Replication and Consistency

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1 Replication and Consistency 1

2 Introduction to Replication Replication is Replication of data: the maintenance of copies of data on multiple computers Object replication: the maintenance of copies of whole server objects (i.e. their internal states) on multiple computers Replication can provide Performance enhancement, scalability Remember caching: improve performance by storing data locally, but data are incomplete Additionally: several web servers can have the same DNS name. The servers are selected by DNS in turn to share the load Replication of read-only data is simple, but replication of frequently changing data causes overhead in providing actual data 2

3 Introduction to Replication Increased availability Sometimes needed: nearly 100% of time a service should be available In case of server failures: simply contact another server with the same data items Network partitions and disconnected operations: availability of data if the connection to a server is lost. But: after re-establishing the connection, (conflicting) data updates have to be resolved Fault-tolerant services Guaranteeing correct behaviour in spite of certain faults (can include timeliness) If f in a group of f+1 servers crash, then 1 remains to supply the service If f in a group of 2f+1 servers have byzantine faults, the group can supply a correct service 3

4 When to do Replication? Replication at service initialisation Try to estimate number of needed servers from a customer's specification regarding performance, availability, fault-tolerance, Choose places to deposit data or objects Example: root servers in DNS Replication 'on demand' When failures or performance bottlenecks occur, make a new replica, possibly placed at a new location in the network Or: to improve local access operations, place a copy near a client Example: (DNS) caching, disconnected operations 4

5 Why Object Replication? It is useful to consider objects in replication instead of only considering data Objects have the benefit of encapsulating data and operations on data. Thus, object-specific operation requests can be distributed But: now one has to consider internal object states! This topic is related to mobile agents, but it becomes more complicated in the case of consistent internal states! 5

6 Requirements for Replication For all of these application areas, one requirement holds: the client should not be aware of using a group of computers! Replication transparency Clients do not work on multiple physical copies, they only see one logical object which they request to do an action Clients only expect a single result, not results of each data copy Needed: propagation of updates Consistency How to ensure all data copies to be consistent? Specific degrees depending on the application: Temporarily inconsistencies could be tolerated When multiple clients are connected using different copies, they should get consistent results Performance, availability, fault-tolerance consistency, up-to-date information Scalability? 6

7 Management of Replicated Data Needed: replication transparency and consistency Client requests are handled by Front Ends. A front end provides replication transparency With front ends, clients see a service that gives them access to logical objects, which are in fact replicated at several Replica Managers which guarantee consistency Client request operations: read-only requests: calls without making updates update requests: calls executing write operations (but could also execute read operations) Client Front End RM server Client Front End RM server Client Front End RM server Service 7

8 System Model Each logical object is implemented by a collection of physical copies called replicas (the replicas are not necessarily consistent all the time; some may have received updates not yet delivered to the others) Replica managers Contain replicas on a computer and access them directly Replica managers apply operations to replicas recoverably, i.e. they do not leave inconsistent results if they crash Static systems are based on a fixed set of replica managers In a dynamic system, replica managers may join or leave (e.g. when they crash) A replica manager can be a state machine which has the following properties: a) Operations are applied atomically b) The current state is a deterministic function of the initial state and the applied operations c) All replicas start identically and carry out the same operations d) The operations must not be affected by clock readings etc. 8

9 Performing a Request In general: five phases for performing a request on replicated data Issue request. The front end either sends the request to a single replica manager that passes it on to the others, or multicasts the request to all of the replica managers Coordination. For consistent execution, the replica managers decide whether to apply the request (e.g. in presence of failures) how to order the request relatively to other requests (according to FIFO, causal or total ordering) Execution. The replica managers execute the request (sometimes tentatively) Agreement. The replica managers agree on the effect of the request, e.g. perform it 'lazily' or immediately Response. One or more replica managers reply to the front end, which combines the results For high availability, give first response to the client To tolerate faults, take a vote 9

10 Replication Example How to provide fault-tolerant services, i.e. a service that is provided correct even if some processes fail? Simple replication system: e.g. two replica managers A and B each managing replicas of two accounts x and y. Clients use the local replica manager if possible, after responding to a client the update is transmitted to the other replica manager Client 1: Client 2: setbalance B (x,1) setbalance A (y,2) getbalance A (y) 2 getbalance A (x) 0 Initial balance of x and y is $0 Client 1 first updates x at B (local). When updating y it finds B has failed, so it uses A for the next operation. Client 2 reads balances at A (local), but because B had failed, no update was propagated to A: x has amount 0. Be careful when designing replication algorithms! You need a consistency model 10

11 Strict Consistency There are several correctness criteria for replication regarding consistency. Real world: strict consistency Any read on a data item x returns a value corresponding to the result of the most recent write on x Problem with strict consistency: it relies on absolute global time 11

12 Linearizability The strictest criterion for a replication system is linearizability Consider a replicated service with two clients that perform read and update operations o 1i resp. o 2j. Communication is synchronous, i.e. a client waits for one operation to complete before doing another Single server: serialize the operations by interleaving, e.g. o 20, o 21, o 10, o 22, o 11, o 12 In replication: virtual interleaving; a replicated shared service is linearizable if for any execution there is some interleaving of the series of operations issued by all the clients with The interleaved sequence of operations meets the specification of a (single) correct copy of the objects The order of operations in the interleaving is consistent with the real times at which they occurred in the actual execution Linearizability concerns only the interleaving of individual operations, it is not intended to be transactional 12

13 Sequential Consistency Problem with linearizability: real-time requirement practically is not to fulfil. Weaker correctness criterion: sequential consistency A replicated shared service is sequential consistent if for any execution there is some interleaving of the series of operations issued by all the clients with The interleaved sequence of operations meets the specification of a (single) correct copy of the objects The order of operations in the interleaving is consistent with the program order in which each individual client executed them Every linearizable service is sequential consistent, but not vice versa: Client 1: Client 2: Possible under a naive replication strategy: the update at B has not yet setbalance B (x,1) been propagated to A when client 2 reads it. getbalance A (y) 0 The real-time criterion for getbalance A (x) 0 linearizability is not satisfied, setbalance A (y,2) because the reading of x occurs after its writing. But: both criteria for sequential consistency are satisfied with the ordering: getbalance A (y) 0; getbalance A (x) 0; setbalance B (x,1); setbalance A (y,2) 13

14 more Consistency Sequential consistency is widely used, but has poor performance. Thus, there are models relaxing the consistency guarantees: Causal Consistency (weakening of sequential consistency) Distinction between events that are causally related and those that are not Example: read(x); write(y) in one process are causally related, because the value of y can depend on the value of x read before Consistency criterion: Writes that are potentially causally related must be seen by all processes in the same order. Concurrent writes may be seen in a different order on different machines Necessary: keeping track of which processes have seen which write (vector timestamps) FIFO Consistency (weakening of causal consistency) Writes done by a single process are seen by all other processes in the order in which they were issued, but writes from different processes may be seen in a different order by different processes Easy to implement Weak Consistency, Release Consistency, Entry Consistency 14

15 Consistency Models Consistency Strict Linearizability Sequential Causal FIFO Description Absolute time ordering of all shared accesses matters All processes must see all shared accesses in the same order. Accesses are furthermore ordered according to a global timestamp All processes see all shared accesses in the same order. Accesses are not ordered in time All processes see causally-related shared accesses in the same order All processes see writes from each other in the order they were done. Writes from different processes may not always be seen in that order 15

16 Replication Approaches Distinction between mechanisms: replication for fault tolerance for highly available services in transactions 16

17 Fault Tolerance: Passive (primarybackup) Replication Replication for fault tolerance: passive or primary-backup model There is at any time a single primary replica manager and one or more secondary replica managers (backups, slaves) Client. Front End primary RM Client Front End RM Backup RM Backup RM Backup Front ends only communicate with the primary replica manager which executes the operation and sends copies of the updated data to the backups If the primary fails, one of the backups is promoted to act as the primary This system implements linearizability, since the primary sequences all the operations on the shared objects Variation: clients can read from backups, which reduces the work load for the primary, but does only achieve sequential consistency 17

18 Execution in Passive Replication There are five phases in performing a client request: 1. Request: A front end issues the request, containing a unique identifier, to the primary replica manager 2. Coordination: The primary performs each request atomically, in the order in which it receives it It checks the unique identifier, if it has already executed the request. If yes, it resends the response 3. Execution: The primary executes the request and stores the response 4. Agreement: If the request is an update the primary sends the updated state, the response and the unique identifier to all the backups. The backups send an acknowledgement 5. Response: The primary responds to the front end, which hands the response back to the client 18

19 Properties of Passive Replication + Simple principle +To survive f process crashes, f +1 replica managers are required + Front end can be designed with little functionality - But: relatively large overheads by using view-synchronous communication: several rounds of communication, latency after a primary crash because of an agreement to a new view Variation: clients can read from backups Reduces the work load for the primary Achieves sequential consistency but not linearizability Sun Network Information System (NIS) uses passive replication with weaker guarantees than sequential consistency: Achieves high availability and good performance The master receives updates and propagates them to slaves using one-to-one communication. Information retrieval can be made by using either the master or a slave server 19

20 Active Replication The replica managers are state machines all playing the same role and are organised as a group: A front end multicasts each request to the group of replica managers All replica managers start in the same state and perform the same operations in the same order so that their state remains identical (notice: totally ordered reliable multicast would be needed to guarantee the identical execution order!) If a replica manager crashes it has no effect on the performance of the service because the others continue as normal Failures in a few replicas can be tolerated because the front end can collect and compare the replies it receives Client Front End RM. RM Client Front End RM 20

21 Execution in Active Replication There are the following phases in performing a client request: 1. Request The front end attaches a unique identifier to a request and uses totally ordered reliable multicast to send it to all replica managers 2. Coordination The group communication system delivers the requests to all the replica managers in the same (total) order 3. Execution Every replica manager executes the request. They are state machines and receive requests in the same order, so the effects for correct replica managers are identical (Agreement) No agreement is required because all managers execute the same operations in the same order, due to the properties of the totally ordered multicast 4. Response The front end collects responses from the managers (and combines them, if necessary) 21

22 Properties of Active Replication As replica managers are state machines, we have sequential consistency but do not achieve linearizability (because we do not have perfectly accurate synchronisation algorithms) Possible to deal with byzantine failures: use 2f +1 replica managers to overrule up to f process failures. For this, a front end has simply to wait for receiving f +1 identical responses from replica managers. Replica managers have to digitally sign their responses! Variations: Allow a sequence of read operations to be executed from different replica managers in any order Or: allow the front end to send a read-only request to only one replica manager (if this manager fails, the front end contacts the next one) Allow write operations on different data items to be executed in any order 22

23 Highly Available Services How to provide services with high availability, i.e. how to use replication to achieve an availability of (ideally) 100%? Reasonable response times for as much of the time as possible Even if some results do not conform to sequential consistency E.g. a disconnected user may accept temporarily inconsistent results if he can continue to work and fix inconsistencies later Difference to fault tolerant systems For fault tolerance, all replica managers have to agree on a result 'eager' evaluation, not acceptable for reaching reasonable response times Instead for high availability: Only contact a minimum number of replica managers necessary to reach an acceptable level of service Client should tied up for a minimum time while managers coordinate their actions Weaker consistency generally requires less agreement and makes data more available. Updates are propagated 'lazily' 23

24 The Gossip Architecture The gossip architecture is a framework for implementing highly available services Data is replicated close to the location of clients Replica managers periodically exchange gossip messages containing updates they have received from clients Two basic types of operations are provided: queries - read only operations updates - modify (but do not read) the state Front ends choose any replica manager to send queries and updates to, selected by availability and response times Two guarantees are made (even if managers are temporarily unable to communicate with one another): Each client gets a consistent service over time (i.e. the data reflects at least the updates seen by the client so far, even if it uses different replica managers). Vector timestamps are used with one entry per manager Relaxed consistency between replicas. All replica managers eventually receive all updates and use ordering guarantees to suit the needs of the application (generally causal ordering). A client may observe stale data 24

25 Query & Update Operations The service consists of a collection of replica managers that exchange gossip messages Queries and updates are sent by a client via a front end to any replica manager RM Query, prev FE Query C Val, new Val Service RM RM Gossip Update, prev Update id FE Update C The front end converts operations containing both, reading and writing, in two separate calls For ordering operations, the front end sends a timestamp prev with each request to denote its latest state A new timestamp new is passed back in a read operation to mark the data state the client has seen last 25

26 Timestamps Lehrstuhl für Informatik 4 Each front end keeps a vector timestamp that reflects the latest data value seen by the front end (prev) Clients can communicate with each other. This can lead to causal relationships between client operations which has to be considered in the replicated system. Thus, communication is made via the front ends including an exchange of vector timestamps allowing the front ends to consider causal ordering in their timestamps RM FE Service RM Gossip Vector timestamps RM FE C C 26

27 Gossip Processing of Queries and Updates Phases in performing a client request: 1. Request Front ends normally use the same replica manager for all operations Front ends may be blocked on queries 2. Update response - The replica manager replies as soon as it has received the update 3. Coordination - The replica manager receiving a request waits to process it until the ordering constraints apply. This may involve receiving updates from other replica managers in gossip messages 4. Execution - The replica manager executes the request 5. Query response - If the request is a query the replica manager now replies 6. Agreement - Replica managers update one another by exchanging gossip messages with the most recent received updates. This has not to be done for each update separately 27

28 Gossip Replica Manager Gossip messages Other replica managers Replica timestamp Replica log Replica manager Timestamp table Replica timestamp Update log Stable updates Value timestamp Value Executed operation table FE Updates FE OperationID Update Prev 28

29 Replica Manager State Main state components of a replica manager: Value: reflects the application state as maintained by the replica manager (each manager is a state machine). It begins with a defined initial value and is applied update operations to Value timestamp: the vector timestamp that reflects the updates applied to get the saved value Executed operation table: prevents an operation from being applied twice, e.g. if received from other replica managers as well as the front end Timestamp table: contains a vector timestamp for each other replica manager, extracted from gossip messages. Update log: all update operations are recorded immediately when they are received. An operation is held back until ordering allows it to be applied Replica timestamp: a vector timestamp indicating updates accepted by the manager, i.e. placed in the log (different from value s timestamp if some updates are not yet stable). 29

30 Query & Update Operations A query includes a timestamp. The operation is marked as pending until the manager's timestamp is larger then the operation's timestamp. Update operations are processed in causal order. A front end can send an update operation containing timestamp and identifier id to one or several replica managers When replica manager i receives an update request, it checks whether it is new, by looking for the id in its executed ops table and its log If it is new, the replica manager - increments by 1 the ith element of its replica timestamp, - assigns the result as new timestamp ts to the update, and - stores the update in its log. The replica manager returns ts to the front end, which merges it with its vector timestamp (Note: by sending a request to several managers the front end gets back several timestamps which have to be merged) Depending on the timestamp for an operation, it can be delayed till gossip messages from other replica managers arrive. When the timestamp allows, the replica manager applies the operation and makes an entry in the executed operation table 30

31 Gossip Messages The timestamp table contains a vector timestamp for each other replica, collected from gossip messages A replica manager uses entries in this timestamp table to estimate which updates another manager has not yet received. These information are sent in a gossip message A gossip message m contains the log m.log and the replica timestamp m.ts A manager receiving gossip message m has the following main tasks: Merge the arriving log with its own Apply in causal order updates that are new and have become stable Remove redundant entries from the log and executed operation table when it is known that they have been applied by all replica managers Merge its replica timestamp with m.ts, so that it corresponds to the additions in the log 31

32 Update Propagation The given architecture does not specify when to exchange gossip messages. To design a robust system in which each update is propagated in reasonable time, an exchange strategy is needed. The time which is required for all replica managers to receive a given update depends upon three factors: 1. The frequency and duration of network partitions This is beyond the system s control 2. The frequency with which replica managers send gossip messages This may be tuned to the application 3. The policy for choosing a partner with which to exchange gossip messages Random policies choose a partner randomly but with weighted probabilities so as to favour some partners over others Deterministic policies give fixed communication partners Topological policies arrange the replica managers into a fixed graph (mesh, circle, tree, ) and messages are passed to the neighbours Other strategies: consider transmission latencies, fault probabilities, 32

33 Properties of the Gossip Architecture The gossip architecture is designed to provide a highly available service + Clients with access to a single replica manager can work even when other managers are inaccessible - But this is not suitable for data such as bank accounts - It is inappropriate for updating replicas in real time Scalability - As the number of replica managers grows, so does the number of gossip messages -For R managers collecting G updates in a gossip message, the number of messages per request is 2 + (R-1)/G Variation: increase G and improve the number of gossip messages, but make latency worse For applications where queries are more frequent than updates, use some read-only replicas placed near the client, which are updated only by gossip messages 33

34 Operational Transformation Approach The so-called Bayou system provides data replication for high availability with weaker guarantees than sequential consistency Bayou replica managers cope with variable connectivity by exchanging updates in pairs (like in gossip architecture), but it adopts a markedly different approach in that it enables domain specific conflict detection and resolution to take place All updates are applied and recorded at whatever replica manager they reach Replica manager detect and resolve conflicts when exchanging information by using domain-specific policies. The effect of undo or alter conflicting operations to resolve them is called operational transformation Bayou update is a special case of a transaction. It is carried out with the ACID guarantees. Bayou may undo and redo updates to the database as execution proceeds The Bayou guarantee is that, eventually, every replica manager receives the same set of updates and applies those updates in such a way that the replica managers' databases are identical In practice, there may be a continuous stream of updates, and the databases may never become identical; but they would become identical if the updates ceased 34

35 Committed and Tentative Updates Updates are marked as tentative when they are first applied to the database. While they are in this state, they can be undone and re-applied if necessary Tentative updates are eventually placed in a canonical order and marked as committed The committed order can be achieved by designating some replica manager as the primary replica manger deciding an order by receiving date A tentative update t i becomes the next committed update and is inserted after the last committed update c N : Committed Tentative c 0 c 1 c 2 c N t 0 t 1 t 2 t i t i+1 All updates t 0 to t i-1 are to be reapplied after it 35

36 Dependency Checks and Merge Procedures Every Bayou update contains a dependency check and merge procedure in addition to the operation's specification because of the possibility that an update may conflict with other operation that has already been applied: A replica manager calls the dependency check procedure before applying the operation It would check whether a conflict would occur if the update was applied and it may examine any part of of the database to do that If the dependency check indicates a conflict, then Bayou invokes the operation's merge procedure That procedure alerts the operation that will be applied so that it achieves something similar to the intended effect but avoids a conflict The merge procedure may fail to find a suitable alteration of the operation, in which case the system indicates an error The effect of a merge procedure is deterministic. However Bayou replica mangers are state machines 36

37 Problem with Bayou Bayou is different from other approaches because it makes replication non-transparent to the application Increased complexity for the application programmer: provide dependency checks and merge procedures Increased complexity for the user: getting tentative data and alteration of user-specified operations The operational transformation approach used by Bayou appears in systems for computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) This approach is limited in practice to situations where only few conflicts arise, users can deal with tentative data and where data semantics are simple 37

38 Transactions with Replicated Data Till now: consideration of only single operations on a set of replicas. But: objects in transactional systems can be replicated to enhance availability and performance. How to deal with atomic sequences of operations? The effect of transactions on replicated objects should be the same as if they had been performed one at a time on a single set of objects This property is called one-copy serializability Each replica manager provides concurrency control and recovery of its own objects Assumption for presented methods: two-phase locking is used Replication makes recovery more complicated when a replica manager recovers, it restores its objects with information from other managers 38

39 Architectures for Replicated Transactions Assumption: a front end sends requests to one of a group of replica managers In the primary copy approach, all front ends communicate with the primary replica manager which propagates updates to backups In other schemes, front ends may communicate with any replica manager and coordination between them has to take place. The manager receiving a request is responsible for the cooperation process (Note: rules as to how many managers are involved vary with the replication scheme) Question: propagate requests immediately or at the end of a transaction? In the primary copy scheme, we can wait until end of transaction (concurrency control is applied at the primary) If transactions access the same objects at different managers, requests need to be propagated so that concurrency control can be applied Two-phase commit protocol Becomes a two-level nested 2PC. If a coordinator or worker is a replica manager it will communicate with other managers that it passed requests to during the transaction 39

40 Read One/Write All (ROWA) Used for transactions One replica manager is required for a read request, all replica managers for a write request Every write operation must be performed at all managers, each of which applies a write lock Each read operation is performed by a single manager, which sets a read lock Consider pairs of operations by different transactions on the same object: Any pair of write operations will require conflicting locks at all of the managers A read operation and a write operation will require conflicting locks at a single manager Client + front end getbalance(a) T Client + front end deposit(b,3) U Replica managers B Replica managers A A A B B B 40

41 Available Copies Replication The simple read one/write all scheme is not realistic: It cannot be carried out if some of the replica managers are unavailable either because the have crashed or because of a communication failure The available copies replication scheme is designed to allow some managers to be temporarily unavailable A read request can be performed at any available replica manager Write requests are performed by the receiving manager and all other available managers in the group As long as the set of available managers does not change, local concurrency control achieves one-copy serializability in the same way as read one/write all Problems with this occur if a manager fails/recovers during the progress of conflicting transactions 41

42 Read One/Write All Available (ROWA-A) T s getbalance is performed by X whereas Ts deposit is performed by M, N and P At X, T has read A and has locked it. Therefore U s deposit is delayed until T finishes Local concurrency control achieves one-copy serializability provided the set of replica managers does not change. but we have managers failing and recovering Client + front end T U Client + front end getbalance(a) deposit(b,3); getbalance(b) deposit(a,3); B Replica managers Replica managers M X A delay Y A P B N B 42

43 Replica Manager Failure A replica manager can fail by crashing and is replaced by a new process, which restores the state from a recovery file Front ends use timeouts to detect a manager failure. In case of a timeout, another manager is tried If a replica manager is doing recovery, it is currently not up to date and rejects requests (and the front end tries another replica manager) For one-copy serializability, failures and recoveries have to be serialised with respect to transactions A transaction observes when a failure occurs One-copy serializability is not achieved if different transactions make conflicting failure observations In addition to local concurrency control, some global concurrency control is required to prevent inconsistent results between a read in one transaction and a write in another transaction 43

44 Replica Manager Failure: read/write Conflict Replica manager X fails just after T has performed getbalance Replica manager N fails just after U has performed getbalance. Both managers fail before T and U have performed their deposit operations Therefore T s deposit will be performed at replica managers M and P (all available) U s deposit will be performed at manager Y (all available). Concurrency control at X does not prevent U from updating A at Y Concurrency control at M does not prevent T from updating B at M and P Client + front end T U Client + front end getbalance(a) deposit(b,3); B getbalance(b) deposit(a,3); Replica managers Replica managers M X A A Y P B N B 44

45 Additional Concurrency Control: Local Validation Goal: ensure that in a transaction's progress no failure or recovery occurs Before a transaction commits, it checks for failures and recoveries of the replica managers it has contacted T would check if N is still unavailable and that X, M and P are still available If this is the case, T can commit - This implies that X failed after T validated and before U validated - We have N fails T commits X fails U validates U checks if N is still available (no) and X still unavailable Therefore U must abort In case of a failure or recovery: When a transaction has observed a failure, its local validation communicates with the failed manager to ensure that it has not yet recovered The check if replica managers have failed since starting a transaction, can be combined with the 2PC protocol 45

46 Network partitions Part of the network fails creating sub-groups, which cannot communicate with one another Replication schemes assume partitions will be repaired Operations done during a partition must not cause inconsistency Optimistic schemes (e.g available copies with validation) allow all operations and resolve inconsistencies when a partition is repaired Pessimistic schemes (e.g. quorum consensus) prevent inconsistency e.g. by limiting availability in all but one sub-group Client + front end withdraw(b, 4) T Network partition Client + front end deposit(b,3) U B Replica managers B B B 46

47 Available Copies with Validation Optimistic approach The algorithm is applied within each partition Maintains the normal level of availability for read operations, even during partitions When a partition is repaired, the possibly conflicting transactions that took place in the separate partitions are validated: If the validation fails then some steps must be taken to overcome the inconsistencies If there had been no partition, one of a pair of transactions with conflicting operations would have been delayed or aborted As there has been a partition, pairs of conflicting transactions have been allowed to commit in different partitions then the only choice after the event is to abort one of them, this requires making changes in the objects and in some cases, compensating effects in the real world The optimistic approach is only feasible with applications where such compensating actions can be taken 47

48 Quorum Consensus Methods To prevent transactions in different partitions from producing inconsistent results, make a rule that operations can be performed in only one of the partitions Replica managers in different partitions cannot communicate, thus each subgroup decides independently whether they can perform operations A quorum is a sub-group of replica managers whose size gives it the right to perform operations. The right could be given by having the majority of the replica managers in the partition In quorum consensus schemes, update operations may be performed by a subset of the replica managers forming a quorum The other replica managers have out-of-date copies Version numbers or timestamps can be used to determine which copies are up-to-date Operations are applied only to copies with the current version number 48

49 Gifford s Quorum Consensus Assign a number of votes to each data copy at a replica manager A vote is a weighting giving the desirability of using a particular copy Thus, groups of replica managers can be configured to consider different performance or reliability characteristics each read operation must obtain a read quorum of R votes before it can read from any up-to-date copy Each write operation must obtain a write quorum of W votes before it can do an update operation R and W are set for a group of replica managers such that : W > half the total votes R + W > total number of votes for the group In case of a partition it is not possible to perform conflicting operations on the same data file in different partitions Performance and reliability of write resp. read operations are increased with decreasing W resp. R Main disadvantage: performance of read operations is degraded 49

50 Quora Three examples of the voting algorithm: a) A correct choice of read and write set b) A choice that may lead to write-write conflicts c) A correct choice, coming to ROWA (read one, write all) 50

51 Gifford s Quorum Consensus Before a read operation, a read quorum is collected: Make enquiries at replica managers to find a set of copies, the sum of whose votes is not less than R (not all of these copies need be up to date) As each read quorum overlaps with every write quorum, every read quorum is certain to include at least one current copy The read operation may be applied to any up-to-date copy Before a write operation, a write quorum is collected Make enquiries at replica managers to find a set with up-to-date copies, the sum of whose votes is not less than W If there are insufficient up-to-date copies, then an out-of-date file is replaced with a current one, to enable the quorum to be established The write operation is then applied by each replica manager in the write quorum, the version number is incremented, and completion is reported to the client The files at the remaining available managers are then updated in the background Two-phase read/write locking is used for concurrency control 51

52 Gifford s Quorum Consensus Examples Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Latency Replica (milliseconds) Replica Replica Voting Replica configuration Replica Replica Quorum R sizes W Derived performance latency blocking probability - probability that a quorum cannot be obtained, assuming probability of 0.01 that any single replica manager is unavailable Derived performance of file suite: Read Latency Blocking probability Write Latency Blocking probability

53 Gifford s Quorum Consensus Examples Example 1 Is configured for a file with high read to write ratio with several weak representatives and a single replica manager Replication is used for performance, not reliability The replica manager can be accessed in 75 ms and the two clients can access their weak representatives on local discs in 65 ms, resulting in lower latency and less network traffic Example 2 Is configured for a file with a moderate read to write ratio which is accessed mainly from one local network. Local replica manager has 2 votes and remote managers 1 vote each reads can be done at the local replica manager, but writes must access one local and one remote manager. If the local manager fails only reads are allowed Example 3 Is configured for a file with a very high read to write ratio reads can be done at any replica manager and the probability of the file being unavailable is small. But writes must access all managers 53

54 Conclusion Lehrstuhl für Informatik 4 Replication is used for performance gain fault tolerance high availability Several consistency models for different applications Several architectures for realizing those models Problem all the time: replication gives new coordination overhead That means: synchronization, voting, transactions, are basic mechanisms for coordination of distributed applications, replication has the purpose to increase the quality of services offered by these applications 54

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