Lesson Plan. Course Title: Computer Programming Session Title: For Loops

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1 Lesson Plan Course Title: Computer Programming Session Title: For Loops Lesson Duration: 3-4 hours Performance Objective: Upon completion of this assignment, the student will recognize and explain the parts of a for loop and be able to create and modify for loops to perform specified tasks. Specific Objectives: Design for loops based on specification Produce a procedural program that incorporates for loops Compare the output of a for loop with expected results and modify it if needed Preparation TEKS Correlations: (c) 6.B perform a logical design 7.C produce procedural coding 7.E compare computed results with anticipated results Instructor/Trainer References: Content Developer Knowledge Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science, by Lewis, Loftus, & Cocking, copyright 2004, Pearson Education, Inc. Introduction to Computer Science using Java, by Liberty, Quirk & Weiss, copyright 2005, Glencoe McGraw-Hill Instructional Aids: Presentation: Intro to For Loops Handout & KEY: Guided Notes: Intro to For Loops Handout & Lab File & KEY: Observing For Loops & ObservingFor.java Lab File: ForPractice.java Lab File: UsingFor.java Handout & KEY: For Loop Review Handout & KEY: For Loop Quiz A, B, & C Handout & Lab File: MayanLongCount & MayanLongCount.java Materials Needed: Copies of Instructional aides Pencil or pen 1

2 Equipment Needed: Each student will need access to a computer with Java installed and access to the internet for research. Learner The learner should have understanding of simple Java code, including system output and data types. Introduction MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): Begin the presentation with a group discussion about repetitive activities, such as counting, dealing cards, or serving lunch in a cafeteria line. Help the group to understand that these activities involve the same task repeated a certain number of times. Have the group list examples of this kind of activity. Discuss what the advantages might be if you could simply define a job, and then have it repeated a certain number of times. This should prepare the group for the Presentation. Discussion should take 5 minutes. Outline MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructor Notes: The instructor presents the Intro to For Loops Presentation. Students follow along using the Intro to For Loops Guided Notes. The instructor can pause at any point to expand the discussion or clarify concepts. Terms & Concepts presented: The basic parts of for loop syntax, including the initialization, condition, and step statements. Counter variables declared outside of the for loop persist after the loop. Variables declared inside of the loop do not exist outside of the loop. Curly brackets create a block statement, but for loops without brackets only contain one statement. Special syntax in the step statement allows the loop to move forward or backward or by various increments. The Presentation, discussion, and notes should take minutes. The Presentation and guided notes can also be used by students who were absent and trying to catch up. It can also be used as a review. The guided notes may be graded using the KEY to check student understanding. Students who do not complete the guided notes during the presentation may need to review the Presentation on their own time. 2

3 Application MI Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Handout & Lab File: Observing For Loops The teacher can begin this lab by showing it to the students on the overhead projector and discussing different parts of the code. The teacher might even guide the class through the first few questions to get them started. Students should then be able to complete the lab individually or in pairs. The students goal is to observe, analyze, and report what happens as they follow the various instructions that are in the lab. The student uses numbered questions in the handout that correspond to numbered segments in the lab file that have instructions. The student follows the numbered instructions in the code and answers questions about the code and about the output when the lab file is run. There are output statements in each numbered section of the code that allow the student to predict the range of numbers that will be printed in that section. The student should look at the code ahead of time, and type their prediction in each output statement BEFORE compiling and running the code. This lab reinforces for loop terminology and concepts, including initialization, condition and step statements. Encourage students to look at the entire lab file before running the lab or answering questions. One of the benefits of this lab is that the student learns to predict the outcome of a for loop, using the concepts given in the Presentation. This lab can be completed in minutes. There is a KEY to assess student understanding. MI Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Lab File: ForPractice.java In this lab exercise, students follow numbered instructions that are imbedded in the code. Instruction #0 is already completed in the code as an example for the students. Students may refer to the observation lab for code examples. The teacher assesses the lab by looking at the code and having the student run the completed lab to check the output statements. ForPractice.java helps the student to gain confidence in reading and making minor code modifications. This lab takes minutes. Summary MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Handout & KEY: For Loop Review Students can use their notes and the Presentation to answer questions about class terms, concepts, and code segments. The teacher may allow students to grade their own self-evaluation, but should hold them accountable for correcting any errors by writing explanations for any question that they miss. The evaluation helps students assess their own understanding of the material and readiness for the quiz. This self-evaluation takes minutes. 3

4 Evaluation MI Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): Lab File: UsingFor.java In this lab there are 9 numbered instructions imbedded in the code. Students complete the lab by writing a few lines of code to follow each instruction. The teacher evaluates the lab by looking at the student s code additions in each section and by observing the output. Students can use examples from previous labs to complete the instructions. There is a KEY for this lab, UsingForKEY.java. This lab takes minutes. MI Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): Handouts & KEYs: For Loop Quiz A, B, & C These Quizzes are used as formal assessment of students understanding of for loop terminology and concepts. Each one contains similar material that is rearranged. The C version is modified with fewer questions. The quiz takes minutes to complete. Extension MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): Handout and Lab and KEYs : Mayan Long Count and MayanLongCount.java This exercise challenges students to apply their understanding of for loops by recreating the Mayan long count calendar, which consists of 5 digits, representing the Mayan day, month, year, decade, and century. The long count starts at which represents 14 Aug 3114 BC, and ends at which is 21Dec Students begin by researching the long count calendar online. Students will answer simple questions on the handout to ensure that they understand the range of each of the five sets of numbers. Students apply their knowledge by modifying the MayanLongCount.java lab file so that it uses nested for loops to print from to Student instructions are in the file. Labs are assessed by looking at the code and the output. There is a KEY for both the handout and the lab. Encourage the students to have fun with the lab and to show each other their output. Printing the entire calendar takes a while, which adds to the anticipation of getting the final date correct. For troubleshooting purposes, students can set the Baktun limit to 1 instead of 13, so that the dates run from to When students are satisfied they have the code correct, have them change the Baktun limit back to 13 to demonstrate their code. This lab takes from minutes depending on student enthusiasm. 4

5 Icon MI Teaching Strategies Verbal/ Linguistic Logical/ Mathematical Visual/Spatial Musical/ Rhythmic Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Lecture, discussion, journal writing, cooperative learning, word origins Problem solving, number games, critical thinking, classifying and organizing, Socratic questioning Mind-mapping, reflective time, graphic organizers, color-coding systems, drawings, designs, video, DVD, charts, maps Use music, compose songs or raps, use musical language or metaphors Use manipulatives, hand signals, pantomime, real life situations, puzzles and board games, activities, roleplaying, action problems Reflective teaching, interviews, reflective listening, KWL charts Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming, cross-cultural interactions Personal Development Strategies Reading, highlighting, outlining, teaching others, reciting information Organizing material logically, explaining things sequentially, finding patterns, developing systems, outlining, charting, graphing, analyzing information Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing with color, mental imagery (drawing in the mind s eye) Creating rhythms out of words, creating rhythms with instruments, playing an instrument, putting words to existing songs Moving while learning, pacing while reciting, acting out scripts of material, designing games, moving fingers under words while reading Reflecting on personal meaning of information, studying in quiet settings, imagining experiments, visualizing information, journaling Studying in a group, discussing information, using flash cards with other, teaching others Naturalist Existentialist Natural objects as manipulatives and as background for learning Socratic questions, real life situations, global problems/questions Connecting with nature, forming study groups with like minded people Considering personal relationship to larger context 5

6 Name: Date: Period: Intro to For Loops Guided Notes Objective: Learn loop terminology and concepts Instructions: Fill in the notes as you follow the presentation. Intro to For Loops 1. Looping basically means to a. Increase the speed of calculations b. Repeat an operation several times 2. To create a for loop, you must know the number of [ criterion / iterations / initializations ] it needs to execute. 3. The keyword that identifies the for loop is [ for / loop / int ]. for ( int x = 0; x < 12 ; x ++) 4. In the for loop above, which is the condition? [ int x = 0 / x < 12 / x ++ ] 5. In the for loop above, which is the initialization? [ int x = 0 / x < 12 / x ++ ] 6. In the for loop above, which is the step expression? [ int x = 0 / x < 12 / x ++ ] 7. For loops must be initialized to zero. [ T / F ] 8. The control expression is the same as the condition. [ T / F ] 9. To keep the for loop running, the condition must evaluate to [ True / False ]. 10. The step expression must move the condition toward [ True / False ]. 11. The step expression must always count up. [ T / F ] Special Step Expression Syntax & Curly Brackets 12. The expression k++ means the same thing as k = k + k. [ T / F ] 13. The expression x*=3 means the same thing as x = x*3. [ T / F ] 14. Without curly brackets, how many lines are in the body of the for loop? [ 0 / 1 / 2 ] 6

7 Initialization Variables 15. If the variable is declared inside the loop, it can also be used outside of the loop. [ T / F ] 16. A variable that is declared before the beginning of the for loop [ can / can NOT ] be used after the end of the for loop. 17. If the loop count variable k is declared outside of the loop, then after the loop the value of k is a. The first value of k before the loop started. b. The last value of k before the loop condition failed. c. The value of k after the loop condition failed. Review 18. Write a loop below that uses the count variable x that is initialized to 0 and counts by 1 s up to 13. 7

8 Name: Date: Period: Intro to For Loops Guided Notes KEY Objective: Learn loop terminology and concepts Instructions: Fill in the notes as you follow the presentation. Intro to For Loops 1. Looping basically means to a. To increase the speed of calculations b. Repeat an operation several times 2. To create a for loop, you must know the number of [criterion / iterations / initializations ] it needs to execute. 3. The keyword that identifies the for loop is [ for / loop / int ]. for ( int x = 0; x < 12 ; x ++) 4. In the for loop above, which is the condition? [ int x = 0 / x < 12 / x ++ ] 5. In the for loop above, which is the initialization? [ int x = 0 / x < 12 / x ++ ] 6. In the for loop above, which is the step expression? [ int x = 0 / x < 12 / x ++ ] 7. For loops must be initialized to zero. [ T / F ] 8. The control expression is the same as the condition. [ T / F ] 9. To keep the for loop running, the condition must evaluate to [ True / False ]. 10. The step expression must move the condition toward [ True / False ]. 11. The step expression must always count up. [ T / F ] Special Step Expression Syntax & Curly Brackets 12. The expression k++ means the same thing as k = k + k. [ T / F ] 13. The expression x*=3 means the same thing as x = x*3. [ T / F ] 14. Without curly brackets, how many lines are in the body of the for loop? [ 0 / 1 / 2 ] 8

9 Initialization Variables 15. If the variable is declared inside the loop, it can also be used outside of the loop. [ T / F ] 16. A variable that is declared before the beginning of the for loop [ can / can NOT ] be used after the end of the for loop. 17. If the loop count variable k is declared outside of the loop, then after the loop the value of k is a. The first value of k before the loop started. b. The last value of k before the loop condition failed. c. The value of k after the loop condition failed. Review 18. Write a loop below that uses the count variable x that is initialized to 0 and counts by 1 s up to 13. for (int x = 0; x <=13; x++) or for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++) 9

10 Name: Date: Period: Objective: Students analyze the code in ObservingFor.java. Observing For Loops Instructions: First complete the lab ObservingFor.java; fill out this form as you observe the code and its execution. You may make changes to the code to test any of your answers. 1. In #1, the part of code that tells the counting where to start is [int i = 0 / i < 9 / i++ ]. 2. In #2, the part of code that tells the counting where to stop is [int i = 0 / i <= 9 / i++ ]. 3. Using #1 and #2 as examples, which of the following would count from 0 to 12? a. for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) b. for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) c. for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++) 4. In #3, the part of code that makes it count backward is [ int i = 0 / i <= 9 / i-- ]. 5. Using #3 as an example, which of the following would count from 12 to 1? a. for (int i = 12; i >= 0; i--) b. for (int i = 12; i > 0; i--) c. for (int i = 13; i >= 0; i--) 6. Using #4 as an example, what would the following code produce? for (int i = 3; i >= -1; i--) System.out.print(i + " "); a b c In #5, which part of the code causes it to count by 3 s? [ int i = 3 / i <= 3 / i+=3 ] 8. Using #5 as an example, which of the following would count from 0 to 12 by 2 s? [for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i+=2) / for (int i = 2; i <= 12; i+=0) ] 9. In #6, which part of the code causes it to count by 6 s? [ int i = 24 / i >= -6 / i-=6 ] 10. #7 shows that you [ can / can not ] use variables in a for loop. 11. The difference between #8 and #9 is a. #8 has 2 statements in a block, but #9 does not. b. #9 has 2 statements in a block, but #8 does not. 10

11 12. In #10, the variable x is declared [inside / outside ] of the for loop. 13. In #10, the last value of x inside the loop is. 14. In #10, the last value of x after the loop is. 15. In #10, after the loop runs, the value of x outside of the loop is greater than the last value of x inside the loop because a. It was incremented after the loop was over. b. It was incremented inside the loop; then failed the loop condition. c. It failed the loop condition; then was incremented inside the loop. 16. In #11, the first time y is printed inside the loop, the value is. 17. In #11, when y is printed after the loop, the value is. 18. In # 11, what happens first? a. The value of y gets incremented. b. The body of the loop runs. 19. In #12, the print statement inside the loop [ does / does NOT ] execute. 20. In #12, what is wrong with the for loop? a. The value of z is not less than 4, so the for loop fails immediately. b. The value of z is changed to 4, then 3 is added to it. c. The value of z starts at 8, then gets incremented to If you un-comment all the lines in #13, then compile and run it, what happens? a. The loop never runs. b. The loop never stops running. c. The loop runs until it reaches the limit of the condition. 22. If you un-comment all the lines in #13, why does it run the way it does? a. The loop condition fails before the loop runs. b. The loop condition never fails. c. The loop condition eventually fails when the value of a is incremented high enough. Conclusions 23. If you want to use a variable during the for loop, and after the for loop is finished, you should declare that variable a. Inside the for loop b. After the for loop c. Before the for loop 24. The for loop statement for(int k = 7; k< 14; k+=3) means a. With k starting at 7, add 3 to k until k reaches 14 b. With k starting at 7, add 3 to k until k is greater than 14 c. With k starting at 7, add 3 to k as long as k is less than 14 11

12 Name: Date: Period: Observing For Loops KEY Objective: Students analyze the code in ObservingFor.java. Instructions: First complete the lab: ObservingFor.java; fill out this form, as you observe the code and its execution. You may make changes to the code to test any of your answers. 1. In #1, the part of code that tells the counting where to start is [int i = 0 / i < 9 / i++ ]. 2. In #2, the part of code that tells the counting where to stop is [int i = 0 / i <= 9 / i++ ]. 3. Using #1 and #2 as examples, which of the following would count from 0 to 12? a. for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) b. for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) c. for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++) 4. In #3, the part of code that makes it count backward is [ int i = 0 / i <= 9 / i-- ]. 5. Using #3 as an example, which of the following would count from 12 to 1? a. for (int i = 12; i >= 0; i--) b. for (int i = 12; i > 0; i--) c. for (int i = 13; i >= 0; i--) 6. Using #4 as an example, what would the following code produce? for (int i = 3; i >= -1; i--) System.out.print(i + " "); a b c In #5, which part of the code causes it to count by 3 s? [ int i = 3 / i <= 3 / i+=3 ] 8. Using #5 as an example, which of the following would count from 0 to 12 by 2 s? [for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i+=2) / for (int i = 2; i <= 12; i+=0) ] 9. In #6, which part of the code causes it to count by 6 s? [ int i = 24 / i >= -6 / i-=6 ] 10. #7 shows that you [ can / can not ] use variables in a for loop. 11. The difference between #8 and #9 is a. #8 has 2 statements in a block, but #9 does not. b. #9 has 2 statements in a block, but #8 does not. 12

13 12. In #10, the variable x is declared [inside / outside ] of the for loop. 13. In #10, the last value of x inside the loop is _ In #10, the last value of x after the loop is _ In #10, after the loop runs, the value of x outside of the loop is greater than the last value of x inside the loop because a. It was incremented after the loop was over. b. It was incremented inside the loop, then failed the loop condition. c. It failed the loop condition, then was incremented inside the loop. 16. In #11, the first time y is printed inside the loop, the value is In #11, when y is printed after the loop, the value is In # 11, what happens first? a. The value of y gets incremented. b. The body of the loop runs. 19. In #12, the print statement inside the loop [ does / does NOT ] execute. 20. In #12, what is wrong with the for loop? a. The value of z is not less than 4, so the for loop fails immediately. b. The value of z is changed to 4, then 3 is added to it. c. The value of z starts at 8, then gets incremented to If you un-comment all the lines in #13, then compile and run it, what happens? a. The loop never runs. b. The loop never stops running. c. The loop runs until it reaches the limit of the condition. 22. If you un-comment all the lines in #13, why does it run the way it does? a. The loop condition fails before the loop runs. b. The loop condition never fails. c. The loop condition eventually fails when the value of a is incremented high enough. Conclusions 23. If you want to use a variable during the for loop, and after the for loop is finished, you should declare that variable a. Inside the for loop b. After the for loop c. Before the for loop 24. The for loop statement for(int k = 7; k< 14; k+=3) means a. With k starting at 7, add 3 to k until k reaches 14 b. With k starting at 7, add 3 to k until k is greater than 14 c. With k starting at 7, add 3 to k as long as k is less than 14 13

14 Name: Date: Period: Review: For Loop Objective: Students identify and practice recently learned for loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. for (int j = 5; j < 5; j++) How many times would this loop run? a. Infinite number b. 1 c. Not at all 2. for (int j = 5; j > 5; j++) How many times would this loop run? a. Infinite number b. 1 c. Not at all 3. for (int j = 5; j <= 5; j++) How many times would this loop run? a. Infinite number b. 1 c. Not at all 4. for (int j = 5; j <= 5; j--) How many times would this loop run? a. Infinite number b. 1 c. Not at all 5. for (int j = 1; j < 10; j+=3) What would the value of j be as this loop runs? a. 1, 4, 7 b. 1, 3, 9 c. 1, 4, 7, 10 d. None of these 6. for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j+=3) What would the value of j be as this loop runs? a. 1, 4, 7 b. 1, 3, 9 c. 1, 4, 7, 10 d. None of these 7. for (int j = 1; j > 10; j+=3) What would the value of j be as this loop runs? a. 1, 4, 7 b. 1, 3, 9 c. 1, 4, 7, 10 d. None of these 14

15 8. for (int j = 1; j < 10; j*=3) What would the value of j be as this loop runs? a. 1, 4, 7 b. 1, 3, 9 c. 1, 4, 7, 10 d. None of these 9. for (int j = start; j < stop; j += step) Fill in each of the variable values so that the value of j will be 0, 2, 4, 6 when the loop runs. start = stop = step = 10. for (int j = start; j < stop; j += step) Fill in each of the variable values so that the value of j will be 6, 3, 0 when the loop runs. start = stop = step = 11. Complete the for loop so that the value of j will be 27, 9, 3. for ( int j = 27 ; j>=3; j ) int k = 0; for (k = 3; k < 6; k++) { System.out.println( hello ); } System.out.println(k) 12. Look at the code above. What will be the value of k when the for loop is over and the print statement prints the value of k? a. 0 b. 3 c. 5 d. 6 e. none of these 15

16 Name: Date: Period: Review: For Loop KEY Objective: Students identify and practice recently learned for loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. for (int j = 5; j < 5; j++) How many times would this loop run? a. Infinite number b. 1 c. Not at all 2. for (int j = 5; j > 5; j++) How many times would this loop run? a. Infinite number b. 1 c. Not at all 3. for (int j = 5; j <= 5; j++) How many times would this loop run? a. Infinite number b. 1 c. Not at all 4. for (int j = 5; j <= 5; j--) How many times would this loop run? a. Infinite number b. 1 c. Not at all 5. for (int j = 1; j < 10; j+=3) What would the value of j be as this loop runs? a. 1, 4, 7 b. 1, 3, 9 c. 1, 4, 7, 10 d. None of these 6. for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j+=3) What would the value of j be as this loop runs? a. 1, 4, 7 b. 1, 3, 9 c. 1, 4, 7, 10 d. None of these 7. for (int j = 1; j > 10; j+=3) What would the value of j be as this loop runs? a. 1, 4, 7 b. 1, 3, 9 16

17 c. 1, 4, 7, 10 d. None of these 8. for (int j = 1; j < 10; j*=3) What would the value of j be as this loop runs? a. 1, 4, 7 b. 1, 3, 9 c. 1, 4, 7, 10 d. None of these 9. for (int j = start; j < stop; j += step) Fill in each of the variable values so that the value of j will be 0, 2, 4, 6 when the loop runs. start = 0 stop = 7 or 8 step = for (int j = start; j < stop; j += step) Fill in each of the variable values so that the value of j will be 6, 3, 0 when the loop runs. start = 6 stop = -1, or -2, or -3 step = Complete the for loop so that the value of j will be 27, 9, 3. for ( int j = 27 ; j>=3; j /= 3) int k = 0; for (k = 3; k < 6; k++) { System.out.println( hello ); } System.out.println(k) 12. Look at the code above. What will be the value of k when the for loop is over and the print statement prints the value of k? a. 0 b. 3 c. 5 d. 6 e. none of these 17

18 Name: Date: Period: For Loop Quiz A Objective: Students demonstrate mastery of loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i+=3) b) for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i+=3) c) for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i*=3) 2. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 27; i > 0; i-=3) b) for (int i = 27; i > 0; i/=3) c) for (int i = 27; i < 0; i/=3) 3. What would the following code print? for (int i = 2; i <19; i*=2) System.out.print(i + " "); a) b) c) In the for loop for (int x = 12; x < 12; x+=3), the condition is [x+=3 / x < 12 / int x = 12 / ] 5. The for loop for (int x = 12; x > 15; x++), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity] times. 6. The for loop for (int x = -2; x < 2; x--), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity ] times. 7. What would the following code print? for (int i = 1; i <7; i+=2) System.out.print(i + " "); System.out.print( hi"); a) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi b) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi 7 hi c) hi 8. Using the counter k, and the variables START, STOP, and INCR, write a for loop that counts up from START to STOP, by multiples of INCR. Do not bother writing the print statement. 9. Write a for loop and use 2 print statements, and prints every grade of high school, ( ) and the word grade after each grade level. for ( ) ; ; 18

19 Use the following code to answer the questions below // #A int a = 0; for (a = 1;a > 9; a +=3) System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + a); // #B int b = 0; for (b = 2;b <= 7; b +=3) System.out.print(" " + b); System.out.print(" " + b); // #C //for (int c = 3;c > -6; c +=3) //System.out.print(" " + c); // #D for (int d = 16;d >= 2; d /=2) System.out.print(" " + d); // #E System.out.println("\n#E"); for (int e = 2;e <=30; e *=e) System.out.print(" " + e); 10. What will code segment #A print? [ 1 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 11. What will code segment #B print? [ 2 / 2 5 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 12. What will code segment #C print? [ / 3 / nothing / infinite loop ] 13. What will code segment #D print? [ / / nothing / infinite loop ] 14. What will code segment #E print? [ / / nothing / infinite loop ] 19

20 Name: Date: Period: For Loop Quiz A KEY Objective: Students demonstrate mastery of loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i+=3) b) for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i+=3) c) for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i*=3) 2. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 27; i > 0; i-=3) b) for (int i = 27; i > 0; i/=3) c) for (int i = 27; i < 0; i/=3) 3. What would the following code print? for (int i = 2; i <19; i*=2) System.out.print(i + " "); a) b) c) In the for loop for (int x = 12; x < 12; x+=3), the condition is [x+=3 / x < 12 / int x = 12 / ] 5. The for loop for (int x = 12; x > 15; x++), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity] times. 6. The for loop for (int x = -2; x < 2; x--), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity ] times. 7. What would the following code print? for (int i = 1; i <7; i+=2) System.out.print(i + " "); System.out.print( hi"); a) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi b) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi 7 hi c) hi 8. Using the counter k, and the variables START, STOP, and INCR, write a for loop that counts up from START to STOP, by multiples of INCR. Do not bother writing the print statement. for ( int k = START ; k <= STOP ; k * = INCR ) 9. Write a for loop and use 2 print statements, and prints every grade of high school, ( ) and the word grade after each grade level. for (int k = 9 ; k <= 12; k++) { System.out.print(k); System.out.println( grade ); } 20

21 Use the following code to answer the questions below // #A int a = 0; for (a = 1;a > 9; a +=3) System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + a); // #B int b = 0; for (b = 2;b <= 7; b +=3) System.out.print(" " + b); System.out.print(" " + b); // #C //for (int c = 3;c > -6; c +=3) //System.out.print(" " + c); // #D for (int d = 16;d >= 2; d /=2) System.out.print(" " + d); // #E System.out.println("\n#E"); for (int e = 2;e <=30; e *=e) System.out.print(" " + e); 10. What will code segment #A print? [ 1 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 11. What will code segment #B print? [ 2 / 2 5 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 12. What will code segment #C print? [ / 3 / nothing / infinite loop ] 13. What will code segment #D print? [ / / nothing / infinite loop ] 14. What will code segment #E print? [ / / nothing / infinite loop ] 21

22 Name: Date: Period: For Loop Quiz B Objective: Students demonstrate mastery of loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 2; i <= 17; i+=3) b) for (int i = 2; i <= 14; i*=3) c) for (int i = 2; i <17; i+=3) 2. In the for loop for (int x = 12; x < 12; x+=3), the condition is [ x < 12 / x+=3 / int x = 12 / ]. 3. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 27; i > 0; i/=3) b) for (int i = 27; i > 0; i-=3) c) for (int i = 27; i < 0; i/=3) 4. What would the following code print? for (int i = 2; i <=16; i*=i) System.out.print(i + " "); a) b) c) The for loop for (int x = 12; x > 15; x++), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity] times. 6. The for loop for (int x = -2; x < 2; x--), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity ] times. 7. What would the following code print? for (int i = 1; i <7; i+=2){ System.out.print(i + " "); System.out.print( hi");} a) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi b) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi 7 hi c) hi 8. Using the counter k, and the variables BEGIN, END, and STEP, write a for loop that counts up from BEGIN to END, by multiples of STEP. Do not bother writing the print statement. 9. Write a for loop and use 2 print statements, and prints every grade of high school, ( ) and the word grade after each grade level. for ( ){ ; ; 22

23 Use the following code to answer the questions below // #A // #B // #C // #D // #E int a = 0; for (a = 1;a < 9; a +=3) System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + a); int b = 0; for (b = 2;b >= 7; b +=3) System.out.print(" " + b); System.out.print(" " + b); for (int c = 3;c < -6; c +=3) System.out.print(" " + c); for (int d = 32;d >= 4; d /=2) System.out.print(" " + d); for (int e = 20;e >=3; e +=e) System.out.print(" " + e); 10. What will code segment #A print? [ 1 / / / nothing / infinite loop ] 11. What will code segment #B print? [ 2 / 2 5 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 12. What will code segment #C print? [ / 3 / nothing / infinite loop ] 13. What will code segment #D print? [ 32 / / / nothing / infinite loop ] 14. What will code segment #E print? [ 20 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 23

24 Name: Date: Period: For Loop Quiz B KEY Objective: Students demonstrate mastery of loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 2; i <= 17; i+=3) b) for (int i = 2; i <= 14; i*=3) c) for (int i = 2; i <17; i+=3) 2. In the for loop for (int x = 12; x < 12; x+=3), the condition is [ x < 12 / x+=3 / int x = 12 / ]. 3. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 27; i > 0; i/=3) b) for (int i = 27; i > 0; i-=3) c) for (int i = 27; i < 0; i/=3) 4. What would the following code print? for (int i = 2; i <=16; i*=i) System.out.print(i + " "); a) b) c) The for loop for (int x = 12; x > 15; x++), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity] times. 6. The for loop for (int x = -2; x < 2; x--), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity ] times. 7. What would the following code print? for (int i = 1; i <7; i+=2){ System.out.print(i + " "); System.out.print( hi");} a) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi b) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi 7 hi c) hi 8. Using the counter k, and the variables BEGIN, END, and STEP, write a for loop that counts up from BEGIN to END, by multiples of STEP. Do not bother writing the print statement. for (int k = BEGIN; k <= END; k+=step) 9. Write a for loop and use 2 print statements, and prints every grade of high school,( ) and the word grade after each grade level. for ( int k = 9; k <= 12; k ++){ System.out.print(k); System.out.println( grade ); } 24

25 Use the following code to answer the questions below // #A // #B // #C // #D // #E int a = 0; for (a = 1;a < 9; a +=3) System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + a); int b = 0; for (b = 2;b >= 7; b +=3) System.out.print(" " + b); System.out.print(" " + b); for (int c = 3;c < -6; c +=3) System.out.print(" " + c); for (int d = 32;d >= 4; d /=2) System.out.print(" " + d); for (int e = 20;e >=3; e +=e) System.out.print(" " + e); 10. What will code segment #A print? [ 1 / / / nothing / infinite loop ] 11. What will code segment #B print? [ 2 / 2 5 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 12. What will code segment #C print? [ / 3 / nothing / infinite loop ] 13. What will code segment #D print? [ 32 / / / nothing / infinite loop ] 14. What will code segment #E print? [ 20 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 25

26 Name: Date: Period: For Loop Quiz C Objective: Students demonstrate mastery of loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i+=3) b) for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i*=3) c) for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i+=3) 2. What would the following code print? for (int i = 2; i <19; i*=2) System.out.print(i + " "); a) b) c) Using the counter k, and the variables START, STOP, and INCR, write a for loop that counts up from START to STOP, by multiples of INCR. Do not bother writing the print statement. for ( ) 4. In the for loop for (int x = 12; x < 12; x+=3), the condition is [x+=3 / x < 12 / int x = 12 / ]. 5. The for loop for (int x = -2; x < 2; x--), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity ] times. 6. The for loop for (int x = 12; x > 15; x++), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity] times. 7. What would the following code print? for (int i = 1; i <7; i+=2) System.out.print(i + " "); System.out.print( hi"); a) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi b) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi 7 hi c) hi Use the following code to answer the questions below. // #A int a = 0; for (a = 1;a > 9; a +=3) System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + a); 8. What will code segment #A print? [ 1 / / nothing / infinite loop ] 26

27 // #E System.out.println("\n#E"); for (int e = 2;e <=30; e *=e) System.out.print(" " + e); 9. What will code segment #E print? [ / / nothing / infinite loop ] // #B int b = 0; for (b = 2;b <= 7; b +=3) System.out.print(" " + b); System.out.print(" " + b); 10. What will code segment #B print? [ 2 5 / / nothing / infinite loop ] // #C //for (int c = 3;c > -6; c +=3) //System.out.print(" " + c); 11. What will code segment #C print? [ / 3 / nothing / infinite loop ] // #D for (int d = 16;d >= 2; d /=2) System.out.print(" " + d); 12. What will code segment #D print? [ / / nothing / infinite loop ] 27

28 Name: Date: Period: For Loop Quiz C KEY Objective: Students demonstrate mastery of loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. Assuming it contains the print statement System.out.print(i + ); which of the following loops prints ? a) for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i+=3) b) for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i*=3) c) for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i+=3) 2. What would the following code print? for (int i = 2; i <19; i*=2) System.out.print(i + " "); a) b) c) Using the counter k, and the variables START, STOP, and INCR, write a for loop that counts up from START to STOP, by multiples of INCR. Do not bother writing the print statement. for ( int k = START ; k <= STOP ; k * = INCR ) 4. In the for loop for (int x = 12; x < 12; x+=3), the condition is [x+=3 / x < 12 / int x = 12 / ]. 5. The for loop for (int x = -2; x < 2; x--), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity ] times. 6. The for loop for (int x = 12; x > 15; x++), will execute [ 0 / 1 / 3 / 4 / infinity] times. 7. What would the following code print? for (int i = 1; i <7; i+=2) System.out.print(i + " "); System.out.print( hi"); a) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi b) 1 hi 3 hi 5 hi 7 hi c) hi Use the following code to answer the questions below // #A int a = 0; for (a = 1;a > 9; a +=3) System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + a); 28

29 8. What will code segment #A print? [ 1 / / nothing / infinite loop ] // #E System.out.println("\n#E"); for (int e = 2;e <=30; e *=e) System.out.print(" " + e); 9. What will code segment #E print? [ / / nothing / infinite loop ] // #B int b = 0; for (b = 2;b <= 7; b +=3) System.out.print(" " + b); System.out.print(" " + b); 10. What will code segment #B print? [ 2 5 / / nothing / infinite loop ] // #C //for (int c = 3;c > -6; c +=3) //System.out.print(" " + c); 11. What will code segment #C print? [ / 3 / nothing / infinite loop ] // #D for (int d = 16;d >= 2; d /=2) System.out.print(" " + d); 12. What will code segment #D print? [ / / nothing / infinite loop ] 29

30 Name: Date: Period: Mayan Long Count Objective: Apply nested for loops to recreate the Mayan Long Count calendar. Instructions: Do an internet search (keyword: Mayan Long Count) to answer the questions below; then follow the steps to create code to display all the dates in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Note: The word Winal may also be spelled Uinal. Investigation 1. The word for one day is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 2. The word for 20 days is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 3. The word for 18 Winals is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 4. The word for 20 Tuns is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 5. The word for 20 Katuns is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 6. How many days would be in one Tun? 1 / 20 / 360 / Write these in order from least to greatest (Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal ) a. b. c. d. e. 8. How many days are there in one year according to our calendar? 30 / 200 / 365 / 410 / According to our clock, there are 24 hours in a full day. One second less than a full day would be hours, minutes, and seconds. 10. If the Long Count date for 14 Aug 3114 BC is , what is the date for 16 Aug 3114 BC? 11. If the Long Count date for 14 Aug 3114 BC is , what is the date 20 days later? 12. If the Long Count date for 21 Dec 2012 is , what is the date for 20 Dec 2012? 30

31 Coding Instructions: Modify the file LongCount.java to do the following: 13. Set the variable Kin to the correct integer value to control a for loop that counts from 0 to Create a for loop that prints each Kin in a Winal. ( ex: 0, 1, 2, 19) 15. Set the variable Winal to the correct integer value to control a for loop that prints the count of each Winal in a Tun, using a variable in the print statement. 16. Nest the kin loop inside of the Winal loop and modify the print statement so that it has 2 variables: one for the kin and one for the Winal, printing each kin in each Winal. (ex: 0.1, 0.2, ) 17. Set the value of each of the variables Tun, Katun, and Baktun and create the nested for loops to print the Mayan long count from to

32 Name: Date: Period: Mayan Long Count KEY Objective: Apply nested for loops to recreate the Mayan Long Count calendar. Instructions: Do an internet search (keyword: Mayan Long Count) to answer the questions below; then follow the steps to create code to display all the dates in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Note: The word Winal may also be spelled Uinal. Investigation 1. The word for one day is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 2. The word for 20 days is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 3. The word for 18 Winals is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 4. The word for 20 Tuns is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 5. The word for 20 Katuns is: Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal 6. How many days would be in one Tun? 1 / 20 / 360 / Write these in order from least to greatest (Baktun / Katun / Kin / Tun / Winal ) a. Kin _ b. Winal _ c. Tun _ d. Katun _ e. Baktun 8. How many days are there in one year according to our calendar? 30 / 200 / 365 / 410 / According to our clock, there are 24 hours in a full day. One second less than a full day would be 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds. 10. If the Long Count date for 14 Aug 3114 BC is , what is the date for 16 Aug 3114 BC? _ _ 11. If the Long Count date for 14 Aug 3114 BC is , what is the date 20 days later? _ 12. If the Long Count date for 21 Dec 2012 is , what is the date for 20 Dec 2012?

33 Coding Instructions- Modify the file LongCount.java to do the following: 13. Set the variable Kin to the correct integer value to control a for loop that counts from 0 to Create a for loop that prints each Kin in a Winal ( ex: 0, 1, 2, 19) 15. Set the variable Winal to the correct integer value to control a for loop that prints the count of each Winal in a Tun, using a variable in the print statement. 16. Nest the kin loop inside of the Winal loop and modify the print statement so that it has 2 variables: one for the kin and one for the Winal, printing each kin in each Winal. (ex: 0.1, 0.2, ) 17. Set the value of each of the variables Tun, Katun, and Baktun and create the nested for loops to print the Mayan long count from to

34 Name: Date: Period: For Loop Test Objective: Students identify and practice recently learned for loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 1. j+=7 Is the abbreviation of j = j + 7 Write abbreviated math operations for j= j *3. 2. j*=max Is the abbreviation of j = j * max Write abbreviated math operations for j = j / min 3. for( int j = 0; j < 4 ; j++) Counts from 0 to 3. Write a loop that counts from 0 to for(int k = 3; k <= 7 ; k++) Counts from 3 to 7. Write a loop that counts from 13 to for(int k = 100; k >= 1; k - -) Counts backward from 100 to 1. Write a loop that counts backwards from 27 to for(int j = 0; j < 21; j+=2) Counts from 0 to 20 by 2 s. Write a loop that counts backwards from 21 to 3 by 3 s. 7. What does the following code print? for (int k = 8; k> -2; k-=2) System.out.print(k + ); a b c What does the following code print? for (int k = 2; k<=16; k*=k) System.out.print(k + ); a b c In the for loop for (int x = 0; x < 12; x+=3), the condition is [int x = 0 / x < 12 / x+=3 ]. 34

35 Use the following code for the questions below // # A int a = 0; for (a = 3;a < 9; a +=3) System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + a); // #B System.out.println("\n#2"); int b = 0; for (b = 3;b > 9; b +=3) System.out.print(" " + b); System.out.print(" " + b); // #C System.out.println("\n#3"); for (int c = 1;c > -6; c -=3) System.out.print(" " + c); // #D System.out.println("\n#4"); for (int d = 1;d > -6; d +=3) System.out.print(" " + d); 10. The code in #A prints which? a) b) 3 6 c) 3 d) Nothing e) An infinite loop 11. The code in #B prints which? a) b) 3 6 c) 3 d) Nothing e) An infinite loop 12. The code in #C prints which? a) 4 b) c) Nothing d) An infinite loop 13. The code in #D prints which? a) 4 b) c) Nothing d) An infinite loop 35

36 Name: Date: Period: For Loop Test KEY Objective: Students identify and practice recently learned for loop concepts and skills. Instructions: Use the examples below to complete the other for loops. 10. j+=7 Is the abbreviation of j = j + 7 Write abbreviate math operations for j= j *3. j*=3 11. j*=max Is the abbreviation of j = j * max Write abbreviated math operations for j = j / min j/=min 12. for( int j = 0; j < 4 ; j++) Counts from 0 to 3. Write a loop that counts from 0 to 18. for(int j = 0; j<=18; j++) 13. for(int k = 3; k <= 7 ; k++) Counts from 3 to 7. Write a loop that counts from 13 to 27. for(int k= 13;k<=27; k++) 14. for(int k = 100; k >= 1; k - -) Counts backward from 100 to 1. Write a loop that counts backwards from 27 to 5. for (int k= 27; k>=5;k--) 15. for(int j = 0; j < 21; j+=2) Counts from 0 to 20 by 2 s. Write a loop that counts backwards from 21 to 3 by 3 s. for (int j = 21; j>=3; j-=3) 16. What does the following code print? for (int k = 8; k> -2; k-=2) System.out.print(k + ); a b c What does the following code print? for (int k = 2; k<=16; k*=k) System.out.print(k + ); a b c In the for loop for (int x = 0; x < 12; x+=3), the condition is [int x = 0 / x < 12 / x+=3 ]. 36

37 Use the following code for the questions below // # A int a = 0; for (a = 3;a < 9; a +=3) System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + a); // #B System.out.println("\n#2"); int b = 0; for (b = 3;b > 9; b +=3) System.out.print(" " + b); System.out.print(" " + b); // #C System.out.println("\n#3"); for (int c = 1;c > -6; c -=3) System.out.print(" " + c); // #D System.out.println("\n#4"); for (int d = 1;d > -6; d +=3) System.out.print(" " + d); 14. The code in #A prints which? a) b) 3 6 c) 3 d) Nothing e) An infinite loop 15. The code in #B prints which? a) b) 3 6 c) 3 d) Nothing e) An infinite loop 16. The code in #C prints which? a) 4 b) c) Nothing d) An infinite loop 17. The code in #D prints which? a) 4 b) c) Nothing d) An infinite loop 37

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