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1 Wintersemester 2015/16 Lecture Period: Contents Events Register of Persons 107 Register of Buildings 126 Register of Types of Events 127 Page 1 from 127

2 Re/Inventing Berlin Architecture after 1945 (english) SE Tue weekly (1) HV 5, A. Paluch 1) findet vom bis statt PLEASE NOTE: Seminar starts on 17 November! Language requirements: min. English B2 At the end of World War II Berlin, the former capital of Hitlers Third Reich, was largely destroyed. But the area-wide destructions also held an opportunitiy: the possibility to rebuild Berlin as a totally new city in modernists words: as a better city. And indeed Berlin changed dramatically but not in the way modern architects and urban planners had envisioned it in the post-war period. Quite differing proposals were made in East and West Berlin. Especially for the so-called Capital of the Cold War it proves to be true that architecture is not just a mirror to the society which builds it but that architecture also shapes the lives of the people living with and within it. Using examples such as Karl-Marx-Allee, Hansaviertel, Gropiusstadt, Potsdamer Platz et al. this seminar retraces the stations and phases of reconstruction with a focus on political and cultural developments. The most influential concepts of 20 th century urban planning will be presented. In addition the seminar aims to be an exercise in (architecture) criticism. Regular attendance and participation in class, as well as reading the assigned texts is obligatory. Short Presentations should be hold. Every participant is obliged to write a scientific essay (5 pages) and an architecture critique (1-2 pages), which standards and form will be subject of at least one session. The essay and/or the architecture critique can be submitted in German and/or English. The seminar will be held in English. This seminar is open to all students in the Arts and Humanities, as well as Social Sciences. It may particularly suit students with a background and/or interest in urban planning, urban studies, metropolitan studies, cultural studies, geography, sociology, art history and history. Introductory literature Bodenschatz, Harald: Berlin Urban Design. A brief history of a european city. Berlin Diefendorf, Jeffrey M.: In the wake of war. The Reconstruction of German cities after World War II. New York Goldberger, Paul: Why architecture matters. New Haven Ladd, Brian: The Ghosts of Berlin. Confronting German History in the Urban Landscape. Chicago For international incoming students who enroll in the Berlin Perspectives module. NO registration via Agnes. Application via Berlin Perspectives ONLY: BP Module application Berlin. Portrait of a city. An Introduction to creative urban research (english) SE Tue fortnigh (1) HV 5, A. Blattner 1) findet vom bis statt Language requirements: min. English B2; some German (at B1 level) needed for some of the core readings. Various aspects characterize a city: its history, materiality, everyday life and politics only to name a few. Research in the urban field requires methods that can adapt to a number of situations and can capture the changing natures of a city. For instance, the materiality of a street can hardly be analysed with the same means as the quotidian life of its inhabitants, being different every hour of the day. The focus of the course is on urban research based on a creative methodology. Fields of study will include sociology, art, philosophy, literature, geography and urban planning. In order to develop their own portrait of Berlin, participants will be introduced to a selection of creative methods of urban research such as walking, photography, mapping, soundscapes, observation and smell. The course will be taught in English. However a B1-level of German is needed as some of the core readings will be in German Eine Stadt erhält ihren Charakter durch verschiedene Aspekte: ihre Geschichte, Materialität, Politik und ihren Alltag um nur ein Paar zu nennen. Um die Stadt zu erforschen, braucht man Methoden, die sich an eine Vielzahl von Situationen anpassen können und das sich ständig ändernde Wesen einer Stadt einzufangen vermögen. So kann beispielsweise die Materialität einer Straße kaum mit den gleichen Mitteln analysiert werden wie der Alltag ihrer Bewohner, der doch zu jeder Tageszeit ein anderer ist. Der Schwerpunkt des Seminars liegt auf kreativen Methoden der Stadtforschung. Hierbei werden verschiedene Studienrichtungen wie Soziologie, Kunst, Philosophie, Literatur, Geographie und Stadtplanung mit einbezogen. Um ein eigenes Porträt von Berlin auszuarbeiten, werden den TeilnehmerInnen eine Auswahl an kreativen Methoden der Stadtforschung vorgestellt: Gehen, Fotografieren, Kartieren, Soundscapes, Beobachten und Riechen. Kurssprache ist Englisch. Da jedoch auch Texte auf Deutsch gelesen werden, sind B1-Kenntnisse im Deutschen erforderlich. Reading list Back, Les. Listening with our eyes. Portraiture as urban encounter. In Picturing the social landscape. Visual methods and the sociological imagination., von Caroline Knowles, London: Routledge, Benjamin, Walter. Berliner Chronik. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, Städtebilder. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, Bridge, Garry, und Sophie Watson. The Blackwell City Reader. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, De Certeau, Michel. Walking in the City. In The Practice of Everyday Life, Berkeley: University of California Press, Debord, Guy. Theorie des Umherschweifens. In Das große Spiel. Die Situationisten zwischen Kunst und Politik, von Roberto Ohrt. Hamburg: Edition Nautilus, Page 2 from 127

3 Hiebsch, Maria Elisabeth, Fritz Schlüter, und Judith Willkomm. Sensing the Street. Eine sinnliche Ethnographie der Großstadt. In Straße als kultureller Aktionsraum. Interdisziplinäre Betrachtungen des Straßenraumes an der Schnittstelle zwischen Theorie und Praxis., von Sandra Maria Geschke, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Kästner, Erich. Fabian. München: dtv, 1931 [2013]. Krusche, Jürgen. Strassenräume Berlin Shanghai Tokyo Zürich. Eine foto--ethnographische Untersuchung. Baden: Müller, Lynch, Kevin. The Image of the City. In The City Reader, von Richard Le Gates und Frederic Stout, London: Routledge, Latour, Bruno. A Cautious Prometheus? A Few Steps Toward a Philosophy of Design (with Special Attention to Peter Sloterdijk). Eröffnungsrede des Networks of Designs* Treffens der Design History Society Falmouth. Cornwall, 3. September Moles, Kate. A Walk in Thirdspace: Place, Methods and Walking. Sociological Research Online 13 (4) (Zugriff am ). Regener, Sven. Herr Lehmann. Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn, Rhys--Taylor, Alex. Bear with me. I'm quite a quick walker but it's a long market. Street Signs. Centre for Urban and Community Research Autumn (2008). Schafer, Raymond Murray. The soundscape. Our sonic environment and the tuning of the world. Rochester: Destiny Books, Scheppe, Wolfgang. Migropolis. Venice / Atlas of a Global Situation. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, Simmel, Georg. Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1903 [2006]. Truax, Barry. Soundscape Composition as Global Music: Electroacoustic Music as Soundscape. Organized Sound 13 (2) (2008). Whyte, William H. City. Rediscovering the Center. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1988 [2009]. For incoming students who enroll in the Berlin Perspectives module. Application via Berlin Perspectives only: BP Module application NO registration via Agnes Exploring Key Aspects of Berlin's Museological Landscape (english) 4 SWS SE Wed weekly (1) HV 5, V. Bishop-Kendzia Wed Single (2) HV 5, V. Bishop-Kendzia Wed Single (3) HV 5, V. Bishop-Kendzia 1) findet vom bis statt 2) findet am statt 3) findet am statt Language requirements: min. English B2 This interdisciplinary course explores some key aspects visible in Berlin s museological landscape. It will focus on issues of Self and Other constructions as attested in museums and exhibitions. The aim of the course is to use anthropological methods to explore the sites and critical analyses to reflect upon them. This thematic course touches on several disciplines. It is based in empirical social anthropology, especially in terms of theoretical framework and methodology. It does, however, involve a historical overview of the Jewish narrative in Germany from just before 1933 to the present and an overview of migration issues. A reader will be available to purchase at Sprintout: S-Bahn-Bogen 190 Georgenstr./Universtitätsstr. Close to the Friedrichstr. U- S-Bahn. Open Mo-Fr 9-21, Sa This reader contains all the required readings in addition to optional additional ones that might be of interest for your own research assignments Dieser Kurs ist ethnologisch geprägt, aber auch interdisziplinär relevant. Das Ziel ist, bestimmte Merkmale der Berliner Museumslandschaft zu erforschen und zu hinterfragen. Ethnologische Methoden werden während mehrerer Ausflüge zu Berliner Museen geübt. Der Fokus liegt auf zwei besonders sichtbaren und diskutierten Aspekten dieser urbanen Landschaft. Diese sind der jüdische Topos und das Migrationsthema. Dieser Kurs ist nicht nur für EthnologInnen gut geeignet, sondern auch für StudentInnen anderer Fächer, wie z. B. Geschichte, Religionswissenschaft, Kunstgeschichte und/oder themenbezogener Fächer wie Urban Studies, Ethik und Museum Studies von Interesse. Sprachliche Voraussetzungen: Englisch B2, Deutsch B1. Y. Michal Bodemann (1996). Gedächtnistheater. Die jüdische Gemeinschaft und ihre deutsche Erfindung. Hamburg: Rotbusch. Wolfgang Kaschuba (2006). Einführung in die Europäische Ethnologie. München: C.H. Beck. (Specific sections on methods: Wahrnehmungsspaziergang, Teilnehmende Beobachtung, Interviewmetodik). Ostow, Robin. (2007). From Displaying Jewish Art to (Re)Building German-Jewish History: The Jewish Museum Berlin. In Vijay Agnew (ed.). Interrogating Race and Racism. University of Toronto Press Young, James, E. (2000). Chapter Six: Daniel Libeskind s Jewish Museum in Berlin: The Uncanny Arts of Memorial Architecture. In James E. Young. At Memory s Edge: After-Images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture. Yale University Press. New Haven Friedrich von Bose et al. (Hrgs.) (2012) Museum X. Zur Neuvermessung eines mehrdimensionalen Raumes. Panama Verlag. Berlin. Page 3 from 127

4 Macdonald, Sharon (2006) (ed.): A Companion to Museum Studies, Malden/Oxford. Gökce Yurdakul and Y. Michal Bodemann. (2010) Staatsbürgerschaft, Migration und Minderheiten. Inklusion und Ausgrenzungsstrategien im Vergleich. Wiesbaden: WS-Verlag. Michael Rothberg and Yasemin Yildiz. (2011). Memory Citizenship: Migrant Archives of Holocaust Remembrance in Contemporary Germany. Parallax (Special Issue on Transcultural Memory) 17.4, Wolfgang Benz (2011) Antisemitismus und Islamkritik : Bilanz und Perpektive. Berlin: Metropol. Matti Bunzl (2005) Between Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Some Thoughts on the New Europe. American Ethnologist Shooman, Yasemin and Riem Speilhaus (2010). The concept of the Muslim enemy in the public discourse In Jocelyn Cesari (ed.) Muslims in the West after 9/11. Religion, politics, and law. Routledge: London and New York Teil des Berlin Perspective Moduls The East/West Competition - Urban Planning, Cultural Policy and Economics in Divided Berlin (english) SE Mon weekly (1) HV 5, M. Grass 1) findet vom bis statt Berlin is the city of East / West competition. Since the division of the city into East and West, demonstrating the power of the capitalism and socialism respectively was central to urban planning. In the beginning, the solution of obstacles to urban development proved vital. This seminar examines the dualism in urban planning between East and West Berlin chronologically. Seminar presentations and two excursions trace the diverse targets and demands of capitalist and socialist urban planning. For the analysis, we do not only consider architectural and formal aspects. The Seminar provides a closer look to strategies and models of financing and commercialisation of urban planning. Cultural contexts, living and dwelling models and political strategies will be looked at as well. This seminar targets students interested in urban sociology and planning, metropolitan studies, German cultural history, economics, art history, and architectural history. Interested students of the humanities and social sciences are invited In keiner anderen Stadt hat der Wettkampf der Systeme deutlichere Spuren hinterlassen als in Berlin. Seit der Teilung der Stadt hatten städtebauliche Projekte auch immer den Anspruch dem Gegenüber die Stärke des eigenen politischen Systems zu demonstrieren. Dabei stand zunächst die Lösung essentieller städtebaulicher Fragen im Vordergrund. Das Seminar verfolgt chronologisch den Dualismus im Städtebau zwischen Ost- und Westberlin. Dabei wird sowohl im Seminarraum durch Präsentationen als auch auf zwei Exkursionen die unterschiedlichen Absichten und Ansprüche kapitalistischer und sozialistischer Stadtplanung untersucht werden. Im Fokus stehen jedoch nicht ausschließlich formale und architektonische Aspekte. Vielmehr sollen Kontexte, Finanzierungsmodelle und die jeweilige politische Repräsentationsstrategie analysiert werden. Das Seminar richtet sich an Studierende der Fachrichtungen Stadtsoziologie, Kulturgeschichte, Städtebau und Stadtplanung, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte. Interessierte aus anderen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fachgebieten sind herzlich eingeladen. Preparatory literature: Bodenschatz, Harald: Berlin urban design A brief history. Berlin, Buttar, Adrian von (Ed.): Baukunst der Nachkriegsmoderne. Berlin, Dolff-Bonekämper, Gabi (Ed.): Städtebau und Staatsbau im 20. Jahrhundert. München, Nakamura, Toshio (Ed.): International Building Exhibition Berlin Tokyo, Urban, Florian: Neo-historical East Berlin. Architecture and Urban Design in the German Democratic Republic Surrey, For incoming international students who enroll in the Berlin Perspectives module: BP Module Application via Berlin Perspectives ONLY: BP module application NO registration via Agnes A Taste of Berlin (english) 3 SWS SE Thu weekly (1) HV 5, L. Heyden, M. Schröer 1) findet vom bis statt PLEASE NOTE: This seminar is part of a "tandem experiment" with "Vielfalt der Wissensformen" - there will be opportunities for exchange and collaboration with the students in the other seminar. Language requirements: min. English B2/some German knowledge will be useful, but is not a pre-requisite. Eating is an everyday practice, so profane it seems to be just a physical necessity to stay alive. Its ubiquity easily hides the variety of discourses and the many sign systems that influence and are linked to the simple gesture of eating and preparing food. Who eats what and where refers to the history, culture and conception of a region and its inhabitants. In return, national and regional habits of eating find their linguistic expression in idioms and metaphors. For individuals and social groups alike, food serves as a marker of identity and a means of distinction - symbolism, ritual behavior, myths, themes and motives of food and eating can be read and analyzed as signs(ystems). In addition to foundational theoretical texts from the culture and social sciences and on Berlin (food) culture, we will analyze different representations of food and the acts and places of eating in literature (Döblin), film (Good bye, Lenin!), art (Zille) and comics (Mawil). In order to further German language proficiency we will focus especially on metaphors and idioms involving food and eating in everyday speech as well as their function in literary texts. The intellectual intake is complimented by the practical-sensuous discovery of Berlin and its regional specialties. We will make excursions to various eateries to discover the different flavors of Berlin as well as explore food related places like the currywurst museum. Requirements: regular attendance, active participation in class, oral presentation, participation in the excursions. Page 4 from 127

5 Language: German and English with an emphasis on applied linguistic practice. Barthes, Roland (1981): Das Reich der Zeichen. 1. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (Edition Suhrkamp Neue Folge, Bd. 77). Barthes, Roland (1982): Für eine Psycho-Soziologie der zeitgenössischen Ernährung. In: Freiburger Universitätsblätter 75, Barthes, Roland (1957): Mythologie. Paris. Bourdieu, Pierre (2011): Die feinen Unterschiede. Kritik der gesellschaftlichen Urteilskraft. [Nachdr.]. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 658). Döblin, Alfred: Berlin Alexander Platz. DTV, Fontane, Friedérique C. (1903): Wie man in Berlin zur Zeit der Königin Luise kochte. Ein gastronomischer Beitrag nach dem im Jahre 1795 niedergeschriebenen Aufzeichnungen von F.C. Fontane, geb. Werner. Berlin. Greif, Mark (Hg.) (2012): Hipster. Eine transatlantische Diskussion. Berlin: Suhrkamp. Grewe-Volpp, C.; Halfmann, U.; Reinhart, W. (2003): Erlesenes Essen: literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu Hunger, Sattheit und Genuss. Für Ulrich Halfmann. Narr. Henderson, Heike (2004): Beyond Currywurst and Döner: The Role of Food in German Multicultural Literature and Society Glossen 20. Kimmich, Dorothee und Schamma Schahadat (Hrsg.) (2012): Essen. Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld. Mawil: Restaurant or Kitchen. Berlin City Blog. Online. Möhring, Maren (2014): Food for Thought: Rethinking the History of Migration to West Germany Through the Migrant Restaurant Business. In: Journal of Contemporary History 49 (1), S Osthus, Dietmar (2000), Metaphern im Sprachenvergleich: eine kontrastive Studie zur Nahrungsmetaphorik im Französischen und Deutschen, Frankfurt am Main. Regener, Sven (2004): Berlin blues. London: Vintage. Rudolph, Hedwig und Flicitas Hillmann (1998): How Turkish ist he donar kebab? Turks in Berlin s food sector, Scottish Geographical Magazine, 114:3, Springer, Robert (1850): Berlin s Straßen, Kneipen und Clubs im Jahre Berlin. Wandt, Heinrich (1954): 700 Jahre Weinhandel in Berlin Berlin. For international incoming students who enroll in the Berlin Perspectives module. Application via Berlin Perspectives ONLY: BP module application History of Germanies, (english) SE Fri weekly (1) HV 5, F. Beyersdorf 1) findet vom bis statt Language requirements: min. English B2. This course surveys German history through the prism of Berlin between the Confederation of the Rhine to the second unification of the German lands in We concentrate on politics and political culture of the Germanies. Following the wars of liberation against Napoleon, 38 states constituted the German Confederation at the Congress of Vienna in 1814/15. In its aftermath, the national-liberal movement lobbied and fought for the creation of a democratic German nation-state culminating in the revolution of After its failure, the liberals collaborated with conservative forced under Bismarck and traded political rights for a unified German Empire. This coalition allowed Bismarck to undermine the German Confederation and, eventually, to engineer the unification and Prussification of the German lands through blood and iron. After the defeat of central powers during the World War I, German was plunged into bloody civil war, and eventually emerged as the first democratic German republic. In 1933, the Germans used their democratic rights and elected the dictatorship. Nazi Germany set out to commit atrocities on an unprecedented scale throughout Europe. The grand wartime Alliance stopped and occupied Nazi Germany. The integration of the Western zones were a symptom of cold war tensions. Hardening bipolar antagonism created a surreal status for Berlin as city divided among the two superpowers. In 1961, the East German government finalized the division and walled in the Western zone of the city. The wall symbolized the separation of the two Germanies, which, however, remained remarkably stable throughout the cold war. In 1989, East Berliners brought down the wall in a peaceful revolution unifying both city and country. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to discuss major themes in German and Berlin history and critically analyze both primary and secondary sources. We will take a hands on approach to history through visits to museums and sights in Berlin 1. Introduction & End of the Holy Roman Empire 2. German states and the formation of Empire Smith Walser, Helmut, The Nation, Jonathan Sperber ed. Germany , Oxford: OUP 2004, Green, Abigail, Political and Diplomatic Movements, , in Jonathan Sperber ed. Germany: , OUP 2004, Field Trip DHM 4. Empire s Internal Consolidation Weichlein, Siegfried Nation State, conflict resolution, and culture war, , in Helmut Walser Smith ed. The Oxford Handbook of Modern German History, OUP Orlow, Dietrich, A History of Modern Germany: 1871 to Present, 7 ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson 2012, European and Global Empire Orlow, Dietrich, History of Modern Germany, Walser Smith, Helmut (2008). The Continuities of German History: Nation, Religion, and Race across the Long Nineteenth Century. Cambridge, CUP, Anghie, Antony, Berlin Conference, Merriam, John and Jay Winter eds, Europe : Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, Scribner 2006, Schroeder, Paul W., International Politics, Peace, and War , Blanning, T.C.W., ed. The Page 5 from 127

6 Nineteenth Century Europe Oxford: OUP 2000, Weimar Republic Orlow, Dietrich, History of Modern Germany, Fulbrook, Mary, A History of Germany : The Divided Nation, 3 ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 2009, McElligott, Anthony, Political Culture, Ibd. ed. Weimar Germany. The Short Oxford History of Germany. Oxford: OUP 2009, 26-44, Nazi Germany Orlow, Dietrich, History of Modern Germany, tba. Fulbrook, Mary, A History of Germany , tba. 8. Field Trip: KZ Sachsenhausen Mazower, Mark, Dark Continent: Europe s Twentieth Century, London: Penguin 1998, tba. 9. Germany no More: Occupation and Reconstruction Fulbrook, History of Germany, , Jarausch, Konrad H., After Hitler: Recivilizing Germans, , OUP 2006, Two Polities Fulbrook, History of Germany, Sperber, Jonathan, 17 June 1953: Revisiting a German Revolution, German History 22:4 (2004), Two Economies Fulbrook, History of Germany, , , Steiner, Berghoff, H. and U. A. Balbier (2013). The East German Economy : Falling Behind or Catching up?, CUP, Field Trip Every Day Life in the GDR Frank Beyer (director), Traces of Stone, 1966 (1989). 13. Protest 1960s Brown, Timothy S., 1968 East and West: Divided Germany as a Case Study in Transnational History, American Historical Review 114:1 (2009), German-German Foreign Relations Harrison, Hope, Driving the Soviets up the Wall: A Super-Ally, a Superpower, and the Building of the Berlin Wall, , Cold War History 1:1 (2000), Fulbrook, History of Germany, 175ff. Suri, Jeremi, Ostpolitik as Domestic Containment: The Cultural Contradictions of the Cold War and the West German State Response, in Belinda Davis at al. eds., Changing the World, Changing Onself, Berghahn 2010, Peace Movement of the 1980s Nehring, Holger, Creating Security from Below: Peace Movements in East and West Germany in the 1980s, Kevin McDermott and Matthew Stibbe eds. The 1989 Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe. From Communism to Pluralism, Manchester University Press 2013, : Annus Mirabilis Grieder, Peter, When your neighbour changes his wallpaper : the Gorbachev factor and the collapse of the German Democratic Republic, in Kevin McDermott and Matthew Stibbe eds. The 1989 Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe: From Communism to Pluralism, Manchester University Press 2013, Patton, David F., Annus mirabilis: 1989 and German Unification, in Helmut Walser Smith ed. The Oxford Handbook of Modern German History, OUP 2011, For international incoming students who enroll in the Berlin Perspectives module. Application via Berlin Perspectives ONLY: BP module application No registration via Agnes Autobiographical Perspectives on GDR History - DDR Geschichte aus autobiografischen Perspektiven (english) SE Mon weekly (1) HV 5, M. Berner 1) findet vom bis statt Autobiographical Perspectives on GDR History (5 ECTS) DDR Geschichte aus autobiografischen Perspektiven The public memory of the GDR is, more than twenty-five years after Germany s reunification, still contested. In regular intervals it is for example discussed whether the GDR can be described as an Unrechtsstaat (illegitimate state). And while the public interest to learn about the surveillance apparatus of the Stasi is still growing, it is often criticized that the focus on control and oppression does not coincide with the everyday experiences of many GDR citizens. In this seminar we will read mostly autobiographical texts that deal with the system of oppression in the GDR and questions of individual conformity or resistance as well as with everyday experiences. We will discuss these individual memories in order to enable students to contextualize and interpret various memory discourses. Die öffentliche Erinnerung an die DDR ist auch mehr als fünfundzwanzig Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung umstritten. In regelmäßigen Abständen wird beispielsweise darüber diskutiert, ob die DDR als Unrechtsstaat zu bezeichnen sei. Und während einerseits das öffentliche Interesse am Überwachungsapparat Stasi weiter zunimmt, wird kritisiert, dass der Fokus auf Kontrolle und Unterdrückung den Alltagserfahrungen vieler DDR-Bürger nicht gerecht werde. In diesem Seminar diskutieren wir überwiegend autobiografische Texte, die sich sowohl mit dem Unterdrückungssystem DDR und Fragen der individuellen Anpassung oder des Wider-standes als auch mit Alltagserfahrungen beschäftigen. Die Seminarteilnehmer_innen werden in die Lage versetzt, unterschiedliche Erinnerungsdiskurse zu kontextualisieren und zu deuten. Further Information: Page 6 from 127

7 Please purchase Ash, Timothy: The File: A Personal History (Atlantic Books, 2009) as soon as possible. All other literature will be available on moodle once the seminar has started. We will go on three field trips, as listed in the schedule below. On the respective dates we will meet at the museums / memorial sites. Schedule: Mondays (starting 19 October, 2015) 16:00-18:00 ct (ct stands for cum tempore (with time) meaning the class starts at 16:15 and ends at 17:45), address: Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, room (on the 3 rd floor) Course requirements to obtain 5 ECTS: 1. Active participation in class discussions and field trips. 2. Doing the readings in advance of the respective classes and preparing 1-2 discussion questions or short (critical) comments on each reading. I collect them in the beginning of each session. (20% of final grade) Oral presentation (summary of the text and a moderation of the discussion) or being an expert for a German text (help other students to understand the text, e.g. via close reading, vocab training). (30% of final grade) 1. Written assignment: You are asked to hand in two response papers to topics or texts discussed in class. Each response paper should have approx. 900 words (double spaced, MLA-style citation) and must be handed in within two weeks after the session that it refers to. Response papers can be submitted in English or German. Please send them to me via . (50% of final grade) 2. Attendance Policy: You may not miss more than two sessions. Contact me if you have to be absent more than twice to arrange a make-up task. Please also let me know if you cannot take part in one of the field trips, because the number of participants affects the tour fee (sometimes only free for more than ten people). 3. Plagiarism Policy: The penalty for plagiarism is failure of the course. Language requirements: This seminar is suitable for students with a high academic proficiency in English (at least B2-level), who are at the Beginner s stage of learning German (A1/B2). The seminar will be bilingual (English/German), with English being our primary working language, as well as opportunities to explore the German language and expand your German skills. Though most texts will be provided in English, there are some autobiographical sources that will be read in German (with support, e.g. close reading of short paragraphs in class, vocab training, with the help of an expert ). For international exchange students. No AGNES enrollment. You MUST apply via Berlin Perspectives. Please contact: Funding Berlin: alternative economic strategies, activism and urban change (english) SE Mon weekly (1) HV 5, M. Grass 1) findet vom bis statt Language requirements: min. English B2. This seminar investigates some projects and alternatives in urban devolepment one time avantgarde and contemporary pioneers. We will explore building cooperatives; talk to urban gardening activists; and listen to former squatters present their projects, their visions and their funding strategies. A publication of the results will be prepared with the help of professional publishers and editors. This seminar targets students interested in urban sociology and planning, metropolitan studies, German cultural history, economics, and cultural management. It will impart theoretical knowledge as well as fundamentals of producing and publishing academic writing. Bauausstellung Berlin GmbH: First Projects in Careful Urban Renewal. Berlin Bodenschatz, Harald: Berlin urban design A brief history. Berlin, Bodenschatz, Harald, Heise, Volker, Korfmacher, Jochen: Schluss mit der Zerstörung? Stadterneuerung und städtische Opposition in West-Berlin, Amsterdam und London. Giessen Dolff-Bonekämper, Gabi (Ed.): Städtebau und Staatsbau im 20. Jahrhundert. München, Nakamura, Toshio (Ed.): International Building Exhibition Berlin Tokyo, Bernt, Matthias, Grell, Britta, Holm, Andrej Holm (Ed.): The Berlin Reader. A Compendium on Urban Change and Activism. Berlin For international exchange students. No enrollment via AGNES. Students MUST apply via Berlin Perspectives. Please Introduction to German social and educational policies: the National Mimium Wage and the Educational Reform in Berlin (english) SE Mon weekly (1) HV 5, A. Holtmann 1) findet vom bis statt Page 7 from 127

8 Language requirements: min. English B2, some basic German (A1-2) is helpful, but not a pre-requisite This seminar will deal with the question of how welfare state institutions and concrete social and education policies and initiatives shape individual life courses and life risks. We will approach this questions through a comparative perspective and through conducting qualitative interviews. The first part gives an introduction to comparative research on welfare states, education systems and the transition into the labour market. In the second part, we investigate the effects of the recent introduction of a minimum wage in Germany. We will conduct qualitative interviews to find out about the impacts of the minimum wage on employment and on the transition into the labour market. In the third part, we will investigate the transition from school to work of low educated young people and of refugees. We will get an overview of different policy measures and civil society initiatives to support the entry into the labour market, and conduct qualitative interviews. In the fourth part, we focus on the impact of education systems on students performance and inequality in a comparative perspective and conduct interviews on the secondary school reform in Berlin. Before the reform, students in Berlin were separated into three different school types at the age of 12 with only the highest school tracks leading to A-levels that give access to universities. Since the reform, students are tracked into two different school types only, which are both supposed to offer the possibility to complete A-levels. We will investigate how the reform worked in practice. To sum up, the seminar explores how social and educational policies impact on people s lives both from a comparative perspective and through interviews with people in Berlin. For international exchange students. Application via Berlin Perspectives only. NO AGNES registration. Please contact Philipp C. Jessup Moot Court (english) 4 SWS 10 SP UE - G. Nolte Bestandteil dieser Lehrveranstaltung ist eine inländische Exkursion und bei erfolgreichem Abschneiden eine weitere Exkursion nach Washington. Prüfung: Eine Prüfungsanmeldung kann nur für den Schwerpunktbereich (auf Anfrage beim Lehrenden) oder die Schlüsselqualifikation oder die fachorientierte Fremdsprache erfolgen. Es kann nur eine Prüfung abgelegt werden. Die Prüfungen sind unterschiedlich The English Legal System: a Historical Introduction (english) 2 SP / 3 SP VL Mon weekly BE 2, E44/46 G. Dannemann This lecture provides a historical introduction to the English Legal System. The historical part explains in particular the development of the system of actions before the King s Courts, of a separate Equity jurisdiction before the Chancellor s Courts, and the modernisation of English law during the 19th century reforms. For modern English law, the lecure covers in particular: - sources of English law: case law as developed through the courts, the doctrine of binding precedent, statutes and statutory instruments, and customary law; - courts, jurisdiction and the jury system; - introductions to the civil justice system and the criminal justice system; - legal professions, in particular solicitors, barristers, judges, and legal education. Previous knowledge of English law is not required. The entire lecture will be given in the English language. All interested students are welcome to attend. They are, however, advised that the lecture has not been written particularly for German law students, but forms part of the Master of British Studies course offered by the Centre for British Studies. A short reading list and an outline of the lecture can be downloaded from: moodle-link wird noch bekannt gegeben Prüfung: BZQ II: Mündliche Prüfung Comparative Introduction to U.S. Law (english) 2 SP / 5 SP VL Thu Single (1) K. de la Durantaye Fri Single (2) UL 9, 210 K. de la Durantaye Sat Single (3) UL 9, 210 K. de la Durantaye Sun Single (4) UL 9, 210 K. de la Durantaye 1) findet am statt 2) findet am statt 3) findet am statt 4) findet am statt Students will be introduced to various aspects of common law as applied in the United States including the U.S. Constitution, property law, contract law, the law of torts and criminal law. The purpose of the course is to give students an overview of the most important features of American law and to help them establish points of comparison with their own legal systems. The class is well suited for students who are considering LL.M. studies in the United States. However, such an interest is not required. George P. Fletcher & Steve Sheppard, American Law in a Global Context. The Basiscs (Oxford University Press, 2005). Im Handapparat der Bibliothek befinden sich drei Exemplare des Buches. Please register for the class by October 14 (12:00 o'clock) at Enrollment is limited! Prüfung: BZQ II: Klausur Page 8 from 127

9 Transitional Justice (english) 5 SP / 8 SP BS Tue Single (1) BE 2, E47 G. Werle Fri Single (2) UL 9, 210 G. Werle Fri Single (3) UL 9, 210 G. Werle Sat Single (4) UL 9, 210 G. Werle Sat Single (5) UL 9, 210 G. Werle 1) findet am statt 2) findet am statt 3) findet am statt 4) findet am statt 5) findet am statt Over the past 25 years, many countries have faced transitions from dictatorial or authoritarian rule to democracy. This course assess and analyses the various responses that have been adopted in dealing with past gross human rights violations of predecessor regimes - criminal prosecutions, lustration of the public service, opening of archives, amnesties, truth commissions etc. In addition, the relevant legal framework of international law as well as the impact of international and internationalised criminal justice will be considered. Each participant will have to prepare a research paper of 4,000 words (15 to 18 pages, 12pt. Times New Roman, 1½ line spacing) on one particular subject related to the seminar. The topics will be assigned during the first session of the seminar on 13 October 2015, 6 to 8 pm, Room E 47 (Law Faculty). You will have to give a presentation on your topic. The presentation should be about 20 minutes, but certainly no longer than 30 minutes and should give an overview of your respective subject and summarise the main findings of your research. To give you an opportunity to adjust your papers following our discussions at the seminar, you will have to hand in the final versions of your paper by 18 December The number of participants is limited to 20. If you are interested in taking part in the seminar, please contact Ms Anja Schepke ( Prüfung: BZQ II: Research Paper and Presentation International Criminal Justice (english) 2 SP / 4 SP VL Mon weekly UL 9, 213 G. Werle The lecture will provide an overview of fundamental principles of international criminal justice. It will deal with the historical evolution of international criminal law, the core crimes, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes, and the general principles of individual criminal responsibility under international law. Lectures on transitional justice will be included. Current international case law will be covered throughout just as the various modes of enforcement, including prosecution of international crimes before national courts. Gerhard Werle/Florian Jeßberger, Principles of International Criminal Law, 3nd Edition, 2014 Prüfung: BZQ II: Abschlussklausur Introduction to Copyright Law (english) 2 SP / 3 SP VL Tue weekly BE 2, 140/142 J. Nordemann This English language lecture will start with an introductino into German copyright law. It will also cover EU copyright directives and international copyright treaties, both providing the frame work for national copyright law. Script in the form of slides will be provided. Prüfung: BZQ II: Abschlussklausur Arbitration I (Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit) (english) 2 SP / 5 SP VL Wed weekly BE 2, E44/46 G. Wagner Die Vorlesung bietet eine Einführung in das Recht der privaten Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit als eine der ältesten und praktisch wichtigsten Alternative zur Streitentscheidung durch staatliche Gerichte. Die Veranstaltung beginnt mit der Schiedsvereinbarung, orientiert sich dann am Ablauf eines Schiedsverfahrens und schließt mit den Rechtsbehelfen gegen Schiedssprüche sowie ihre Vollstreckung. Die internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit wird einbezogen, aber nur am Rande behandelt. Rolf Schütze, Schiedsgericht und Schiedsverfahren, 5. Aufl Prüfung: BZQ II: Klausur Page 9 from 127

10 Alternative Streitbeilegung (english) 2 SP / 5 SP VL Tue weekly BE 2, E34 G. Wagner Alternative Streitbeilegung außerhalb von Gerichtsverfahren erfreut sich wachsender Beliebtheit und wird vom Gesetzgeber nach Kräften gefördert. Die Veranstaltung stellt die wichtigsten Verfahrenstypen vor: Mediation, Schlichtung, Adjudication. Nicht behandelt wird das Schiedsverfahrensrecht, das Gegenstand einer eigenen Veranstaltung ist FRS Englisch: Contract and Commercial (Modul 3) (english) 4 SWS 5 SP CO Tue weekly (1) BE 2, 139A P. Harvey Thu weekly (2) BE 2, 139A P. Harvey 1) findet ab statt 2) findet ab statt This course should familiarise you with the essentials of commercial contracts in the common law world. We deal with questions of construction, vitiating factors, misrepresentation, equitable remedies and parts of the Sale of Goods Act. A substantial set of notes is provided. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise zur Anmeldung und weitere Informationen zum Zertifikatsstudiengang Fremdsprachiges Rechtsstudium (FRS) unter FRS Englisch: English Criminal Law (Modul 5) (english) 4 SWS 5 SP CO Mon weekly (1) BE 2, 139A A. van der Eijk- Spaan Wed weekly (2) BE 2, 139A A. van der Eijk- Spaan 1) findet ab statt 2) findet ab statt This course will familiarise you with a number of aspects of English Criminal Law, including the criminal justice system, the judiciary, magistrates and jury, classification of offences, the Crown Prosecution Service, elements of a crime (actus reus/mens rea), defences, sentencing and mitigation, and appeal routes. We will discuss several criminal offences such as murder/manslaughter, theft, robbery and burglary, and you will be exposed to legal texts, including statutes and cases. Your active participation in class will be required. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise zur Anmeldung und weitere Informationen zum Zertifikatsstudiengang Fremdsprachiges Rechtsstudium (FRS) unter FRS Amerikanisch: Constitutional Law: Cases, Analysis and Controversies (Modul 5) (english) 4 SWS 5 SP CO Wed weekly (1) BE 2, E34 M. Eidelheit 1) findet ab statt Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise zur Anmeldung und weitere Informationen zum Zertifikatsstudiengang Fremdsprachiges Rechtsstudium (FRS) unter FRS Amerikanisch: Introduction to U.S. Business Law (Modul 3) (english) 4 SWS 5 SP CO Tue weekly (1) BE 2, 144 P. Kiefer 1) findet ab statt Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise zur Anmeldung und weitere Informationen zum Zertifikatsstudiengang Fremdsprachiges Rechtsstudium (FRS) unter Limnology I (Theoretical Limnology) (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Thu weekly (1) T. Mehner, M. Pusch 1) findet ab statt Ort: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Müggelseedamm 310, Großer Hörsaal Risk and Uncertainty in Science and Policy (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Mon weekly (1) N.N. 1) findet ab statt Page 10 from 127

11 Raum 315, Invalidenstraße 118, Professor Tobias Krüger The Role of Gender for Sustainable Resource Management (english) 4 SWS 6 SP SE Wed weekly (1) HN27-H12, 2.21 G. Caglar 1) findet ab statt The food price crisis of highlighted the fragility of food security and led to renewed calls to rethink agricultural policies and to transform the global agrifood system. Feminist scholars emphasize that food insecurity is not simply a result of food scarcity but rather a consequence of gender-blind and misdirected priorities set in agricultural development, economic restructuring and resource management. They criticize the market-oriented conception of food security in global food governance that is the primary focus at the availability of and access to food. The seminar aims at a) unpacking the deeper structural causes of hunger and malnutrition by analyzing the gendered power asymmetries that underlie global and local food systems and b) reflecting the transformative potential of the concept of food sovereignty from a gender perspective. Students will get acquainted with different theories and conceptualizations of gender and will learn how to employ gender as a structural category, a process category and/or an intersectional category for the analysis of global and local food systems. Clapp, Jennifer (2012): Food. London: Polity Press McMahon, Martha (2014): Local Food: Food Sovereignty or Myth of Alternative Consumer Sovereignty? In: Andrée, Peter et al. (eds.): Globalization and Food Sovereignty. Global and Local Change in the New Politics of Food. Toronot, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, Sachs, Carolyn/Patel-Campillo, Anouk (2014): Feminist Food Justice: Crafting a New Vision. In: Feminist Studies 40(2), pp Thema im WS 15/16: Gendered Policies and Practices of Food Sovereignty 20133ÜF The Role of Gender for Sustainable Resource Management (english) 4 SWS SE Wed weekly (1) HN27-H12, 2.21 G. Caglar 1) findet ab statt The food price crisis of highlighted the fragility of food security and led to renewed calls to rethink agricultural policies and to transform the global agrifood system. Feminist scholars emphasize that food insecurity is not simply a result of food scarcity but rather a consequence of gender-blind and misdirected priorities set in agricultural development, economic restructuring and resource management. They criticize the market-oriented conception of food security in global food governance that is the primary focus at the availability of and access to food. The seminar aims at a) unpacking the deeper structural causes of hunger and malnutrition by analyzing the gendered power asymmetries that underlie global and local food systems and b) reflecting the transformative potential of the concept of food sovereignty from a gender perspective. Students will get acquainted with different theories and conceptualizations of gender and will learn how to employ gender as a structural category, a process category and/or an intersectional category for the analysis of global and local food systems. Clapp, Jennifer (2012): Food. London: Polity Press McMahon, Martha (2014): Local Food: Food Sovereignty or Myth of Alternative Consumer Sovereignty? In: Andrée, Peter et al. (eds.): Globalization and Food Sovereignty. Global and Local Change in the New Politics of Food. Toronot, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, Sachs, Carolyn/Patel-Campillo, Anouk (2014): Feminist Food Justice: Crafting a New Vision. In: Feminist Studies 40(2), pp Thema im WS 15/16: Gendered Policies and Practices of Food Sovereignty Institutional Economics and Political Economy I: Basic Concepts and Applications (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Wed weekly (1) HN27-H12, 1.03 K. Hagedorn, A. Thiel Thu weekly (2) I - O, 2302 K. Hagedorn, A. Thiel 1) findet ab statt 2) findet vom bis statt Objectives of the teaching module Students will have a good knowledge of the basic terms and theories to conceptualize and analyze the role of institutions in the economy and their change will be able to contrast different strands of institutional economics will be familiar with theories of political economy and governance Content overview Page 11 from 127

12 The module builds on the basic understanding that coordination is an essential part of most human activities, indeed, making them social. In order to attain an in-depth understanding of the coordination problems people face and the way we can conceptualize adequate solution, and how change of institutions can be conceptualized, the course is divided into five sections. We start out with an elaboration of coordination problems, different definitions of institutions and property rights as basic dimensions of how the economy is organised (Section 1). This introductory section is followed by a discussion of static analysis of institutions that are introduced into the economic sphere in order to overcome coordination problems (Section 2). Subsequently, in Section 3, we address conceptualisations of the dynamics at play in changes of decentral institutions in the economic sphere. Section 4 addresses the role of institutions in policy making and state activities and analyses state activity and the allocation of state competencies more in general. Section 5 will look at conceptualisations of dynamics of institutional change triggered by policy making and state activities. At the end of each section articles which illustrate the application of some of the conceptual ideas introduced in analytical practice will be briefly discussed. Complete Outline (including Literature) can be found on the Website of the Division of Resource Economics: Registrations can be made at! Irrigation and Drainage Systems (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Tue weekly (1) I - H, 1119 F. Riesbeck, R. Zillur, V. Junghans 1) findet ab statt Agricultural Climatology and Ecophysiology (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Tue weekly (1) ATW 5-H47, 107 F. Chmielewski, C. Ulrichs 1) findet ab statt Ecosystems of Agricultural Landscapes and Sustainable Natural Resource Use (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Thu 08:30-12:00 weekly (1) LE75-H23, 306A H. Schwartz, U. Stachow 1) findet ab statt Soil and Water Protection (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Wed weekly (1) HN27-H12, 1.03 J. Zeitz, D. Balla 1) findet ab statt There will be one excursion ( ) Participatory Rural Innovation and Knowledge Systems (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Block (1) LU53-H32, 217 T. Aenis Block+SaSo (2) LU53-H32, 217 T. Aenis Block (3) LU53-H32, 217 T. Aenis 1) findet vom bis statt 2) findet vom bis statt 3) findet vom bis statt Environmental Management and Information Systems (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Fri weekly (1) HN27-H12, 1.03 W. Bokelmann 1) findet vom bis statt Environmental and Resource Economics III: Environmental Institutions and Governance (english) 4 SWS 6 SP VL Thu weekly (1) HN27-H12, 1.03 K. Hagedorn, K. Farrell, A. Thiel 1) findet ab statt Content of the Teaching Module Page 12 from 127

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