District Improvement Plan. Grand Rapids Public Schools

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1 Gr Rapids Public Schools Mrs. Trsa Wathrall Nal, d 1331 Franklin St SE P.O. Box 117 Gr Rapids, MI Docum Gnratd On August 12, 2016

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Iroduction 1 Summary Iroduction 3 Dscription of th School Systm 4 Systm's Purpos 5 Notabl Achivms Aras of Improvm 6 Additional Information 7 Improvm Plan Stakholdr Involvm Iroduction 9 Improvm Planning Procss 10 Additional Rquirms Diagnostic Iroduction 13 Additional Rquirms Diagnostic 14 Gr Rapids Public Schools - Improvm Plan for Ovrviw 18 Goals Summary 19 Goal 1: All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b supportd by an adult. 20 Goal 2: All programs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will incras thir par/community ngagm. 25 Goal 3: All schools will improv th acadmic larning bhaviors nvironm for all studs. 29

3 Goal 4: Th will support all school administrators tachrs in th Educator Evaluation Procss 31 Goal 5: All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in English Languag Arts - Rading. 33 Goal 6: All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in English Languag Arts - Writing. 62 Goal 7: All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in Mathmatics. 72 Goal 8: All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in Scinc. 84 Goal 9: All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in Social Studis 92 Goal 10: Adults in th will b supportd through ladrship opportunitis rsarch-basd bst practics. 101 Goal 11: GRPS will rcruit highly qualifid staff. 110 Activity Summary by Funding Sourc 113 Activity Summary by School 163

4 Gr Rapids Public Schools Iroduction Th Improvm Plan (DIP) has bn dsignd to provid schools districts with a common planning tmplat that addrsss stud larning systm nds that hav bn idifid through th schools' Comprhnsiv Nds Assssm. It has also bn dsignd to addrss any fdral, stat locally rquird lms that must b coaind in a School Improvm Plan. SY Pag 1

5 Gr Rapids Public Schools Summary SY Pag 2

6 Gr Rapids Public Schools Iroduction Evry school systm has its own story to tll. Th coxt in which taching larning taks plac influncs th procsss procdurs by which th school systm maks dcisions around curriculum, instruction, assssm. Th coxt also impacts th way a school systm stays faithful to its vision. Many factors coribut to th ovrall narrativ such as an idification of stakholdrs, a dscription of stakholdr ngagm, th trnds issus affcting th school systm, th kinds of programs srvics that a school systm implms to support stud larning. Th purpos of th Summary (ES) is to provid a school systm with an opportunity to dscrib in narrativ form th strngths challngs it ncours. By doing so, th public mmbrs of th community will hav a mor complt pictur of how th school systm prcivs itslf th procss of slf-rflction for coinuous improvm. This summary is structurd for th school systm to rflct on how it provids taching larning on a day to day basis. SY Pag 3

7 Gr Rapids Public Schools Dscription of th School Systm Dscrib th school systm's siz, community/communitis, location, changs it has xprincd in th last thr yars. Includ dmographic information about th studs, staff, community at larg. What uniqu faturs challngs ar associatd with th community/communitis th school systm srvs? Gr Rapids Public Schools (GRPS) is Michigan's svh largst public school district th third largst mployr in th City of Gr Rapids, srving mor than 16,500 studs with 2,700 mploys, including 1,200 ddicatd tachrs. In th last thr yars, th dmographics of th district hav shiftd. Prior to this yar, thr wr mor African Amrican studs than Hispanic/Latino. Today, th stud population is 36% Hispanic/Latino, 32% African Amrican, 24% Caucasian. Th stud population rprss 55 couris with 54 diffr languags spokn, crating a valu-addd ducational xprinc bnfit that is abov byond a basic ducation. Many studs within th district rquir additional srvics support. 24% of studs ar English Languag larnrs, 83% of studs qualify for fr or rducd lunch, 20% rciv spcial ducation srvics. GRPS proudly offrs th largst slction of school choics in all of Wst Michigan, including nighborhood, thm, Cr of Innovation, spcial ducation, chartr. Nighborhood schools offr a traditional ducation. Thy ar locatd throughout th city ar opn to all studs within thir attndanc ara. Exciting pilot programs ar undrway to strngthn th connction btwn nighborhood schools nighborhood rsids at Congrss Mulick Elmary. Thm schools offr th cor curriculum through a uniqu lns, including nvironmal scinc, arts music, global studis, ladrship, Mossori, Irnational Baccalaurat mor. In many thm schools, studs hav th opportunity for plac basd ducation xciting xtracurricular programming to nhanc thir larning. Four of th thm schools ar tst-in schools. On of thos schools, City High Middl School, consistly ranks as th top prforming school in all of Wst Michigan among th top in th stat (ACT scors, "U.S. Nws & World Rport", "Th Washington Post"). Th Crs of Innovation ar uniqu public-privat partnrships that offr studs a rigorous classroom ducation along with opportunitis to connct with profssional mors, complt job shadowing irnships, arn collg trad school crdits or carr crtification to prpar thm for in-dm, high paying carrs. GRPS provids cr-basd spcial ducation programs srvics to studs from th 20 school districts of th K Irmdiat School (KISD) as dtrmind through th IEP tam procss. GRPS also authorizs on chartr lmary school, Gr Rapids Child Discovry Cr. Schools may also offr srvics for English Languag Larnrs; "community schools" with social, halth, mal halth srvics mbddd; all day prschool; all day kindrgartn; much mor. SY Pag 4

8 Gr Rapids Public Schools Systm's Purpos Provid th school systm's purpos statm ancillary co such as mission, vision, valus, /or blifs. Dscrib how th school systm mbodis its purpos through its program offrings xpctations for studs. Our mission is to nsur that all studs ar ducatd, slf-dirctd, productiv mmbrs of socity! Upon graduation, studs will b ducatd, thrfor abl to: 1. Apply skills knowldg larnd from a rigorous rlva cor curriculum. 2. Dmonstrat proficincy in curr tchnologis. 3. Transfr carr mployability skills across multipl sttings. 4. Pursu liflong larning to succd in a changing global community. Slf-dirctd, thrfor abl to: 1. Us a high dgr of slf-awarnss to facilitat making lif-dircting dcisions. 2. Idify initiat carr-appropriat post-scondary options Productiv, thrfor abl to: 1. Apprciat rspct cultural individual divrsity. 2. Activly participat as productiv mmbrs of a global socity. Our vision is to bcom a world-class prforming district with a divrs portfolio of th highst quality schools, with th top ducational tal, to mt th diffring acadmic, social, motional, physical nds of vry stud with unrling focus on high achivm, high xpctations, prparation for th 21st Cury conomy. W bliv that all childrn can achiv thir acadmic potial through ffort, high xpctations, quality taching. SY Pag 5

9 Gr Rapids Public Schools Notabl Achivms Aras of Improvm Dscrib th school systm's notabl achivms aras of improvm in th last thr yars. Additionally, dscrib aras for improvm that th school systm is striving to achiv in th nxt thr yars. For mor than 20 yars, GRPS had bn in a stat of churn dclin. W lost mor than 8,000 studs, closd 35 schools, cut $100 million out of th budgt, liminatd 1,000 jobs. In January 2012, d Nal usd th rsults of th Listning Tour, Phas II Improvm Plan, Cambridg Rport, Plan, 5 Yar Stratgic Plan to dvlop a bold, comprhnsiv plan aimd at rstoring stability growth to GRPS. Th GRPS Transformation Plan rcivd ovrwhlming support from th community was unanimously approvd by th Gr Rapids Board of Education in Dcmbr Sinc thn, it has bn th driving forc bhind th nrgy, xcitm, momum growing around GRPS! Phas I of th Transformation Plan calld for xping th numbr of K-8 schools; bringing th tal, innovation, rsourcs of four Crs of Innovation scattrd throughout th city to on building, Innovation Cral High, whr thy could co-locat for maximum outcoms; rinvsting in thm schools; xping th numbr of thm schools by opning Grald R. Ford Cr; ropning Stocking Elmary; partnring with nighborhoods community organizations to pilot a cutting dg nighborhood-school rclamation projct at Congrss Mulick Park; r-missioning transforming cral offic to focus on customr srvic supporting schools, instad of th old top down buraucratic modl; rducing th numbr of comprhnsiv high schools varsity athltic tams from 3 to 2; implming school uniforms district wid; ovrhauling human rsourcs to focus on tal rtion, rcruitm, profssional dvlopm. Phas I was succssfully implmd in on school yar. This is nothing short of rmarkabl dmonstrats th calibr quality of th staff in th district. For th first tim in two dcads, stability is bing rstord, w ar unitd as a district, oprations ar firing on all cylindrs. In just four short yars, th Transformation Plan has shown significa rsults. Our graduation rats ar up! Ovrall graduation rats incrasd by 12 prcag pois ovr last 4 yars with major gains in ky subgroups. Graduation rats incrasd by 21 prcag pois for African Amrican studs, 15 prcag pois for Hispanic/Latino, 22 prcag pois for English Languag Larnrs, 15 prcag pois for conomically disadvaagd studs ovr th sam four yar priod. Our dual nrollm is up. Th numbr of studs participating in dual nrollm incrasd by 52% ovr last two yars. For studs of color, dual nrollm incrasd by 70% in last two yars. Our stud attndanc is up. W hav cut chronic absism by mor than 25% ovr th last four yars. Our schools ar safr. Scurity incids ar down 15% major incids ar down 26%. Our par ngagm is up. Thanks to our frinds at Bliv to Bcom th Doug Maria DVos Foundation th Kllogg Foundation, w ovrhauld our par ngagm stratgis launchd Par Univrsity - a first of its kind in Michigan --- as a rsult th lvl of par participation par ngagm is up ovr th last four yars. Par Univrsity is growing by laps bounds. Mor than 1094 pars rgistrd for classs - up 37% ovr last yar. 529 diffr cours offrings wr availabl - four tims mor than last yar w had mor than 13,323 cours attnds - up mor than 65% from last yar. Lastly, our nrollm is stabilizing. W had th singl bst cou day in two dcads. W typically los btwn studs. Last yar, w wr projctd to los 400 studs --- instad w only lost 47! This yar w postd th scond bst cou day in two dcads losing lss than 50 studs. SY Pag 6

10 Gr Rapids Public Schools Additional Information Provid any additional information you would lik to shar with th public community that wr not promptd in th prvious sctions. NA SY Pag 7

11 Gr Rapids Public Schools Improvm Plan Stakholdr Involvm SY Pag 8

12 Gr Rapids Public Schools Iroduction Th rsponss should b brif, dscriptiv, appropriat for th spcific sction. It is rcommndd that th rsponss ar writtn offlin thn transfrrd io th sctions blow. SY Pag 9

13 Gr Rapids Public Schools Improvm Planning Procss Improvm Planning Procss Dscrib th procss usd to ngag a varity of stakholdrs in th dvlopm of th institution's improvm plan. Includ information on how stakholdrs wr slctd informd of thir rols, how mtings wr schduld to accommodat thm. GRPS valus high quality taching larning so th dvlopm of th Improvm Plan bgins with a focus on undrsting stud larning data. Additionally, prcption, dmographic procss data is analyzd to furthr inform th plan. Th Offic of Information Srvics analyzs stat district lvl data locating achivm trnds in ach co ara subgroup. This analysis informs th d Cabint (Assista Organizational Assista Human Rsourcs Lgal Counsl, Assista d Dirctor of Public Safty Scurity, Assista d for Pr-K/12 Instructional, Dirctor of Facilitis Oprations, Dirctor of Community Stud Affairs Dirctors of th Spcial Education, High School, Middl School, K-8 Elmary Divisions) of achivm strngths challngs which dtrmin a cours for stablishing th acadmic prioritis as ultimatly ar st out in both th Improvm Plan Plan. Onc th d Cabint dtrmind th Plan taching larning prioritis for th school yar, supporting profssional larning activitis wr stablishd an alignd plan for dlivry of adult larning lssons support was dvlopd. For th school yar th tachr lvl profssional larning will b dlivrd by th Tam idifid building lvl staff. During th dvlopm phas of th Plan, building lvl principals instructional staff had th opportunity to provid fdback (at principal mtings, building lvl mtings on-going district supportd mtings) on th draft prioritis. This fdback was th basis of additional rvisions. Th Plan coinus to th ovrarching framwork informing th dvlopm of th Improvm Plan Goals, Stratgis Activitis. During th dvlopm of prioritis, Cabint Businss Offic staff mt to dtrmin how budgt funds would b utilizd to mt dsird outcoms basd on data for staffing, profssional larning par ngagm. Mtings for Stakholdrs occur at diffr placs tims basd on th participas' rol in th. Th d Cabint mt wkly. Thy rviw data as a part of th cycl of coinuous improvm. achivm data is analyzd thr tims pr yar (Masurs of Progrss), Prcption twic yarly (Tripod Par Survys), Attndanc quartrly, additional data, basd on its spcific cycl. Par stakholdrs (Community Partnrs Par ngagm organizations mad up of th building lvl Par Tachr Community Council, PTA PTOs) providd dirction for th dvlopm of th improvm Plan by collaborativly dvloping th prioritis of th Par Engagm Plan. Th Par Engagm Collaborativ mts quartrly whil th Par Engagm Ladrship Tam mts mohly to rviw data, dvlop, nact th idifid Par Engagm Plan Prioritis. Dscrib th rprsations from stakholdr groups that participatd in th dvlopm of th improvm plan thir rsponsibilitis in this procss. A varity of stakholdrs hav input io th dvlopm of th GRPS Improvm Plan basd on thir rol in th. SY Pag 10

14 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th d Cabint rviwd Data providd dirction approval for th Plan, budgts Improvm Plan. Th Board of Education rviwd lvl data providd guidanc coinus to provid support for th Plan Improvm Plan. Th Assista Organizational Larning rviwd Data, ld facilitatd th dsign of th Plan, provids profssional larning to th school lvl staff to support both th Plan Improvm Plan. Th Dirctors of Prschool, Elmary; Middl K-8; High School Altrnativ Schools rviwd district achivm data collaborativly dvlopd th Plan prioritis informing th Improvm Plan. Dirctors shar th plan th prioritis through mohly principal mtings. Th Dirctor of Spcial Education rviwd data for all studs with Individualizd Education s communicats th plans for th spcial ducation dpartm PK-14 to b includd in th Improvm Plan. Th Offic of Information Srvics has compild analyzd lvl data (achivm, dmographic, prcption) communicatd with th multipl stakholdr groups. Th Assista Larning usd achivm data findings to idify Stratgis Activitis to improv stud achivm across all co aras. Th Dirctor of Community Stud Affairs Businss offic staff coordinatd th compltion of th Improvm Plan in conjunction with th 's Consolidatd Application. Additionally, th Dirctor of Community Stud Affairs communicatd th Prioritis, Stratgis Activitis dvlopd by th Par Engagm Offic with th Par Engagm Collaborativ Par Community Council will shar at minimum quartrly progrss. Principals will shar Improvm Plan Prioritis with tachrs bginning with th school yar by rvisiting th building improvm plan (connctd to th GRPS Plan). On-going monitoring will occur at th building lvl as wll as th district lvl. Explain how th final improvm plan was communicatd to all stakholdrs, th mthod frquncy in which stakholdrs rciv information on its progrss. Th cration of th Plan is part of a coinuous cycl of rflction improvm. It is a procss that is ongoing throughout th school yar. Th rspons providd in th first qustion lays out what this procss looks lik in GRPS. Th vision thinking from multipl stakholdrs gos io th dvlopm of th Improvm Plan. Pics of th Improvm Plan ar cratd throughout th school yar ar rviwd by th multipl stakholdrs whr thy provid input fdback. Onc ach sction has bn approvd, it is placd in th official ASSIST platform. Updats on progrss hav bn ongoing as pics of th Improvm Plan hav bn compltd approvd. Th d th Cabint will rciv lctronic copis of th Improvm Plan onc it is compltd. A copy of th Improvm Plan will b placd on th GRPS wbsit. SY Pag 11

15 Gr Rapids Public Schools Additional Rquirms Diagnostic SY Pag 12

16 Gr Rapids Public Schools Iroduction This diagnostic coains crtification rquirms for Michigan districts. This diagnostic must b compltd by all districts. SY Pag 13

17 Gr Rapids Public Schools Additional Rquirms Diagnostic This diagnostic coains crtification rquirms for Michigan districts. This diagnostic must b compltd by all districts. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th School Improvm Tam rviws th CIMS data. Ys Th Improvm tam includs rviws CIMS data with th spcial ducation offic. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm CIMS data is usd to prpar our Improvm Plan. Ys Th Improvm Tam has rviwd CIMS data to improv outcoms for studs with IEPs. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th Tchnology Protction Masur blocks or filtrs adult stud irnt accss to inappropriat matrials (visual dpictions that ar obscn, child pornography, or harmful to minors). Ys Th uss a softwar filtr which will prompt usrs that thir action is bing dnid du to inappropriat co. Computr Labs in th school buildings hav bn connctd to LAN School which nabls staff to viw manag what all studs in th lab hav on thir computr scrns (dsktop laptops). Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th district has a procss to monitor adult stud us of th irnt. Ys LAN School is usd in th Computr Labs in th schools to allow staff to viw manag what is bing viwd on studs' adults' computrs (dsktop laptop). Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th district has an Irnt Safty Policy in Ys plac. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th Irnt Safty Policy mts th rquirms as outlind in th stat Tchnology Planning CIPA rquirms. Ys SY Pag 14

18 Gr Rapids Public Schools Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th district uss school-wid assssms to dtrmin th tlcommunication srvics hardwar support that ar ndd to support taching larning in all schools. Ys Th 's MIS (Managm Information Systms) Dpartm asssss th tchnology nds upgrads rquird in our buildings to support taching larning. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th district uss th school-wid assssm data to idify th nds of th schools in th following aras: infrastructur (wiring, irnt connctions T1, tc.) in all classrooms, in all labs, in all mdia crs, in th main offic, in counsling offics, in support staff offics; hardwar; softwar; profssional dvlopm. If "ys," spcify th nds in th comms sction. Ys Th ngags in ongoing assssm of school-basd tchnology nds. Ths nds ar dtaild spcific for ach sit, aggrgatd whr ncssary at th lvl. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th district has idifid spcific actions that promot curriculum taching stratgis to ffctivly igrat tchnology. If "ys," spcify th actions in th comms sction. Ys Igration of co, pdagogy, tchnology in grads K-12. METS ar assssd rportd on common assssms rport cards. Tachrs studs hav accss to Khan Acadmy. Moby Max usd in grads K-8th. Som wb-basd txtbooks programs usd across th district. Onlin rsourcs usd by studs. Studs tachrs hav accss to Ovrdriv digital library Gr Rapids Public Library databass. Th district will provid plannd profssional dvlopm & coaching around building curriculum bst practic on igration of tchnology io th classroom. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th district adjusts its curriculum to includ tchnology litracy for all studs. Ys Th 's coinu to adjust modify th curriculum in grads K-12 to includ igrat incrasd tchnology usag litracy for all staff studs in ordr to mt th nw stat stards. Th most rc chang is Ovrdriv library. This allows studs to chck books out on-lin rad on-lin. Th partnrship with th Gr Rapids Public Library (GRPL) allows all our studs staff mmbrs to accss th GRPL databass for taching larning. Th tachrs can accss ths databass vn if thy do not rsid in th city of Gr Rapids. SY Pag 15

19 Gr Rapids Public Schools Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th district adjusts its instructional program to Ys promot tchnology litracy. If "ys," spcify th adjustms in th comms sction. Rading Strt includs on-lin compons for instruction assssms, Moodl its Wbly tachr wb pags ar usd as a cours managm tool at th scondary lvl, Symbaloo training providd to staff to allow for a simpl systm of linking studs, tachrs pars to classroom assignms. Googl classrooms allow studs to submit work collaborativly with prs to showcas thir work. Blogs implmd/cratd for onlin discussion sharing of idas with tachrs studs. All social studis txtbooks ar wbbasd ar accssibl at any tim. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th institution complis with all fdral laws rgulations prohibiting discrimination with all rquirms rgulations of th U.S. Dpartm of Education. It is th policy of this institution that no prson on th basis of rac, color, rligion, national origin or ancstry, ag, gndr, hight, wight, marital status or disability shall b subjctd to discrimination in any program, srvic or activity for which th institution is rsponsibl, or for which it rcivs financial assistanc from th U.S. Dpartm of Education. Ys Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th institution has dsignatd an mploy to coordinat fforts to comply with carry out non-discrimination rsponsibilitis. If "ys," list th nam, position, addrss tlphon numbr of th mploy in th comms sction. Ys Kurt Johnson Dirctor of K-12 Athltics, K-12 Physical Education Suprvisor, K-12 Stud Activitis Dual Enrollm Gr Rapids Public Schools 1331 Franklin SE P.O. Box 117 Gr Rapids, MI johnsonk@grps.org Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th has a Board Policy that is Ys rlatd to Par Involvm. Labl Assuranc Rspons Comm Attachm Th has additional information ncssary to support your improvm plan. Ys Each yar th crats an Plan. At this tim, it is still in draft form. SY Pag 16

20 Gr Rapids Public Schools Gr Rapids Public Schools - Improvm Plan for SY Pag 17

21 Gr Rapids Public Schools Ovrviw Plan Nam Gr Rapids Public Schools - Improvm Plan for Plan Dscription Gr Rapids Public Schools - Improvm Plan for SY Pag 18

22 Gr Rapids Public Schools Goals Summary Th following is a summary of th goals ncompassd in this plan. Th dtails for ach goal ar availabl in th nxt sction. # Goal Nam Goal Dtails Goal Typ Total Funding 1 All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b supportd by an adult. Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 1 Activitis: 12 Organizational $ All programs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will incras thir par/community ngagm. 3 All schools will improv th acadmic larning bhaviors nvironm for all studs. 4 Th will support all school administrators tachrs in th Educator Evaluation Procss 5 All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in English Languag Arts - Rading. 6 All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in English Languag Arts - Writing. 7 All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in Mathmatics. 8 All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in Scinc. 9 All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in Social Studis 10 Adults in th will b supportd through ladrship opportunitis rsarch-basd bst practics. Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 1 Activitis: 8 Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 1 Activitis: 2 Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 1 Activitis: 3 Objctivs: 3 Stratgis: 5 Activitis: 36 Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 3 Activitis: 22 Objctivs: 3 Stratgis: 5 Activitis: 23 Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 3 Activitis: 19 Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 3 Activitis: 20 Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 1 Activitis: GRPS will rcruit highly qualifid staff. Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 1 Activitis: 2 Organizational $ Organizational $ Organizational $ $ $84197 $ $5797 $5797 Organizational $ Organizational $ SY Pag 19

23 Gr Rapids Public Schools Goal 1: All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b supportd by an adult. Masurabl Objctiv 1: collaborat to support th nds of th whol stud by 06/30/2017 as masurd by Attndanc Data, Suspnsion Data, cohort progrss to graduation.. Stratgy 1: School Connctdnss - Th will implm School Connctdnss with th blif that studs who ar supportd by importa adults in thir livs ar likly to b mor ngagd in school larning. Studs will b providd this support through th following structurs popl: nurss, counsling srvics, School Improvm Facilitator, whl of support, youth advocats, th d s Drop-Out Challng. Catgory: School Cultur Rsarch Citd: Crs for Disas Corol Prvion. School Connctdnss: Stratgis for Incrasing Protctiv Factors Among Youth. Atlaa, GA: U.S. Dpartm of Halth Human Srvics School Connctdnss is th blif by studs that adults prs in th school car about thir larning as wll as about thm as individuals. Childrn adolscs blifs about thmslvs thir abilitis ar shapd by th xt to which thy prciv that th adults in thir livs car about thm ar involvd in thir livs. Childrn adolscs who fl supportd by importa adults in thir livs ar likly to b mor ngagd in school larning. In th school stting, studs fl supportd card for whn thy s school staff ddicating thir tim, irst, attion, motional support to thm. Studs nd to fl that adults car about thm as individuals as wll as about thir acadmic achivm. Tir: Tir 1 Activity - Youth Advocat Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl SY Pag 20

24 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th will mploy Youth Advocats (Middl High) to support studs with acadmic social nds. Youth Advocats will maiain a casload of most ndy studs (including Homlss studs) monitor acadmic social progrss in school utilizing th Saf Civil School "Irvions" rsourc to provid targtd irvions to support mt stud nds. Bhavioral, Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /16/2017 $ Titl I Part A, Sction 31a ors,, Youth Advocats Schools: Algr Middl School, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, Campus Elmary, Campus Elmary School, Abrdn Elmary School, Wstwood Middl School, Algr Middl School, Coit Arts Acadmy, City Middl/High School, Southast Carr Pathways, Mulick Park Elmary School, Gr Rapids Univrsity Prparatory Acadmy, Abrdn Elmary, Kn-O-Sha Park Elmary, Union High School, Innovation Cral High School, Martin Luthr King Ladrship Acadmy, City High Middl School, Cr for Economicology Activity - Counsling Srvics (Middl High) Th will mploy counslors who will monitor studs' acadmic achivm will communicat with administrators staff to nsur that studs ar bing supportd acadmically. Counslors will support individual studs, including studs who ar homlss, on an as ndd basis. Counslors will monitor ach stud's Educational Plan communicat with familis rgarding ach stud's acadmic collg/carr radinss. Schools: Algr Middl School, Wstwood Middl School, Gr Rapids Mossori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Algr Middl School, City Middl/High School, Southast Carr Pathways, Burton Middl School, Gr Rapids Larning Cr, Gr Rapids Univrsity Prparatory Acadmy, CA Frost Environmal Scinc Acadmy, Rivrsid Middl School, Union High School, Innovation Cral High School, City High Middl School Activity Typ Bhavioral, Othr, Carr Prparation /Oriation, Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /16/2017 $ Titl I Part A, Gnral Fund Rsponsibl ors,, Counslors Activity - d's Drop Out Challng Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl SY Pag 21

25 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th will support Priority Schools who ar participating in th d's Drop Out Challng. Th will put togthr a Data Fil for th idifid studs through th Offic of Information Srvics. Schools: Algr Middl School, Ottawa Hills High School, Coit Arts Acadmy, Algr Middl School, Dickinson School, Mulick Park Elmary School, Kn-O-Sha Park Elmary, Union High School, Campus Elmary School, Martin Luthr King Ladrship Acadmy, Abrdn Elmary School Bhavioral, Othr, Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $0 No Funding Rquird Dirctori of Elmary K-8 Ladrship Priority Schools, ors,, Offic of Information Srvics Activity - Whl Of (Middl High) Th will mploy staff who will participat in th "Whl of " in scondary schools. Whl staff will maiain a casload of studs will monitor thir acadmic social progrss in schools utilizing th Saf Civil School "Irvions" rsourcs to provid targtd irvions to support mt studs' nds. Schools: Algr Middl School, Wstwood Middl School, Gr Rapids Mossori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middl/High School, Burton Middl School, Gr Rapids Univrsity Prparatory Acadmy, CA Frost Environmal Scinc Acadmy, Rivrsid Middl School, Union High School, Innovation Cral High School Activity Typ Bhavioral, Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $ Titl I Part A, Gnral Fund Rsponsibl Stud Rform Suprvisor, Counslor Coordinator s ors, Public Safty Offic, Public Safty Officrs, Social Workrs Activity - Family Spcialist Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl SY Pag 22

26 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th will mploy Family Spcialists whos rol is to provid irvion for idifid at risk studs, assist thos studs in raching proficincy, mpowr th familis to support thir childrn's succss in school. Schools: Ottawa Hills High School, Brooksid School, Grald R. Ford Cr, CA Frost Environmal Scinc Acadmy, Campus Elmary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Congrss Elmary, East Lonard School, Harrison Elmary, Gr Rapids Mossori Public School, Southast Carr Pathways, Gr Rapids Larning Cr, Gr Rapids Univrsity Prparatory Acadmy, K Hills School, Union High School, Shawmut Hills School, Shrwood Global Studis Acadmy, Martin Luthr King Ladrship Acadmy, Sibly School, Shrwood Global Studis Acadmy, Algr Middl School, North Park Mossori Acadmy, Blford Natur Cr, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elmary, Abrdn Elmary School, Palmr School, Wstwood Middl School, Gr Rapids Public Musum School, Coit Arts Acadmy, Stocking School, City Middl/High School, Burton Middl School, Kn-O-Sha Park Elmary, Nwcomrs Community School, Innovation Cral High School, Southwst Community Campus School, Burton Elmary School, City High Middl School, Cr for Economicology Bhavioral, Othr, Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $ Titl I Part A Titl I Suprvisor, Family Spcialists ors Activity - Liasion Th will mploy staff to b acadmic liaisons btwn school buildings district providd programs srvics for idifid studs (For xampl, Homlss studs LOOP studs) Schools: All Schools Activity Typ Bhavioral, Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $ Titl I Part A Rsponsibl Principals Titl 1 Coordinator s Activity - Irvion Instructional GRPS will mploy tutors, suprvisor purchas supplis matrials for th Bthany program Schools: Bthany Basd School Activity Typ Bhavioral, Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 3 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $70000 Titl I Part D Rsponsibl Assista PrK-12 Instructiona l Principal. SY Pag 23

27 Gr Rapids Public Schools Activity - Nursing Srvics Th will mploy nursing srvics to nsur th halth wll bing of studs Schools: Ottawa Hills High School, Brooksid School, Grald R. Ford Cr, CA Frost Environmal Scinc Acadmy, Campus Elmary School, Congrss Elmary, East Lonard School, Harrison Elmary, Gr Rapids Mossori Public School, Csar E. Chavz Elmary, Gr Rapids Univrsity Prparatory Acadmy, K Hills School, Union High School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luthr King Ladrship Acadmy, Sibly School, Shrwood Global Studis Acadmy, Algr Middl School, North Park Mossori Acadmy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Rivrsid Middl School, Abrdn Elmary School, Palmr School, Wstwood Middl School, Coit Arts Acadmy, City Middl/High School, Stocking School, Burton Middl School, Innovation Cral High School, Southwst Community Campus School, Burton Elmary School, City High Middl School Activity Typ Bhavioral, Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $ Sction 31a, Titl I Part A Rsponsibl principal(s) Dirctor of Halth Srvics Activity - Tutors- for limitd English profici studs. Th district will mploy tutors to support th acadmic nds of studs Schools: All Schools Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $27734 Titl III Dirctor for Middl Schools/EL L/Equity & Inclusion Activity - Migra Rcruitr Th district will mploy Migra Rcruitrs to locat rcruit migra studs to nroll in school. Additionally, rcruitrs will provid supplis to familis that will support thir acadmic prsonal nds. Schools: All Schools Activity Typ Rcruitmn t Rtion Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 3 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $16913 Titl I Part C Rsponsibl Dirctor for Ladrship Middl Schools /ELL/Equity Inclusion Activity - Latino Youth Confrnc Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl SY Pag 24

28 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th Latino Youth Confrnc ncourags motivats all youth to striv for ducational xcllnc. It is th hop that this confrnc hlps studs to raliz that highr ducation is a vhicl for a succssful futur. Transportation will b providd. Schools: Shrwood Global Studis Acadmy, Algr Middl School, North Park Mossori Acadmy, Dickinson School, Grald R. Ford Cr, Rivrsid Middl School, CA Frost Environmal Scinc Acadmy, Harrison Elmary, Wstwood Middl School, Gr Rapids Mossori Public School, City Middl/High School, Burton Middl School, Gr Rapids Univrsity Prparatory Acadmy, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luthr King Ladrship Acadmy Fild Trip, Extra Curricular, Carr Prparation /Oriation, Community Engagm Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $3500 Titl III Dirctor for Ladrship Middl Schools /ELL/Equity Inclusion Activity - ELL Irvionists Th district will mploy ELL irvionists to provid acadmic support to ELL studs Schools: Shrwood Global Studis Acadmy, Dickinson School, Brooksid School, Buchanan School, Rivrsid Middl School, Congrss Elmary, Palmr School, Harrison Elmary, Wstwood Middl School, Csar E. Chavz Elmary, Burton Middl School, Stocking Elmary, Union High School, Nwcomrs Community School, Burton Elmary School Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $66207 Titl III Dirctor for Ladrship Middl Schools /ELL/Equity Inclusion Goal 2: All programs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will incras thir par/community ngagm. Masurabl Objctiv 1: collaborat to incras par community ngagm in our programs by 06/30/2017 as masurd by survy rsults attndanc data.. Stratgy 1: Par/Community Engagm - Th will provid support a varity of opportunitis that will incras par community ngagm within our programs by building authic par partnrships, raising awarnss of vital information for stud succss, improving communication. Th Par Engagm Goals ar : 1. Dcras chronic absism by 10% 2. Incras par ngagm in support of stud succss 3. Improv rcruitm rtion SY Pag 25

29 Gr Rapids Public Schools Catgory: School Cultur Rsarch Citd: Epstin, J. (1995). School/family/community partnrships: Caring for th childrn w shar. Phi Dlta Kappan, 72(5), Communicating with pars is on of six major typs of par involvm practics critical to stablishing strong working rlationships btwn tachrs pars. Cultivating th tachr-par rlationship is also considrd vital to th dvlopm of schools as larning communitis. Tir: Tir 1 Activity - Par Engagm Offic Th will mploy individuals in th Par Engagm Offic who support dvlop partnrships with familis,schools community. Th Par Engagm Offic collaborats ovrss th dvlopm of th following compons of th GRPS Par Engagm Plan to improv ducational outcoms for childrn: Par Action Ladrs (PAL), Par Univrsity Par Engagm Collaborativ Th goals for th Par Engagm Offic ar to: Dcras chronic absism by 10%, Incras par ngagm in support of stud succss Improv rcruitm rtion Th prioritis of th Par Engagm Plan ar to:build authic par partnrships, Rais awarnss of vital information for stud succss Improv communication Schools: All Schools Activity Typ Par Involvmn t Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $85000 Othr Dirctor of Community Stud Affairs, Counslor Coordinator, Suprvisor of Community Stud Srvics, Par Engagm Coordinator Activity - Par Tachr Community Council (PTCC) Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl SY Pag 26

30 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th will provid an avnu structur for paral ngagm at ach school which will provid for paral advocacy ladrship, tachr awarnss (to incras partnrships with pars), support of th communityschool cultur. Schools: All Schools Par Involvmn t Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $0 No Funding Rquird Dirctor of Community Stud Affairs, Counslor Coordinator, Suprvisor of Community Stud Srvics, Par Engagm Coordinator Activity - Par Action Ladr (P.A.L.) Th will pay 1-2 pars pr building a stipnd who will srv as th liaison btwn familis, schools th. Schools: All Schools Activity Typ Par Involvmn t Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $18000 Gnral Fund Rsponsibl Dirctor of Community Stud Affairs, Counslor Coordinator, Suprvisor of Community Stud Srvics Activity - Par Univrsity Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl SY Pag 27

31 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th Par Engagm Offic will facilitat skill dvlopm opportunitis for pars to bcom full partnrs in thir child's ducation. Th will offr courss around th following thms: Effctiv Paring, Prsonal Growth, Halth Wllnss Navigating th Educational Systm Par Univrsity is a community collaborativ to hlp pars bcom full partnrs in thir child s ducation. It will offr moduls, activitis, workshops, classs, confrncs, moring coaching to quip pars for succss. Additionally, Par Univrsity Ambassadors will b utilizd to assist pars with cours nrollm. Our vision is all pars will bcom confid advocats of thir childrn s succss by rciving th affirmation, support, rinforcm ndd to strngthn thir ffctivnss. W bliv... Pars wa thir childrn to succd. Pars hav th potial to coribut positivly to thir child s succss. Pars wa rspctful partnrships with thir child s school. Pars ar looking for solutions.. Schools: All Schools Activity - K School Srvics Ntwork (KSSN) Th, in conjunction with K School Srvics Ntwork (KSSN), will provid socio-motional community orid srvics supports for studs thir familis in th dsignatd school sits whr KSSN providrs ar assignd. KSSN works dirctly with tachrs to assist thm in supporting studs in thir classrooms who rciv srvics from KSSN. KSSN provids activitis for staff to us with pars to build th paral/school rlationship in th hops to incras paral involvm. Schools: Dickinson School, Grald R. Ford Cr, Campus Elmary, Harrison Park Elmary School, Campus Elmary School, Wstwood Middl School, Coit Arts Acadmy, Csar E. Chavz Elmary, Stocking School, Union High School, Martin Luthr King Ladrship Acadmy, Southwst Community Campus School, Sibly School, Burton Elmary School Par Involvmn t Activity Typ Bhavioral, Par Involvmn t, Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $39994 Titl I Part A Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /16/2017 $ Titl I Part A, Othr Dirctor of Community Stud Affairs, Counslor Coordinator, Suprvisor of Community Stud Srvics, Par Engagm Coordinator Rsponsibl Dirctor of Community Stud Affairs, Counslor Coordinator, Suprvisor of Community Stud Srvics, Par Engagm Coordinator SY Pag 28

32 Gr Rapids Public Schools Activity - Migra Par Advisory Committ (PAC) Th district will hir a community prsr to mt with provid spcializd larning to th Migra Par Advisory Committ Schools: All Schools Activity Typ Par Involvmn t, Community Engagm, Rcruitmn t Rtion Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $3600 Titl I Part C Rsponsibl Dirctor for Ladrship Middl Schools/EL L/Equity Inclusion Activity - English Languag Larnrs Family Ev-Author's Visit ELL familis will ngag larn from a Hispanic Author during Hispanic Hritag moh Schools: All Schools Activity Typ Par Involvmn t, Rcruitmn t Rtion Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl Tir 2 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $6000 Titl III Dirctor of Middl Schools, K- 8 ELL Activity - Par Activitis- Lvl s in GRPS will provid par family vs activitis to strngthn par knowldg ngagm in thir child's ducational carr Schools: All Schools Activity Typ Par Involvmn t Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /30/2017 $ Titl I Part A Rsponsibl Principals, Dirctor of Community Srvics, Par Engagm Offic Par Action Ladrs Goal 3: All schools will improv th acadmic larning bhaviors nvironm for all studs. SY Pag 29

33 Gr Rapids Public Schools Masurabl Objctiv 1: collaborat to work with support all schools as thy implm PBIS within thir buildings to crat an nvironm that is conduciv to larning by 06/16/2017 as masurd by SWIS data, building obsrvations administrativ valuations. Stratgy 1: Positiv Bhavioral Irvions s - Th will implm Positiv Bhavioral Irvions s in all schools to improv th acadmic larning bhaviors of studs. Th will mploy staff who provid consult srvics to building lvl PBIS tams. All staff will b traind to adopt common classroom building-wid xpctations. All studs will larn rviw xpctations, multipl tims throughout th building, ovr th school yar. Each building will us SWIS data to dtrmin targt aras for improvm allowing staff to diffriat training to mt stud adult idifid aras of nd. Catgory: School Cultur Rsarch Citd: Dunlap, Klly; Goodman, Stv, Ph.D.; McEvoy, Chris; Paris, Francs, Ph.D. (2010). School-wid Positiv Bhavioral Irvions & s. Implmation Guid Michigan Dpartm of Education. Positiv Bhavioral Irvions & s has dvlopd io a framwork that can b usd by any school to hlp improv th social larning bhaviors of studs dcras disruptions that irfr with instruction. School-wid Positiv Bhavioral Irvions & s (PBIS) is a prvion modl. It is basd on th prmis that all studs can bnfit from wll implmd, vidnc-basd practics for improving stud bhavior. It provids informd dcision-making, basd upon data analysis that guids th procss of assssing stud nds providing additional lvls of bhavioral support to studs in nd. Tir: Tir 1 Activity - l Larning Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl SY Pag 30

34 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th will mploy prsonnl who will provid profssional larning opportunitis for individuals, small groups whol buildings. Th profssional larning will b diffriatd to mt th nds for classrooms schools across th who ar working toward improving th nvironm for studs in a mannr that is conduciv to larning. l in th coordination dlivry of srvics to homlss youth will b prsd to staff annually. Schools: Ottawa Hills High School, Brooksid School, Community Transition Campus, Grald R. Ford Cr, K Education Cr--Oakligh, CA Frost Environmal Scinc Acadmy, K Education Cr-- Bltlin, Campus Elmary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Congrss Elmary, East Lonard School, Harrison Elmary, Gr Rapids Mossori Public School, Southast Carr Pathways, Csar E. Chavz Elmary, Mulick Park Elmary School, Gr Rapids Univrsity Prparatory Acadmy, K Hills School, K Vocational Options, Union High School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luthr King Ladrship Acadmy, Sibly School, Shrwood Global Studis Acadmy, Algr Middl School, North Park Mossori Acadmy, Blford Natur Cr, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Rivrsid Middl School, Lincoln Campus, Abrdn Elmary School, Palmr School, Wstwood Middl School, Gr Rapids Public Musum School, Coit Arts Acadmy, City Middl/High School, Burton Middl School, Stocking Elmary, Kn-O-Sha Park Elmary, Nwcomrs Community School, Innovation Cral High School, Southwst Community Campus School, Burton Elmary School, Cr for Economicology l Larning Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /16/2017 $ Spcial Education, Titl I Part A ors, PBIS Tam, PBIS Tams, Titl I Coordinator Activity - Bhavior Spcialist (Priority School) Th will mploy Bhavior Spcialists who will work in our idifid Priority Schools. Thy will work closly on both acadmic achivm bhavioral improvm for idifid studs in nd of ths supports. Schools: Coit Arts Acadmy Activity Typ Bhavioral Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /16/2017 $10500 Titl I Part A Rsponsibl Bhavior Spcialists, Dirctor of Spcial Education ors Goal 4: Th will support all school administrators tachrs in th Educator Evaluation Procss SY Pag 31

35 Gr Rapids Public Schools Masurabl Objctiv 1: collaborat to improv taching larning across th through th Educator Evaluation Procss by 06/14/2017 as masurd by Educator Evaluations Stud Achivm Data. Stratgy 1: Improvm-Focusd Educator Evaluation Systm - Th will collaborat with building administrators tachrs to implm us an improvm focusd valuation systm. Th will train principals tachrs on th cyclical procss of classroom obsrvation using th Danilson Rubric to guid fdback idify aras of improvm. Th purpos of th systm is to idify quality taching, provid consist objctiv fdback, targtd profssional larning to instructors, to ultimatly improv th ducational outcoms for GRPS studs. Catgory: Larning Systms Rsarch Citd: Masurs of Effctiv Projct January 2013, Amrican Instituts for Rsarch, Cambridg Education, Univrsity of Chicago, Th Danilson Group, Dartmouth Collg, Educational Tsting Srvic, Empirical Education, Harvard Univrsity, National Board for l Stards, National Math Scinc Initiativ, Nw Tachr Cr, Univrsity of Michigan, RAND, Rutgrs Univrsity, Univrsity of Southrn California, Stanford Univrsity, Tachscap, Univrsity of Txas, Univrsity of Virginia, Univrsity of Washington, Wstat. guiding principls basd on thr yars of study, obsrvation, collaboration with districts ths guiding principls fall in to thr ovrarching imprativs Masur Effctiv taching; Ensur High-Quality Data; Invst in Improvm. Wll dsignd valuation systms will coinually improv ovrtim Tir: Tir 1 Activity - l Larning Th will provid profssional larning opportunitis for building administrators tachrs on th Educator Evaluation Procss. Th will provid training dpn both building administrator tachr undrsting of th compons of th Danilson Rubric th connction to quality taching larning. Schools: All Schools Activity Typ l Larning Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Tir 1 Implm 09/06/ /14/2017 $0 No Funding Rquird Rsponsibl Human Rsourcs Dpartm ors Tachrs Activity - Statistical Modl Capacity Activity Typ Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl SY Pag 32

36 Gr Rapids Public Schools Th district valuation ladrship tam participats in profssional dvlopm on th following: statistical modling, validity rliability. This tam also dvlops th capacity to support buildings in undrsting implming th district's ducator valuation modl. Schools: All Schools l Larning Tir 1 Implm 07/01/ /30/2017 $20000 Othr Human Capital Facilitator, ors, Dirctors, Assista PrK-12 Instructiona l Activity - Danilson Rubric l Larning l larning includs th following: Initial discussion, obsrvation dbrif with a traind facilitator to calibrat th obsrvation rating on th Danilson rubric for administrators that ar rsponsibl for valuating tachrs. Schools: All Schools Goal 5: All studs in Gr Rapids Public Schools will b profici in English Languag Arts - Rading. Activity Typ l Othr - Scripting classroom obsrvation s Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl Tir 1 Implm 07/01/ /30/2017 $80000 Othr Dirctors, Assista d for Pr-K/12 Instructiona l, Dirctor of Elmary K-8 Ladrship Priority Schools,T achr Evaluation ors Masurabl Objctiv 1: A 5% incras of Pr-K grad studs will dmonstrat a proficincy of mting or xcding xpctations in English Languag Arts by 06/30/2017 as masurd by Stratgis Gold Languag Litracy.. SY Pag 33

37 Gr Rapids Public Schools (shard) Stratgy 1: Diffriatd Instruction (Pr-K) - Th will implm Diffriatd Instruction for prschool studs to nsur that thy ar larning skills to prpar thm for Kindrgartn in a way that is dvlopmally appropriat for this ag group. Catgory: Early Larning Rsarch Citd: Cusumano, C. (2007). How Diffriatd Instruction Hlps struggling Studs. Ladrship, 36(4), "Acclrating larning by xamining aligning thr major systms in th school to support diffriation a consist focus on improvd stud larning th school's acadmic dlivry structur, profssional dvlopm, human/fiscal rsourc allocation." Tir: Tir 1 Activity - Prschool Radinss Th will mploy staff who will diffriat instruction for prschool studs to nsur thir radinss for Kindrgartn th following school yar. Schools: Mulick Elmary, North Park Mossori Acadmy, Brooksid School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Grald R. Ford Cr, Campus Elmary, CA Frost Environmal Scinc Acadmy, Palmr School, Congrss Elmary, East Lonard School, Harrison Elmary, Gr Rapids Mossori Public School, Stocking School, Csar E. Chavz Elmary, K Hills School, Kn-O-Sha EC & SE Cr, Martin Luthr King Ladrship Acadmy, Southwst Community Campus School, Sibly School, Burton Elmary School Activity Typ Othr, Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Assignd Sourc Of Funding Rsponsibl Tir 1 Implm 09/08/ /30/2017 $ Othr Dirctor of Early Childhood s Assista Larning Masurabl Objctiv 2: A 5% incras of Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Svh, Eighth Elvh grad Black or African-Amrican, Whit, Hispanic or Latino, Studs with Disabilitis English Larnrs studs will dmonstrat a proficincy in Rading in English Languag Arts by 06/30/2017 as masurd by th stat assssm. (shard) Stratgy 1: Diffriatd Instruction (K-12) - Th will implm Diffriatd Instruction through th us implmation of l Larning Opportunitis, Projct Larning (middl/high), Fluncy Skill, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring l Larning Communitis (PLCs). Catgory: Rsarch Citd: Bach, T.A. (2010). Combin Mthodologis of Diffriatd Instruction in th Htrognous Classroom. South Carolina Middl School Association Journal, Fbruary 26, "Offring ach stud th chanc to larn th subjct matrial in ways that addrss ach stud individually can bnfit childrn in rtaining information that will latr SY Pag 34

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