Geography. Multicultural Britain 1 Leggi il testo e rispondi alle domande.

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1 Geography Multicultural Britain Leggi il testo e rispondi alle domande. There are four countries in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The population of the UK is 58 million. British people speak English, but there are many other languages, too. 0% of the people in Wales speak Welsh, 7% of Scottish people speak Gaelic and around 9% of the people from Northern Ireland speak Irish. Festivals in Britain Britain s ethnic communities make it a very culturally rich country. One of the many things the different communities bring to the country is a celebration of their traditional festivals. T.6 Ascolta e leggi le informazioni su tre festività. Abbina le foto al paragrafo corrispondente. Britain has a very large ethnic community. Nearly 0% of the population have origins in West Indian and Asian countries. This is because of Britain s colonial past. Common languages in the Indian community are Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi. Britain also has a large Chinese community and in London Chinese New Year is a very popular festival. There are also large numbers of Europeans: Italians, Poles and Greeks. 9% of the people in London speak a second language as well as English. How many countries are there in the United Kingdom? What language do 7% of Scottish people speak? What are the origins of 0% of Britain s population? What three languages are common in Britain s Indian community? 5 What is a very popular festival in London?

2 A La Madonna del Carmine Hello, I m Laura. My family are originally from Parma. I m British and I m from London. Every year there s an important festival in Clerkenwell, the Italian district of London. Clerkenwell has got an Italian church, St Peter s. Every summer it organises the celebration of La Madonna del Carmine. This is in July. It starts in the morning with Mass at the church. Then there is a procession with floats. Men carry the Madonna around the town centre and everyone follows. At lunchtime there is a big feast in Little Italy. You can find all kinds of Italian specialities, for example, pizza, foccacia and pasta. B -0 Diwali -0 Hi, I m Prem and my family are from India. I m from Coventry. Every year the Indian community celebrates Diwali. This is the Indian Festival of Light and it represents our New Year. The festival takes place in October or November. Five days before the festival we decorate statues of our gods with new clothes and jewellery. We put lights next to the statues and then put them next to the doors of our houses. Then on our New Year s Eve we have a big party, with lots of food, music and fireworks. C e Chinese New Year f Hi, my name s Mei. My family is Chinese. I m from London. Every year we celebrate the Chinese New Year. It s usually in January or February. There s always a big celebration in London. There s a procession with a big dragon. The dragon is an important symbol of China. Thousands of people come to China Town in the centre of London. In the evening we have lots of fireworks. Rispondi alle domande. When is the Italian festival? Which part of London is it in? What is the name of the church? What is Diwali? 5 When is Diwali? 6 What do people decorate at Diwali? 7 When is Chinese New Year? 8 Where is the Chinese festival? Portfolio Pensa all Italia... Quanti abitanti ci sono? Ci sono comunità etniche? Da dove provengono? Hanno delle feste particolari? Confronta le tue risposte con quelle del compagno e poi prepara una breve presentazione per la classe (5 5 parole).

3 a ' History 7 Celtic Britain and the Rune alphabet Britain s history is rich and varied. The British people are from a range of different tribes. One of these tribes was the Celts. Here is a time line of their history. T.7 Risolvi gli anagrammi e poi completa la linea del tempo con i nomi dei luoghi. Usa le parole del riquadro come aiuto. Poi ascolta e controlla. Scotland Iceland France Wales England London Spain Ireland Celtic Cross 500 BC Celts from [CRAFEN] travel across the English Channel to Britain. The Celtic name for Britain is Albion. 75 BC Celts from [PNAIS] travel to Ireland. 55 BC Julius Caesar and his Roman army arrive in [DALGNEN]. 5 BC The Roman army fights the Celts; the Celts are brave and strong. AD 6 Julius Caesar AD The Romans win a big battle and Emperor Claudius rides into Londinium (or ) [NOOLDN] on an elephant. AD 6 The Celts (with Queen Boudicca) fight the Roman army in Londinium; the Celts win the battle. AD The Celts live in the west of Britain: 5 [DRAINEL], AD 00 6 [DTNSOCAL], Wales and Cornwall in the south west of England. Welsh, Gaelic and Cornish are all names of Celtic languages from 7 [ALEWS], Ireland and Cornwall. Cornish is similar to Breton (an old Celtic language from Brittany in the north of France). Saint Patrick AD 00 In the northern country of 8 [DALCIEN] Odin creates the Rune alphabet. This is a new alphabet with symbols and letters. Queen Boudicca AD In Ireland St Patrick draws a circle, the Celtic symbol for the moon, on the Christian cross and creates the first Celtic cross.

4 Runes Look at this message: I London. The is a symbol. It means love. The Celts used symbols (pictures), to write messages. The symbols were also alphabet letters. These letters are runes. The Rune alphabet has got letters. Some symbols corrispond to letters in our alphabet. This rune is the Celtic letter L. It also means water. This rune is the Celtic letter D. It also means morning or the start of the day. f j u e Guarda l alfabeto runico sulla sinistra. Ci sono le lettere del tuo nome nell alfabeto runico? Yes No Decifra le parole e mettile nella categoria corretta. 6 7 o x r d s k t w People Colours Animals g b n i Objects Usa l alfabeto runico per scrivere altre tre parole. l h m p English word Rune 5

5 Science The Animal Kingdom There are six basic groups of animals. These are: mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects and fish. The groups are different in many ways. T.8 Ascolta e leggi il brano. Poi scrivi la classe corretta sotto ogni figura e abbina l immagine al testo. Amphibians Fish Mammals Insects Reptiles Birds A They are the only animals with fur or hair on their bodies. They drink milk from their mothers when they are young. They are vertebrates. This means they ve got a backbone. They give birth to live young; they don t lay eggs. They are warm-blooded. Monkeys, elephants, cows and sheep are mammals. We are mammals, too. B They are vertebrates and they are also warm-blooded. They ve got feathers and wings, so they can usually fly. They haven t got teeth or mouths, but they ve got beaks. They lay eggs and they often build nests. Penguins, owls and pigeons are all birds. fur C They are vertebrates, but they are coldblooded. They lay eggs and their young are born in water. Their body shape changes a lot as they grow. They eat insects. They live in or near water. Frogs and toads are amphibians. D They are vertebrates and they are also cold-blooded. Most of them lay eggs. Their skin is very hard. They usually live in hot countries. Some are very dangerous. Crocodiles, snakes and lizards are reptiles. feather beak nest wing 6

6 E They are invertebrates. They haven t got a backbone. They usually have six legs and some have wings. The majority lay eggs, but some give birth to live young. Beetles, cockroaches and ants are all insects. 5 skin F They are vertebrates and they are also cold-blooded. They live in water and cannot live on land. They don t give birth to live young; they lay eggs. Examples of fish are goldfish, sharks and trout. 6 fly Ora fai una lista di tutti gli animali menzionati nel testo e mettili nella colonna corretta. Fai attenzione: alcuni animali possono comparire in più di una colonna. Vertebrates Invertebrates Warm-blooded Cold-blooded Vero (T) o falso (F)? Correggi le affermazioni false. Mammals have got fur or hair on their bodies. All birds have wings. Amphibians live in or near water. Some reptiles are very dangerous. 5 Insects have eight legs. 6 Fish are invertebrates. Portfolio Pensa all Italia e rispondi alle domande. Poi usa le tue risposte per scrivere un paragrafo sugli animali in Italia (5 5 parole). Quali uccelli, mammiferi o rettili si trovano in Italia? Qual è il tuo animale selvatico preferito? Dove vive? Di che cosa si nutre? 7

7 Maths Conversions In coppie, fatevi domande e rispondete. How much money have you got in your pocket / bag? How far do you travel to school? How much do you weigh? How tall are you? How much water do you drink in a day? British money Leggi il testo sulla valuta inglese e scrivi il valore sotto ciascuna figura. The currency in the UK is pounds ( ) and pence (p). The proper name for the pound is the pound sterling. There are 00 p in a pound. The face of the king or queen is always on British notes and coins. 9 Calcola quante monete e banconote ti servono per comprare gli oggetti seguenti. Usa il minor numero possibile di monete e banconote. 0 The colours of the coins and notes are: The p (called one pee ) and p ( two pee ) coins are copper. The 5 p, 0 p, 0 p and 50 p coins are silver. The coin is gold. The coin is gold and silver. The 5 note is blue. The 0 note is brown. The 0 is purple and the 50 is red

8 Distance Leggi il testo e poi calcola le distanze in base alle unità di misura del riquadro. To speak about distance, British and American people traditionally use miles (m), yards (yd), feet (ft) and inches (in.). Speed limits are in miles and in British cars you can see the speed in miles. When people use a map to find the distance between two places, it is in miles, not kilometres (km). European law says all British people must use kilometres, metres (m) and centimetres (cm) for distance by 009. mile (m) =.6 km yard (yd) = 9. cm foot (ft) = 0.8 cm inch (in.) =.5 cm How long is 6 inches? cm How long is 7 feet? m cm How long is 0 yards? m cm How tall are you in feet and inches? ft in. Weight 5 Leggi il testo e poi calcola il valore dei pesi in base alle unità di misura del riquadro. Traditionally, the British use pounds (lb) and stones (st) to measure weight. This is changing to kilograms (kg), also called kilos and grams (g), but many people still use pounds when they talk about weights. Cookery books, scales and supermarkets now use both pounds and kilograms. There are pounds in a stone and 6 ounces (oz) in one pound. The table shows the conversion of pounds into metric measurements. How many kilos are pounds? How many pounds are 0 kilos? How many grams are ounces? How much is 7 lb 5 oz in kilos and grams? 5 How much is a 500 g packet of pasta in pounds? Liquid measurements 6 Leggi il testo e poi calcola le misure per i liquidi in base alle unità di misura del riquadro. The pint is the traditional form of liquid measurement for the British. European law says British people must use litres by the year 009. The British can use pints for two things after 009 beer and milk. In a pub, they can still ask for a pint of beer and they can buy a pint of milk in a shop. gallon (gal.) =.55 litres pint (pt) = 0.57 litres How much are pints of beer in litres? How much are litres of milk in pints? stone (st) = 6.6 kg pound (lb) = 0.5 kg ounce (oz) = 0.8 g How much are gallons of water in litres? How much are 5 litres of cola in pints? 5 How much are 75 gallons of coffee in litres? 9

9 Science Energy T.9 Leggi e ascolta il testo sull energia. Poi prepara una lista delle diverse fonti di energia. Energy is fundamental for life. But what is energy and where do you get it from? Humans get energy from food. Without energy we cannot walk, run or think. Animals get energy from food, too. Plants get energy from the Sun. Sunlight helps them grow. A car gets energy from petrol. A TV gets energy from electricity. A yacht gets energy from the wind. Ora guarda il diagramma. Energy comes from the Sun. We drink the milk and eat the cow s meat. The energy cycle Energy is all around you. Often, you cannot see it, but all moving things are using energy. Energy comes from the Sun. Look at the energy cycle. Heat and light from the Sun reach the Earth. The cow grows big and fat and it produces milk. The heat and light make the grass grow. A cow eats the grass. 0

10 T.0 Leggi e ascolta il testo e decidi se le affermazioni sono vere (T) o false (F). Correggi le affermazioni false. Solar energy Experiment You need: Make your own rainbow Light is another type of energy. Light comes from the Sun. Light travels very fast. The Sun is millions of kilometres away, but it takes nine minutes for the Sun s light to reach the Earth. Sunlight looks white, but it is made up of many different colours. When sunlight shines through drops of water, you can see all the different colours. This makes a rainbow. a dish with water a small mirror a piece of paper Light is a type of energy. Light doesn t travel fast. The Sun is millions of kilometres away. Heat and light from the Sun don t reach the Earth. 5 It takes a long time for the Sun s light to reach the Earth. 6 Sunlight is made up of different colours. 7 You can sometimes see the different colours of sunlight. 8 When sunlight shines through water it makes a rainbow. Guarda l esperimento a destra e rispondi alle domande. What colours can you see on the paper? Does it look like a rainbow? What are the seven colours of the rainbow? Portfolio In coppie, preparate una lista delle cose che richiedono energia. Di da dove pensi che provenga l energia che serve per farle funzionare. Per esempio: car petrol Put a dish next to a window. Put a mirror in it. Don t look at the mirror. Hold a paper above the dish. 5 Move the mirror around to reflect the Sun onto the paper. The mirror looks up at the Sun.

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