Active Global Citizenship

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1 SCHOOL DEVELOPED BOARD ENDORSED COURSE Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Note NSW Government and Catholic Education Commission NSW Schools Schools wishing to implement this course need to apply to the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BoSTES). This is a relatively simple process that involves schools completing the first page of the Board Endorsed Course (BEC) application form on the BoSTES site: Guidelines and Application Forms Booklet - School Developed and inserting the Rationale from the second page of the Active Global citizenship School Developed Board Endorsed Course. Schools should try to submit their applications to receive endorsement prior to subject selection time. Association of Independent Schools Individual schools should make a submission to the BoSTES for a School Developed BEC. Schools may seek advice from their BoSTES Liaison Officer (BoSTESLO) for help with this process.

2 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Page 2 of 24

3 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Contents Rationale 4 Aims 5 Objectives 5 Values Knowledge and Skills Outcomes 6 Content Overview 7 Core module 1 Global competency: 21 st Century awareness 8 Core module 2 Working together: collaborative learning 10 Core module 3 Making a difference: advocacy and action 11 Core module 4 Problems and solutions: enquiry and critical thinking 12 Elective module 1 Local action for change 13 Elective module 2 Nation action for change 14 Elective module 3 Global action for change 15 Elective module 4 School Developed action for change option 16 Assessment: Active Global Citizenship 17 Glossary 20 Support document 23 Page 3 of 24

4 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 School Developed Board Endorsed Course Active Global Citizenship Active Global Citizenship is a Stage 5 course that is part of a suite of projects written as part of the Global Education Project NSW, a DFAT Australian Aid Program, federally funded project administered through the Professional Teachers Council NSW. The framework that underpins this course is titled Global Perspectives: A framework for the development of active citizenship in NSW schools and can be accessed at It is imperative that all teachers who teach this course are very familiar with this document. The five learning emphasies of global education (i.e. interdependence and globalisation, identity and cultural diversity, social justice and human rights, peace building and conflict resolution, and sustainable futures) are the basis through which Active Global Citizenship will be taught. Active Global Citizenship can be taught with expertise from any Key Learning Area, or as part of a conglomeration of teachers from a number of faculties. Rationale The Active Global Citizenship BEC prepares students, the citizens of the future, for effective and responsible participation in society. To be active, ethical, and effective global citizens, students must develop an understanding of the dynamic nature of human society, accept the cultures and contributions of diverse groups of people, and develop a thorough understanding of the social, economic and technological forces shaping students lives. Through the study of Active Global Citizenship, students will develop the capacity to engage, in an appropriate and informed manner, in the complex and interconnected world in which they live. The changing global landscape affects us all; and students require knowledge and understanding about the implications, permutations and interconnectedness of interdependence, globalisation; social justice; environmental; social and cultural sustainability; and what is effective action for change. Active Global Citizenship provides a meaningful overarching conceptual framework of knowledge, understanding, skills, processes, values and attitudes, for integrated experiential learning across all Key Learning Areas (KLA) in Stage 5. The Active Global Citizenship BEC course is designed to develop globally competent individuals. These students will be: aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works able to use the big ideas, tools, methods, and languages that are central to any discipline to engage with the pressing issues of the time and make a positive contribution. Globally competent students will investigate matters of global significance by identifying and understanding the 21 st Century areas of: diversity, inequality, global justice, peace building, sustainability and the effect of change. Students develop critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills in a co-operative learning environment that promotes informed active citizenship. Active Global Citizenship develops students research skills, including investigation and analysis; and action, critical thinking and ethical decision-making skills. Page 4 of 24

5 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Active Global Citizenship places emphases on personal efficacy, community engagement and workplace skills. Students gain knowledge and skills to develop appropriate responses to issues at a local 1, national and global level. Further, they will gain the understanding required to become informed, responsible and willing participants in social justice and change in a socially and culturally diverse world. Aims The aims of the Active Global Citizenship BEC, are for students to know and understand themselves as participants in a global society, become aware of their roles as global citizens; and develop skills in enquiry, action and evaluation through investigating the world. Objectives Students will develop knowledge and understanding about: the importance of global citizenship the interdependence and interconnectedness of the contemporary world local, national and global issues related to the five global education learning emphases. Students will develop skills: in analysis and action about real- world issues on a local, national and global scale to implement responsible action for positive change of local, national and global issues. Values The Active Global Citizenship BEC provides opportunities for students to focus on and develop the values of: respect responsibility co-operation care fairness democracy and to explore how these values operate when responding to issues and problems in the world in which they live. 1 local refers to the local area of students, or its equivalent in another place. Page 5 of 24

6 Knowledge and Skills Outcomes Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Objectives Students will develop: 1. knowledge and understanding about the importance of global citizenship Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.1 analyses the importance of global citizenship in the 21 st Century 1.2 accounts for cultural differences when responding to issues 1.3 demonstrates critical thinking about global citizenship in the 21 st Century 2. knowledge and understanding about the interdependence and interconnectedness of the contemporary world 2.1 accounts for global interdependence 2.2 analyses the role of globalisation 3. knowledge and understanding of local, national and global issues related to the five global education learning emphases (i.e. interdependence and globalisation, identity and cultural diversity, social justice and human rights, peace building and conflict resolution, and sustainable futures) 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 3.2 analyses issues on a local, national or global scale 3.3 discusses action for change of human rights and social issues 4. knowledge and understanding about the purpose and role of advocacy 4.1 accounts for the different types of advocacy 4.2 explains the role of advocacy in change 5. skills in analysis and action research about real- world issues on a local, national and global scale 5.1 identifies research procedures/protocols in investigating issues on a local, national or global scale 5.2 evaluates evidence from a variety of perspectives to develop informed responses to issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes 6. skills to implement responsible action for positive change of local, national and global issues 6.1 develops a project framework that incorporates good governance 6.2 implements or evaluates an action plan for change 6.3 applies ethical processes for practical action. Page 6 of 24

7 Content overview Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 The content is divided into core and elective modules. The core should precede the elective modules. The course consists of four core modules and one elective participation module that consolidates the core modules through an experiential learning project. Core modules These cover the essential knowledge, skills and understandings that are pre-requisites for the successful completion of the active citizenship component, outlined in the elective modules. Modules 2, 3 and 4 are informed by the Global Education content of module 1. Elective modules Students choose from one of these four options to investigate a real-world problem at a local, national or international level, and develop and implement an appropriate plan of action. This is an experiential module, drawing on the knowledge, skills, and values from the core modules and developing a process of action. Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 CORE STUDY 70 indicative hours Core module 1: Global competency: 21 st Century awareness (25 hours) Core module 2: Problems and solutions: enquiry and critical thinking (15 hours) Core module 3: Making a difference: advocacy and action Core module 4: Working together: collaborative learning (15 hours) (15 hours) Electives (Choose ONE of the following) 30 indicative hours per elective Elective module 1: Local action for change Elective module 2: National action for change Elective module 3: Global action for change Elective module 4: School Developed action for change option Page 7 of 24

8 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Core module 1: Global competency: 21 st Century awareness Focus: Students develop an awareness of cultural context in a diverse but increasingly interconnected world. They develop an understanding of the difference between social justice and human rights, analyse peaceful solutions to conflict, the interdependence of nations and people, and realise the importance of sustainability for future generations. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.1 analyses the importance of global citizenship in the 21st Century 1.3 demonstrates critical thinking about global citizenship in the 21 st Century 2.1 accounts for global interdependence 2.2 analyses the role of globalisation 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 3.2 analyses issues on a local, national or global scale 3.3 discusses action for change of human rights and social issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes Students learn about: Context definitions of social and cultural context Culture case studies Case studies of at least three cultures, including their own, and at least one from Asia and another from the Pacific beliefs attitudes and values identity stereotypical generalisations of cultural identity Social justice and human rights the differences and similarities between social justice and human rights the role of organisations in protecting human rights and encouraging social justice the eight Millennium Development Goals the impact of inequality and discrimination Peace building and conflict resolution ways conflict can be prevented or positively resolved the importance of building and maintaining positive and trusting relationships Students learn to: describe how aspects of culture reflect and affect identity recognise that people have different belief systems, values and attitudes that are reflected in cultural practices challenge the assumptions of stereotyping and generalisations based on ethnic background, beliefs or cultural practices define human rights and social justice through examples from the contemporary world analyse the role of national and international organisations in advocators of issues of human rights and/or social justice describe the eight Millennium Goals through examples investigate conflict resolution through examples differentiate between positive and negative conflict and explore the affects of each Page 8 of 24

9 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Case study: conflict resolution in contemporary society At least ONE local, national, or global issue or event related the the five global education learning emphases that has had a positive outcome. the issue or event background stakeholders different views, perspectives of the stakeholders impact of media on the issue or event action and outcomes examples of communication in coming to a consensus Globalisations impact on sustainable futures the complex social, economic and political links between people environmental, cultural and social sustainability the needs of past, current and future generations in Australia, and the Asia Pacific region, and their link to sustainability Global citizenship definitions of global citizenship differences in the attributes of global citizenship based on cultural diversity the importance of global citizenship in the 21 st Century describe the issue or event in relation to its nature investigate the main stakeholders: their characteristics and different perspectives identify the impact of the media of the issue or event discuss the action and outcomes, to the issue or event recognise that globalisation affects culture and national identity in positive and negative ways identify threats and opportunities of environmental, social and cultural sustainability summarise the changes to needs over time and suggest reasons for the changes define global citizenship account for the different factors that make a global citizen assess the importance of global citizenship in contemporary society Page 9 of 24

10 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Core module 2: Working together: collaborative learning Focus: Students develop skills in team work, role allocation and self and group management. Students develop an understanding of the nature of good governance and the factors that good governance includes. They will investigate case studies of community-based projects to understand the processes of planning, implementing and evaluating collaboratively. Students work together to identify opportunities for social engagement and action at a school or local community level. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.3 demonstrates critical thinking about issues on a local, national and global scale 3.3 discusses action for change of human rights and social issues 5.2 evaluates evidence from a variety of perspectives to develop informed responses to issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes 6.1 develops a project framework that incorporates good governance 6.2 implements or evaluates an action plan for change 6.3 applies ethical processes for practical action. Students learn about: Working together the processes involved in collaborative learning effective practises for collaboration and working with others personal skills and attributes needed to advocate change Good governance governance reasons good governance factors Community based projects the nature and purpose of community partnerships successful community partnerships and their factors for success Case study: community based project at school or local level At least ONE school or local issue or event related to the global education learning emphases. background stakeholders media involvement action and aims communication strategies Opportunities for new community-based projects ideas for new community-based projects that should result in action and positive change Students learn to: demonstrate collaborative learning through a presentation which summarises the processes and practices of collaborative learning recommend personal skills and attributes required to be an advocate for change define governance identify factors of good and bad governance through examples identify successful community partnerships and commonalities of success critically analyse and report on a community-based project, and the degree of collaboration to ensure positive change develop a checklist that could be adopted to ascertain the validity for the development of a collaborative school or community-based project. Page 10 of 24

11 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Core module 3: Making a difference: advocacy and action Focus: Students will develop an understanding about: the role of advocacy in affecting change the purpose of advocacy as a strategic and tactical process the language of advocacy and negotiation how to communicate ideas and issues to an audience. Students explore the five global education learning emphases from a range of contexts to examine examples of advocacy and their links to approriate action. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.2 accounts for cultural differences when responding to issues 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 4.1 accounts for the different types of advocacy 4.2 explains the role of advocacy in change 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes Students learn about: Advocacy the nature and purpose of advocacy the language of advocacy the process of negotiation in advocating change how different cultural practices and perspectives affect communication and understanding the role of media in advocacy the ways in which advocacy and action can influence outcomes. Case study: Advocacy At least ONE local, national, or global issue or event related to a global education learning emphases, and the types of advocacy employed to engage change. the issue or event background characteristics of advocacy impact of media and culture on the issue, event or scenario action and outcomes through advocacy. Students learn to: describe the role of advocacy show examples of the language of advocacy apply skills of negotiation to scenarios discuss the role of culture in communication recognise the role of media in advocacy reflect on the effects and consequences of advocacy and its ability to influence for change describe the issue or event in relation to the type of advocacy its proposed analyse the characteristics of advocacy in this issue or event identify the impact of the media on the issue or event communicate ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes Page 11 of 24

12 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Core module 4: Problems and solutions: enquiry and critical thinking Focus: Students learn about a model for researching, understanding and critically evaluating local, national or global issues or events related to Global Educations five learning emphases: interdependence and globalisation, identity and cultural diversity, social justice and human rights, peace building and conflict resolution, and sustainable futures. Students will also acquire knowleldge about various decision-making models when action to an issue or event is required, as well as the ethical nature that should underpin all actions. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 5.1 identifies the principles of research in investigating issues on a local, national or global scale 5.2 evaluates evidence from a variety of perspectives to develop informed responses to issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes Students learn about: The model of a research plan Step 1 Identify the aim/purpose of the investigation Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Generate a number of focus questions to be addressed by the investigation Decide which primary and secondary data are needed to answer the focus questions Identify the techniques that will be used to collect the data Collect primary and secondary data Process and analyse the data collected Select presentation methods to communicate the research findings effectively Propose individual or group action in response to the research findings and, where appropriate, take such action. Moral decision-making model utulitarian approach rights approach fairness or justice approach virtue approach ethical problem solving Students learn to: explain the purpose of each step in the research plan outline data collection techniques that can be used when researching an issue differentiate between primary and seconday data summarise different presentation methods to communicate research findings identify an individual or group and describe how it responds an issue identify examples to differentiate each type of decision making through examples of issues relating to interdependence and globalisation, identity and cultural diversity, social justice and human rights, peace building and conflict resolution, or sustainable futures. Page 12 of 24

13 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Elective module 1: Local action for change (30 hours) Focus: Students investigate, design and implement a local or community-based action project that addresses an identified need from one of the five global education emphases: interdependence and globalisation, identity and cultural diversity, social justice and human rights, peace building and conflict resolution, and sustainable futures. They will reflect on, and evaluate, the effects of their actions before, during and after completion of the project. Students will use their collective knowledge, understanding, skills and processes acquired in Core Modules 1 4 to inform their thinking and actions. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.3 demonstrates critical thinking about issues on a local, national and global scale 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 5.1 identifies the principles of research in investigating issues on a local, national or global scale 5.2 evaluates evidence from a variety of perspectives to develop informed responses to issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes 6.1 develops a project framework that incorporates good governance 6.2 implements or evaluates an action plan for change 6.3 applies ethical processes for practical action. Students learn about: potential projects based on the criteria established in Core Module 4 Community-based project action project Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Identify the purpose of the project, including the: need (background) aims and objectives (desired outcomes) main stakeholders Propose action in response to identification of the need Identify strategies that will be used to advocate change for this project Generate roles required of the project and who will fulfill them Decide on a work plan, including a budget, and timeline Decide on a decision making model Proceed to implement the project Evaluate the project were the aims and objectives met Select presentation methods to communicate the evaluation findings effectively Reflection the art of self-reflection Students learn to: identify opportunities for engagement and action in their own school or local community work collaboratively to allocate roles and duties design and implement a plan of advocacy and/or action for a local or community-based project ensure that the plan is implemented according to the principles of good governance and ethical decisionmaking evaluate the success of the project in meeting its stated aims and objectives reflect on their own learning as a result of the collaborative engagement and participation of this project. Page 13 of 24

14 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Elective module 2: National action for change Focus: (30 hours) Students investigate, design and implement a national action project that addresses an identified need from one of the five global education emphases: interdependence and globalisation, identity and cultural diversity, social justice and human rights, peace building and conflict resolution, and sustainable futures. They will reflect on, and evaluate, the effects of their actions before, during and after completion of the project. Students will use the collective knowledge, understanding, skills and processes acquired in Core Modules 1 4 to inform their thinking and actions. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.3 demonstrates critical thinking about issues on a local, national and global scale 5.2 applies collaborative skills to research and action 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 5.1 identifies the principles of research in investigating issues on a local, national or global scale 5.2 evaluates evidence from a variety of perspectives to develop informed responses to issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes 6.1 develops a project framework that incorporates good governance 6.2 implements or evaluates an action plan for change 6.3 applies ethical processes for practical action. Students learn about: potential projects based on the criteria established in Core Module 4 Nationally-based action project the active involvement in the investigation, design, implementation and evaluation of a national project Step 1 Identify the purpose of the project, including the: need (background) aims and objectives (desired outcomes) main stakeholders Step 2 Propose action in response to identification of the need Step 3 Identify strategies that will be used to advocate change for this project Step 4 Generate roles required of the project and who will fulfill them Step 5 Decide on a work plan, including a budget, and timeline Step 6 Decide on a decision making model Step 7 Proceed to implement the project Step 8 Evaluate the project were the aims and objectives met Step 9 Select presentation methods to communicate the evaluation findings effectively Reflection the art of self-reflection Students learn to: identify opportunities for national engagement and action work collaboratively to allocate roles and duties design and implement a plan of advocacy and/or action for a national project ensure that the plan is implemented according to the principles of good governance and ethical decisionmaking evaluate the success of the project in meeting its stated aims and objectives reflect on their own learning as a result of the collaborative engagement and participation of this project. Page 14 of 24

15 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Elective module 3: Global action for change (30 hours) Focus: Students investigate, design and implement a global action project that addresses an identified need from one of the five global education emphases: interdependence and globalisation, identity and cultural diversity, social justice and human rights, peace building and conflict resolution, and sustainable futures. They will reflect on, and evaluate, the effects of their actions before, during and after completion of the project. Students will use the collective knowledge, understanding, skills and processes acquired in Core Modules 1 4 to inform their thinking and actions. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.3 demonstrates critical thinking about issues on a local, national and global scale 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 5.1 identifies the principles of research in investigating issues on a local, national or global scale 5.2 evaluates evidence from a variety of perspectives to develop informed responses to issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes 6.1 develops a project framework that incorporates good governance 6.2 implements or evaluates an action plan for change 6.3 applies ethical processes for practical action. Students learn about: potential projects based on the criteria established in Core Module 4 Global action project Step 1 Identify the purpose of the project, including the: need (background) aims and objectives (desired outcomes) main stakeholders Step 2 Propose action in response to identification of the need Step 3 Identify strategies that will be used to advocate change for this project Step 4 Generate roles required of the project and who will fulfill them Step 5 Decide on a work plan, including a budget, and timeline Step 6 Decide on a decision making model Step 7 Proceed to implement the project Step 8 Evaluate the project were the aims and objectives met Step 9 Select presentation methods to communicate the evaluation findings effectively Reflection the art of self-reflection Students learn to: identify opportunities for global engagement and action work collaboratively to allocate roles and duties design and implement a plan of advocacy and/or action for a global project ensure that the plan is implemented according to the principles of good governance and ethical decision-making evaluate the success of the project in meeting its stated aims and objectives reflect on their own learning as a result of the collaborative engagement and participation of this project. Page 15 of 24

16 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Elective module 4: School Developed action for change option (30 hours) Focus: This option provides an opportunity for students to develop their knowledge and understanding of a particular area of relevance that relates to at least one of the five global education emphases (i.e. interdependence and globalisation, identity and cultural diversity, social justice and human rights, peace building and conflict resolution, and sustainable futures) and is of particular interest to them; researching that area of interest; and communicating their findings. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.3 demonstrates critical thinking about issues on a local, national and global scale 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 5.1 identifies the principles of research in investigating issues on a local, national or global scale 5.2 evaluates evidence from a variety of perspectives to develop informed responses to issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes 6.1 develops a project framework that incorporates good governance Students learn about: a specific area of interest related to one of the five global education emphases (listed above) research using specific processes/protocols related to the specific area of interest analysing issues using the internet and other secondary sources for research exploring different values and ethical perspectives evaluating learning processes and outcomes achieved methods of communicating Students learn to: outline an area of interest for research justify the research area in terms of its significance to global education, relevance to Active Global Citizenship and selfinterest identify the processes to be followed in conducting research conduct the research using a range of methods including information and communication technologies recognise different values and perspectives of the area of interest evaluate the learning achieved in relation to knowledge, skills and values Reflection the art of self-reflection communicate findings through a range of media reflect on their own learning as a result of the collaborative engagement and participation of this project. Page 16 of 24

17 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Assessment: Active Global Citizenship School Certificate Assessment Through the course a number of assessment tasks will be set. These tasks will include test and nontest tasks. Several of the assessment tasks will be identified and used for the purpose of allocating School Certificate grades. General Performance Descriptors For awarding grades in School Developed Board Endorsed Courses, the Board s general performance descriptions will be used. The general performance descriptors describe performance at each of five grade levels: A B C D E The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations. The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations. The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills. The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills. The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in a few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills. Assessment for learning Assessment for learning in Active Global Citizenship is designed to enhance teaching and improve learning. It is assessment that gives students opportunities to produce the work that leads to development of their knowledge, understanding and skills. Assessment for learning involves teachers deciding how and when to assess student achievement, using a range of appropriate assessment strategies including self-assessment and peer assessment. Quality Assessment Practices The following Assessment for Learning Principles provide the criteria for judging the quality of assessment materials and practices. Assessment for learning: emphasises the interactions between learning and manageable assessment strategies that promote learning In practice, this means: teachers reflect on the purposes of assessment and on their assessment strategies assessment activities allow for demonstration of learning outcomes assessment is embedded in learning activities and informs the planning of future learning activities teachers use assessment to identify what a student can already do. Page 17 of 24

18 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 clearly expresses for the student and teacher the goals of the learning activity In practice, this means: students understand the learning goals and the criteria that will be applied to judge the quality of their achievement students receive feedback that helps them make further progress. reflects a view of learning in which assessment helps students learn better, rather than just achieve a better mark In practice, this means: teachers use tasks that assess, and therefore encourage, deeper learning feedback is given in a way that motivates the learner and helps students to understand that mistakes are a part of learning and can lead to improvement assessment is an integral component of the teaching-learning process rather than being a separate activity. provides ways for students to use feedback from assessment In practice, this means: feedback is directed to the achievement of standards and away from comparisons with peers feedback is clear and constructive about strengths and weaknesses feedback is individualised and linked to opportunities for improvement. helps students take responsibility for their own learning In practice, this means: assessment includes strategies for self-assessment and peer assessment emphasising the next steps needed for further learning. is inclusive of all learners In practice, this means: assessment against standards provides opportunities for all learners to achieve their best assessment activities are free of bias. Active Global Citizenship particularly lends itself to the following assessment techniques: Inquiry-based research assignments and projects Assessment activities might include independent research tasks to investigate issues and processes, a web-based research assignment, or the development of a media portfolio. When this technique is used for assessment purposes, students could be assessed on their ability to: gather and analyse information research information communicate information. Fieldwork activities Assessment activities might include pre-project action research and post-project analyses as well as the actual project itself. Page 18 of 24

19 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Presentations Assessment activities might include prepared and impromptu oral presentations, role-plays, poster presentations, prepared video/audio tapes and displays. When these techniques are used for assessment purposes students could be assessed on their ability to: participate in scenarios communicate geographical information effectively using oral and graphical forms. Peer assessment Active Global Citizenship encourages the active involvement of students in the learning process. Opportunities exist for individual and collaborative work. Activities involving peer assessment might include evaluating the contributions of individuals to a group task, and reflecting on a peer presentation. Self-assessment Active Global Citizenship, students are encouraged to acquire basic skills to become self-directed learners. Opportunities exist for students to reflect on their progress towards the achievement of the course outcomes. This reflection provides the basis for improving their learning. Developing selfassessment skills is an ongoing process that becomes increasingly more sophisticated and selfinitiated as a student progresses. Page 19 of 24

20 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Glossary advocacy: the act of publically supporting an action or plan cultural sustainability: maintaining the co-existence of a variety of cultures within society while meeting our current needs and without diminishing the quality of natural or cultural environments or reducing the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs. environmental: concerned with or relating to the natural world in which we live. ethical: influenced by or arising from a system of moral beliefs about right and wrong. global citizenship: the capability and disposition of a person to understand and act on global issues of significance globalisation: the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of increased trade, global migration and cultural exchange. The increase in activity has been brought about largely by advances in technology, transportation and communication. governance: strategies that make social, political and economic systems effective and equitable for all. A framework to enable formal and informal participation in decision-making processes for individual citizens and groups United Nations Development Report defines governance as: The exercise of political, economic and administrative authority to manage a nation s affairs. It is the complex mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights and obligations, and mediate their differences. The Australian Government defines good governance as: The competent management of a country s resources and affairs in a manner that is open, transparent, accountable, equitable and responsive to people s needs. human rights: international commitments to protect civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as identified in the Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention of the Rights of the Child. interdependence: the relationship of mutual dependence between all elements and living things. It recognises that decisions and actions taken in one place have an effect on what happens elsewhere. justice: fairness in the way people are treated. The principle of fairness that: like cases should be treated alike. social justice: the application of the principles of equity, access, participation and rights for all people. social sustainability: meeting our current needs without diminishing established human rights, the quality of our natural and cultural environments, or the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs. stakeholder: a person, group or organisation that has an interest or concern in an organisation. utilitarian: intended to produce the greatest benefit for the greatest number of people. Page 20 of 24

21 Interdependence and globalisation Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Interdependence: the relationship of mutual dependence between all elements and living things. It recognises that decisions and actions taken in one place have an effect on what happens elsewhere. Globalisation: the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of increased trade, global migration and cultural exchange. The increase in activity has been brought about largely by advances in technology, transportation and communication. Identity and cultural diversity Identity: the specific characteristics particular to an individual or group within the world, a society or an institution. Cultural diversity: the variety of cultures that co-exist within the world, a society or an institution. Social justice and human rights Social justice: the application of the principles of equity, access, participation and rights for all people. Human rights: international commitments to protect civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as identified in the Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention of the Rights of the Child. Peace building and Conflict resolution Peace building: actions that take place post-conflict with the aim of avoiding a re-lapse into conflict. Conflict resolution: the process of working through a disagreement or dispute with the aim of reaching a mutually acceptable outcome. Sustainable futures: the ways in which we can meet our current needs without diminishing the quality of natural or cultural environments or reducing the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs. Page 21 of 24

22 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Page 22 of 24

23 Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Support document Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 Page 23 of 24

24 Support document: Active Global Citizenship Introduction This part of the document has been designed to assist teachers in understanding key aspects of the Active Global Citizenship Stage 5 School-developed BEC and to provide guidance for implementation. It shows how programs are underpinned by the principles of assessment for learning. Advice for constructing a suitable scope and sequence, with accompanying sample teaching and learning activities for both the core and some of the options, is provided. These sample units can be used as models for planning work for other Options. Establishing a scope and sequence plan A fundamental step in the design of effective teaching and learning programs is the establishment of a scope and sequence plan. This plan provides an overview of the modules to be taught and details the placement, sequence and duration of modules. When establishing a plan there are a number of factors to be considered: Course requirements The course acknowledges that schools require flexibility to design their Active Global Citizenship programs to best meet their specific needs and circumstances. Schools should refer to the course structure and decide on the most appropriate course of study. When establishing a scope and sequence plan the following course requirements must be met: all outcomes are to be addressed by the conclusion of the 100 hours students undertaking the 100 hour course must study the core and one of the options Further considerations When designing a scope and sequence plan, schools also need to consider: the specific needs of their students background knowledge and cultural heritage of their students and the wider community available resources links to other subjects in Stages 4 and 5, such as topics studied in English, Geography, History and Science subjects offered in Stage 6 building on other relevant school events and programs complementing related community initiatives and resources.

25 Sample scope and sequence plans As the core has been written as an introduction to Active Global Citizenship, it is recommended (and shown in Figure 1) that it be taught at the beginning of the course and in the sequence presented: Figure 1 Hours Core module 1 Global competency: 21 st Century awareness 25 Core module 2 Working together: collaborative learning 15 Core module 3 Making a difference: advocacy and action 15 Core module 4 Problems and solutions: enquiry and critical thinking 15 Elective Options Elective module 1: Local action for change, OR 30 Elective module 2: Nation action for change, OR Elective module 3: Global action for change, OR Elective module 4: School Developed action for change option Page 2 of 48

26 Sample units of work Core module 1: Global competency: 21 st Century awareness Focus: Students develop an awareness of cultural context in a diverse but increasingly interconnected world. They develop an understanding of the difference between social justice and human rights, analyse peaceful solutions to conflict, the interdependence of nations and people, and realise the importance of sustainability for future generations. Stage 5 Outcomes A student: 1.1 analyses the importance of global citizenship in the 21st Century 1.3 demonstrates critical thinking about global citizenship in the 21 st Century 2.1 accounts for global interdependence 2.2 analyses the role of globalisation 3.1 identifies issues that relate at least one of the five global education learning emphases 3.2 analyses issues on a local, national or global scale 3.3 discusses action for change of human rights and social issues 5.3 communicates ideas and information for specific audiences and purposes Page 3 of 48

27 Students learn about: Context definitions of social and cultural context Students learn to: describe how aspects of culture reflect and affect identity Core module 1 Teachers note: Provide the students with the Hofstede (onion) and Hall s (iceberg) theories of culture and note that culture has many different layers. The iceberg model delves beyond the behaviour of people and examines the values, attitudes and feelings of people. It demonstrates the different levels of culture, from the observable tip, to deeply set values, beliefs and attitudes that exist below the surface of the iceberg. The onion model of culture is representative of the layers of culture. You have been asked to develop a deep understanding of the cultural diversity that exists within your class. The purpose of the task is to investigate, recognise and respect that people have different cultures; culture is personalised; culture goes beyond observations; and that culture can be used to identify a person. Task 1 Explore different definitions of culture. Discuss the definitions provided by examining what characterises culture. For example: religion, gender, race or socio-economic status. Use the collated definitions as a base to develop and articulate your own understanding of culture. Discuss and compare responses and develop a class definition of culture. Culture case studies Case studies of at least three cultures, including their own, and at least one from Asia and another from the Pacific: beliefs attitudes and values identity stereotypical generalisations of cultural identity recognise that people have different belief systems, values and attitudes that are reflected in cultural practices challenge the assumptions of stereotyping and generalisations based on ethnic background, beliefs or cultural practices Task 2 Your task is to develop a personal iceberg or onion model of culture to represent your own culture. Use pictures and visual symbols to construct a pictorial iceberg or onion model of your own culture. Ensure layers or levels in your model are portrayed. (The model must encompass all key aspects of what makes up their culture). Task 3 Explore either an Asian or Pacific cultural group and produce a Venn diagram to show the differences and similarities between your own personal culture and your newly researched culture. To complete the task, you will need to research and investigate the characteristics of your chosen culture - going beyond the observable tip of the iceberg. You should now repeat the process and produce a Venn diagram that looks at another cultural group in the same way. Compare both cultural groups and your own and produce a Venn diagram with a clear discernment of the similarities that exist in all three cultures. Prepare a presentation for the class about your researched cultural groups - highlighting the differences and similarities between these cultures and your own. (Maximum 10 slides) Page 4 of 48

28 Social justice and human rights the differences and similarities between social justice and human rights the role of organisations in protecting human rights and encouraging social justice the eight Millennium Development Goals the impact of inequality and discrimination Peace building and conflict resolution ways conflict can be prevented or positively resolved the importance of building and maintaining positive and trusting relationships Case study: conflict resolution in contemporary society At least ONE local, define human rights and social justice through examples from the contemporary world analyse the role of national and international organisations in advocators of issues of human rights and/or social justice describe the eight Millennium Goals through examples investigate conflict resolution through examples differentiate between positive and negative conflict and explore the affects of each Examples of cultural websites: Chinese culture website Japanese culture website Samoan culture website Task 4 a) To begin, define the term human rights and discuss the differences/similarities in definitions between human rights and social justice. Use examples to illustrate your viewpoint and develop and articulate your definitions of the two terms. Use the link below to investigate the purpose of the 30 Articles of Human Rights or b) Research and identify examples of non-government organisations that are involved with human rights/social justice and outline the role they play in trying to achieve their common goal, or research and report on science experiments that have contravened human rights. (For example: World War II government experiments on soldiers in concentration camps) c) Research and critique at least two websites which explain the process of positive peace-building, using the website evaluation criteria form attached. Develop a simple flow chart to outlines the process in your own words, which summarises the websites that you have evaluated. Case study: Teachers note: You may choose any human rights issue that has had global attention. The task remains the same. Page 5 of 48

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