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1 Divine Truth Document FAQ Response Question Response By How can we learn to parent as God does? Jesus Response Date 15 th April 2013 Location Wilkesdale, Queensland, Australia Internet References General: Videos: To read documents, listen to audios, or watch videos of this, other FAQ's or other recordings, visit the website. To watch videos on the internet, visit the Divine Truth FAQ YouTube channel and the Divine Truth Main YouTube channel (links available on the website). Sync Service: To obtain constantly updated copies of all documents, audios, and videos, use the Automatic Data Synchronization Services from the website Gifts section. Answer This is a very important question as well I feel. If you look at how God parents, God constructs a whole framework of Laws, and this framework of Laws impacts upon us physically, emotionally, spiritually and morally. These Laws all have results and consequences. Some of them are happy consequences, based upon whether we live in harmony with them and others are not so happy consequences; they are sad and cause pain and suffering when we live out of harmony with them. Now God never forces us to make a choice, never forces us to make a choice. God encourages us to make a positive choice, by having this feedback system as to what is loving and what is unloving and even if we make no choice, that is a choice. We're breaking some laws of omission, if you like. There are sins of omission and sins of commission and by sin, I mean every time we sin, all we're doing is breaking the Law of Love every time. There are sins, or breaking Laws of Love, that are sins of omission, in other words that we failed to do something that we should have done, and then there are sins of commission, which are that we did something that we shouldn't have done or did something that was out of harmony with love. Now it's very, very important for us as parents to understand that this is what we need to help our children to understand as well. Unfortunately, if we don't understand it well, then obviously we're not going to be able to teach our child and this is where it's very important for us as parents to research about God and God's Laws and understand the framework of the Universe before we have children. Unfortunately again, for most people that doesn't happen. They have children before they understand the truth about Page 1 of 8

2 the framework of the Universe and so now they've got to go through this learning process of their own while the child is there, and this is why a lot of parents feel completely at sea. But if you think about that particular role of having the Law and understanding the Law, then of course we could make laws in harmony with God's Laws of Love and allow the child, through the process of decision-making and teaching the child in fact, how to make decisions that are in harmony with love and showing them, when the decision's out of harmony with love, what the consequences are. So, "Did you notice when you went up to that little child and stole his car, did you notice that you got a 'bop' in the nose? That's a consequence there of you breaking a Law of Love. You never asked the child and you never gave the child the ability to say no." If you've only got a little toddler who s now just stolen somebody s car and they're having a big fight, a barny, you've got the ability to reason with them at their level, as their parent, if you choose to do so. The problem for most parents is that they do not take the time to do this. To do this takes time and most parents are so busy doing everything else that they don't give themselves the time to reason with their children. As a result of that they enforce a law with punishment and we revert to violence, in terms of punishment, with our children because we're impatient about doing it the other way, which is God's way of doing it, by allowing the child to go through an experience and trying to show them through the experience that something is wrong. So that's different to the parent seeing their child steal another child's car and then berating their child for doing that. Yes. Obviously God doesn't berate them. What God's trying to do is show you through the consequence. Whenever you choose an action generally you instantly, if you're sensitive, feel the consequence of your action. You'll feel a positive consequence and go, "Wow, that was really good, that turned out really well." There's some feedback that you must have acted in harmony with love, assuming that there are no addictions involved, and then when you've got a negative consequence, you go, "Well wow, that was pretty painful, something must have been out of harmony with love there." Now if we as parents do exactly the same thing with God's children that are placed in our care, then our children will learn very rapidly about love, or at least as much as what we know about it and they'll learn very rapidly about God, or at least as much as what we know about God and then once they get to four or five years of age and they've learnt all of those things, through their own experimenting and if we've helped them, allowed them to make mistakes without getting punished and so forth, now they'd be willing to experiment themselves. By that stage, by the time they're four or five years of age, almost all of their actions would already be in harmony with love, if we'd done the job. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't choose to do all sorts of things that confront us, because as parents a lot of us want control, not love, and a lot of us want to dictate to the child what it does. Obviously that's a problem, but if we were truly engaged with the child in this manner, we would love that the child is independent by five years of age. Page 2 of 8

3 What do we see on the Earth today? They're thirty five years of age and they're still not independent. (Laughs) And there's something wrong with that. Yeah, and that's a confronting thing. I've posed this question to parents before, "How would you feel if your child was five, six, seven, eight, with their soulmate living in harmony with God, being independent of you? Being independent of you, having their own house, attracting their own method of survival, knowing more than you do, (laughs) happier than you are, and so forth. I would suggest that the majority of parents would have a meltdown about that and would try to get control, what they feel is control, of the whole situation. Now God's not like that. God doesn't try to get control of our situation. Even when we're on the path down the road to iniquity, God's still not trying to get control of the situation. All God's trying to do is demonstrate to us the pain and suffering that we're creating in our own life through our choices. So the reality is yes, I agree that most parents would be severely conflicted with this kind of concept, where the child by the time it's eight knows more than most people with a university degree would know because it has the ability to absorb information that rapidly. It knows multiple languages, it knows who its soulmate is, it knows what the loving thing to do is in most situations and the reality is that the child would probably be confronting the parents unloving behaviour most of the time by this stage and so most parents would maybe feel a degree of anger and (laughs) rage towards their child under those circumstances unfortunately. The reality though is, if we inculcate the child with these issues of love, truth, humility, respect for law and these kinds of things that are all harmonious with love and they see the relationship between Law and positive outcomes and Law and negative outcomes if we break the Law, then they will grow up very harmonious with God's environment, very harmonious with the point of their creation and also, even more importantly, they will be left to find themselves through this particular process, because now they understand that the way to find yourself is to bring your life into harmony with love. That's how you discover your true self, your true nature, your true personality that God created and if we give them that gift they will always remember who gave them that gift, but if we take that gift away from them, which is what most parents on this planet at the moment do, then in the end as adults they often think of us with a lot of resentment and unfortunately a lot of pain. Yeah, that's one of the big things that I see by dealing with your own stuff. When you deal with your own stuff your children change straight away and it sets them free, is the term that I like, it's like you release them from your own invisible constriction that you have on them and you see them change and they open up. Most parents I feel, at this point in time, don't understand this underlying principle that everything I've just talked about is not about what you say to them, it s about the feelings that come from your soul on these issues. You can say to them, "Look, you obey God's Law," but if you're rebellious against God's Law, what you're really teaching your child is to be rebellious against God's Law. It s like a man who's smoking away with his cigarette saying, "Don't you ever smoke." Well he's not teaching them to not smoke, Page 3 of 8

4 he's teaching them, "I'm smoking so you can;" that's what he's teaching them. We need to understand that emotionally we're doing this to our children. While I hold onto specific emotions, I am teaching my child to hold onto those same emotions. While I'm holding onto different belief systems that are out of harmony with love, I'm teaching my child to have those belief systems even if intellectually I'm thinking something else. This is where it's important to understand how the soul operates. The soul of the child operates or functions in the same way that ours does and that is, that what is inside of us emotionally is dictating our belief systems and these other things are dictating what we do with our life. So in terms of what God would wish us to do under those circumstances, it is, Do what God does. How does God treat you? God doesn't berate you every time you make a mistake, so don't berate your child every time they make a mistake. God doesn't punish you every time you make a mistake that's out of harmony with love; however there is a consequence. There's a Law that there's always a consequence of acting out of harmony with love and God's Laws are all proportional. In other words, if you break a little law, there's a little consequence, if there's a big law that you break, there's a big consequence, and we need to impose the same kind of principles in our family. There's a big consequence every time that you break the Laws of Love, and if you break a smaller Law, even just a physical Law, then there's only a small consequence. We get to understand what's going on and to be honest; there is no need for us as parents to impose a greater consequence than what God's already imposing. There's no need for me as a parent to construct more laws than what God's constructed in terms of bringing up my child. What I need to do instead is show the child that this Law exists and show the child how the consequence occurred when they broke it and that requires me explaining things, it requires me demonstrating through my own actions and this is where I feel a lot of parents resist the process, because most of the time they're trying to control the child because they've got a reduction in time themselves. They are always time-constrained, most parents, and as a result they enforce the law through a penalty system that is often far exceeding God's consequence system and in the end also encourages, in fact, the child to fear the parent. So instead of the child feeling love for its own parent that created its two bodies and then feeling love as a result of that for God, God is now someone they're afraid of because now they are also afraid of the parents who are acting on God's behalf, and that's obviously a very negative thing to do. We want to provide an environment for the child where the child can explore its own nature to the fullest degree without limitation or, to put it more clearly, explore it to the fullest degree with the only limitation being that they act in harmony with love. If that was done, then a lot of people would find they'd have very lovely children; they'd also have very lovely teenagers by the time these children became teenagers and by the time the children became adults they'd be very lovely adults. Yeah that'd be nice, and maybe for the parents, I've been through this process of trying to change my children without changing myself first and it doesn't work at all. Page 4 of 8

5 Particularly if you're trying to come to God. Nothing works at all and this is why a lot of people who are religious, for example, find that their children are in complete rebellion, because they are trying to force their religion on their child and that is already breaking one of the Laws. The consequence of that is that you will cause rebellion. The child will automatically go into rebellion as a consequence of your attempt to force the child into your belief system and every time you do that, you're not honouring the free will of the child. Now the child feels that you're not honouring its free will as a natural consequence of your action, and as a result of that tries to rebel against it, just like you do when somebody else doesn't honour yours. In the end, if we've got rebellious teenagers, the only person who s created the rebellious teenager is the parent and they've created it by or through their actions that have been out of harmony with God's Laws, even if they believe that such actions were in harmony with God's Laws, and this is the problem that we have as parents. We often see the results of what we're doing going negatively. We see that the consequences of what we're doing are not working and instead of going to ourselves, "Well maybe there's something inside of me that's causing this direction to be taken by the child," we go, "Oh, bloody child." You know, it's got its own personality which God gave it as a gift by the way, and it's got its own will and we've not honoured these things and now we're condemning the child, now we're angry with the child. Now who's being unloving? We've taught them something and then we're punishing them. Yes, and then we're punishing them for taking actions based on what we taught them. That's pretty unfair; that's like a double punishment. Firstly we've taught them something that's wrong and then on top of that we're punishing them for doing what is the natural occurrence, or the natural result of them following our previous ideals and then we blame them for that. And then we say, That's a terrible personality, or That's a terrible child. I heard one woman say, "My daughter was bad from the moment she was born," like Phfff, that is the indication of a parent who has no idea whatsoever about what they've done, none whatsoever. No humility, no desire to know any truth about love at all, if they can believe such a thing. Now the child, if it's crying from the moment it's born, is immediately reflecting the parents condition, immediately, and this is beautiful. This is telling the parent, "You're out of alignment with love here, the child can't even think yet and already its responding with pain and suffering, which is an indication that you're in a lot of pain and suffering that you're in denial of as a parent and once you realise that, you have the power to change it. If you don't realise that you'll seek medication, you'll seek advice, medical or otherwise and you'll go through long-winded processes that will never resolve to the outcome of actually helping this child go into a state of personal calm so that it s able to experience itself without having to constantly experience your oppression from your emotional condition. Page 5 of 8

6 And that's pretty powerful thing as a parent to understand, that you can change how they are or what they're doing. You can change yourself and... I feel that once most parents explore that and experiment with that, they'll find, "Wow, yeah, I've dealt with an emotion. Wow, look at the result that's had on that child. Like, before I was trying to push it around and control it and everything and I just deal with that emotion and now the child's beautiful. Like, what's gone on there?" Well what's gone on is that the child's no longer experiencing something from you. Of course there's not just the parent that's part of the environment. You've got to remember that these children are surrounded by spirits too and the way the child acts is also being dictated to by spirits and so it could be that you've got a problem with the spirits, that you need to sort yourself out. There are all sorts of issues that are potentially the problem, but again if you learn about it you have a much greater ability to actually heal the process than what most parents on this planet currently even conceive. Most parents on the planet feel that every child by the time you have two children you realise that every child that's born has different personality, (laughs) as you know, and so most parents think, "Oh, it's just the personality of the child that's dictated how the rest of their life turned out." Not at all. Every time the child acted out of harmony with love, what dictated that was the parent's emotions and parent's feeling and the parent's belief systems, most of which the parent believes are true; that's the problem. The problem is they think they're right when they're actually wrong, and this is where it takes a lot of humility as a parent. To be a good parent you need to be a very humble person, because you will realise that when this child is very, very young and unable to intellectually decide things for itself and it s in a lot of pain and suffering or creating a lot of pain and suffering for you, that it s a direct reflection of what's going on inside of yourself. If you understand that you have the power to change it, but if you don't understand that, you don't have the power to change. So you can see it quite clearly. You can see something going on with your child and you can feel yourself going, "Yeah that child, that's out of harmony with love and I don't feel that way, but when you explore that within yourself a bit more, you end up realising, "Wow, that child is totally reflecting how I really feel about that." Exactly. See, most of the time as adults we've learnt to lie to ourselves first. We've learnt to lie to ourselves about what we truly feel, so a lot of people by the time they've become parents have lied to themselves so much that they now believe their own lies. This is a problem, because if we believe, emotionally and intellectually believe, that we don't have specific emotions inside of us that we actually have, that creates the reality of our life. Now if we've become a parent, we'll see all of these things naturally being acted out in our child and unfortunately we'll tell ourselves, "I don't believe that." I've seen many women for example when they've got small child toddler age, the child just goes up and hits another child, and the woman goes up and maybe even punishes the child and says, Page 6 of 8

7 "How dare you, you shouldn't do that," not understanding that the parent herself actually had that emotion toward that child, or toward that child's parents, that the child was just acting out or acting upon. The child doesn't know what it s doing, it hasn't got an intellectual cognizance of its action, particularly as it s not intellectually fully developed until it's seven years of age. If it s two or something and it s really just beginning its intellectual development in a lot of ways and yet it s still acting out something, many of the women in those situations I've seen go, "Oh, I don't know why my child's like that." Well, yeah I do, I can see the same emotion inside you. (Laughs) It s pretty clear, and the child is reflecting back at you with clarity what's really going on. This is one of the beauties of having a child, which we can talk about with you, with further questions. But getting back to the issue of how God trains the child. God trains the child by this system of Laws which are all based around love and God would love the child to be able to receive Love, but again that has to start with the child's longing for that Love. Now if as a parent we are blocked towards God and blocked towards longing for God's Love, then we are automatically imposing that blockage on our child. This is a problem if you think about it, you could say, if as a parent I am blocking God's Love. Let's say I think I am not worthy of God's Love. Then my soul is telling my child, You're not worthy of God's Love either. I can say, "Oh God loves you, to the child, I can say it, but I don't feel the hypocrisy of that. That emotion is in the child by now generally, where the child doesn't feel that God's going to love it either and so the child won't ask. The child won't embrace the process of desire to have a relationship with its true parent God. We can tell our child to do this or do that, or do this or do that, but in the end if our emotions are completely opposite Now another example: many parents are in complete rebellion to God's Laws. So here I am as a parent in complete rebellion to God's Laws and I'm telling my child that it has to come to acknowledge God's Laws. I've heard through lectures or whatever, what God's Laws are, and so I try to tell my child about God's Laws. The child is not going to take any notice whatsoever. What it s going to take notice of is, What does its parent think are God's Laws? and if the parent wants to rebel against God's Laws all the time, what do you think the child is going to finish up doing? It's going to do the same thing. Eventually it s going to rebel against God's Laws, but it s also going to rebel against the parent's laws (laughs) to demonstrate to the parent what it feels like to be the creator of someone who then rebels against you. Which is exactly what they are doing with God and so there's a whole series of things that we need to take into account when we ask the question, "How does God train us? How can I train my child the way God would train the child?", Unfortunately the reality in this day and age is that if care, in terms of physical nurturing, was given to the child and the parent did nothing else, often the child would grow up in a better condition than through what parents are currently doing. Now I'm not suggesting that that is the answer. I'm suggesting that the answer is for the parent to look at all of their blockages, look at all their blockages to emotion, their blockages to love, their blockages to truth, their blockages to humility, because if they Page 7 of 8

8 don't look at their blockages their child's going reflect every single one of them and it becomes a nightmare, as you know, sometimes being a parent when you've just got constant moment after moment, after moment, after moment, the child showing back to you all the things (laughs) you're in denial of. Yeah, reflecting 24/7, and if you're not open to seeing that, or you don't want to see it, then it gets pretty confronting. Yeah, I still do it. And then you wonder, "What the hell's going on with my life?" Like, "What a mess this is," and then you realise, and if you're a wise parent you'll realise very early in the piece, "Ah, this is something going on with me," and then by the time the child is seven years of age and you've got a fairly developed intellect and by the time it's fourteen or sixteen years of age and developed itself emotionally quite well as well, and by that stage developing sexually, and by the time it's nineteen, twenty and developed emotionally, sexually and physically, then you'll find the child will automatically act in harmony with love, not because you taught it to, but because it has the relationship with God. It desires to act in harmony with love, so it does what it wants, but what it wants is in harmony with love. That's the ideal situation but I've never seen anyone on the planet reach that ideal situation. Page 8 of 8

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