Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy 2014 (including Access Statement)

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1 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy 2014 (including Access Statement) Reviewed and updated by Governors Student Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, 10th February

2 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy 1 POLICY STATEMENT 1.1 In accordance with the Gospel of Christ and the explicit teaching of the Second Vatican Council, as well as the Equality Act 2010, St Brendan's Sixth Form College will take positive steps to promote equality, diversity and inclusion for all its staff, students, governors, visitors and other stakeholders. 1.2 The unique Catholic ethos of the College means that our shared values underpin our work on equality, diversity and inclusion and we strive for excellence in teaching and learning by acting in the spirit of the Gospel by providing experience of a Christian community and by supporting each individual as a unique creation of God All employees, students and governors are expected to support this ethos, and this is a fundamental condition of appointment or offer of a place at the College. 1.3 We are also committed to ensuring that we meet our Public Sector Duties to: advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Act foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it. 1.4 We will ensure that we do not discriminate on any grounds listed as protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 i.e. age; disability; ethnicity (race or colour); civil partnership or marital status; gender; gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity; religion or belief (except for reserved staff posts: see section 5.8) or sexual orientation. We also recognise the inter-sectionality of these issues and the impact of multiple oppression. 1.5 We will also not discriminate against any individuals on other grounds not covered 2

3 by the Act, such as Trades Union membership, physical appearance, political affiliation, class, caring responsibilities etc. 1.6 As a Catholic College, we have a particular mission to tackle poverty and socioeconomic disadvantage and to uphold the human rights and dignity of those who are marginalised in our society. 2. SCOPE 2.1 The purpose of this Policy is to establish a clear framework for our work on EDI. We will also produce an Equality Scheme every year, which lays out our strategic objectives on EDI and how we intend to implement the Policy, the outcomes for the previous year, and an Action Plan relating to our Public Sector Duties. 2.2 This Policy applies to all governors, staff and students in the College, and also to prospective students and employees and other stakeholders, and to those organisations with whom we enter contracts and other partnership agreements. 3. KEY PRINCIPLES 3.1 The College believes that high quality education is a right for all, and will support and encourage all students and staff to reach their potential. 3.2 The College will actively work towards offering equality of opportunity to all students and staff in all aspects of their life at College. 3.3 The College will aim to develop a sense of belonging so that all staff, students and other stakeholders feel they are an important part of the St Brendan s community. 3.4 The College believes that all forms of direct, indirect or institutional discrimination are unacceptable, and will seek to address these issues when revising its policies or practices. 3.5 The College will seek to challenge stereotyping, inequality, prejudice and discrimination through the formal curriculum it delivers, and will also develop a range of opportunities to raise awareness of EDI issues with students (e.g. through the tutorial process, calendar of EDI events, visiting speakers, displays and targeted activities). 3.6 The College will embrace diversity in all its aspects and will take positive action to ensure that its student, staff and governing body reflect the diversity of the community it serves. 3

4 3.7 The College will assess the impact of its policies, procedures and practices on present and potential students, staff and visitors, to ensure that no equality group is disadvantaged. 3.8 All participants in the educational process will be made aware that they have a legal and moral responsibility to eliminate discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation and to foster good relations between people from different backgrounds and communities. 4. LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 4.1 The Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team will ensure that the College is fully compliant with legislative requirements on EDI. 4.2 The College will ensure that equality, diversity and inclusion are reflected in its values and key policies, and that a high profile is given to these issues at all levels of the College s work. 4.3 The College will monitor how well equality of opportunity is promoted, and discrimination tackled, through all of its quality assurance and self-assessment processes. 4.4 The College will analyse the outcomes for different groups of students (e.g. success, retention, achievement, disciplinary and attendance) and for staff (e.g. access to training, promotion), and will take positive action to address any gaps. 4.5 The College will constantly review its provision and support services to ensure they are designed to take into account the specific needs of all equality groups. 4.6 The Governing Body requires the Principal to designate an appropriate individual to have overall responsibility for EDI issues, currently the Assistant Principal. The designated person will ensure regular reports are made to the Governing Body. 4.7 There will be a cross-college EDI Steering Group, which will meet at least three times a year and whose membership will include support and teaching staff, student representatives, parents/carers and governors. 4.9 The remit of the Equality Steering Group will be to monitor the implementation of the Policy and make recommendations for change to the Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body. It will also promote policies and practices that ensure a College environment in which equality flourishes Employment policies and procedures will continue to be dealt with through existing consultation/negotiation arrangements, as appropriate. 4

5 4.11 The EDI Steering Group will periodically conduct equality audits of particular areas, for example, staff recruitment and selection, staff training and promotion practices, pay, grading and termination procedures. The monitoring of information related to staff will be undertaken in co-operation with the recognised Trades Unions. It will also periodically carry out equality audits of, for example, student recruitment, offers of places made, retention and achievement The EDI Steering Group will produce regular minutes, an annual report and, as required by the Governing Body, will set equality targets, develop action plans, analyse the statistics produced by monitoring, propose positive action where necessary and undergo training and share best practice. The Governing Body will appoint an EDI Lead Governor, who will be a member of the EDI Steering Group. 5. EDI AND STAFF 5.1 The College will treat all employees with respect and dignity, and will seek to provide a working environment free from harassment, discrimination and victimisation. 5.2 The College will not tolerate any form of discriminatory behaviour against its employees, either from other employees, students, or members of the public. The College will regard as a serious breach of this policy, any language or behaviour which either intentionally or unintentionally is disparaging of, or offensive to, any individual or equality group. Such breaches will be dealt with according to the appropriate disciplinary procedures. 5.3 In order to ensure that all staff and potential staff are treated with equality and fairness at all stages of employment, and that their treatment is based solely on objective and job related criteria, the College will regularly review its employment policies in the light of the Equality Act and other relevant legislation. 5.4 The College will monitor the recruitment process to ensure that all groups are equally represented as applicants, interviewees and successful candidates, and will take positive action to address any areas where there is under-representation. 5.5 Members of recruitment panels will be made aware of this Policy and the College s recruitment and selection procedures. Specific training on EDI issues will be given where appropriate. 5.6 The following posts will be reserved for practising Catholics: Principal, Vice Principal, Curriculum Manager (Theology) and Chaplaincy Leader. 5.7 The recruitment process for all other posts will include an assessment of the applicant s commitment to working within the Catholic ethos of the College. 5

6 5.8 The recruitment process will also assess the commitment and expertise of candidates in relation to EDI. 5.9 The College will undertake to work locally in partnership with the recognised Trades Unions, and with staff in general, in its development of EDI Policy and practice in determining its impact The criteria for the promotion and progression of existing employees will be determined solely on the basis of the requirements of the job The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for the maintenance of statistical information relating to the profile of the workforce, of all applicants and staff involved in disciplinary actions, grievances, leavers etc. The Governing Body will review and monitor these statistics to identify any trends of differences between equality groups. 6. EDI AND STUDENTS 6.1 The College will treat all students with respect and dignity, and seek to provide a learning environment free from harassment, discrimination and victimisation. 6.2 The College will not tolerate any form of discriminatory behaviour against its students, either from other students, employees, or members of the public. The College will regard as a serious breach of this policy any language or behaviour which either intentionally or unintentionally is disparaging of, or offensive to, any individual or e quality group. Such breaches will be dealt with according to the appropriate disciplinary procedures. 6.3 The Admissions Policy of the College gives priority to all members of the Catholic community, (including pupils of the Catholic Collegiate schools), siblings of present and former students of the College (who attended College within the last 10 years),those students who have been identified as having Special Educational Needs on their Education Health and Social Care Plan where the College is named as the preferred setting, and any young people who are in, or have recently left, the care of the Local Authority. It will then accept those from supportive religious backgrounds and others happy to be educated in an environment which values and promotes Christian ideals. 6.4 While the admissions criteria give priority to Catholics, the criteria should be interpreted and implemented in such a way as to encourage applicants from other denominations and faiths who are supportive of the ethos to apply to the College. 6.5 As members of the College community, all students will be treated equally and fairly and welcomed into every aspect of its life. The College will promote inclusion for all in both academic and social activities. 6

7 6.6 Students from religious traditions other than Christianity will at all times be treated in a manner that is sensitive to that tradition and encouraged to follow appropriate customs, provided that these are compatible with the overall aims of the College. 6.7 Support (academic, financial, pastoral l) provided to students will be monitored to ensure that it is equally available to all students, and positive action will be taken if any group does not appear to be accessing a particular service. 6.8 All students will be encouraged to take part in Learner Voice activities, and these will be monitored to ensure that they are inclusive, and that students on decision-making bodies include those from all equality groups. (e.g. Student Union, Tutor Reps). 6.9 Positive action initiatives will be developed to meet the needs of students from any particular group who are found not to be proportionately accessing support services e.g. international students, males/females, young people in care All formal processes relating to student behaviour, attendance or disciplinary actions will be monitored and action will be taken to seek, understand, and address any patterns that emerge and any over-representation or other EDI issues will be addressed. 7. STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 7.1 All new staff will receive EDI training as part of their induction and should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities in this area. 7.2 The College will use a range of processes to support teaching staff to review the content of the curriculum they deliver to ensure it is relevant and culturally sensitive (e.g. lesson observations, coaching and training). 7.3 Staff training and development opportunities will be monitored by equality group to ensure that they are equally available to, and can be accessed by, all staff, both teaching and support, full-time and part-time. 7.4 The College will also take positive action to offer opportunities for training and promotion to groups of employees who are under-represented at particular levels in the organisation 8. MARKETING, PUBLICITY AND EXTERNAL LIAISON 8.1 The College will aim to identify the needs of the community it serves, and will take positive action to engage with a range of equality groups. This will include liaison with community representatives and market research groups. 7

8 8.2 Publicity material will, where practical, reflect the diversity of the College community, and will be free from bias. 8.3 The College s EDI Policy Statement will be displayed in public places throughout the College, and the full policy will be available to all staff, students and other stakeholders through Moodle and the Website, and will be referred to in key documents such as the Student Dairy and Prospectus. 8.4 The College s publicity material will be available in translation into community languages or alternative formats if requested. 8.5 The College will take positive action to publicise its provision to communities that are currently under-represented as staff or students, through media work, attending community events, links with schools and parishes. 9. THE CURRICULUM AND TEACHING AND LEARNING 9.1 It is the legal and ethical responsibility of all staff to conduct their teaching and learning activities in a non-discriminatory manner, and this is reinforced in the requirements of the Common Inspection Framework. 9.2 All students will be provided with an effective induction programme that familiarises them with the College s EDI Policy and helps them to recognise the rights and responsibilities of themselves and others in relation to these issues. 9.3 Teaching and learning will be informed by EDI principles, and an awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity. Teaching styles should take account of students varied backgrounds, abilities and learning styles. This should be regularly monitored through the College s quality assurance processes. 9.4 The outcomes of any assessment processes will be regularly monitored to ensure that they do not indirectly discriminate against any particular group of learners. 9.5 The tutorial programme and the Religion, Philosophy and Ethics programme will address EDI issues including community cohesion and religious and cultural diversity, and we would expect that student surveys will reflect a good understanding of these issues. 9.6 The curriculum for all areas will be rich and varied, and should be regularly reviewed to ensure it is culturally sensitive, addresses equality issues, and reflects the interests and backgrounds of students. 9.7 All teachers should use materials, resources and learning activities that are free from discriminatory assumptions, images and language, challenge stereotypes, are sensitive to diversity and promote equal opportunities. The College will take swift action if it is made aware of any inappropriate materials that are discriminatory, or work against community cohesion. 8

9 9.8 The College will offer learning support for those students who are identified as requiring it, support for students whose first language is not English, and appropriate additional support for any disabled students. 9.9 A range of inclusive enrichment activities will be developed (both college-wide, and in specific curriculum areas), that promote the good relations between students from different backgrounds, and support community cohesion The College will aim to include students with additional needs, including disabled students, in the mainstream classes and in all aspects of curriculum delivery Teaching staff will be encouraged to develop a range of initiatives to promote inclusion in their classrooms and to ensure that all students participate equally in activities. 10. COLLEGE ENVIRONMENT 10.1 The College will seek to create an environment in which all students, staff and visitors feel comfortable, irrespective of their background The College staff will respond positively and courteously to all its students, staff and visitors from the first point of contact, and will be trained in EDI to enable them to meet the needs of particular equality groups College facilities will be reviewed regularly to ensure that the needs of particular groups receive attention, and the views of students and staff from different equality groups will be sought in relation to any proposed changes The College will cater for the different religious and cultural needs of its students e.g. providing for particular dietary requirements where possible, providing prayer space The College will continually review access to its buildings, information, curriculum and environment to ensure it complies with the law and is accessible to the widest range of disabled people as possible, and will publish information about its access arrangements. (see Appendix 1) The College will ensure that displays, photos and other artefacts reflect the diversity of the College and promote community cohesion. 11. CONSULTATION 11.1 The College will ensure that staff and students from equality groups are consulted on, and involved in, the review of the Equality Policy and other equality policies, and in identifying areas for action. 9

10 11.2 The College will consult its staff and students from different equality groups on other policies and strategies as required, and will ensure that they are involved in decision making and Learner Voice bodies Specific questions on EDI will be included in student satisfaction surveys and the results will be monitored by equality group. 12. COMPLAINTS 12.1 If an employee or student believes they have not been treated fairly, due to prejudice, or discrimination, they should follow the complaints procedure as outlined in the Staff Handbook or Student Diary respectively. Other stakeholders (e.g. parents/carers, students and prospective students and staff should use the College Complaints Procedure Complaints relating to bullying or harassment by students should be reported using the agreed procedures, and staff should use the Grievance Process. 13. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES Governors are responsible for ensuring that: The membership of the Governing Body reflects the diversity of the communities served by the College The College s strategic plan includes a commitment to EDI and actions to implement it Other College strategic documents and cross-college, curriculum and support team SARs include targets for implementing the Single Equality Scheme They consider the equality implications of any planning or review of provision They are aware of the governing body s statutory responsibilities in relation to EDI They ensure that managers and other staff receive adequate training to meet their Public Sector Equality Duties They receive and respond to the monitoring information relating to students and staff They scrutinise reports analysing complaints and grievances in relation to equality and discrimination The Senior Leadership Team is responsible for: Giving a consistent and high profile lead on EDI issues Promoting EDI inside and outside the College Ensuring that the EDI Policy and Equality Scheme are implemented 10

11 Ensuring that managers fulfil their responsibilities in relation to the Public Sector Equality Duties and the Equality Scheme. Managers are responsible for ensuring that: They are aware of the College s statutory duties in relation to EDI The Policy is actively promoted in their area, making sure that staff are aware of their responsibilities and receive support and training to carry them out All aspects of College policy and activity are sensitive to EDI issues Equality monitoring information is collected and analysed Targets are set on the recruitment, retention and achievement of students based on the analysis of the monitoring information Teaching observation reports include comments on EDI issues Performance in relation to EDI is addressed through the self-assessment process and action taken as appropriate The recruitment process for staff in their area reflects best practice in EDI Student induction programmes reflect the College s commitment to EDI All staff are responsible for ensuring that: They are aware of the College s and their own statutory duties in relation to EDI They challenge and report discrimination or inappropriate language or behaviour by either students, colleagues visitors or others in the College They promote community cohesion, and good relations between students from different backgrounds and between different equality groups They report any incidents of bullying, harassment or victimisation Teachers should ensure their schemes of work, lesson content and teaching resources demonstrate sensitivity to issues of EDI All students are responsible for ensuring that: They promote EDI and community cohesion They do not discriminate against anyone for reasons of disability, age, ethnicity, colour, race, gender, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, maternity or pregnancy, religion and belief, sexual orientation, social background, class, or trade union affiliation They challenge and report any breaches of EDI policies Contractors and Partner Service Providers are responsible for ensuring that: They follow the College EDI Policy and any EDI conditions in contracts or agreements. 11

12 14 REVIEW AND CONSULTATION 14.1 This Policy will be reviewed at least every three years, in the light of legislative developments, and the need for good practice, by the College Equality Steering Group, which will make recommendations for changes to the relevant Committee of the Governing Body As part of the review, the Equality Steering Group will seek and take into account the views of stakeholders including students; the local consultation/negotiating arrangements within the College, and appropriate equality bodies. 12

13 DISABILITY AND ACCESS STATEMENT APPENDIX 1 1. Background 1.1 In accordance with its Mission Statement, the College seeks to provide access to education for those with the ability to benefit from it, in a manner sensitive to issues of justice, equality, diversity and inclusion. The College s current courses, facilities and admissions procedures are described in its Prospectus, Policies and Student Charter. 1.2 The additional facilities and support provided for disabled students, over and above those provided for all students will change from year to year, according to the known impairments or additional needs of students in the College at the time. We endeavour to create a package of support which is tailored to meet the student s individual needs. 1.3 We will make reasonable adjustments for any disabled student, staff member, applicant, parent/carer or other visitor to the College, as required by the Equality Act. We recognise this is an anticipatory duty and will, over time, aim to improve the accessibility of all our facilities and services. 1.4 The College aims to provide appropriate additional support for its disabled students taking into account the additional funding available from the Education Funding Agency (EFA) or Local Authority for such purposes. The College is more likely to be able to provide support where students identify their additional needs prior to enrolment. 1.5 Every effort will be made to meet the needs of disabled students whose needs are identified at the admissions stage, and also to make adequate provision for those students whose additional needs only become evident during their course at the College. The responsibility of students to disclose any disability related issues or other additional needs and to avail themselves of the support available rests ultimately with the student. 1.6 The College works to the social model of disability, and so will aim to remove any barriers that disadvantage disabled staff, students or visitors may face in accessing the environment, curriculum or information. 1.7 The College will make reasonable adjustments for disabled job applicants through-out the application and recruitment process. It will 13

14 work also with disabled staff to meet their access needs, using the Access to Work Scheme where appropriate. 2. Admission arrangements 2.1 Disabled students are considered for admission in accordance with the published policy, on the same terms as other students. Students are asked to declare if they are disabled or have a learning difficulty on their application form in order that the College can assess their needs and its ability to make reasonable adjustments, where necessary, to accommodate them. 2.2 Where a student has an Education Health Care Plan naming the College and the Local Authority agrees their High Needs funding, they will be considered as a Category 1 applicant in the admissions process. 2.3 All prospective students are invited to attend an Open Evening to look around the College and talk informally with teaching staff. Prospective students who have additional needs or are disabled, who wish to make a further visit (for example, to check access to particular facilities or meet specialist staff not available on the Open Evening), may make arrangements through the College Reception. 2.4 The application process for all students includes an interview (usually several months before admission) with a senior member of the College staff. At this interview, disabled students should discuss on an individual basis their particular needs and the additional support or other particular arrangements that may be available to them. The College may ask a student to attend a second interview in order to allow an assessment of need to be carried out by a specialist. 3. Educational facilities 3.1 Disabled students have access to courses and facilities on the same terms as all other students. 3.2 The College promotes inclusive education and will do all it can to ensure disabled students can play a full part in all aspects of academic and social life at the College. 3.3 The College will provide auxiliary aids and equipment to disabled students where appropriate. 3.4 The College will provide interpreters for any students who are Deaf or hearing impaired, or personal assistance to those with physical impairments and care needs where appropriate and recommended on their Education and HealthCare Plan. 14

15 4. Examination arrangements 4.1 Students who believe they need particular examination arrangements for any reason relating to additional needs, should identify this need on their application forms, or as soon as possible thereafter. 4.2 Where appropriate, the College will apply to the relevant Examination Board for particular examination arrangements to be made for disabled students, but the final decision in each case rests with the Board. Students for whom particular arrangements have been approved by the Examination Board are normally allowed similar arrangements in the corresponding internal examinations. 4.3 Where particular arrangements are to be sought because of a student's learning difficulty, the College can arrange a psychological assessment where this is necessary. Students may be asked to provide reports of earlier assessments to give further support to the application. Where particular arrangements are to be sought for other reasons (e.g. long-term medical conditions) students may be asked to provide evidence such as a letter from a doctor. 5. Access to information 5.1 The College recognises its responsibility to provide accessible information in a timely fashion and in their preferred format to disabled students or staff members. 5.2 The College will aim to ensure that its published information is accessible to the widest possible audience (e.g. in terms of font size, colour contrast etc.). 5.3 Where appropriate, the College will secure appropriate technology to enable access to information for disabled students e.g. Jaws and Dragon software. 5.4 The College will produce information in different formats e.g. Braille, large print etc. where required. 6. Counselling, Welfare and Pastoral Support 6.1 Disabled students have the right to access the same counselling, welfare and pastoral support as all other students. Reasonable adjustments will be made to any support services to ensure they can be equally accessed by disabled students. 7. Access to Premises 6.1 The College has invested heavily in improving access to its buildings and facilities for students, staff and visitors with impaired mobility, especially in the new buildings. Access is possible to all of the curriculum areas and services provided by the College. 15

16 6.2 The College will try to arrange its timetable of classes, within the limits imposed by the premises generally and by specialist subject needs, so that disabled students have easy access to their chosen courses. This is more likely to be possible if students identify their needs and choice of courses at an early date. 6.3 No particular home-to-college transport facilities are currently provided for disabled students, but the College will consider any request for such facilities made in good time and will work in tandem with the Local Authority to try to secure the appropriate assistance with transport. Students with limited mobility who travel by car are normally permitted to use the disabled parking bays in the staff car park (close to the College buildings) if they so wish; applications should be made to the College Reception. 6.4 A survey of the new College premises was undertaken by The Learning Support Manager, the Premises Manager and an LSA with responsibility for wheelchair users during November 2009 to assess the extent to which they are physically accessible to staff, students and visitors with impaired mobility. Following this, further adaptations were made and during the summer of 2010, a further assessment was carried out. 6.5 The internal arrangements of furniture in many rooms can be altered to meet the needs of the users as well as the nature of the activity being held in the room. Specialist rooms may require further specialist adaptation to meet the needs of specific disabled staff or student users, though these would best be designed to meet the need of the specific user. A total of six multi-height position workstations have now been purchased and positioned in those areas where they are required 6.6 All buildings, including G building, are now fully accessible for wheelchair users. Further door sensors have been fitted to exterior doors to the rear of A and B building and from the refectory to the outside eating area. A ramp has been built to the rear car park from B building and into G building Access to A building is via a ramped pathway at the rear of the building. This is linked to a pathway adjacent to the West Wing of B building leading to the disabled parking area and the external dining area. 6.7 All classrooms and corridors are fully accessible and an automatic door has been fitted to the dining area with a partitioned walkway to the serving area to facilitate wheelchair access. 6.8 Toilets accessible to disabled people are available in each building, and in B building, on each floor. All have emergency pull cords. 6.9 The communication system from each evacuation point initially proved inadequate for our needs. In addition, it was proving very difficult to link in E, C and A buildings. We have, therefore, purchased independent radio communication which is future proofed and covers all areas of the site. All 16

17 appropriate staff have a copy of the PEEP for each disabled student and full training takes place. 7. Related Information 7.1 This policy should be read together with the College Prospectus and the College Charter, copies of which are available from the College Reception. They include statements of the College s current policy given in good faith and within the limits of the facilities available and some items may change from time to time. Students wishing to place particular reliance on anything in this Policy, in the Prospectus or in the Charter should make it clear to the College in writing when applying for a place. 7.2 The College has a Learning Support Manager responsible for co-ordinating provision for disabled students or those with learning difficulties, supported by a team of specialist staff working to make provision to meet individual needs. Specific enquiries may be addressed through the College Reception. 8. Complaints 8.1 Students who believe the College is not providing the facilities or support indicated above, or set out in their individual Learning Agreement; should first discuss the matter with their Pastoral Support Tutor. If the matter cannot be resolved to the students' satisfaction, they may make a formal complaint following the procedure set out in the Student Charter. 8.2 If any disabled staff wishes to complain about any access or disability issues, this should be raised initially with the HR Manager, and if necessary followed up through the usual grievance procedures. 8.3 Disabled parents/carers, visitors or other stakeholders wishing to complain about access or disability related issues should do this through the usual Complaints Policy and Procedure. 17


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