Instruktioner. MALL med vägledning för programbeskrivning för strategiska innovationsområden, SIP.

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1 Instruktioner MALL med vägledning för programbeskrivning för strategiska innovationsområden, SIP. Alla rubrikerna som finns i denna mall ska användas, Fler rubriker får läggas till. Det totala antalet sidor i programbeskrivningen ska vara maximalt 30 A4-sidor med 12 punkters text. Texterna som är skrivna i kursivt ska ses som vägledning och ska raderas innan du skickar in ditt dokument. Ansökan kommer att bedömas av internationella experter därför ska programbeskrivningen skrivas på engelska.

2 Title SIP-programme description Content 1 The strategic innovation area Definition of the strategic innovation area The innovation area in facts and figures International position and competition Global challenges or developments that affect the innovation area Most important needs to fulfill within the strategic innovation area The strategic innovation programme (SIP) Vision and Goals of the strategic innovation programme Expected results and effects Renewal of the innovation area by the SIO-programme Actors Coordination of the SIP-programme Organization and leadership Project plan for the coordination of the SIP-programme Budget for coordination of the SIP-programme Budget for startup phase Budget for operating the SIP-program Actions and activities in the SIP programme Existing actions and activities to be used within the SIP-programme Describe in detail each action/activity financed by the programme Action/activity 1: [Strategic research and innovation project Efficient energy utilization through systems integration] Action/activity 2: [Strategic research and innovation project - Leadership] Action/activity 3: [Strategic research and innovation project Business models] Action/activity 4: [Strategic research and innovation project Energy efficiency indicators] Action/activity 5: [Education] Action/activity 6: [Collaboration platform] Action/activity 7: [Industry related projects] Action/activity 8: [Test beds and demonstrators] Budget for actions and activities Weaknesses and threats for the SIP-programme Högerklicka i innehållsförteckningen för att uppdatera innehåll och sidnumrering.

3 1 The strategic innovation area Strategic energy work is central to industrial competitiveness and for a sustainable society. Efficient energy usage and resource efficiency is increasing in importance in creating a sustainable society. Swedish industry accounted in 2011 for 38% of total energy consumption in the country, and also accounted for about 30% of greenhouse emissions. There are several signs that indicate that the choice of energy sources, reduced energy costs and specific energy consumption will become increasingly important factors in increasing the competitiveness of the industry. There is also still a significant potential for conversion to renewable energy and energy efficiency in the majority of the Swedish manufacturing companies. Investments in research and innovation in energy efficiency will be a critical factor for Swedish industry's long-term survival and to reach national and European targets. Research and innovation in this area will have a significant impact on corporate environmental performance and international competitiveness. Sweden has been innovative in integrating industry with society to make energy use more efficient, but new ways of thinking need to be promoted in order to continue creating innovative solutions. This programme will take a wide approach and collaborate with adjacent strategic innovation programmes promoting efficient energy use in and between manufacturing companies, society and other stakeholders. 1.1 Definition of the strategic innovation area Beskriv innovationsområdet och dess avgränsningar The strategic innovation area for efficient energy utilisation in manufacturing industry takes a holistic view on the Swedish energy system. Swedish manufacturing industry is defined as in the Swedish statistics 1 with industry code Among others this includes sectors as food, chemicals, paper, mining, minerals, steel, automotive, textile and wood. The objective is to lead the way towards sustainable energy usage in Sweden and globally by increasing the competitiveness of the Swedish industry through multidisciplinary collaboration for efficient energy use. Figure 1 describes the innovation area as it is defined in the strategic innovation agenda Efficient energy utilisation 2. The strategic innovation programme highlights the need for collaboration in interdisciplinary topics in order to develop new solutions and to encourage interaction between the manufacturing sectors, adjacent sectors and society. Four Core Areas have been defined which are interdependent. Technology Production Leadership Economy Policy instruments, climate change, urbanisation, natural resources, economy and consumer behaviour are factors that will influence the industrial energy systems and the /09/ Effektiv energianvändning Forsknings- och innovationsagenda för effektiv energianvändning

4 energy system as a whole. One of the biggest challenges for the industry is to be flexible in managing ongoing and future changes in a competitive and sustainable way. A major part of energy efficiency activities are handled inside the specific company or along the production line. Often an energy efficiency improvement is limited to a technical solution. The system perspective is in many cases missing. A big challenge within this programme will be to overcome company and sectorial boundaries where holistic systematic views of efficient energy use are superior to the limited view of a single product or company. Public intervention is needed to start and boost the innovation and awareness of benefits to overlap systems. It will also be important to collaborate with adjacent strategic innovation programmes to reach these goals. The Core Areas can be used to describe interrelated challenges. Figure 1: Definition of the Strategic innovation programme Leadership: The need for leadership is different in large and SME companies. It will require various forms of training and support on energy issues at the executive level. Challenges for leadership can be treated in several areas where investments in research and innovation are needed. Industrial organisations and the public sector can also exercise leadership in energy matters with business and consumers. Technology: The availability of new energy efficient technologies is high today, but the implementation has been limited so far. New technology is in many cases an economical issue where return on investment often will be the limiting factor. In order to capture the systemic issues and avoid sub-optimisation, it is important to apply an extended product approach and focus on how requirements for various products can be integrated. Ecodesign and Life cycle assessment (LCA) can be useful in these kinds of analyses. It is important to increase the innovative activity to continue to be competitive and research in this area is of great importance. Support in research and demonstration is needed to minimize the financial and technical risks associated with implementing new technologies. A special challenge is to develop technologies supporting integration between industrial sectors. Production: The automobile industry has developed efficient production systems with lean production where minimising losses, avoiding sub-optimisation and continuous improvement have been on the agenda for several years. Some energy intensive companies can deliver excess energy which can be used by the public sector and SMEs in an efficient

5 way. Combining ideas and methods from several sectors through the collaboration platform will give potential to further improve production systems. Economy: For the manufacturing company efficient energy use is in most cases a matter of financial benefits. When new value-chains are added and sectors are integrated, new circular business models need to be developed to be able to see actual benefits of new technologies, processes or changed working behaviour. Economical evaluations of how policy instruments can help the industry to prioritise investments are needed. It is important that policy instruments are clear and take effects on conflicting environmental goals into consideration. Energy efficiency policies should strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish industry. Tools and strategic projects The needs are different across industries and companies. However, for all of them these four Core Areas interact with each other within and between industries and the public sector. There are no clear boundaries between each Core Area, making it important to identify and highlight the similarities and connections between them. Associated Tools and strategic research areas will be important to connect the Core Areas with each other. Five Tools have been identified to facilitate interaction between Core Areas and industry sectors: Collaboration platform Strategic Research & Innovation Industry related projects Test beds Education and professional development The collaboration platform and Strategic research and innovation projects will be important tools for starting up the programme and creating multidisciplinary working groups and projects. For the first part of the programme strategic research areas will be divided into: Efficient energy utilization through systems integration Leadership Business models Energy efficiency indicators 1.2 The innovation area in facts and figures Beskriv med fakta och siffror områdets nuvarande samhällsrelevans såsom betydelse för svensk ekonomi och sysselsättning. Ange de svenska företag och offentliga aktörer som bidrar till att göra området till ett styrkeområde för Sverige. Inkludera ledande svenska forskargrupper. Ange områdets tillgångar såsom infrastruktur, strukturer i offentlig verksamhet, forskningsinfrastruktur, demonstrationsanläggningar, testbäddar etc. Finns det intellektuella tillgångar av stor betydelse? Beskriv vilka existerande former för finansiering av forskning som finns tillgängliga för svenska aktörer inom området, samt uppskatta storleken på existerande forskningsfinansiering. Detta kan till exempel illustreras med hjälp av ett bolldiagram, se OH-presentationen från informationsdagen. The Swedish manufacturing industry has a wide portfolio of products and services. The energy focus varies depending on products, costs, technology standard and management.

6 Large energy intensive companies have continuously been working with increasing the energy efficiency for a long time, using different management and energy strategies. As a whole the Swedish energy intensity in industry has been decreasing for several years: Swedish industry had during the last decades an annual energy use of approximately150 TWh During the same period the Swedish GDP increased Swedish industry has decreased specific energy use with 2% per year during the period (Figure 2) Figure 2: Energy intensity [TWh per year/gdp] By 2050, Sweden s vision is to have a sustainable and resource-efficient energy supply and no net emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere; a challenging goal which implicates more efficient energy use, increased share of renewable energy and technology to capture and store carbon emissions. Several studies show that there is a substantial remaining potential for increased energy efficiency in the industry in Sweden and the EU. Potential for Swedish industry is estimated to 11.5 % until 2020 (17.6 TWh/y) (Thollander et al 2013) Until 2050 it would be possible to reach 50% more efficient energy use (IVA, 2014) Technology improvements in the industry could achieve 25% reduced energy use within EU (EC, 2006) To reach these numbers the use of legal instruments and ventures on leadership and technology were suggested. Further, in July 2014 the European Commission proposed an over-all target of 30% increased energy efficiency in the EU by (COM ). The strategic innovation programme for efficient energy utilisation will promote activities on leadership, economy, production and technology to limit the necessity to use legal instruments to its minimum and to reduce costs of the imminent transition. Therefore a programme for efficient energy utilisation within the manufacturing industry is of major importance to reach Swedish and European climate and energy goals as well as strengthening the competitiveness of Swedish industry. 1.3 International position and competition Beskriv innovationsområdets internationella konkurrenter i form av näringsliv och andra starka innovations- och forskningsaktörer. Redogör för vilka som är de viktigaste internationella forskargrupperna. Redogör för eventuella stora finansieringsinsatser som pågår internationellt. Energy efficiency is a growing policy priority for many countries around the world. It is widely recognised as the most cost-efficient and readily available mean to address numerous energy-related issues, including energy security, the social and economic impacts of high energy prices and concerns about climate changes. The reduction of energy intensity is of crucial importance for the European manufacturing industry in the global marketplace. In order to compare and to use efficient energy usage as competitive tool

7 comparable energy indicators needs be developed. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has through the publication Energy Efficiency Indicators: Essentials for Policy Making given tools for analysts and policy makers to prioritise the development of energy efficiency indicators, and to build meaningful indicators to support policy development and implementation. Green competitiveness has been evaluated by the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis. The study found that Sweden s overall performance is comparable to that of Ireland, Finland, Norway and France. In Europe, Sweden is outpaced by Denmark and Germany. In some sectors where Sweden currently has a high level of competitiveness, emerging economies such as China and Korea but also Japan, Finland and Norway, display a considerably higher level of green innovation activity. This may suggest that these countries could be well positioned in these sectors to compete with Sweden in a future green economy. The Swedish energy supply with large amounts of hydro, nuclear power and biobased resources has placed the country in a very good position compared to countries that rely more heavily on import of gas, coal and oil for their energy supply. It will be important for Sweden to continue improvements of innovative activities to strengthen the development of Swedish companies by developing and commercialising new technologies with low environmental impact. To realise this, the industry must initiate further research and innovation and build on previous experiences and research results. The service sector as consultants, contractors and other specialists is growing in importance. The programme will create conditions to broaden and intensify knowledge in energy related issues and the service sector will be important to bridge between research and industrial implementation. 1.4 Global challenges or developments that affect the innovation area Vilka globala utmaningar eller förändringar påverkar områdets potential? Vilka faktorer behöver området förhålla sig till? Beskriv risker, utmaningar och möjligheter. The globalisation of manufacturing industry and thereby the fragmentation of value chains in industrial production may lead to low energy efficiency and lower environmental performance. The global energy markets and their volatile characteristics make it difficult to plan industrial production for high efficiency. The volatility is in itself a threat to industrial competitivity. On the market for products there is also a long range trend towards combining the physical products with services or knowledge content in the products. Due to scarcity of certain materials there is also attend towards remanufacturing of existing products and reuse of materials. The challenges lie in the ability to grasp not only the entirety of the manufacturing processes and value chains but as much as possible the interactions between the industry and the surrounding energy and material flows and the society at large. Understanding these interactions is the starting point of working towards increased energy efficiency. Possibilities lie in taking control of the value chain, the possible cooperation with other industrial companies and other industrial branches, the investment processes for new technology, management strategies and business models.

8 1.5 Most important needs to fulfill within the strategic innovation area Beskriv de viktigaste utmaningarna för området och vilka åtgärder som krävs för att bemöta dem. Åtgärderna kan både vara finansierade genom det föreslagna programmet eller drivas av annan aktör eller andra program/projekt. Vad blockerar utvecklingen och vilka systemsvagheter hindrar aktörerna från att adressera utmaningarna för att nå målen utan statlig involvering och ytterligare statlig finansiering? Vilka mål/utmaningar kräver finansiering från SIP-programmet och vilka mål/utmaningar hanteras och finansieras på andra sätt? Sweden needs research and innovation in energy efficiency to meet industry challenges and to respond to the Swedish and European objectives and regulations. Efficient energy usage will be a critical factor for the manufacturing industry's long-term survival and to reach national and European targets. Research and innovation in this area will have a significant impact on corporate environmental performance and financial competitiveness. The strategic innovation program aims to meet the challenges of the Swedish manufacturing industry from an energy perspective concerning all industries. Unlike other programs that focus on the needs and challenge in specific industries this programme points out that the energy challenges are highly inter-sectorial and interdisciplinary. Efficient energy usage stretch along the the whole manufacturing industry, and there are several questions that each branch cannot handle on their own. There is an overall need to invest in research and innovation that looks at needs and challenges surrounding energy in industry, between industries and industry to society. There is also a need for increased learning how strategic energy management influence different parts of the manufacturing industry. Furthermore, there is a great need for knowledge about how energy is used in various forms of value chains involving different stakeholders and sectors. A value chain may take many different ways. The common denominator is that the chain consists of several steps in order to generate many different types of values - for example, the processing of a product or an exchange of services.

9 2 The strategic innovation programme (SIP) 2.1 Vision and Goals of the strategic innovation programme Vision and Goals of the strategic innovation programme Effektmål 1: Globala samhällsutmaningar Effektmål 2: Försörjning, välfärd, miljöoch energipolitiska mål* Effektmål 3: Hållbar tillväxt Effektmål 4: Stärkt konkurrenskraft Effektmål 5: Attraktivt land att investera i 2030 Swedish manufacturing industry is recognized as world leader in creating maximum value from energy supplied X X X X Swedish industry is regarded as a sustainable global role model in sustainable energy management X X X X Innovations in efficient energy and resource usage in manufacturing has strengthened Sweden's global competitiveness and has been vital to achieve national and European environmental goals Research and innovation in energy efficiency have contributed to improve the flexibility and adaptability of the Swedish industry Through long-term strategic investments in research and innovation in energy efficiency, Swedish industry have continued the trend of ever increasing productivity combined with more efficient energy usage X X X X Swedish industry creates innovative products that through its design and uses, contributes to energy efficiency. X X The program contributes to the national vision for 2050 with sustainable and efficient energy supply with zero net emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. X X X X

10 * Argumentera för hur programmet bidrar till utveckling av energisystemet, dvs. hur programmet bidrar till exempelvis minskad miljö- och klimatpåverkan, energieffektivisering och/eller ökad försörjningstrygghet. 2.2 Expected results and effects Vision and Goals of strategic innovation programme 2030 Swedish manufacturing industry is recognized as world leader in creating maximum value from energy supplied Swedish industry is regarded as a sustainable global role model in sustainable energy management Innovations in efficient energy and resource usage in manufacturing has strengthened Sweden's global competitiveness and has been vital to achieve national and European environmental goals Research and innovation in energy efficiency have contributed to improve the flexibility and adaptability of the Swedish industry Through long-term strategic investments in research and innovation in energy efficiency, Swedish industry have continued the trend of ever increasing productivity combined with more efficient energy usage Swedish industry creates innovative products that through its design and uses, contributes to energy efficiency. The program contributes to the national vision for 2050 with Results and effects of the programme Stronger focus on efficient energy usage referring to the entire value chain in production processes, industry to industry and industry to society. Increased knowledge and awareness of the value of energy efficiency that permeates leadership in the industry at all levels. New business models that supports efficient energy usage and connects leadership, economy, production and technology are developed and tested. Increased cooperation where industry, academia, public sector, service sector and other stakeholders meet to drive collaboration on innovative solutions to energy efficiency related challenges The energy use in Swedish manufacturing is integrated with community direct as well as in communication and innovation to form a sustainable society, socially as well as Actions and activities in the programme Efficient energy utilization through systems integration Industry related projects Leadership Business models Education Collaboration platform Energy monitoring Test beds and demonstrators

11 sustainable and efficient energy supply with zero net emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. environmentally.

12 2.3 Renewal of the innovation area by the SIO-programme Beskriv bidrag till förnyelse av området och hur ni kommer att arbeta för nå förnyelsen. Activities on research and development in the defined core areas has historically been separated, with no or limited connection between each. Technology development has been the main driver for energy efficiency while influences from other core areas have often been neglected or forgotten. Taking all core areas into account may lead to decreased financial risks, an increased rate of implemented ideas and solutions and increased energy utilisation. This innovation programme will contribute to take energy efficiency research and innovation to a new level. The major activities in the innovation program will be divided into a collaboration platform and four additional tools as defined in section 2.1. The collaboration platform will serve as reference group allocating activities to each tool. The holistic view and total system benefits will be secured through mandatory involvement of all core areas (leadership, technology, production and economy) in all programme activities. 3 Actors Beskriv vilka aktörer som idag står bakom SIP-programmet och hur de kommer att medverka, både inom programledning och inom planerade insatser. Motivera varför dessa aktörer är viktiga för att förankra programmet inom området, deras kompetens, förmåga att bidra till förnyelse och gränsöverskridande samverkan. Beskriv vilka aktörer som programmet riktar sig till och de som kommer att påverkas av insatser och aktiviteter. Motivera varför dessa aktörer är viktiga. Beskriv planen för att bredda aktörskonstellationen under programmets gång, vilka ytterligare aktörer och finansiärer bör involveras för att stärka programmet. Hur säkerställer man att alla relevanta aktörer har möjlighet att påverka programmet, ta del av finansering och bidra till programmets mål under genomförandet? Sammanfattande tabell enligt mall nedan läggs som bilaga.

13 Summary of Letters of Intent Organisation Type of organisation (private, academic, public, other) Contact person (Name title, or phone No) Approximate yearly R&D budget into the area Expected involvement in the program (money/ inkind/other) The organisation s expected outcome of their involvement in the program Tabellen kan skrivas i liggande format. Addera så många rader som behövs. 4 Coordination of the SIP-programme 4.1 Organization and leadership Beskriv vilken verksamhet som ligger inom ramen för programmets ledning. Beskriv organisationen av SIP-programmets ledning och de olika rollerna och ansvarsområdena inom programmet. Ange kontaktuppgifter. Under bedömningsprocessen ska personerna vara beredda att svara på frågor från myndigheterna om sitt deltagande. Beskriv hur SIP-programmet planerar att arbeta för att uppnå programmålen. Figure 3: Proposed program organization.

14 The program board consists of representatives from the Swedish manufacturing industry, academia, branch associations and research institutes. The program board is responsible for leading the program in the right direction together with the collaboration platform and the program office. The program board is also responsible to form and take decisions to project calls in the program. The collaboration platform is a forum where stakeholders are able to agree on prioritization of research, rig development projects, coordinate activities and disseminate knowledge. This platform will be an open forum for, agencies, universities, research institutes, industries, consultants and other stakeholders. The collaboration platform will act as a reference group for the program, create focus groups and give support to the program board and the program office. The program office is the administrative centre for the program and will act as support for the different parts in the program. The office is also responsible for the internal and external communication. The work flow in the program is described in the project flow chart below, Figure x. More description of the specific activities is found in chapter 5.2. Key people involved in the management and development of the SIP-programme Name Per Sommarin Johan Riesbeck Dr. Mats Söderström Dr. Roger Nordman Title Research Engineer Research Engineer Associate Professor Head of Group Industrial Energy Analysis Contact ( or phone) per.sommarin@swe johan.riesbeck@sw mats.soderström@l roger.nordman@sp. se Organiz ation Swerea Swerea LIU SP Role in the SIPprogramme Project manager Deputy project Manager Academic expertise Energy expertise Additional information Tabellen kan skrivas i liggande format. Addera så många rader som behövs Project plan for the coordination of the SIP-programme Beskriv i en projektplan de aktiviteter programmet har för avsikt att genomföra för att etablera SIP-programmet, under perioden Budget for coordination of the SIP-programme Budget for startup phase Beskriv plan och budget för uppstartsfasen. Alla program som startas kommer att initial beviljas medel för en uppstartsfas, där detaljerna kring programmets effektlogik, organisation och processer kommer att arbetas fram med stöd av myndigheterna. Uppstartsfasen bör vara fem månader och kan längst pågå till 31 december In the startup phase the basis for the program should be established according to the program description, including process and impact description. The program office will be organized as

15 well as the program board. The decision making processes will be established for the program and presented in the program description. The communication plan and the activities will also be established in the startup phase. The activities and budget for the startup phase are presented in the table below. Budget for Start-up phase SIO program MSEK Coordination and running SIO-programme 2015 Start-up Program office 1,3 Start-up Program board 0,2 Start-up Collobaration platform 0,2 Program description 0,1 Defining SIO-program budget 0,05 Process description 0,1 Impact description 0,05 Comunication plan and activities 0,5 Call activities 0,4 Total funding 2, Budget for operating the SIP-program Beskriv plan och budget för ledningen av SIP-programmet under perioden Detta avsnitt bör också beskriva nivå på medfinansiering av programmets ledning, hur och av vilka denna medfinansiering sker. Beskriv hur de kan komplettera SIP-programmet och hur programmets ledning kan skapa bästa möjliga synergieffekter med dessa insatser och aktiviteter. Quarterly, the program board will have physical meetings and complementary telephone meetings when need arises. The collaboration platform will have meetings or workshops twice a year. The program will annually arrange a conference where project results and news in the area of the program will be presented. The activities and budget for operating the program are presented in the table below. Budget for operating the SIO program MSEK Coordination and running SIO-program Total Activities Program office 1, ,3 Board meetings and activities 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 1,1 Collaboration platform, workshops and meetings 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,8 Coordinator meetings 0 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,6 Communication activities 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,4 1,7 Call activities 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 1,6 Start-up activities 0,3 Total funding 2,9 3,5 3,5 3,5 13,1

16 5 Actions and activities in the SIP programme 5.1 Existing actions and activities to be used within the SIPprogramme Beskriv de existerande insatser och aktiviteter som kan stärkas och användas för att nå programmets mål. Detta är typiskt initiativ som redan får finansiering från andra nationella och internationella källor än SIP-programmet. ENIG A Swedish national energy efficiency network targeting SMEs which are active in the manufacturing sector. This strengthens the SME activity in the programme and will be an important driver in the collaboration platform to generate new activities. ENIG is coordinated by Swerea. Swedish energy agency - Programme for Energy use in the Swedish industry Research areas in this programme are in direct conjunction to the SIP programme. Collaboration will benefit both programmes. Dedicated parts of this programme can be part of the SIP-programme which will strengthen the financing of the SIP-programme. Swedish energy agency - Programme for Energy use in the Swedish pulp- and paper industry Research areas in this programme are in direct conjunction to the SIP programme. In particular activities aimed at integration between industry sectors and community to increase the energy utilisation can be part of the SIP-programme. This will strengthen the financing of the SIP-programme. Synergies with on-going SIP-program BioInnovation to investigate energy efficient biomass use will be important. PRISMA Process integration in steelmaking is a knowledge centre within Swerea aiming at energy- and resource efficient production within the steel industry through process integration methods. The knowledge within this centre strengthens the collaboration platform and possible activities within the programme are organising dedicated works-shops for integration with other industries and community. Nordic Energy Research Nordic Energy Research is the funding institution for energy research under the Nordic Council of Ministers Collaboration between this programme and the SIP-programme will extend the international network. Possibilities to collaborate in calls to strengthen the financing for both programmes. SIO-Metallic materials Ongoing SIP-program focusing on Swedish metal industry. Collaboration will be focused on efficient energy utilisation and effects along the value chain and between industries which is not in the scope of the programme. This will strengthen the project portfolio and knowledge for both programmes. Production 2030 Ongoing SIP-programme focusing on production in Swedish manufacturing industry. The work development of production processes in this programme will be complemented with activities of efficient energy utilisation within production processes. STRIM Ongoing SIP-Programme for the Swedish mining and metal producing industry. Goals and visions with the programme for energy related activities are in well conjunction with this programme and complemented activities will be suggested to assist programme objectives. LIGHTER Ongoing SIP-programme focusing material and construction technologies. Results from LIGHTER can be used to evaluate efficient energy utilization from a wider context through the criteria from this programme. Horizon2020 the new European framework programme for research and innovation for the period To strengthen the international collaboration of the SIPprogram activities to participate in Horizon 2020 projects will be promoted through support for planning new project proposals that are in line with the programme goals.

17 5.2 Describe in detail each action/activity financed by the programme The strategic research and innovation activities will cover the whole programme period. Together with the collaboration platform it will be a base to generate more specific project areas for industry related projects, test beds, education and development Action/activity 1: [Strategic research and innovation project Efficient energy utilization through systems integration] a) Description This strategic project covers integration between industries and between industry and society to create energy efficient systems from a holistic perspective. If the system boundaries are widened to include a broader perspective, for example a cluster of industries or integrated with community around a process or a combination, major efficiency improvements and/or reduction of primary energy use can be achieved. b) Expected results and effects Short term results New energy efficient processes and technologies are developed and demonstrated in industrial applications. Especially this is made through the areas: - Development of separate process technologies/production steps - Efficient use of existing technologies and processes - The interaction between technologies and processes/production steps in industry - Interaction between industries or between industry and society - Interaction of energy efficient products along the value chain - Efficient use of resources The feasibility of the applications is demonstrated through using the four core areas, leadership, economy, technology and production. Long term effects: o Integrated community and industry clusters are being developed. Activities among technology and service providers in energy efficient and CO 2 -efficient subjects are increased national as well as international. o A measure developed in the program for green- and energy innovation is accepted and used to measure improvements.

18 c) Time plan and budget This strategic innovation project will be executed by research institutes, industry, technology providers, universities and technology consultants. Typical consortium could be large manufacturing company, supplier, academia and SME. Coordination typically made from industrial company, research institute, consultants or university. Involving SMEs is favoured in spin-off projects through test beds and demos. Time plan: Financing: 50% Vinnova and 50% in-kind, money or other. In-kind and money from companies and funding from Vinnova to coordination and universities. Costs mainly for salaries and external services d) Targeted groups SMEs, technology providers, producing companies, community e) Communication and knowledge transfer - Communications through collaboration platform, conferences, published papers and reports - Knowledge transfer through test beds, demonstrators, industry related projects and education Action/activity 2: [Strategic research and innovation project - Leadership] Description - The need for leadership is different in large companies and SME s. It will require various forms of training and support on energy issues at the executive level. Challenges for leadership can be treated in several areas where investments in research and innovation are needed. Industrial organisations and the public sector can also exercise leadership in energy matters with business and consumers. Expected results and effects - Short term results Management tools ready to use for companies and organisations to implement energy thinking throughout the organization. At least 2 of the developed tools should have been tested and evaluated in test beds during the programme period - Long term effects The importance to continuously work to increase competitiveness through efficient energy utilization is well recognized throughout organizations at all levels Time plan and budget - This strategic innovation project will be executed by universities, companies, institutes with knowledge and experience of management strategies and change management. Typical consortium could be large manufacturing company, supplier, academia and SME. Coordination made from university or institute representative in the collaboration platform. - Time plan: Financing: 50% Vinnova and 50% in-kind, money or other. In-kind and money from companies and funding from Vinnova to coordination and universities. - Costs mainly for salaries and external services

19 Targeted groups Manager at all levels in companies who want to work with efficient energy utilisation. Also authorities who exercise leaderships in terms of legal legislation and subsidies that can influence energy management. Communication and knowledge transfer - Communications through collaboration platform, conferences, published papers and reports - Knowledge transfer through test beds, industry related projects and education Action/activity 3: [Strategic research and innovation project Business models] f) Description - For the manufacturing company efficient energy use is in most cases a matter of financial benefits. When new value-chains are added and sectors are integrated, new circular business models need to be developed to be able to see actual benefits of new technologies, processes or changed working behaviour. Economical evaluations of how policy instruments can help the industry to prioritise investments are needed. It is important that policy instruments are clear and take effects on conflicting environmental goals into consideration. Energy efficiency policies should strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish industry. g) Expected results and effects Short term results Business models incorporated in the strategy documents for companies and organizations where the costs and benefits of energy use is highlighted. The models should be ready to use for companies and organisations. At least 2 of the developed models should have been tested and evaluated in test beds or industry related projects during the programme period Long term effects: Energy management business models is incorporated and used in company strategic work and used in decision making on several management levels. h) Time plan and budget This strategic innovation project will be executed by universities, companies, institutes with knowledge and experience of business strategies, energy calculations and business models. Typical consortium could be large manufacturing company, supplier, academia and SME. Coordination made from university or institute representative in the collaboration platform. Time plan: Financing: 50% Vinnova and 50% in-kind, money or other. In-kind and money from companies and funding from Vinnova to coordination and universities. Costs mainly for salaries and external services i) Targeted groups Researcher with focus on developing business models, leaders in change management, managers j) Communication and knowledge transfer

20 - Communications through collaboration platform, conferences, published papers and reports - Knowledge transfer through test beds, industry related projects and education Action/activity 4: [Strategic research and innovation project Energy efficiency indicators] a) Description - It is important to develop and maintain well-founded indicators to better inform policy making and help decision makers formulate policies that are best suited to domestic and/or international objectives. Yet, choosing and developing appropriate indicators to support the development of policies is not straightforward. Fundamentals on Statistics are intended to provide the necessary tools to initiate and/or further develop in-depth indicators to support the decision-making process. Tools for evaluation and comparison of different process technologies relating to primarily energy and CO 2 effects Influences on energy systems from energy prices, economic instruments, legal instruments and subsidies. Development of new key performance indicators (KPI) for efficient energy utilization with respect to core areas leadership, economy, technology and production. b) Expected results and effects Short term results: A new method of measuring energy innovation is used and makes it possible to compare energy activities in national and international context. Long term effects: Monitoring of energy utilization is everyday business throughout industrial processes, between industries and industry/community. c) Time plan and budget This strategic innovation project will be executed by universities, companies, institutes with knowledge and experience of measuring techniques, economic instruments, scenario evaluations, energy systems, energy calculations, process integration etc. Typical consortium could be academic partner, consultants, producing company and energy strategy specialists. Coordination conducted from universities, research institute, industry partner, consultant representative in the collaboration platform. Time plan: Financing: 50% Vinnova and 50% in-kind, money or other. In-kind and money from companies and funding from Vinnova to coordination and universities. Costs mainly for salaries and external services d) Targeted groups Energy and business strategists in companies, authorities, government, EU. e) Communication and knowledge transfer Communications through collaboration platform, conferences, published papers and reports Knowledge transfer through test beds, industry related projects and education

21 5.2.5 Action/activity 5: [Education] a) Description - New knowledge about efficient energy need to be returned in undergraduate studies at universities and development in organisations. Results from projects and other strategic activities will be disseminated through education at universities and industry. Bachelor and Master thesis work can form integrated parts of research projects. b) Expected results and effects Ready to use education packages for both academia and enterprises. The education packages could be streamlined dependent on company size and level of energy awareness. c) Time plan and budget This strategic innovation project will be executed by universities, companies, institutes with knowledge and experience of energy flows, energy calculations, process integration etc. Typical consortium could be large manufacturing company, supplier, academia and SME. Coordination made from university or institute representative in the collaboration platform. Time plan: Financing: 50% Vinnova and 50% in-kind, money or other. In-kind and money from companies and funding from Vinnova to coordination and universities. Costs mainly for salaries and external services d) Targeted groups HR-function e) Communication and knowledge transfer Action/activity 6: [Collaboration platform] a) Description - collaboration platform, a forum where stakeholders are able to agree on priority research, rig development projects, coordinate their activities and disseminate knowledge. This platform will be an open forum for academia, government, research institutes, industry, consultants and other stakeholders b) Expected results and effects Give possibilities for multidisciplinary collaboration between stakeholders to deliver project results to sustainable energy management c) Time plan and budget All stakeholders interested in the program. Specific interest groups will be formed and lead by a coordinator. The coordinator gathers the interest groups in dedicated work-shops to generate projects within strategic research activities and industry related projects. Time plan: Financing: Work-shops will be financed by the programme office Vinnova and coordination and participation in works-shops is in-kind. Coordination of the collaboration platform will be made by Swerea. Costs mainly for work-shops, marketing, salaries and external services d) Targeted groups Multidisciplinary stakeholders e) Communication and knowledge transfer Action/activity 7: [Industry related projects] a) Applied research directly aimed at implementation related to industry. In particular this activity will be used to implement ideas and concepts developed in the strategic

22 research and innovation projects and through collaboration platform interest groups aimed at industry applications. b) Expected results and effects c) Time plan and budget d) Targeted groups e) Communication and knowledge transfer Action/activity 8: [Test beds and demonstrators] a) A test bed is a platform or facility used to test, evaluate or demonstrate R&D results. A demonstrator is a pre-commercial pilot plant also used to evaluate R&D results that can be used in an industrial context, for example to develop prototypes for new products. In particular this activity will be used to implement ideas and concepts developed in the strategic research and innovation projects or from industry related projects. b) Expected results and effects Short term: Dependent on size of test beds and demonstrators 1-3 projects will be demonstrated during the programme period. Long term: Test beds and demonstrators have been implemented and effect on energy utilisation is improved and measureable. c) Time plan and budget d) Targeted groups e) Communication and knowledge transfer Sammanfatta de insatser, dvs. utlysningar, strategiska satsningar och andra aktiviteter som föreslås finansieras inom ramen för SIP-programmet och myndigheterna bör reservera medel för.

23 5.3 Budget for actions and activities Budget etapp I Actions/activities # Description Target groups Strategic research and innovation project Efficient energy utilization through system integration Strategic research and innovation project - Leadership Strategic research and innovation project Business models SMEs, technology providers, producing companies, community Managers, authorities, management consultants, business schools Researcher with focus on developing business models, leaders in change management, managers Strategic research and innovation project Energy Energy and business strategists in monitoring companies, authorities, government, EU. Education - Results from projects and other strategic projects will be disseminated through education at universities and industry. Collaboration platform - Open forum for academia, government, research institutes, industry, Multidisciplinary stakeholders consultants and other stakeholders Industry related projects - Applied research directly aimed at implementation related to industry 8 Test beds and demonstrators TOTAL Authorities Other financing. Authorities Other financing. Authorities Other financing. Authorities Other financing. Authorities Other financing. Authorities Other financing. Authorities Other financing. Authorities Other financing. Authorities Other financing.

24 6 Weaknesses and threats for the SIP-programme Gör en riskanalys för programmet i implementeringen Risk Impact Response Time lag of commitment of key personnel resources at start-up phase Difficult to maintain the schedule Lack of commitment by the industry or the academy Competitive initiatives from other calls or programs Changes in conditions from the authorities Different opinions of implementation among the participants Decreased energy price Unforeseen technical breakthrough. The program content may lack industry/academy balance Confusion and lack of available research Difficult to maintain the schedule and get the intended result Difficult to maintain the schedule and get the intended result Lower prioritization of energy issues among companies Decreased interests for the program Adequate staffing from the beginning Ensure corporate commitment through good communication and activities in the industry Good collaborations and communication with other initiatives Establish and maintain good relations and communication with the authorities Clear and transparent project management Focus more on other benefits in relation to energy efficiency Reevaluation of the program direction

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