Use the function below for problem #2 Use the function below for problem #3

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1 1. Which of the following is TRUE regarding arrays? [A]The name of the array represents the first value in the array. [B] The name of the array represents all values found in the array. [C] The name of the array represents where it is located in the memory of the computer. int getdata(int d[]) int ct = 0; Use the function below for problem #2 do printf("enter data #%d or -1 to exit: ", ct + 1); scanf("%d", &d[ct]); ct++; while(ct < MAXSIZE && d[ct - 1] > -1); //MISSING RETURN STATEMENT GOES HERE 2. Which of the following represents the number of non-negative integers entered by the user from the function above (MAXSIZE represents the defined size of the array)? [A]The value of the variable ct should always be returned. [B] The value of the expression ct 1 should always be returned. [C] The value of the expression ct 1 should only been returned when the -1 value has been input by the user. Use the function below for problem #3 void changearray(int x[]) int temp; int i; for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) temp = x[i]; x[i] = x[size i]; x[size i] = temp; 3. Which of the following describes the result of the function provided on the left (where SIZE is the defined size of the array)? [A] The order of the elements in the array are reversed. [B] The elements in the array are in the same order after the loop as they were before the loop. [C] One element in the array has been identified to be exchanged similar to one pass through the selection sorting algorithm.

2 #define SIZE 11 Use the code below for problem #4 void addnum(int[]); int main() int x[11] = 3, 2, 5, 4, 11, 8, 9, 10, 7, 6, 1; addnum(x); printf("x[3] = %d\n", x[3]); return(0); void addnum(int x[]) int i; for(i = 1; i < SIZE; i++) x[i] = x[i] + x[i - 1]; 4. Which of the following is the output produced by the code segment above? [A] x[3] = 10 [B] x[3] = 14 [C] x[3] = 9 Use the code below for problem #5 #define SIZE 7 void changeelement(int, int*); int main() int lcv; int ary[size] = 1; for(lcv = 1; lcv < SIZE; lcv++) changeelement(ary[lcv - 1], &ary[lcv]); printf("ary[5] = %d\n", ary[5]); return(0); void changeelement(int x, int *y) *y = 2 * x; 5. Which of the following is the output produced by the code segment above? [A] ary[5] = 16 [B] ary[5] = 32 [C] ary[5] = 64

3 #include<stdio.h> Use the code below for problem #6 int main() int array[5] = 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; int i = 0; while(i < 4) array[i] = array[i] % array[i + 1]; i++; return(0); 6. Which index in the array above represents a value that is different from all of the other elements? [A] 4 [C] 2 [B] 3 Use the array below for problems 7 8 int array[13] = 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33; 7. Which of the following represents the values of the variable mid in the binary search algorithm when applying that algorithm to seek the target value 24? [A]6, 9, 10 [C] 6, 10 [B] 6, 9, 11, Which of the following represents the values of the variable mid in the binary search algorithm when applying that algorithm to seek the target value 11? [A]6, 2, 1 [C] 6, 2, 0, 1 [B] 6, 2, 0 Use the array below for problem #19 int data[13] = 10, 10, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33; 9. Which of the following represents the number of comparisons output from lab #12 given the array above and the target value 10? [A] Total number of comparisons required: 5 [B] Total number of comparisons required: 6 [C] Total number of comparisons required: 7 Use the array below for problem #10 int data[13] = 10, 10, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 21, 21, 25, 33; 10. Which of the following represents the number of comparisons output from lab #12 given the array above and the target value 21? [A] Total number of comparisons required: 5 [B] Total number of comparisons required: 6 [C] Total number of comparisons required: 7

4 Use the array below for problem #11 int data[13] = 10, 5, 10, 8, 1, 1, 8, 8, 21, 21, 21, 5, 3; 11. Which of the following represents the number of comparisons output from lab #12 given the array above and the target value 21? [A] Total number of comparisons required: 3 [B] Total number of comparisons required: 11 [C] Total number of comparisons required: 13 Given the following array: int x[7] = 4, 6, 8, 2, 0, 5, 3; And the array after two passes through one of the three sorting algorithms: Which sorting algorithm has been applied? [A]Selection Sort [B] Insertion Sort [C] Bubble Sort [D]More than one of the above. Given the following array: int x[7] = 4, 6, 8, 2, 0, 5, 3; And the array after two passes through one of the three sorting algorithms: Which sorting algorithm has been applied? [A]Selection Sort [B] Insertion Sort [C] Bubble Sort [D]More than one of the above.

5 Given the following array: int x[7] = 3, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9; And the array after two passes through one of the three sorting algorithms: Which sorting algorithm has been applied? [A]Selection Sort [B] Insertion Sort [C] Bubble Sort [D]More than one of the above. Given the following array: int x[7] = 3, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9; And the array after two passes through one of the three sorting algorithms: Which sorting algorithm has been applied? [A]Selection Sort [B] Insertion Sort [C] Bubble Sort [D]More than one of the above. Given the following array: int x[7] = 3, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9; And the array after two passes through one of the three sorting algorithms: Which sorting algorithm has been applied? [A]Selection Sort [B] Insertion Sort [C] Bubble Sort [D]More than one of the above.

6 #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> Use the program below for problems int main() char str1[30] = "Final Exam Thursday"; char str2[25]; strcpy(str2, str1); printf("str2 length = %d\n", strlen(str2)); strcpy(str1, str2); printf("str1 length = %d\n", strlen(str2)); return(0); 17. What is the output generated by the first print statement in the program above? [A] str2 length = 19 [C] str2 length = 25 [B] str2 length = What is the output generated by the second print statement in the program above? [A] str1 length = 19 [C] str1 length = 30 [B] str1 length = 25 int a = 3; int b; int *x; int *y; x = &a; y = x; *x = 1; a = 5; Use the code segment below for problems printf("*x = %3d *y = %3d a = %3d\n", *x, *y, a); x = &b; b = 11; printf("*x = %3d *y = %3d a = %3d b = %3d\n", *x, *y, a, b); 19. What is the output generated by the first print statement in the code segment above? [A] *x = 1 *y = 1 a = 5 [B] *x = 5 *y = 1 a = 5 [C] *x = 5 *y = 5 a = What is the output generated by the second print statement in the code segment above? [A] *x = 11 *y = 11 a = 5 b = 11 [B] *x = 11 *y = 5 a = 5 b = 11 [C] *x = 5 *y = 1 a = 5 b = 11

7 21. Which of the following is result of using an incorrect placeholder in a printf function? [A] The compiler will issue a warning. [B] The results will be converted to meet the data type of the placeholder used similar to an explicit data type conversion. [C] The results will be converted to meet the data type of the placeholder used similar to an implicit data type conversion. 22. Which of the following statements is TRUE? [A] Any function that utilizes pass by address must have a void return type. [B] Any function that utilizes pass by address must use pass by address for all parameters. [C] Both A and B. int c = -1; int d = 1; int result; Use the code below for problem #23 result = d-- ++c; printf("c = %d d = %d\n", c, d); 23. Which of the following is the output of the print statement of the code above? [A] c = 0 d = 0 [C] c = 0 d = -1 [B] c = -1 d = Which of the following logical expressions is the complement of the expression below? a > b && a > c [A] a > b a > c [B] a < b a < c [C] a <= b && a <= c 25. Which of the following logical expressions is the complement of the expression below? [A] a == b b == c a == c [B] a!= b && b!= c && a!= c int x = 3; int y = 2; int z = 3; a!= b b!= c a!= c Use the code below for problem #26 printf("result #1 = %d\n", x <= 3 y >= 2 && z!= 3); printf("result #2 = %d\n", x <= 3 (y >= 2 && z!= 3)); printf("result #3 = %d\n", (x <= 3 y >= 2) && z!= 3); 26. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the code segment above? [A] All three results will generate the same value. [B] Only results #1 and #3 will generate the same value. [C] Only results #1 and #2 will generate the same value. [C] a == b && b == c && a == c

8 Use the code below for problem #27 int a = 732; int b = 81912; if(a % b < 500) a = 0; else if(a % b > 700) b = 0; else a = 0; b = 0; printf("a = %d b = %d\n", a, b); 27. Which of the following is the output of the code segment above? [A] a = 732 b = 0 [B] a = 0 b = [C] a = 0 b = 0 Use the code below for problem #28 if(score >= MINA) grade = 'A'; else if(score >= MINB && score < MINA) grade = 'B'; else if(score >= MINC && score < MINB) grade = 'C'; else if(score >= MIND && score < MINC) grade = 'D'; else grade = 'F'; 28. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the if/else if/else construct above? [A]The second condition in each of the else if's are complements of the first condition in the previous if or else if and are unnecessary because only the statements associated with the first true condition are executed in an if/else if/else construct. [B] The second condition in each of the else if's are necessary because an if/else if/else construct will continue to execute statements found within all true conditions in an if/else if/else construct. [C] Both conditions of each else if are necessary because statements associated with a true condition could potentially alter the values of variables used in later conditions in an if/else if/else construct. int x = 3; int y = 2; int z = 1; z = x - y - z? x++ : ++y; printf("x = %d y = %d z = %d\n", x, y, z); Use the code below for problem # Which of the following is the output of the code segment above? [A] x = 3 y = 3 z = 2 [B] x = 4 y = 3 z = 3 [C] x = 3 y = 3 z = 3

9 int month = 3; int year = 2000; int day = 2; Use the code below for problem #30 switch(month) case 5: day += 30; case 4: day += 31; case 3: day += 28 + ((!(year % 4) && (year % 100))!(year % 400)); case 2: day += 31; printf("day = %d\n", day); 30. What is the output produced by the code segment above? [A] day = 62 [B] day = 61 int main() int x = 35; int y = 7; int z = -1; switch(x % y == 0) case 0: z = 1; break; case 1: z = 0; break; printf("z = %d\n", z); [C] day = 60 Use the code below for problems return(0); 31. Which of the following switch statement rules is being violated by the code segment above? [A] The control expression must be integral. [B] Each case label is the keyword case followed by a constant expression. [C] No two case labels can have the same value. 32. Which of the following is the output generated by the code segment above? [A] z = -1 [C] z = 1 [B] z = Which of the following will result in an infinite loop? The variable used in each for loop has been declared as an integer. [A] for(i = 0; i!= ; i += 10) [C] for(i = 0; i < 85; i + 17) [B] for(i = 0; i % 169 > 0; i = i + 13)

10 5 int y = 0; 6 int x = 34219; 7 8 do 9 10 y *= 10; 11 y += x % 10; 12 x /= 10; 13 while(x > 0); printf("y = %d\n", y); Use the code below for problems Which of the following is the output generated by the code segment above? [A] y = 19 [C] y = 9124 [B] y = Which of the following is the output generated by the code segment above if line 10 was removed? [A] y = 19 [C] y = 0 [B] y = Which of the following would NOT produce the same results as the original code above [replacing lines 8 13] given that the variable x will always be a non-negative integer? [A] [B] [C] [D] while(x > 0) y *= 10; y += x % 10; x /= 10; for(x = 34219; x > 0; x /= 10) y *= 10; y += x % 10; do y *= 10; y += x % 10; x /= 10; while(x!= 0); None of the above.

11 int row; int col; int sz; Use the code below for problems for(row = 0; row <= sz; row++) for(col = 0; col <= sz; col++) if(col == sz - row + 1) printf("%d", sz); else printf("%c", '$'); printf("\n"); 37. Given that the variable sz is assigned a value of 5, which of the following is the first line of output generated by the code segment above? [A] $$$$$$ [C] $$$$5$ [B] $$$$$5 38. Given that the variable sz is assigned a value of 5, which of the following is the last line of output generated by the code segment above? [A] $$$$$$ [C] $5$$$$ [B] 5$$$$$ 39. Given that the variable sz is assigned a value of 5, what is the total number of characters ($ and 5) displayed to the monitor? [A]30 [C] 25 [B] Which of the following is used to visually represent the algorithm of a single function? [A] A Flowchart [C] A Specification Chart [B] A Structure Chart 41. According to course standards, which of the following would never be given a global scope? [A]Function prototypes. [C] Variables. [B] Function definitions. 42. Which of the following is TRUE regarding scope? [A]It is poor programming style to reuse identifiers within the same scope. [B] It is poor programming style to reuse identifiers with non-overlapping scope. [C] It is always poor programming style to reuse identifiers. 43. Which of the following can be detected by the compiler? [A]A reference to an array index value that exceeds the defined limits of the array. [B] A loop control expression that will result in an infinite loop. [C] A function call that includes fewer parameters than was specified in the function prototype.

12 int a = 7; int b = 11; int c; float d = 4.85; c = (float) (b / a); printf("c = %d\n", c); Use the code below for problems What is the first output generated by the code on the left? [A] c = 0 [B] c = 1 [C] c = 2 c = a / (float) b + 0.5; printf("c = %d\n", c); c = (int) d / b + 0.5; printf("c = %d\n", c); 45. What is the second output generated by the code above? [A] c = 0 [B] c = What is the third output generated by the code above? [A] c = 0 [B] c = 1 [C] c = 2 [C] c = 2

13 47. Which of the following file functions utilizes the name of the external file being accessed rather than the name of the file handle variable? [A] fopen [C] fclose [B] fscanf [D] Both A and C. 48. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the scanf function in the C programming language and the fscanf function in MATLAB (or Octave)? [A]The fscanf function in MATLAB (or Octave) has no address list similar to the scanf function in C. [B] The fscanf function in MATLAB (or Octave) includes the name of the file handle variable to indicate the source of the data. [C] The format string in C's scanf function uses double quotes while the format string in MATLAB's fscanf function uses single quotes. 49. Which of the following is the result of attempting to redirect output from an executable (a.out) file to an existing file? [A]The existing file is over-written. [B] The operating system reports an error that it cannot over-write an existing file. [C] A new file with an additional character in its name is created to distinguish it from the existing file. 50. What should you be sure to do when contacting the instructor regarding your course grade? [A]Wait until minimums for each letter grade are announced. [B] Be sure to use your Purdue address and state which course you were taking. [C] Provide specific concerns you have with specific assignments as grades in the course will be based on points earn and not factors external to the course. [D]All of the above.

14 This page lists C operators in order of precedence (highest to lowest). Their associativity indicates in what order operators of equal precedence in an expression are applied. Operator Description Associativity () []. -> ! ~ (type) * & sizeof Parentheses (function call) (see Note 1) Brackets (array subscript) Member selection via object name Member selection via pointer Postfix increment/decrement (see Note 2) Prefix increment/decrement Unary plus/minus Logical negation/bitwise complement Cast (change type) Dereference Address Determine size in bytes left-to-right right-to-left * / % Multiplication/division/modulus left-to-right + - Addition/subtraction left-to-right << >> Bitwise shift left, Bitwise shift right left-to-right < <= > >= Relational less than/less than or equal to Relational greater than/greater than or equal to left-to-right ==!= Relational is equal to/is not equal to left-to-right & Bitwise AND left-to-right ^ Bitwise exclusive OR left-to-right Bitwise inclusive OR left-to-right && Logical AND left-to-right Logical OR left-to-right?: Ternary conditional right-to-left = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= = <<= >>= Assignment Addition/subtraction assignment Multiplication/division assignment Modulus/bitwise AND assignment Bitwise exclusive/inclusive OR assignment Bitwise shift left/right assignment right-to-left, Comma (separate expressions) left-to-right

15 ASCII Table Char Dec Char Dec Char Dec Char Dec (nul) 0 space 64 ` 96 (soh) 1! 33 A 65 a 97 (stx) 2 " 34 B 66 b 98 (etx) 3 # 35 C 67 c 99 (eot) 4 $ 36 D 68 d 100 (enq) 5 % 37 E 69 e 101 (ack) 6 & 38 F 70 f 102 (bel) 7 39 G 71 g 103 (bs) 8 ( 40 H 72 h 104 (ht) 9 ) 41 I 73 i 105 (nl) 10 * 42 J 74 j 106 (vt) K 75 k 107 (np) 12, 44 L 76 l 108 (cr) M 77 m 109 (so) N 78 n 110 (si) 15 / 47 O 79 o 111 (dle) P 80 p 112 (dc1) Q 81 q 113 (dc2) R 82 r 114 (dc3) S 83 s 115 (dc4) T 84 t 116 (nak) U 85 u 117 (syn) V 86 v 118 (etb) W 87 w 119 (can) X 88 x 120 (em) Y 89 y 121 (sub) 26 : 58 Z 90 z 122 (esc) 27 ; 59 [ (fs) 28 < 60 \ (gs) 29 = 61 ] (rs) 30 > 62 ^ 94 ~ 126 (us) 31? 63 _ 95 (del) 127

16 Lab Time Lab Day Location and TA Section 7:30 Tuesday SC 189 Jessica Sparks :30 Tuesday SC 189 Sebastian Lee :30 Tuesday SC 189 Amir Warsanah :30 Tuesday SC 189 Nicki Schrank :30 Wednesday SC 189 Kuan-Po Chen :30 Wednesday SC 189 Caleb Bean :30 Wednesday SC 189 Alyssa Welles :30 Thursday SC 189 Ryne Rayburn :30 Thursday SC 289 Xi Luo :30 Thursday SC 189 Mike James :30 Thursday SC 189 John Grabarczyk 2101

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