enable_If_Conversion] [not IPFEC_Enable_Region_Formation] IF_CONVERTOR HB_Form_Hyperblocks [not PQSCG_pqs_valid] PQSCG_reinit [not CG_localize_tns or value_profile_need_gra] GRA_LIVE_Init rename TNs required by LRA Optimize control flow (second pass) [CG_enable_loop_optimizations] Perform_Loop_Optimizations GRA_LIVE_Recalc_Liveness GRA_LIVE_Rename_TNs [CFLOW_opt_after_cgprep] CFLOW_Optimize [Enable_CG_Peephole] EBO_Process_Region PQSCG_reinit This pass is not part of the official ORC since it was developped at INRIA based on the thesis work of Ivan Djelic inter_block_pre [CGSPILL_Enable_Force_Rematerialization] CGSPILL_Force_Rematerialization [not region] Adjust_GP_Setup_Code Adjust_LC_Setup_Code [CG_opt_level > 1 and IPFEC_Enable_PRDB] PRDB_Init Global register allocation, Scheduling: The overall algorithm is as follows: Global code motion before register allocation Local scheduling before register allocation Global register allocation Local register allocation Global code motion phase (GCM) Local scheduling after register allocation IGLS_Schedule_Region [IPFEC_Enable_Prepass_GLOS and CG_opt_level > 1] GRA_LIVE_Init Check_Self_Recursive Global_Insn_Sched [IPFEC_Enable_Prepass_LOCS] Local_Insn_Sched [IPFEC_Enable_Opt_after_schedule] CFLOW_Optimize [IPFEC_Enable_Prepass_GLOS and CG_opt_level > 1] [Generate_Recovery_Code() > 0] GRA_LIVE_Init Earlier phases (esp. GCM) might have introduced local definitions and uses for global TNs. Rename them to local TNs so that GRA does not have to deal with. [PRDB_Valid()] Delete_PRDB [not CG_localize_tns or value_profile_need_gra] [GRA_recalc_liveness] GRA_LIVE_Recalc_Liveness [not (IPFEC_Enable_Prepass_GLOS and (CG_opt_level > 1 or value_profile_need_gra))] GRA_LIVE_Rename_TNs [GRA_redo_liveness or IPFEC_Enable_Prepass_GLOS and (CG_opt_level > 1 or value_profile_need_gra)] GRA_LIVE_Init GRA_Allocate_Global_Registers LRA_Allocate_Registers [not CG_localize_tns or value_profile_need_gra] GRA_Finalize_Grants The stack frame is final at this [not region] point, no more spilling after this. Adjust_GP_Setup_Code We can set the Frame_Len now. Set_Frame_Len Then we can go through all the Adjust_Entry_Exit_Code entry/exit blocks and fix the SP [Enable_EBO_Post_Proc_Rgn] adjustment OP or delete it if the frame length is zero. EBO_Post_Process_Region [CG_opt_level > 1 and IPFEC_Enable_Pre_Multi_Branch] Check_Cross_Boundary [PRDB_Valid()] Delete_PRDB IGLS_Schedule_Region [IPFEC_Enable_Postpass_LOCS] [IPFEC_sched_care_machine!=Sched_care_bundle] Local_Insn_Sched Local_Insn_Sched CGGRP_Bundle [CG_opt_level > 1 and IPFEC_Enable_Post_Multi_Branch] Post_Multi_Branch [PRDB_Valid()] Delete_PRDB [region] CG_Region_Finalize GRA_LIVE_Finish_REGION PQSCG_term [PU] EH_Write_Range_Table [PU_has_exc_scopes] Cycle_Count_Initialize [Create_Cycle_Output] Instru_Call_Mcount EMT_Emit_PU CG_Region_Finalize GRA_LIVE_Finish_PU PQSCG_term Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.11

29 Open Research Compiler ORC est une extension du générateur de code. IPFEC Regions If-conversion Predicate Relation DataBase Microscheduler Local/Global instruction scheduling Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.12

30 artial Redundancy Elimination Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.13

31 artial Redundancy Elimination c = a + b d = a + b e = a + b Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.13

32 artial Redundancy Elimination c = a + b a + b executed twice d = a + b a + b executed twice e = a + b Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.13

33 artial Redundancy Elimination c = a + b a + b executed twice d = a + b a + b executed twice e = a + b a + b is fully available Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.13

34 artial Redundancy Elimination c = a + b d = a + b t1 = a + b c = t1 t1 = a + b d = t1 a + b executed twice a + b executed twice e = a + b e = t1 a + b is fully available elimination of common subexpression Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.13

35 artial Redundancy Elimination c = a + b e = a + b Expression a + b is partially available Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.13

36 artial Redundancy Elimination c = a + b t1 = a + b c = t1 t1 = a + b e = a + b e = t1 Expression a + b is partially available elimination of partial redundancy Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.13

37 Code Prédicaté IF_COND <BB1, p1> <BB2, p2> If conversion Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.14

38 Code Prédicaté IF_COND <BB1, p1> <BB2, p2> If conversion (p1, p2) = eval (IF_COND) eval (BB1) (p1) eval (BB2) (p2) Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.14

39 Code Prédicaté 6 instructions can be executed in parallel on Itanium Sequential Operations Execution Slots ILP = Instruction Level Parallelism! " #" $%&' () Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.14

40 ,,,, --- *** +++,,,, --- *** +++,,,, --- *** +++,,,, --- *** +++,,,, --- *** +++,,,, --- *** /// /// /// /// /// Code Prédicaté IF THEN ELSE Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.14

41 p1 p1 p1 p1 p1 Code Prédicaté p0 IF Each instruction is predicated. p0 p0 p0 p0 THEN ELSE p2 p2 p2 p2 p0 p0 p0 p0 p0 p0 p0 Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.14

42 : : ; : : ; : : ; : : ; : : Code Prédicaté Parallel execution of two branches p2 p1 p0 p2 p1 p0 p2 p1 p1 p0 p2 p1 p0 p0 ::; p0 p0 p0 p0 p0 p0 p0 Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.14

43 Predicate Partition Graph B1 p0 p0 Atomic Predicates = {p0} Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.15

44 Predicate Partition Graph B1 p0 p0 B2 p1 B3 p2 p1 a a p2 Atomic Predicates = {p1, p2} Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.15

45 Predicate Partition Graph B1 p0 p0 B2 p1 B3 p2 p1 a a p2 B5 p3 p4 p3 b b p4 Atomic Predicates = {p3, p4, p2} Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.15

46 Predicate Partition Graph B1 p0 p0 B5 p3 B2 p1 p4 p5 B3 p2 B6 p6 b a p1 b a p2 c c p3 p4 p5 p6 Atomic Predicates = {p3, p4, p5, p6} Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.15

47 Predicate Partition Graph B1 p0 p0 B5 B2 p1 B3 p2 p3 B4 p7 B6 p6 a a e p1 p2 p7 d c b b c d p3 p4 p5 p6 Atomic Predicates = {p3, p4, p5, p6} Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.15

48 Predicate Partition Graph B1 p0 p0 B5 B2 p1 B3 p2 p3 B4 p7 B6 p6 a a e p1 p2 p7 d c b b c d f p3 p4 p5 p6 p8 f p9 B7 p9 B8 p8 Atomic Predicates = {p3, p4 inter p8, p5 inter p8, p4 inter p9, p5 inter p9, p6} Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.15

49 Prédicats atomiques p3 p4 B4 p9 p8 Atomic Predicates = {p3 inter p8, Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.16

50 Prédicats atomiques p3 p4 B4 p9 p8 Atomic Predicates = {p3 inter p8, p3 inter p9, Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.16

51 Prédicats atomiques p3 p4 B4 p9 p8 Atomic Predicates = {p3 inter p8, p3 inter p9, p4 inter p8, Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.16

52 Prédicats atomiques p3 p4 B4 p9 p8 Atomic Predicates = {p3 inter p8, p3 inter p9, p4 inter p8, p4 inter p9} Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.16

53 PRE sur code prédicaté 1. L analyse du flot de données propage des ensembles de prédicats. 2. Deux propriétés sont calculées pour chaque BB: anticipability availability 3. Insertion de variables temporaires aux points au plus tôt. 4. Supression des expression redondantes des BB où avail est vraie. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.17

54 Résultats Documentation du compilateur: Une présentation générale sous forme de slides Le rapport de stage Une page web Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.18

55 Résultats Implémentation: Spécification algébrique Raffinement en C++ Intégration dans ORC Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.19

56 Spécification Algébrique Outil de communication Typage évite des erreurs Raffinements ultérieurs Difficultés du domaine séparés des difficultés de l intégration dans un système complexe. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.20

57 Conclusion Découverte d un nouveau compilateur Idées pour améliorer GCC Travail dans une équipe de recherche Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.21

58 Conclusion Remerciements: Merci à l équipe du projet A3 pour m avoir proposé ce stage intéressant. Un grand merci à Albert Cohen pour son temps et pour son aide pendant le stage. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.21

59 Open64 vs. GCC state of the art compilers Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.22

60 Open64 vs. GCC Open64: LNO, IPA un excellent paralléliseur de code architecture complètement modulaire Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.22

61 Open64 vs. GCC GCC: support pour plus de 40 architectures 5 front-ends (C, C++, Java, Fortran, Ada) multitude d autres langages portés (Pascal, Cobol, CLisp, Mercury,... ) support pour le développement: bug database test-suites documentation mailing lists de développement actives pas (encore) de support pour LNO ou IPA. Interface et extensiondeopen Research Compiler p.22

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