Redundancy in Maintained Schools

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1 Redundancy in Maintained Schools Introduction At some point during your career as a head teacher, you may have to consider making members of staff redundant. Circumstances leading to redundancy are not uncommon at the best of times: they may be much higher in the current financial climate. Although you will be working closely with your governing body, which is responsible in law for making the decisions, it is bound to be a stressful and difficult time for everyone involved. You are likely to find this particularly true as the school s leader. Handled badly, redundancy can demoralise your entire staff, damaging trust and morale in a way that can take a long time to overcome. Handled well, with sensitivity and a clear understanding of the legal process and what has to happen at every stage, you can emerge with a stronger team and allowing those who have lost jobs a feeling of dignity. This document is intended to help by taking you, step by step, through the general principles of the redundancy process that the head teacher and governing body must take. We hope it will be a useful reference and help you acquire a working knowledge of the process, although some of the terminology and details may vary slightly for schools in Wales and Northern Ireland. However, the governing body of a maintained school will have its own redundancy procedure, which will have been recommended by the local authority, the school s personnel provider or the Diocesan Director of Education. If you are involved in a redundancy process, you must follow your school s own procedure or risk decisions being challenged at hearings or even employment tribunals. Is your own job at risk? If so, you should contact your local NAHT regional officer immediately for advice and/or representation. Details are in the annual handbook, or on the website. Advice about pensions and conditions of service is available from our Representation and Advice Team on Background information a) What is redundancy? School closure, amalgamation, internal reorganisation of a school s staffing structure, falling rolls, falling budgets, reform of working practices or non-renewal of a fixed-term contract could all spark a redundancy process in your school. Remember that starting the process may lead to an outcome other than redundancy.

2 The governing body must be able to provide evidence that one of the definitions of redundancy (see box below) exists in the school. Box 1: the legal definition of redundancy, from section 139(1) of the Employment Rights Act 1996 (The ERA): the employer has ceased, or intends to cease, to carry on the business for the purposes the employee was employed; the employer has ceased, or intends to cease to carry on the business in the place where the employee was so employed; the requirements of the business for employees to carry out the work of a particular kind have ceased, or diminished or are expected to cease or diminish; the requirements of the business for employees to carry out work of a particular kind in the place where they were so employed are expected to cease or diminish. b) Who makes the decisions? It is also important to understand who makes and executes any decisions on redundancy. The deciding authority makes the decisions and the compensating authority terminates employment and makes redundancy payments. In most cases the deciding authority is the governing body and the compensating authority is the local authority. In academies and private schools the deciding and compensating authorities can be the governing body or the proprietor. Deciding Compensating Authority Authority Community; Voluntary Controlled; Community Special; Maintained Nursery governing body LA governing body LA (Schools with delegated budgets) Voluntary Aided; Foundation; Foundation Special LA school without delegated budget LA LA LA employment other than at a school or institution All other schools or institutions, governing body governing body or proprietor including Academies and or proprietor including Academies and private schools c) What should our redundancy procedure contain? You should ensure that the governing body has agreed a redundancy procedure. Most schools will have access to a locally negotiated version, or one provided by the school s personnel provider. Aided schools can usually access a procedure from their diocese or a national body. This should contain a clearly stated time scale for each stage. Procedures normally recommend that a governing body conducts an annual review of the staffing structure and numbers of teachers and support staff employed. This should balance current and future staffing needs against anticipated income and Government initiatives so that any adjustments can be achieved with minimum impact on staff. The review outcome should be reported to a governors meeting in the autumn term or early in the spring term.

3 2) The redundancy process, step by step If the annual governors review decides a reduction in staffing levels or a changed structure is necessary, the redundancy process may need to be invoked. This needs to be done formally, perhaps by passing a motion. An LA representative should be invited to all governing body meetings (community and VC schools are legally required to do this) including committee meetings considering redundancy. The governors must consider any advice offered. a) Why timing is important There are two reasons for this. The procedure should include a clear time scale for each stage of the process. If you need to begin the redundancy procedure, start by establishing a timetable and calendar of steps which must be taken. This will make it easier to ensure the process is completed in time so that dismissal letters meet the necessary notice periods. Timing is also important because the number of posts at risk from redundancy may rise if a decision is delayed, especially if the underlying problem involves falling rolls or budgets. Remember it may not be the best use of financial resources to use them to postpone a reduction in staffing. Make sure you inform your LA or personnel provider about the situation as early as possible. Box 2: Keeping the LA and the diocese in the picture: what the law says The School Staffing [England] Regulations 2009 set out a number of provisions: a) A representative of the authority may attend and offer advice at all proceedings of governing bodies of community, voluntary controlled, community special and maintained nursery schools, relating to the selection or dismissal of any teacher. The governing body, or such persons to whom such functions have been delegated, when reaching any such decision, must consider such advice. b) In the case of foundation, voluntary aided and foundation special schools, the authority is entitled to advise the governing body to the extent provided by, and subject to, any relevant agreement. In the absence of a relevant agreement, it is for the Secretary of State to determine the extent to which the authority is entitled to advise the governing body in the exercise of any of those functions. b) Governors must start by appointing a First Committee to handle the process. The governing body must clearly define the terms of reference of this committee to set out which decisions the committee (usually made up of three governors) can take and which must be referred back to the full governing body. The First Committee undertakes the first stage of the procedure, including consultations with staff and trade unions. In practice this exercise can be delegated to the head teacher with support from the LA or the personnel provider. An Appeal Committee (again, usually three governors) should also be convened. Box 3: Who can t join the First or Appeal Committees? Members must not have any possible pecuniary interest in the matter which would generally affect staff governors or governors who are partners of employees who may be affected. If clarification is needed the Clerk of the governing body should refer to the School Governance

4 Procedure Regulations Members of these committees should not have been involved in any previous detailed discussion on the effect on staff of redundancy as this might question their individual or collective objectivity. c) Consultation Most schools procedures will require relevant staff groups and unions to be informed of the situation and invited to take part in consultations as early as possible in the process. This should be done in writing and is usually known as a Section 188 Notice. All staff likely to be affected by the redundancy should be involved. Consultation is intended to share the problem and explore alternative options to redundancy if appropriate. Unless the school is considering making 20 or more staff redundant (when there are separate legal requirements) the process should follow the school s procedure. Unions may ask for further information such as staffing structures, staff lists, budget and financial information and governing body minutes. The school s procedure will usually detail the type and amount of information to be supplied, and anything beyond that should be treated as requests either under the Freedom of Information Act or the Data Protection Act if an individual s details are requested. The aim of consultation is to reach agreement on the issues, but the process is not negotiation and governor representatives should give their reasons for not accepting arguments made. The key focus of this consultation stage is to consider every option that could remove or reduce the need for redundancies. Box 4: What information should be shared? The reason for the proposals Number/description of employees at risk The total number of such employees in the school How selection for redundancy will be done How dismissals will be carried out (taking account of any agreed procedure) including the period during which they will happen How the redundancy payment will be calculated. It s good practice to include: The effect on earnings if redeployment or downgrading is accepted rather than redundancy What steps will be taken to avoid compulsory redundancy How employees will be selected for redundancy. This might be across the school or in a particular department, team, or key stage. This group is known as a pool at risk. Since the school is trying to protect its core function of educating children, there are clear practical advantages to making the pool as small as possible. The governors must be able to justify any decisions about nominations for the pool. Box 5: What ACAS says about the consultation process The duty to consult under the Trades Union and Labour Relations Act is not linked to a dismissal as such but to a proposal to dismiss. The intention is that the employer should set out what is proposed as a basis for discussion. The proposals do not have to be the employer s final and unalterable thoughts; on the contrary, they cannot be for the aim is to

5 achieve agreement with the appropriate representatives, and the employer must therefore enter discussions in a frame of mind that is open to persuasion. If a redundancy situation is presented as a fait accompli then subsequent consultations may not be considered genuine. The purpose of consultation is to consult about ways of: avoiding the dismissals; reducing the number of employees to be dismissed and; itigating the consequences of the redundancies. The first two items may include consideration of alternatives such as re-deployment, reducing overtime or offering employees more flexible hours such as job share. Case law emphasises the need for consultation to be meaningful. The tests adopted by the courts are: consulting with the representatives when proposals are still at a formative stage; adequate information which provides a basis for the employee representatives to formulate a response; adequate time in which to respond; a conscientious consideration by the employer of the employee representatives response. An employer will not have complied with the legislation if, before the employer meets the appropriate representatives, a decision has already been made that there are going to be redundancy dismissals, or if the employer is merely going through the motions of consultation. From the ACAS policy discussion paper, Collective Consultation on Redundancies. d) Exploring the alternatives to compulsory redundancy The governing body should explore every option to achieve the necessary reduction in staff numbers. Not all will be appropriate in every situation but they should not be rejected without justification. Possible strategies include: taking advantage of staff turnover created by resignations, maternity leave, long term sickness absence, secondment, etc; voluntary changes to contracts, such as: change to part-time working, job sharing, working shorter hours, revised job descriptions; premature retirement for those aged over 55; voluntary severance; considering suitable alternative work, either in the school or the LA; non-renewal of fixed term contracts, where this can be objectively justified; ceasing to use agency staff and contractors; secondment of staff; voluntary redeployment between schools, or to an LA post, where these options are available; negotiating a licensed deficit with the LA.

6 e) Voluntary redundancy Applications for voluntary redundancy should be invited from members of staff before compulsory redundancy is considered. This may avoid a compulsory redundancy, and so have a less demoralising and disruptive effect on the team. It is important to make it clear in the notice that some or all of the volunteers may not be selected for redundancy, as the school needs to retain staff who best meet pupil needs and school priorities. As soon as possible after the closing date for voluntary redundancy, the deciding authority should consider the requests and make sure staff are informed of the decision within the time scale of the procedure. If applications are rejected, the reasons should be explained to the volunteers. If there are not enough suitable applicants for voluntary redundancy and staff numbers cannot be reduced enough in any other way, the compulsory redundancy procedure will go ahead and the selection criteria applied to the pool at risk. f) What are the selection criteria? As far as possible they must be: Objective Precisely defined Capable of being applied in an impartial way Most procedures will use some form of skills audit to identify the individual who is the one to be declared redundant. This audit will be made up of a number of separate criteria which can be allocated a score. Each school will choose its own criteria according to its own needs, but they are likely to include: relevant qualifications; number of years of relevant experience of the work; recent training; demonstrated ability to teach certain age groups; demonstrated ability to teach across several key stages or a range of curriculum subjects; management needs of the school; particular specified subject/curriculum expertise; specific skills e.g. SEN or EAL; any formal record relating to conduct, capability or attendance. You could invite staff to complete a skills audit to provide this information or to verify personal data held by the school. If members of staff refuse the employer can complete it from school records and ask employees to check for accuracy. The skills audit should be limited to information necessary to apply the criteria. This avoids any temptation to add additional factors, and helps avoid any suspicion that this has happened. Although you can use criteria relating to attendance/health, conduct or capability under formal procedures it is very contentious to do so and you should take advice from your human resources provider.

7 Box 6: Last In First Out It used to be common to use the length of continuous service as the sole criteria for selecting staff for redundancy, with the newest employees being chosen. However LIFO can lead to an imbalance of skills and experience, and could be discriminatory on grounds of age if it is the only criterion for selection. This option should only be used with extreme caution, and only after consulting with the human resources provider. g) Using selection criteria to identify staff for redundancy Following consultations, consideration of all representations and any modification of the plans, the First Committee must identify the post/posts at risk. It will confirm the names of staff in the pool and apply the selection criteria. If there are more staff in the pool at risk than the number which need to be dismissed the First Committee must use the selection criteria to identify employees they wish to retain. These will be those most able to meet the needs of the school according to the skills audit. The criteria need to be objective (based on evidence/facts and not subjectively based on opinion) and justifiable (relevant to the needs of the school as determined by the governing body). The criteria may be applied in several different ways to select those members of staff whom the school wishes to retain, by removing them from the pool at risk, and thereby nominate the remaining employees for redundancy. The school can: Rank the criteria in order of importance, possibly grouped as essential and desirable, and apply in that order, removing staff from the pool as the criteria are applied. Give the criteria equal weighting and score each employee on the basis of the number of criteria that they satisfy (possibly 2 points for fully met and 1 point for partially met). Allocate a number of points to each criteria (more to those which are of greater significance to the school) and allocate some fraction of these points to each employee on the basis of the extent to which they satisfy each criterion. The points are then totalled. This is occasionally referred to as the matrix method. In setting and applying the criteria it is vital to avoid any sort of unlawful discrimination. Box 7: Discrimination is defined in the Equality Act 2010 as: Direct: A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others. Indirect: A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if A applies to B a provision criterion or practice which is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic of B s. For the purpose of the section, a provision, criterion or practice is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic of B s if 1. A applies, or would apply, it to persons with whom B does not share the characteristic; 2. it puts, or would put, persons with whom B shares the characteristics at a particular disadvantage when compared with persons with whom B does not share it; 3. it puts, or would put B at that disadvantage; 4. A cannot show it to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.

8 The relevant protected characteristics are; age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation. h) Long-term absence and redundancy Staff away on maternity leave, secondment or long-term sick leave must be consulted and kept informed at the same time as their colleagues in school. Maternity leave and redundancy It is automatically unfair to select a woman for redundancy on the grounds of her pregnancy, but this does not necessarily exempt her from the possibility of being considered. If the pool at risk includes a pregnant woman it is particularly important that the process is seen to be objective and the selection criteria are in no way related to pregnancy. Moreover, employees made redundant should be offered reasonable suitable alternative employment if possible. If a woman s post is made redundant while she is on maternity leave, she must be offered any suitable alternative employment in preference to any other employee made redundant who is not on maternity leave. If this does not happen, her dismissal is automatically unfair. Long term sickness and redundancy A similar situation applies to staff on long term sickness and who may be deemed disabled under the Disability Discrimination Act. As long as the selection criteria have not selected an employee because of their disability, the procedure can be applied. Therefore if absence levels are used as selection criteria, allowance must be made for any absences which may be on account of a disability, such as a cancer patient who has regular absences for treatment. i) When do redundancy candidates put their side of the case? When pool members are informed, they are offered the opportunity to make representations to the First Committee. This is the employee s opportunity to present any information they believe is relevant to argue that they should not be made redundant. This could include the fact that the staff member is their household s only wage earner or a legal case that the process is flawed. At all hearings employees are entitled to be represented by a workplace colleague or union rep. Some procedures allow a friend to accompany the employee. The school s procedure will explain the role of the head teacher in this hearing: it is usually as a witness, to describe the application of the process and how the individual was chosen. 3) Dismissal and appeal stages If the First Committee confirms its selection of candidates for redundancy after the representations hearing the affected staff must be notified both of this and their right of appeal. In maintained schools in England the notice of dismissal can be issued immediately after the representations hearing and before any appeal process. (Section 29(1) of the Employment Act 2002). a) Appeals There will be a time limit for appeals after notices of selection or dismissal have gone out. Any appeals (which will be held under the published procedures of the deciding authority) will

9 review the individual case against the established redundancy criteria. The appealing member of staff must show that the criteria have not been established fairly or that the First Committee has not taken enough account of their personal circumstances. The employee can request written confirmation of the details of how the selection criteria were applied to them, but not details about other employees. The head teacher s role is as a witness, to provide information or an explanation connected with advice to the deciding authority. The appeal should take place as quickly as possible, within 10 to 15 working days of its being lodged. Usually most procedures would specify. The appeals panel must not include anyone involved in the original redundancy decision or who may have a pecuniary advantage. b) Dismissal At the end of the appeal process the governing body must advise the compensating authority without delay of their decisions and the dismissal notices sent if this has not already been done. The written notice of dismissal should say the employee is to be dismissed by reason of redundancy, give the effective date of termination, and explain the entitlement to a redundancy payment. The notice should also include the steps that are to be taken by the employer to identify any suitable alternative employment that may become available during the notice period, what counselling and personal support is available and the right of the employee to time off to seek work. c) Offering alternative employment There is a requirement that redundant employees should be offered reasonable suitable alternative employment where possible. This means the school should discuss with the employee the types of job the employee would consider. If the employer is the LA it should help by notifying the employee of any vacancies arising elsewhere. Any offer should be put into writing even if it is likely to be rejected. This is because employment tribunals have ruled that it is the employer s responsibility to show an alternative jobt has been offered. Remember the rule, outlined above, about giving preferential treatment to women on maternity leave. The offer letter should show how the new employment differs from the old, must be made before the employment under the previous contract ends must be for the new job to start either immediately after the end of the old job or after an interval of not more than four weeks. Its suitability will be judged in the context of factors such as pay, status, location, working environment and hours of work. The employee is usually entitled to a four-week trial period, to decide whether a new job is suitable or not, without losing the entitlement to a redundancy payment. However, an employee who unreasonably refuses an offer of suitable alternative employment may lose their entitlement to a redundancy payment. The trial period may be extended by

10 agreement. d) Redundancy Payments and Compensation An employee will be entitled to a redundancy payment if they have been dismissed from their job and: have been continuously employed in the post for at least two years; the dismissal was for redundancy; they were not covered by specific exclusions, including their employer applying a lower compulsory retirement age or unreasonably refusing an offer of suitable alternative employment. Box 8: Calculating redundancy payments Payment is based on each complete year's service up to a total of 20 (counting backwards from the date of termination) on the following scale based on age during employment: under 22, half a week s pay; 22 to 41, a week s pay; 41 and above, a week and a half s pay. See Appendix 2 for the full table The employer can calculate a week s wage at a statutory figure ( 380 as of August 2010) or the actual salary, even if it is more than this. The statutory figure is reviewed each year, with effect from 1 February. Currently, redundancy payments up to 30,000 are not taxable, as long as they are paid as compensation for loss of office. The deciding authority may offer enhanced pension rights or severance payments, according to a locally agreed scheme. Entitlement to benefit from the enhanced elements of a locally agreed enhanced redundancy scheme depend on the employee complying with particular requirements, such as applying for vacant posts in a new school replacing one that is due to close. The employee may lose their right to a redundancy payment if they: start employment within 4 weeks of the date of redundancy with an employer covered by the Modification Order 1999 (see box 9) and the offer of employment is made before the end of the old contract refuse a reasonable offer of suitable alternative employment without good reason. Box 9: The effect of the redundancy payments (Continuity of Employment in Local Government, etc) (Modification) Order 1999, which covers England, Wales and Scotland, and equivalent legislation for Northern Ireland, is to create continuity of service for redundancy pay purposes where that service has been in any type of employment with any local authority or associated employer.


12 Appendix 1 A Possible Alternative to Premature Retirement The Teachers (Compensation for Redundancy and Premature Retirement) Regulations 1997 as amended grant employers discretion, to make an enhanced severance payment to a teacher of up to 104 weeks pay less any redundancy payment that may be payable. The payment cannot exceed one weeks pay for each complete week between leaving and the employee reaching the age of 65. The teacher s post must be redundant or their employment terminated in the efficient discharge of the employer s function. For teachers over the age of 55, this enhanced severance payment will be available as an alternative to the granting of premature retirement. Unfortunately not all LA s choose to exercise their discretion in this way in place of any premature retirement scheme. Appendix 2 The following table and explanation of the redundancy payment calculation has been taken from the web site of the Department for Business Innovation and Skills. The redundancy payment due to each employee under the statutory redundancy payment scheme depends on his or her age and length of service (up to twenty years). This determines the number of weeks pay due, which is then subject to a limit on weekly pay.* To calculate the number of weeks pay due, you should use the following amounts: 0.5 week s pay for each full year of service where age during year less than week s pay for each full year of service where age during year is 22 or above, but less than week s pay for each full year of service where age during year is 41+. Employers using the above amounts to calculate an employee s entitlement to redundancy pay should note that where an employee s service crosses two bands, the figures in each band should be added together. For example: Example 1: if you are 25 with 7 years service, you will be entitled to 5 weeks redundancy pay. The 5 weeks entitlement is based on 0.5 weeks pay for each completed year of service between age 18 and 22 and 1 week s pay for each completed year of service between age 22 and 25. (The middle band of 1 weeks pay only applies where an employee, who is entitled to a redundancy payment, has completed a year service at age 22 or above). Example 2: if you are 38 years old and have 12 years of service, you will be entitled to 12 weeks redundancy pay. The 12 weeks is based on 1 week s pay for each completed year of service between age 26 and 38.

13 Example 3: if you are 49 years old and have 15 years of service, you will be entitled to 19 weeks redundancy pay. The 19 weeks entitlement is based on 1 week s pay for each completed year of service between age 34 and 41 and 1.5 weeks pay for each completed year of service between age 41 and 49. The maximum week s pay that an employee is entitled to under the statutory scheme is 380 (August 2010). This page is intended only as a guide and shows how statutory redundancy pay is calculated for people who are entitled to receive it. Whether or not you are entitled to redundancy pay will depend on your individual circumstances. Statutory Redundancy Pay Table To calculate the number of weeks redundancy pay, cross reference the person's age and years of service and then multiply that number by the weekly salary (maximum weekly salary is 380 ). E.g. a person with a salary of 200 aged 22 with 4 years of service will be entitled to two weeks salary e.g. a total redundancy of * The table starts at age 17, as it is possible for a 17 year old to have 2 years service. Compulsory school leaving age can be 153/4 or 154/5 where a child is 16 before 1 September. Particular care should be taken when calculating an individual s redundancy pay when they joined as an employee below the age of * The table stops at age 61 because for employees age 61 and over, the payment remains the same as for age 61. * Note: some employer redundancy procedures will calculate the redundancy payment based on the actual weekly wage if it is above the statutory minimum.


15 A Summary of the Process Start the process early to ensure that there is time for all procedures to be fairly and reasonably applied. A. Annually, conduct a staffing review in time for the new academic year, but no later than the Spring Term governing body meeting. B. If it appears that staffing reductions may be required, formal determination by governing body that a potential redundancy situation exists. C. Inform staff and unions of the outcome of the annual staffing review as soon as it is known. Issue section 188 notices if necessary. D. Deciding Authority calls meetings for all staff and union representatives as soon as possible, to initiate consultation process including selection criteria and their intended method of application. E. Following conclusion of consultation process, Deciding Committee meets to consider views expressed at meetings and any further representations. Decision taken about whether redundancy may be avoided or reduced. Makes written responses where necessary. Determines selection criteria and their intended method of application. F. Announce date by which redundancies must be made, allowing for the statutory notice period or the contractual period, whichever is greater: Invite applications for voluntary redundancy. It is important to note that some employees may be entitled to a notice period, under statute, that is greater than their entitlement under their contract of employment. For example, a teacher with 15 years continuous service, with a dismissal to take effect on 31 December, will require notice to be given by the end of the previous September:

16 * * For this purpose, service without any contractual break, with a number of community, community special, maintained nursery or voluntary controlled schools within the same LA, counts as continuous service with an employer. G. Following earlier consultation, First Committee meets to consider any applications for premature retirement and/or voluntary redundancy and apply selection criteria. H. First Committee writes to inform those who have been selected for redundancy and advises them of their right to make representations against that selection. I. Representations hearing. J. Decisions notified to relevant employees. Issue of notices of dismissal by the Compensating Authority, allowing for the contractual/statutory notice period K. Governing body clerk convenes appeal hearings if necessary. L. Appeal hearings held as soon as possible. M. Allow staff declared redundant reasonable time off to seek new employment or to make arrangements for training. Discussions take place regarding suitable alternative employment. N. Employment terminates and redundancy payment is made where appropriate. Relevant Legislation and Statutory and Non-statutory Guidance Legislation Statutory Instrument 2009 No School Staffing [England] Regulations 2009 Education Act 2002 Employment Act 2002 Employment Rights Act 1996 Trade Union and Labour Relations [Consolidation] Act 1992 The Redundancy Payments (Continuity of Employment in Local Government, etc) (Modification) Order 1999 Statutory Instrument 1997 No. 311 The Teachers (Compensation for Redundancy and Premature Retirement) Regulations 1997 as amended

17 Guidance Secretary of State for Education: School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document 2010 Guidance on the School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 Department for Work and Pensions: ACAS: Information available on website relating to different aspects of the redundancy process. Advisory Booklet- Redundancy Handling The A-Z of Work Employers Organisation: Factsheet Redundancy. The new 39 steps. Conditions of Service for school teachers in England and Wales (Burgundy Book): Appendix I: Premature retirement compensation; Annex A: Premature retirement compensation; Annex B: Redundancy Payments; Annex C: Bodies covered by the redundancy payments (Continuity of Employment in Local Government, etc) (Modification) Order Employers Organisation: Legislation: Stationary office Guidance: Governors website Teachernet website Department for Education Advisory, Arbitration and Conciliation Service Local Government Employers Business and Enterprise Department Department for Work and Pensions Department for Business Innovation & Skills Authors: Dave Beresford and Susan Young

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