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1 Date: June 3, 2015 Ref.: RFQ/15/158 Subject: Solicitation for Translation Services The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) - Washington DC, invites your firm to participate in this competitive solicitation for pricing, delivery and terms of potential sale on the following services for IFES office in Ukraine. BACKGROUND IFES is an independent, non-governmental organization (NGO) with headquarters in the United States. IFES promotes democratic stability by providing technical assistance to the electoral cycle worldwide to enhance citizen participation and strengthen civil societies, governance and transparency. With the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other donors, such as Canada s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), IFES programs in Ukraine promote and strengthen electoral processes through support to the Central Election Commission and civil society organizations. To fulfill its work, IFES regularly requires written translation of documents, oral interpretation, and simultaneous interpretation services. A full list of services is found below. IFES envisions a need for the translation of materials, as well as interpretation, both consecutive and simultaneous, over the next 12 months. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS/SERVICES The vendor must be able to provide professional Ukrainian to English/English to Ukrainian and Russian to English/English to Russian translation services. The vendor must be able to provide: Translation of documents as needed throughout the entirety of the contract length (12 months). Vendors should list prices as price per word. Proofreading services (Ukrainian or Russian). Vendors should list prices as price per word. Per Day translation capacity (i.e. maximum number of pages per day). Please provide quotes per word for both regular and rush translation, if applicable. An explanation of processes to ensure high quality of translation (experience/education/ongoing training of translators, proofreading process, guarantee on product, etc.). A translation of the sample text attached to this RFQ (Annexes 1-4) NOTE: IFES is exempt from Value Added Tax (VAT). Service Providers are therefore required to submit their quotes without VAT.

2 Translation Services Cost Table Service Unit Cost per Unit (USD) Rush Cost per Unit (USD) Written Translation of documents 1 word Written Translation of documents 1 word Written Translation of documents 1 word Written Translation of documents 1 word Consecutive Oral Interpretation ½ day Consecutive Oral Interpretation ½ day Consecutive Oral Interpretation ½ day Consecutive Oral Interpretation ½ day Consecutive Oral Interpretation 1 day Consecutive Oral Interpretation 1 day Consecutive Oral Interpretation 1 day Consecutive Oral Interpretation 1 day Simultaneous Oral Interpretation ½ day Simultaneous Oral Interpretation ½ day Simultaneous Oral Interpretation ½ day Simultaneous Oral Interpretation ½ day Simultaneous Oral Interpretation 1 day Simultaneous Oral Interpretation 1 day Simultaneous Oral Interpretation 1 day Simultaneous Oral Interpretation 1 day Equipment rental for simultaneous oral interpretation (if available) 1 day Delivery of Services Translation services will need to be available for translation of documents, proofreading of documents, consecutive and simultaneous oral translation. At least 72 hours advance notice will be given for document translation. 2

3 Please provide additional information on your capacity to provide each type of translation service requested and your quality assurance practices for each type of service. REQUIREMENTS Bidders must submit the following: 1. IFES requests bids for the above listed services in the cost table provided. 2. General information about the bidder history and experience. 3. Names, addresses, addresses and telephone numbers of three business references, and approval to contact listed references. 4. Written Translation of Annexes 1 through 4. EVALUATION IFES will evaluate bids based on the following criteria: 1. Quality of successful translation of Annexes 30% 2. Experience and References 20% 3. Translation capacity (number of pages per day), Quality 20% Assurance, languages spoken, etc. 5. Pricing 30% SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Release of RFQ June 3, 2015 Questions Due June 5, 2015 Answers Due June 9, 2015 RFQ Closes All Bids Due June 19, 2014 at 17:00hrs (GMT + 5 or Washington DC time) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Prices quoted must be valid for 90 days until contract. 2. Unit prices are required and in the case of discrepancies between unit price and total price, the unit price will be taken as reference basis in the evaluation. 3. All procurement will be subject to IFES contractual obligations and contingent on the availability of donor funding. 4. IFES reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation or stop the procurement process at any time, without assigning any reason or liability. 5. IFES reserves the right to accept all or part of the quotation when awarding the contract or to make multiple contracts. 6. All information provided by IFES in this RFQ is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at any time. IFES makes no certification that any item is without error. IFES is not responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted there from. 7. IFES reserves the right to require any bidder to enter into a non-disclosure agreement. 8. The RFQ does not obligate IFES to pay for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by bidder or any third parties, in connection with the Response. All Responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of IFES, subject to claims of confidentiality in respect of the Response and supporting documentation. 3

4 FORM/CONTENT OF RESPONSE All quotations shall: 1. Be in the English language. 2. Contain detailed cost in USD without VAT taxes. 3. Contain the translated sample texts (Annex 1-4) 4. Include a contact name, address, and telephone number to facilitate communication between IFES and the Bidder. 5. A brief outline of the company and services offered, including: Full legal name and address of the company or individual; Full legal name of company s President and / or Chief Executive Officer (not applicable for individuals); Year business was started or established 6. All questions and responses must adhere to the schedule noted above and shall be to the attention of Ms Elizabeth Durbin ( and Ms Gabriella Nassif ( End of RFQ 4

5 Annex 1 Please translate into English Статус окружної виборчої комісії з виборів народних депутатів України Систему виборчих комісії з виборів народних депутатів України складають: 1. Центральна виборча комісія (далі ЦВК). 2. Окружні виборчі комісії (далі ОВК). 3. Дільничні виборчі комісії (далі ДВК). Виборчі комісії є спеціальними колегіальними органами, уповноваженими організовувати підготовку та проведення виборів депутатів і забезпечувати додержання та однакове застосування законодавства України про вибори депутатів (ч. 1 ст. 25 Закону). Статус ЦВК визначається Конституцією України, Законом України "Про Центральну виборчу комісію", Законом та іншими законами України. ЦВК очолює систему виборчих комісій, які організовують підготовку і проведення виборів народних депутатів України, і є комісією вищого рівня щодо всіх окружних та дільничних виборчих комісій, передбачених Законом. ЦВК не є правонаступником окружних виборчих комісій (ч. 2, 3 ст. 25 Закону). Статус ОВК визначається Законом. Повноваження ОВК щодо підготовки та проведення виборів народних депутатів України поширюються на територію відповідного ОВО (ч. 2 ст. 24 Закону). ОВК є комісією вищого рівня щодо усіх ДВК на території відповідного ОВО з питань виборів народних депутатів України. ОВК є юридичною особою може виступати як самостійний учасник цивільно-правових відносин, зокрема, укладати договори про закупівлю товарів та послуг тощо (ч. 5 ст. 25 Закону). Порядок набуття та припинення ОВК статусу юридичної особи визначений ст. 38 Закону. ОВК утворюється ЦВК у складі голови, заступника голови, секретаря та інших членів комісії у кількості від 12 до 18 осіб (ч.1 ст. 27 Закону). 5

6 Annex 2 Please translate into English СТАТУС ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО НАБЛЮДАТЕЛЯ ОТ ИНОСТРАННОГО ГОСУДАРСТВА ИЛИ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ Деятельность официальных наблюдателей от иностранных государств, международных организаций на выборах Президента Украины регулируется Законом Украины "О выборах Президента Украины" (далее - Закон), общепризнанными принципами и нормами международного права в сфере организации и проведения выборов. Официальные наблюдатели от иностранных государств и международных организаций, зарегистрированные в установленном законом порядке, могут вести наблюдение за ходом избирательного процесса. Официальные наблюдатели от иностранных государств, международных организаций осуществляют наблюдение самостоятельно и независимо. Официальные наблюдатели от иностранных государств, международных организаций могут осуществлять свои полномочия на всей территории Украины. Официальных наблюдателей от иностранных государств и международных организаций могут сопровождать в качестве переводчика граждане Украины, иностранцы или лица без гражданства, которые владеют украинским языком, как на территории избирательных участков, так и во время заседаний избирательных комиссий. Одного официального наблюдателя от иностранного государства или международной организации может сопровождать не более одного переводчика. Документом, предоставляющим официальным наблюдателям от иностранных государств, международных организаций право осуществлять свои полномочия, является удостоверение установленного образца, выданное Центральной избирательной комиссией. Удостоверение действительно при предъявлении официальным наблюдателем документа, удостоверяющего его личность (например, паспорта). 6

7 Annex 3 - Please translate into Ukrainian A true democracy requires that the poorest and most marginalized citizens have a meaningful voice in decisions affecting their lives. However, persons with disabilities, often among the poorest of the poor and comprising approximately 15 percent of the global population, are rarely empowered to participate politically in their countries. Persons with disabilities participate politically for a variety of reasons. In some cases, they are pursuing interests specifically tied to their disability, such as making public buildings accessible or having sign language interpretation in schools. In other cases, their interests coincide with wider segments of society when it comes to basic human needs, such as access to clean water, education for their children or developing a safe and secure community. Like all citizens, persons with disabilities want the opportunity to shape their communities and, in doing so, they can become recognized and valued community members. To achieve this status, persons with disabilities need to participate politically. Elections provide an opportunity for their power and influence to be exercised and strengthened. As with other citizens, elections are a fundamental way for persons with disabilities to express their preferences and shape political outcomes. Elections also allow persons with disabilities to develop leadership and organizational skills, build relationships, publicly raise issues important to them, demonstrate their abilities and set the stage for ongoing participation and leadership. Elections provide a unique opportunity to increase participation and change public perceptions about the abilities of persons with disabilities. As a result, persons with disabilities can have a stronger political voice and be increasingly recognized as equal citizens. This sets the stage for ongoing participation in their communities and social and economic integration. Persons with disabilities can play the same role in the electoral process, as well as any other citizens -- including serving as the heads of election commissions or staffing polling stations, running as candidates for elected office, monitoring voting and counting, conducting voter education and participating in campaigns in support of candidates and political parties. By giving people with disabilities the opportunity to participate in social activities on an equal basis with other citizens, we overcome barriers and promote equality. 7

8 Annex 4 Please translate into Russian On October 7, 2014, the Central Election Commission (CEC) adopted Resolution No allowing voters registered in Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts to change their places of voting without changing their electoral addresses under simplified procedures. This decision comes as a result of the influx of internally displaced persons across the country over the summer. In general, to change one s place of voting, a voter must submit to the State Register of Voters Maintenance Body (SRVMB) a written application for changing the place of voting, as well as documents substantiating such a need (tickets, etc.). In the 2014 presidential elections, an exception to this rule was made only for voters residing in Crimea and Sevastopol, which were occupied by Russia in March To change their voting places to other Ukrainian regions, Crimean voters were only required to file to the SRVMB the respective application for changing the voting place, without any supporting documents (except a copy of their passport). This CEC Resolution introduces the same procedure for voters whose places of permanent residence are registered in the territories of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts, regardless of whether these territories are controlled by separatists or by the Ukrainian Government. Under the Law on Parliamentary Elections, voters who have changed their places of voting to other election districts will be granted the right to vote only under the proportional component of the mixed system and will not be given ballots to vote for the single-member district candidate. 8

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