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1 sporti da axalgazrdoba sport and youth saqartvelos sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros yovelwliuri gamocema MINISTRY OF SPORTS AND YOUTH AFFAIRS OF GEORGIA. ANNUAL EDITION 2012




5 98 sporti da axalgazrdoba 2012 sport&youth saqartvelos sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros yovelwliuri gamocema 142 Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia Annual Edition mtavari redaqtori elguja berisvili 112 sagamomcemlo jgufi aleqsandre maisuraze, otar marlakelize, giorgi WaniSvili, avtandil gurasasvili, levan CxeiZe, Tamar yulumbegasvili, vaxtang SataiZe, zaal anjafarize, grigol gurasasvili, irma kaxurasvili, anatoli korepanovi, jemal kasraze, xatuna jangirasvili, cisana alavize, eka kvitasvili, kaxa berize 136 gamosacemad moamzada saqartvelos sportul JurnalistTa asociaciam JurnalSi gamoyenebulia aleqsandre kotorasvilis, Tamar yulumbegasvilis, badri ketilazis, giga gurasasvilis, giorgi WaniSvilis, avtandil gurasasvilis, kaxa berizis, vaja danelias fotoebi. agretve fotoebi `sportis enciklopediidan, saitidan The edition is prepared for publi shing by Georgian Sports Writers Association ISSN

6 ministri spor ti ake Til So bi lebs da aer Ti a nebs ada mi a nebs... ramdenad moulodneli iyo Tqven Tvis ministris postis SeTavazeba da mzad Tu iyavit aseti pasuxismgeblobistvis? ministrad danisvna CemTvis namdvilad moulodneli iyo, magram rodesac Sansi mogecema Sens qveyanas gamoadge, aseti gadawyvetileba unda miiro da pasuxismgeblobac ikisro. mec davtanxmdi am sasiamovno moulodnelobas. aqamde Tu mxolod fexburtis mimartulebit vmusaobdi, axla yvela mimartulebit arsebuli problemebis ertad Tavmoyra da mati gadawyvetis gzebis Zieba miwevs. dres sportis yvela saxeobasi sportsmenebisa da mwvrtnelebis niwierebaze vart damokidebuli, sistema ar arsebobs, aqedan gamomdinare, Cven iseti sistemis Seqmnas viwyebt, romelic wlebs gauzlebs da saqartvelosi sportis stabiluri ganvitarebis safuzveli gaxdeba. ukve gansazrvruli gaqvt prioritetebi? vfiqrob, upirvelesad sistemis decentralizacia da sportis de saqartvelos sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros axali ministri levan yifiani axali gegmebisa da strategiis Sesaxeb gvesaubreba. politizacia unda moxdes. martalia, am mxriv, idealuri variantisgan jer Sors vart, mag ram Cven uk ve ga dav d git pirveli nabijebi am mimartulebit da federaciebsi arcevnebi SejibrebiTobis principit mimdinareobs. saministro iqneba garanti, rom sportsi politika arar Caereva. Tu iqneba problemebi, Cven mxolod mediatoris rols SevasrulebT, amas Carevas ver vuwodebt, radgan yvela normalur saxelmwifosi mirebuli formaa, rom federaciebs Soris urtiertobebs saministro aregulirebs. sakanonmdeblo bazasi cvlilebebs Tu geg mavt? sportuli kanonmdeblobis gamartva aseve Cveni ert erti ZiriTadi mimartuleba iqneba, radgan, rodesac kanoni aregulirebs, sistema gamartulad iwyebs funqcionirebas. saqartvelos kanoni sportis Sesaxeb 1996 wlidan ar Secvlila. Tavad kanoni cudi ar iyo, magram qartul realobasi ar musaobda. Cveni mizania iseti kanonebis Seqmna, romlebic imusavebs da urtiertobebs daaregulirebs, es yvelaferi ki sabolood Sedegebze aisaxeba. amisatvis Cven saqartvelos parlamentis sportisa da axalgazrdul saqmeta komitettan mwidrod vtanamsromlobt. Cems ert ert moadgiles rati bregazes saparlamento mdivnis funqciac akisria, igi axalgazrdul saqmeebsac kurirebs. axalgazrduli mimartulebitac aqtiurad vmusaobt wlis gazafxulistvis parlaments dasamtkiceblad axal kanonta pakets mivawvdit, rogorc axalgazrduli, aseve sportis mimartulebit. bevri ram aris dasaxvewi da gasamarti, drois deficiti namdvilad gvaqvs, mag ram ime di maqvs Cve ni Sek ruli gundi pasuxismgeblobas airebs da Sedegic ar daayovnebs. aseve moxaruli var, rom moxda saministrosi arsebuli resursis gamoyeneba, axali da Zveli kadrebis umtkivneulo integrireba. ertad gaviaret sanerviulo momentebi, adamianuri gancdebi, Tumca yoveli Cveni TanamSromlis mondomebit male gamoinaxa saerto ena. SemiZlia amayad ganvacxado, rom Cveni saministro kohabitaciis sauketeso magalitia, Tumca saministrosi reorganizaciis procesi dresac grzeldeba unda gaimartos menejmenti, yvelas Tavisi funqcia da saqme unda hqondes. dapirebas Tu SeasrulebT da sportis akademias Tu aradgent? esec Cveni ert erti prioritetia. adre kadrebis arzrdis misia saqartvelos fizikuri arzrdisa da sportis akademias evaleboda, romelic ertaderti specializirebuli umarlesi dawesebuleba iyo qveyanasi. miuxedavad imisa, rom es saswavlebeli daarsebidan 70 wels itvlida, igi gauqmebul iqna 2007 wels da ukve meeqvse weliwadia sportis sfero rceba profesionali kadrebis garese. sportis akademiis gauqmeba iyo bolo wertili sasporto ganatlebis sferosi, romelsac win uzroda aseve ertaderti profesiuli sasporto saganmanatleblo dawesebulebis fizikuri arzrdisa da sportis kolejis gauqmeba, xolo manamde saqartvelos sxvadasxva saxelmwifo umarles saswavleblebsi (batumis, qutaisis, goris da Telavis 4

7 pedagogiur institutebsi) Sesabamisi sportuli fakultetebis gauqmeba, rom araraferi vtqvat saqartvelos yvela umarles saswavleblebsi fizikuri arzrdis katedrebis gauqmebaze. moxda ise, rom adamianebma sakutar ambiciebs gadaayoles es instituti da dres nulidan gviwevs saqmis keteba, rata droulad ardges instituti da Sesabamisi statusi mieniwos. gvinda 2013 wlis zafxulsi saxelmwifo umarlesma sasporto saswavlebelma akreditacia gaiaros, amistvis sakmaod SemWidrovebul vadebsi gviwevs mu Saoba. sports grzelvadiani dagegmva swirdeba da myisieri Sedegebi martivad ar miirweva. axalgazrduli politikisa da sportis masobriobis mimartulebit saministros siaxleebi Tu eqneba? mxolod profesionaluri sportis ganvitareba namdvilad arafers mogvcems, Tu sportis masobriobazec ar vizrunet. am saqmesi Zalian didia saxelmwifos roli, rata sporti yvelastvis xelmisawvdomi iyos, sportsi CarTva yvela asakis, sqesis, religiuri, Tu politikuri interesebis adamians unda SeeZlos, axalgazrdobac ufro aqtiuri unda iyos. saministro ki Seecdeba yvela axalgazrdul problemas Seexos: ganatlebis, janmrteli cxovrebis wesis danergva, sazogadoebasi integracia, danasaulis prevencia, mankier CvevebTan brzola. es aris konkretuli amocanebi da Cveni yvela axalgazrduli resursi am mimartulebit unda iyos gamoyenebuli. aseve gansakutrebuli zrunvis sagani iqneba etnikuri umciresobebis, konfliqtur zonebsi mcxovrebi axalgazrdebis, izulebit gadaadgilebul pirta, SezRuduli SesaZleblobebis mqone axalgazrdebis mimdinare proeqtebsi CarTva da mati xelsewyoba. ganvlili wlis qveynis sportul Sedegebs rogor SeafasebT? 2012 wlis Sefasebas rac Seexeba, yvelaze mnisvnelovani albat olimpiur TamaSebze arebuli erti oqros medali iyo. am medals yvela daugegmav me dals uwo debs. me vityo di, rom daugegmavi medali ar arsebobs da lasa SavdaTuaSvils misi Rvawli da Sroma unda davufasot, magram zogadad SedegiT Tavs ver moviwonebt, saqartvelom ukanaskneli olimpiuri TamaSebis Semdeg 12 safexurit ukan daixia, ver gadalaxa konkretuli poziciebi, ver gadadga uketesobisken nabiji. amitom mnisvnelovani iqneba winaswar gaitvalos SesaZleblobebi, ganisazrvros strategia, rom SemdegSi mosalodneli Sedegebi mivirot. sportsi arsebuli mdgomareoba, namdvilad mzime da arasaxarbieloa. dresdreobit saqartvelos masstabit profesionalur sportsi CarTuloba ganvitarebul qveynebtan SedarebiT 5-jer naklebia. es minimumis minimumia da Cveni xedva iqitken iqneba mimartuli, rom rac SeiZleba meti adamiani CavrToT, pirobebi SevuqmnaT, infrastruqtura gavaumjobesot. amerikulma modelma, sadac yvelaferi kerzoa da spor ti Tavs Ta vad ina xavs, Cvens realobasi ar gaamartla. Cven evropul models vemxrobit, sadac kooperacia da TanamSromlobaa saxelmwifosa da kerzo seqtors Soris. zemot CamoTvlili siaxleebis gansaxorcieleblad 2013 wlis biujet Si cvlilebebi rogor aisaxeba? 2013 wlis biujetis mxolod nawilobrivi koreqtireba SevZeliT, Zvel mimartulebebsa da axal prioritetebs Soris wyveta rom ar momxdariyo, momavali weli gardamaval etapad gamovacxadet. momavali wlis martidan ki zustad gaiwereba Cvens proeqtebsa da prioritetebze morgebuli biujeti. ro gorc xe davt, bev ri geg ma da samu Sao gvaqvs, ra Sic dam deg wels Cve ni sazogadoebis Tanadgoma da Tanamonawileoba aucileblad dagvwirdeba. moaxloebul dresaswaulze ki visurvebdi, rom yvela ojaxsi erti adamiani mainc yofiliyo sportit dakavebuli, es ki garanti iqneba imisa, rom ersi sportuli da axalgazrduli SemarTeba gaizrdeba. sporti xom aketilsobilebs da aertianebs adamianebs, Cven sportuli sazogadoeba gavaertianot, rac mteli qveynis gaertianebis sawindari SeiZleba armocndes. Tamaz TevzaZe, rati bregaze, levan yifiani da zurab azmaifarasvili 5

8 Sexvedrebi irb-is maralcinosnebis viziti sportis akademia ardgeba saqartvelos parlamentis sportisa da axalgazrdul saqmeta komitetis gadawyvetilebit, sportis akademia ardgeba, saxelwodebas Seicvlis da sportis saxelmwifo universitetis saxelit ifunqcionirebs. universiteti sxvadasxva sportuli kvalifikaciis specialistebs moamzadebs da zogadad qartuli sportis samomavlo ganvitarebas moemsaxureba. akademiis ardgenis sainiciativo jgufis mier momzadda masstaburi proeqti, romelic aqtualuri ganxilvis Temad iqca mtavrobis sxdomebze. proeqtis mixedvit, akademiis sruli datvirtvit ardgena 2013 wlis zafxulistvis igegmeba. am mimartulebit saministro konsultaciebs ucxoel eqspertebtanac gadis, 2012 wlis miwuruls Tbiliss Sotlandieli sportis eqsperti Carli reberni ewvia. reberni saskolo sportis federaciis saertasoriso warmomadgeneli da Sotlandiis parlamentsi interpartiuli sportuli jgufis wevria, romelic wlebis manzilze SotlandiaSi fizikuri kulturis ganvitarebas kurirebs. reberni samomavlo TanaSromlobasa da gamocdilebis gaziarebaze sasaubrod sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta ministr levan yifians Sexvda. Sexvedras daeswrnen aseve Sotlandieli rici diqsoni - saqartvelos ragbis kavsiris konsultanti, ministris moadgile Tamaz TevzaZe, sportis departamentis ufrosi irakli dolaberize da pedagogikis mecnierebata doqtori, profesori guram Zagania. noembris saragbo testebis dros saqartvelosi oficialuri vizitit imyofebodnen ragbis saertasoriso sab Wos maralcinosnebi ganvitarebis komitetis xelmzrvaneli mark igani, ragbis komitetis Tavmjdomare grehem muri da rici diqsoni, romelic saqar Tvelos nakrebis mtavari mwvrtneli gaxldat 2011 wlis ragbis msoflio Tasze, amjerad ki IRB-s ganvitarebis pirvelma qartvelma profesionalma sumoistma levan caguriam (kokai) kariera daarula da aqtiuri sportidan wasvlis gadawyvetileba miiro. sumodan kokais oficialuri gacilebis ceremoniali iaponiasi Catarda, manamde ki 2012 wlis miwuruls veterani qartveli sumoisti saqartvelosi dabrunda da kidev ert profesional sumoist Teimuraz jurel Tan (gagamaru) ertad, sportisa da axalkokai da gagamaru saministrosi gazrdobis saqmeta saministrosi gulsematkivrebs Sexvda. Sexvedras daeswrnen sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta ministri levan yifiani, ministris moadgile Tamaz TevzaZe da sumos federaciis prezidenti Tengiz ruxaze. Sexvedra sumos gulsematkivarta klubis xelmzrvanelis, amiran urusazis TaosnobiT gaimarta. ministrma sumoistebs samaxsovro sacuqrebi gadasca da saqartvelos sauketeso kutxit warmocinebisatvis madloba gadauxada. levan caguria pirveli evropelia, romelmac Ziures Tanrigs miarwia. misi debiuti profesiul ligasi 2001 wels Sed ga. yve las did mad lo bas gixdit gultbili SexvedrisTvis. qomagebis mxardaweras mteli karieris manzilze vgrznobdi da Zalian mixaria, rom nelnela Cems samsoblosic bevrma Seiyvara sumo. bednieri var, rom saqartvelo iaponiis urtiertobebsi mcire wvlili mec Sevitane, _ ganacxada kokaim. jgufis xelmzrvaneli da konsultantia. IRB-s maralcinosnebma ragbis saqartvelos kavsiris prezident gia nijarazestan ertad 23 noembers oficialuri Sexvedra gamartes sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta ministr levan yifiantan. Sexvedras eswrebodnen ministris moadgile, veterani moragbe gia rafava da saministros sportis departamentis ufrosis moadgile giorgi asatiani. Sexvedraze mxareebma samomavlo TanamSromlobis garrmavebaze da qartuli ragbis axal stadiaze gadasvlis processi mnisvnelovani siaxleebis danergvaze isaubres. gadawyda, rom noembris miwuruls IRB-s kongresze qar Tuli ragbi oficialurad kidev erti safexurit dawinaurdeba da elitarul kalatasi arzevdeba, 2013 wlidan ki saqartvelos nakrebi axal saertasoriso otxta turnirsi Caebmeva. amave dres, Sexvedra Sedga saqartvelos premierministr bizina ivanisviltan, sadac saxelmwifos mxridan ragbis mxardaweris programa ganixiles. 6

9 yifiani federaciebis Tavkacebs Sexvda 2 noembers, sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros saaqto darbaz Si gaimarta sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta ministris levan yifianisa da erovnuli sportuli federaciebis warmomadgenlebis Sexvedra. ministri 70-mde sportuli federaciis Tavkacebs saministros prioritetul mimartulebebze da samomavlo gegmebze esubra, gansakutrebit gausva xazi sportis depolitizacias da federaciebis xelm ZRvanelTa riggarese arcevnebis demokratiul garemosi Catarebis aucileblobas. federaciebis warmomadgenlebi miesalmnen ministris mier gamotqmul mosazrebebs da gamotqves survili samomavlo TanamSromlobis Sesaxeb. stumari ricard saleri sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta ministri levan yifiani saministrosi msofliosi cnobili germanuli sportuli ekipirebis mwarmoebeli firmis saleris~ prezidents ricard salers Sexvda. Sexvedra gacnobiti da megobruli xasiatisa iyo. mxareebi samomavlo TanamSromlobaze SeTanxmdnen. saleri~ msofliosi cnobili ekipirebis mwarmoebeli firmaa da sportul inventars burtebs, formebs, sportul fexsacmels da sxvadasxva atributikas amzadebs. sporti qveynis socialuri politikis mnisvnelovani sferoa. msoflio globalizaciis pirobebsi sporti warmoadgens efeqtur sasualebas mosaxleobis janmrtelobis ganmtkicebis, TiToeuli moqalaqis srulfasovan pirovnebad formirebis, patriotuli grznobebis gazlierebis, qveynis saertasoriso avtoritetis gazrdis TvalsazrisiT. qveynis evropuli orientacia gulisxmobs politikur, ekonomikur, kulturul da socialur daaxloebas dasavlur samyarostan. Sesabamisad, gansakutrebul mnisvnelobas izens movlenata Tanmimdevrobis winaswar gansazrvra, mat Soris dadgena imisa, Tu ra nabijebi unda gadaidgas fizikuri ganatlebisa da sportis sferosi integraciuli procesebis samartavad, am mimartulebit gegmazomieri da warmatebuli reformis Casatareblad. saqartvelosi fizikuri ganatlebisa da sportis ganvitarebis koncefcia swored am mizans emsaxureba da moicavs saqartvelosi masobrivi (sporti yvelasatvis), marali mirwevebisa da profesiuli sportis ganvitarebis grzelvadiani programis ZiriTad mimartulebebs. koncefcia itvaliswinebs qveynis ganvi Tarebis strategias, saertasoriso gamocdilebasa da drevandel realobas. koncefcias safuzvlad udevs qveynis konstitucia, sakanonmdeblo da normatiuli aqtebi, ekonomikuri da socialuri ganvitarebis strategiis konceptualuri aspeqtebi, adamianis uflebata da gaeros deklaraciebi, evropis sportis qartia da sportuli etikis kodeqsi. mtlianobasi, SeiZleba itqvas, rom koncefciasi moyvanili magalitebi Cveni mizani warmoadgens sxvadasxva Sexedulebisa da midgomis sistemas saqartvelo Si fizikuri ganatlebisa da sportis rolze, grzelvadiani perspeqtivit funqcionirebaze. massi Cadebulia idea sazogadoebis yoveli warmomadgenlis universaluri Rirebulebebis, motxovnilebebisa da motivaciebis upiratesobis uzrunvelyofa sportis ganvitarebistvis Sesabamisi pirobebis Sesaqmnelad. fizikuri ganatlebisa da sportis ganvitarebis koncefcia gamocemulia brosuris saxit, koncefcia aseve gan Tavsebulia sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros oficialur veb gverdze koncefciit dainteresebul sportul federaciebsa da asociaciebs, aseve nebismier msurvels, visac saku Tari mosazrebebi, an SeTavazebebi Tu SeniSvnebi gaucndeba koncefciis SinaarsTan dakavsirebit, SegiZliaT Tqveni winadadebebi gamoagzavnot sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros oficialur eleqtronul misamartze an werilobit mimar ToT sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros kancelarias. vfiqrob, saqartvelosi sportis samomavlo ganvitarebit dainteresebuli sazogadoeba aqtiurad CaerTveba koncefciis ganxilvis processi, Tqveni saqmiani SeniSvnebi da winadadebebi ki dagvexmareba srulfasovani saboloo dokumentis mirebasi. Tamaz TevzaZe saqartvelos sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta ministris moadgile. koncefcia 7


11 olim pi u ri dre e bi da am be bi qro ni ka 27 ivlisidan 12 agvistos CaTvliT londonma 30-e olimpiur TamaSebs umaspinzla. olimpiadaze 35 qartveli sportsmeni gamovida. Cvenma olimpielebma 1 oqros, 3 vercxlis da 3 brinjaos medali moipoves da saerto gundur CaTvlaSi 204 qveyanas Soris 39-e adgili daikaves. Jurnalis am bloksi olimpiadis mtavar ambebs qronologiuri TanmimdevrobiT mogitxrobt. 22 ivlisi. olimpiadis dedaqalaqsi gaemgzavrnen qartuli delegaciis saorganizacio jgufis warmomadgenlebi da saqartvelos olimpiuri komitetis xelmzrvanelta nawili. 25 ivlisi. londonsi gaemgzavra saqar Tvelos olimpiuri gundis didi jgufi. 26 ivlisi. olimpiur sofelsi gaimarta saxelmwifo drosis armartvis ceremonia. olimpiuri soflis meri miesalma Cveni delegaciis xelmzrvanels, olimpiur Cempion davit gobejisvils da qartvel sportsmenebs samaxsovro sacuqrebi gadasca. sazeimo RonisZiebas eswrebodnen sportsmenebi, mwvrtnelebi, saqartvelos olimpiuri komitetis prezidenti gia nacvlisvili, sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros warmomadgenlebi. 27 ivlisi. londonis olimpiur stadionze sazeimod da oficialurad gaixsna zafxulis 30-e olimpiuri TamaSebi. gaxsnis ceremoniali, romelsac mde mayurebeli daeswro TiTqmis 4 saats gagrzelda da gansakutrebulad pompezuri gamodga. Sous dadgmasi monawileoba miiro 10 atasamde moxalisem. daaxloebit saatnaxevris ganmavlobasi mimdinareobda masstaburi warmodgena, sadac didi britanetis istoria da qveynis mirwevebi iyo warmodgenili. amas mohyva olimpiadasi monawile qveynebis delegaciebis arlumi, romelic daiwyo olimpiuri TamaSebis fu Zemdebeli qveynis saberznetis delegacis svlit. saqartvelos olimpiuri delegacia gaxsnis ceremonialze 30-kaciani SemadgenlobiT warsdga. qartvelta medrose iyo olimpiuri Cempioni, vercxlisa da brinjaos priziori, tyviis msroleli nino saluqvaze. imave dres qartveltagan olimpiadasi pirveli Caeba msvildosani qristine esebua, romelmac sakvalifikacio raundsi 64 monawiles Soris 34-e adgili daikava. esebuam 72 isridan 15 moartya atiansi, 720 SesaZlo qulidan 642 daagrova da 1/32 finalsi Tavisi metoqe gaarkvia Cileli msoflios Cempioni denis van lemoeni, vistanac 2011 wlis msoflios pirvelobis finali waago. 28 ivlisi. Ziudoistma betqil Sukvan ma 1/32 fi nal Si 3 wut sa da 38 wam Si iponit daamarcxa avstralieli erni dikinsi da meore raundsi gavida, sadac frang sofian milus 4.55 wutis ganmavlobasi iukoti ugebda, Tumca bolo wamebze iponit damarcxda. velomrbolma giorgi nadirazem londonis qucebsi da qalaqis SemogarenSi gamartuli sagzatkecilo Sejibrebis distancia ver daasrula 250 kilometrze gamartul jgufur rbola Si daaxloebit 100 kilometri ZiriTad jgufsi, pelotonsi moaxerxa adgilis SenarCuneba, magram Semdeg TandaTan CamorCa da 152 kilometris gavlis Semdeg CamoSorda rbolas. mokrive merab TurqaZem (56 kg) awonvis procedura ver gaiara da Sejibrebidan moixsna. 29 ivlisi. es dre olimpiadaze qar Tuli gundistvis yvelaze warmatebuli 9

12 LONDON 2012 gamodga Ziudoisti lasa SavdaTuaSvili (66 kg) olimpiuri Cempioni gaxda! la Sam 1/16 fi nal Si 1 wut sa da 39 wam Si iponit daamarcxa Cileli alexandro zuniga, meore wresi ki frang david laross daupirispirda. ZiriTadma drom gamarjvebuli ver gamoavlina, damatebit samwuteulsi ki qartvelma iponit izala. meotxedfinalsi SavdaTuaSvili britanel kolin outss Sexvda da 2 wut sa da 11 wam Si isic ipo nit ga istumra. naxevarfinalsi iaponel msoflios Cempion masasi ebinumas gaejibra da wutsa da 12 wamsi daaipona. qartveli falavani finalsi gamocdil ungrels miklos ungvars Sexvda, dazabul SexvedraSi iukoti szlia da jildod olimpiuri oqros medali miiro. Cog bur Tel ma ana ta tis vil ma pirvel wre Si war ma te bit da as ru la wvimis ga mo ram den jer me Sewy ve ti li Sexved ra lix ten S te i nel ste fa ni vog t Tan da me o re ra un d Si ga vi da 6:2, 6:0. sak va li fi ka cio eta pi ver daz lia qar Tu li de le ga ci is yve la ze ga mocdil ma wev r ma, mes vi de olim pi a dis mona wi le ni no sa luq va Zem. 10 met r ze pnev ma tu ri pis to le tit sro la Si ninom 49 mo na wi les So ris 33-e ad gi li da i ka va da 9 qu la da ak l da fi na lis t Ta So ris mo sax ved rad. londonsi oficialurad gaixsna qartuli saxli~, romelmac bina er T ert yvelaze prestijul ubansi daido. `qartul saxlsi maspinzlobas nana aleqsandria da revaz ComaxiZe swevdnen, damtvaliereblebs ki sasualeba hqondat gaecnot Cveni qveynis istoria, kultura, tradiciebi. amave dres gaimarta oficialuri mireba olimpur Cempions lasa SavdaTuaSvils umaspinzles da warmateba miuloces. 30 ivlisi. Ziudoisti nugzar tatal Svili (73 kg) pirvel wresi samxretkoreel ki Cun vantan iukoti damarcxda da daamtavra Sejibreba. ana tatisvilis da maka CaxnaSvilis dueti pirveli raundidan gamoetisa londonis olimpiadis wyvilta sacogburto turnirs. mat didi winaarmdegoba gauwies slovenielebs katarina srebotniksa da andrea klepcaks. qartvelma gogonebma pirveli seti mxolod taibreiksi 6:7 datmes, meore seti damajereblad 6:3 moiges, xolo mesamesi 2:6 damarcxdnen. 31 iv li si. Zi u do is t ma av Tan dil Wri kis vil ma (81 kg) ga mar j ve bit da iwyo lon do nur ta tam ze ga mos v la. 20 wlis qar T ve li Se jib re ba Si 1/16-fi na li dan Ca e ba, xor vats, to mis lav ma ri a no vics 10

13 Sex v da, va za rit mo u go da mom dev no wre Si ame ri kel tre vis sti venss da u piris pir da, vis Ta nac Zi ri Tad dro Si Tanab rad iwi da va, da ma te bit Si ki ipo nit wa a go. saqartvelos olimpiuri delegaciis yvelaze axalgazrda wevrma, mocurave irakli bolqvazem kvalifikaciasi daasrula olimpiadaze gamosvla, magram piradi rekordi gaaumjobesa. bolqvaze 200 metrze brasis stilit curvasi 34 monawiles Soris 28-e adgilze gavida. man distancia 2 wutsa da 15,89 wamsi dafara.. msvildosanma qristine esebuam londonis olimpiadaze erteulta turnirsi 1/16 finalsi 2:6 waago samxretkoreel sun jin listan da medlistvis brzolas gamoetisa. olimpiadis sacogburto turnirs gamoetisa ana tatisvilic, romelmac 1/16 finalsi rus nadejda petrovastan waago. Sexvedra uimbldonis ert ert kortze mimdinareobda, wvimis gamo ramdenime saatit gadaido da saramosra dasrulda. tatisvilma didi winaarmdegoba gauwia maralreitingian mowinaarmdeges da pirveli setis 3:6 wagebis Semdeg meoresi didi brzola gaumarta, taibreikamde mivida da iq 7:5 ajoba. gadamwyveti setis dasawyissi qartveli russ Tanabrad etamaseboda, magram roca angarisi 2:2 iyo, mowinaarmdeges dautmo sakutari mowodeba, Semdeg 2:4 CamorCa da sabolood, 2:6 damarcxda. 1 ag vis to. Zi u do is t ma var lam lipar te li an ma (90 kg) da ma je reb lad dazlia pir ve li wi na ar m de go ba va za rit da a mar cxa olim pi a da ze re gi o na lu ri kvo tit mox ved ri li ka me ru ne li di u don do la se mi da me o re wre Si ga vi da, sa dac ve ra fe ri mo u xer xa usa xe lo da yve las T vis uc nob av s t ra li el mark en to nis. li par te li a ni aq ti u rob da da iuko airo, Tum ca me re sa ku Tar iletze wa mo e go da va zar ze da e ca, da Ce nil dro Si ki mxo lod iukos ga mor Ca da damar cx da. ni no sa luq va Zem 25 met r ze sportu li pis to le tit sro la Si jam Si 581 qu la da ag ro va da mxo lod ori qu la da ak l da fi nal Si brzo lis ga sag r Zeleb lad. 2 agvisto. Ziudoistma levan Jor Jolianma (100 kg) pirveli etapi gaiara da 1/16 finalsi gavida. qartvelma Ziudoistma gafrtxilebebis wyalobit daamarcxa rumineli daniel brata, meore wresi ki azerbaijanel elmar gasimovtan aseve gafrtxilebebit waago da olimpiadas daemsvidoba. 3 agvisto. mzimewonosan ZiudoistTa Sejibrebis pirvelive wresi adam oqruasvili germanel andreas tolcertan usansod damarcxda. germanelma Ziudoistma oqruasvils gafrtxilebebit jer iuko, Sem deg va za ri auro, bo los sulac SeboWvaze daiwira. ficarnagze gavida Zalosani raul ci re ki Ze (85 kg). man atac Si pir vel cdaze damajereblad dazlia 162-kilogramiani Stanga, magram Semdeg ertbasad 167 kilo daukveta da darcenili orive cda gaucudda. meore mozraobasi, akvrasi qartvelma Zalosanma pirvel cdaze 195-kilogramiani simzime daimorcila, meore cdaze 200 kilo dazlia da 202 kilo daukveta, magram es wona ve Rar daimorcila, jamuri 362 kiloti ki saboloos me-9 adgili daikava. 4 agvisto. londonsi Cavida saqartvelos Tavisufali stilis mowidaveta nakrebi. qartvel mzleosanta otxeulidan olimpiur turnirsi pirveli CaerTo sigrzeze mxtomeli boleslav sxirtlaze, romelmac ver SeZlo final Si gasvla. sxirtlazes sakvalifikacio raundsi sami cda hqonda da matgan sau ke Te so iyo 7.26 met ri, rac 82 sm-it naklebia mis pirad rekordze. am Sede 11

14 LONDON 2012 git qartvelma mzleosanma 42 monawiles Soris mxolod 35-e adgili daikava da cxadia, finalur 12-eulSi ver moxvda. batutze mxtomelma luba golovinam mesvide adgili daikava. 22 wlis sportsmenma damajereblad dazlia kvalifikacia qulit finalsi Sevida, sadac meore varjissi qula mii Ro. ja mu ri qu lit ki me-7 adgils dasjerda. 5 agvisto. saqmesi CaerTvnen berznul romauli stilit mowidaveebi. pirveli etapi damajereblad dazlia 21 wlis zurab datunasvilma (74 kg) or setsi 5:0, 2:0 daamarcxa samxret koreeli jinheon kimi, ris Semdegac mervedfinalsi SeeWida amerikel benjamin provisors da masac or setsi ajoba, meotxedfinalsi ki azerbaijanel ermin ahmadovtan 3:0, 0:3, 0:4 damarcxda. londonis olimpiuri TamaSebis Cempioni lasa SavdaTuaSvili da qartvel olimpielta jgufi londonis qartul eklesiasi macxovris Sobis saxelobis sakatedro tazarsi gamartul sakvirao wirvas daeswro. wirva did britanetsa da irlandiis eparqiasi saqartvelos sapatriarqos irumenma mama dorotem (zaza barbaqaze) aravlina, romelmac eklesiasi Sekrebil londonsi mcxovreb qartvel mrevltan ertd axalgazrda olimpiuri Cempionic daloca da samomavlod ketildreoba usurva. 6 agvisto. `berzen romaelma~ revaz lasxma (60 kg) vercxlis medali moipova. man or setsi egviptel saied abdelmonem hamedis da rus zaur kuramagomedovs ajoba da naxevarfinalsi gavida, sadac azerbaijanel hasan alievs 2:1 mougo. finaluri ortabrzola ki iranel omid ha ji no ru zis Tan or set Si 0:1, 0:1 damarcxda. amave dres iwidava kidev orma `antikosma~ vladimer gegesizem (84 kg) setebis jamsi azerbaijanel ahman tahmasebis 2:1 szlia, ukrainel vasili ra Sibas aseve 2:1 mougo da naxevarfinalsi gavida, sadac rus alan xugaevtan 1:2 datmo. gegesizem waago brinjaos finalic yazax daniel gajievtan (1:2). mzime wonasi guram ferselizem or setsi daamarcxa Cileli andres valensuela, Semdeg kubel mixain lopestan or setsi damarcxda da repesajsi gadaerto, sadac egvipteli abdelrahman eltrabili daamarcxa da brinjaos finalsi Turq riza kaiaalpze gavida, vistanac gadamwyveti Sexvedra or setsi datmo. Zalosan gia mawavarians (105 kg) atacsi sami cda daswirda 185 kilos dasamorcileblad, akvrasi ki 220 kilo orjer `gaafuwa,~ mesame cdaze ki 225 kilo SeukveTa da simzime verc amjerad dazlia. 7 agvisto. mzleosanma davit ilarianma 110 metrze TarjrbenSi kvalifikacia ver gaiara. 31 wlis sportsmenma distancia 13,90 wamsi dafara. ber Z nul ro ma u li sti lit mo Wida ve Ta tur ni ris bo lo dres olim piur sar bi el ze ori qar T ve li fa la va ni ga mo vi da ma nu Car cxa daia (66 kg) da so so ja bi Ze (96 kg). ja bi Zem mer ved fina lu ri or Tab r Zo la bul ga rel elis gu ris Tan se te bis jam Si 1:2 wa a go da brzo las ga mo e Ti Sa. cxa da iam ken Wis y ris wya lo bit ga mo to va sawyi si eta pi da Sem deg msvi dad daz lia mer ved fi nali, sa dac Sve i ca ri el pas kal Stre bels or set Si mo u go. mas ar gas Wir ve bia arc eg vip tel as raf el ga rab lis Tan parter Si kar gi Wi da o bis wya lo bit 2 set Si da Cag ra da na xe var fi nal Si ga vi da, iq ki ve ra fe ri mo u xer xa un g rel to mas lorincs or set Si wa a go da brin ja os fi nal Si Wi da o bis uf le ba mo i po va. medlis T vis brzo la man or set Si ger ma nel frenk Steb lers mo u go da sa qar T velos de le ga cias ri git me sa me me da li mo u ta na. sigrzeze mxtomelma maia gogolazem sakvalifikacio etapze samive cda gaafuwa da olimpiadas daemsvidoba

15 13


17 wlis sportsmeni 32 kvalifikants Soris iyo da finalur etapze gasasvlelad 12 sauketesos Soris mosaxvedrad minimum 6,40 metrze unda gadamxtariyo, Tumc samivejer nisnulze mouxvda fexi da CaTvlis garese darca. Zalosani irakli TurmaniZe (+105 kg) olimpiadaze sakmaod kargad gamovida, Tumca medlis garese darca. 27 wlis sportsmenma orive mozraobasi piradi rekordi daamyara, atacsi jer 192, mere 198, bolos ki 201 kilogrami daimor Cila, xolo akvrasi jer 225 kilogrami daz li a, Sem deg ki 232 ki los awe vac SeZlo, magram Zlier mowinaarmedeebtan brzolasi mexute adgilze gavida. 10 agvisto. saqmesi Caeba qartvel Ta mtavari damrtymeli Zala Tavisufali stilis mowidaveta nakrebi da olimpiur gunds morigi, amjerad, vercxlis medali moutana. finalsi gavida da iq dasanani marcxi iwvnia vladimer xincegasvilma. man sawyis wresi 3 setsi daamarcxa egvipteli ibrahim abdelhakim mohamedi. aseve 3 setsi urtulesi Sexvedra mougo bulgarel radoslav marinov velikovs, meotxedfinalsi ki or setsi dajabna indoeli amit kumari. qartveli falavani naxevarfinalsi daupirispirda iaponel SiniCi iumotos, visac samsetian ortabrzolasi ajoba da finalsi gavida. axalgazrda mowidavem gadamwyveti Sexvedra rus jamal otarsultanovtan gamarta da datmo 0:1, 3:3. bo lo qu la ru sis iyo da mo gebac mas dar Ca. davit xucisvilma (74 kg) monrol unurbat purevjavtan 2 setsi imarjva, amas gvinea bisaus warmomadgeneltan augusto midanastan 3 setsi gamarjveba miayola, mere ki sapaeqrod daudga rus Ta titulian falavans denis carguss, vistanac 0:4, 0:1 damarcxda. naxevarfinalsi cargusis moulodnelma marcxma xucisvils repesajis Sansic waartva. 11 agvisto. sami qartveli falavani Caeba brzolasi da olimpiur gunds 2 medali Semata. malxaz zaruam (60 kg) sawyis etapze or setsi daamarcxa tituliani ukraineli vasili fiodori Sini da meotxedfinalsi gavida, sadac amerikel koleman skottan usansod or setsi waago. davit marsagisvilma (84 kg) Sansi ar dautova monrol uitumen orgodols or setsi imarjva, Semdeg moulodnelad damarcxda puertorikoel xaime espinaltan da brinjaos gzas daadga. iq jer nigeriel dik andreu or setsi, mere ki brinjaos finalsi belarus soslan ga ci evs 3:0, 3:1 ajo ba da brin ja os medali daisakutra. ufro Sedegiani gamosvla hqonda mzimewonosan davit mozmanasvils, romelmac meqsikel ruis floress da yazax daulet Sabanbaevs or setsi mougo. naxevarfinalsi ki rusta uxvtitula falavans bilial maxovs urtules paeqrobasi ori setis jamsi ajoba da finalsi gavida, sadac kidev ufro gamocdil da titulian uzbek artur taimazovtan 0:1, 0:1 waago da vercxlis medali moipova. 50 kilometrze sprinterul siarulsi polonelma masiej rosievicma, romelic saqartvelos saxelit gamodioda, distancia 4 saatsi, 5 wutsa da 20 wamsi dafara da 63 monawiles Soris 44-e adgili daikava. 12 agvisto. olimpiadis bolo dres qartul yulabas mesvide medali Tavisufali stilis mowidave giorgi gog SeliZem (96 kg) SesZina. manamde otar TuSiSvilma (66 kg) pirvelive Sexvedra zaza TurmaniZe da davit xurcia datmo uzbek ixtior navruzovtan da brzolas gamoetisa. veterani mowidave setebis jamsi 0:2 damarcxda. gogseli Zem ki ubrzolvelad gaiara mervedfinaluri etapi pirveli metoqe egvipteli saleh emara xalicaze ar gamoucxadda. giorgim iolad imarjva meotxedfinalsic, sadac moldovel nikolai Cebans or setsi mougo. Tumca Semdeg moulodnelad damarcxda amerikel jekob uornertan da brinjaos finalsi gadaerto. iq 2:1 szlia uzbek kurban kurbanovs da brinjao daisakutra. am dres ramdenimesaatiani ceremoniis, britanuli popmusikis koncertis Semdeg dasrulda zafxulis 30-e olimpiuri TamaSebi. daxurvis ceremonialze qartul delegacias olimpiuri Cempioni lasa SavdaTuaSvili miuzroda. 13 agvisto. londonidan TbilisSi Camofrinda saqartvelos olimpiuri nakrebi. qartvel olimpielebs aeroportsi axloblebi da gulsematkivrebi drosebit da ovaciebit daxvdnen. aleqsandre maisuraze 15

18 LONDON 2012 oqros srulyofileba axdenili natvra: oqros siurprizi 16

19 londoni. 28 ivlisi. sagamofeno centri `eqseli~. ZiudoistTa turniri ramdenime saatis dawyebulia, magram darbazsi myof 50-mde qartveltagan tatamisken gaxedva araravis exaliseba. daaxloebit naxevari saatia, betqil Sukvanma Sexvedra dasananad waago da medlistvis brzolis realuri Sansi dakarga. dris ganrigs Cavkirkiteb. iqneb sxva qartveli sportsmenis olimpiur gamosvlasac mivuswro. gadawyvetilebac mivire da foiesi gamovedi. darbazidan gugunis xma gamovarda, gulma ar momitmina da isev Sevbrundi. somexi hovanes davtiani azerbaijanel ilgar muskievs xvdeboda. preslojisken arar wavsulvar. iqve, gulsematkivrebis tribunas mivasure da... saqartvelos nakrebis mwvrtnel giorgi vazagasvilisa da jer kidev utitulo lasa SavdaTuaSvilis gverdit armovcndi. lasas meore dres unda ewidava da gadavwyvite, cota xasiatze momeyvana: jer aravin gicnobs, Sengan did warmatebas aravin elodeba da zustad amit unda isargeblo, olimpiada yvelaze araprognozirebadi Sejibrebaa metqi. morcxvad CaiRima rac SemeZlebao... vazagasvili Semobrun da sxve bis ar vi ci da pi ra dad me magar dres velodebio. mere lasas utxra: `damijere, olimpiada gacilebit advili mosagebia, vidre parizis saertasoriso turniri. mtavaria, fsiqologiurad iyo mzad, danarceni yvelaferi gamogiva~. momavalma Cempionma mwvrtnelsac msvidad daugdo yuri da ramac yvelaze metad gamaoca, absoluturad msvidad upasuxa sanerviulo ra maqvso... amas ala lad rom am bob da, mxo lod meore dres, 29 ivliss davrwmundi londonur tatamze gasul 20 wlis karale Tel vajkacs arc patara asaki etyoboda da arc gamocdilebis nakleboba. arada, zurgs ufrosebs Soris Widaobis sul rarac rvatviani gamocdileba umagrebda. yvelaze didi siurprizi is SemarTeba iyo, romelic SavdaTuaSvilis Widaobisas askarad igrznoboda. msgavsi `civsisxlianobit~ bevri uxvtitula falavanic ver daikvexnis. qartveli axalgazrda tatamze pirvelidan bolo wamamde ise aketebda Tavis saqmes, nervic ar atokebia. sacempiono gzas lasa Cileli alexandro zunigas ZleviT Seuyva. metoqes Tavidanve mzlavrad Seutia da ori SidoTi mi Rebuli iukos upiratesobit dawinaurda, meore wutis miwuruls ki wminda gdebit moamtavra saqme. gavifiqre, CilelTan Widaoba daskvnis gamosatanad sakmarisi mainc araa metqi, magram roca gacilebit Zlieri Ziudoisti frangi david larosi damatebit drosi daaipona, masin ki davijere, rom fsiqologiurad martla mzad iyo. win ki dev uf ro di di ze wo la eloda meotxedfinalsi inglisel kolin outss daupirispirda da metoqes da agugunebul darbazs ertad ajoba, Tan isev nervebis brzolasi damatebit drosi. qartvelma Ziudoistma metoqe SeboWvaze daiwira da wmindad moigo. naxevarfinalsi SavdaTuaSvili msoflios moqmed Cempions, iaponel masasi ebinumas unda daswideboda. iqamde naxevarsaatiani Sesveneba gamocxadda da isev im tribunas mivasure, sadac wina dres vazagasvils da SavdaTuaSvils velaparake. mwvrtneli imave adgilidan adevnebda Tvalyurs Segirdis Widaobas, gverdit ki ukve nugzar tatalasvili ejda, romelic saqmesi meore dres unda CarTuliyo. vazagasvili emociebs ver malavda xom gitxari gusin, lasasi mjera metqi. am dros, Tbilisidan meurlem daureka. armocnda, rom saqartvelos televizias qartveli Ziudoistis arc erti Sexvedra ar ucvenebia. giorgim dawvrilebit mouyva, rac xdeboda da damsvidobebisas stxova, santeli daanteo. britanelebze aranaklebad xmaurobdnen iaponelebi, romelta simravlem da mxurvale gulsematkivrobamac ertxel ukve gamoiro Sedegi meotxedfinal Si mati falavani, ebinuma samxretkoreel iun ho Cos Sexvda da hanteit 1:2 waago. gulsematkivrebis protestma swrafadve gawra. msajebs mtavar samsajo magidastan uxmes, mititeba misces da ganmeorebiti hantei dainisna, romelic iaponelma ukve 3:0 moigo. 17

20 SavdaTuaSvili ebinumas Sexvedrisas, londonsi sagangebod Cayvanili qar Tveli jariskacebis xmasewyobil gulsematkivrobas yvela seqtorsi patar patara jgufebad msxdomi iaponelebis yvirili askarad faravda. cxadia, fsiqologiuri upiratesoba am mxriv ebinumas mxares iyo, magram SavdaTuaSvils es wnexi odnavadac ar anarvlebda. Cveulad, Tavdajerebulad miuyveboda oqros gzas. msoflios CempionTan Widaobisas, bevristvis moulodnelad, gaxsnili, Semtevi stili aircia, ritac mowinaarmdege gvarianad daabnia. agresiuli Seteva, cxadia, garkveul risktanac iyo dakavsirebuli, magram qartveli axalgazrda TiToeul mozraobas akontrolebda, ebinuma mudmivad presingsi hyavda da erti mcire Sansic ar miucia. momgebiani wminda gdebit ki lasam qartuli Widaobac gaabrwyina tituliani metoqe Cawolili ukugdebit dasca bewebze. cota xansi meore finalistic gamovlinda ungreli miklos ungvari, evropis 3-gzis Cempioni. cnobistvis, 2002 wels, masin, roca ungvari evropis Cempioni pirvelad gaxda, lasa SavdaTuaSvili 9 wlis iyo. `mtavaria, partersi ar gamoigonos rame, Torem sxvanairad ungvari lasas momgebi araa,~ mitxra preslojis gverdit, tribunaze mjdomma levan JorJolianma. nakrebis sxva wevrebma frtxili Sexvedra da lasas qulebit mogeba iwinaswarmetyveles. atiod wutsi qartvelebze bednieri `eqselis~ darbazsi aravin iyo. SavdaTuaSvilma olimpiuri Cempionoba Sexvedris dasawyissi arebuli iukoti moipova. qartveli Ziudoisti 66 kilogramamde woniti kategoriis monawileebs Soris yvelaze axalgazrda iyo. swored ase waradgines 20 wlis qartveli Cempioni finalissemdgom preskonferenciaze. Tavidanve umarles Sedegze fiqrobdit? ra Tqma un da, aq mxo lod war ma tebistvis Camovedi. jer kidev tatamze gasvlamde vicodi, visac ar unda Sevxvedrodi, nebismier metoqestan mosagebad vibrzolebdi. did ZiudoSi sakmaod swrafad Semoi WeriT. rogor moaxerxet es? SarSan axalgazrdebsi gavxdi msoflios Cempioni da SarSanve, noembersi gadavedi ufrosebsi. movxvdi iset adgilas, saidanac armasvlistvis yvela piroba momeca. Zlieri Semadgenlobis gverdit araerti umarlesi donis saertasoriso Sekreba gaviare. mteli am ciklit iseti kmayofili davrci, warmateba logikuric iyo. ras nis navs Tqven T vis es oq ro? udides sixaruls, romelsac, albat ufro uketesad dreebis Semdeg SevigrZnob. jer cota dabneuli var. 18

21 rodesac miklos ungvari pirvelad gaxda evropis Cempioni, 9 wlis iyavit. dres mas finalsi mouget. aseve daamarcxet ramdenime gamocdili metoqe. ris xarjze moaxerxet es yvelaferi? pirvel yovlisa, kargi momzadebis xarjze. swored am varjisebma momiyvana drevandel Sedegamde. Segnebuli mqonda, rom bolomde unda mebrzola da mizansac mivarwie. Tumca, aqve vityvi, ufrosebis turnirebsi ise uceb CaverTe, ertxans arc ki mjeroda, rom londonis licenzias movipovebdi. vis uzrvnit am gamarjvebas? yvela gulsematkivars da ra Tqma unda, Cems Tanagundelebs. pirvel yovlisa imat, vinc tatamze am dreebsi unda gavidnen. Zalian minda, rom mattvis Cemi oqro udidesi stimuli gaxdes. olimpiuri oqros mopovebidan oriod saatsi lasa SavdaTuaSvili, qartuli delegaciis wevrebi da britanetsi mcxovrebi qartvelebi londonsi qartuli saxlis gaxsnaze Seikribnen. medals TiTqmis yvela stumari Seexo. CempionTanac yvelam gadairo foto. ramdenime qartveli Jurnalisti ki, umarles olimpiur jildos jer kidev dilit miveferet, winaswari Sexvedrebis dawyebisas. preslojis gverdit brazilielebi mokalatdnen. mat Soris sara menezesic iyo Ziudoisti qalbatoni, romelmac wina dres 48 kilogramamde wonit kategoria Si moipova Cempionis tituli. oqros medalic Tan hqonda da fotos gadarebaze RimiliT dagvtanxmda. Seni wyali gadmogvsxmodeso Cailaparaka sportul JurnalistTa asociaciis prezidentma guja berisvilma. ase agixdet yvela natvra. otar marlakelize The Georgian 20-year old judoka Lasha Shavdatuashvili had only eightmonth experience of wrestling in the adult group when appeared on the tatami at the London Olympic Games on July 29, Nevertheless, the Georgian newcomer fought like a lion at the Olympics from the very first contest to the very last. He did his job successfully like a man with iron nerves. Lasha started his way to the gold Olympic medal by beating Alejandro Zuniga (Chile). He attacked the contender vigorously from the very beginning and soon advanced by Yuko point, which he gained thanks to the Golden Dream Comes True two warnings (Shido) given to his contender. Lasha finally beat the contender with Ippon on the second minute of the duel. In the second round, Shavdatuashvili beat by Ippon a much stronger contender David Larosh of France in the overtime. In the quarterfinal Lasha defeated by Ippon Colin Outs of the host British team. That duel was a war of nerves as well and only overtime revealed the winner. The acting world champion Masashi Ebinuma (Japan) was Shavdatuashvili s challenger in semifinal. The vociferous Japanese funs overcrowded tribunes and their overwhelming majority was evident. They voiced out the Georgian soldiers who were specially sent to London to support Georgian sportsmen. From this point of view, Ebinuma enjoyed a psychological advantage over his young Georgian contender. But this psychological pressure did not derail Shavdatuashvili from his confident movement to the Olympic gold. Lasha unexpectedly chose an open and aggressive style of attack and thereby confused his contender. That was a risk-bearing tactics but the Georgian judoka was controlling each of his moves during the whole wrestling. He was keeping Ebinuma under permanent pressing without giving him even a single chance to win. Lasha won over Ebinuma who was considered one of the favorites of Olympics. He beat the contender by Ippon by using the method of fling from the fund of Georgian national wrestling. The second finalist and Lasha s challenger was determined soon and he was Miklos Ungvari of Hungary, three-fold champion of Europe. When Miklos Ungvari first became champion of Europe in 2002, Shavdatuashvili was just 9 years old. Georgian judoka wrestled against the experienced contender with a customary courage. He won Yuko at the very beginning and kept this advantage up to the very end of the duel, which made him an Olympic champion. Lasha Shavdatuashvili was the youngest among the Olympic entrants in the 66kg. weight category. Otar Maglakelidze 19

22 LONDON 2012 wartmeuli oqros periodi 18 wlis indoeli amit kumari da aziis Cempioni, iaponeli SiniCi iumoto. otarsul Tanovic uproblemod mivida finalamde yvela metoqes perioddaukargavad gausworda. nanatri finalis pirveli orwuteuli ise gailia, verc ertma mowidavem ver Se Zlo qulis areba. saqme tomaridan bur Tulis amorebaze midga. msajma tomaridan rustatvis sasurveli feri amoazvrina da jamal otarsultanovma ZRveni, rara Tqma unda, Seirgo fexsi Sesvla quliani iletit daasrula. meore, gadamwyvet periodsi xincegasvilma Tavidanve dakarga qula wamierad modunda da rusi Tavisuflad SeuSva fexsi. CamorCena maleve gaqvita, roca ukve Tavad Seasrula zusti Sesvla da ileti qulit daasrula. meore mcdelobisas 3:2 dawinaurda, magram safinalo sirenamde TxuTmetiode wamit adre miutevebeli Secdoma dausva Setevis mogeriebisas sawidao wridan gavida. fre xels otarsultanovs azlevda. axalgazrda qartvelma ukanasknelad gaibr Zola da fexsi morigi vardnit mowinaarmdege iletze gadaagdo. askara iyo, olimpiuri Cempionis bedi mesame periods unda gamoevlina, magram msajma bolo gdeba absoluturad umizezod gaauqma da gamarjvebulad otarsultanovi gamoacxada. qartveli mwvrtnelebis protestis gansaxilvelad msajta magidam sul rarac naxevari wuti ikmara da `usafuzvlo presagamofeno centr `eqselis~ sawidao darbazsi gaslili xalicebi 10 agvistodan sami drit Tavisufali stilit mowidaveebs daetmot. olimpiadaze akreditebuli qartveli Jurnalistebi lamis pirvelebi mivadeqit preslojas da sasurveli adgilebic davikavet im tribunis mezoblad davsxedit, sadac qartuli sportuli delegaciis wevrebi ikribebodnen xolme. ra dasamalia, yvelaze metad swored zaza TurmaniZis Svideulis gveimedeboda da ramdenime medlis areba Sic ki darwmunebulebi viyavit. ert-erti pirveli saqmesi vladimer xincegasvili unda CarTuliyo, 21 wlis mowidave, romelic axalgazrduli asakis miuxedavad, 55 kilogram wonit kategoriasi sabuqmekero kantorebis mier olimpiuri Cempionobis ert-ert umtavres kandidatad saxeldeboda, rusetis nakrebis titulian wevrtan jamal otarsul TanovTan ertad. wilisyram ori favoriti saturniro badis sapirispiro mxareebze moaxvedra da yvelani nanatri finalis molodinsi viyavit. iq ki qartvel msubuqwonosans otarsultanovtan evropis 2011 wlis Cempionatis usamartlod wagebuli finalis gamoc hqonda angarisi gasasworebeli. winaswari Sexvedrebi logikurad warimarta. xincegasvilma satitulo Sexvedramde gzidan Camoicila egvipteli ibrahim abdelhakim mohamedi, gamocdili bulgareli radoslav marinov velikovi, 20

23 tenziistvis~ rus mowidaves kidev erti qula waumata. vladimer xincegasvili komentaristvis gamoyofil zonasi dajildovebis ceremonialis Semdeg gamocnda. daronebuli da imedgacruebuli iyo, magram oriod SekiTxvaze pasuxis gacemas mainc datanxmda. Cemi bralia. sxvas am wagebas veravis davabraleb. aseti Sansi gavusvi xelidan da Zalian mwydeba guli. konkretulad rasi idanasauleb Tavs? jobda, cota Tamamad Semetia. olimpiadaa da vfiqrobdi, riski Zvirad ar damjdomoda. zedmetad frtxilad vmoqmedebdi. msajobaze ras ityvi? verafers. iqamde saqme ar unda mimeyvana. xincegasvili-otarsultanovis dapirispirebis msajebi rom araobieqturad moiqcnen, meore dres Widaobis saertasoriso federaciam oficialurad daadastura da sanqciac gamoaqveyna: 55 kilogrami woniti kategoriis finaluri Sexvedris sami msaji: fineli perti vehvilaineni, yazaxi baxijan iaxikulovi da uzbeki toxir gulamovi londonis olimpiur xalicas CamoaSora. cota xansi ki gairkva, rom CamoTvlil sam msajtan ertad analogiuri sasjeli im msajta magidis, egret wodebuli Jiuris wevrebsac daekisrat, romlebmac videocanaweris naxvis Semdeg araswori gadawyvetileba ZalaSi datoves. damnasaveebi daisajnen, magram amit qartvelebistvis arc araferi Secvlila. otar marlakelize The stolen final On August 10, the rugs in the wrestling hall of the exhibition center Excel at the London Olympics were given to freestyle wrestlers for three days. The Georgian journalists accredited to the London Olympic Games were among the very first visitors to the press-lodge and occupied the desired places. We took seats near the tribune where the Georgian sport delegation members were usually gathering. We reasonably pinned big hopes on the seven-strong team of freestyle wrestlers coached by Zaza Turmanidze. We were sure that the Georgian team was able to win several medals. Vladimer Khinchegashvili was one of the first in the team who engaged in the contest. Despite the young age, bookmakers considered the 21-year old Georgian wrestler one of the most probable Olympic champion in the 55kg weight group along with the titled member of the Russian national team Jamal Otarsultanov. The draw slotted the two favorites in the separate groups of the contest and everybody was waiting for the final duel between them. The Georgian wrestler wanted to gain revenge for the unjustly lost final duel against Otarsultanov at the 2011 European championship. The first contests of the Georgian wrestler ended with logical victories. Before reaching the final Khinchegashvili beat Ibrahim Abdelhakim Mohamed (Egypt), Radoslav Marinov-Velikov (Bulgaria), 18-year-old Amit Kumar(India) and Shinichi Yumoto (Japan). Otarsultanov also reached the final without any problem. Neither Khinchegashvili nor Otarsultanov could score a point during the first set of the final duel and it came to drawing lots. The lot was favorable to the Russian by giving him the right to make the move first. Otarsultanov took advantage and scored a point by the trick. In the second and decisive set Khinchegashvili lost a point at the very beginning. He relaxed for a second and that was enough for the Russian to make a point-winning trick. Khinchegashvili equalized the score soon by counter trick and then advanced 3:2 by winning additional point. However, just fifteen seconds before siren he made an unforgivable mistake stepped out of the wrestling circle during repulsing the contender s attack. Draw played into the hands of Otarsultanov and knowing that Khinchegashvili managed to win a point by the trick at the last minute of the set. Therefore, the third and concluding set had to reveal Olympic champion. However, referee unreasonably annulled Khinchegashvili s trick and announced Otarsultanov winner. Next day FILA officially acknowledged partiality of the referees during the Khinchegashvili-Otarsultanov duel and sanctioned them. Three referees serving the final in the 55 kg weight category - Perti Vehvilainen (Finlad), Bakhijan Yahikulov (Kazakhstan) and Tokhir Gulamov (Uzbekistan) were stripped of the right to judge the following matches at the London Olympic Games. Shortly after this decision, FILA penalized members of the jury at the table who let the referees unfair decision stand despite watching the video record of the duel. The punishment of delinquents, however, did not change anything for the Georgian delegation, which was unfairly deprived of a golden Olympic medal. Otar Maglakelidze 21

24 LONDON 2012 davit mozmanasvili: arada, SeiZleboda Zalian Zlieri biwia. msvenier formasia da olimpiur oqros alalad imsaxurebs, es mokle komentari seulis 1988 wlis olimpiuri TamaSebis Cempions, davit gobejisvils ekutvnis. es ki nakrebis mtavari mwvrtnelis, zaza TurmaniZis sityvebia: `ra unda vtqva, brwyinvaled Widaobs da damsaxurebulad midis Cempionobisken. erti mzime Sexvedris mogeba swirdeba. es SeuZlia.~ londonur xalicaze davit mozmanasvilis mier finalamde nacvenebi srulyofili WidaobiT ara marto qartveli, ucxoeli specialistebic arfrtovanebulebi iyvnen. preslojasi mokalatebul Jurnalistebsac namdvilad gvqonda saqme saamayod. gansakutrebit Cvens garsemo msxdom rus kolegebtan `piradi duelis~ mogebis Semdeg. warmoidginet, ra xdeboda naxevarfinalisas, romelsic Cveni devkaci rusebis jilas, bilial maxovs daewida. titulebis mixedvit, favoriti, cxadia, msoflios 3-gzis Cempioni maxovi iyo, magram vinc iqamde mozmanasvilis mier Catarebuli ori Sexvedra naxa, favoritis dasaxelebisgan Tavs Seikavebda. davitma olimpiada mervedfinalit daiwyo, sadac meqsikel xose prudente ruiz floress lamis erti CasunTqviT gascda, meotxedfinalsi ki yazaxi daulet Sabanbai Camoicila, aseve uproblemod. finalsi gadasasvlel SexvedraSi, `eqselis~ sagamofeno centris sawidao 22

25 darbazsi myofi neitraluri gulsematkivrebis umetesobam saqomagod mozmanasvili aircia da unda genaxat, rogor gaixares Cvens siaxloves msxdomma frangebma pirveli periodis Semdeg Cveneburis dawinaurebit. datom gamocdil metoqes qula auro da upiratesoba ori wuti SeinarCuna. meore periodi maxovma sasurveli scenarit daiwyo mozmanasvilis xalicidan gayvanit dawinaurda, magram angarisi mxolod 20 wamit waiyvana. qartvelma mzimewonosanma sapasuxo qulit sasurveli fre daafiqsira da Zlieri mowinaarmdege repesajis finalsi gadaisrola, Tavad ki saocnebo tituls erti nabijit miuaxlovda. olimpiur oqromde ertaderti gamarjveba rceboda, magram amistvis kidev ufro tituliani metoqis, artur taimazovis Zleva iyo sawiro. uzbeketis nakrebis 33 wlis liders londonamde zedized sami olimpiadis finalsi hqonda nawidavebi wels, sidneisi vercxlis medals dasjerda, atensa (2004) da pekinsi (2008) ki olimpiuri Cempioni gaxda da britanul xalicaze zedized mesame oqros mopovebistvis ibrzoda. gadamwyvet SexvedraSi qartveli mzimewonosani ucveulod pasiurad gamoiyureboda. pirveli orwuteuli uqulod gailia, magram burtulis feri Cveneburs daujda. is iyo, meore periodze daviwyet fiqri, rom moulodnelad, datom fexsi Sesvlis upiratesoba ver gamoiyena taimazovma Tavis dacva moaxerxa da naxevari saqmis gaketebas Tan ertad, fsiqologiuri upiratesobac moipova. meore periodis Suawels uzbekma mzimewonosanma mzlavri SeteviT mozmanasvili sawidao wridan gaiyvana da am qulis wyalobit olimpiuri Cempionis mesame tituli miitvala. `simartle gitxrat, olimpiadamde mtavar konkurentad maxovs ganvixilavdi da taimazovisadmi yuradreba cota modunebuli mqonda. vfiqrobdi, daberda, sauketeso wlebi ukan darca metqi, radgan pekinis olimpiuri TamaSebis Semdeg msoflios Cempionatebze Cveulad Widaoba verar SeZlo. maxovi ki bolo xut weliwadsi samjer gaxda msoflios Cempioni da darwmunebuli viyavi, Tu londonsi mas vajobebdi, Cempionic gavxdebodi. maxovs movuge, magram... arada SeiZleboda,~ Tqva britanuli finalis Semdeg davit mozmanasvilma. otar marlakelize He could win gold He is a very strong guy and remains in a good shape. He truly deserves Olympic gold, David Gobejishvili, champion of 1988 Seoul Olympics in freestyle wrestling, said when commenting on chances of David Modzmanashvili. What can I say about him is that he wrestles brilliantly and he deserves to become a champion. It remains only one hard duel he must win and he is able to do this, Zaza Turmanidze, chief coach to Georgian national team of freestyle wrestlers, said. These praiseworthy words were about Georgian freestyle wrestler David Modzmanashvili who was gold medal hopeful in the Georgian team at the 2012 summer Olympics in London. The perfect wrestling which Modzmanashvili showed in London on his way to the final round left admired both Georgian and foreign specialists. The Georgian journalists in the press-lodge were also proud of their compatriot. We won a personal informal duel with our Russian colleagues when Modzmanashvili beat Bilial Makhov of Russia in semifinal. Judging by the number of titles, three-time world champion Makhov was an unconditional favorite in the contest with Modzmanashvili. However, those who watched Modzmanashvili s two previous duels would have refrained from naming the favorite. Modzmanashvili beat in one go Jesse Prudente Ruiz Flores (Mexico) in 1/8 final and then easily defeated Daulet Shabanbai (Kazakhstan) in ¼ final. In the semifinal Modzmanashvili wrestled against Bilial Makhov of Russia and managed to win the first set. However, Makhov gained a point and equalized the score in the second set. But in 20 seconds Modzmanashvili gained a point and ended the duel in a favorable for him draw. David sent his strong contender to Repechage and approached closer to the desired title of champion. In order to win Olympic gold Modzmanashvili had to win over the far more titled competitor. That was 33-year old Artur Taimazov, two-time Olympic champion in Athens (2004) and Beijing (2008) and silver medalist in Sydney (2000), who was fighting for the third Olympic gold in London. Unfortunately, Modzmanashvili was unusually passive in the decisive duel. The first period expired so that neither of contenders could gain a point. The lot gave David advantage to make the trick first but he could not use this chance. Taimazov managed to defend himself and gained psychological advantage. Taimazov s vigorous attack in the middle of the second period resulted in a victorious point, which brought him the third gold Olympic medal. Modzmanashvili became silver medalist but he could win the gold. Otar Maglakelidze 23

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