Martock CE VA Primary School French Scheme of Work

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1 Martock CE VA Primary School Scheme of Work 1 st Year of Learning Produced as part of the Languages Support Programme, funded by the DfE and managed by CfBT Education Trust. The responsibility for content creation and quality assurance lies with the individual TSA. Written by Lydia Glover This scheme of work makes use of the following commercial schemes which have been purchased by the school:, Years 3 & 4: A Comprehensive Scheme of Work by Rachel Redfearn, published by La Jolie Ronde Ltd Early Start : Salut! Ça va? ; Où habites tu? by Ilsa Rowe and Ian Killbery, published by Early Start Languages Ltd Topic Overview: Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Greetings/answering the register Days of the week Colours Asking saying how you are feeling Months of the year Body parts Numbers 0 10 When is your birthday? Describing people Asking and saying how old you are Family members Food (fruits) Asking and saying your name Pets Revision and conversations Teacher Instructions: to introduce one/two at a time Ecoutez (listen) Regardez (look/watch) Asseyez vous (sit down) Levez vous (stand up) Répétez (repeat) Silence (silence) Venez ici (come here) Calmez vous (settle down) Aims: This scheme was designed to be taught to a class in their first year of learning. It was initially implemented with a Year 5 class, but is transferable to other Key Stage 2 year groups. To engage and inspire children in the learning of a new language To enable children to speak some basic conversational To enable children to understand some basic conversational To develop awareness of cultural differences between Britain and France IMPORTANT: The idea is that each lesson, the children learn new vocab but also revise previous vocab, putting phrases together to make short conversations Each Learning Outcome might take 1 3 weeks to cover fully, through several short sessions (or one longer lesson per week however best fits in with timetables) involving repetition If possible, refresh learning in 2 5 minute games/activities throughout the week La Jolie Ronde Year 3&4 contains excellent lesson activities, described so that anyone can teach them; these are referred to in this MTP If you are not confident to pronounce words in, use the Early Start Audio CD (tracks 9 25) to help!

2 Medium Term Plan: Term 1 Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson I will be able to Greet someone in Answer the register in New Vocab Activities Resources Bonjour (hello) Salut (hi) Au revoir (goodbye) À bientôt (see you later) Oui (Yes) Non (No) Je suis présent/e (I am present) Watch Early Start clips about greetings. Discuss similarities and differences between and British greetings. Say bonjour to class; class respond. Repeat with other greetings/goodbyes. Chn practise in pairs. See other teaching activities in 2 Part 1. Teach oui, Madame/Monsieur, je suis présent/e for the register. Say it once pronouncing the final t and once without see if they can notice the difference and guess why (girls pronounce the t, boys don t). Take the register with chn responding in. 2 Ça va? Clip 1 (Salut) and 2 (Au revoir) Ask and talk about feelings in Comment ça va? (How are you?) Ça va (I am ) Bien (good) Très bien (very good) Mal (bad) Comme ci, comme ça (so so) 2 Part 2 Play Early Start clip. Say «Comment ca va?» Ask chn what they think it means. Go through possible answers using facial expressions/thumbs up or down to give clues to what the words mean (bien, mal etc) Use «Resources and Whiteboard CD», Year 3 Flash Resources, Lesson 2, Ça va flash file which shows a face, chn have to respond appropriately for that character. Chn in pairs hold short conversations using vocab learnt so far (including greetings). 2 Ca va? Clip 3 (ca va) Know numbers to 10 Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix Les nombres (numbers) C est combien? (how much?) Chn learn a song : Chante en Francais, Track 3: Comment ça va? Play Early Start clip about numbers. 1 : this contains numerous easy, short activities for learning numbers. Extra short number activities: 1) Finger game: chn in pairs; both hide one hand behind back with 1 5 fingers up; say trois, deux, un, allez (3, 2, 1, go); chn show their fingers, add up the numbers as quickly as they can and say the total in ; the first to say is the winner! 2) Throw a bean bag around the room, each time a child catches it they say the next number (in steps of one or two) 1 Ça va? Clip 6 (Les nombres 1 12)

3 Ask someone s name and say my name in Ask someone s age and say my age in Comment t appellestu /comment tu t appelles? (What are you called?) Je m appelle (I m called) Quel âge as tu? (how old are you?) J ai ans (I am years old) 3) Number tennis: teacher pretends to hit a tennis ball at class, saying un, chn hit back saying deux, teacher returns with trois etc. Or teacher says random number and chn respond with the number that is one more. 4) Teacher taps a pen on the table a certain number or times (quickly, with different rhythms as they get good at this), and the children count in their heads and then say the total number. 5) Plonka board: chn have a sheet with numbers to 10 written on (they can make these themselves); teacher calls out number, chn plonk their finger on the correct number. Play Early Start clip. Teacher says their name: Je m appelle. Repeat and then ask a child Comment t appelles tu?. Then continue with 4 activities, e.g. chn in a circle, pass the ball to music, when music stops, child with ball says Je m appelle. Et toi? to the person on their left, who replies before music starts again. Chn pair up with different pairs and have a conversation including all vocab learnt so far. Revise numbers to 10 using games. Use activities from 5. Play Early Start clip about age. Teach j ai ans, then ask chn in turn Quel âge as tu? for them to respond. Chn pair up with different pairs and have a conversation including all vocab learnt so far. Final conversation example (they can do this in any order): Bonjour/salut! Bonjour salut! Comment tu t appelles? Je m appelle. Comment t appelles tu? Je m appelle. Quel âge as tu? J ai ans. Et toi, quel âge as tu? J ai ans. Comment ça va? Ça va bien, merci. Et toi? Comme ci comme ça. Au revoir/à bientôt! Au revoir/à bientôt! 4 Ça va? Clip 4 (comment t appelles tu?) 5 Ça va? Clip 7 (Quel age as tu?)

4 Medium Term Plan: Term 2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson I will be able to Understand and say the days of the week in Understand and say the months of the year in Have a conversation about birthdays New Vocab Activities Resources Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche C est quel jour aujourd hui? (what day is it today?) janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre. C est quelle mois? (what month is it?) C est quand, ton anniversaire? (when is your birthday?) Mon anniversaire c est (my birthday is) Watch Early Start Clip 11 (les jours de la semaine). Ask children what they think the words might mean. i.e. the days of the week. Watch again with children repeating the days of the week after the is spoken. Use IWB resource from La Jolie Ronde Resources CD Rom, lesson 10, days of the week. This has the days in and English and a Pelmanism style matching game to practice. Practice chanting the days of the week. Hold up cards with English words on and children have to call out. Introduce language: C est quel jour aujourd hui? (What day is it today?) see if they can guess what it means. Answer the question yourself if they can t work it out (aujourd hui c est ). They practice asking and answering in pairs. Repeat this daily if possible. Use Chante En Français for days of the week song to help them learn. Watch Early Start Clip 8: Les mois de l année to start with, just watch and listen. Play again, this time children repeat the word for each month aloud, then confirm what month it is in English. Use 11 Resources CD Rom : Flash Resources ; Months of the Year; show pictures of each month, children have to match pictures with words. Then play memory style card matching game on this same resource on IWB. Practise chanting months. Relay race game: teams of 12 standing in adjacent rows. They have to say the months of the year in order, one month each, as quickly as they can. Either play as a race with multiple teams going at once, or use a stop watch to time, and compare times. Further game: child to front, mimes a month (e.g. opening presents at Christmas), class has to guess the month by calling out in. Revise the months of the year by watching Clip 10 from Early Start again, with children repeating the months out loud after they are said. Introduce language «C est quand, ton anniversaire?» (when is your birthday?) All practise asking the question to a neighbour. Teacher asks a child this question, the child replies with just the month. That child then asks another child «C est quand, ton anniversaire?» and this Ça va? Clip 11 (Les jours de la semaine) Lesson 10 Chante En Francais 1 Track 14. Chante En Francais 1 CD, Track 16 Ça va? Clip 8 (Les mois de l année) Lesson 11 Lesson 11 Resources CD Rom : Flash Resources ; Months of the Year Ça va? Clip 10 (Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire)

5 Talk about my family Talk about my pets Ma mère (my mother) Mon père (my father) Ma sœur (my sister) Mon frère (my brother) As tu des frères et des sœurs? (have you got any brothers and sisters?) J ai un/deux sœurs/frères (I have one/two sisters/brothers) Je n ai pas de sœur/ frère. Un chien (a dog) Un chat (a cat) Un lapin (a rabbit) Un cochon d inde (a guinea pig) Un hamster (a hamster) Un oiseau (a bird) Un poisson (a fish) Une souris (a mouse) J ai un. (I have a ) Je n ai pas d animal (I don t have any animals) pattern passes the question round the whole class. To extend, teach a fuller response (Mon anniversaire, c est ) To extend further, recap numbers to 10, teach numbers to 31, so they can give the exact date (only if time/ability of the children allows). Revise numbers 0 10 using any games from last term. Watch Early Start clip 14 As tu des frères et des sœurs?) ask children «what are they talking about/ Qu est ce c est un frère?» Talk partners to briefly discuss what the clip was about. Watch parts again with children repeating words. Point out the difference between un and une (masculine and feminine). Point out as tu des frères et des sœurs vocab, repeat it to children. What does it mean? Children repeat this phrase out loud. Ask a child to ask you as teacher in. Respond in, e.g. J ai deux sœurs. What does this mean? Repeat so they can put together their own answers. In pairs, children have brief conversation asking and answering about brothers/sister. To extend, teach ma mere and mon père. Use flash cards. Ask «As tu un animal?» What does that mean? Watch Early Start Clip 13 (As tu un animal) Ask children if they can remember any animals from the clip in. Compile a list on the board. Watch again, with children repeating words to practice language. Use soft toys or picture cards hold one up and call out the name, children repeat in. Now hold up animal and children call out the name of the animal in. Repeat but this time, hold up an animal and sometimes call out the wrong name children repeat if correct and have to stay silent if incorrect. Alternatively, teach vrai (true) and faux (false), and they call out depending on whether you said the right word or not. Say J ai un chien. As tu un animal? See if any child can respond. Recap oui/non for yes/no. If a child answers in English, model how to turn this into. If they have more than one, recap numbers. Pass the conversation around the class teacher asks a child As tu un animal? That child answers Oui, j ai deux cochons d inde. As tu un animal, Joe? and so on. Teach Je n ai pas d animal (I don t have any animals) for those who don t. Ça va? Clip 14 (Astu des frères et des sœurs?) La Jolie Ronde Y4 Lesson 9 Ça va? Clip 13 (Astu un animal?)

6 Medium Term Plan: Term 3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson I will be able to Say the colours in Name parts of the body New Vocab Activities Resources Rouge Bleu Blanc Noir Vert Jaune Orange Rose Gris Violet Marron La tête (the head) L épaule (shoulder) Les genoux (knees) Les pieds (feet) Les yeux (eyes) Le nez (nose) La bouche (mouth) Les oreilles (ears) Watch Early Start clip about colours. Can they remember any colours after? Start with 3 coloured building blocks/ anything clearly coloured; hold up and say colour, children repeat. Keep practising until they can say it without you. Play vrai ou faux (true or false) where you hold up colour, say a colour and they respond appropriately. Hide one colour behind back; quelle couleur? they guess based on the ones left. Add more colours, building up language. Hold up a cube, give a choice or two e.g. c est bleu ou jaune? (is it blue or yellow). Children have one of each colour e.g. multilink. Teacher calls out colour, the children hold up the correct cube. Build this up, saying 2 or 3 colours in a row, they have to remember the sequence and hold up the correct ones accordingly. Children in pairs with cubes. One holds a cube behind his/her back. The other guesses in which colour they have hidden. Swap and repeat. Point to objects in classroom, saying c est bleu/c est vert etc. The children shout vrai or faux depending on whether you ve said the right colour or not. Loads of other activities in 6! Teach the vocab, pointing to each part of the body in turn and displaying vocab, with children repeating. Play vrai ou faux where you sometimes say the wrong word whilst touching a body part. Then you point without saying anything and they provide the vocab. Sing the following words to the tune of «heads, shoulders, knees and toes», with actions! NB there is a slightly different (but fine) version of this on Chante En Français 1, track 21. Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds, genoux et pieds x2 Les yeux, le nez, la bouche et les oreilles, Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds, genoux et pieds. Play «Jacques a dit», version of Simon Says If you say «Jacques a dit... touchez le nez» they have to touch their nose, but if you miss out Jacque a dit they don t do it. Useful matching flashcard resource on La Jolie Ronde CD Rom for Lesson 1. Ça va? Clip 5 (les couleurs) Lesson 6 Chante En Français 1, track 21. La Jolie Ronde Y4 Lesson 1 and 2. Lesson resources from CD Rom for lesson 1 : parts of the head

7 Describe a person Know the names of fruits and talk about my opinion of them Je suis (I am) J ai (I have) Il est (he is) Elle est (she is) Il/Elle a (he/she has) Adjectives Grand/e (big) add e for girl Petit/e (small) Colours again Long (long) Court (short) Extra features: Les cheveux (hair) Les oranges (oranges) Les poires (pears) Les prunes (plums) Les fraises (strawberries) Les pommes (apples) Les tomates (tomatoes) Les bananes (bananas) Je n aime pas (I don t like) J aime (I like) Je déteste (I hate) J adore (I adore) Tu aimes? (do you like) Recap body parts by singing head, shoulders, knees and toes or using flashcard IWB resources from previous lesson. Use CD Rom resource adjectives for facial features to begin to introduce adjectives to describe features. Show pictures of famous cartoon characters, and make a statement e.g. il a les yeux bleus. Children have to say vrai or faux (true or false). Point out difference between il and elle (he and she). Describe yourself: je suis petit/grand. J ai un petit nez et les yeux verts. See how much they can understand. Repeat slowly. Display some vocab on the board in 2 columns: facial features, and adjectives. Children draw themselves, either accurately or as caricature. They label their features in using the vocab on the board. In pairs, they describe themselves using their labelled pictures. You will have to give them the vocab for I am/i have. Some children to come to front of class and describe (politely!) someone else. Others have to guess who they are describing. E.g. Elle a les yeux bleus et les cheveux longs. fruit/1710.html Watch this video clip about fruit/veg with lots of. Afterwards ask if children picked up any words for fruit/veg. Teach les oranges, les bananes, les tomates first as these are in the video and are the easiest. Hold up pictures or actual/plastic fruits, saying words, with children repeating. Hide one behind back, children have to guess in which you ve got. Add more fruits in. Play vrai/faux. Put array of fruits on a tray, remove one. Children have to say which is missing. Use CD Rom from La Jolie Ronde resources (lesson 8) and play the Ladybird game (which fruit will it land on next) and other games e.g. fruit matching cards, Begin to introduce opinion vocab by saying j aime les pommes while rubbing tummy/sounding enthusiastic. Say je n aime pas les tomates with frown/negative voice. Ask children what you meant. Ask children tu aimes les orange? / tu aimes les bananes? etc. they answer «oui/non» accordingly. Extend to get them to say «oui, j aime les bananes» etc. Display vocab for do you like/i like/i don t like, and let children have their own conversations in pairs. Extend with stronger opinions je déteste/j adore. La Jolie Ronde Y4 Lesson 1 and 2. Lesson resources from CD Rom for lesson 1 : Adjectives for facial features Lesson 8, including resources CD rom with flashcards of fruits.

8 Have a conversation in No new vocab Bonjour/salut Ça va? Ça va. merci. Comment t appelles tu? Je m appelle Quel âge as tu? J ai. ans. Ton anniversaire, c est quand? Mon anniversaire c est As tu des frères ou des sœurs? J ai As tu un animal? J ai Tu aimes? J aime /je n aime pas Au revoir Revise any topics that your class enjoyed/need more practice on. Display conversation openings. Ideally, make up some prompt cards with conversation openers. Recap what they mean. Ask an able child to come out and try to have a short conversation with them. Children in pairs/threes, have as much conversation as they can.

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