Ezra Reads The Law Nehemiah 8:1-9:5

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1 Lesson 126 Ezra Reads The Law Nehemiah 8:1-9:5

2 MEMORY VERSE N EHEMIAH 9:5 S tand up and bless the LORD your God forev er and ev er! Blessed be Your glorious nam e, w hic h is exalted abov e all blessing and praise! WHAT YOU WILL NEED: A small mirror. A couple of large bed sheets and as an option, several sheets of green or brown construction paper for leaves and branches. Enough copies of the Mini-Scrolls template to give one scripture strip to each child in your class, one straw for each child, and tape. ATTENTION GETTER! Looking In a Mirror Have your class sit down in a circle. Ask the children to remember when they woke up this morning and looked into a mirror; what did they see? Did anything need to be changed from what they saw? What did they do about what they saw in the mirror? What do mirrors help us to see? Before class, set a small mirror in a Bible. Pass the Bible around from child to child and open it to the place where the mirror is. Tell each of them not to shout out what they see. When everyone has had an opportunity to see it, then ask the class as a whole what they saw (a mirror). Read James 1: How is the Word of God like a mirror? What kinds of things do we see? What can we do about those things we see in our lives that need changing?

3 LESSON TIME! In past lessons, we introduced Ezra and Nehemiah. Nehemiah came to Jerusalem almost 100 years after the decree went out from King Cyrus permitting the Jewish people to go back to their homeland and rebuild. Nehemiah led the children of Israel in the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem. Do you remember Ezra? He was a skilled scribe in the law of Moses. He had led a small group to Babylon several years before Nehemiah came on the scene. The Bible says, Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel. Upon his return to Jerusalem, he found the people of Judah were, once more, disobeying God. He led the nation in repentance and renewal. At this time, the wall around Jerusalem had been completed. The Israelites were settling back into their towns and all around the new wall of Jerusalem. When the seventh month came around, called Tishi, the people gathered in front of the Water Gate for a day of sacred assembly. During this time of celebration, Ezra stood on a wood platform and began to read God s Word. Note: You may want to ask the children to stand during this reading; it will illustrate verse 5! N EH EM I AH 8:1-8 N o w al l t h e p e o p l e gat h e r e d t o ge t h e r as o n e m an i n t h e o p e n s qu ar e t h at w as i n f r o n t o f t h e Wat e r G at e ; an d t h e y t o l d Ez r a t h e s c r i be t o br i n g t h e B o o k o f t h e L aw o f M o s e s, w h i c h t h e L O R D h ad c o m m an d e d I s r ae l. S o Ez r a t h e p r i e s t br o u gh t t h e L aw be f o r e t h e as s e m bl y o f m e n an d w o m e n an d al l w h o c o u l d h e ar w i t h u n d e r s t an d i n g o n t h e f i r s t d ay o f t h e s e v e n t h m o n t h. T h e n h e r e ad f r o m i t i n t h e o p e n s qu ar e t h at w as i n f r o n t o f t h e Wat e r G at e f r o m m o r n i n g u n t i l m i d d ay, be f o r e t h e m e n an d w o m e n an d t h o s e w h o c o u l d u n d e r s t an d ; an d t h e e ar s o f al l t h e p e o p l e w e r e at t e n t i v e t o t h e B o o k o f t h e L aw.

4 S o Ez r a t h e s c r i be s t o o d o n a p l at f o r m o f w o o d w h i c h t h e y h ad m ad e f o r t h e p u r p o s e ; an d be s i d e h i m, at h i s r i gh t h an d, s t o o d M at t i t h i ah, S h e m a, An ai ah, U r i j ah, H i l k i ah, an d M aas e i ah ; an d at h i s l e f t h an d Pe d ai ah, M i s h ae l, M al c h i j ah, H as h u m, H as h bad an a, Z e c h ar i ah, an d M e s h u l l am. An d Ez r a o p e n e d t h e bo o k i n t h e s i gh t o f al l t h e p e o p l e, f o r h e w as s t an d i n g abo v e al l t h e p e o p l e ; an d w h e n h e o p e n e d i t, al l t h e p e o p l e s t o o d u p. An d Ez r a bl e s s e d t h e L O R D, t h e gr e at G o d. T h e n al l t h e p e o p l e an s w e r e d, " Am e n, Am e n!" w h i l e l i f t i n g u p t h e i r h an d s. An d t h e y bo w e d t h e i r h e ad s an d w o r s h i p e d t h e L O R D w i t h t h e i r f ac e s t o t h e gr o u n d. Al s o J e s h u a, B an i, S h e r e bi ah, J am i n, Ak k u b, S h abbe t h ai, H o d i j ah, M aas e i ah, Ke l i t a, Az ar i ah, J o z abad, H an an, Pe l ai ah, an d t h e L e v i t e s, h e l p e d t h e p e o p l e t o u n d e r s t an d t h e L aw ; an d t h e p e o p l e s t o o d i n t h e i r p l ac e. S o t h e y r e ad d i s t i n c t l y f r o m t h e bo o k, i n t h e L aw o f G o d ; an d t h e y gav e t h e s e n s e, an d h e l p e d t h e m t o u n d e r s t an d t h e r e ad i n g.

5 So, the people who had gathered at the Water Gate listened as Ezra read all who could understand. They stood in the square from daybreak until noon (about 5 or 6 hours) listening to the Book of the Law (the first five books of our Bible) that s a long time to stand! The Scriptures say they listened very closely. They were focused! They let the words from the law soak in. The Levites were helping people to understand what was being read. Ezra had helpers too--men who were fellow priests. Ezra read and clearly explained God s Word. Just as Ezra and the people before the gate, we need to read God s Word and allow it to soak into our minds and hearts. Today, we have pastors and teachers like those in Ezra s time who help us to understand God s Word. God s Word had a powerful effect on the people. They shouted, Amen, which means, so be it or I agree. They desired to obey God and His Word. Hearing God s Word led them to respond in praise and worship to the Lord. God s Word should have such an effect on us today! May we always be excited to study God s Word and allow it to produce Christ s likeness in our lives. God's Word should have an important place in our lives. N EH EM I AH 8:9-12 An d N e h e m i ah, w h o w as t h e go v e r n o r, Ez r a t h e p r i e s t an d s c r i be, an d t h e L e v i t e s w h o t au gh t t h e p e o p l e s ai d t o al l t h e p e o p l e, " T h i s d ay i s h o l y t o t h e L O R D y o u r G o d ; d o n o t m o u r n n o r w e e p. " F o r al l t h e p e o p l e w e p t, w h e n t h e y h e ar d t h e w o r d s o f t h e L aw.

6 T h e n h e s ai d t o t h e m, " G o y o u r w ay, e at t h e f at, d r i n k t h e s w e e t, an d s e n d p o r t i o n s t o t h o s e f o r w h o m n o t h i n g i s p r e p ar e d ; f o r t h i s d ay i s h o l y t o o u r L O R D. D o n o t s o r r o w, f o r t h e j o y o f t h e L O R D i s y o u r s t r e n gt h. " S o t h e L e v i t e s qu i e t e d al l t h e p e o p l e, s ay i n g, " B e s t i l l, f o r t h e d ay i s h o l y ; d o n o t be gr i e v e d. " An d al l t h e p e o p l e w e n t t h e i r w ay t o e at an d d r i n k, t o s e n d p o r t i o n s an d r e j o i c e gr e at l y, be c au s e t h e y u n d e r s t o o d t h e w o r d s t h at w e r e d e c l ar e d t o t h e m. God s Word had such an effect on the people that many of them began to weep. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. God uses His Word to convict us of sin, point out areas of our lives that need changing, and encourage us to holiness. The people no doubt were confronted with their sin they desired to turn away from their sin and renew their commitment to God. How important it is to study the Bible and really know it! James says in his epistle that God s Word is like a mirror. We can look into God s Word and see ourselves as God sees us. Then, we can either ignore what we see or do something about it--make changes and commit ourselves to following God s ways. The people in our story heard God s Word; they were sad when they realized their sin, and they decided to do something about it. God's Word should have an important place in our lives. God was not angry at the people. God is compassionate and forgiving. In Ezra 8:9-ll, Ezra addressed the people, Do not mourn nor weep this day is holy to the Lord. It was to be a time of

7 rejoicing and celebration to eat the fat, drink the sweet. The joy of the Lord is our strength. It was a day to celebrate their restoration with God. God desires that the His children be filled with joy! Making a Booth Bring a couple of large bed sheets to class with you. Using chairs or other items in your classroom allow the children to set up a booth. Tell the children to work together to make a fort. Try to make it large enough for all of the children to go into. (As an option, you can allow the children to make leaves or palm branches from construction paper to place over their booth). Use this time to share with the children the section of scripture talking about the booths. For further study read Leviticus 23 and Nehemiah 8:14. N EH EM I AH 8:13-18 N o w o n t h e s e c o n d d ay t h e h e ad s o f t h e f at h e r s ' h o u s e s o f al l t h e p e o p l e, w i t h t h e p r i e s t s an d L e v i t e s, w e r e gat h e r e d t o Ez r a t h e s c r i be, i n o r d e r t o u n d e r s t an d t h e w o r d s o f t h e L aw. An d t h e y f o u n d w r i t t e n i n t h e L aw, w h i c h t h e L O R D h ad c o m m an d e d by M o s e s, t h at t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l s h o u l d d w e l l i n bo o t h s d u r i n g t h e f e as t o f t h e s e v e n t h m o n t h, an d t h at t h e y s h o u l d an n o u n c e an d p r o c l ai m i n al l t h e i r c i t i e s an d i n J e r u s al e m, s ay i n g, " G o o u t t o t h e m o u n t ai n, an d br i n g o l i v e br an c h e s, br an c h e s o f o i l t r e e s, m y r t l e br an c h e s, p al m br an c h e s, an d br an c h e s o f l e af y t r e e s, t o m ak e bo o t h s, as i t i s w r i t t e n. " T h e n t h e p e o p l e w e n t o u t an d br o u gh t t h e m an d m ad e t h e m s e l v e s bo o t h s, e ac h o n e o n t h e r o o f o f h i s h o u s e, o r i n t h e i r c o u r t y ar d s o r t h e c o u r t s o f t h e h o u s e o f G o d, an d i n

8 t h e o p e n s qu ar e o f t h e Wat e r G at e an d i n t h e o p e n s qu ar e o f t h e G at e o f Ep h r ai m. S o t h e w h o l e as s e m bl y o f t h o s e w h o h ad r e t u r n e d f r o m t h e c ap t i v i t y m ad e bo o t h s an d s at u n d e r t h e bo o t h s ; f o r s i n c e t h e d ay s o f J o s h u a t h e s o n o f N u n u n t i l t h at d ay t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l h ad n o t d o n e s o. An d t h e r e w as v e r y gr e at gl ad n e s s. Al s o d ay by d ay, f r o m t h e f i r s t d ay u n t i l t h e l as t d ay, h e r e ad f r o m t h e B o o k o f t h e L aw o f G o d. An d t h e y k e p t t h e f e as t s e v e n d ay s ; an d o n t h e e i gh t h d ay t h e r e w as a s ac r e d as s e m bl y, ac c o r d i n g t o t h e p r e s c r i be d m an n e r. As the people heard the law once again, they discovered something very important. They had been neglecting a feast that God had commanded in His Word-- the feast of tabernacles, or booths. It was one of the seven feasts God commanded the children of Israel to observe. God established this feast so the Israelites could remember the years of wandering in the wilderness before coming into the Promised Land. The tabernacle or booth (a tent) represented the temporary dwelling places the Israelites lived in before settling down permanently in the new land. The Israelites were commanded to live in the tents for seven days. They made the tents from branches. They cooked in them, and they slept under them. (See Leviticus 23 for more details on this feast.) All the people (perhaps thousands) who had returned from exile built the booths and lived in them for these seven days. Just think if all the families in our church went out and had such a camp meeting, reading God s Word together every day for a week. What an interesting week that would be! The Scripture says that the feast had not been celebrated like that for a long time. They were very joyful. When we obey God s Word, it produces joy in our lives. In Psalm 19:8 we read, The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart... God s Word should have an important place in our lives.

9 N EH EM I AH 9:1-5 N o w o n t h e t w e n t y -f o u r t h d ay o f t h i s m o n t h t h e c h i l d r e n o f I s r ae l w e r e as s e m bl e d w i t h f as t i n g, i n s ac k c l o t h, an d w i t h d u s t o n t h e i r h e ad s. T h e n t h o s e o f I s r ae l i t e l i n e age s e p ar at e d t h e m s e l v e s f r o m al l f o r e i gn e r s ; an d t h e y s t o o d an d c o n f e s s e d t h e i r s i n s an d t h e i n i qu i t i e s o f t h e i r f at h e r s. An d t h e y s t o o d u p i n t h e i r p l ac e an d r e ad f r o m t h e B o o k o f t h e L aw o f t h e L O R D t h e i r G o d f o r o n e -f o u r t h o f t h e d ay ; an d f o r an o t h e r f o u r t h t h e y c o n f e s s e d an d w o r s h i p e d t h e L O R D t h e i r G o d. T h e n J e s h u a, B an i, Kad m i e l, S h e ban i ah, B u n n i, S h e r e bi ah, B an i, an d C h e n an i s t o o d o n t h e s t ai r s o f t h e L e v i t e s an d c r i e d o u t w i t h a l o u d v o i c e t o t h e L O R D t h e i r G o d. An d t h e L e v i t e s, J e s h u a, Kad m i e l, B an i, H as h abn i ah, S h e r e bi ah, H o d i j ah, S h e ban i ah, an d Pe t h ah i ah, s ai d : " S t an d u p an d bl e s s t h e L O R D y o u r G o d F o r e v e r an d e v e r! " B l e s s e d be Y o u r gl o r i o u s n am e, Wh i c h i s e x al t e d abo v e al l bl e s s i n g an d p r ai s e!

10 Next we see the Israelites turning from feasting to fasting. God s Word had done some amazing things in their lives. They were truly being changed. The people wanted to please the Lord and do all He commanded. They were truly sorry for their past sins and wanted to change. Let us commit to making God s Word reading the Bible a priority in our lives! God s Word is living and powerful. God s Word can produce changes in our lives. God has promised He will help us understand His Word through the help of the Holy Spirit. (Remember to pray for understanding each time you read.) God has given us pastors and teachers to expound on God s Word, helping us grow in the knowledge of Christ. Let us also commit to obey God s Word, as did the people of Israel. May we, upon hearing the Word, be willing to make any changes necessary to obey the Word. If we have sinned, we need to confess and forsake our sin. If we have neglected our relationship with God, we need to renew our commitment to Him. Let us be doers of the Word and not hearers only (James 1:22). God has given us His Word for our benefit and blessing. God's Word should have an important place in our lives. Mini-Scrolls In our story today, Ezra read the law from scrolls. Using the enclosed template, cut out the scripture strips of Deuteronomy 30:8-10. Make as many copies as the number of children in your class. Using one straw for each child, instruct them to cut it in half. At the ends of each scripture strip, tape the straw placing one half of the straw at each end. Write for them or allow the children to write their name on the back of the scroll. Roll both ends to make a scroll. Reinforce the importance of God s Word. The study of God s Word should be a priority. PRAYER

11 Lead the children in a prayer of commitment to read God s Word and do what it says. If there are any children who have not yet responded to the Gospel, give them opportunity.

12 Template - Mini Scrolls And you will again obey the voice of the LORD and do all His commandments, which I command you today. The LORD your God will make you abound in all the work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your land for good. For the LORD will again rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your fathers, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this Book of the Law, and if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 30:8-10 And you will again obey the voice of the LORD and do all His commandments, which I command you today. The LORD your God will make you abound in all the work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your land for good. For the LORD will again rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your fathers, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this Book of the Law, and if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 30:8-10 And you will again obey the voice of the LORD and do all His commandments, which I command you today. The LORD your God will make you abound in all the work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your land for good. For the LORD will again rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your fathers, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this Book of the Law, and if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 30:8-10

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