Grow and Forage Fresh Organic Herbal Tea

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1 Grow and Forage Fresh Organic Herbal Tea

2 by Elizabeth Lamb

3 WARNING Active Ingredients The natural tea ingredients in this book contain active ingredients which may be harmful if overconsumed or consumed by individuals which the ingredient is unsuitable for. Pregnant women and children are advised to take extra precaution. Before consuming any ingredients presented in this book thoroughly research the ingredient and consult your GP. Avooq assumes no liability for sickness caused from unbefitting consumption. Wild/Foraged Ingredients Consuming wild ingredients poses risks with pollution, contamination and poisons. It is safest to grow the herbs yourself to avoid these risks. Avooq assumes no liability for sickness caused from consumption.

4 Herbal tea is quite different to regular tea. Regular tea is made from a specific plant leaf; the Camellia Sinensis. Whereas herbal tea is simply an infusion of herbal leaves, seeds, roots, and barks. Herbal tea is consumed by most for its health benefits. The foremost reason for consuming these ingredients in tea form is because we get the benefits of the herbs in an easily digestible form. Unlike regular tea there are thousands of various ingredients that can be used in herbal tea. With the endless choices, it can be difficult deciding which ingredients to use in your tea. This book is a simple introduction into 20 carefully selected herbs. The herbs in this book have been selected because of their high medicinal and nutritional content with a strong focus on herbs that you might already have growing in your garden, or you can easily grow or can easily forage for.

5 Steeping Herbal Tea: When steeping regular tea it is best to regulate the steep time to 2-3 minutes because the tea may taste bitter if steeped for too long. Steeping herbal tea is very different to steeping regular tea, when steeping most herbal teas the ingredients do not go bitter. Because bitterness is not a concern, the longest possible steep time is desirable to extract as much nutrient as possible (10+ minutes). It is also recommended to cover your tea while steeping to keep the steam in and thus more nutrient. Most herbal teas are steeped at 100 degrees Celsius, but some may be better steeped at a slightly lower temperature because the temperature can alter the active ingredients often found in herbal teas. Benefits of Making Herbal Tea from Fresh Ingredients: In our modern fast paced lives the convenience of dried tea is very alluring. If you can find the time to make tea from fresh ingredients it is very satisfying and offers additional health benefits. Some herbs have active ingredients that are compromised during the drying process, which means you are missing out on the full benefit of the herb. Furthermore, by growing herbs yourself, you can ensure that the herbs are organic. Not only is this great for the environment, but it also helps with your finances.

6 German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) Chamomile tea is a household favourite. But did you know that in some regions it is considered a noxious weed and in certain places, you might even be able to forage wild chamomile? The chamomile plant features long stems with pretty white aromatic daisy-like flowers. The aroma and taste of chamomile have been likened to that of a crisp apple which is not surprising since its Greek origin translates to earth apple. Chamomile is used as a medicine to ease a sore stomach, for relaxation and for its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Chamomile comprises of vitamin A, folate, choline, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, fluoride and also has many other active ingredients. German chamomile is an annual which is relatively easy to grow in your herb garden. It is recommended that the fresh flower is pressed to rupture the cell walls which releases its active ingredients before steeping. Herbalists consider Chamomile tea to be best made fresh because one of the ingredients of its essential oils is compromised during the drying process. 4

7 Rose Hip (Rosa Canina) Rose hips are the edible fruit left from the flower of the rose. Although you can eat rose hips from most species, it is the wild dog-rose that is recognised as the best eating because of its sweeter flavour and large red fruit. Dog-rose is often grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and can be found wild in Europe, north-western Africa, western Asia, northern United States and Australasia. Rose hip tea is tart with a sweet hint and has been likened to a cranberry with an earthy aroma. Rose hips are packed with vitamins and minerals and also has many organic compounds and phytochemicals. Vitamins; C, A, E, & B and minerals; calcium, iron, selenium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, silicon, and zinc. Rose hips are used medicinally to lower cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, regulate sugar levels for diabetics, for stomach, urinary and kidney disorders and for increasing blood flow. Rose hips are recognised as a great skin care product and have many culinary uses including soups, jelly, and wine making. Making your own cosmetic face oil to reduce the signs of ageing is easy, you only need jojoba oil, vitamin E, and fresh rose hips. Bake the ingredients and then store them in a small vessel. 4

8 Lavender (Lanadula Angustifolia) Lavender is a gardener s favorite, it is a medium sized plant with beautiful flowers borne in vibrant whorls. Lavender is known for its beauty and its sweet floral fragrance and has been used in perfumery since ancient times. Lavender tastes light and sweet and has an elegant floral flavour similar to its smell. Lavender contains over one hundred known compounds including a number of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The most notable phytochemicals (natural plant chemicals) are; limonene (detoxify the liver) and caffeic acid (cancer inhibiting). Lavender is also used for its antidepressant, antiseptic, healing and pain relief benefits. Lavender will grow in many climates; Europe, northern Africa, parts of India/Asia and the Mediterranean. Lavender is relatively easy to grow, it needs good drainage, sandy alkaline soil, and full sun. Lavender is excellent for relieving anxiety and for relaxation before sleeping. Before going to bed make yourself a hot tea, place the fresh buds into a hot bath and crush the flowers between your fingers and then rub your temples. Your mind might even slip away into southern France during your muscle easing and aromatic experience. 2

9 Plantain (Plantago) Plantain is a superfood that remarkably is a perennial weed, it can be found almost anywhere in North America, Europe, Central Asia and has naturalised elsewhere in the world. This common backyard weed resembles shiny dark green leaves that grow to be about 6 long and 4 wide, its size is contingent on soil and light conditions. Plantain is the most widely distributed medicinal crop in the world. Plantain when made fresh is a pale green coloured tea but if dried first it is a brown coloured tea. Plantain is an acquired taste which is mild and earthy flavour. However, some individuals describe it as tasting rather unpleasant. You might find it surprising that plantain is used as a powerful blood cleanser? It was frequently prescribed to protect the liver from the damaging effects associated with foreign toxins. Plantain is also known to reduce swelling caused by kidney disease and is used to treat kidney stones by dissolving calcium and magnesium. Interestingly, plantain was brought to the U.S and to New Zealand by European settlers who valued it as food and medicine. This is why the plant was given the name White Man s Footprint by Native American s. 4

10 Watercress (Nasturtium Officinale) Watercress grows perennially and thrives naturally in clear and cold water that is about two to six inches deep. It is typically grown for the plants leaves which are a deep green and can resemble a feather. It is native to Europe, but now can be found on every continent. Watercress stimulates digestive juices with its spicy and peppery flavor. The smell of the leaves, along with the superbly tangy taste is alluded to in the plant s generic name Nasturtium which originates from the Latin nasi tortium, which means nose twitching. Herbalists give importance to the herb for its rich content of nutrient, and chemical analysis has shown that watercress includes a considerable amount of vital minerals and vitamins too. Conveniently this includes vitamin A and C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nitrogen and sulfur. Drinking the juice of watercress is an effective way to get rid of excessive fluids that have built up in the body tissues which happens in cases of gout or the congestion of mucus from the lungs. It can help regularise the functional capacity of the liver as well as the purity of the blood

11 Blackberry (Rubus) The Blackberry is a popular and well-known type of shrub; it is a woody, dense and sprawling plant with prickly stems, although it is possible to get thorn-free varieties to grow in a garden. It bears dark green coloured serrated leaves and deep purple berries; the leaves are grouped in clusters of three or five leaves each. Tea made from blackberry is slightly astringent, but many will love the strong fruity flavour of the berry. It has traditionally been used as a home remedy for treating sore throats and prolonged diarrhea. Chewing the fresh blackberry leaves is an ancient remedy for treating bleeding gums and related oral disorders. Blackberry abounds in vitamin C, and the fruit is an excellent source of essential dietary fiber. The shrub is a native European species that crossed the Atlantic and is now naturalised in the northeastern and central states of the United States and many other countries. Superstitions, which were born out of Europe talk of the most auspicious time for blackberry picking still persist in many places throughout Europe. It is believed that bad luck or evil may befall you if you eat the berry after Michaelmas day (the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel) because on that day Lucifer was cast out of heaven and he cast a spell on the blackberry bush. 6

12 Wild Cherry Bark (Prunus Serotina) Wild cherry bark has oval leaves with a slightly serrated edge that is characteristic of the Rose family. Perhaps you know it most for its eye-catching flowers and tasty fruit, as opposed to its bark. However, the special healing powers are contained within the bark and are used in many cultures worldwide. The bark breaks into neat looking irregular scales with upturned edges, and when the bark is scraped (or twig snapped), you can smell an almond-like scent. The flavour is also desirable and is described to be a slightly sweet and almond like. The Prunus Serotina tree is a plant native to eastern North America and is now naturalised in Canada, Japan, and New Zealand. The plant is also often cultivated as a flowering ornamental. Tea which was brewed from the inner bark was much loved and used by the Native Americans, who took it from the wild cherry tree to help to treat people suffering from diarrhea along with lung ailments. Ancient Chinese herbalists used it as a remedy for coughs. Intriguingly, in addition to treating colds and suppressing coughs in alternative medicine, wild cherry bark is also a common ingredient in cough syrups. For all those who love tea, one thing to note is that wild cherry bark tea has hydrocyanic acid contained within it; it is, therefore, important not to overdo it with wild cherry bark tea. 4

13 Honey (Honey) Honey, most of us love it because it is sweet and delicious, the best thing about honey is its superfood qualities. Honey acts as a quick source of energy due to its simple sugar content which the body can metabolise quickly. The chemical components of honey include two simple sugars called levulose and dextrose. The concentration of each of these may vary significantly from the honey collected from one hive to another, depending on what sources of nectar the bees are collecting from. Raw honey is made up of over eighty various substances that are regarded as important to our nutrition. Besides fructose and glucose honey has all of the A, C, D, E, K and B-complex vitamins within it. Interestingly, the trace elements and minerals include sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, chlorine, iodine, potassium, sodium, manganese, and copper. Honey is frequently used as an emollient for abscesses, it can also be diluted and gargled in the mouth to ease a sore throat. Honey doesn t freeze in household freezers, it typically only freezes at -45 C. Honey may appear frozen at first but on close inspection, the honey will move very slowly. The simple reason why honey doesn t freeze is because it is more dissolved solids than water, it contains only 1 percent water which isn t enough for honey to freeze

14 Lamb s Quarters (Chenopodium Album) Lamb s Quarters is a type of herbaceous plant with mealy, edible leaves. This plant too is considered to be a common garden weed.' Lamb's Quarters was introduced to America by settlers from Europe and now grows all over the United States. Oddly enough, it tastes almost identical to spinach, and it contains more iron and protein than raw spinach or cabbage. The ingredient also has more vitamin B1 and calcium than raw cabbage and more vitamin B2 than raw spinach or cabbage. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, and large amounts of vitamin A. The easiest way to spot lambs quarters is a unique looking white colored lavender powder which is present in the center swirl of the new growth s tip or just underneath the leaves. Lamb s quarters can be eaten raw or cooked, lamb s quarters can pretty well take the place of spinach in any recipe. An important thing to note is a lamb s quarter absorbs nitrates readily, so try to avoid gathering it in contaminated soil. 6

15 Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea) This herb is a plant grown annually, that belongs to the Portulacaceae family. Purslane features sprawling succulent stems that have a shade of pink, it produces thick juicy leaves that grow in bunches and have a vivid green color. In the later part of summer, the purslane plant produces a single or clusters of two or three small yellow flowers that bloom only for a brief period. This plant has been adopted from the wild variety, which was introduced into Europe during the Middle Ages. Purslane is said to be good for weight loss, improved blood circulation, skin conditions, lowering cholesterol as well as many other uses. It is true that this does has a somewhat bitter flavor, it is said to smell similar to that of basil with a hint of mint. Purslane can conveniently be eaten boiled, pickled or even raw. Fresh purslane is a rich source of vitamin C, Vitamin B and A along with several minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium as well as omega 3 fatty acids. 5 6

16 Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Ginger is a very popular favorite, it is the single most cultivated spice in the world. India alone is said to have about 50 varieties of the herb. Ginger is a perennial plant with dark green leaves that stands at about 2-3 feet in height. The environment which is suited the most to ginger cultivation is one with a moist and rather a hot type of climate with a little bit of shade. Soil that is well tilled and rich in loam is also helpful. As you are most likely aware ginger herb is quite pungent and spicy with a hint of sweetness. Use a small amount of the ginger herb in your tea for a more mild flavour, also, consider adding peppermint, honey or even lemon for a less pungent taste. It is best to store ginger in an airtight container out of direct heat and light. Ginger root is extremely beneficial for health, it has high levels of vitamin C, magnesium, and other minerals. Ginger is popular for its anti-inflammatory properties and has long been used as treatments for nausea, digestive complaints, joint pain, reduce flatulence amongst other things. 3 6

17 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) These seeds derive from the fennel plant originated from the Mediterranean region, but now grows as much as a weed would, all across the globe. This popular, culinary herb has been extensively used as an aromatic herbal remedy to help people deal with, and to treat digestion in the eras of the past. It will remind you of candy as it is licorice-flavored. Be on the look-out for the yellowish-green, oval-shaped, grooved looking seed. The ideal soil for cultivating the fennel is deep and well-drained soil, which is non-acidic in chemical composition. Fennel is a very common ingredient in many European cough remedies since it is good for loosening accumulated phlegm. Parents may be pleased to know it relieves colic in infants by administering fennel water. The herb has also been known to have calming effects on the body of infants. Fennel surprisingly contains essential fatty acids and flavonoids. People who have abdominal bloating are the ideal beneficiaries of such types of herbal remedies that are made from the seeds of the fennel. Digestion and absorption of food are promoted by the herb due to the volatile oil in the plant which increases the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach. 4

18 Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) Red clover originates from Europe, northern Africa and some areas of Asia. It is now cultivated in the Americas and in Australia for pasturage and as a rotation crop. It can be grown to increase the fertility of soil and control soil erosion too. The stems have the three leaflets, and the flowers are dark pink in color. Clover contains compounds that are similar to estrogen, making red clover tea popular for its potential fertility benefits. Many will enjoy this slightly sweet taste which attracts bees to the fragrant scent. It imparts a sweet but spicy taste which comes from the leaf or the flower, but it is only the flower part that is considered to have medicinal purpose. This herbaceous plant contains phenol glycosides, flavonoids, salicylates, coumarins, cyanogenic glycosides and mineral acids. Due to its expectorant action, red clover is used to treat disorders such as bronchitis and asthma. Interestingly, early Christians saw it as a sign of the Trinity and during the middle ages it was considered a charm against evil. Today a mutation that results in a four leaf clover is seen as good luck. When foraging for your healthy herbal tea, be on the lookout for a four leaf clover. 4

19 Lemon (Citrus limon) Lemon is indigenous to tropical Asia but is now grown worldwide. The bright yellow fruit grows best in well-drained soil with good exposure to incumbent light. Lemons have a sour taste as they are high in citric acid, lemon gives off a strong sweet smell. It is well known that toxins that have built up within the body can be flushed out using lemons but did you know that lemons also help balance the ph levels in your stomach? This is remarkable because lemons are acidic but have an alkalizing effect on the body. This effect helps balance ph and is important for the digestion process. Lemons are packed with vitamin C as well as other important nutrients including potassium and vitamin B1. Lemon is an excellent and effective remedy to treat disorders of the throat and persistent mucus build-up. If you are experiencing early signs of a cold, you should load up on lemon tea since it boosts your immune system. An interesting history fact; the seeds of lemons were brought back by the Spanish explorer, Christopher Columbus, from the Canary Islands on his second voyage of exploration. 5 4

20 Mallow (Malva) Mallow is a perennial or biennial type of aromatic plant that will typically be found coated with hair, which may sound little strange I know. The normal, everyday mallow plant evolves naturally in Asia as well as in Europe. However, even the Australians and Americans have adopted this herb and it can be found growing in the open areas like roadsides. The herb will generally bloom, between the months of May through to August and it has beautiful pink-purple colored flowers which are about two inches wide, with veined petals. It typically grows where the soil has been disturbed. Bring it into your kitchen and add it to soups and mix it with spinach, as it lacks the mild bitterness found in my other available greens. The leaves are odorless and very small. The mallow root is extremely effective in relieving problems arising during early ages of teething, as such can be given to children. The foremost effect of the majority of mallows is to heal and also to soothe mucous surfaces. Respiratory systems that overheat, reproductive, digestive, and urinary systems benefit particularly as well. It is frequently used to combat sore throats and dry coughs. Common mallow can absorb nitrates from the contaminated soil so some caution here is warranted. 6

21 Dandelion (Taraxacum) You can eat every part of the dandelion including the roots, stems, leaves and flowers either raw or cooked! It was extensively cultivated in France and Germany, but it grows wild in most parts of the world. The season to start planting is during the springtime. The dandelion can be quickly and easily be propagated from stored seeds. I would say dandelions taste like earthy, nutty and pleasingly bitter to go along with a fresh earthy scent. The herbal remedies made from the leaves of the dandelion are used as a diuretic and a detoxifying herb. Unlike most diuretics, dandelions are rich in potassium. It is also used in the treatment of high blood pressure by reducing the total volume of fluid present in the body. The leaves contain glycosides, carotenoids, potassium salts, iron and vitamins A, B, C, and D. A fun fact about dandelions is that the name originated from the word dent de lion, which is French, and means the lion s tooth, referring to the roughly-toothed part of the flower, on the leaves. It is said to represent the three celestial bodies of the sun, moon and stars. The puff-like ball is attributed to the moon, the yellow flower symbolizes the sun, and the dispersing seeds are likened to the stars. 9 9

22 Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) Roselle is a type of Hibiscus. This species is known to be native to West Africa that has a pretty pink like flower. Extensive cultivation in Indonesia started as far back as the 1920s under a program which was subsidized by the Government and was originally established to help the sugar-sack manufacturers, to obtain fiber. It is an annual or perennial herb growing to meters tall. It has a tart and refreshing taste that is commonly used to make beverages and food products. This is induced by the presence of organic plant compounds located in the flower of the hibiscus. The red calyces of the plant are increasingly exported to the United States and Europe, particularly Germany, where they are used as food colorings. It possesses many diuretic and mild laxative properties, anti-hypertensive benefits, and contains a countless amount of antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and Vitamin C. The Roselle plant is quite straightforward and simple to bring up from stem cuttings or seeds and is best grown using fertile and well-drained soil. It can be planted in the ground, outdoors or inside a container placed on a windowsill or balcony. Just make sure the plant receives direct sunshine for at least six hours daily

23 Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) Peppermint has a long history of cultivation and has been used in cooking and herbal medicine since about 1500 BC. Until 1696, peppermint was not classified as its own subspecies. More specifically it is thought to have originated in Northern Africa and the Mediterranean. There are roughly around twenty-five species of mints. Interestingly, peppermint a wholly natural hybrid between Mentha spicata (spearmint) and Mentha aquatica (water mint). Peppermint is extremely popular as a flavoring agent, and it is used widely to make many kinds of edible and consumable products such as chewing gum. The stems are smooth, square and dark with a touch of red, and the leaves are also smoother, and a darker green and have reddish veins. The peppermint herb has been used in the treatment of indigestion. So if you need to alleviate the symptoms of flatulence, and to treat disorders such as colic found in babies, peppermint is your answer. Menthol is the most prominent, active ingredient. This is a completely organic type of compound that provides a cooling type of feeling when it gets applied to either the skin or the mount. It can also be used as a mild type of anesthetic. 5 9

24 Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) This is a fragrant, woody, evergreen herb. It is perennial and has needle-like linear leaves to go along with pink, blue, purple, or white flowers. It comes from the Mediterranean region, and a member of the mint family Lamiaceae. Many enjoy the pine-like fragrance and pungent flavor of rosemary when added to a wide spectrum of food dishes. Today it is commonly cultivated all over the world. The leaves of rosemary contain a number of flavonoid pigments which decreases capillary fragility and permeability. The plant also produces a yellow-green colored dye and is used in aromatherapy. If you have bad breath, it rids of halitosis almost immediately after it is taken. The versatile herb has even been used to treat disorders like vertigo and epilepsy. It is known to aid patients who have collapsed or fainted, and who may feel somewhat weak because of decreased or weak blood circulation. Rosemary contains antiseptic properties, with antibacterial and antifungal properties too. These properties serve to enhance the quality of the immune system. Another benefit of the herb is it can make you sweat. If you have a fever, you are going to want this around. Rosemary has both warming and heating principals that are used to clear phlegm from the chest and head

25 Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica) The stinging nettle is a herbaceous, perennial flowering plant, native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and western North America. Supported by a firm stem; it carries dark green leaves which are identified by serrated margins. When in bloom, the nettle gives out small and inconspicuous flowers. If you have asthma, you should know this is used for treatment all over the world. Herbal remedies derived from the nettle have also been used as expectorants, in an anti-spasmodic role, as a diuretic, as an astringent, and as an herbal tonic for overall health. The stinging nettle is made up of carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and has a potent diuretic property. As a plant that can be eaten, nettles have a high nutritional value, and the type of species are also known to contain a high content of silica, iron, and potassium. Many say is has a distinctive taste that packs a flavor punch. The main use of the herbal remedies made from the nettle is in the role of a cleansing and detoxifying agent in the body. It is just an all-around useful plant. Another interesting fact is stringing nettles contain fibre, which can be used to make different types of textiles

26 Herbal Tea, Iced Tea, Conveniently


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