Lampiran 2. Hasil Uji Statistik

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1 Lampiran 2. Hasil Uji Statistik Indeks probabilitas Indeks probabilitas FMA Descriptives Statistic Std, Error 47,975 4, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 38,403 Upper Bound 57,547 5% Trimmed 45,556 Median 40,250 Variance 895,820 Std, Deviation 29,9303 Minimum 7,0 Maximum 139,5 Range 132,5 Interquartile Range 46,1 Skewness 1,135,374 Kurtosis 1,458,733 51,225 4, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 42,443 Upper Bound 60,007 5% Trimmed 49,833 Median 46,250 Variance 754,038 Std, Deviation 27,4597 Minimum 9,0 Maximum 138,0 Range 129,0 Interquartile Range 35,9 Skewness,823,374 Kurtosis 1,151,733 27,763, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 25,846 Upper Bound 29,679 5% Trimmed 27,875 Median 28,750 Variance 35,897

2 FMA Std, Deviation 5,9914 Minimum 17,0 Maximum 37,0 Range 20,0 Interquartile Range 10,3 Skewness -,263,374 Kurtosis -1,050,733 27,313, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 25,488 Upper Bound 29,137 5% Trimmed 27,375 Median 27,000 Variance 32,560 Std, Deviation 5,7061 Minimum 16,0 Maximum 37,0 Range 21,0 Interquartile Range 9,8 Skewness -,179,374 Kurtosis -,967,733 ANB 6 or less 5,538,1683 ANB 6 or less 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 5,197 Upper Bound 5,878 5% Trimmed 5,486 Median 5,250 Variance 1,133 Std, Deviation 1,0645 Minimum 4,0 Maximum 8,0 Range 4,0 Interquartile Range 1,0 Skewness,803,374 Kurtosis -,082,733 5,325, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 4,896 Upper Bound 5,754 5% Trimmed 5,319 Median 5,000

3 FMIA 60 or more FMIA 60 or more OOC PL 7 or less Variance 1,802 Std, Deviation 1,3424 Minimum 3,0 Maximum 8,0 Range 5,0 Interquartile Range 2,4 Skewness,219,374 Kurtosis -,856,733 51,313, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 49,466 Upper Bound 53,159 5% Trimmed 51,514 Median 51,000 Variance 33,329 Std, Deviation 5,7732 Minimum 36,0 Maximum 63,0 Range 27,0 Interquartile Range 8,8 Skewness -,441,374 Kurtosis,136,733 49,075, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 47,330 Upper Bound 50,820 5% Trimmed 49,097 Median 48,750 Variance 29,763 Std, Deviation 5,4556 Minimum 36,0 Maximum 60,0 Range 24,0 Interquartile Range 7,6 Skewness,056,374 Kurtosis -,103,733 9,975, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 8,903 Upper Bound 11,047 5% Trimmed 10,000

4 OOC PL 7 or less SNB 80 or more SNB 80 or more Median 10,500 Variance 11,230 Std, Deviation 3,3511 Minimum 3,0 Maximum 16,0 Range 13,0 Interquartile Range 5,4 Skewness -,164,374 Kurtosis -,688,733 9,938, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 9,026 Upper Bound 10,849 5% Trimmed 9,806 Median 9,250 Variance 8,118 Std, Deviation 2,8492 Minimum 4,0 Maximum 17,5 Range 13,5 Interquartile Range 2,8 Skewness,988,374 Kurtosis 1,341,733 78,888, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 78,036 Upper Bound 79,739 5% Trimmed 78,986 Median 79,000 Variance 7,083 Std, Deviation 2,6614 Minimum 72,0 Maximum 83,0 Range 11,0 Interquartile Range 2,5 Skewness -,591,374 Kurtosis,102,733 78,988, % Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 78,140 Upper Bound 79,835

5 5% Trimmed 79,000 Median 79,250 Variance 7,019 Std, Deviation 2,6494 Minimum 73,0 Maximum 84,0 Range 11,0 Interquartile Range 3,4 Skewness,081,374 Kurtosis -,473,733

6 Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig, Statistic df Sig, Indeks probabilitas,146 40,031,910 40,004 Indeks probabilitas,093 40,200 *,955 40,109 FMA 20-30,109 40,200 *,948 40,062 FMA 20-30,086 40,200 *,965 40,250 ANB 6 or less,214 40,000,902 40,002 ANB 6 or less,171 40,005,945 40,053 FMIA 60 or more,092 40,200 *,972 40,421 FMIA 60 or more,069 40,200 *,985 40,868 OOC PL 7 or less,128 40,097,968 40,320 OOC PL 7 or less,241 40,000,907 40,003 SNB 80 or more,167 40,007,947 40,061 SNB 80 or more,110 40,200 *,961 40,188 a, Lilliefors Significance Correction *, This is a lower bound of the true significance, T-Test Paired Samples Statistics N Std, Deviation Std, Error Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas 47, ,9303 4,7324 Indeks probabilitas 51, ,4597 4,3418 Pair 2 FMA , ,9914,9473 FMA , ,7061,9022 Pair 3 ANB 6 or less 5, ,0645,1683 ANB 6 or less 5, ,3424,2122 Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more 51, ,7732,9128 FMIA 60 or more 49, ,4556,8626 Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less 9, ,3511,5299 OOC PL 7 or less 9, ,8492,4505 Pair 6 SNB 80 or more 78, ,6614,4208 SNB 80 or more 78, ,6494,4189 Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig, Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas & Indeks probabilitas 40,838,000

7 Pair 2 FMA & FMA ,947,000 Pair 3 ANB 6 or less & ANB 6 or less 40,740,000 Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more & FMIA 60 or more 40,321,043 Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less & OOC PL 7 or less 40,801,000 Pair 6 SNB 80 or more & SNB 80 or more 40,914,000 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas - Indeks probabilitas Std, Std, Error Deviation Lower Upper t df Sig, (2- tailed) -3, ,5270 2,6131-8,5356 2,0356-1,244 39,221 Pair 2 FMA FMA 20-30,4500 1,9209,3037 -,1643 1,0643 1,482 39,146 Pair 3 ANB 6 or less - ANB 6 or less,2125,9050,1431 -,0769,5019 1,485 39,146 Pair 4 Pair 5 Pair 6 FMIA 60 or more - FMIA 60 or more OOC PL 7 or less - OOC PL 7 or less SNB 80 or more - SNB 80 or more 2,2375 6,5476 1,0353,1435 4,3315 2,161 39,037,0375 2,0108,3179 -,6056,6806,118 39,907 -,1000 1,0990,1738 -,4515,2515 -,576 39,568

8 Explore (Ekstraksi) Indeks probabilitas Indeks probabilitas FMA Descriptives Statistic Std, Error 55,432 7,4989 Lower Bound 39,837 Upper Bound 71,027 5% Trimmed 53,470 Median 42,250 Variance 1237,150 Std, Deviation 35,1731 Minimum 7,0 Maximum 139,5 Range 132,5 Interquartile Range 50,6 Skewness,820,491 Kurtosis,246,953 54,386 6,5874 Lower Bound 40,687 Upper Bound 68,086 5% Trimmed 52,475 Median 47,500 Variance 954,665 Std, Deviation 30,8977 Minimum 9,0 Maximum 138,0 Range 129,0 Interquartile Range 39,4 Skewness,842,491 Kurtosis 1,057,953 28,477 1,2360 Lower Bound 25,907 Upper Bound 31,048 5% Trimmed 28,631 Median 29,500 Variance 33,607 Std, Deviation 5,7971 Minimum 18,0

9 FMA ANB 6 or less ANB 6 or less Maximum 36,0 Range 18,0 Interquartile Range 10,1 Skewness -,335,491 Kurtosis -1,216,953 28,273 1,2050 Lower Bound 25,767 Upper Bound 30,779 5% Trimmed 28,389 Median 28,750 Variance 31,946 Std, Deviation 5,6521 Minimum 18,5 Maximum 36,0 Range 17,5 Interquartile Range 9,9 Skewness -,310,491 Kurtosis -1,173,953 5,955,2460 Lower Bound 5,443 Upper Bound 6,466 5% Trimmed 5,947 Median 5,750 Variance 1,331 Std, Deviation 1,1538 Minimum 4,0 Maximum 8,0 Range 4,0 Interquartile Range 2,0 Skewness,275,491 Kurtosis -,883,953 5,614,3014 Lower Bound 4,987 Upper Bound 6,240 5% Trimmed 5,652 Median 5,500 Variance 1,998 Std, Deviation 1,4136

10 FMIA 60 or more FMIA 60 or more OOC PL 7 or less Minimum 3,0 Maximum 7,5 Range 4,5 Interquartile Range 2,5 Skewness -,268,491 Kurtosis -1,177,953 49,705 1,3890 Lower Bound 46,816 Upper Bound 52,593 5% Trimmed 49,732 Median 49,000 Variance 42,444 Std, Deviation 6,5149 Minimum 36,0 Maximum 63,0 Range 27,0 Interquartile Range 9,1 Skewness -,042,491 Kurtosis -,059,953 49,727 1,2723 Lower Bound 47,081 Upper Bound 52,373 5% Trimmed 49,717 Median 49,250 Variance 35,613 Std, Deviation 5,9676 Minimum 39,5 Maximum 60,0 Range 20,5 Interquartile Range 9,5 Skewness,190,491 Kurtosis -,873,953 9,864,7503 Lower Bound 8,303 Upper Bound 11,424 5% Trimmed 9,904 Median 11,000 Variance 12,385

11 OOC PL 7 or less SNB 80 or more SNB 80 or more Std, Deviation 3,5193 Minimum 3,0 Maximum 16,0 Range 13,0 Interquartile Range 5,3 Skewness -,224,491 Kurtosis -,629,953 10,114,6587 Lower Bound 8,744 Upper Bound 11,484 5% Trimmed 10,058 Median 9,750 Variance 9,546 Std, Deviation 3,0897 Minimum 4,0 Maximum 17,0 Range 13,0 Interquartile Range 3,4 Skewness,703,491 Kurtosis,730,953 78,273,5062 Lower Bound 77,220 Upper Bound 79,325 5% Trimmed 78,460 Median 79,000 Variance 5,636 Std, Deviation 2,3741 Minimum 72,0 Maximum 81,0 Range 9,0 Interquartile Range 3,5 Skewness -1,182,491 Kurtosis,961,953 78,409,5093 Lower Bound 77,350 Upper Bound 79,468 5% Trimmed 78,457 Median 79,250

12 Variance 5,706 Std, Deviation 2,3886 Minimum 73,0 Maximum 83,0 Range 10,0 Interquartile Range 3,6 Skewness -,435,491 Kurtosis -,184,953

13 Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig, Statistic df Sig, Indeks probabilitas,173 22,086,918 22,069 Indeks probabilitas,128 22,200 *,945 22,255 FMA 20-30,146 22,200 *,928 22,114 FMA 20-30,141 22,200 *,929 22,115 ANB 6 or less,153 22,196,949 22,306 ANB 6 or less,200 22,022,916 22,063 FMIA 60 or more,112 22,200 *,983 22,956 FMIA 60 or more,098 22,200 *,968 22,666 OOC PL 7 or less,172 22,089,960 22,488 OOC PL 7 or less,242 22,002,920 22,077 SNB 80 or more,211 22,012,884 22,014 SNB 80 or more,202 22,020,936 22,163 a, Lilliefors Significance Correction *, This is a lower bound of the true significance, T-Test (Ekstraksi) Paired Samples Statistics N Std, Deviation Std, Error Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas 55, ,1731 7,4989 Indeks probabilitas 54, ,8977 6,5874 Pair 2 FMA , ,7971 1,2360 FMA , ,6521 1,2050 Pair 3 ANB 6 or less 5, ,1538,2460 ANB 6 or less 5, ,4136,3014 Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more 49, ,5149 1,3890 FMIA 60 or more 49, ,9676 1,2723 Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less 9, ,5193,7503 OOC PL 7 or less 10, ,0897,6587 Pair 6 SNB 80 or more 78, ,3741,5062 SNB 80 or more 78, ,3886,5093 Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig, Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas & Indeks probabilitas 22,882,000 Pair 2 FMA & FMA ,943,000

14 Pair 3 ANB 6 or less & ANB 6 or less 22,719,000 Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more & FMIA 60 or more 22,351,109 Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less & OOC PL 7 or less 22,836,000 Pair 6 SNB 80 or more & SNB 80 or more 22,907,000 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas - Indeks probabilitas Pair 2 FMA FMA Pair 3 ANB 6 or less - ANB 6 or less Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more - FMIA 60 or more Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less - OOC PL 7 or less Pair 6 SNB 80 or more - SNB 80 or more Std, Deviation Std, Error Lower Upper t df Sig, (2- tailed) 1, ,5450 3,5274-6,2902 8,3811,296 21,770,2045 1,9375,4131 -,6545 1,0636,495 21,626,3409,9927,2116 -,0992,7810 1,611 21,122 -,0227 7,1239 1,5188-3,1813 3,1358 -,015 21,988 -,2500 1,9380,4132-1,1093,6093 -,605 21,552 -,1364 1,0256,2187 -,5911,3184 -,624 21,540

15 Explore (Non Ekstraksi) Indeks probabilitas Indeks probabilitas FMA Descriptives Statistic Std, Error 38,861 4,5152 Lower Bound 29,335 Upper Bound 48,387 5% Trimmed 38,457 Median 37,000 Variance 366,965 Std, Deviation 19,1563 Minimum 7,0 Maximum 78,0 Range 71,0 Interquartile Range 28,1 Skewness,374,536 Kurtosis -,259 1,038 47,361 5,3842 Lower Bound 36,001 Upper Bound 58,721 5% Trimmed 46,401 Median 45,750 Variance 521,818 Std, Deviation 22,8433 Minimum 13,0 Maximum 99,0 Range 86,0 Interquartile Range 36,8 Skewness,390,536 Kurtosis -,089 1,038 26,889 1,4789 Lower Bound 23,769 Upper Bound 30,009 5% Trimmed 26,877 Median 27,750 Variance 39,369 Std, Deviation 6,2745

16 FMA ANB 6 or less ANB 6 or less Minimum 17,0 Maximum 37,0 Range 20,0 Interquartile Range 9,3 Skewness -,162,536 Kurtosis -,885 1,038 26,139 1,3454 Lower Bound 23,300 Upper Bound 28,977 5% Trimmed 26,099 Median 26,250 Variance 32,583 Std, Deviation 5,7081 Minimum 16,0 Maximum 37,0 Range 21,0 Interquartile Range 8,9 Skewness -,050,536 Kurtosis -,556 1,038 5,028,1590 Lower Bound 4,692 Upper Bound 5,363 5% Trimmed 4,975 Median 5,000 Variance,455 Std, Deviation,6746 Minimum 4,0 Maximum 7,0 Range 3,0 Interquartile Range 1,0 Skewness 1,181,536 Kurtosis 3,590 1,038 4,972,2814 Lower Bound 4,378 Upper Bound 5,566 5% Trimmed 4,914 Median 5,000 Variance 1,426

17 FMIA 60 or more FMIA 60 or more OOC PL 7 or less Std, Deviation 1,1940 Minimum 3,0 Maximum 8,0 Range 5,0 Interquartile Range 1,5 Skewness,919,536 Kurtosis 1,536 1,038 53,278,9602 Lower Bound 51,252 Upper Bound 55,304 5% Trimmed 53,364 Median 53,000 Variance 16,595 Std, Deviation 4,0737 Minimum 46,0 Maximum 59,0 Range 13,0 Interquartile Range 6,6 Skewness -,324,536 Kurtosis -,948 1,038 48,278 1,1320 Lower Bound 45,889 Upper Bound 50,666 5% Trimmed 48,475 Median 48,250 Variance 23,065 Std, Deviation 4,8026 Minimum 36,0 Maximum 57,0 Range 21,0 Interquartile Range 5,9 Skewness -,571,536 Kurtosis 1,496 1,038 10,111,7611 Lower Bound 8,505 Upper Bound 11,717 5% Trimmed 10,123 Median 10,000

18 OOC PL 7 or less SNB 80 or more SNB 80 or more Variance 10,428 Std, Deviation 3,2293 Minimum 4,0 Maximum 16,0 Range 12,0 Interquartile Range 5,6 Skewness -,055,536 Kurtosis -,702 1,038 9,722,6120 Lower Bound 8,431 Upper Bound 11,013 5% Trimmed 9,497 Median 9,000 Variance 6,742 Std, Deviation 2,5965 Minimum 6,0 Maximum 17,5 Range 11,5 Interquartile Range 2,5 Skewness 1,585,536 Kurtosis 3,884 1,038 79,639,6750 Lower Bound 78,215 Upper Bound 81,063 5% Trimmed 79,765 Median 79,750 Variance 8,200 Std, Deviation 2,8636 Minimum 74,0 Maximum 83,0 Range 9,0 Interquartile Range 4,3 Skewness -,589,536 Kurtosis -,464 1,038 79,694,6705 Lower Bound 78,280 Upper Bound 81,109

19 5% Trimmed 79,688 Median 79,250 Variance 8,092 Std, Deviation 2,8447 Minimum 75,5 Maximum 84,0 Range 8,5 Interquartile Range 5,3 Skewness,239,536 Kurtosis -1,415 1,038

20 Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig, Statistic df Sig, Indeks probabilitas,094 18,200 *,979 18,945 Indeks probabilitas,095 18,200 *,970 18,806 FMA 20-30,118 18,200 *,948 18,402 FMA 20-30,101 18,200 *,983 18,973 ANB 6 or less,239 18,008,854 18,010 ANB 6 or less,213 18,030,925 18,162 FMIA 60 or more,153 18,200 *,930 18,192 FMIA 60 or more,104 18,200 *,965 18,706 OOC PL 7 or less,110 18,200 *,977 18,917 OOC PL 7 or less,235 18,010,872 18,019 SNB 80 or more,134 18,200 *,909 18,082 SNB 80 or more,211 18,034,897 18,051 a, Lilliefors Significance Correction *, This is a lower bound of the true significance, T-Test (Non Ekstraksi) Paired Samples Statistics N Std, Deviation Std, Error Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas 38, ,1563 4,5152 Indeks probabilitas 47, ,8433 5,3842 Pair 2 FMA , ,2745 1,4789 FMA , ,7081 1,3454 Pair 3 ANB 6 or less 5,028 18,6746,1590 ANB 6 or less 4, ,1940,2814 Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more 53, ,0737,9602 FMIA 60 or more 48, ,8026 1,1320 Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less 10, ,2293,7611 OOC PL 7 or less 9, ,5965,6120 Pair 6 SNB 80 or more 79, ,8636,6750 SNB 80 or more 79, ,8447,6705


22 Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig, Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas & Indeks probabilitas 18,747,000 Pair 2 FMA & FMA ,953,000 Pair 3 ANB 6 or less & ANB 6 or less 18,786,000 Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more & FMIA 60 or more 18,478,045 Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less & OOC PL 7 or less 18,762,000 Pair 6 SNB 80 or more & SNB 80 or more 18,910,000 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas - Indeks probabilitas Pair 2 FMA FMA Pair 3 ANB 6 or less - ANB 6 or less Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more - FMIA 60 or more Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less - OOC PL 7 or less Std, Std, Error Deviation Lower Upper t -8, ,3431 3, ,1300 -,8700-2,350 Sig, (2- df tailed) 17,031,7500 1,9117,4506 -,2006 1,7006 1,665 17,114,0556,7838,1847 -,3342,4453,301 17,767 5,0000 4,5794 1,0794 2,7227 7,2773 4,632 17,000,3889 2,0973,4943 -,6541 1,4319,787 17,442

23 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Pair 1 Indeks probabilitas - Indeks probabilitas Pair 2 FMA FMA Pair 3 ANB 6 or less - ANB 6 or less Pair 4 FMIA 60 or more - FMIA 60 or more Pair 5 OOC PL 7 or less - OOC PL 7 or less Pair 6 SNB 80 or more - SNB 80 or more Std, Std, Error Deviation Lower Upper -8, ,3431 3, ,1300 -,8700-2,350 t df Sig, (2- tailed) 17,031,7500 1,9117,4506 -,2006 1,7006 1,665 17,114,0556,7838,1847 -,3342,4453,301 17,767 5,0000 4,5794 1,0794 2,7227 7,2773 4,632 17,000,3889 2,0973,4943 -,6541 1,4319,787 17,442 -,0556 1,2113,2855 -,6579,5468 -,195 17,848

24 Lampiran 3. Hasil Uji T test Nilai p pencabutan dan tanpa pencabutan pada maloklusi Klas II Variabel Median SD CI 95 % Low Up IP IP FMA FMA ANB ANB FMIA FMIA OOC PL OOC PL SNB SNB t p Nilai p kasus pencabutan pada maloklusi Klas II Variabel Median SD CI 95 % t Low Up p IP IP FMA FMA ANB ANB FMIA FMIA OOC PL OOC PL SNB SNB

25 Nilai p kasus tanpa pencabutan pada maloklusi Klas II Variabel Median SD CI 95 % t Low Up p IP IP FMA FMA ANB ANB FMIA FMIA OOC PL OOC PL SNB SNB



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