Square boxes : below, bow knot ; right, wheel ; above, lightning (lids : pp ; base : pp ).

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2 Left, tsuzura (lid : pp ; base : pp Right, variation, a smaller tsuzura. Basically units are folded almost in the same way as the larger one, except that you begin with a diagonal instead of a line that divides side lines in half.

3 Square boxes : below, bow knot ; right, wheel ; above, lightning (lids : pp ; base : pp ). 2

4 Lids of square boxes : with pinwheels on both sides (pp ). The base below right has the same pattern as В on P

5 Above, lid of a square box : 'lozenge' (pp ). Below, bases of a square box : left to right, A ; С ; combination of A and С (pp ).

6 Center, lid of a square box : 'fancy pinwheel' (pp ). The other four lids are variations and are folded differently from on p. 36.

7 Above left, lid of an octagon box : 'little flow er Cpp.44-46) made of chiyogami (colorful paper). Right, base (pp ). The box contains four folded inserts that fit nicely. Below, lid of an octagon box : double stars (pp ). 6

8 Triangle boxes (pp

9 Above left, lid of a hexagon box : 'six-petal plnwheel (pp. 62~ 65 ; base : pp. 68~71). By devising different ways of folding, you can make a seven- or eight-sided box. Below, lid of a hexagon box : flower and star (pp. 66~67). 8

10 Contents Preface 11 Signs used in the illu stra tio n s 11 Lid of tsuzura (wicker clothes-box) 12 Base of tsuzura 16 Square boxes: first series 19 Lids of square boxes 24 Variation : lozenge 27 Square boxes: second series 30 Lids of square boxes with pinwheels on both sides 34 Lid of a square box: fancy pinwheel 41 Lid of an octagon box: little flower 44 Lid of an octagon box: double stars 47 Base of an octagon box 50 Triangle box: medium size 55 Triangle box : large size 58 Triangle box: small size 60 Lid of a hexagon box with six-petal pinwheel 62 Lid of a hexagon box: flower and star 66 Base of a hexagon box 68 Postscript 73

11 Lid of tsuzura (wicker clothes-box) 1983 By folding according to A, you can produce this pattern on the lid. В is plain. Both are made of two pieces of paper. (F o r the base of the box that matches these lids, see pp ) Ф M ark a fo ld in g line on the upper layer only. В 12

12 13

13 @ > J / \ / \ Л a Fold up to the О mark, m atching marks. Fold the upper layer only. Make the rig h t side stand upright. P leat along the lines already marked. Finished unit. Fold along the center line. 14

14 By changing the folding a little as illustrated, you can make a lid with a raised point like the above photo. See if you can make it. Join as in the dra w ing. finished. Push in till the bottom form s a square. 15

15 Base of tsuzura C 1983 I am very fond of this crisp little box. Its folds look so simple, but try separating the units fo r a friend and ask them to reassemble the base of the box. It s quite a brain teaser! 16

16 То join the units, see the next page. 17

17 Finished unit. Jo in as in th e d ra w in g. The units with th e ir loose flaps may be a little difficult to join. See if you can do it by carefully follow ing the illustrations. Side p a ttern, inside. 18

18 Square boxes : first series 1986 Left to right : 'lightning' (p. 23), bow knot' (p. 22), wheel (p. 21). By just joining the same units differently you will find that new patterns appear like magic. Here are two such patterns, and a third, a combination of the first two. Both folding and joining are very simple. We use four units. Let us first fold the units as follows. CD Continued on the next page. 19

19 Fold up to the о mark. 3) sides stand u pright. F inished unit. 20

20 How to join the w heel units. Pocket Make sure which is the pocket, and which the tab. Fix the end by fo ld in g it inside. i Note) It is easier to join the four units first and then fold and fix the ends. Y O utside pattern, r f w heel. Inside pattern 21

21 How to join the bow knot units. Pocket The u n it on p. 20. Pocket Reverse the tab and pocket of w heel on p. 21. V Fix the end by fo ld in g it inside. O utside pattern, 'bow knot. Inside p attern. 22

22 How to join the lightning units. Unlike the wheel and bow knot, the units that make the 'lig h tn in g pattern are joined by using both ends of two units as tabs, and both ends of remaining two units as pockets. Note Fix the ends like the 'wheel' See p. 21). Outside pattern, lightning'. 23

23 Lids of square boxes 1986 Now let us make lids fo r the boxes we have made. As with the boxes, two different lid patterns can be made from the same units, and their combination makes a third pattern. The outside patterns of the lids match those of the boxes. The joining of the third pattern is not illustrated, but it is the same as the joining of the lightning-patterned box on p

24 Finished units. For joining, see the next page. H> Fold, m aking the sides stand u p rig h t as above. Mark a folding line on the upper layer only. ^ 25

25 Joining the wheel. Patterns. Inside. O utside.

26 Lid of a square box. Variation : lozenge 1986 At a certain point ((D), change the folding on page 25 slightly and you will have a lid with a d ifferent pattern. Turn over. (!) M ark a fo ld in g line on the upper layer only. Continued on the next page. Ф... 27

27 90 Z. Match marks. Fold the m arked line to the w rong side, up to the О mark, m atching m arks in. Fold only the inner layers. Finished unit. Join as in the drawing. P atterns. 28

28 'Bow knot' (p. 26). 'Lightning'- 'Wheel' (p. 26). 'Lozenge' (p. 28). 29

29 Square boxes : second series 1988 Fold as illustrated. You can make three different patterns, A, В and C. It is all very simple, and such fun! (D (2) 1 30

30 в с Continued on the next page. = 31

31 Finished unit. Join the fo u r units into a circle. 32

32 Left to right : С. B. В Inside pattern.

33 Lids of square boxes with pinwheels on both sides Left to right : combination of A and В. B, A. These lids have pinwheel patterns inside and outside. The joined A- and B- types are illustrated here, but you can join the units so that you have different patterns inside and out. You can also finish the main pattern in d ifferent ways. Experim ent! 34

34 зь

35 36

36 O rd in a ry b oxes have no d e s ig n s on th e b o tto m o r in s id e th e ir lid s, b u t w ith u n it o rig a m i yo u can m ake b o xe s w ith th e s e w o n d e rfu l p a tte rn s on in n e r s u rfa c e s. T h e p le a s u re on fir s t s e e in g th e s e c h a rm in g little b oxes in c re a s e s w hen you lo o k in s id e! T h is d e lig h t in fin d in g u n e x p e c te d p a tte rn s is th e re s u lt o f u n it o rig a m i. To join the units, see the next page =>> Finished unit. / т Г 37

37 38

38 [J o in in g : inside J The units can be assem bled w ith tin y tip s like these on the outside. / Inside pattern. Finish the inside center as outside Outside pattern. ( Í 4 l Tuck the end in the fold made in I П.) 39

39 J o in in g tw o -s id e d p in w h e e l B. [J o in in g o u ts id e.] [J o in in g in sid e.j O u ts id e p a tte rn. In sid e p a tte rn.

40 Lid of a square box : fancy pinwheel С 988 To make this lid, you fold and join in almost the same way as has already been done (pp ), but the result is something unique. For best effect, use paper with one side colored differently than the other. From 5$ on p. 36. Continued on the next page. =>>

41 I F inished unit.

42 Join as in the drawing. To finish the central pattern, see p

43 Lid of an octagon box : little flower 1983 (To fold the base, refer to p. 50.) Now let us make an octagon lid, using four units. When the lid is white back of the paper appears in the center like a little flower, box s name. joined, the hence the 44


45 Finished unit. Join as in the drawing. F ix the end by fo ld in g it inside. Join the other tw o units in the same way. 46

46 Lid of an octagon box : double stars 1983 Fold the little flow er units inside out, and you will see the birth of twin stars, one colored, the other white. You can create such a change by just reversing the folding. Such is the fascination of origami! The little flower had the twin stars hidden in it. the next page. =& 47

47 Fold the upper layer only, placing a Open. Pull out the inner flap. 48

48 Join the o th er two units in the same way. > end by it inside. Jo in as in th e d ra w in g. 49

49 Base of an octagon box 1988 The base of this box is rather complicated both to fold and to join. You fold and unfold at many places. Proceed slowly and with patience, carefully following the illustrations. (D Open. Fold the le ft side to th e mark. 50

50 @ A narrow opening. =t> Continued on the next page. Fold along the line m arked Fold the le ft side to line a. Fold along the line m arked in (D. 51

51 Fold the le ft side along line a and then unfold. -\ V Pleat, placing a along line b. line p a ra lle l to the side. Pull open 52

52 Continued on the next page. Open. Pleat. Finished unit.

53 A [Finish : inside.] Good as it is. Fix the ends, bending them inside. Inside pattern of A. 54

54 Triangle box : medium size 1983 We seldom come across a triangle box, but with units of folded paper we can make wonderful ones. Let us make three such boxes of different sizes and use larger ones as lids. Continued on the next page. => Ф 55

55 Match the bottom le ft co rn e r to the top line. M ark the fo ld in g line and unfold to. the dotted lines. U nit o f the m edium box finished. (X3) 56

56 Large Medium Small Midget { I s T h e s e illu s tra tio n s show a t a g la n c e how tria n g le b oxes o f d iffe re n t s iz e s a re fo ld e d. B y c h a n g in g fo ld in g lin e s yo u can ch a n g e th e d e p th o f th e box, and th u s m ake b oxes o f fo u r d iffe re n t size s, la rg e, m e d iu m, s m a ll and m id g e t, a ll o f w h ich ca n be n e a tly p la c e d one in s id e a n o th e r. T h is is done w ith o u t c u ttin g th e p a p e r, and th e fo ld in g in v o lv e s no such a m b ig u ity as s lid in g a fo ld in g lin e ju s t a little. T ria n g le b oxes m ade fro m s q u a re p ie ce s o f p a p e r, b oxes th a t can be c o n ta in e d one in s id e a n o th e r, such a re th e w o n d e rs o f o rig a m i! F o ld in g o f M id g e t is n o t show n h e re. T he m e th o d is s im ila r to th e sm a ll box. You can m ake it w ith o u t d iffic u lty. Join as in th e d ra w in g.

57 Triangle box : large size 1983 <z> M atch the bottom rig h t c o rn e r to the center line. (D Fold along line a in. s ' V t J 58

58 Unit of large-sized box finished. L ift. the middle-sized box. (See p. 57.) Fold 1 in and tuck inside. Fold, m atching the divided bottom lines, then unfold. Divide the angle in half. Fold, m atching the dotted lines. M ark the fo ld in g line, then unfold to w ith b folded as in ( ). 59

59 Triangle box:small size 1983 Ф M atch the bottom rig h t corn e r to the center line. T urn upside down. 60

60 Unit of sm all box finished. Open. Join the units like the m iddle-sized box. (See p. 57.) Fold, m atching the divided bottom lines and unfold. Tuck inside. Open. M ark the fo ld in g line and unfold to. Fold, m atching the dotted lines. 61

61 Lid of a hexagon box with six-petal pinwheel <=,» Now let us make a hexagon box. When the units are assembled, the white back of the paper appears in a clear-cut flower pattern. 62

62 M atch the marks. C ontinued on the next page. Pull out the bottom piece w ithout folding. 63

63 half. Fold the upper layer only. Position reversed. Unfold. Return Fold along the line m arked and unfold.

64 Inside pattern. Pocket O utside pattern. Join the six units as illu stra te d. (N ote) It is better to fold and fix the ends after all six units are joined. Fix the by fo ld in g it inside. Pocket

65 Lid of a hexagon box : flower and star 1988 Change the folding of the units of the six-petal pinwheel box so that the inside pattern of the box appears outside. From on page 64. Return Tuck inside. к У Turn upside down. Fold 1 and then open. 66

66 Inside pattern. ( Note) Like the six-petal pinwheel, it is better to join first and then fold the ends. Jo in th e u n its as in th e d ra w in g. Finished unit. 67

67 Base of a hexagon box C 1988 Now we are going to make the bases fo r the two lids just made. In order to match the bases with the lids, the length of its six sides must be made shorter. The paper is folded up to on the next page with this in mind. It is delicate work, so go slowly and patiently. 68

68 69

69 70

70 Inside pattern. Fix the end by fo ld in g it inside Pocket O utside pattern. Jo in as in th e d ra w in g. Fold along the line m arked in and open. X 6 ) Finished unit. 71

71 H e re is how to fo ld th e base o f a hexa go n box n e a tly w ith less tim e and tro u b le. th is folding line. W hen fo ld in g th e base o f a h e xa gon box, fo ld ju s t one s h e e t up to on page 69, use it as th e o rig in a l p a tte rn, p la c in g o th e r s h e e ts on it, and fo ld th e m a c c o rd in g to th e p a tte rn b e n e a th. T h is save s tro u b le. M o re o v e r you do a n e a t jo b w ith o u t fo ld in g u n n e c e s s a ry lines. 72

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