cwoog k ltj]bg

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1 d:of}bf g]kfn b"/;+rf/ k flws/0f International Call Bypass / Interconnection Regime cwoog k ltj]bg

2 ;f/+f+z Call Bypass / International call Termination Pj+ Interconnection Regime sf ljifodf of] cwoog s]lgb t 5. b]z ljb]zsf b"/;~rf/ ;]jfsf] dx;"n, cgt/cfj4tf z'ns / sn kf; ug{ cfjzos k"jf{wf/df ;j} cg'dlt k fkt ;]jf k bfosx?nfo{{ x'g] kx"+rsf] cwoog ul/psf] 5. k flws/0fn] xfn ;Dd cgt/f{li6 o snsf lgldq cgt/c{fj4tf lgodg gu/]sf] x'gfn] d'vo cg'dlt k fkt ;]jf k bfosx?n] cfîgf cgt/fli6«o cfudg snsf dx;"n b/x? ;d;fdlos gjgfpg], ctolws cgt/cfj4tf z'ns lng] / cfkmgf k"jf{wf/df cgo ;]jf k bfosx?nfo{{ clt Go"g dfq kx"+r pknjw u/fpg] u/]sf] k :t't cwoogaf6 b]lvg5. ljlwjt?kdf g]kfnjf6 ljb]z sn ubf{ egbf ljb]zjf6 g]kfndf sn ubf{ nfug] dx;"n s}of}= u'0ff j9l epsf] kfopsf] 5. pbfx/0fsf nflu jflx/ sn ubf{ ;j} lsl;dsf s/x? ;lxt ubf{ klg j f]8 ln+sjf6?=!. k lt ldg]6 / g]kfn 6]lnsdjf6 cd]l/sf kmf]g ubf{?=$. k lt ldg]6 egbf sd nfub5. t/ jflx/jf6 To:t} lsl;dsf] sn g]kfndf ubf{?=!#. k lt ldg]6 egbf klg j9l nfub5. of] l:yltn] ubf{ klg sn jfokf;nfo{{ ;xof]u k'u]sf] b]lvg5. ctm sn jfokf; lgogq0f ug{ k zfzlgs sf/jfxlsf ;fy} k flws/0fn] cgt/f{li6o snsf lgldq pko'qm cgt/cfj4tf k2lt -cyf{t cgt/cfj4tf z'ns cgo b]zdf h:t} 36fpg] / sn ;lhn};+u kf; x'g ;Sg] l:ylt_ nfu' ug{ cfjzos epsf] 5. o;sf lgldq xfn ljbdfg cgt/{fli6 o cfudg snsf lgldq ;]jf k bfosx?n] cfkm'x? ljr to u/]sf] cgt/cfj4tf z'ns?= %. k lt ldg]6jf6 ttsfn 36fO{ &@ k};f k lt ldg6 sfod ug{ / Point of Intecronnection (POI) congestion xfnsf] $^ % jf6 36fO # % df gj9g] Joj:yf ug{ cfjzos b]lvpsf] 5. of] Joj:yf nfu' ubf{ cgt/f{li6 o snsf lgldq xfnsf]?= %. sf] ; fdf s]jn &@ k};f dfq ylkg] 5 / cgt/f{li6o sn Termiantion z'ns k flws/0fjf6 l:js[t cgb]{zlo cgtcf{j4tf z'ns ;lxt ubf{ klg *^ k};f b]lv j9ldf?=!=%^. k lt ldg]6df emg]{ 5. of] b/ ;/b/df sn jfokf; u/fpg] JolQmn] l;dsf8{ jf kmf]g nfo{g pkof]u ubf{ nfug] vr{s} xf/fxf/ldf x'g]5. kmn:j?k sn jfokf;df sdl cfpg'sf ;fy} ljb]zjf6 g]kfn cfpg] ;j} snx? ;:tf] x'g] dfq} xf]og j}wflgs tl/sfn] cfpg] x'gfn] snx? u'0f:t/lo x'g] / ;lhn};+u ;Dks{ :yfkgf x'g] x'g5. ;:tf] / u'0f:t/lo ep kl5 / sn jfokf; sd ep kl5 cg'dlt kq k fkt ;]jf k bfosx?jf6 cfpg] snsf] ;+Vof ctolws j9g] 5 / ;]jf k bfossf] cfo / /fh:j klg :jtm j[l4 x'g] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsg5. 1

3 != k[i7d"le cglws[t?kdf cgt/fli6«o 6]lnkmf]g snx? ljb]zjf6 -OG6/g]6 ;+hfn dfkm{t_ g]kfn leq\ofo{ cg'dltkq k fkt ;+:yfx?sf] cgt/fli6«o u]6 j] 5nL :yfglo tj/n] pglx?sf] g]6j{sdf sn k j]z u/fo{ u fxs;dd k'/fpg] k lqmofnfo{ sn afokf; egb5g. tl sn leqofpg] u}/ sfg"gl JolQm jf OsfOnfO{ cg'dlt k fkt ;]jfk bfos]f ;+hfn;+u sn 6ld{g];gsf nflu ljlwjt cgt/cfj4tf (Interconnection) lbopsf] x'b}g. pqm ;+hfndf k j]z ug{ ;]jf k bfosjf6 ;j{;fwf/0f u fxssf lgldq ljtl/t 6]lnkmf]g jf l;d sf8{ k of]u ul/psf] x'g5. ljb]zjf6 ;D+ks{sf nflu nlift u fxsnfo{{ To:tf 6]lnkmf]g jf l;dsf8{jf6 8fon u/l ljb]zjf6 cfpsf sn :yfglo gdj/jf6 cfpsf sn ;/x tl u fxs;dd k'/fpg] ub{5g. o:tf] k lqmofn] /fhonfo{{ k fkt x'g] /fh:j / ;]jf k bfossf] cfodf k lts"n k efj kg{'sf] ;fy} snsf]] u'0f:t/df x f; x'g], ljb]zaf6 cfpg] sndf cj/f]w x'g] / g]kfndf km\ofs; cfpg ;d]t sl7gfo x'g] u/]sf] kfopsf] 5. o;/l 6]lnkmf]g cfpbf 6]lnkmf]g ug]{ u fxssf] kl/ro gv'ng] x'gfn] ck/flws s[ofsnfkdf ;xof]u x'g] u/]sf] ;d]t kfopsf] 5. ctm ljb]zjf6 cfpg] snx? cg'dlt k fkt ;+:yf dfkm{t dfq cfpg] u/l sn jfokf; /f]sg ctofjzos epsf] 5. o;sf] nflu k x/lsf] ;xof]udf lgoldt lgl/if0 u/l, bf]ifl kqf nufo sf/jfxl ug]{, OG6g]{6 tyf l;dsf8{ ljt/0f tyf ;+rfng cem Joj\l:yt / k efjsf/l u/fpg] sfo{ e} /x]sf 5g. o:tf k zf;lgs tyf Joj:yfksLo ;'wf/ sfo{sf] cnfjf glltut Joj:yf ug{ ;d]t cfjzos epsf] 5. cgt/f{li6 o sn jfo kf; / cgtcf{j4tf kblt (Interconnection Regime) sf] cgt;{djwsf] klxrfg u/l o; If]qdf cfjzos / s] s:tf 7f]; Joj:yf s;/l nfu' ug{ pko'qm xg5 ;f] ;DjGwdf of] cwoog ul/psf] 5. sn jfokf;sf cfwf/ sn jfokf; d"ntm cfly{s k nf]eg, k fljlws pknjwtf / ;xhtfsf sf/0f ;+ej epsf] b]lvg5. ol kifx?sf] ljj]rgf b]xfo jdf]lhd k :t't ul/psf]m s_ cfly{s kifm cg'dlt k fkt ;+:yfn] /f]on6l, u fld0f ljsf;sf]ifdf lglzrt /sd hddf ug'{ kg]{ bflotj ljlegg k sf/sf s/x? /fhonfo{ a'emfpg' kg]{ t/ u}/ sfg"gl Joj;fodf ;+nug JolQmn] To:tf s/x? 5Ng ;lsg] x'bf+ snjfokf; u}/sfg"gl sfo{ ug]{sf nflu cfsif{s x'g] s'/f lglzrt g} b]lvg5. ;f] jfx]s cgo b]zsf t'ngfdf g]kfndf b"/;~rf/ ;]jfsf dx;"n b/df epsf] ;++/rgfut leggtfn] klg of] Joj;fonfO{ cfsif{s jgfpsf] 5. ljb]zjf6 Originate epsf sn g]kfndf Terminate u/fpbf / g]kfnjf6 Originate epsf sn ljb]zdf k7fpbf g]kfn / cgo d'n'ssf ;]jf k bfos ljr s] s:tf] b/ /]6df sn pbud x'g] ;]jf k bfosn] sn u x0f ug]{ ;]jf k bfosnfo{{ e'qmfgl ug]{ egg] ;+emf}tf epsf] x'g5. tl ;j} tyof+s k flws/0fn] /fvg] u/]sf] 5}g. t/ klg j}wflgs tl/sfn] sn leqfpbf nfug] vr{ egbf sn jfo 2

4 kf;jf6 sn leqfpbf nfug] vr{ w]/} u'0ff sd x'g' sn jfokf;sf] csf]{ k d'v cfly{s kmfobfsf] sf/0f epsf] s'/f ;xh cg'dfg ug{ ;lsg5. of] s'/f j'emg snsf] dx;"n b/ x]/f}m k flws/0fjf6 l:js[t b]z leq pbud x'g] snsf] dx;"n b/ tnsf] tflnsf! df b]vfopsf] 5. Tfflnsf! sf] j'+bf! df b]vfopsf] Go"g b/ Pp6} ;]jf k bfossf] ;+hfn leq x'g] snsf nflu xf] eg] prr b/ b'o{ j]unf j]un} ;]jf k bfossf] ;+hfnljrsf] snsf lgldq nfu' x'g] b//]6 xf]. cgt/ ;+hfn snsf lgldq snsf] kxn x'[g] ;+hfn epsf] ;]jf k bfosn] pqm dx;"nsf] s]xl lx:;f sn u x0f ug]{ ;+hfnsf] ;]jf k bfosnfo{{ cgt/cfj4tf z'ns (Interconnection Usage Charge IUC) sf?kdf j'emfpg' kb{5. To;} sf/0fn] cgt/ ;+hfn sn Pp6} ;+hfn leq x'g] snsf] dx;"n egbf j9l x'g5. cgtb]{zlo cgt/cfj4tf z'nssf] clwstd b/ k lws/0fn] tf]s]sf] 5 h'g tnsf] df b]vfopsf] 5. tflnsf!m u fxsjf6 e'qmfgl ul/g] 6]lnkmf]g snsf] dx;"n -s/ jfx]s_ snsf] lsl;d OsfO Dx;"n b/?=! b]z leq x'g] snsf] dxz"n!=! :yfglo sn k ltsn!!=@ Dff]jfOn k lt ldg6 )=%% ;Dd!=# cgtb]{zlo sn k lt ldg6! b]lv # Dfly ;j}sf] cf}ift k lt ldg6!=%) cgt/ ;+hfn x'g] snsf] dx;"n cfkmg]f ;+hfn leq x'g] snsf] dfly tflnsf! df pnn]lvt b//]6df cgtcf{j4tf z'ns ;d]t hf]8bf x'g cfpg] /sd egbf j9l gx'g] u/l dfq ;]jf k bfosn] u fxsjf6 dx;"n p7fpg kfp5. pqm tflnsf df b]vfopsf] cgtb]{zlo snsf] u fxs z'nsdf of] cgtcf{j4tf z'ns ;d]t ;dfj]z 5. cgt/cfj4tf z'ns k lt ldg]6 -s/ jfx]s_ cgtb]{lzo snsf] lsl;d z'ns k lt ldg]6! :yfglo sn, lnld6]8 df]jfondf sn x:tfgt/0f (Termination)!$ k};f b]lv #$ k};f ;Dd -Nffdf] b"/lsf snsf] oxl jfxg z'ns (Carriage Charge) Dff]jfOn sn x:tf/gt/0f / jxg b'j}sf] z'ns %$ k};f -h'g ;'s} b"/ldf ep klg_ # Nffdf] b"/lsf snsf] jfxg z'ns (Carriage Charge) $* k};f b]lv %) k};f ;Dd 3

5 Dfflysf tyof+sn] s] b]vfp5 eg] cgtb{]zlo snsf lgldq cg';f/ sn leqofpg] ;]jf k bfosn] k To]s snsf lgldq k lt ldg]6!$ k};f b]lv j9ldf *$ k};f 1 ;Dd dfq kfp5. cgt/fli6«o snsf] dxz"n g]kfnjf6 pbud x'g] cgt/f{li6 o snsf] dx;"n cg';"lr! df ;+nug ul/psf] 5. To;sf] s]xl c+z b]xfosf] tflnsf # df b]vfopsf]5. tflnsf #M g]kfndf pbud x'g] cgt/fli6«o sn dx;'n -s/ jfx]s_ snsf] lsl;d OsfO Go"gtd Dffg?=! g]kfn 6]lnsdjf6 ef/t, l;+ufk'/, x+us+u rlg k lt ldg6 # o"l6pn jf6 ef/t k lt ldg6 a f]8 ln+s ISP jf6 OG6g]{6 6]lnkmf]GlL k lt ldg6 )=** ef/t nufot!% b]z, -k j4{gftds dx;"n_ -)=(( s/ ;lxt_ Dffly pnn]lvt dx;"ndf ljb]zl ;]jf k bfosnfo{ ltg'{ kg]{ jfxg (Carriage) / Termination b'j} z'ns ;d]t :jtm ;dfj]z x'+bf klg k lt ldg]6 s]jn ** k};f b]lv?= #. ;Dd dfq 5. ljb]zjf6 g]kfn cfpg] snsf] dx;"n b/ slt 5, ;f] yfxf kfpg sl7g 5m. t/ sdko"6/jf6 OG6/g]6 6lnkmf]gL ;]jf k bfg ug]{ nf]sk Lo kf]6{nx? u'[un, :sfok / ofx"jf6 ljlegg b]zdf sn ubf{ nfug] dx;"n b/ - tflnsf $_ n] s]xl cgt/fli6«o 6]lnkmf]g ;]jfsf] dx;"n b/sf] kof{kt ;+s]t kfpg ;lsg5. Tfflnsf # / $ t'ngf u/l x]bf{ lgdg b'o{ s'/f :ki6 b]lvg5gm s g]kfnjf6 g]kfnl ;]jf k bfosx? Dffkm{t jflx/ sn ubf{ dx;"n b/?=#. k lt ldg]6 5 - tflnsf #_, t/ jflx/jf6 g]kfndf sn ubf{ k lt ldg]6?=!). egbf j9l nfug] b]lvg5 - tflnsf $, j'bf g+= ^_. v ljslzt b]zdf sn ug{?=@. k lt ldg]6 egbf sd ep k'ub5 eg] g]kfn nufot clwsf+z ljsf;f]gd'v b]zdf sn ubf{ cf}iftdf k lt ldg]6?=!#. egbf j9l nfug] u/]sf] 5. p:t} k ljlw k of]u x'g] ep klg dx;"ndf o:tf] ljzfn leggtf x'g' kg]{ k fljlws sf/0f 5}g / klg b]xfosf cfly{s sf/0fn] of] leggtf epsf] b]lvg5m 1 j9ldf #$ k};f sn u x0fsf nflu / nfdf] b"/l;dd sn kf; ug{ cfjzos x'bf %) k};f ;Dd jfxg vr{ u/l s'n *$ k};f 4

6 s_ ljsf;f]gd'v b]zdf cgt/fli6«o cgt/cfj4tf z'ns clws x'g], h;n] ubf{ jflx/jf6 ol b]zdf sn ubf{ Toxf+ cjl:yt ;]jf k bfosnfo{{ Hofb} w]/} z'ns j'emfpg[' kb{5, h;n] ubf{ pqm z'ns egbf dxz'n pnn]vo?kdf j9l x'g kb{5. xfn g]kfndf ;]jf k bfosx?n] cf}iftdf k lt ldg6?= %. 2 egbf j9l cgt/cfj4tf z'ns lng] ub{5g. o;}sf sf/0f jflx/jf6 x'g] snsf] dx;"n ;f] egbf j9l x'g} kg]{ b]lvg5. tflnsf $ OG6g]{6 6]lnkmf]gLsf Go"gtd dxz'n b/x?, g]=?=k lt ldg]6 -;j} k sf/sf s/ ;lxt_ -;DalGwt j]e;fo6af6 ldlt!$ km]a df lnpsf]_ l;=g+= b]z u'un :sfokl ofx" g]kfn 6]lnsd SIP kmf]g 1 ckmufg:tfg a+unfb]z e'6fg ef/t dflnbe; g]kfn (=($* 7 kfls:tfg >L n+sf ;]g]un OG8f]g]lzof yfonof rlg hfkfg c:6]«lnof Go"hNof cd]l/sf / Sofg8f !& $=$& #=&^!* ;fs{ cf}ift * of] dx;"n b/ g]kfn 6]lnsdn] cfkmgf u fxsnfo jflx/jf6 sn ug{ dfq pknjw u/fpsf] 5. c? ;]jf k bfossf u fxsnfo{ sn ubf{ o;df?=%. ykl k lt ldg]6?=!%. lng] cg'dfg 5. dflysf b/! cd]l/sl 8n/ j/fj/?= &!. sf cfwf/df lx;fj ul/psf x'g 2 g]kfndf xfn ;]jf k bfosx?n] cgt/{fli6o cgtc{fj4tf z'ns?=$=%). b]lv?=%=%). cyf{t cf}iftdf?= %. k lt ldg]6 lng] u/]sf 5g. 5

7 3 v_ ljsl;t d'n'sdf cgt/cfj4tf z'ns sd M ljsl;t d'n'sx?n] k lt:kwf{sf sf/0f d'ns jflx/ ul/g] snsf lgldq dx;"n sd /fvb5g. ljslzt b]zdf cgt/cfj4tf z'ns sd x'g] x'gfn] sd dx;"n /fvg ;Dej x'g5. To;df klg cfîgf] d'gfkmf sd /fv]/ d"no lgwf{/0f ub{5g. sn jfokf; ubf{ To:tf] sn u/fpg] JolQmn] tflnsf! df b]vfop h:t} cfd u fxsn] ltg]{ ;/x cyf{t s/ jfx]s?=!. k ltsn jf k lt ldg]6 b]lv =%% k};f b]lv j9ldf?=#. -sn sf] k s[lt x]/l_ g]kfnsf ;]jf k bfosnfo{{ lt/] k'ub5. clwsf+z sn jfokf;jf6 cfpg] sn sf7df08f} leq x'g] / Tof] klg df]jfondf x'g] x'gfn] sn jfokf; ubf{ To:tf] sn jfokf; u/fpg] JolQmn] g]kfnsf] cg'dlt k fkt ;]jf k bfosnfo{ cfd u fxs ;/x cf}iftdf?=!=%). 3 k lt ldg]6 -s/ jfx]s_ ltg]{ ub{5. cg'dlt kq k fkt ;+:yf dfkm{t sn kf; ug]{ xf] eg] cf};tdf k lt ldg]6?=%. egbf j9l :yfglo ;]jf k bfosnfo{ ltg'{ kg]{ x'g5. of] leggtfn] ubf{ sn jfokf;sf lgldq cfly{s kmfobfsf] cfwf/ epsf] k'li6 x'g5. w]/} h;f] b]zdf o:tf] cgt/cfj4tf z'ns Tolt w]/} x'b}g. k/f]if?kdf of] s'/fsf] k'i6l ug{ g]kfnjf6 jflx/ hfg] snsf] dx;"nsf] ljzn]if0f u/f} M pbfx/0fsf nflu g]kfnjf6 ef/tdf x'g] snnfo{ g} lnp+. k lt ldg6 dx;"n?= )=*) -j f]8 ln+s, s/ jfx]ssf] b/_ jf?= #. -g]kfn 6]lnsd, o"=l6=pn_ =x'g5 / oxl dx;"nsf] s]xl v08, cyf{t cgt/cfj4tf / u fxs;dd k'/fpg] vr{sf?kdf ef/tlo ;]jf k bfosn] kfp5g eg] af sl g]kfnl ;]jf k bfosn] /fvb5g To;}n] ef/tdf cgtcf{j4tf z'ns sd epsf] x'gfn] dfq olt sd dx;"ndf sn u/fpg ;+ej epsf] xf]. h'g b]zdf cgt/cfj4tf z'ns sd x'g5, To:tf b]zdf sn jfokf;sf] ;d:of Hofb} sd x'g5. s'g} b]zjf6 csf]{ b]zdf sn ubf{ nfug] z'ns sdtldf klg b'o{ ;]jf k bfos ljr, cyf{t sn k7fpg] / sn u x0f jf cgto ug]{ ;]jf k bfosx? alr afl8g5. b'o{ b]zsf ;]jf k bfos dwo] s;n] slt c+z /fvb5, of] ;]jf k bfosx? ljr cfk;l ;xdltn] to x'g] ljifo xf]. efu j/fj/ dfgg] xf] eg] sn u x0f / cgto ug]{ ;]jf k bfosn] %) / %) k ltzt kfp5g. ctm o; cfwf/df x]g]{ xf] eg] cgt/cfj4tf / sn cgto ug{sf nflu s'n dx;"nsf] cfwf vr{ x'g5 eg]/ dfgg ;lsg5. To; sf/0f h'g b]zsf] u fxsnfo{{ sn ubf{ sd dx;"n nfub5, Tof] b]zdf cjzo klg cgt/c{fj4tf z'ns ToxL cg['kftdf sd x'g5. Tflnsf $ sf] qm=;+!@ b]lv qm=;=!^ ;Ddsf b]zdf sn ug{ clt ;:t]f 5. tl b]zx?df sn jfokf; k fo gugo 5. lsgls tl b]zdf cgt/cfj4tf tyf sn cgto ug{ clt sd -u'unjf6 xf] eg] dx;"nsf] cg'dflgt cfwf v08 cyf{t &! k};f dfq_ 5. Dffly tflnsf $ df b]vfp h:t} g]kfn, ;]g]un, dflnbe;df sn ug{ clt dxuf] 5, ctm Toxf+ cgtcf{j4tf z'ns lgzro klg j9l 5. kl/0ffd, sn jfokf; k r"/ dfqfdf x'g] ;+efjgf x'g5.k flws/0fsf sd{rf/lx? dflnbe; / ;]g]unsf] e d0fdf /x+bf u/]sf] cg'ejn] klg oxl s'/fsf]] k'li6 u/]sf] 5. Tflnsf! sf ljlegg dx;"n b/x?sf] cf}kt 6

8 u_ ljb]zjf6 sn Nofpg ;xhtfm cgt/fli6«o ;]jfsf] cg'dlt kq k fkt ;+:yfx?n] cfkm"n] g]kfn NofPsf] sn csf]{ ;]jf k bfossf] ;+hfndf k j]z u/fpg w]/} z'ns lng] dfq xf]og, snsf] 7"nf] lx:;fnfo{{ t k j]z g} lgif]w u/]sf] klg kfops]f 5. cfjzostf egbf sd cgtcf{j4tf ;ls{6 /fvbf ;ls{6 Jo:ttfsf sf/0f sltko sn lgif]w x'g k'ub5g. slt k ltzt sn c;kmn x'g5g, ;]f ;+VofnfO{ ;ls{6 sgh];g (Circuit Congestion) egg] ul/g5. Pg-;]n / g]kfn 6]lnsd ljr cgt/{fi6«o snsf nflu /flvpsf ;ls{6df Jo:t ;dodf (@ 4 % / cf}iftdf $^ % ;Dd ;ls{6 sgh];g x'g] u/]sf] kfopsf] 5,. of] cj:yf eg]sf] Jo:t ;dodf k To]s!@ sn dwo] Pp6f sn / sn dwo]! sn dfq ;kmn x'g5g eg] jf+sl ;j} sn c;kmn x'[g5g. t/ sn jfokf; ubf{ ;]jf k bfossf] kmf]g jf l;dsf8{ k ofu x'g] x'gfn] of] ;d:of w]/} sd x'g5. ctm sn jfokf;jf6 sn kf; u/fpg ;xh klg 5 / cfd u fxssfnflu o;n] ;d:of xf]og ;xhtf k bfg u/]s]f h:tf] b]lvg5. dflysf pbfx/0fjf6 s] :ki6 x'g5 eg] cgt/f{li6 o ;]jf ;+rfng ug]{ cg'dlt k fkt ;]jf k bfosx?n] cfkm"n] ljb]zjf6 leqofpsf] sn cgo ;]jf k bfossf] ;+hfndf e/;s gk7fpg] / k7fo xfn] klg clws z'ns lng] cj:yfn] snokf;nfo{ ;xof]u ;d]t k'u]sf] 5. # cgtcf{j4tf z'ns (Interconnection Usage Charge IUC) lgodgm cgtcfj4tf z'nsdf o:tf] ljifdtf lsg t < xfn;dd k flws/0fn] cgtb]{zlo snsf] nflu dfq cgt/cfj4tf z'ns lgodg ug{ ] u/]sf] ljifo dfly pnn]v eps} 5. t/ cgt/fli6«o snsf lgldq eg] k flws/0fn] vf;} lgodg u/]sf] 5}g. ljzj a}+ssf] ;xof]udf lgo'qm k/fdz{bftf (Spectrum Strategy Consultants) n] ldlt df lbpsf] k ltj]bg (NTA-2, Consulting Services for Tariff and Interconnection Regime) sf] cfwf/df g]kfn b"/;~rf/ k flws/0fsf] ut]sf] lg0f{ofg';f/ hf/l ul/psf] gof Interconnection Guidelines, 2065 ut] b]lv nfu" ug]{ u/l :jls[t ul/psf] lyof]. k/fdz{bftfsf] k ltj]bgdf "International Termination" sf] b/ qmlds?kn] 36fpb} nul sf] nflu NRs k lt ldg]6 ug]{ k :tfj klg u/]sf] lyof]. tyflk k :tfljt ;j} cgt/cfj4tf Joj:yfdf ljdlt hgfo /x]sf ;]jf k bfosx? Jff6 "g]kfn jflx/jf6 g]kfn cfpg] snsf] dxz"nn] g]kfnnfo{ k ToIf k efj gkfg]{ t/ of] Joj:yf nfu' ub{f g]kfnsf ;]jf k bfosx?sf] cfodf k lts"n c;/ kg]{" egg] lhls/nfo{ Wofgdf /fvl ttsfnsf nflu ;]jf k bfosx?sf] 4 g]kfn 6]lnsdjf6 k fkt hfgsf/l cg';f/ Answer seizure Ratio (ASR) s]jn & * k ltzt dfq epsf] hfgsf/l kfopsf] 5. cf}iftdf Point of Interconnection cyf{t POI ljgb'df $^ k ltzt ;ls{6 sgh];g epsf] kfopsf] 5. 7

9 cg'/f]wdf International (IUC) afx]s cgo a'bf x? dfq nfu" u/fopsf] lyof]. kmng xfn;dd g]kfn b"/;~rf/ k flws/0fn] International call sf] sf ;DaGwdf lgodg ug]{ u/]sf] 5}g. International Call Teermination sf] IUC lgodg gx'bf g]kfnsf ;]jf k bfosn] cgt/fli6«o jhf/sf] d"nof+sg u/l cfkmgf b/ /]6 36fpg] gu/]sf] x'gfn] ljb]zl ;]jf k bfosx?n] g]kfndf ;:tf] b/df sn leqofpg] JolQm vf]hl ug]{ / To;f] ubf{ cj}w?kdf sn leq\ofpg] JolQm vf]hg] x'bf sn jfokf;n] k >o kfpg] u/]sf] xf]. To; sf/0f of] cj:yfn] g]kfndf cgt/f{li6 o b"/;~rf/ ;]jfsf] If]qdf sn jfokf; h:tf ljs[tlnfo{ k >o ldn]sf]n] cgtcf{j4tf z'ns (Interconnection Usage Charge - IUC) / cgtcf{j4tf ljgb' (Point of Interconnection POI) df x'g] Circuit Congestion lgodg ug{ ca h?/l e};s]sf] b]lvg5 $ International Call pko'qm b/sf] klxrfgm Kf fljlws b[li6sf]0fn] :yfglo ;]jf k bfossf] PS;r]Ghdf sn 6ld{g]zg u/fp+bf nfug] vr{ :yfglo, df]jfon, cgb]{zlo jf cgt/fli6«o s'g} klg k sf/sf 6ld{g]zg alr s'g} leggtf x'g'kg]{ sf/0f 5}g. b]zsf s'g} b'o ;]jf k bfos ljr cgt/fli6«o sn x:tfgt/0f j/fj/ x'g] cj:yfdf hlt cgt/cfj4tf z'ns /fv] klg Ps ;]jf k bfosn] csf{]nfo{ ltg{' kg]{ s"n /sddf vf; c;/ kb}{g, lsgls ;dfg lsl;dsf ;]jf k bfosx? ljr l;4fgttm b'[j} lt/ hfg] cfpg] sn j/fj/ x'g] x'gfn] k To]sn] Ps csf{;+u lng' / lbg' kg]{ /sd j/fj/ x'g5 / Psn] csf]{nfo{ j'emfpg' kg]{ /sd z"go x'g5. t/ z'ns prr x'bf u fxsnfo{ clws ef/ kg]{ / ;]jf k bfosnfo{{ ljgf cfwf/ clws nfe x'g] ub{5. k/dk/fut?kdf cgt/fli6«o sn 6ld{g]zgsf] rfh{ cgo 6ld{g]zg egbf w]/} /fvg] Jojxf/sf sf/0f w]/} b]zdf of] cj:yf cem klg ljbdfg 5. t/ of] leggtf qmdzm 36L /x]sf] 5 / sltko b]zdf t z"go k fo x'b}+5. pbfx/0fsf nflu ef/tdf cgtcf{j4tf tyf sn u fxs;dd k'/fpg b'j} k of]hgsf nflu International Call Termination charge g]=?=)=$* k ltldg]6 dfq 5. g]kfnsf] nflu cgt/fli6«o k/fdz{bftfn] b]lv ;Dd cgtcfj4tf ljgb' ;Ddsf nflu b]xfo adf]lhd sf] z'ns k :tfj u/]sf] lyof]m Proposed International Termination Charge (ITC) Rs minute rate for international termination to POI ltj ultdf 36b} u/]sf o:tf tyof+sx?sf] k j[tl-/]vf (Trend Line) nfo{{ lj:tf/ u/l xfn cyf{t ;Ddsf nflu ljlegg k2tlaf6 ul/psf] k If]k0f tn k :t't ul/psf] 5. 8

10 Rs/Min IUC International (calculated and Forcasted) Year Extrapolation Functions y = e x y = Ln(x) y = x IUC as per report Expon. (IUC as per report) Log. (IUC as per report) Power (IUC as per report) pnn]lvt tlg k If]k0f (Exponential, Logarithmic and Power) dwo] ;aegbf a9l e/kbf]{ b]lvpsf] (Maximum Correlation sf b[li6sf]0fn]) Exponential k If]k0f cg';f/ sf nlfu of] z'ns &@ k};f k lt ldg]6 dfq x'g cfp5. :yfglo sn 6ld{g]zgsf] cf}ift b/ 5 egbf of] b/ $!% dfq a9l x'g5 / of] leggtf l5d]sl b]z ef/ts} xf/fxf/ldf 6 5. t/ of] b/ sfod ubf{ klg ljb]zjf6 cfpg] snsf lgldq b]zsf ;]jf k bfosn] kfpg] s"n dx;"n b/ *^ k};f b]lv!=%^7 x'g cfp5. ctm ljb]zjf6 g]kfn sn ubf{ nfug] Go"gtd dx;"n o;sf] s/lj b]fjj/ cyjf?=!=&@ b]lv?= #=!@ k lt ldg]6 x'g cfpg] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsg5. tflnsf $ ;+u t'ngf ubf{ of] c+s em08} em08} cgt/fli6«o dfkb08 (Best Practice Bench Mark) s} glhs klg b]lvg5. 5 of] b/ df b]vfopsf] 5. sn sf lsl;dsf ef/ (Weightage) km/s km/s x'gfn] ol ;j}sf] cf}ift lgsfnbf sl/j %! k};f k lt ldg]6 x'g cfp5. 6 Eff/tdf :yfglo sn 6ld{g]zg -#@ k};f k ltldg]6_ egbf of] cgt/fli6«o sn 6ld{g]zgsf] dx;"n b/ -$* k};f k ltldg]6_ %) % n] dfq a9l 5. 7 cgtc{fj4tf z'ns, jfxg z'ns, / Termination z'ns kl5nnf b'o z'ns tflnsf 9

11 % prr International Call sf ;DaGwdf JoQm x'g] s]xl e dx? M -s_ sn 6ld{g]zg z'ns prr epdf ;/sf/nfo{ { /fh:j a9l cfp5. of] egfodf ;Totf 5}g. 6ld{g]zg rfh{ w]/} x'gfn] ljb]zaf6 cfpg] sn dx+uf] eo{ ljlwjt?kn] cfpg] sn 36g] t/ sn jfokf; j9l x'g] l:ylt x'g5. ctm b/ w]/} ep klg sn ;+Vof sdl x'g uo{ /fh:jdf sdl x'g5. j? ;:tf] epdf ljlwjt?kdf cfpg] sn ;+Vof a[l4 eo{ /fh:j j[l4 x'g] ;+efjgf /xg5. -v_ ;]jf k bfossf] cfo 36\b5. o; egfodf klg ;Totf 5}g lsgls dxz'n b/ 36]df cg'dlt k fkt ;]jf k bfossf] ;~hfndf j9l snx? lelqg] x'+bf z'?df cfodf s]xl sdl ep klg sfnfgt/df ;]jf k bfossf] cfodf clws a[l4 x'g hfg5. pnn]lvt b'j} ldys z"go of]usf] v]n (Zero Sum Game ) amf] dfgl;stfdf cfwfl/t 5g. -u_ sn jfokf; u/fpg]sf] vr{ klg ;]jf k bfoss} hlt g} x'g5,! o;sf] ;Totf gepsf] s'/f t dfly ul/;lspsf]n] oxf yk ljj]rgf ul/psf] 5}g. -3_ jflx/jf6 cfpg] snsf] dx;"n prr epdf g]kfn / g]kfnlnfo{ vf; c;/ kb}{g! of] egfodf klg ;Totf 5}g. w]/} g]kfnlx? cfhsn ljb]zl >d jhf/df sfo{/t 5g. ltglx?n] ljb]zjf6 g]kfndf cfkmgf kl/jf/nfo{{ kmf]g ubf{ w]/} dx;"n Tof] klg ljb]zl ;+:yfnfo{ j'emfpg' kb{5, h;n] ubf{ g]kfn cfpg] /]ld6]g;df gsf/ftds k efj kb{5. o;sf] k ToIf gsf/ftds c;/ tl g]kfnl kl/jf/df dfq} xf]og, g]kfnsf] ;f]wgfgt/ l:yltdf ;d]t kb{5. -8=_ g]kfnsf] b"/;+rf/ jhf/ :ofgf] epsf]n] cgo b]zsf] dx;"n b/;+u t'ngf ug{ ldnb}g! of] egfosf] s'g} cfwf/ 5}g. g]kfnjf6 jflx/ hfg] snsf] dx;"n sd x'g ;Sg] t/ g]kfn cfpg] snsf] dx;"n b/ prr x'g s'g} cfwf/ 5}g. sf7df08f} jf6 SjfnfnDk'/ hfg] xjfo hxfhsf] ef8f egbf SjfnfnDk'/jf6 cfpg] xjfo hxfhsf]] ef8f j9l x'g ;S5 egg] egfosf] s'g} t's gep h:t} xf] of] egfo klg. ^= cgt/f{li6 o cgt/cf{j4tf Joj:yfsf] l;kmfl/zm sn jfokf;nfo{ lgogq0f ug{ / ljb]zjf6 cfpg] sn gnfug], cfudg snsf] Go"g u'0f:t/ Pj+ kmofs; k7fpg sl7g x'g] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu b]xfo jdf]lhd ug{ pko'qm b]lvg5. 10

12 ^=! cgtcf{j4tf z'ns 36fpg]M sn k j]z ubf{ nfug] cgt/cfj4tf z'ns sfnfgt/df z"go jgfpg] u/l xfnnfo{ of] z'ns clwstd &@ k};f k lt ldg]6 lgwf{/0f ug]{. o;f] ubf{ s"n s/ jfx]s k lt ldg]6 *^8 k};f b]lv?=!=%^ x'g cfp5. sfnfgt/df cgtcf{j4tf z'ns=z"go x'bf of] z'ns -s/ jfx]s_ k lt ldg]6 s"n!$ k};f b]lv *$ k};f x'g]5. ^=@ POI Congestion x6fpg]m cgt/fli6«o sn k j]z ljgb' (Point of Inerconnection - POI) sf] Congestion # k ltzt egbf j9l x'g gkfpg] Joj:yf s8fosf ;fy nfu' ug]{. ^=# pk/f]qmfg';f/ ug{ ;/f]sf/jfnf ;+u cgts[{of u/l lgis{ifdf k'ug]. Dffly a'+bf ^=! / ^=@ df k :tfj ep adf]lhdsf Joj:yf ubf{ sn jfokf; sfo{ w]/} xb ;Dd lgogq0f x'g] ljzjf; ug{ ;lsg5. tyfkl ol ;a} k of; ubf{ klg k"0{f?kn] sn jfokf; lgogq0f x'g eg] ;Sb}g. prr s/ b/ -#)=# % egbf j9l 9 _ epsf] / /fhosf ;+ogqx? k fljlws?kn] k"0f{ Ifdtfjfg eo g;s]sf] cj:yfdf sn jfokf;sf?kdf x'g] 6]lnkmf]g snsf] rf]/l k}7f/l lgogq0f ug{ k flws/0f, ;]jf k bfos, g]kfn k x/l, cfd pkef]qmf nufot ;j} ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] ;+o'qm k of; lg/gt/ hf/l /fvg ;lspdf sn jfo{kf; hfg]/ ck/fwnfo{ Go"gLs/0f ug{ eg] cjzo ;Dej 5. = cgto= &@ +!$ = *^, / &@+#$+%) =!=%^ 9 cfosf] $ % % u fld0f b"/;~rf/ ljsfif s]fif,!) % ;]jf z'ns,!# % Eof6, / cfos/ ubf{ 11

13 qm=;+= b]z cg';"lr!m M cgt/f{li6«o snsf] dxz'n b/ -?= k lt ldg]6_ s/ afx]s g]kfn g]kfn P]g;]n o"l6pn P;l6Pd 6]lnsd :of6nfo{6 :df6{ 6]lnsd 1 a+unfb]z = e'6fg = ef/t = kfls:tfg = eflnbe; = >Ln+sf = ckmuflg:tfg yfonof dn]l;of = l;+ufk'/ = rlg = xësë = blif0f sf]l/of hfkfg ;fpbl c/]ljof s'j]t stf/ O/fg O/fs n]jgfg cd]l/sf = Sofg8f = a]nfo{t ci6«]lnof /l;of

-!_ VoIP ;DaGwL Joj:yf

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