Sample Copy. Student Objectives. 71a. Chapter 4. Lesson 1. Lesson 4. Lesson 5. Lesson 2. Lesson 3. Level 3 Grammar. Recite the Pronoun Jingle (13).

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1 Chatr tudnt Objctivs Rcit th ronoun Jing (13). Rcit th ubjct ronoun Jing (1). Idntif ronouns and subjct ronouns. Rcit sam Q & Fow, adding th subjct ronoun. Idntif undrstood subjct ronouns. Rviw imrativ sntncs. Rcit sam Q & Fow, adding th undrstood subjct ronoun. Lsson Cassif ractic ntncs. Discuss th sam ractic ntnc. Discuss th sts for writing th nw ractic ntnc. Writ a Guidd ractic ntnc with th abs dj O. Writ an Indndnt ractic ntnc with th abs dj O. Do Worksht 16. Cassif Introductor ntncs. mt th Q & Fow in th Guidd ractic, adding th subjct ronoun. Do Worksht 13. Lsson 2 Rcit th ossssiv ronoun Jing (15). Idntif ossssiv ronouns. Rcit sam Q & Fow, adding th ossssiv ronoun. Cassif Introductor ntncs. Do a Noun Chck with ronouns. mt th Guidd ractic for isting nouns and noun jobs. Idntif th ronoun as a art of sch. Writ th six arts of sch studid so far. Do Worksht 1. Do th tic-tac-to activit. Lsson 5 Cassif ractic ntncs. Do a Noun Chck. nswr Ora Rviw Qustions. Do Chatr Chcku. Writ an Indndnt ractic ntnc with th abs dj O. am Lsson 3 ractic Jings Cassif ractic ntncs. Do a Noun Chck. Idntif sim subjct and sim rdicat. mt th Guidd ractic for sim subjct and sim rdicat. Do Worksht a HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC.

2 Chatr 0 L3t 1/13/10 2:58 M ag 71 Chatr TRT Tachr Instructions: 1. Introduc th ronoun and ubjct ronoun Jings. Dmonstrat th jings or us th audio CD. 2. ractic th nw jings svra tims unti studnts can sing or rcit thm smooth. Jing 13: Th ronoun Jing Ths itt ronouns, With a smi and a nod Hangin' around, nd a twink of th, Can tak th ac Giv thos ronouns Of an of th nouns. big high fiv! Yah! Jing 1: Th ubjct ronoun Jing I and W, Thr ar svn ubjct ronouns m a That ar as as can b. UBJECT RONOUN! H and h, It and Th and You. Thos ar th subjct ronouns! HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC. 71

3 Chatr 0 L3t 1/22/10 Chatr 2:0 M ag 72 ronouns and ubjct ronouns 1. ronoun taks th ac of an noun in a sntnc and rrsnts a rson, ac, thing, or ida. Without ronouns, vron woud b forcd to rat th sam nouns again and again. 2. subjct ronoun taks th ac of a subjct noun. 3. Th most common subjct ronouns ar I, w, h, sh, it, th, and ou.. To find a subjct ronoun, ask th subjct qustion WHO or WHT. 5. subjct ronoun is abd with th abbrviation. crit: Now, w wi rcit th Qustion and nswr Fow, adding th subjct ronoun. First, w wi rad th sntnc togthr. Thn, w wi rcit th qustions ND answrs togthr. Bgin. DDING THE UBJECT RONOUN TO THE QUETION ND NWER FLOW am ntnc: W wakd to schoo strda. 1. Who wakd to schoo strda? w ubjct ronoun (a w subjct ronoun and writ th ab abov w.) am 2. What is bing said about w? w wakd rb (Writ abov wakd.) 3. To rosition (Writ abov to.). To what? schoo Objct of th rosition (Writ O abov schoo.) 5. Wakd whn? strda rb (Writ abov strda.) 6. ubjct Noun, rb, attrn (Writ N 1 in th bank.) (Not: Each sntnc attrn is idntifid with an N vn though th actua subjct is idntifid and abd as in th sntnc. Th N is art of a consistnt idntification of th attrn, not th actua idntification of th subjct in th sntnc.) 7. ki Chck 8. (To schoo) rositiona hras 9. riod, statmnt, dcarativ sntnc 10. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. N 1 72 O W / wakd (to schoo) strda. D HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC.

4 Chatr 0 L3t 1/22/10 2:12 M ag 73 Chatr Tachr Instructions: Each sntnc attrn is idntifid with an N vn though th actua subjct is idntifid and abd as in th sntnc. Th N is art of a consistnt idntification of th attrn, not th actua idntification of th subjct in th sntnc. Undrstood ubjct ronouns and Imrativ ntncs 1. Undrstood ubjct: sntnc has an undrstood subjct whn somon givs a command or maks a rqust and avs th subjct unwrittn or unsokn. It is undrstood that th unsokn subjct is th ronoun ou. (Exam: tand quit in th in.) 2. Th undrstood subjct ronoun is idntifid with th abs (You) and is rad as ou undrstood subjct ronoun. 3. Imrativ ntnc: n imrativ sntnc has an undrstood subjct, givs a command, and nds with a riod. n imrativ sntnc is abd with th abbrviation Im. During a ki Chck, sa, riod, command, imrativ sntnc. Writ Im at th nd of th imrativ sntnc. am crit: Now, w wi rcit th Qustion and nswr Fow, adding th undrstood subjct ronoun. First, w wi rad th sntnc togthr. Thn, w wi rcit th qustions ND answrs togthr. Bgin. DDING THE UNDERTOOD UBJECT RONOUN TO THE QUETION ND NWER FLOW am ntnc: Go to th ibrar toda. 1. Who go to th ibrar toda? (You) Undrstood ubjct ronoun (a ou undrstood subjct ronoun and writ (You) in arnthss at th bginning of th sntnc with th ab bsid it.) 2. What is bing said about ou? ou go rb (Writ abov go.) 3. To rosition (Writ abov to.). To what? ibrar Objct of th rosition... (Writ O abov ibrar.) 5. Th rtic (Writ abov th.) 6. Go whn? toda rb (Writ abov toda.) 7. ubjct Noun, rb, attrn (Writ N 1 in th bank.) 8. ki Chck 9. (To th ibrar) rositiona hras ntinud on nxt ag. >>> HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC. 73

5 Chatr 0 L3t 1/21/10 Chatr 3:15 M ag 7 >>> ntinud from rvious ag. 10. riod, command, imrativ sntnc (Writ Im at th nd of th sntnc.) 1 1. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. (You) N 1 /Go O (to th ibrar) toda. Im Cassifing ntncs Tachr Instructions: 1. Writ or disa th sntncs for ora articiation on th board. 2. Cassif ths sntncs with our studnts to rinforc th concts our studnts ar arning. 3. For th gratst bnfit, foow th suggstions bow. Hav studnts rad ach sntnc in unison with ou bfor cassifing it. Mak sur studnts sa th qustions ND answrs with ou during th Qustion and nswr Fow. Hav studnts rcit an Qustion and nswr Fow a scond tim if th nd h rading th sntnc smooth or rciting th Q& Fow corrct. am crit: Now, w wi cassif th Introductor ntncs. W wi rad ach sntnc and rcit th Qustion and nswr Fow togthr whi I ab th arts. Bgin. Us th Qustion and nswr Fow to cassif ths sntncs ora with our tachr. Introductor ntncs ORL RTICITION 1. Th istnd to th radio. 2. Th istnd agr to th song on th radio. 3. m to cass tomorrow. Taching Not: 7 ntnc 3 dmonstrats th undrstood subjct ronoun. HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC.

6 Chatr 0 L3t 1/13/10 2:58 M ag 7a Chatr Introductor ntncs Qustion and nswr Fow: ntnc 1 ntnc 2 Th istnd to th radio. ntnc 3 m to cass tomorrow. Th istnd agr to th song on th radio. 1. Who istnd to th radio? th (subjct ronoun) (a th subjct ronoun and writ abov th.) 1. Who com to cass tomorrow? (You) (You undrstood subjct ronoun) (a ou undrstood subjct ronoun and writ (You) in arnthss at th bginning of th sntnc with th ab bsid it.) 1. Who istnd agr to th song on th radio? th (subjct ronoun) (a th subjct ronoun and writ abov th.) 2. What is bing said about th? th istnd 2. What is bing said about th? th istnd 3. To. To what? radio O 5. Th 6. N 1 7. ki Chck 8. (To th radio) rositiona hras 9. riod, statmnt, dcarativ sntnc ORL RTICITION 3. Listnd how? agr 2. What is bing said about ou? ou com. To 3. To 5. To what? song O. To what? cass O 6. Th 5. m whn? tomorrow 7. On 6. N 1 7. ki Chck 9. Th 8. (To cass) rositiona hras m a 10. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. 8. On what? radio O 10. N ki Chck 12. (To th song) rositiona hras 9. riod, command, imrativ sntnc (Writ Im at th nd of th sntnc.) 10. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. 13. (On th radio) rositiona hras 1. riod, statmnt, dcarativ sntnc 15. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. 1 N 1 Th 2 N 1 (You) N 1 Th 3 Taching Not: / istnd / istnd O (to th radio). O D O O agr (to th song) (on th radio). D /m (to cass) tomorrow. Im Evn though th Q& Fows show abbrviations to idntif th sntnc arts, ou shoud sa th words for which th abbrviations stand. Exam: For th abbrviation, sa th words subjct ronoun. HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC. 7a


8 Chatr 0 L3t 1/13/10 2:58 M ag 75 Chatr tudnt Ti If ou ar vr in doubt about whthr th subjct is a noun or ronoun, just rcit th ubjct ronoun Jing. If th subjct is on of th ronouns in th ubjct ronoun Jing, it is a subjct ronoun. Taching Not: To rmain consistnt with th sntnc, th Qustion and nswr Fow wi us a ura rsnttns vrb as it is writtn in th sntnc to comt th subjct qustion. If ou rfr to us th singuar form with th qustion, just chang th vrb to its singuar form. Exam: Th run fast. Q & : Who run fast? inguar form: Who runs fast? crit: You hav just cassifid th sntncs for th nw concts. Now, ou wi comt th Qustion and nswr Fow in th Guidd ractic. GUIDED RCTICE Exrcis 1: Fi in th banks, using this sntnc: h sarchd hurrid for th ost ks! sh 1. Who sarchd hurrid for th ost ks? ubjct ronoun am sh sarchd 2. What is bing said about sh? rb hurrid 3. archd how? rb For. rosition ks O 5. For what? Objct of th rosition ost dj 6. What kind of ks? djctiv Th 7. rtic djctiv N 1 8. ubjct Noun, rb, attrn 1 9. ki Chck (For th ost ks) 10. rositiona hras 1 1. Excamation oint, strong fing, xcamator sntnc E 12. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. / Exrcis 2: Cassif th sntnc. N 1 dj O h / sarchd hurrid (for th ost ks! ) E HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC. 75

9 Chatr 0 L3t 1/13/10 2:58 M ag 76 Chatr Worksht 13 Nam: Dat: Exrcis 1: 1. N 1 2. N 1 (You) 3. N 1 Exrcis 2: Cassif ach sntnc. Undrin th comt subjct onc and th comt rdicat twic. (0 oints) h / drov carfu. D dj O h / drov vr carfu (through th hav traffic. ) D /it dj O O (in th nw chair) (b th window. ) Im Us th sntnc bow to find ach answr. (5 oints) am H wakd hom from schoo on a sunn da. 1. Choos th art of sch for th word h. noun adjctiv vrb advrb rosition ronoun 2. Choos th art of sch for th word hom. noun adjctiv rosition vrb advrb ronoun 3. Choos th word that is an adjctiv in th sntnc. wakd hom schoo sunn. List th rositiona hrass in th sntnc. from schoo, on a sunn da 76 HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC.

10 Chatr 0 L3t 1/13/10 2:58 M ag 76a Chatr Worksht 13 Qustion and nswr Fow: ntnc 1 ntnc 2 h drov carfu. ntnc 3 h drov vr carfu through th hav traffic. 1. Who drov carfu? sh it in th nw chair b th window. 2. What is bing said about sh? sh drov 1. Who drov vr carfu through th hav traffic? sh 3. Drov how? carfu 2. What is bing said about sh? sh drov. N 1 3. Drov how? carfu 5. ki Chck. In what? chair O 5. Through 7. riod, statmnt, dcarativ sntnc 5. What kind of chair? nw dj 6. Through what? traffic O 7. What kind of traffic? hav dj 8. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. 2. What is bing said about ou? ou sit 3. In. How carfu? vr 6. No rositiona hrass 1. Who sit in th nw chair b th window? (You) (undrstood subjct ronoun) 6. Th 7. B 8. Th 9. N ki Chck m a 1 1. (Through th hav traffic) rositiona hras 8. B what? window O 9. Th 10. N ki Chck 12. riod, statmnt, dcarativ sntnc 12. (In th nw chair) rositiona hras 13. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. 13. (B th window) rositiona hras 1. riod, command, imrativ sntnc 15. Go back to th vrb. Divid th comt subjct from th comt rdicat. Taching Not: For Worksht 13, undrin th comt subjct onc and th comt rdicat twic. 1 N 1 h 2 N 1 h 3 N 1 (You) / drov /it / drov carfu. D dj O vr carfu (through th hav traffic). dj O D O (in th nw chair) (b th window). Im HURLEY INTRUCTIONL MTERIL, INC. 76a


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