God s Will vs. Our Will. Leader Guide Unit 3 lesson 6

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1 God s Will vs. Our Will Leader Guide Unit 3 lesson 6

2 Scripture 1 Samuel 14:24-47 Lesson Overview: Cultural Dimension Saul starts off following God s ways, but shortly after becoming king, he begins to grow impatient and takes matters into his own hands. It s easy for our students to relate to Saul s feelings. During this time in their lives, they are beginning to undermine authority, have entitlement issues, and detach from their parents. While they may spend a great deal of time pontificating life and reflecting on their place in this world, they lack discernment. Saul wants God to be there for him on his terms. He doesn t listen to God but expects God to be there to answer him when he wants him. This is a good lesson for your students to learn that, while God is always here for us, if we make our own rules, he may teach us a valuable lesson as well. This lesson will help your students understand integrity and how to live as students of God. Biblical Commentary The last lesson left off with Samuel conceding to Israel s wishes for a king. God told him to grant them their request. God tells Samuel that he will be sending a man to him who will be the chosen one for king. Enter Saul. Saul is tall and strong and probably handsome, from the description we get of him: an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites a head taller than any of the others (v. 9:2b). Yet, despite his kingly stature, he appears weak and unimpressive. When Samuel confronts him as the one, he denies his worth (like a few other stories we see in the Old Testament Moses, Gideon.) When he is announced as the chosen one, we find him hiding among baggage. It paints an interesting image when talking about calling. How often do we cower in the corner, afraid of the work God is calling us to? Saul s initial response to his call isn t that far off from our own, I imagine. Yet God changes Saul s heart and prepares him for his role as king. As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul s heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day (v. 10:9). It would allude to the idea that Saul is a new man; he sees things in a different way after his change of heart. We see Saul getting new opportunities and, in turn, Israel getting new possibilities too. When the people find him among the baggage, they pull him out set on a king, despite the urging of Samuel. They speak of his stature and begin immediately admiring him. Samuel said to all the people, Do you see the man the Lord has chosen? There is no one like him among all the people. Then the people shouted, Long live the king (v. 24)! Samuel is quick then to set regulations to Saul s kingship his last attempt to separate this from being about the people but instead about God. He is trying to ensure that Saul s role is not up to him but an agreement between himself and God and God s rule of Israel. This is important to Saul s story because it is this very agreement that causes Saul to lose his kingship. He doesn t trust in God but takes matters into his own hands several times. As human beings, we too try all too often to take matters into our own hands and take full credit for success and failures, rather than recognizing that God is the one working through us. Later, in 10:27-11:15, we see Saul no longer as a man hiding behind baggage but a man who delivers Israel. Those who questioned him as fit for kingship are now supportive of him in such a role. During his leadership, we see Saul begin to grow in his confidence so much that he begins to trust his own human instincts. You acted foolishly, Samuel said. You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you (13:13). Because of his actions (in 13:9-12), Saul loses favor with the Lord and ultimately loses his kingship. As we read earlier, Saul is not supposed to rule by himself but in partnership with the Lord. He denies this when he disobeys God s orders. Further, we see Saul stray away from God as a partner completely and turn his motives toward fulfilling his own agendas. This is apparent in verses 14: This is a pivotal turning point in Saul s character. First, we hear his own ego and agenda: Cursed be any man who eats before evening comes, before I have avenged myself on my enemies! So none of the troops tasted food (v. 24b). Saul s response before I have avenged myself on my enemies clearly shows the personal vendetta versus God s motive. Jonathan, Saul s son, eats of honey and encourages the men to do the same. It is interesting that it is Saul s son who goes against what he commands. This is similar to Saul breaking his heavenly father s command. As a result of Jonathan eating honey, the whole group ends up slaughtering and eating the animals. Saul reminds them they have broken faith, but is he implying faith in God (Israelites are not supposed to eat blood), or is it that they have disobeyed Saul? While he sacrifices to God, it is the first time he has ever done that, and you begin to wonder if it is for show or if he is sincere. 2

3 Second, we see Saul turn to God for guidance. So Saul asked God, Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will you give them into Israel s hand? But God did not answer him that day (v. 37). God doesn t answer Saul because Saul broke the oath between them. God remains silent. Saul cannot pick and choose when he turns to God, and God proves this to him during this encounter. Lastly, during his battle with the Amalekites, Saul again does what he wants and not what the Lord wants. This is what the Lord Almighty says: I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys (v. 2).What does Saul do, though? By now, you can imagine! He does what he wants. He kills most of them, but instead of all of them, he saves the king and also the very best of the sheep and cattle: everything that was good. These they were unwilling to destroy completely, but everything that was despised and weak they totally destroyed (v. 9b). By his actions, Saul is telling God that he isn t worth the best but only what is weak. Saul places his own importance and longing over that of God. And then, when questioned, he lies! We see his integrity completely diminished. This conscious choice ends his rule as king. But Samuel replied: Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king (v. 22). And yet, instead of humbly acknowledging his mistakes, Saul instead justifies his actions. I was afraid of the people and so I gave in to them. Now I beg you, forgive my sin and come back with me, so that I may worship the Lord (v. 24b). Even here, we don t see that Saul wants a closer relationship with God but one with Samuel. Reflect on these themes: Arrogance: Saul was arrogant to think he could do things on his own accord and not get punished by God. Where are you arrogant in your own life? Defiance: Saul defied his oath with God. Where have you shown defiance in your life? With a boss? A parent? God? How did you feel after? Think about your students: Do your students fully understand the importance of living a life of integrity? What does integrity mean, and where in current culture are your students learning integrity? What does that say about our society? Saul started off in partnership with God and then started operating out of his own fears and personal agendas. Do you think this is common among students today? Resources Computer Poster board Markers Podium or music stand Messages to Parents and Teens For Teens: The following are a couple messages to Tweet, Facebook, text, or post to teens to promote your meeting and get them thinking about the lesson ahead of time. Saul started off on the right track with God and then let his own motives dictate his actions. Do you pick and choose what you pay attention to? Saul started off following God and then he kinda just went rogue. But he expected God to be there when he needed him. Do you treat God the same way? Do you only want him during certain times? For Parents: Here are some messages you can send to parents to help get the dialogue going at home. Encourage parents to talk to their kids about being continually caught up in the mission of God. We ve asked the students if they only want God during certain times in their lives? What about you? Do you only want God to intervene on your own terms? Saul kind of made his own rules when it came to following God s orders. Where in your own life are you making your own rules? 3

4 Dear Parents, This week we are teaching on Saul. While he was tall and strong and probably handsome from the description we get of him, he acts like a coward, afraid of what will happen to him. When he is announced as the chosen king, we find him hiding among baggage. It paints an interesting image when talking about calling. How often do we cower in the corner, afraid of the work God is calling us to? Saul s initial response to his call isn t that far off from our own, I imagine. Yet God changes Saul s heart and prepares him for his role as king. But Saul s kingship isn t just his own; it was an agreement between Saul and God. This is important to Saul s story because it is this very agreement that causes Saul to lose his kingship. He doesn t trust in God but takes matters into his own hands several times. As human beings, we too try all too often to take matters into our own hands and take full credit for success and failures, rather than recognizing that God is the one who is working through us. The other great teaching point about Saul is that Saul expects God to be there for him even after Saul turns his back on God. He wants God to be helpful but on Saul s own terms. How often do we do this with God? Do you find that God is calling you to do something and you fight it with every bone in your body? Have you ever flat out ignored God but then asked him to fix your mistakes? It s important for our students to know that God is always there for us, but he doesn t just want to be in our lives when we see fit he wants to be in partnership with us. How can we drive that home to our kids? In what ways can you demonstrate that for your children this week? Lesson Guide Explore Open in prayer. Host a mock election. Ask for a few volunteers to be candidates. Give them just a few minutes to write a speech on why they should be king or queen of the group. Have students vote. Announce the winner and crown them with a plastic crown. ASK: Why did you guys vote for the winning candidate? What made you choose this person? Give the candidate a list of jobs they will be responsible for now that they are king/queen. Make them difficult (for example, they are to come early every week by two hours and set up and clean the youth room; they must always wear yellow and orange together; they must promise to fight to the death if necessary to protect God s people of the youth group; they must pray four times a day, lifting all the problems of the day to God; they must live in honor of the 10 commandments and must exemplify Christ in everything they do, which means they must never fight with their parents, siblings, or friends). ASK: Do you think it would be difficult to uphold these rules for the duration of one full year? Do you think over time, you may be tempted to make up a few rules of your own or to bend these just slightly? Encounter Read 1 Samuel 14: SAY something like: Saul started off with a changed heart. 1 Samuel 10:9 says As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul s heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day. Samuel had put guidelines in place shortly after Saul was selected for king so everyone would know it wasn t only Saul in the kingship but that he shared it with God. However, Saul had a hard time following God s orders. Over time, he got angry and vengeful. He made up his own rules, and eventually, God bailed on him. SAY something like: See, Saul wanted to partner with God, but the only problem was that Saul got anxious and angry easily. If he felt anxious or like God wasn t working fast enough, he decided he needed to act. It wasn t so much that he ignored God; he just kind of forgot about him. He let his paranoia and anxiety take control of him. Reread 1 Samuel 14:37: So Saul asked God, Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will you give them into Israel s hand? But God did not answer him that day. SAY something like: So, here we see Saul seeking guidance from God but after he already defied him. God doesn t answer him. When he hears nothing, he acts again out of his own anger. 4

5 ASK: How many times have you turned your back on God but then asked him to help you when you felt really vulnerable? How do you think God feels when we do that? SAY something like: So often we take matters into our own hands, grow impatient with waiting on God, or just give up. Then we turn around and say something like, God is never with me, or, I don t feel like God is present because he never helps me when I ask. Do these phrases sound familiar? ASK: What s wrong with this kind of relationship with God? SAY something like: When we do this, we aren t acting in faith that God will do what is best for us. Then we blame him. We get angry and act on our own accord. How many of you do this? Get angry when you don t get your way and then you lash out? Share some examples. Engage Saul was supposed to be in a partnership with God. What would it look like if were looked at every day like a partnership with God? Have everyone get out their calendars (whether it is in their phone or on a calendar). If they do not keep a calendar, encourage them to do it for one week. SAY something like: God wants to be with us in every aspect of our day. Sometimes we miss experiencing God because we are not anticipating his presence in our lives. He is always there, interested in every part of our lives. See, Saul missed this part. This week we are going to spend some time waiting on God. Think about each day of your week. Let s begin each day reviewing the events of our day. Ask God to be in partnership with you. At the end of each day, review your calendar again, this time reflecting on where God was with you during the day. Let s try it. Think about yesterday. Where did you see God in your life? Closing Close in prayer. 5

6 Saul for Office EXPLORE: Kings didn t have to run for office, but if they did, what would Saul s campaign look like? Create campaign posters to sell Saul as king. Presidential Comparison ENCOUNTER: Compare Saul to our current presidential campaign or candidate. Is the person we vote for the same person who ends up in office? For example, does it seem like the candidates are one person until they get into the position of power and then they change? How did Saul change over his kingship? Partnership Creative Options Write down three ways in which you can partner with God this week. Pass out a paper that says This Week I will partner with God in the following ways: Have each student fill out the page. (For example: I will begin my day seeking guidance from him; I will walk to school each day and soak in the beauty of creation; I will honor my parents and not argue with them.) 6

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