II. Modernisation and Transformation of China

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1 II. Modernisation and Transformation of China A. Early attempts at modernisation A3 The : To what extent can the be considered turning points in the development of Chinese history? Number of periods required: 6 (Each period lasts for 40 minutes) 1. Teaching and Learning Background: a. In terms of knowledge, students have understood the situation of China s modernisation in the early 20th century. They also have a basic understanding of the reasons for the failure of China s modernisation. b. Students in general have mastered the skill of citing historical sources to verify their own opinions. They have also mastered the skills of collaborative learning through discussion and exchange of opinions. Therefore, the teacher may ask them to have more discussions and collaborative learning activities. c. The teacher will continue to form groups, and ask students to have group discussion and interaction, and then conclude their answers. Lastly, they will report their outcome in class. d. Since there are still learning differences in the class, the teacher should pay attention to students of lower ability of expression or understanding when they teach or arrange group discussions in class. e. The teacher should note whether the students are able to examine from different perspectives when they analyze the cartoons. If they fail to discuss from multiple perspectives, the teacher should intervene the discussion at appropriate times and provide guidance, so that all students are able to benefit from the group discussion and have the chance to participate. 2. Teaching and Learning Objectives: a. It is expected that students will further master the skills of reading cartoons and texts through practising data-based questions. Modernisation and Transformation of China Page 119

2 b. By asking students to evaluate the influences of the and to analyze their role in the development of Chinese history in the early 20 th century, they will be able to make judgments on the issue of whether the events were turning points in Chinese history, and students can develop a fair, open-minded, objective and tolerant learning attitude through studying this topic. c. To enable students to learn the skills to respond to question phrases such as turning point, and the attitude they should take when handling such kind of questions. d. It is expected that after the 6 periods, students will master the skills to summarize their arguments, and put forward evidence to support different viewpoints. e. Furthermore, it is hoped that with practices in class and teacher s guidance, students are able to set questions on historical cartoons on their own, design data-based questions, comment on the data-based questions set by various groups, and to collaborate with each other and exchange opinions. By doing so, students will not only think more widely, but will also master the key points and skills in setting data-based questions for public examinations. 3. Teaching and Learning Strategies: a. The teacher will first hand out to students cartoons relating to the 1911 Revolution and the May Fourth to arouse students interest. (Suggestion: 2 cartoons for each incident) Students will then be asked to complete the following tasks: (about 0.5 teaching period) Identifying the central idea of each cartoon; Identifying the attitude of the cartoonist; and Deciding whether the cartoon complies with the historical background. b. The teacher briefly points out the causes and influences of the 1911 Revolution and the May Fourth Movment. To tie in with this part, the teacher should hand out Worksheet 1 and Worksheet 2, which list out the causes and influences of the two incidents respectively, and asks students to fill in relevant information on the appropriate spaces. After completion of the two worksheets, the teacher asks students to do a personal report on the content of the worksheets. (about 1.5 periods.) (This part basically does not need group discussion. Therefore, the teacher may randomly ask about one fourth of the students to do the personal report. If time allows, the number of reporting students may increase to one third.) c. To enhance students understanding and knowledge of the causes and influences of the, the teacher could hand out the data-based questions as class assignment (Worksheet 3 and Worksheet 4). These are mainly on the causes and influences of the two events. The teacher should ask students to form groups and discuss the answers in class, and then report to the class (about 2 periods). d. After completing parts (a) to (c), the teacher should explain to students the meaning of turning point and the basic skills and vocabulary to be used when answering this type of questions. (about 0.5 period) Page 120 Modernisation and Transformation of China

3 e. Then the teacher guides students to analyze to what extent the 1911 Revolution and the May Fourth can be considered turning points in the development of Chinese history with regard to the content of the worksheets and the conclusion of their group discussion (about 1.5 periods are needed). (Note: the teacher should remind students to note the importance of the two events and their impact on the development of Chinese history in the early 20 th century, so as to illustrate how the two events can be considered as turning points.) f. Through the content of the cartoon, its method of presentation and its caption, students can decide whether the can be taken as turning points in the development of Chinese history in the early 20 th century. The teacher should ask students to note the important evidences of a historical source and to connect them to their historical background when handling and analyzing the historical sources, so as to grasp more historical viewpoints. 4. Expected Outcomes / Difficulties: a. As requirements are higher than before, not all students can answer the teacher s questions properly. The teacher must be more patient in explaining to the students the related thinking mode and skills in tackling history questions. b. When discussing turning points, students may merely list the changes brought about by the 1911 Revolution or the May Fourth and fail to examine whether thorough changes in many aspects of the development of Chinese history took place after such historical events. c. Despite so, students ability to consider whether an event or a year is a turning point will further improve after the above lessons. However, the teacher must ask students to answer an essay-type question so as to consolidate what they have learnt. d. More importantly, after these lessons, students should have basically mastered skills such as analyzing sources, making conclusions, discussions, debates, disprove, and discuss relative importance. The teacher must provide appropriate guidance so as to consolidate students skills and abilities in these aspects. Modernisation and Transformation of China Page 121

4 Worksheet 1 Modernisation and transformation of China 1911 Revolution and May-Fourth Consider the source below, and then answer questions (a) to (c). The picture below, captioned Burden of the Official and that of the People is adapted from the Shenzhou Wuri Huabao (China s Five-day Pictorial) published in Shanghai in Responsible cabinet Foreign debts, indemnities and all kinds of levies and taxes (a) What do you think is the cartoonist s view about the rule of the Qing government at the time? Explain your answer by citing two clues from the cartoon. (4 marks) (b) Does the cartoon adequately reflect the problems facing the Qing government at the time? Explain your answer with reference to the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (5 marks) (c) Can the problems facing the Qing government as described by the cartoonist fully explain the end of China s monarchical rule in 1912? Discuss with reference to the content of the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Source: Shenzhou Wuri Huabao, Shanghai, (The website of the Academy of Chinese Studies) Page 122 Modernisation and Transformation of China

5 Suggested answers for Worksheet 1 (a) What do you think is the cartoonist s view about the rule of the Qing government at the time? Explain your answer by citing two clues from the cartoon. (4 marks) Qing rulers put the heavy burden of foreign indemnities and all kinds of levies and taxes on the poor people. The officials in general only cared for power and position without considering the ordinary people from their point of view. This shows that the cartoonist believed that people at that time were under the economic exploitation of the Qing rulers. Clues and explanation: (2 marks, 1 for each clue and 1 for each explanation.) 1. The cartoonist portrayed a skinny, ragged ordinary man carrying a big bag with words --- foreign indemnity and all sorts of taxes on it. This shows his heavy burden. 2. From the facial expression of the ordinary man (tightened jaws ) and physical appearance (bended back), we can tell that he has tried his best to shoulder the heavy burden. 3. The Qing official, who sat on the big load carried by the ordinary man, looked so relaxed. He had already imposed all the foreign economic losses to the ordinary people. Thus we know that the officials at that time, in terms of their office, had not taken the people s needs and feelings into consideration. (b) Does the cartoon adequately reflect the problems facing the Qing government at the time? Explain your answer with reference to the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (5 marks) The cartoon only reflects the ruling problems faced by the Qing government and the economic burden as well as social problems faced by the poor people. (1 mark) The cartoon is unable to reflect the problems which include: (4 marks, 2 for each question) 1. The challenges of the revolutionaries. 2. Because of the intensification of natural disasters, more victims supported the anti-qing movement. 3. The foreign military and economic encroachment made the Chinese people suffer deeply. 4. Other relevant problems. (c) Can the problems facing the Qing government as described by the cartoonist fully explain the end of China s monarchical rule in 1912? Discuss with reference to the content of the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) The arguments showing that the cartoon cannot completely explain the end of imperial rule in China in 1911 may include : (Any 3 of the following reasons, 2 marks for each reason) 1. The Late Qing Constitutional was not a whole-hearted movement and increased people s discontent towards the government. 2. Nationalisation of railways brought about discontent of different classes, thus fostered the revolutionary movement. Modernisation and Transformation of China Page 123

6 3. Continuation of conflicts between Manchu and Hans made it difficult for the Qing government to maintain its rule. 4. Abolition of Civil Service Examination made the discontented intellectuals turned to support the revolutionary movement. 5. Other relevant reasons. Page 124 Modernisation and Transformation of China

7 Worksheet 2 Modernisation and transformation of China 1911 Revolution and May-Fourth Consider the Source below and answer questions (a) to (c). The cartoon below was published during the May-Fourth period. 三 從 四 德 : The three obediences and the four virtues. Three obediences refer to a woman obeying her father before marriage, her husband during married life, and her son in widowhood. Four virtues refer to a woman s fidelity, propriety in speech, physical charm, and efficiency in needle work. (a) What do you think is the cartoonist s view about the influence of the May-Fourth with regard to Chinese culture? Explain your answer by citing two clues from the cartoon. (4 marks) (b) Does the cartoon adequately reflect the influences of the May-Fourth on China? Explain your answer with reference to the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (5 marks) (c) How useful is the cartoon in reflecting changes of women s status during the May- Fourth period? Discuss with reference to the content of the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Source: (The website of the Academy of Chinese Studies) Modernisation and Transformation of China Page 125

8 Suggested answers for Worksheet 2 (a) What do you think is the cartoonist s view about the influence of the May-Fourth with regard to Chinese culture? Explain your answer by citing two clues from the cartoon. (4 marks) The cartoonist s viewpoint of the impact of the May Fourth on Chinese Culture: (2 marks) The cartoonist believes that the rationale of Three rules to obey and four feminine virtues derived from the traditional Confucian teaching was unreliable. The traditional Chinese women should be liberated from the obsolete Confucian teachings. Clues and explanation: (2 marks) (Clue) Unreliable in the cartoon headline tells that the Chinese tradtional concept of Three rules to obey and four feminine virtues is unreliable. (Explanation) The woman was only leaning on a stone monument supported by a thin piece of wood. Besides, the wind was strong. This implies that the traditional ideas would be overthrown. (b) Does the cartoon adequately reflect the influences of the May-Fourth on China? Explain your answer with reference to the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (5 marks) Arguments showing that the cartoon was unable to reflect the impact of the May Fourth on China may include: The cartoon only reflects the impact and nature of the May Fourth on the aspects of anti-confucianism and anti-tradition, but it did not describe aspects other than antitradition such as: giving up classical style writing; the new ideas promoted by the New Youth which was against absolutism and superstition; intellectual liberation such as promotion of new literature and opposition of eight-legged essays. Besides, the new ideas emphasized by the May Fourth such as the individual rights, self-assertion, sexual equality and reasoning flourished which enabled China to develop into a more modernized country. Besides, the May Fourth also raised people s awareness of taking part in politics. Different walks of society also joined different patriotic and national salvation movements and organizations, such as student associations, guilds and workers associations. People s national consciousness and awareness were aroused greatly. Other impacts may include: demolition of superstition, emphasis on science, promotion of new literature and general education etc. Page 126 Modernisation and Transformation of China

9 (c) How useful is the cartoon in reflecting changes of women s status during the May-Fourth period? Discuss with reference to the content of the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Usefulness: The cartoon reflects that under the impact of the traditional Chinese social practices, women followed the concept of The three obediences and the four virtues since childhood. The concept of the Three obediences refers to obeying her father before marriage, her husband in married life, and her son in widowhood. four virtues refer to a woman s fidelity, propriety in speech, physical charm, and efficiency in needle work. It has been a long time in traditional China which emphasized the men s status, women s status was far lower that that of men and they suffered in various bounds. Limitation: The cartoon does not point out that under the impact of the May Fourth, women s status was raised, e.g. women started not to follow blindly the three obediences and the four virtues. Female students began to join student movements and then social and political movements that followed. Women s status began to rise. Co-education began to appear in China. Before the May Fourth Incident, few women could receive high education. But in 1922, there were 28 tertiary schools recruiting female students. In other words, more women received education. The opportunities of employment for women had also increased. Free marriage was even common. Women began to be released from the traditional moral, social and political shackles. After the May Fourth, female students generated great interest in political affairs, advocated women suffrage and participated in political and social movements. Women got rid of family and marriage bounds and gradually played a remarkable part in various social aspects. The May Fourth really started a family revolution. Modernisation and Transformation of China Page 127

10 Worksheet 3 Modernisation and transformation of China 1911 Revolution and May-Fourth Consider the Source below and answer questions (a) to (c). The cartoon below, captioned Down with Cao, Lu and Zhang by the workers, the students and the merchants, was published in Source: (a) What do you think is the cartoonist s view about the outbreak of the May-Fourth? Explain your answer by citing two clues from the cartoon. (4 marks) (b) Does the cartoon adequately reflect the causes of the outbreak of the May-Fourth? Explain your answer with reference to the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (5 marks) (c) How useful is the cartoon in reflecting the opposition forces of various social strata against the ruling class during the May-Fourth period? Discuss with reference to the content of the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Page 128 Modernisation and Transformation of China

11 Suggested answers for Worksheet 3 (a) What do you think is the cartoonist s view about the outbreak of the May-Fourth? Explain your answer by citing two clues from the cartoon. (4 marks) The cartoonist s viewpoint on the outbreak of the May Fourth : (1 mark) The May Fourth was supported by different social strata. Clues and explanation: (3 marks) 1. Cai, Lu and Zhang shown on the left of the cartoon clearly represents the three official delegates of the Nationalist Government to deal with the Japanese diplomats in The three fists on the right in the cartoon represent the workers(labour), students(study) and merchants(commerce). The cartoon shows the joint effort of these three major social classes to fight against Cai, Lu and Zhang. (b) Does the cartoon adequately reflect the causes of the outbreak of the May-Fourth? Explain your answer with reference to the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (5 marks) Argument stating that the cartoon fully reflects the outbreak of the May Fourth : The cartoon only points out social factor leading to the outbreak of the May Fourth. Argument stating that the cartoon does not fully reflect the outbreak of the May Fourth : 1. Chinese intellectuals who were influenced by the advanced western democratic and scientific ideas, asked for changes. Furthermore, after W.W.I., democracy became a world trend, some intellectuals believed that democracy was the way to save the country. 2. The intellectuals denied Chinese traditional culture, promoted a thorough implementation of intellectual reform movement. 3. China suffered diplomatic setbacks at the Paris Peace Conference. The Beiyang Government was unable to abolish the powers privileges in China and the Twenty-One Demands, and retake German interests in Shandong. When the news spread to China, the country was angry and discontented, and led to mass demonstration in the streets. (c) How useful is the cartoon in reflecting the opposition forces of various social strata against the ruling class during the May-Fourth period? Discuss with reference to the content of the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Usefulness: The cartoon helps us understand that the merchants, students and workers demanded punishment of the three officials: Cai (participated and signed the Twenty-One Demands ), Lu (handled the Japanese loan) and Zhang (handled the ratification of documents with Japan with pleased to consent ). Modernisation and Transformation of China Page 129

12 Limitation: The cartoon does not show that during the May Fourth, there was a tide of strikes started by students, workers and merchants in various parts of the country which made the Beiyang government release the arrested students and immediately dismissed and investigated Cai, Lu and Zhang. The Chinese government finally refused to accept the treaty with Germany. Besides, the cartoon does not reflect the new ascending classes of students, workers and merchants who had become great reactionary forces in Chinese society. Although the cartoon shows that these forces were attacking the officials, it does not point out that the forces merchants and workers in cities were expanding continuously e.g. the merchants in big cities used different methods to organise themselves, such as the Streets Union which was formed by merchants in Shanghai. From 1919 to 1924, workers associations developed rapidly. Later, these associations led residents in Chinese cities to launch mass movements, to ask for people s rights from the government and foreign concessions. Workers strikes also increased after the May Fourth Incident. In 1918 there were 25 strikes in the whole nation, but the number increased to 66 in In 1922 it was up to 91. After 1919, the number of workers joining the strikes also increased. After the May Fourth, strikes started by merchants and workers had become the main way of expression of ideas during the critical moments in China. Besides, the rise of labour movment and the demolition of superstition etc. were directly or indirectily promoted by the May Fourth. Page 130 Modernisation and Transformation of China

13 Worksheet 4 Modernisation and transformation of China 1911 Revolution and May-Fourth Consider the Source below and answer questions (a) to (c). The cartoon below, captioned 260-year-old Antiquity, was published in the Minquan Huabao (People s Rights Pictorial) in (a). What do you think does the building in the cartoon refer to? What is the problem with the building? Explain your answer by citing clues from the cartoon. (4 marks) (b). With reference to the content of the cartoon, infer the cartoonist s intention in drawing the cartoon. (4 marks) (c). How useful is the cartoon in reflecting the influences of the 1911 Revolution on the development of Chinese history? Discuss with reference to the content of the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Source: Minquan Huabao,1912 Modernisation and Transformation of China Page 131

14 Suggested answers for Worksheet 4 (a) What do you think does the building in the cartoon refer to? What is the problem with the building? Explain your answer by citing clues from the cartoon. The building shown in the cartoon refers to: The Qing Dynasty which is an alien entry into China and controlled China for more than 260 years (We can tell from the cartoon s headline: 260-year-old Antiquity. The year of publishing the cartoon was exactly the year when the Qing emperor abdicated. This implied the downfall of the Qing dynasty and the establishment of the Chinese Republic officially terminated the imperial rule and replaced it with a republican regime. ) Problems brought about by the building: This building was falling, and words, like loyalty to the emperor and royal edict were inscribed onto the memorial boards. This represents that the Qing Dynasty, having ruled China for over 260 years, was unable to meet challenges of the revolutionary. (b) With reference to the content of the cartoon, infer the cartoonist s intention in drawing the cartoon. (4 marks) The intention of the cartoon is: Using the analogy of memorial boards to stand for the Qing Dynasty which had ruled China for over 260 years, then the fall of the memorial boards symbolises the downfall of the Qing Dynasty. This was one of the fruits of the 1911 Revolution which puts an end to an imperial rule. The cartoon also suggests the emergence of a new political phenomenon. (Students may cite the physical shape of the building and the relevant headline as supporting evidences.) (c) How useful is the cartoon in reflecting the influences of the 1911 Revolution on the development of Chinese history? Discuss with reference to the content of the cartoon and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Usefulness: The cartoon reflects that the last Chinese imperial dynasty was finally overthrown by the 1911 Revolution and terminated the 2000-year-old monarchy since the Qin Dynasty. It marked the greatest change in political system in Chinese history. It also proves that the monarchical system had been casted aside by most of the people, the subsequent monarchial movement started by Yuan Shi-kai and the restoration of imperial system by Chang Hsun failed respectively. Page 132 Modernisation and Transformation of China

15 Limitation: 1. The cartoon does not show that a provisional constitution was born. This constitution, though not a perfect one, clearly stated in its general outline that the sovereignty of the Republic of China belongs to the people of the nation. This revolution is a remarkable milestone in the history of China. From then on China has moved towards national independence, democracy and concern for people s welfare at government level. At the same time, China is the first Asian country to set up a republic. 2. Besides, the cartoon does not mention that China was able to establish a real modern nation-state because of the 1911 revolution. It also does not point out that the revolution brought about new challenges in the society and inspired many social changes. The youth, women, students and merchants, whose traditional status was comparatively low, joined the revolution and changed the society. They posed a big challenge to the traditional society. 3. After the 1911 revolution, there was radical changes in the Chinese society. Nearly all traditional social values and family system began to transform. A new society therefore became an ideal target pursued by the new social classes (youth, women, students and merchants.) 4. The 1911 revolution also had negative impact. First, the revolution was not thorough. Since the revolutionaries neglected the social and economic problems, the revolution did not improve the living condition of the people. Second, the revolution did not set up a democratic and stable China. The rule of Yuan Shi-kai was dictatorial and imperious. The warlord era began soon after his death. Moreover, the revolution was unable to stop the encroachment of western imperialism. The Great Powers still enjoyed privileges in China. Japanese invasion intensified because the new republic remained weak and divided. Modernisation and Transformation of China Page 133

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