CIS Homework #7 p. 1 Fall 2009

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1 CIS Homework #7 p. 1 CIS Database Design & Implementation - Homework Assignment #7 DUE: 2:00 pm, Tuesday, December 1st Purpose: practice with SQL sequences, SQL*Loader, SQL views, and creating ASCII reports enhanced by the use of SQL*Plus commands and views Note: you are required to use the Oracle student database on for this assignment. HOW TO TURN IN THIS ASSIGNMENT: run ~st10/315submit from the directory on nrs-labs that contains your.sql and.txt files for this homework. Use ssh to connect to, and create a directory named 315hw7 on nrs-labs: mkdir 315hw7...and change its permissions so that only you can read it: chmod hw7...and change your current directory to that directory (go to that new directory) to do this assignment: cd 315hw7 Put all of your files (.sql and.txt) for this homework in this directory. (And it is from here that you should type ~st10/315submit to submit your files when you are done.) This homework again uses the tables created by the SQL script hw3_setup.sql. As a reminder, it created and populated a collection of tables that can be described in relation structure form as: Movie_category(CATEGORY_CODE, category_name) Client(CLIENT_NUM, client_lname, client_fname, client_phone, client_credit_rtg, client_fave_cat) foreign key (client_fave_cat) references movie_category(category_code) Movie(MOVIE_NUM, movie_title, movie_director_lname, movie_yr_released, movie_rating, category_code) foreign key(category_code) references movie_category Video(VID_ID, vid_format, vid_purchase_date, vid_rental_price, movie_num) foreign key (movie_num) references movie Rental(RENTAL_NUM, client_num, vid_id, date_out, date_due, date_returned) foreign key (client_num) references client foreign key(vid_id) references video Use pico (or vi or emacs) to create a file named hw7.sql: pico hw7.sql While within pico (or vi or emacs), type in the following: * your name within a SQL comment * 315 HW 7 as a SQL comment * the date this file was last modified as a SQL comment

2 CIS Homework #7 p. 2 * don't start spooling yet...! * (it will be specified below just where the spool off command should be placed, also...) Now add in SQL statements for the following, preceding each with a prompt command noting what question it is for. (please notice, we're using a prompt command INSTEAD of a comment, now! I don't mind if you ALSO put a comment, but the prompt command should have a nice effect in your spooled output.) NOTE: Now that you know the order-by clause, you must use it appropriately when an explicit row ordering is specified. Queries for problems asking for explicit row ordering will be incorrect if they do not include a reasonable order-by-clause. 1. This script should start with a "fresh" set of tables each time it runs. Make a copy of hw3_setup.sql in your 315hw7 directory, and include a call running it within hw7.sql. (That is, place the command you would type within sqlplus to run hw3_setup.sql within your script hw7.sql) (note: because you aren't spooling yet, you'll only see this problem's prompt command output within SQL*Plus; you won't see it in your eventual results script...) 2. Include SQL*Plus statements for each of the following within your script: * explicitly clear any previously-set column headings, breaks, and computes * create a two line top title and a two line bottom title (title contents of your choice). * make the pagesize 35 lines and the linesize 75 characters. * now begin spooling to hw7-results.txt (again, because you aren't spooling yet, you'll only see this problem's prompt command output within SQL*Plus; you won't see it in your eventual results script...) 3. Drop and create a new table (not already used in hw3_setup.sql nor in lab) that: * has at least 4 columns * has at least one column (that is not the primary key) declared to be not null * has at least one column whose domain is further restricted using a check clause * has at least one column with a default clause 4. Drop and create a sequence suitable for use in setting the primary key of the table you created for question 3. Have it start at a value other than Insert at least 3 rows into your table from question 3, being sure to: * use your sequence from question 4 to set each new row's primary key * have at least one insert that does not explicitly insert a value for the attribute declared using

3 CIS Homework #7 p. 3 default, to show that the default in action 6. Consider the example using painter.ctl and painter.dat -- this uses SQL*Loader along with data from a file and a sequence to insert additional rows into the example painter table. Create files hw7.ctl and hw7.dat that will allow you to insert at least 5 additional rows into your table from question 3, also using your sequence from question 4. Then insert the following command into your hw7.sql script: host sqlldr control=hw7.ctl log=hw7.log When you run your hw7.sql script, this will cause you to be asked for your Oracle username and password; just type them in when requested. Then SQL*Loader will be run with this control file, and will create a log file with this name, and will (hopefully!) insert these rows into your table from question Finally, write a query showing all of the contents of your table from question 3 as it would be after questions 5 and Turn feedback off. Then, drop and create a view called mini_action which contains the columns movie_num, movie_title, and movie_rating from the movie table for rows with category_code of 200. Follow that with a query showing all of the contents of this view, displaying the rows in order of movie_title. 9. Drop and create a view called movie_list of the movie and movie_category tables, containing only the category name, movie rating, and movie title for each movie. Follow that with a query showing all of the contents of this view, displaying the rows in order of movie rating, with a secondary ordering by movie title. 10. Drop and create a view called rental_history which gives a view of which clients have rented which videos by including rows with the following 4 columns: * in its first column, it has the last name of the client followed by the first name, with a comma and a blank separating the last name and the first name of each (e.g.: Tuttle, Sharon ). Name this column client_name (do not use double-quotes in specifying this column name, or any of the view column names given in this problem) * in its second column, it should have the movie title rented in that rental; make sure that, one way or another, the name of this column is movie_title * in its third column, it should have the format of the video rented; make sure that, one way or another, the name of this column is vid_format * in its fourth column, it should have the vid_rental_price; make sure that, one way or another,

4 CIS Homework #7 p. 4 the name of this column is vid_rental_price 11. Write column commands for each of the following: * give column client_name the heading Client (camel-case, uppercase for the first letter and lowercase for the rest),and format it so that it is: * narrower than its default width, * but wide enough for all of the last-name-first name combinations currently there, * but narrow enough that all of the columns "fit" on 1 line in the subsequent query results involving this column * give column movie_title the heading Movie Title (camel-case, including the blank between the 2 words), and format it so that it, too, is: * narrower than its default width, * but wide enough for all of the movie titles currently there, * but narrow enough that all of the columns "fit" on 1 line in the subsequent query results involving this column * give column vid_format a 2-line heading, with Video on the first line and Format on the second (and each in camel-case as shown), and format it so that its entire heading shows * give column vid_rental_price a 2-line heading, with Rental on the first line and Price on the second (and each in camel-case as shown), and format it so that: * it contains a $ * it always displays to 2 fractional places (to 2 decimal places) * its entire heading shows Follow these column commands with a query showing all of the current contents of the view rental_history, displaying the rows in order of most expensive video rental price to least expensive video rental price, with a secondary ordering by client_name, and with a tertiary (3rd) ordering by movie_title. 12. Consider what you get when you perform an equi-join the movie, video, and movie_category tables --- now you have the corresponding movie details for each video's movie. Drop and create a view called category_stats which groups the videos by movie category name and contains only the category name, the number of videos in that category, and the average rental price of videos in that category. (Remember to rename the column names corresponding to function calls; choose appropriate column names.) 13. Write column commands for each of the following: * give category_stats' first column the heading Category (in camel-case as shown) * give category_stats' second column the heading # Videos (camel-case, including the blank between the 2 parts), and format it so that it is wide enough to show the whole heading * give category_stats' third column a 2-line heading, with Average on the first line and Price on the second (and each in camel-case as shown), and format it so that:

5 CIS Homework #7 p. 5 * it contains a $ * it always displays to 2 fractional places (to 2 decimal places) * its entire heading shows Follow these column commands with a query showing all of the current contents of the view category_stats, displaying the rows in order of most number of videos to least number of videos, with a secondary ordering by highest average rental price to lowest average rental price. 14. (a) Write an update command to decrease the rental prices of all videos with format Blu-Ray by Then display the current contents of the view category_stats again, using the same rowordering as you did at the end of problem 13. (Note that / will not work for redoing this query -- it causes the last SQL command to be redone, which in this case is the update command, which we do NOT want redone...!) (b) Write a query, using the view rental_history only, performing a "true" relational projection of just the names of those clients who have rented 'Gone with the Wind', displaying the rows in order of client_name. (c) Write a single delete command that will delete all rows from rental that involve the client with client number '5555'. Then repeat your query from (b). (d) Write a query, using the view rental_history only, to project each client's name and the number of rentals they have made, displaying the rows in order from highest to lowest number of rentals, with a secondary ordering by client name. 15. Do the following: * change the pagesize to 60 lines * write a break command to suppress repeated movie titles, putting one blank line between each set of such rows (note that a break command does not have to include a table name -- and indeed it would be better to avoid using a table name here, since the query below involves a join) * write a column command using like to cause column client_lname to be formatted like the column client_name (WITHOUT specifically repeating the heading and format clauses of client_name's column command) * write a query to project the titles of movies that have been rented and the last names of the clients who rented them, displaying the rows in order of movie title and in secondary order by client last name 16. Do the following: * change the pagesize to 45 lines * write a break command to suppress repeated category names and movie ratings, putting one blank line between each set of such category names (but NOT between each set of such

6 CIS Homework #7 p. 6 movie ratings) (this is another break where you should avoid including a table name) * write a column command to set the category_name's column to have a display heading of Category (in camel-case as shown) * write a column command to set the movie_rating's column to have a display heading of Rating (in camel-case as shown) with a format wide enough that the entire heading shows * write a query to project the movie category name, the movie rating, and the movie title for each movie, displaying the rows in order of category name, in secondary order by movie_rating, and in tertiary (3rd) order by movie_title 17. Consider problem 16. Write a compute command that will cause how many movie_titles are within each set of consecutive category names to be displayed, and then use / to redo the previous query, which should now include these counts. 18. First, clear computes. Then: * write a break command to suppress repeated category names and movie titles, putting one blank line between each set of such category names (but NOT between each set of such movie titles) (this is another break where you should avoid including a table name) * write a compute command that will cause the average video rental price for each set of such category names to be displayed * write a column command that will set the vid_rental_price's column to have a display heading of Cost (in camel-case as shown) with a format that always displays with 2 fractional places, such that prices below $1.00 appear with a 0 before the decimal point (e.g., 0.99), and wide enough that the entire heading and the prices show. * write a query to project the category name, the movie title, and the video rental price for each video rental, displaying the rows in order of category name, in secondary order by movie title, and in tertiary (3rd) order by video rental price. 19. Change the pagesize to 70. * write a column command that first specifies a format for the movie_title column giving it a width of 11. Then write a query to project just the movie titles, displaying them in alphabetical order. * now write a column command that specifies a format for the movie_title column giving it a width of 11, but now also specifies that it should be word-wrapped. Then use / to redo the previous query, which should now display using this word-wrapping. * finally, write a column command that specifies a format for the movie_title column giving it a width of 11, but now also specifies that it should be truncated. Then use / to redo the previous query, which should now display using this truncation.

7 CIS Homework #7 p Now turn off your spooling, and then "clean up". You may either call a cleanup.sql script here, or include the clean-up commands themselves, but either way, make sure you at least: * clear columns, breaks, and computes, * reset feedback to its default value, * reset pagesize and linesize to their default values, * turn off the top and bottom titles (you can also call the posted cleanup.sql if you prefer...) If you haven't already, save your hw7.sql file and go into sqlplus and see if start hw7.sql works. Do the SQL statement results look correct? When you think the results look correct, this would also be a good time to look at the contents of hw7-results.txt --- at the nrs-labs prompt (the UNIX level, NOT in sqlplus!), type: more hw7-results.txt You should see that hw7-results.txt contains the query results you just saw within sqlplus. (do you see the results of your prompt commands for each problem, as well? remember, each problem is to be preceded with a prompt command noting what question it is for) When you are satisfied with these, then hw7.sql (and perhaps clean-up.sql) and hw7-results.txt are ready to submit. When you are ready, within the directory 315hw7 (and at the nrs-labs UNIX prompt, NOT inside sqlplus!) type: ~st10/ submit these.sql and.txt files. (You should see 4-5 files being submitted!)


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