LOTE Allen ISD - Bundled Curriculum Grading Period: 1 st quarter

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1 LOTE Allen ISD - Bundled Curriculum Grading Period: 1 st quarter Subject Spanish III Unit Name: Overview TAKS Objective TEKS Statement, (Unit 1-1.1) Tested TEKS Student Expectation/District Clarification Present Tense of Regular Verbs Students will produce and apply all six forms of ar, -er, -ir verbs in the present tense in speech and writing. Including yo, tú, él, ella, Ud., nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, Uds. Including gustar, encantar Present Tense of Stem-Changing Verbs Students will produce and apply all six forms of stem-changing verbs in the present tense in speech and writing. Including poder, volver, decir, dormir, morir, pedir, servir, querer, pensar, jugar, almorzar, comenzar, empezar, entender, encontrar, llover, nevar, sentir, preferir, repetir Smartboard resource: L:\ForeignLangShr\Curriculum Docs\2012 Curriculum Docs- Word\Spanish\Spanish III cur doc resources\stem-changers in the present tense.notebook Irregular yo forms in the Present Tense Students will produce and apply all six forms of verbs with an irregular yo form in speech and writing. Including decir, poner, hacer, salir, traer, tener, venir, oír, caer Including conducir, saber, conocer, seguir, dar, ver, construir Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense Students will produce and apply all six forms of irregular verbs in speech and writing. Including ser, ir, estar, hay Review of nouns and adjective Students will recognize and use the number and gender of nouns and adjectives (separately and together) Including el, la, los, las, un, una, unos, unas Including adjectives of nationality and description Ser and Estar Students will identify and implement the uses of ser and estar Including ser for description, characteristics, telling time, profession, nationality, origin, possession, dates, days, what something is made of, and relationship Including estar for health, emotion, location, position, state of being, and present progressive Smartboard resource: \\Aisd-share\share$\ForeignLangShr\Updated Curriculum Docs 2012\2012 Curriculum Docs- Word\Spanish\Spanish III cur doc resources\vortex of ser and estar.notebook Reflexive Verbs in the Present Tense Students will produce and apply all six forms of reflexive verbs in the present tense and connect with the corresponding reflexive pronoun in both speech and writing. Including despertarse, levantarse, lavarse, bañarse, ducharse, peinarse, afeitarse, cepillarse, ponerse, vestirse, cortarse, irse, maquillarse, acostarse, dormirse, sentirse, sentarse, aburrirse, divertirse, secarse, mirarse, pintarse Page 1 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

2 (Unit 1-1.3) (Unit 1-1.4) (Unit 1-1.5) (Unit 1-1.6) (Unit 1-1.7) 1A, IB, IC (Unit 1-1.9) 1A, IB, IC (Unit ) (Unit ) (Unit ) 1A,1C 5B 1A, 1C 5B Regular Preterite Verbs Students will produce and apply all six forms of regular ar, -er, -ir verbs in the preterite in speech and writing. Preterite of car, -gar, -zar verbs Students will produce and apply all six forms of verbs that end in car, -gar, -zar in the preterite in speech and writing. Such as jugar, almorzar, tocar Irregular Preterite Verbs Students will produce and apply all six forms of irregular preterite verbs in speech and writing. Including andar, estar, tener, decir, hacer, poder, poner, ser, ir, traer, venir, querer, ver, dar, conducir Preterite verbs with spelling changes Students will produce and apply all six forms of preterite verbs with spelling changes in speech and writing. Including leer, oír, caer, construir, dormir, morir, sentirse, pedir, divertirse, preferir Preterite of gustar-like verbs Students will produce and apply preterite conjugations of gustar- like verbs See previous list of verbs to include. Regular Imperfect Verbs Students will produce and apply all six forms of the regular verbs in the Imperfect tense in speech and writing. Irregular Imperfect Verbs Students will produce and apply all six forms of the irregular verbs in the Imperfect tense in speech and writing. Including ser, ir, ver, hay Contrasting Imperfect and Preterite Students will identify the purpose for using the preterite or the imperfect tense and distinguish and justify the uses of each tense Implementing the Preterite and Imperfect when using the past tense Students will correctly use the preterite and the imperfect in the past. Including the preterite for one time action, series of completed actions, beginning and ending, specific action in the past, and interruption Including the imperfect for what used to happen in the past, description, emotion, location, health, time, weather, date, age, scene setting, repeated actions, habitual actions, attitude Key words will be used to help identify usage of the preterite and the imperfect Such as ayer, todos los dias, siempre, el lunes, los lunes, etc. Smartboard resource: L:\ForeignLangShr\Curriculum Docs\2012 Curriculum Docs- Word\Spanish\Spanish III cur doc resources\vortex for pret v imp.notebook Speaking and Listening Students will be able to ask questions and respond to questions in Spanish using the present and past (preterite and imperfect) tenses Writing Students will be able to assemble sentences in Spanish using grammar and vocabulary introduced in the first quarter. Page 2 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

3 Guiding/Essential Questions Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary Signature Lessons Resources Knowledge and skills. (1) Interpersonal communication: speaking and writing. The student negotiates meaning through the spoken and written exchange of information in rehearsed and unrehearsed situations in a variety of contexts. The student uses a mixture of short statements, sentences, and strings of sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) ask and respond to questions about and beyond the scope of everyday life with simple elaboration in spoken and written conversation; (B) express and exchange personal opinions, preferences, and recommendations with supporting statements in spoken and written conversation; (C) ask and tell others what they need to, should, and must do with supporting reasons in spoken and written conversation; (D) articulate requests, offer suggestions, and develop plans with supporting statements in spoken and written conversation; (E) interact and react in spoken conversation using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and gestures; and (F) interact and react in writing using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and style. (2) Interpretive communication: reading and listening. The student comprehends connected statements from culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials as appropriate within contextualized situations and sources. The student uses the interpretive mode in communication with appropriate and applicable grammatical structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate an understanding of culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials in a variety of contexts; (B) paraphrase the main idea, theme, and supporting details from fiction and nonfiction texts and audio and audiovisual materials; (C) infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in contextualized texts, audio, and audiovisual materials; and (D) compare and contrast cultural practices from authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials. (3) Presentational communication: speaking and writing. The student presents information orally and in writing using a mixture of phrases, sentences, and strings of sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) express and defend an opinion or preference orally and in writing with supporting statements and with recommendations; (B) narrate situations and events orally and in writing using connected sentences with details and elaboration; and (C) inform others orally and in writing about a variety of topics using connected sentences with details and elaboration. Textbook Alignment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Page 3 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

4 LOTE Allen ISD - Bundled Curriculum Grading Period: _2 nd quarter Subject Spanish III Unit Name: Overview TAKS Objective TEKS Statement (Unit 1-2.2) Tested TEKS Student Expectation/District Clarification Vocabulary Level 3, Chapter 1-2 Students will identify and apply vocabulary to the four elements of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing) from Smartboard resources: \\Aisd-share\share$\ForeignLangShr\Updated Curriculum Docs 2012\2012 Curriculum Docs- Word\Spanish\Spanish III cur doc resources\vortex of voc 1-1.notebook Level 3, Chapter 1-2 Including algo, nada, alguien, nadie, siempre, nunca/jamás, también, tampoco, ninguno, alguno, no.ni,ni (Unit ) (Unit 1-2.3) Unequal Comparisons Students will construct unequal comparisons Including with adjectives, nouns, and adverbs Including más que, menos que, más de, menos de, mayor(es), menor(es), peor(es), and mejor(es) Pronouns: Subject, direct, indirect, and reflexive Students will identify and implement single object pronouns in a sentence Including all subject, indirect, direct, and reflexive pronouns for each person (Unit ) (Unit ) (Unit ) No double object pronouns at this time Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns Students will identify and produce demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns Including este, ese, and aquel, and their forms Use indicators such as aquí/acá, allí, allá Present Subjunctive: Regular and Irregular Verbs Students will produce all six forms of the present subjunctive Including regular and irregular verbs Smartboard resource: \\Aisd-share\share$\ForeignLangShr\Updated Curriculum Docs 2012\2012 Curriculum Docs- Word\Spanish\Spanish III cur doc resources\sub forms.notebook Present Subjunctive for hopes and wishes Students will identify the purpose for using the subjunctive and correctly implement and apply it with this concept. (Unit ) Present Subjunctive for hopes and wishes Students will correctly implement and apply the subjunctive within this concept Including Ojalá que, querer que, esperar que, preferir que, desear que Including differentiating between uses of subjunctive and the infinitive Page 4 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

5 (Unit ) (Unit ) 1A,1C 5B 1A, 1C 5B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4B, 4C Guiding/Essential Questions Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary Signature Lessons Resources Knowledge and skills. Present Subjunctive for recommendation Students will correctly implement and apply the subjunctive within this concept Including sugerir que, recomendar que, es buena idea que, es mejor que, es importante que, aconsejar que, es necesario que, no es una buena idea que Including differentiating between uses of subjunctive and the infinitive Uses Por and Para Students will identify, apply and distinguish the uses of por and the uses of para Including por to indicate through, period of time, in exchange for, by means of, around, period of time, throughout the day Including para to indicate goal or purpose, intended for/recipient, deadline, destination, toward/direction, function Including the use of por in idiomatic expressions such as por ahora, por ejemplo, por favor, por fin, por último and por supuesto Speaking and Listening Students will be able to express themselves in Spanish using the present indicative and the present subjunctive moods. Writing Students will be able to assemble sentences in Spanish using grammar and vocabulary introduced in the first and second quarters. Culture: España Students will identify and analyze various aspects of Spanish and Texas culture. Including geography and architecture of Castilla La Mancha. (1) Interpersonal communication: speaking and writing. The student negotiates meaning through the spoken and written exchange of information in rehearsed and unrehearsed situations in a variety of contexts. The student uses a mixture of short statements, sentences, and strings of sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) ask and respond to questions about and beyond the scope of everyday life with simple elaboration in spoken and written conversation; (B) express and exchange personal opinions, preferences, and recommendations with supporting statements in spoken and written conversation; (C) ask and tell others what they need to, should, and must do with supporting reasons in spoken and written conversation; Page 5 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

6 (D) articulate requests, offer suggestions, and develop plans with supporting statements in spoken and written conversation; (E) interact and react in spoken conversation using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and gestures; and (F) interact and react in writing using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and style. (2) Interpretive communication: reading and listening. The student comprehends connected statements from culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials as appropriate within contextualized situations and sources. The student uses the interpretive mode in communication with appropriate and applicable grammatical structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate an understanding of culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials in a variety of contexts; (B) paraphrase the main idea, theme, and supporting details from fiction and nonfiction texts and audio and audiovisual materials; (C) infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in contextualized texts, audio, and audiovisual materials; and (D) compare and contrast cultural practices from authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials. (3) Presentational communication: speaking and writing. The student presents information orally and in writing using a mixture of phrases, sentences, and strings of sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) express and defend an opinion or preference orally and in writing with supporting statements and with recommendations; (B) narrate situations and events orally and in writing using connected sentences with details and elaboration; and (C) inform others orally and in writing about a variety of topics using connected sentences with details and elaboration. Textbook Alignment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Page 6 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

7 LOTE Allen ISD - Bundled Curriculum Grading Period: _3rd quarter Subject Spanish III Unit Name: Overview TAKS Objective TEKS Statement (Unit 2-1.1) (Unit ) (Unit (Unit 2-1.3) (Unit 2-2.1) (Unit 2-2.4) Tested TEKS Student Expectation/District Clarification Vocabulary Level 3, Chapter 2 Students will identify and apply vocabulary to the four elements of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing) from Level 3, Ch. 2 Smartboard resources: L:\ForeignLangShr\Curriculum Docs\2012 Curriculum Docs- Word\Spanish\Spanish III cur doc resources\synonyms vocab 2-2.notebook Using ir (in the imperfect) + a + infinitive + a verb in the past Students will construct sentences with ir (in the imperfect) + a + infinitive followed by either a verb in the preterite to indicate an interrupted action, or in the imperfect to indicate another ongoing action in the past. Such as Iba a estudiar pero mi mamá me llamó por teléfono. Such as Iba a estudiar pero tenía que cuidar a mi hermano. Review of Tú Commands Students will correctly formulate and employ affirmative and negative tú commands with and without single object pronouns Including regular and irregular forms Nosotros Commands Students will correctly formulate and employ affirmative and negative nosotros commands with and without single object pronouns Including regular and irregular forms Double Object Pronouns Students will identify and replace direct and indirect objects with their corresponding pronouns and rewrite the sentence. Present Subjunctive with expressions of feelings Students will correctly implement and apply the subjunctive within this concept Including me alegra que, temer que, sentir que, es triste que, me molesta que, me frustra que, me sorprende que, me irrita que, me preocupa que (Unit 4-1.2) Present Perfect Students will produce and apply all six forms of haber in the present tense and use with a past participle in both speech and writing Including all regular past participles Including abrir, poner, morir, cubrir, decir, escribir, hacer, romper, ver, volver, freír Including usage with object pronouns Info: freír = frito Page 7 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

8 (Unit 3-1.3) (Unit 3-1.3) 1A, 1C 5B (Ch 3) 1A, 1C 5B 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4B, 4C (Unit 3-1.5) Guiding/Essential Questions Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary Signature Lessons Resources Knowledge and skills. Review of Present Subjunctive with will or wish Students will correctly implement and apply the subjunctive within this concept Subjunctive with the non-existent Students will differentiate between the use of the subjunctive and indicative with phases of existence and nonexistence. Including with no hay nada que, no hay nadie que, no tengo nada que, buscar algo que, querer algo que Speaking and Listening Students will be able to express themselves in Spanish using the present indicative and the present subjunctive moods. Students will be able to respond to and give tú and nosotros commands. Writing Students will be able to assemble sentences in Spanish using grammar and vocabulary introduced in the first, second, and third quarters. Culture: El Caribe Students will identify and analyze various aspects of Caribbean culture Such as celebrations, geography, art, and climate, animal life, Puerto Rican schools, and Cuban education (1) Interpersonal communication: speaking and writing. The student negotiates meaning through the spoken and written exchange of information in rehearsed and unrehearsed situations in a variety of contexts. The student uses a mixture of short statements, sentences, and strings of sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) ask and respond to questions about and beyond the scope of everyday life with simple elaboration in spoken and written conversation; (B) express and exchange personal opinions, preferences, and recommendations with supporting statements in spoken and written conversation; (C) ask and tell others what they need to, should, and must do with supporting reasons in spoken and written conversation; (D) articulate requests, offer suggestions, and develop plans with supporting statements in spoken and written conversation; (E) interact and react in spoken conversation using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and gestures; and (F) interact and react in writing using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and style. (2) Interpretive communication: reading and listening. The student comprehends connected statements from culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials as appropriate within contextualized situations and sources. The student uses the interpretive mode in communication with appropriate and applicable grammatical structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate an understanding of culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials in a variety of contexts; Page 8 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

9 (B) paraphrase the main idea, theme, and supporting details from fiction and nonfiction texts and audio and audiovisual materials; (C) infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in contextualized texts, audio, and audiovisual materials; and (D) compare and contrast cultural practices from authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials. (3) Presentational communication: speaking and writing. The student presents information orally and in writing using a mixture of phrases, sentences, and strings of sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) express and defend an opinion or preference orally and in writing with supporting statements and with recommendations; (B) narrate situations and events orally and in writing using connected sentences with details and elaboration; and (C) inform others orally and in writing about a variety of topics using connected sentences with details and elaboration. Textbook Alignment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Page 9 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

10 LOTE Allen ISD - Bundled Curriculum Grading Period: _4 th quarter Subject Spanish III Unit Name: Overview TAKS Objective TEKS Statement (Unit 3-2.1) (Unit 3-2.2) (Unit 3-2.3) (Unit 3-2.4) (Unit 4-1.1) Tested TEKS Student Expectation/District Clarification Vocabulary Level 3, Chapter 3-4 Students will identify and apply vocabulary to the four elements of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing) from Level 3, Ch. 3-4 Smartboard resource: L:\ForeignLangShr\Curriculum Docs\2012 Curriculum Docs- Word\Spanish\Spanish III cur doc resources\voc 4-1.notebook Future Tense Students will produce and apply verbs in all six forms in speech and writing. Including regular and irregular verbs Including hacer, saber, querer, decir, hay, poder, poner, salir, tener, venir Conditional Tense Students will produce and apply verbs in all six forms in speech and writing. Including regular and irregular verbs Including hacer, saber, querer, decir, hay, poder, poner, salir, tener, venir Conditional with contrary to fact statements Students will correctly apply the imperfect subjunctive in the yo and tú if statements Including si yo fuera, si tú fueras, si yo tuviera, si tú tuvieras, si yo pudiera, si tú pudieras + conditional verb Present Progressive Students will recognize he present progressive with estar and expand its use with the additional uses of the verbs of andar and seguir + present participle to tell what is happening and apply it in all four skills. Including the irregular present participles such as leyendo, oyendo, muriendo, durmiendo, pidiendo, sirviendo, etc. (Unit 4-1.2) Review of Present Perfect Students will produce and apply all six forms of haber in the present tense and use with a past participle in both speech and writing (Unit 4-1.3) Present Perfect Subjunctive Students will recognize usages of subjunctive and appropriately apply all six forms of the present perfect subjunctive Including emotion, denial, doubt, or hope that something has happened Past Progressive Page 10 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

11 (Unit 4-2.2) (Unit 4-2.3) Students will recognize usages of the progressive and appropriately apply all six forms of estar in the imperfect with the present participle with a preterite clause Including regular and irregular present participles Unintentional events Students will construct sentences expressing unintentional events, employing se + an indirect object pronoun + a verb in the preterite. (No fault construction) Including quedar, quemar, perder, olvidar, caer, romper, acabar, descomponer, quebrar 2A, 2B 3A, 3B 4B, 4C (Unit 3-2, 4-1.4, 4-2.4) 1B (Ch 4) Culture: El Caribe Students will identify and analyze various aspects of Caribbean culture Such as celebrations, geography, art, and climate, animal life, telenovelas, and Missions in San Antonio Such as extended family, traditional foods, wedding ceremonies, Texas bakeries Reading Comprehension Students will read and analyze a selection and be able to answer questions relating to the selection 1A, 1C (Ch 4) Speaking and Listening Students will be able to ask questions and respond to questions in Spanish using the present progressive, present perfect, future, and conditional tenses 1A, 1C (Ch 4) Guiding/Essential Questions Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary Signature Lessons Writing Students will assemble sentences in Spanish using grammar and vocabulary introduced in the fourth quarter Page 11 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015

12 Resources Knowledge and skills. (1) Interpersonal communication: speaking and writing. The student negotiates meaning through the spoken and written exchange of information in rehearsed and unrehearsed situations in a variety of contexts. The student uses a mixture of short statements, sentences, and strings of sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) ask and respond to questions about and beyond the scope of everyday life with simple elaboration in spoken and written conversation; (B) express and exchange personal opinions, preferences, and recommendations with supporting statements in spoken and written conversation; (C) ask and tell others what they need to, should, and must do with supporting reasons in spoken and written conversation; (D) articulate requests, offer suggestions, and develop plans with supporting statements in spoken and written conversation; (E) interact and react in spoken conversation using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and gestures; and (F) interact and react in writing using culturally appropriate expressions, register, and style. (2) Interpretive communication: reading and listening. The student comprehends connected statements from culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials as appropriate within contextualized situations and sources. The student uses the interpretive mode in communication with appropriate and applicable grammatical structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate an understanding of culturally authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials in a variety of contexts; (B) paraphrase the main idea, theme, and supporting details from fiction and nonfiction texts and audio and audiovisual materials; (C) infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in contextualized texts, audio, and audiovisual materials; and (D) compare and contrast cultural practices from authentic print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials. (3) Presentational communication: speaking and writing. The student presents information orally and in writing using a mixture of phrases, sentences, and strings of sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to: (A) express and defend an opinion or preference orally and in writing with supporting statements and with recommendations; (B) narrate situations and events orally and in writing using connected sentences with details and elaboration; and (C) inform others orally and in writing about a variety of topics using connected sentences with details and elaboration. Textbook Alignment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Page 12 of 12 Revised: 7/1/2015


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