CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom

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1 CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom Date: Class: Chinese Unit Theme and Question: Language Level: Novice High Grade High School Day in Unit Geography of China: How is my experience in China influenced by where I am? 1 Minutes 70 STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Learners will be able to: Compare the shape of China to a rooster. Recognize and name 9 main geographical features of China: desert, mountains, hills, ocean, grassland, farmland, plateau, forest, river. Locate these geographical features on a map of China Identify 3 radicals in characters related to geography Form sentences describing the locations of landforms KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: 沙漠, 高原, 高山, 小山, 河流, 森林, 草原, 大海, 耕地 ( 农田 ), 公鸡 Culture: Geographical location of landforms in China Radicals: 木, 艹, 水 Sentence structures: 在中国 (direction) 有 在中国西北有沙漠和高原 (In China s northwest there is desert, and high plateau.)

2 STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson? Learners will: What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can- do? select from multiple possibilities which animal is represented in the shape of China name 9 landforms found in China, match them to appropriate images, and do the corresponding gestures circle radicals related to water, wood and grass and match them with their meaning place pictures of the different landforms on an outline map of China STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can- do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing? Opening Activity How can you capture the students energy and commitment for today s lesson? Time Materials Map of China a. Teacher shows learners a map of China and pictures of 4 animals. T asks which animal ressembles the shape of China. Learners say/point to animal. T says: Why do you think so? Where would the head be? Feet? T guides Ls to see the shape of a rooster. b. T gives out visuals of the different body parts of a rooster. Ls place different parts of the rooster on map: Head is here, stomach is here, feet are here, tail is here. 头在这里 5 Map of China, rooster picture, parts of a rooster to move to the different areas of China. Pictures of 4 animals so that learners can choose the animal that resembles the shape of China.

3 Presentation of new material: geographic features of China a. T shows Ls pictures of the geographical features of China and asks Ls to repeat the names of the features. b. T hands out worksheet with geographic features and characters and asks: Do any of the characters look like a geographical feature? Do you already know some of these characters? T asks Ls to try to match the features with the characters, reminding them that it is OK to make guesses. c. Afterwards, T uses the character cards and geography visuals to check responses. With each character and geographic feature, T models a gesture and says the word. Ls practice the gesture while saying the geographic feature. In the beginning T does the gesture with the Ls and gradually stops gesturing to see if Ls can respond with the gesture when they hear the geographic feature. Practice each term 2-3 times. 10 Character cards for landforms with and/or without pinyin Visuals of geographical features: mountains, desert, river valley, forest, hills, farmland, ocean, highlands, grasslands Worksheet with 2 columns, one with pictures of geographical features and one with characters. Practice: Pairwork practicing geographic features a. T has Ls work in pairs, one person facing the front of the room, and the other person facing away. T stands in front of room and shows Ls pictures of the geographical features with the name in characters and pinyin. The Ls facing the front of the room read the Chinese. The learner who is facing away from the teacher has to do the gesture that corresponds to the geographical feature. Teacher gestures the correct response and all Ls do the gesture with the T. b. T continues with the other geographical features and then the Ls switch roles: the one who was facing away from the front of the room now faces the front of the room and their partner now faces away. c. T again shows pictures of geographical features and the Ls read aloud the name and their partner does the corresponding gesture of the feature. Teacher gestures the correct response and all Ls do the gesture with the T. 20 Character cards for landforms Visuals of geographical features: mountains, desert, river valley, forest, hills, farmland, ocean, highlands, grasslands Worksheet with 2 columns, one with pictures of geographical features and one with characters.

4 Presentation of related material: Radicals a. T asks Ls to identify which characters have common radicals. For example, T will hold up a character card with water radical and ask, which characters have a water radical? Why would they have that radical? For most geographical features it is obvious how the radical is related to the meaning, but why does the character for desert have water in it? (It is placed next to the character for "few" or a "small quantity.") b. T has the option of giving Ls a worksheet or using the character and radical cards on the board along with images of the geographic features. Ls match items in the 3 colums: characters to radicals to the geographical features. Ts ask Ls to circle the radical inside the character of the geographical feature. Practice: Placing geographic features on map of China a. T says: Now let s find where we can see these geographical features in China. T shows a picture of one of the geographic features and asks if anyone knows where it exists in China. (Ask for volunteers and encourage guessing.) T asks a learner to point to the area of China where the geographic feature is located and place the feature in the correct area of the map. T asks for a volunteer to place the character representing the geographic feature on the map next to the image of the feature. b. Each time a learner places a geographic feature on the map, encourage the Ls to do the gesture and say the feature. c. Next, T asks for volunteers to say where this geographical feature is located in China. 在中国的西南部有山 (Mountains are in the southwest of China) d. Repeat and review as more features are added. e. T removes all the visuals from the map, and passes them out to the Ls so they can place them on the map again. T helps as needed. Encourage other Ls to help too. T may challenge the class: Can you do it all correctly without any help from me? T may repeat this activity in order to give more Ls the opportunity to place the visuals on the map. f. When all visuals are in place on the map, T asks: Where is the desert in China? Ls volunteer responses Character cards Radical cards Images of geographic features Matching activity worksheet Large map, either on foam board with Velcro, on the Smartboard, or on a shower curtain on the floor Images of geographical features Character cards

5 Closure: Learning Check a. T takes down the map in the front of the room, and hands out a small map to each group of 2-3 Ls. Each map has a set of small pictures representing the geographic features and a set of small characters(with/without pinyin). Ls need to place the pictures in the correct locations on the map. T gives an answer key to each group so they can self-correct if needed. Each group works together to place the geographic features and characters on the map. b. After checking their work, Ls remove the features and characters, and each member of the group tries to place the features and characters on the map individually. Finally, T asks each group to try to place only the characters in the correct places on the map without the help of the pictures of the geographic features. Enhance Retention a. Give Ls an outline of a map of China with a written paragraph describing the main geographical features. At home, Ls draw in the different geographical features and label with the Chinese characters. b. Answer the question in class the next day: What land forms does China have that the USA does not? 什么地形 中国有, 美国没有? Expansion Ideas Chinese-speaking World a. T gives a description of the geography of one of the countries in Asia with Chinese speakers (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, etc.) along with a blank map of that country to each group of Ls. b. Ls read the descriptions in small groups and draw in the features described. Each group receives one description at a time to read. When the designated time is up, groups pass their description along with a blank map of the country to another group. The groups read the new description and draw the features on the blank map. c. T collects the written descriptions so Ls only have the maps they drew. T models a question such as: What geographical feature do you see in the north of Thailand? Ls find the map they made of Thailand and respond with: There are (mountains) in the north of Thailand. T will ask more questions. Ls will first answer in their groups, and then T will call on a volunteer to answer Each small group needs: map of China 1 set of small pics of geographic features, 1 set of small characters, answer key Copies of small map of China with geography description Descriptions of the geography of other Asian countries with Chinese speakers Copies of blank maps of Asian countries

6 d. For a partner activity, learner A asks: 在泰国北部有什么地形?(What geographical feature is in the north of Thailand?) Learner B responds: 在泰国北部有森林, 也有大海 ( In the north of Thailand there are mountains, also the ocean.) Ls take turns asking and answering questions about the locations. Using the sense of smell to identify various geographic features of China a. As a warm-up activity, T brings in jars that are covered with paper so that Ls are unable to see inside. The jars are filled with things that have a distinct smell that can be related to land forms. b. T smells the contents of the jars and guesses a geographic feature. T then asks a learner to come up and smell the contents of the jar to see if he agrees with the geographic feature that the T guessed. The L closes his eyes and smells the contents of the jar and says what geographic feature is in the jar. T shows contents to L and class to verify the correct response. NOTE: It is helpful to have the visuals of the geographic features available for Ls to see. c. T invites other Ls to come and smell the contents of the jars until all features have been identified. Using the sense of touch to identify various geographic features of China a. T brings out small brown paper bags, each with a different number. T invites Ls one by one to come up and put their hand in the bag, feel the contents and see if they can guess which geographical feature is inside the bag. After guessing, have the L show the object to the class, and point to where that feature is located on the map Covered jars filled with the following: Grass = grasslands Leaves = forest Water collected from lake or stream = river Seaweed = sea Paper bags with the following contents: Grass = grasslands Sand/shells = sea Plastic fish = rivers Branches/leaves = forest Rocks = mountain Sand = desert

7 CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom Date: Class: Chinese Language Level: Novice- High Grade High School Day in Unit Unit Theme and Question: Geography of China: How is my experience in China influenced by where I am? Midway Minutes 75 STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? Learners can: DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Recognize 10 free time activities that are done in China: swimming, canoeing, mtn. climbing, sailing, camel riding, horseback riding, rafting, rock climbing, Chinese chess, hiking. Say what activities one can do. Say what activities can be done in different regions in China KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: 游泳, 划船, 爬山, 帆船, 骑骆驼, 骑马, 漂流, 攀岩运动, 下象棋, 步行 Culture: Connecting locations in China to activities Sentence patterns: 会, 能 STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson?

8 What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can- do? Learners will: Identify common radicals in new vocabulary and consequently make guesses to the meaning of new vocabulary Label on a map the best places in China to practice specific activities Answer and ask questions using 会, 能 STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can- do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing? Opening Activity: How can you capture the students energy and commitment for today s lesson? Time Materials Teacher shows a picture of self and/or of famous people doing a free time activity in China and asks learners where in China they think these photos might have been taken. 5 Pictures

9 Presentation of new material: Activities Teacher hands out a vocabulary list of different activities. a. T asks Ls if they can identify any radicals in new vocabulary. b. T asks learners if they can make educated guesses as to the meaning of the vocabulary. T gives Ls a few minutes to discuss with their partner in class and then discusses ideas. c. T shows pictures of each activity and Ls try to match it with the correct character on their list. d. Ls record meanings of new vocabulary on handout. e. T hands out an outline map of China and asks Ls with a partner to write the character for each activity where they believe the best place is to do this activity. When Ls are finished, T shows Ls his or her own answers and discusses possible variations. (T may need to review geography of China before Ls decide on best places.) Introduce and practice 2 verbs for can : 会, 能 a. T shows pictures of the different activities and asks questions using 会 T will ask many questions to claify meaning. Follow up with the question: Who taught you to do this activity? This will help Ls understand that this verb can be used in the context of a learned skill. b. T will question Ls using 能 T will ask if you can do certain activities in a specific state in the USA. T shows pictures of the landscape while questioning. (Use name of state in English) c. As learners learn how to use both verbs, teacher asks a question, then all Ls respond to each question, speaking to a partner. d. Ls do partner activity asking and answering questions with 能 with the activity vocabulary for different geographical regions of China. Examples: 在大海, 能不能骑马? 在沙漠能不能骑马? 为什么? 在森林能不能骑马? Vocabulary list Pictures to clarify meaning of vocabulary Outline map of China (blank or possibly with lines designating different geographical areas) Visuals of activities Visuals of different states Questions with 能, 会

10 Dialogue: Introduction and Practice a. Teacher has Ls read to themselves the beginning of a dialogue between a tour guide and a student who wants to travel throughout China. In the dialogue, the student and tour guide talk about different places to visit and the activities one can do that are specific to that region. b. T asks some preliminary probing questions to see if learners understand the beginning of the dialogue. c. Teacher gives learners time to read the entire dialogue, asking them to answer questions with a partner or in a small group afterwards. d. T goes over the answers with Ls. (See dialogue below.) 25 Dialogue Questions for dialogue Final T asks some logical questions regarding the dialogue to reiterate meaning and usage of the 2 verbs related to can. This can be done as a large group or in small groups. Questions can be read by the teacher, or shown up on the board for groups to discuss. 5 Example questions and answers Expansion Ideas Activities in Chinese provinces a. T assigns each group of Ls a different province of China that could be part of a school trip. T gives each group a description of the geography of that location. T may want to read descriptions together as a class before doing independent work. b. Each group writes 4 sentences telling what activities they can or cannot do in that area. c. Students share their sentences with another group or the entire class Detailed geographical descriptions of provinces in China Example sentences

11 Act out dialogue T asks Ls to work with the dialogue using one of the fours activities below: a. T has Ls act out dialogue as written for the entire class or for smaller groups. b. Ls make three changes to the original dialogue. T has Ls act out new version of dialogue. c. Ls make an audio recording of them reading or reciting the dialogue. d. Ls use puppets to act out dialogue. Varies Props for acting out dialogue Puppets 我是一个在中国北京的美国留学生 现在是暑假, 我没有回美国, 我想在中国多看看, 旅游一下 我现在刚刚到中国的一个旅行社, 想问一下他们有没有什么好的建议 我 : 你好, 我想到中国的一些地方旅游, 你们有什么好的建议吗? 导游 : 你好 我是王宏 你喜欢爬山吗? 我 : 还可以, 如果爬山, 有什么好的安排呢? 导游 : 在中国, 黄山非常有名 黄山在中国的安徽省, 非常漂亮, 景色怡人 如果你不经常爬山, 或者没有时间爬山, 你也可以坐缆车上去 我 : 非常好, 这个地方是在中国的哪一边呢? 我从北京要怎么去呢?

12 导游 : 安徽省离北京比较远, 在中国的西南边 从北京可以直接坐飞机过去, 很方便 但是价格会贵一点 我 : 能不能坐火车去? 导游 : 不能, 太远, 时间不够 我 : 我现在还是学生, 没有这么多钱 有没有近一点, 便宜一点的呢? 导游 : 你喜欢河吗? 北京旁边有个地方叫秦皇岛, 那里有北戴河, 可以在那里游泳 划船 漂流, 帆船? 我 : 我更喜欢海, 附近有没有海边可以玩呢? 导游 : 那青岛吧, 从北京坐飞机只要两个小时 这个城市非常漂亮, 有海有山, 你应该会喜欢 你可以去爬泰山, 看大海 那个地方会让你流连忘返的 我 : 太好了, 既可以玩山, 又可以玩水 那我就订这个吧 导游 : 太好了, 谢谢你参加我们的旅行社

13 CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom Date: Class: Chinese Language Level: Novice High Grade High School Day in Unit Final Project*1 Minutes 60 Unit Theme and Question: Geography of China What will I see when I travel to China? STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? Students can: Express preferences DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Read itineraries of trips to China Write a paragraph about planning a trip to China KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: 最, 因为 Culture: Location of cities in China Sentence structure: 第一, 第二

14 STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson? What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can- do? Learners will: Read and compare various travel itineraries Listen to and read a journal entry about planning a trip to China Write an original journal entry about planning a trip to China STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can- do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing? Opening Activity: How can you capture the students energy and commitment for today s lesson? Time Materials Travel Pictures a. Teacher shows learners various pictures from a student trip to China. The pictures are from different areas of China. b. T asks Ls which of the locations they would most like to visit in China. 5 Pictures of China

15 Introduction: Travel Itinerary a. Teacher gives learners an example of an itinerary of a student trip to China b. T gives them time to read through it on their own. c. In small groups or on their own, Ls respond to simple questions about the itinerary. These questions will use sequencing words such as 第一, 第二 d. After most groups are done, T goes over the answers with the class stressing these sequencing words. Comparing/Contrasting Itineraries a. Teacher gives each small group the same packet which includes 3 different itineraries for a student trip to China. b. T asks Ls to discuss the itineraries in their group. Each group will fill out a chart outlining the most important similarities and differences. c. Before Ls are working independently, T will give an example of a similarity and/or difference. They will use the structures 第一个, 第二个, 第三个 when referring to the 3 itineraries. d. Each group must choose their preferred itinerary, and report back to the class. Introduction of project. a. T shows the beginning of a sample journal entry to the class about a school trip to China. b. Learners listen to the teacher read the text. c. T shows pictures or brochures related to the destination(s) from the planned trip. d. Teacher asks Ls questions regarding the entry to check for understanding. Final Student trip itinerary Questions pertaining to reading. Packet of 3 sample itineraries with maps. Worksheet with chart for similarities/differences Sample paragraph, pictures Questions about the journal entry

16 Teacher shows a map of the sample journal entry s destination and gives some information about the closing written project that will be discussed more in depth during the following class time. 5 Map Enhance Retention Closing project: Ls imagine that they are a Chinese teacher planning a trip to China. With their favorite itinerary (or one they make up), Ls write a journal entry about their itinerary. They must include 4 different destinations incorporating sequencing words in their sentences. For each destination they must state 2 activities they can do there (1 activity must be related to the local geography) and 1 activity they cannot do and give a reason why. Their journal entry must also have a map that is drawn showing the route that they plan to take. Upon completion, students will read their journal entries to their small groups, Rubric for project

17 Date: Class: Chinese CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom Language Level: Novice High Grade: High School Day in Unit 1 Minutes 60 Unit Theme and Question: Train Travel What is traveling by train like in China? STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? Learners will be able to: DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Understand specialized vocabulary about train tickets Read information given on a Chinese train ticket Tell a partner about the information on a train ticket: destination, departure location, time/date of departure and arrival, type of seat, train number, car number, seat number, price KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: 火车, 火车站, 火车票, 硬座, 软座, 硬卧, 软卧, 号, 元, 到达站, 车次, 始发站, 座位 Culture:Chinese trains Radicals: 火, 车, 立 Sentence structures: Questions 车次多少? 是什么样的座位? 车号多少? 他的到达站是什么? 他什么时候去? STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson?

18 Learners will: What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can- do? Take notes on new train vocabulary Practice the vocabulary according to the activity selected by the teacher Read the information on a Chinese train ticket Compare American train tickets to Chinese train tickets Relay to a partner the information on a Chinese train ticket Ask questions about the information on a train ticket Identify vocabulary related to images of train vocabulary STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can- do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing? Opening Activity: How can you capture the students energy and commitment for today s lesson? Time Materials Introduce Train Theme a. T shows a picture of a train. T asks Ls if it is an American or Chinese train. b. T asks Ls the following questions: Who has traveled in a train in the USA? Has anyone traveled by train in another country? Where did you go? Do you think train travel is different in the US than in China? 5 Picture of an American or Chinese train

19 Introduce Train Vocabulary a. T will hand out a list of the new vocabulary in Chinese. b. T asks Ls to read it over and see if they can recognize any of the characters and then guess any of the meanings of the new vocabulary. c. T shows Ls pictures that match the vocabulary. d. Ls match their vocabulary with the images. Practice: Train Vocabulary a. T will review vocabulary, giving prompts with pictures of a train station, inside a train, a train ticket and a map with itinerary marked on it. Options for engaging the learners. 1) Teacher places prompts around the room, learners must physically move to the vocabulary word when they hear it or hear it in a sentence. 2) Learners are given a piece of paper with pictures of vocab. Learners touch the picture when the teacher says the word individually or in a sentence. 3) Same activity as #2 except that written on the paper are characters with/without pinyin and the teacher shows a visual as a prompt. 4) Teacher says a vocabulary word and learners do a gesture to show the meaning. 5) Teacher inputs the vocabulary being studied into Quizlet.* The teacher or a volunteer learner will go through the flashcard function on the board with the class to review the vocabulary. Introduce: Train Ticket a. T will hand out a picture of a train ticket to Ls. b. In small groups Ls will make a list of as many facts as they can regarding the train ticket. c. T will discuss with Ls the results as a large group, so all Ls understand the different information that is given on a train ticket List of train vocabulary in Chinese Visuals for vocabulary 1) Paper visuals of vocabulary or characters 2) Handout with vocabulary visuals 3) Handout with characters 4) Agreed upon gestures for vocabulary 5) Set of vocabulary on Quizlet Handouts with train tickets

20 d. T will also review or introduce basic questions used to get information about a train ticket e. T will show a picture of an American train ticket and Ls and T will briefly compare the two tickets. f. T will instruct Ls to place a #1 by the destination on each ticket, #2 by time the train leaves, etc. g. Ls make a Venn diagram with information that is the same on both tickets and information that is different. Practice: Reading a Train Ticket a. T places copies of train tickets taped to the walls around the room. Each ticket will be unique. b. T explains the activity: 1. Ls work with a partner. 2. T gives Ls a chart to fill out with data from the tickets. 3. T gives them a specific goal: Each group should complete the information for at least 2 tickets, but at the same time challenging Ls to get the most information possible in the time given. 4. ONLY 1 L from each pair can get up out of their chair at a time. 5. One L asks a question in Chinese and their partner has to go look at the ticket to get the answer. 6. T reviews questions used before starting, possibly by leaving them on the board for Ls to reference. 7. Ls are not allowed to yell the answers across the room. Ls need to be standing next to their partner when relaying the information, speaking all in Chinese. 8. Halfway through the activity, T has Ls change roles. 9. T stops the activity after a set amount of time to tally how much data they collected. 10. T could give a sticker as a reward for all Ls who meet the goal. Final Closing: Review Vocabulary a. T shows either a picture of a train ticket or some pictures of the new 15 5 One copy of 5-7 different train tickets, tape Worksheet for train ticket information for each group of 2 students Different train ticket visual or handout or collage of pictures for vocabulary with numbers

21 vocabulary. b. With a partner Ls share what they know, with the T encouraging them to show what they have learned in the lesson that day. Enhance Retention Practice Vocabulary a. T hands out pictures of vocabulary or a cartoon from a train scenario. b. T asks students to label the pictures or write some original sentences describing what is happening in each frame using at least #_ of the new vocabulary. Images of vocabulary or cartoon with train scene Resources Train vocabulary on nciku with pictures Vocabulary with audio for the different seats on a train in China Quality images of inside of Chinese trains Explanation of information on train tickets Great video of traveling on a bullet train. Many views of train station and information about train travel in China *Quizlet

22 Date: Class: Chinese CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom Language Level: Novice High Grade: High School Day in Unit Midway Minutes 60 Unit Theme and Question: Train Travel What is traveling by train like in China? STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? Learners will be able to: DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Understand a dialogue that takes place during a train ride. Use 准备 in sentences Answer questions with 让 KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: 车厢, 乘客, 准备, 关, 开, 床头灯, 影响, 亮, 让不让, 过, 麻烦 Culture:Train Travel Radicals: 广, 火 Sentence structures: 准备 + verb = to get ready to + verb 让不让 + person + verb = to make or allow to + verb STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson? What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can- do?

23 Learners will: Listen to the dialogue multiple times and fill in the blanks with the new vocabulary from a word bank Use 准备 in original sentences Answer questions using 让不让 STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can- do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing? Opening Activity: How can you capture the students energy and commitment for today s lesson? Time Materials Set the scene for the dialogue a. T shows a video clip of a Chinese train trip such as this one: (4:00-5:36) (T may want to play it without any sound) b. The video should be shown for only 1-2 minutes to help Ls imagine what it would be like to sleep on a train. c. T asks students if they think they would sleep well on a train. If no, ask why not. If they are unable to express themselves, maybe suggest some problems that may arise: too noisy, too much light, uncomfortable bed, etc. 5 A means to show a video clip from youtube

24 Listening activity with video clip a. T gives Ls a written copy of a segment of the dialogue from the curriculum video clip. Pinyin has been added to the dialogue where necessary. Focus words have been removed from the dialogue and put in a word bank at the top of the page. b. Learners read through the dialogue to familiarize themselves with it. c. Ls watch and listen to this segment of the dialogue 2-4 times, attempting to fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word. d. T gives Ls the correct answers. 20 Handouts with dialogue and word bank Introduction of new vocabulary a. Ls are asked if they can make any guesses as to the meaning of the new vocabulary given the context of the dialogue. b. Teacher goes through the new vocabulary again using Quizlet or visuals to convey meaning. c. Learners write down the meaning of the vocabulary on their handouts. 10 Visuals to match vocabulary Practice: 准备 a. T shows a picture and gives some examples using 准备 + verb. b. T has a list of verbs previously learned that they can use for making their own expressions. c. T shows some more pictures and asks Ls to come up with appropriate sentences with a partner. d. T will have various pairs share their answers with the class. 10 Interesting pictures preferably from China or of high interest for Ls

25 Practice: 让不让 a. T shows pictures of different activities and asks Ls if their parents or teachers allow them to do these activities. b. Ls will answer first telling their partner. T will ask a few Ls to check for understanding. c. T takes a survey, asking Ls to raise their hands and tally the results. Examples: 你父母让不让你铲雪? 你父母让不让你打扫房间? Final Rewatch the video clip, this time watching the entire clip. T tells Ls that they will study the next segment the following day. Enhance Retention Ls write original questions asking other Ls what they are allowed to do by their parents. Ls will ask their classmates the following day. Expansion Ideas 10 Questions with corresponding visuals 5 A means to watch a video clip on-line Teacher first discusses briefly the train system in the USA and in China. Learners compare maps of the train routes in each country with teacher. Teacher shows data about the number of train passengers in various countries. Teacher has learners point out similarities and differences upon examining the two maps. If learners don t notice any, teacher asks questions such as: Which country has more train lines? In which map are the train lines more evenly distributed? Why would there be certain areas on a map without any train lines? In your opinion which country has more train passengers? Why would certain areas have more train lines? 15 Maps of train routes in USA and China. Data on train use in both countries. Prepare questions to ask 人物 : 南方人, 北方人

26 场景 : 晚上在车厢里, 一乘客准备睡觉, 另一位乘客还在看书 北方人 : 你能把灯关了吗? 南方人 : 我开我自己的床头灯, 影响你了吗? 北方人 : 太亮了, 还让不让人睡了呀! 南方人 : 行, 行, 行, 过 5 分钟我关灯行了吧, 诶呦, 这北方佬真够麻烦 北方人 : 这南方人真自私

27 Date: Class: Chinese CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom Language Level: Novice High Grade: High School Day in Unit Final Project*2 Minutes 60 Unit Theme and Question: Train Travel What is traveling by train like in China? STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? Learners will be able to: DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Use on-line resources to plan a train trip to China Write out the itinerary of a trip with estimated costs of travel Locate their chosen cities on a map of China KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: 价格, 多长时间, 终点, 座位 (chart catagories) Culture: Cities and tourist sites in China, Train travel in China STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson? What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can- do?

28 Learners will: Use on-line resources to plan a train trip to China Write out the itinerary of a trip by filling out a chart with pertinent information Highlight the chosen cities on a map of China STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can- do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing? Opening Activity: How can you capture the students energy and commitment for today s lesson? Time Materials Teacher shows a picture of an interesting historical site in China. Teacher asks learners if they think they would want to go there. Why or why not? How would could they travel to go there? Bus? Plane? Train? Which mode of transportation would they prefer? Introduction of planning a train trip on-line 3 Photo a. T uses a smart board or projector to go on-line and go through the steps to plan a train trip. T uses the location from the previous picture for the example. b. T finds the length of journey and price for the trip. c. T selects different types of seating to compare prices. As the T does this, he/she begins to fill out a chart for train information that includes: destination, type of seat, type of train trip (e.g. express), price, length of journey. d. T refers to a map, so Ls know where this place is located in China. e. T gives Ls an opportunity to do exactly what he/she modeled. Ls need to fill out a chart as they do their research. 27 A map of China Chart for train information Computer lab access or ipads on-line

29 Project Introduction with independent work time a. Ls will plan a trip within China. The final product will include: an itinerary that includes at least 4 cities, a completed chart with travel information, a map highlighting the travel route. b. Ls need to decide how they will travel by train: fast/slow train, hard/soft sleeper, hard/soft seat and which cities they would like to visit. The cities must be located in two provinces other than Henan province with everyone starting from Beijing. c. T shows Ls an example of a finished project. Final T asks some Ls where they will be going on their trip. T asks Ls which type of ticket they will buy for the train. Enhance Retention T is clear with Ls about project deadlines. Different aspects of the project may be due at different times. Expansion Ideas Presentations a. With the finished product of this project, T has Ls present their itinerary by describing their itineraries to a small group before hanging them up on the walls. OR b. Ls either use power point or a Smart notebook document to present their itinerary to the class. Be specific about what is expected on each slide. 25 minutes in class time. 5 Handout explaining the project Rubric for project Example of project finished product Guidelines for presentations Software for presentations

30 Display projects a. When Ls finish their projects have them hang them up in a certain area of the room. b. Ls will be required to read another classmate s project and note specific information to either fill out a chart or to answer questions and then share with a small group or the class. 20 Space to display information and tape Chart or Questions for student activity

31 CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom Date: Class: Chinese Language Level: Novice High Grade: High School Day in Unit 1 Minutes 70 Unit Theme and Question: Renewables What is renewable energy and how do the Chinese use it? STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? Learners will be able to: DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Ask and answer questions about renewable energy Express opinions regarding use of renewable energy in China compared to the United States Compare the use of renewables in the USA to China KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: 用, 能源, 可再生, 太阳能, 风力, 水力, 煤能, 天然气, 百分之, 同意, 完全, 非常 Culture:Use of renewable energy in China, Compare use of renewable energy in China with the United States Radicals: 风, 火, 阳 Sentence structures: 比, a compared to( 比 ) b + adj(review) 百分之 + number = % STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson?

32 What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can- do? Learners will: Guess the meaning of new vocabulary Take notes on new vocabulary Ask and answer personal questions related to renewable energy Express their opinons related to the use of renewable energy in the USA and China Compare their opinions to the actual data Form sentences using 比 STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can- do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing? Opening Activity: How can you capture the students energy and commitment for today s lesson? Time Materials Introduction of theme a. T puts a few vocabulary words on the board for renewable energy such as wind power and solar power. b. T also shows the pictorial history/development of the character over time (sun, wind, water) c. T asks Ls if they can guess the meaning of the words. 3 Select characters to show students The pictorial history of the characters

33 Introduction of Vocabulary a. T gives Ls a list of renewable energy vocabulary. b. T explains what they mean, using visuals and gestures. c. Ls take notes on the meaning of the vocabulary Practice: Personal questions a. T gives Ls a list of personal questions to discuss in small groups pertaining to renewable energy. b. T has groups report back to the large group and tallies answers in a chart on the board. This will give the T some background information about Ls on this topic. Examples: 在你家, 你用不用风力? 太阳能? 你家附近, 有没有家庭用风力? 太阳能? 你有没有朋友用风力? 太阳能? 你有没有家里人用风力? 太阳能? Vocabulary list handout Visuals and gestures to explain vocabulary Set of questions for each group Chart to fill out with results Practice: Predictions regarding renewable energy use in the U.S.A and China a. T and Ls look at the results of the class survey on renewable energy and compares it to statistics on renewable energy use in the USA. b. T asks students to predict how China compares to others in their use of renewable energy. c. T establishes a scale to express opinions in the classroom with strongly agree on one end of the line and strongly disagree on the other. T posts signs and makes a line on the floor with painters tape to represent this scale. Signs: 我完全同意, 我同意, 我有一点同意, 我有一点不同意, 我不同意, 我完全不同意 d. Ls move to the part of the line that corresponds with their opinion as T asks Ls to predict what the data will tell about China s use of renewables. e. T or L volunteer will record opinions on the board. Examples: 中国用百分之十的太阳能 20 Data on USA renewables Props for scale: tape, signs Method for recording opinions

34 Practice: Comparison of Data a. T gives them the correct data about the use of renewables in China and Ls compare their opinion to the real data. b. T and Ls form sentences using 比, to compare the data. Example: 中国用的太阳能比美国多 c. T leads a short discussion with Ls about their predictions and the real data. What does that tell us about our opionions or the US media? (Discussion may need to be in English) Final T leads a quick review of the new vocabulary by making a list of renewable energy in order of most frequently used for each country 15 Data on China s use of renewables 5 Flashcards with new vocab. Enhance Retention Review the vocabulary and prepare for a matching quiz the next day at the beginning of class. Expansion Ideas Review: Renewable energy vocabulary Pictures of renewables in China a. T shows slides of renewables in China 1. T asks Ls to name the type of energy being harvested in the photos. 2. L can tell a partner the word and then see if everyone came up with the same vocabulary word. 3. Ls write down the character related to the photos in order to practice writing. Ls try not to look at their 生词表 (vocab. list). RESOURCES Energy use in the USA

35 CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom. Date: Class: Chinese Language Level: Novice High Grade: High School Day in Unit Midway Minutes 70 Unit Theme and Question: Renewables What is renewable energy and how do the Chinese use it? STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? Learners will be able to: DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Understand a dialogue explaining renewable energy Answer questions related to the dialogue Make sentences using double adjectives Identify different sources of renewable energy KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: 别慌, 自然现象, 毒辣辣, 发电, 没错, 天天, 消失, 可再生能源, 瀑布, 冲击力到, 力量, 大风车, 目前 Culture: Pictures of renewable energy use in China Sentence structures: 辣辣的太阳 STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson? What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can- do?

36 Learners will: Write down the meaning of the Chinese vocabulary Read a dialogue and answer basic questions With partners, make sentences using double adjectives Identify energy sources for different renewable energy harnessing methods STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can- do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing? Opening Activity: How can you capture the students energy and commitment for today s lesson? Time Materials Video Introduction Show the trailer for the video and introduce the different characters in this episode Listening activity with video 5 Equipment to show video in class. Access to the video via internet or saved file. a. T gives Ls a copy of the dialogue. Pinyin has been added where necessary. Focus words have been removed from the dialogue and put in a word bank at the top of the page. b. Learners read through the dialogue to familiarize themselves with it. c. Ls watch and listen to the dialogue 2-4 times, attempting to fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word. Learners work in pairs to complete this task. d. T gives Ls the correct answers. e. Ls are asked if they can make any guesses as to the meaning of the new vocabulary given the context of the dialogue. f. T explains meaning of new vocabulary that Ls did not guess correctly. 25 Handouts with dialogue and word bank.

37 Practice: Questions about dialogue a. T has questions about the dialogue on the board. b. T discusses the questions one by one. T first has Ls discuss them with a partner and then calls on a L to check for understanding. Practice: Repetition of adjectives for emphasis a. T shows some images representing adjectives previously studied. b. T gives some example of sentences using this structure. T may ask Ls to translate some of the examples to check for understanding. c. T asks pairs of Ls to make original sentences. d. T will have various groups share their sentences with the class. Methods for harnessing energy from nature a. T asks the question 怎么用自然现象发电? b. T shows Ls pictures of different methods for harnessing renewable energy. Pictures have the name of the photographed object on the slide so Ls can easily use them in a sentence. Examples for images: Waves, dams, windmills(multiple types), solar panels (in different locations: roof, road), solar water heaters, waterfalls, solar ovens c. T asks the following question with each slide: 风车用什么发电? d. Ls answer the questions identifying one of the three types of renewable energy: wind, solar, or water e. Ls create a chart of examples for each type of renewable energy Final T asks pairs of Ls to create original sentences with new vocabulary. Each group uses a different word from the new vocabulary. Ls will share sentences with the class Basic questions for the dialogue (see below) Images representing adjectives previously studied. Labeled pictures of renewable energy sources

38 Enhance Retention Ask students to write original sentences using the new vocabulary Expansion Ideas Practice the renewable energy specific vocabulary with Quizlet and/or a vocabulary game such as charades or Pictionary. Prep review method Students play the games and review vocabulary. These games are best used in smaller groups to actively engage more students. 陈博士 : 别慌, 别慌 我们从自然现象来找 你们看那夏天毒辣辣的太阳 油哥哥 : 陈博士你说的是太阳能发电吗? 陈博士 : 没错! 你们看那太阳天天挂在天上, 这种不会消失的能源就叫作可再生能源 核叔叔 : 哦, 那 水也是咯? 煤姐姐 : 水是拿来喝的, 怎么能做可再生能源呢? 陈博士 : 煤姐姐, 你看那瀑布, 从上而下, 那冲击力道这么大, 这种力量就可以拿来发电喽! 煤姐姐 : 啊, 原来是这样啊 这风真大! 陈博士, 风也是一种可再生能源吗? 核叔叔 : 风怎么发电呐? 陈博士 : 风可以用来发电的 你们看那远处的几只大风车, 就是拿来发电的喽! 油哥哥 : 陈博士, 目前你说过的可再生能源有太阳能, 水力还有风力

39 1. 可再生能源从哪里来的? 2. 他们谈三种的可再生元 这三钟是什么? 3. 水力从哪里来的? 4. 我们用什么做风力发电?

40 Date: Class: Chinese CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom Language Level: Novice High Grade: High School Day in Unit Project Minutes 70 Unit Theme and Question: Renewables What is renewable energy and how do the Chinese use it? STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson? Learners will be able to: DO What are the learning targets for this lesson? Find and interpret data about use of renewable energy from a country other than the USA and China. Compare this country s renewable energy use with the USA and China. Present their findings to their classmates KNOW What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Vocabulary: Names of different countries that Ls present Review of previously studied vocabulary Culture:Use of renewable energy in China, Compare use of renewable energy in China with other countries STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson?

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