ucx. s. VI. 3; ucx. s. V. 4: moswavle kitxulobs da igebs sxvadasxva Temaze Seqmnil SemecnebiT teqsts.

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1 2013 wliს ertiani erovnuli საგამოცდო პროგრამა ucxour enebsi ertiani erovnuli sagamocdo programa eyrdnoba erovnul saswavlo gegmas sagnobriv standarts ucxour enebsi da kerzod, arnisnuli standartis Semdeg misarwev Sedegebs: ucx. s. VI. 3; ucx. s. V. 4: moswavle kitxulobs da igebs sxvadasxva Temaze Seqmnil SemecnebiT teqsts. ucx. s. VI. 8: moswavle aanalizebs teqsts struqturuli da enobrivi maxasiateblebis mixedvit. ucx. s. VI. 10: moswavle flobs da iyenebs strategiebs teqstis sirrmiseulad Seswavlis miznit. ucx. s. VI. 12; ucx. s. V. 13: moswavle wers sxvadasxva tipis teqts (mag. ese) ucx. s. VI. 13; ucx. s. V. 14: werisas moswavle qmnis teqstis struqturas, flobs da funqciurad iyenebs sabaziso enobriv-gramatikul unar-cvevebs. ucx. s. VI. 14: moswavle flobs da iyenebs weris efeqtur strategiebs weris procesis yvela etapze. აბიტურიენტს unda SeeZlos: 1. waikitxos sasualo sirtulis originaluri an adaptirebuli informaciuli an SemecnebiTi xasiatis teqsti, ganxadeba, reklama da gaiazros massi mocemuli informacia: gaigos teqstis ZiriTadi azri; impliciturad mocemuli informacia (globaluri kitxvis teqnika). gaigos teqstsi mocemuli konkretuli informacia da teqstidan amokrifos eqspliciturad mocemuli faqtebi (detaluri kitxvis teqnika). teqstsi ipovos sasurvel informacia (seleqciuri anu SerCeviTi kitxvis teqnika). 2. daweros mokle teqsti mocemul Temaze. mkafiod da Tanamimdevrulad Camoayalibos Tavisi azri, pozicia, damokidebuleba.

2 programis Sinaarsi enebis mixedvit inglisuri gramatika morfologia arsebiti saxeli: konkretuli da abstraqtuli, Tvladi da utvladi, krebiti; arsebiti saxelis ricxvi da brunva artikli: gansazrvruli da ganusazrvreli; artiklebis gamoyenebis ZiriTadi wesebi; nulovani artikli zedsartavi saxeli: Sedarebis xarisxebi; not so/as.. as ricxviti saxeli: raodenobiti da rigobiti; martivi da rtuli. nacvalsaxeli: piris, CvenebiTi, kutvnilebiti, kitxviti, ukuqceviti, emfaturi, mimartebiti, ganusazrvrelobiti, urtiertobiti zmna: piriani da upiro; gardamavali da gardauvali; wesieri da arawesieri; srulmnisvnelovani da damxmare; zmnis otxi forma zmnis droebi aqtiur gvarsi: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past, Future Continuous; Present, Past, Future Perfect; Present, Past Perfect Continuous; Future in the Past. zmnis droebi pasiur gvarsi: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past, Continuous; Present, Past Perfect zmnis upiro formebi: infinitivis, gerundivis, awmyo da warsuli drois mimreobebis martivi formebi modaluri zmnebi da ekvivalentebi: can, could, be able to; may, might; must, have to, be to; should; would zmnizeda: drois, adgilis, vitarebis, xarisxis, sixsiris; zmnizedis Sedarebis xarisxebi windebuli: in, on, at, by, about, behind, of, from, after, before, under, through, above da a.s. kavsirebi da makavsirebeli sityvebi: and, if, or, but, that, who, what, which, how, whether, though da a.s. konstruqciebi: there is / there are; it is; be going to; used to tipisa sintaqsi TxrobiTi, kitxviti da brzanebiti winadadebebi martivi da Serwymuli winadadebebi rtuli Tanwyobili da rtuli Qqvewyobili winadadebebi pirobiti winadadebebi: realuri pirobiti winadadeba (Conditional 1): If I see him, I will talk to him tipisa, da ararealuri pirobiti winadadeba (Conditional 2): If I saw him, I would talk to him / If I were you, I would do it tipisa kitxviti winadadebebi: Yes/No questions (Is he here?); Wh-questions (Where is it?) da Tag-questions (You like it, don t you?) winadadebebi, romlebic Seicaven I want you to do it, I saw him dancing, Let me do, Makes me feel tipis rtul damatebebs pirdapiri da iribi Tqma; drota Tanamimdevroba upiro winadadebebi

3 leqsika enobrivi kompetenciis B1 donis leqsika. sityvatwarmoeba: martivi prefiqsebi (dis-, un-, in-, im-) da sufiqsebi (-er/-or, -sion, -tion, -ity, -ic, -al, -ous) Sedgenili arsebiti da zedsartavi saxelebi sunflower, home-made tipisa. frazuli zmnebi: bring up, get up, look for, look after, see off, switch on, run into, think over tipisa germanuli ena gramatika arsebiti saxeli: bruneba, mravlobiti ricxvis warmoeba; arsebiti saxelis mawarmoebeli sufiqsebi da prefiqsebi artikli: gansazrvruli, ganusazrvreli, nulovani zedsartavi saxeli: Sedarebis xarisxebi, bruneba ricxviti saxeli: raodenobiti, rigobiti, wilobiti nacvalsaxeli: (piris, CvenebiTi, kutvnilebiti, pirnakli, kitxviti, mimartebiti), nacvalsaxelebis bruneba zmna: Zlieri, susti, Sereuli urlebis, ukuqceviti, damxmare da modaluri zmnebi, zmnis ZiriTadi formebi, mimreoba I da II, martivi da rtuli drois formebi, upiro zmnebi, TavsarTmocilebadi da TavsarTmoucilebadi zmnebi; zmnis urleba, pasivi da misi drois formebi brzanebiti kilos warmoeba Dativ-is windebulebi (mit, von, bei, zu, nach, seit, aus, außer, entgegen, gegenüber). Akkusativ-is windebulebi (durch, für, ohne, um, gegen, wider, bis, entlang). Dativ-Akkusativ is saerto windebulebi (in, auf, an, unter, über, hinter, vor, zwischen, neben) Genitiv-is windebulebi (während, wegen, unweit, statt, diesseits, jenseits, mittels, trotz, oberhalb, unterhalb, innerhalb, außerhalb) zmnizeda: drois, adgilis, vitarebis; zmnizedis Sedarebis xarisxebi. martivi winadadeba (mtkicebiti, kitxviti, brzanebiti; uaryofiti). uaryofis ZiriTadi sasualebebi: nicht, kein infinitivi zu nawilaktan da mis garese; infinitiuri konstruqciebi um...zu, statt...zu, ohne...zu sityvatwyoba da kavsirebi (und, aber, denn, oder, sondern, trotzdem, bis, als, wenn, weil, ob, dass) rtul Tanwyobil da rtul qvewyobil winadadebasi leqsikuri aspeqti enobrivi kompetenciis B1 donis leqsika sityvawarmoeba sufiqsaciit sityvawarmoeba prefiqsaciit

4 franguli ena gramatika morfologia artikli (gansazrvruli, ganusazrvreli, Serwymuli, nawilobiti, Sekvecili) arsebiti saxeli (mdedrobiti sqesis da mravlobiti ricxvis warmoeba) zedsartavi saxeli (CvenebiTi, kutvnilebiti, TvisebiTi) zedsartavi saxelis sqesisa da ricxvis warmoeba ricxviti saxeli (raodenobiti da rigobiti) piris nacvalsaxeli (maxviliani da umaxvilo) piris nacvalsaxelis gamoyeneba pirdapir da irib damatebad en da y zmnizeduri nacvalsaxelebis gamoyeneba mimartebiti nacvalsaxeli kutvnilebiti nacvalsaxeli CvenebiTi nacvalsaxeli ganusazrvreli nacvalsaxeli zmnizeda : drois da adgilis gamomxatveli zmnizedebis gamoyeneba (pendant, après, depuis, jusqu à, maintenant, en haut, entre, autour, en bas, loin, à gauche, à côté ) kilo: TxrobiTi, brzanebiti, pirobiti, (aqtiuri codna da gamoyeneba) kavsirebiti (pasiuri codna) zmnis jgufebi wesieri da arawesieri zmnebi ukuqceviti zmnebi upiro zmnebi zmnis droebisa da formebis warmoeba da gamoyeneba (présent, imparfait, passé composé, plus-que-parfait, futur immédiat, passé immédiat, futur simple, passé simple, participe présent, participe passé, gérondif, impératif, infinitif, conditionnel présent, futur dans le passé, présent du subjonctif-pasiuri codna) zmnis pasiuri forma participe passé-s SeTanxmeba piris nacvalsaxeltan être-it naurleb zmnebsi konstruqcia verbe + infinitive il faut + nom il faut + verbe makavsirebeli kavsirebi (mais, ou, et, ni, donc, car) maqvemdebarebeli kavsirebi (que, quand, comme, si, parce que, pendant que, afin de, lorsque, à condition que, ainsi que) uaryofa kitxvis dasma zmnizedis da zedsartavis SedarebiTi xarisxebi windebuli sintaqsi uaryofiti da kitxviti winadadebebi infinitivuri winadadeba

5 kavsiriani da ukavsiro rtuli Tanwyobili winadadebebi da mati praqtikuli gamoyeneba mizezis, drois, miznis, garemoebiti damokidebuli winadadebebis gamoyeneba kavsirebit: puisque, parce que, quand, pendant que damatebiti damokidebuli winadadebis gamoyeneba konstruqciasi: je pense que, je crois que, je sais que,... mimartebiti damokidebuli winadadebebis gamoyeneba qui kavsirit Ne... que SezRudviTi nawilakebis gamoyeneba pirdapiri da iribi natqvami (pasiuri codna) leqsika enobrivi kompetenciis B1 donis leqsika sityvawarmoeba prefiqsaciit myari Sesityvebebi da gamotqmebi (avoir peur ; avoir raison ; avoir soif ; être en retard ; être en avance ) rusuli ena morfologia metyvelebis damoukidebeli nawilebi arsebiti saxeli: sulieri da usulo, sakutari da sazogado, konkretuli da abstraqtuli, krebiti, nivtierebata. sqesi, ricxvi, brunva, brunebis tipebi, Tavisebur saxelta bruneba, ucvleli arsebiti saxelebi. zedsartavi saxeli: sqesi, ricxvi, fuze, bruneba,setanxmeba arsebit saxelebtan; jgufebi; sruli da mokle forma, Sedarebis xarisxebi. ricxviti saxeli: martivi, rtuli, Sedgenili; raodenobiti, rigobiti, krebiti, wilobiti; brunebis Taviseburebani; ricxviti saxeli arsebit saxeltan. nacvalsaxeli: jgufebi (piris, kutvnilebiti, kitxviti, mimartebiti, CvenebiTi, gansazrvrebiti, ganusazrvrelobiti, uaryofiti); bruneba; SeTanxmeba arsebit saxeltan. zmna: infinitivi, aspeqti, dro, piri da ricxvi, kilo, ukuqceviti, gardamavali da gardauvali. urleba; Tavisebur zmnata urleba; upiro zmnebi; mozraobis armnisvneli zmnebi. mimreoba: moqmedebiti da vnebiti. dro. vnebiti mimreobis mokle forma. mimreobis warmoeba da gamoyeneba. bruneba. mimreobis konstruqcia. absolutivi (gerundivi): sruli da arasruli aspeqtis warmoeba da gamoyeneba. absolutiviani konstruqcia. zmnizeda: jgufebi, Sedarebis xarisxebi, zmnizedis warmoeba. metyvelebis damxmare nawilebi windebuli kavsiri nawilaki Sorisdebuli

6 sintaqsi Sesityveba: agebuleba, sintaqsuri SekavSirebis saxeebi (SeTanxmeba, martva da mirtva) winadadeba martivi winadadeba: winadadebebis saxeebi Sinaarsis mixedvit, winadadebis mtavari wevrebi, winadadebis saxeebi agebulebis mixedvit (martivi da rtuli), winadadeba erti mtavari wevrit, winadadebis meorexarisxovani wevrebi (gansazrvreba, damateba, garemoeba); gavrcobili da gauvrcobeli, sruli da usruli winadadeba, winadadebis ertgvari wevrebi, winadadeba gankerzoebuli da damazustebeli wevrebit. rtuli winadadeba: rtuli Tanwyobili winadadeba, rtuli qvewyobili winadadeba, maqvemdebarebeli kavsirebi rtul qvewyobil winadadebasi, damokidebuli winadadebebis saxeebi (ganmartebiti, gansazrvrebiti, garemoebiti), ukavsiro rtuli winadadeba, pirdapiri natqvami, iribi natqvami, citatebi da citirebis xerxebi. ortografia xmovanta martlwera TanxmovanTa martlwera Ъ-s gamoyeneba Ь-s gamoyeneba TavsarTebis martlwera asomtavrulis gamoyeneba rtuli sityvebis martlwera arsebiti saxelis martlwera zedsartavi saxelis martlwera ricxviti saxelis martlwera nacvalsaxelis martlwera zmnis martlwera zmnizedis martlwera windebulebis martlwera kavsirebis martlwera nawilakebis martlwera punqtuacia sasven nisanta xmareba winadadebis bolos sasven nisanta xmareba ertgvar wevrebtan sasven nisanta xmareba ganmazogadebel sityvastan sasven nisanta xmareba mimartvastan sasven nisanta xmareba rtul Tanwyobil winadadebasi sasven nisanta xmareba rtul qvewyobil winadadebasi sasven nisanta xmareba ukavsiro (rtul) winadadebasi mzime kavsirian (rtul) winadadebasi. sasveni nisnebi pirdapir natqvamtan.

7 sasveni nisnebi irib natqvamtan. sasveni nisnebi citirebisas. gankerzoebuli sityvebi da gamotqmebi. mimreobisa da absolutivis gankerzoeba. leqsika: enobrivi kompetenciis B1 donis leqsika

gamocdebis erovnuli centris ucxouri enebis jgufig rogor movemzadot erovnuli gamocdebisatvis inglisuri ena 2012-2013 saswavlo weli

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