Geography helps to prepare children for adult life and employment by developing their skills of investigation and problem solving.

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1 Why Teach Geography? Geography gives children opportunities to ask and answer questions about the world around them. It encompasses knowledge of people, places and the environment at different scales in the U.K and abroad. Geography helps to prepare children for adult life and employment by developing their skills of investigation and problem solving. Geography can inspire children to think about their own place in the world, their values and their right and responsibilities to other people and the environment. (QCA 1999) Aims At Mount Pleasant we aim to: 1. Stimulate children s interest in the world around them. 2. Develop pupil s understanding of place. 3. Extend children s understanding of patterns and processes. 4. Challenge children s thinking on environmental change and sustainable development. 5. Promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 6. Promote citizenship and prepare children for adult life. 7. Develop understanding of the world as a global community. 8. Encourage critical thinking and problem solving skills. 1

2 Resources Resources are chosen to promote effective Geography teaching and learning. Each year group will have their own resources for their topics and they will draw from; Globes World maps Atlases Mini satellite images Ordinance survey maps GISMO Photo packs CD- Rom and DVD Packs The Geography Coordinator will be responsible for monitoring, replacing and reviewing resources. Equal Opportunities At Mount Pleasant there is a broad and balanced Geography curriculum for all pupils. This encourages each pupil to achieve their full potential irrespective of race, gender and ability levels. High expectations are set for individuals in response to their diverse learning needs. Appropriate resources, differentiation and support are offered to pupils to ensure progress for all. 2

3 Health and Safety Educational visits form an important role in the teaching of certain Geographical topics. For example, in Year 6 the children visit Wales to carry out a river study; in year 2 they visit a castle ruin. Prior to all visits staff will visit the site and carry out a risk assessment. This will need to be approved by the LEA before the visit can take place. Classroom Management At Mount Pleasant one member of staff takes on the role of the lead teacher to introduce the lesson and task to the children. The other member of staff supports groups or individuals that may need extra explanations or help. Geography is taught in whole or half year groups depending upon the number of children in each class group. Pupils will work as a whole class, in mixed ability groups, in pairs, on their own and, in some cases, with parents. Time Allocation The children in Nursery and Reception follow the foundation stage curriculum, which encompasses Geography through knowledge and understanding of the world In Key Stage One the time allocation for humanities is 45 minutes. For some year groups Geography may be blocked for half a term, followed by History for half a term. 3

4 In Key Stage Two the time allocation for History is 1 hour per week. This also may be blocked for a half term. See timetable for more details. Assessment and Marking At Mount Pleasant we aim to base Geographical assessment on teacher judgements of pupils' classroom work. Learning objectives are related to the National Curriculum Programmes of Study and Attainment Targets. Marking provides meaningful feedback on how to improve Geographical work. A mind map may be used at the beginning of a topic to assess prior knowledge. An end of topic assessment task will be used to assess progress and level of achievement (see assessment table and level descriptors). A folder on the shared area will be used to keep photographic evidence. We are currently working towards giving an end of year level to be passed on to future teachers. Teachers use the Geography level descriptors and learning ladders to help with this. Schemes of work will also be evaluated periodically. It will be necessary to examine the effectiveness of each theme. There is often room for new innovations, resources and strategies. Cross-Curricular Links Literacy Pupils will develop geographical vocabulary by investigating a range of primary and secondary sources of information. They will debate their views on issues surrounding our world. 4

5 Numeracy Geography also provides opportunities for the application of number. Children conduct fieldwork studies and analysis mathematical data. Information Communication Technology In carrying out Geographical fieldwork, there are opportunities to use a variety of ICT resources. CD-Roms and websites (such as GIS) can be used as a research tool, as well as using wordprocessing packages to sort, edit and present information. P.S.H.E and Citizenship Through the Geography curriculum, pupils will learn about themselves as individuals and as members of the local and global community. They will be encouraged to reflect upon important issues happening in the UK and wider world. The Foundation Stage The foundation stage helps to prepare children for Geographical development. Knowledge and understanding of the world is vital to helping young children make sense of the world in which they live Culture Week Each year there will be a Culture Week in which each year group chooses a focus country and plans their lessons around this theme. This will promote many cross curricular links and raise awareness of cultural diversity throughout the school. 5

6 Home Learning Children throughout the school may be asked to find out more about a particular topic. This encourages home involvement and extends learning outside the school environment. Younger children may be asked to find out about a country where Barnaby bear visits, where-as older ones may conduct a termly project or ICT presentation on a school-based topic. Planning The lead member of staff for Geography will use the LCP schemes of work to devise and plan weekly lessons. Planning promotes geographical enquiry and problem solving. Evaluation The Policy Statement, Scheme of Work and Guidelines should be reviewed regularly in order to identify any changes that may become necessary. This policy remains a working document and is subject to alteration. Role of the Co-ordinator There is a named teacher- Miss L. Grinnell, responsible for coordinating Geography throughout the school. Her role is: 1. To provide support, advice and resources to other members of staff so that they can deliver Geography effectively. 6

7 2. To be aware of the work undertaken throughout the school in Geography and to revise where necessary policy statements and schemes of work. 3. To monitor the effective implementation of Geography throughout the school and ensure continuity and progression throughout the key stages. 4. To attend in-service courses and to arrange appropriate in-house training for staff. 5. To monitor resources throughout the school. Monitoring In order to ensure continuity and progression, it is necessary to monitor the teaching of Geography throughout the school. This is done through liaison with staff; discussion of subject changes and innovations; in-service training; collecting medium term planning and monitoring short term planning. Any new national directives on the teaching of Geography will need to be reflected in this policy and therefore this documentation will be reviewed and updated accordingly. Staff Development Staff development will take place through the schools In Service Development Plan. Staff are notified by the Geography Co-Coordinator of any relevant developments and courses concerning the subject area. 7

8 Schemes of Work At Mount Pleasant the Geography curriculum is taught through the QCA schemes of work and LCP schemes. These schemes have been adapted and modified to ensure that they not only cover POS but are meaningful to the children involved. As the Programmes of study in the national curriculum offer breadth and balance we feel that it is essential that these are covered. A separate scheme of mapping skills will also be covered to ensure progression and coverage of these key skills (See Mapping overview) Educational Visits and Visitors The local area- Merry Hill, Quarry Bank, Stevens Park, Dudley Castle Telford Town Park Saltwells Nature Reserve The E-Zone (See Dudley Grid for learning) Wyre Forest Wrens Nest Nature Reserve Botanical Gardens Dudley Zoo and Castle- Mr Durkin Black Country Museum

9 Interactive Resources GISmo Schemes of work and Assessment Programme Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Nursery All About Me Out and About -Where I live. -What is my environmen t like? -Walk to school/park - - Developing Geographic al language Bears Toys - story mapping -Stories about places and journeys -positional language to describe position of toys. Growt h/ water Minib easts Anima ls -likes and dislikes of local environment. -minibeast hunt maps -farm visit to describe similarities and differences in places. Reception Out and about Celebrations -map making of journey to school. - simple maps of the classroom. Toys People who help us -Story maps -Maps for police, fire and post people to Growth/ water Animals/ minibeast s - Visit to Wyre Forest (contrast ing locality) - Expressi 9

10 -Describing likes and dislikes of local area, school grounds. follow. - Geograph ical language. ng likes and dislikes of areas. Assessment in Foundation stage- Observation, Photographs, Simple Maps produced, tape recordings, FSP- KUW section. Year 1 Assessment Task Unit 2. How can we make the local area safer? -Newspaper Report on parking around our school. Unit 1- Around our school -A description of journey to school. -Making a simple map. Unit 5- Where in Europe is Barnaby Bear? - Postcard -Page from a holiday Brochure. Year 2 Unit The Seaside Unit An island home Unit Where in world is Barnaby bear? Assessment Task Year 3 Assessment Task A postcard from present day and 1900s. Unit 10. A village in a less economically developed country A factsheet on Chembakoli A letter to a friend to persuade them to visit Struay. Venn diagram comparing and contrasting island home to Quarry Bank. Unit 7- Weather around the world Weather report/ postcard. Year 4 Unit 9 Village settlers Unit 19- How and where do we spend our time? Unit 6 Investigating our local area. Compare and contrast home to an overseas locality. Diary of visits to different to different European countries. Unit 24/ 13 Passport to the world, Contrasting localities- The Rainforest Holiday brochure on the rainforest. Unit 8 Improving the environment Assessment Task Year 5 Identify key place on a map where a new settlement could be formed. Justify the choice. Unit 24 passport to the world Collect data for how pupils spend their leisure time. Record results and analyse findings. Unit 13 A contrasting locality in the UK Unit 11 Water 10 Newspaper Report on how the local area could be improved Unit 20 A local environmental Issue- Saltwells. Linked to Unit 12

11 should the High Street be closed to traffic? Assessment Task Year 6 Captains Log- Diary entry for end of world circumnavigation by Sir Francis Drake. Annotated diagram- How water gets to my kitchen tap Unit 18-Connecting ourselves to the World Unit 15 The Mountain Environment Debate- Should Merry Hill Build /extend on Saltwells site? Unit 21 Investigating Rivers Assessment Task ICT Presentation- A mountain Rangelocation, height, climate, tourism etc. Write The story of a river. Including description and geographical features. Geography Levels of Attainment. Level 1 I know about and can make observations of the local area. I can tell you what I think of the local environment. I can use books, pictures and stories, and my own observations, to ask and answer questions about Geography. Level 2 I can show what I know about the local area. I can observe and describe physical and human features of places. I show an awareness of places outside my own local area. I can tell you what I think about the local area and understand how people affect the environment. I can carry out simple tasks and find information using resources that are given to me. I use this information and my own observations to help me ask and answer questions about places and environments. 11

12 I am beginning to use geographical words. Level 3 I know about the local area. I can describe and compare features of different localities and offer explanations for the locations of some of those features. I am aware that different places may have both similar and different characteristics. I can offer reasons for some of my observations and opinions about places and environments. I recognise how people try to improve and keep environments. I can use skills and evidence to answer a range of geographical questions I am beginning to use correct vocabulary to share my findings. Level 4 I know about different places and environments and in different parts of the world. I am beginning to recognise and describe geographical patterns and to understand the importance of wider geographical location in understanding places. I can recognise and describe physical and human processes such as erosion. I am beginning to understand how these can change the features of places, and how these changes affect the lives and activities of people living there. I understand how people can both improve and damage the environment. I can explain my own and others views about an environmental change. I can suggest questions, and use a range of geographical skills to help me investigate places and environments. I can use primary and secondary sources of evidence in my investigations and communicate my findings using appropriate vocabulary. Level 5 I know about a range of places and environments at more than one scale and in different parts of the world. I can describe and am beginning to explain geographical patterns and physical and human processes. I can describe how these processes can lead to similarities and differences in the environments of different places and in the lives of people who live there. I recognise some of the links and relationships that make places need each other. I can suggest explanations for the ways in which human activities cause changes to the environment and how people feel about this. I recognise how people try to manage environments sustainably. I can explain my own views and am beginning to discuss issues and ask suitable geographical questions. I can select, use skills and present information to help me investigate places and environments. 12

13 I can select information and sources of evidence, suggest conclusions to my investigations and present my findings both using graphs and writing. Level 6 I know about a wide range of places and environments at various scales, from local to global, and in different parts of the world. I can describe and explain a range of physical and human processes and recognise that these processes together produce the distinctive characteristics of places. I can describe ways in which physical and human processes operating at different scales create geographical patterns and lead to changes in places. I can understand that the many links and relationships that make places dependent on each other. I recognise how conflicting demands on the environment may arise and describe and compare different approaches to managing environments. I understand that my own and others different values and attitudes result in different approaches that have different effects on people and places. I can suggest relevant geographical questions and issues and appropriate sequences of investigation. I can select a range of skills and evidence and use them effectively in my investigations. I present my findings in a clear way and reach conclusions that are consistent with the evidence. Geography Learning Ladder 1c I Can talk about my home and explain what can be found in each room 1b 1a I Can make up maps to represent make believe places I am aware that geographical features differ from place to place, e.g some areas are flat while others are hilly. 2c I can use an increasing number of geographical terms, such as, hill; river and road when describing what I can see. I Can start to talk about contrasting localities I Know my own address 13

14 I Know about the effects of weather on myself and my surroundings. 2b I can follows directions including terms like, front of ;far; near; right; left; north; south; east; west. I Know that I live in the UK and that the UK is made up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. I can use and make up real and imaginary maps. I can point to the place I live on the map of the UK. 2A I am able to follow a route on a map or plan. I can talk about what I like and dislike about the environment. I can use maps and globes to identify major geographical features, e.g. sea, rivers and cities. 3C I know the difference between a village, town and city. I know that people can affect the environment for good or worse. 3B I know that people across the world experience different weather patterns to our own. I know that people living in warm climates dress differently to me and have to change their lives accordingly. 3A I am becoming more able to ask and answer geographical questions and can express my views about physical and human features of the environment. I can identify how people affect the environment and see ways that people try to manage it for the better. I can describe the physical and human features of a place studied, and understand how these features give it it s character. I can say the similarities and differences between places and begin to see links between them. 4C I know that the location of a place can affect its water distribution. I know that the presence or absence of water can change the way places are. I can confidently use a range of skills and different kinds of maps and resources to carry out independent investigations. I can describe how people are attempting to manage the environment. 4B I can say how selected physical processes relate to rivers/ mountains and say how these can change a place. I can describe varying weather conditions in the world, and understand how these influence the way in which an area is developed. I can relate local river work to generalisations about rivers elsewhere. I can find a range of source materials and plot detailed, sophisticated weather information. I can explain a range of sophisticated similaritiesb and differences between 14

15 places. 4A I can identify time differences from around the world. I know how environmental changes can impact on the people who live there. I know about key places in the UK and Europe. I can plan a journey and think of ways of travelling there. I can begin to contrast a town in a wealthy country with one in a less economically developed country. I can use multimedia presentations to explain my own and other peoples views about environmental change. 5C I can collect, synthesise and use information from a range of secondary sources to inform my enquiries I can develop a suitable investigation to find out more about a place in the news. I can compare reports of the same event in different media. I can explain my views on environmental change on both local and global levels. I can describe how human activity changes an environment and I understand that people may think differently to me. I can analyse population data from two settlements and describe similarities and differences. Levels 1-3 for key stage 1 pupils. A level 2 should be achieved at the end of key stage 1. Levels 2-5 for key stage 2 pupils. A level 4 should be achieved at the end of key stage 2. Mapping Scheme of work Foundation stage Location 1a. I can describe where I am in the room 1b. I can describe the different areas of the room. 1c. I can follow simple directional clues. 1d. I can describe where I live. Map making 2a.I can describe what I see in a picture. 15

16 Key Stage 1 2b. What is a plan? 2c. I can show places on a simple plan, map. 2d. I can show how I get to school. Symbols, line colour 3a. I can group things together? 3b. I can make symbols for things in the classroom. Distance. 4a. I can describe how far away things are. Location 1e. I can describe my local area 2c/ 2e. I can record information on a plan. 1f. I can describe where I live in the UK. 1G. I Can describe where the UK is in the world. Map making 2e I can Colour code items on simple maps. 2f. I can explain what I see on aerial photos. Symbols. 3c. I can make symbols for simple maps. Routes I can use compass directions to describe routes around the school Using maps I can use a map of the local area. I can use a map of the UK. I can use a map of Europe. I can use maps of different scales. Key Stage 2 I can understand a weather map. I can use maps about themes and issues. I can describe patterns and change using maps. I can investigate places in the world using a map. I can describe how scale changes maps. I can explore continents and oceans using an atlas. I can use an atlas to locate places. I can confidently understand keys and symbols. I can plot routes on maps and plans. I can understand the effect of the equator, lines of longitude and latitude, tropics etc. I can describe similarities and differences between countries using an atlas. 16

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