The Romans in Britain. Part Four. Part Six. The Theatre in Shakespeare s Times

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1 Step Three B1.2 READING SHAKESPEARE The Life of William Shakespeare Page 6 exercise 1 1 Because it is St George s Day. 2 A grammar school where he was taught Latin. 3 The period after his marriage, about which we have no information. 4 He worked for a theatrical company. 5 He acted. 6 Thirty-eight. 7 Shakespeare s theatrical company. 8 He died on 23 April 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon. The Historical Julius Caesar Page 8 exercise 1 1 He had them ask for a large ransom to make him look more important to the Roman people. This shows his arrogance but also his political intelligence. 2 To attack Pompey. Civil war was the result. 3 He was assassinated. Another 13 years of civil war. William Shakespeare Julius Caesar KEY TO THE EXERCISES Part One Page 16 exercise 1 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 D Page 17 exercise 2 WAR: army, enemies, victory, beaten GOVERNMENT: king, citizens, tribune SPECIAL EVENTS: feast, holiday, procession SPORTS: athlete, race, challenged ROME: city, crowd, streets GCT J KWHEREYESTE OSRWTCHALLENGED VOBOLRGNATH J HMP I O A R W H I S T R E E T S R CRCRBDFBTPEOPKO T A I H M O E R U S E S A N C OCTADYAOGNEATCE R E I C T O S L K E E B U T S Y T Z C A H T T E N E M I E S SHEDONLOP I KGBO I AUNNSAREOF I TENO N L S A T T A C T K N E A B N GRYC I TYHOEGOTED F L A C T R T K L A T V E R Y YOHOL I DAYTHENHE Page 17 exercise 3 1 strong 2 people s 3 trust 4 king 5 hear 6 tribunes 7 frightened 8 bad 9 right Page 18 exercise 4 1 began 2 when 3 who 4 sacrificed 5 Then 6 cut 7 ran 8 which Page 18 exercise 5 Page 19 exercise 1 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 A Part Two K E Y T O T H E E X E R C I S E S Page 27 exercise 1 1 Flames fell out of the sky, and a lion walked the streets of Rome. 2 Caesar 3 To show him that he will kill himself rather than live under tyranny. 4 Brutus was popular with the Roman people, and one of his ancestors had driven the Tarquin kings from Rome. 5 He was Caesar s friend. 6 He sent him anonymous letters that spoke about the danger to Rome. 7 Because the people of Rome would think that the conspirators were just murderers, and Antony was nothing without Caesar. Page 27 exercise 2 1 Cc E 2 Cs A 3 Cc F 4 Cs B 5 B G 6 JC H 7 Cc D 8 Cs C Page 28 exercise 3 1 Flames falling from the sky. A lion in the streets of Rome. 2 Either that Caesar is a danger to Rome, or that the gods are angry with Rome. 3 Open answer 4 Open answer Page 28 exercise 4 A 2 B 5 C 4 D 9 E 1 F 6 G 7 H 8 I 3 Page 29 exercise 1 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B Part Three Page 34 exercise 1 1 H 2 I 3 J 4 G 5 A 6 F 7 C 8 D Page 34 exercise 2 Sample answer: My husband and I were going to watch the race of the Lupercal. Before we arrived there, a dirty old soothsayer came up to Caesar. He warned my husband that he would be in great danger on the Ides of March. This, of course, made me scared, but my husband did not seem worried. After the races the people tried to give Caesar a crown to make him king. He refused three times. This too made me afraid because I knew that many people hated the idea of a king in Rome. Then I had a terrible dream the people of Rome washed their hands in my husband s blood. Horrible! But that is not all. The sacrifice that we ordered had surprising results: the animal had no heart. My dream and the sacrifice were enough. Caesar decided not to go to the Senate on the Ides of March, but Decius told my husband a different interpretation to my dream: it showed that Caesar was the life blood of Rome. Happy and proud with this, Caesar went to the Senate to die. Page 35 exercise 3 1 strangely 2 different 3 pay attention 4 leave 5 anything 6 what 2

2 K E Y T O T H E E X E R C I S E S K E Y T O T H E E X E R C I S E S 7 Page 35 exercise 4 1 he shouldn t go 2 shouldn t trust 3 should kill 4 shouldn t kill 5 should stay 6 shouldn t believe Page 36 exercise D 2 A P P L A U D 4 L N 5 R E L I G I O U S 6 W A E 8 P C O N S P I R A C Y 9 O U U O O S R N R U U 10 B A T T L E 11 D R E A M S R C I S 12 A P P R O A C H G I E F F O O L I S H U C E 15 S E V E R A L 16 The Theatre in Shakespeare s Times R S T O R M Page 40 exercise 1 1 Acting was not considered a very respectable profession. 2 They looked like the old courtyards where travelling actors first performed. 3 Disease because of the large number of people gathered into a small area, and fire. The Globe burned down. 4 They were usually performed in the middle of the afternoon. 5 They were played by boys. 6 Stage machinery of various types was used. Actors could even fly, and real explosions occurred, which sometimes damaged the stage. Costumes were luxurious but always of that period. They did not use historically accurate costumes. Page 41 exercise 1 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 B Part Four Page 49 exercise 1 1 Because it was the Ides of March and nothing had happened to him. 2 Because Artemidorus ordered him to read it, and nobody told Caesar what to do. 3 They asked for the return from exile of Metellus Cimber s brother. 4 He was shocked. 5 On the stage in plays, just like Shakespeare s. 6 He was sad, even though he believed it was the right thing to do. 7 He was sad and angry. 8 Because he knew that he was popular with the people and a good speaker. 9 He promised him that he would have revenge for his death. 10 He said that he was ambitious and wanted to be king. He said that he killed Caesar for love of Rome. 11 They wanted him to be their king. 12 He reminded them how he had refused to be king. 13 He said Brutus was an honourable man. 14 He showed them his will in which Caesar left them land and money. 15 They too wanted revenge against the conspirators. 16 They ran away. Page 49 exercise 2 Page 50 exercise 3 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 A 5 D 6 D 7 C 8 C 9 B Page 51 exercise 4 1 wife 2 leg 3 gods 4 dream Page 65 exercise 1 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C Page 65 exercise 1 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 5 blood 6 heart 7 Brutus 8 king 9 accused 10 ambitious 11 will 12 kill Page 52 exercise 1 Part Six Page 71 exercise 1 Antony s view of Brutus 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A What Brutus says It is better to talk than to fight. What Brutus does His words have no value: Part Five he said he was Caesar s friend and then he killed him. Page 58 exercise 1 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 B 8 A 9 A 10 A What Antony says Cassius s view of Antony He promised friendship to Cassius and Brutus. Page 58 exercise 2 What Antony does And then he raises an army against them. 1 P I C K E D U P 2 G R E A T What Pindarus What Pindarus The real 3 L O V E D sees assumes situation 4 R E M E M B E R E D A group of men Titinius has Titinius has met 5 E N D E D surrounds been captured some of Brutus s 6 S T U P I D Titinius. by the enemy. soldiers who are happy because 7 D E A T H they have 8 S U P P O R T E D defeated part of Octavius s army. Page 58 exercise 3 Page 59 exercise 4 1 must 2 must 3 mustn t 4 mustn t 5 must 6 mustn t Page 59 exercise 5 1 needn t 2 mustn t 3 mustn t 4 needn t 5 mustn t The Romans in Britain Page 71 exercise 2 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 B Page 73 exercise 3 1 The conspirators have been attacked by the people of Rome. 2 The enemy has been defeated by Antony. 3 Caesar has been killed. 3 4

3 K E Y T O T H E E X E R C I S E S E X I T T E S T 4 The citizen has been eaten by a lion. 5 Caesar has been asked by Calpurnia not to go to the Senate. 1 The Senate has made him king. 2 Artemidorus has written a letter explaining the conspiracy. 3 The pirates have captured Caesar. 4 Brutus has stabbed Caesar. 5 The soothsayer has warned Caesar about the Ides of March. Page 73 exercise 1 1 back 2 death 3 battle 4 son 5 afraid 6 freedom 7 soldiers 8 killed Part Seven Page 78 exercise 1 1 C/D 2 L/H 3 L/C 4 A/G 5 B/A 6 D/B 7 B/F 8 A/E Page 78 exercise 2 Sample answer: I am the great Julius Caesar and, in the end, revenge is mine! It all began after my victory over Pompey. The great city of Rome welcomed me with open arms. There were even many people who wanted me to be king of Rome; they offered me the crown three times and each time I refused. Obviously, many people hated me: they were jealous of my power and ability. I was warned of my assassination by a dirty old soothsayer. Be careful on the Ides of March, he said. But I could not be afraid: that was my weakness. So, in the end Casca, Cassius and the other dirty conspirators stabbed me to death. Sadly, even my friend Brutus was among them. This led to war, a great civil war. But I had my revenge Cassius thought his armies were losing when they were winning. I, the ghost of Caesar, made him believe that. Revenge is mine! Page 79 exercise 3 1 prisoner 2 ghost 3 Philippi 4 battle 5 brave 6 shouts 7 ran 8 led 9 fought 10 won 11 refused 12 raised 13 march 14 revenge 15 raised 16 executed 17 conspiracy 18 noble 19 loved 20 defeated A 5 B 3 C 4 D 9 E 7 F 8 G 2 H 1 I 10 J 6 Shakespeare s Roman Plays Page 82 exercise 1 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 C Page 82 exercise 2 Page 84 exercise 3 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 B 11 A 2007 Black Cat Publishing, an imprint of Cideb Editrice, Genoa, Canterbury 1 2 Focus on the context Answer the following questions. 1 When and where was William Shakespeare born? 2 Why is the date of his birth important? 3 What did Shakespeare do when he first went to London? 4 How many plays did he write? 5 Which famous theatre did Shakespeare s company build in London in 1599? 6 What can visitors see in Stratford-upon-Avon? SCORE.../6 Focus on the story For questions 1-10, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1 Why was there a magnificent procession in Rome? A To celebrate Pompey s victory. B To celebrate Flavius and Marullus victory. C To celebrate Caesar s victory. D To celebrate Brutus victory. 2 Why did the crowd cheer three times? A Because Caesar was offered the crown and refused it three times. B Because Caesar was offered the crown but didn t really understand why. C Because Caesar was offered the crown and refused it twice but then accepted it the third time. D Because Caesar was offered the crown but he offered it to Brutus instead. 3 Why didn t Calpurnia want Caesar to go to the Senate House? A Because she wanted him to stay at home with her that day. B Because she was worried that he was in danger. C Because Brutus and Portia had been invited for lunch. D Because she wasn t feeling very well. 5 6

4 E X I T T E S T E X I T T E S T 4 Who stabbed Caesar first? A Brutus. B Cassius. C Artemidorus. D D Casca. 5 What reason did Brutus give for killing Caesar? A Caesar had become a traitor. B Caesar was too ambitious. C Caesar didn t love the people of Rome. D Caesar wanted to be king Antony knew that Brutus had killed Caesar because A he was frightened of him. B he wanted to become king himself. C he loved Rome. D the other conspirators had threatened to kill him instead. SCORE.../10 Focus on the characters For questions 1-15, of which of the people A-F are the following statements true? 6 What did Octavius, Antony and Lepidus plan to do? A They planned to run away from Rome. B They planned to defeat Brutus and divide the Roman Empire between them. A Julius Caesar B Brutus C Cassius D Antony E Calpurnia F Portia 1 He conspired to kill Caesar because he loved Rome. C They planned to kill all the conspirators except Brutus and Cassius. D They planned to go to war to help Brutus. 7 What did the ghost say to Brutus? A I will return to you at Philippi. B You will die at Philippi. C I will see you murdered at Philippi. 2 He remained faithful to Caesar until the end. 3 He saved Caesar s life several times. 4 She was worried that Caesar was in danger. 5 He refused the crown three times. 6 He claimed he would never live under tyranny. 7 He thought Caesar would be a bad king. D You will see me again at Philippi. 8 Why did Cassius die? A He thought the battle was over and he preferred to die rather than remain as Antony s prisoner. B Brutus men killed him by mistake. C He saw that Titinius was dead and killed himself. D Pindarus was a traitor and killed him. 9 What did Brutus ask his men to do? A Kill Antony. B Kill Lucilius. C Kill him. D Kill Strato. 8 She told her husband they shouldn t have secrets from each other. 9 Her dream frightened her. 10 His ghost appeared in front of Brutus. 11 He left some money to every Roman citizen. 12 He helped to make a list of the conspirators. 13 She killed herself. 14 He was convinced the battle was over and asked Pindarus to kill him. 15 He realised that in the end, Caesar had won. SCORE.../15 TOTAL SCORE.../31 7 8

5 K E Y T O T H E E X I T T E S T Focus on the context exercise 1 1 In 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. 2 It is St George s Day and St George is the patron saint of England. 3 He worked for a theatrical company, the Lord Chamberlain s Men. 4 Thirty eight. 5 The Globe Theatre. 6 The house where Shakespeare was born, Anne Hathaway s cottage and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Focus on the story exercise 2 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 D 6 B 7 D 8 A 9 C 10 C Focus on the characters exercise 3 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 E 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 F 9 E 10 A 11 A 12 D 13 F 14 C 15 B 2007 Black Cat Publishing, an imprint of Cideb Editrice, Genoa, Canterbury 9

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