correlated to the Indiana Academic Standards World Languages Grade 10

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1 correlated to the Indiana Academic Standards World Languages Grade 10

2 McDougal Littell Discovering French Nouveau! 2Blanc 2007 correlated to the Indiana Academic Standards World Languages, Grade 10 STANDARD 1 COMMUNICATION: Write and speak in a language other than English Learners engage in written and spoken conversations on a variety of topics. (Interpersonal) Use multiple greetings and farewells in various situations. PE/TE: 15 (#9), 38 (Les présentations), 51 (#9) Accurately state basic information about self and others. Examples: Name, personality characteristics PE/TE: 32 (Vocabulaire, #1-2), 33 (Vocabulaire, #3), 34 (Vocabulaire), 35 (#4-5), 36 (Vocabulaire, #6), 37 (Vocabulaire, #7), (Vocabulaire, #8-9), 56 (Vocabulaire) Accurately express a variety of simple feelings and preferences of self and others. Examples: Likes and dislikes PE/TE: 27 (#4-5), 49 (#7), 155 (#1), 158 (Vocabulaire), 159 (#5, 7-8), 161 (#11), 275 (#1), 377 (#7), 393 (#4), 402 (#4), 403 (#2) Exchange familiar information and opinions in brief conversations. PE/TE: 26 (#1), 89 (Et vous?), 113 (#5), 115 (#11), 117 (#3), (#8-9), 135 (#6), 153 (Et vous?), 189 (#4), 269A (Music), 287 (#10) Exchange familiar information and opinions in written form. PE/TE: 27 (#4-5), 117 (#3), 127 (#2), 287 (#10) Make requests and ask different types of questions. PE/TE: 21 (#7), 26 (#1), (Vocabulaire, #2-3), 57 (TE Personalization), 60 (Les questions avec inversion, #8), 61 (#9, À votre tour #1-2), 111 (TE Personalization), 117 (#13), 222 (#8-9), 223 (#2), 295 (#7), 297 (#9), 324 (#4), (Sections A and B, #1-5, À votre tour #2) 1

3 Recognize and use situation-appropriate non-verbal communication. PE/TE: (Qui suis-je?), 33 (#3), 38 (Vocabulaire: Les présentations), 64 (TE Cross-cultural observation), 65 (Corinne sait maintenant ), 71 (#2), 109 (Pierre embrasse sa mère ) Use speaking and listening strategies to facilitate communication. Examples: Identifying key words, synonyms and antonyms PE/TE: (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène), (Vidéo Scène) 2

4 STANDARD 2 COMMUNICATION: Interpret information in a language other than English Learners interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. (Interpretive) Respond accurately to classroom requests, commands, and directions. PE/TE: 27B (Recipe), 97B (Recipe), 129 (TE Classroom management), 149A (Projects: Ma recette), 149B (Recipe), (Lecture), 203B (Recipe), 268 (Culture project), 269B (Recipe), 317B (Recipe), 323 (Comprehension), 367B (Recipe), 431B (Recipe), 489B (Recipe) Demonstrate comprehension of both authentic and non-authentic written and spoken language through developmentally appropriate tasks. Example: Respond to simple comprehension questions in the target language PE/TE: (Un déjeuner gratuit), (Ici tout va bien!), 149A (Dame Tartine), (Histoire de chien), 203A (Music), (Le courrier du coeur), 307 (La gymnastique du matin), (À l école autrefois), (La maison hantée), (Monsieur Belhomme cherche une veste) Make educated guesses about meaning in familiar contexts, using cognates and familiar vocabulary. PE/TE: 85 (Reading Strategy), (Reading Strategy), 203 (Reading Strategy), 357 (Cognate pattern), 367(Reading Strategy), 397 (Cognate pattern), 489 (Reading Strategy) 3

5 STANDARD 3 COMMUNICATION: Present information in a language other than English Learners present to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. (Presentational) Recite rhymes, proverbs, and poetry or sing songs of the target language and cultures. PE/TE: 27A (Music), 97A (Music), 149A (Dame Tarting), 203A (Music), 269A (Music), 317A (Music), 367A (Music), 430 (Rencontre avec René Philombe), 431B (Music), 489A (Music) Present prepared material on a variety of topics. Examples: Dialogues, skits, plays, etc. PE/TE: 27A (Les professions), 203A (Projects, Bulletin Boards), 214 (TE Realia note), 269A (Les sports, Bulletin Boards), 299 (TE Post-reading activity), 317B (Hans-on Crafts), 367A (Bulletin Boards), 431A (Les pays francophones), 489A (Bulletin Boards) Read passages aloud to demonstrate improving intonation and pronunciation. PE/TE: 85 (Reading Strategy), (Reading Strategy), 198 (Pre-reading Strategy), 203 (Reading Strategy), 252 (Pre-reading Strategy), 257 (Reading Strategy), 263 (Teaching tip), 312 (Pre-reading Strategy), 317 (Reading Strategy), 362 (Pre-reading Strategy), 367 (Reading Strategy), 412 (Pre-reading Strategy), 421 (Reading Strategy), 430 (Rencontre avec René Philombe), 474 (Pre-reading Strategy), 488 (Reading Strategy), 526 (Pre-reading Strategy), 533 (Reading Strategy), R16-R Compose simple cohesive written information using appropriate formats with teacher guidance. Examples: Poetry, messages, descriptions, simple narratives, cartoons, etc. PE/TE: 27 (#5), 50 (#1), 61 (#2), 127 (#2), 136 (#9), (Lecture), 306 (#1), 461 (TE Post-reading activity) Describe objects, self and others in written and spoken language with greater detail. PE/TE: 71 (#4), 75 (#5), 117 (#3), 135 (#5), 136 (#9), 141 (#6), 195 (#5), 249 (#5), 287 (#1), 309 (#5), 341 (TE Guided composition), 345 (#3), 347 (TE Post-reading activities), 355 (#1), 375 (#4), 461 (TE Post-reading activity) 4

6 STANDARD 4 CULTURES: Develop awareness of other cultures Learners examine, experience, and reflect on the relationships among the practices, products, and perspectives of the cultures studied Investigate and report on basic family and social practices of the target cultures. Examples: Family structure, giving and receiving, cultural trends, etc. PE/TE: (Au jour le jour), (Le calendrier des fêtes), 108 (TE Cross-cultural understanding), 130 (TE Cross-cultural understanding) Describe products, perspectives, and symbols of the target cultures in simple terms. PE/TE: (Ici aussi, on parle français), (Rencontres ), (Images du monde francophone), 317B (Hands-on Crafts), 379 (Au jour le jour), (L Afrique), (Masques africains), 431B (Hands-on Crafts), 489A (Les voitures) Describe factors that influence practices, products, and perspectives. Examples: History, technology, etc. PE/TE: 9 (Note culturelle), 32 (TE Realia note), (Le Tour de France), 155 (TE Teaching note), 201 (TE Cultural background), 213 (TE Cultural notes), (Au jour le jour), 261 (TE Teaching note), (Achetons des vêtements!), 431 (TE Teaching note), 441 (TE Cultural note), (En voiture), 495 (Note culturelle) Describe contributions from other cultures. PE/TE: 155 (TE Teaching note), (Les Connaissez-vous?), 379 (TE Teaching note), 489A (Les voitures), (En voiture) Identify elements that shape cultural identity in the target cultures. PE/TE: 107 (Note culturelle), (Camping de printemps), (Les Connaissez-vous?), (Achetons des vêtements!), (En voiture) 5

7 STANDARD 5 CONNECTIONS: Make connections to other content areas Learners use the target language to expand their knowledge of and make connections among multiple content areas Investigate and report on objects and concepts from other content areas. PE/TE: 27A (Les professions), 203A (Projects, Bulletin Boards), 214 (TE Realia note), 269A (Les sports, Bulletin Boards), 317B (Hans-on Crafts), 367A (Bulletin Boards), 431A (Les pays francophones), 489A (Bulletin Boards) Integrate content area concepts and skills through relevant activities. PE/TE: 10 (#3), 27A-27B (Expansion activities), 97A-97B (Expansion activities), 149A-149B (Expansion activities), 203A-203B (Expansion activities), 214 (TE Realia note), 269A-269B (Expansion activities), 317A-317B (Expansion activities), 367A-367B (Expansion activities), 380 (TE Personalization), 431A-431B (Expansion activities), 489A-489B (Expansion activities) 6

8 STANDARD 6 CONNECTIONS: Access and connect information through various media Learners strengthen language proficiency and cultural knowledge by using current digital media and authentic resources Use digital media and culturally authentic resources to build vocabulary, improve reading ability, and encourage cultural awareness. Examples: Electronic dictionaries, language websites, TV programs, etc. PE/TE: 61 (#2), 203A (Les artistes francophones, Marquise des films), 431A (Les pays francophones), 489A (Les voitures) Use digital media and culturally authentic resources to study target cultures. Examples: Video clips, advertisements, etc. PE/TE: 61 (#2), 203A (Les artistes francophones, Marquise des films), 431A (Les pays francophones), 489A (Les voitures) 7

9 STANDARD 7 COMPARISONS: Investigate the nature of language and culture Learners understand the nature of language and culture through comparisons of the languages and cultures studied and their own Recognize and use cognates, words shared between English and the target language, and word families to expand vocabulary and guess meaning. PE/TE: 85 (Reading Strategy), (Reading Strategy), 203 (Reading Strategy), 357 (Cognate pattern), 367 (Reading Strategy), 397 (Cognate pattern), 489 (Reading Strategy) Recognize and use simple language structures. Examples: Agreement of adjectives and nouns, and agreement of verbs and nouns PE/TE: 168 (Language comparison), 238 (Language comparison), 285 (Language comparison), 292 (Language comparison), 317 (Reading Strategy), 333 (Language comparison), 384 (Language comparison), 394 (Language comparison), 500 (Language comparison) Compare and use idiomatic and colloquial expressions in the target language. PE/TE: 11 (#7), (Vocabulaire, #1-3), 56 (Les expressions avec avoir), 57 (#1-3), 58 (Les expressions avec faire, #4), 61 (#1-2), 137 (L expression il y a), (Lecture), 191 (L expression il faut), 203 (Reading Strategy), 367 (Reading Strategy), (Quelle Soirée) Compare and use authentic simple forms of address in a variety of social situations. PE/TE: 32 (Vocabulaire, #1-2), 38 (Section D Vocabulaire, #8), 225 (Comment Écrire), 227 (Teaching note), 235 (TE Post-reading activity), 466 (Le conditionnel de politesse) Compare the social patterns of other cultures and the learner s own culture. Examples: Compare school settings, role-play meeting new people, discuss dating, etc. PE/TE: 64 (TE Cross-cultural observation), (Le calendrier des fêtes), (Les activités du week-end), 108 (TE Cross-cultural understanding), 120 (TE Cross-cultural observation), 130 (Cross-cultural understanding), 153 (Comparaisons Culturelles), 164 (TE Cultural note), 207 (Comparaisons Culturelles), 226 (TE Cross-cultural observation), (Un Américain à Paris), 302 (TE Photo culture note), (Achetons des vêtements), 435 (Comparison Culturelles), 495 (Comparaisons culturelles) Recognize celebrations and holidays of other cultures and compare them to those of the learner s culture. PE/TE: (Au jour le jour), 86 (La France et ses Régions), (Le calendrier des fêtes), (Québec, la Belle Province), (La France d outre-mer) 8

10 STANDARD 8 COMMUNITIES: Become an active global citizen by experiencing languages and cultures in multiple settings Learners use their knowledge of the target language and cultures both within and beyond the school setting for personal enrichment and civic engagement Share experiences from the world language classroom with others. Examples: Use the target language to teach basic vocabulary to friends and family, make simple presentations to family or friends using the target language PE/TE: 431A (Projects) Recognize and show the influences of the target language and/or cultures on the community. Example: Architecture, special events, stores and shops, careers using the target language, etc. PE/TE: 431A (Projects) Show evidence of becoming a life-long learner by using the target language and cultural knowledge for personal enrichment. Examples: Watch movies in the target language, listen to songs in the target language, join a club, establish e-pal or pen pal connections with native speakers, travel abroad. PE/TE: (Interlude 1), (Interlude 2), (Interlude 3), (Interlude 4), (Interlude 5), (Interlude 6), (Interlude 7), 431A (Projects), (Interlude 8), (Interlude 9) Research and present about a local and/or global need that is identified as authentic by the cultures of the target language. PE/TE: 431A (Projects) 9

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