Oracle - MySQL Migration. Marco Tusa MySQL CTL MySQL Conference 12 April 2012

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1 Oracle - MySQL Migration Marco Tusa MySQL CTL MySQL Conference 12 April 2012

2 Why Pythian Recognized Leader: Global industry-leader in remote database administration services and consulting for Oracle, Oracle Applications, MySQL and SQL Server Work with over 165 multinational companies such as, Fox Sports, Nordion and Western Union to help manage their complex IT deployments Expertise: One of the world s largest concentrations of dedicated, full-time DBA expertise. Employ 7 Oracle ACEs/ACE Directors Hold 7 Specializations under Oracle Platinum Partner program, including Oracle Exadata, Oracle GoldenGate & Oracle RAC Global Reach & Scalability: 24/7/365 global remote support for DBA and consulting, systems administration, special projects or emergency response 3

3 Who am I? Cluster Technical Leader at Pythian for MySQL technology Previous manager Professional Service South EMEA at MySQL/SUN/Oracle In MySQL before the SUN gets on us Lead the team responsible for Oracle & MySQL DBs service in support to technical systems, at Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO of UN) Lead developer & system administrator teams in FAO managing the Intranet/Internet infrastructure. Worked (a lot) in developing countries like (Ethiopia, Senegal, Ghana, Egypt ) My Profile 4

4 Why MySQL I like to start from :* Scalability and Flexibility High Performance High Availability Robust Transactional Support Web and Data Warehouse Strengths Strong Data Protection Comprehensive Application Development Management Ease Open Source Freedom and 24 x 7 Support Lowest Total Cost of Ownership * 5

5 Why MySQL? MySQL TCO Savings Calculator (now)* *From TCO calculator 6

6 Why MySQL? MySQL TCO Savings Calculator (before) *From TCO calculator ancient time 7

7 Why MySQL? All good then? When should I migrate my environment to MySQL? Cost is not the only aspect to consider: Need to use MySQL correctly; Be aware of existing issues good list of them from Baron* Identify the real effort require for the migration. * 8

8 12 things to know about MySQL (1) 1 Subqueries are poorly optimized (optimization expected in There is limited ability to audit (no user reference unless General log active). 3 Authentication is built-in. There is no LDAP, Active Directory, or other external authentication capability. (New PAM module available for 5.5 but only enterprise) 4 Data integrity checking is very weak, and even basic integrity constraints cannot always be enforced. (replication) 5 Most queries can use only a single index per table; some multi-index query plans exist in certain cases, but the cost is usually underestimated by the query optimizer, and they are often slower than a table scan. 6 Foreign keys are not supported in most storage engines. 9

9 12 things to know about MySQL (2) 7 Execution plans are not cached globally, only per-connection. 8 There are no integrated or add-on business intelligence, OLAP cube, etc packages. 9 There are no materialized views (also if we can use Event scheduler) 10 Replication is asynchronous and has many limitations and edge cases. 11 DDL such as ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE is non-transactional. It commits open transactions and cannot be rolled back or crash-recovered. 12 Each storage engine can have widely varying behavior, features, and properties. (positive and negative) 10

10 Getting Started? Prepare a plan, and do not improvise Analyze the source (from application to data design) Identify show stoppers Identify how to map what to what Identify how to organize the target Most important: Be ready to do not force migration. If it does not make sense to proceed, STOP! 11

11 The Motto Use the right tool for the job 12

12 Most common source cases Database is used only to store data all the logic reside in the application Database contains logic such as stored procedure and complex package Database containing data for data warehouse Real time data and historical records (telephone company) 13

13 Something fails Define the process Analyze Understand Match Src/dest Re/Design Extract src Convert Import Schemas Logic data Validate Test/POC Index Partition 14

14 Mitigating risk of failure (analyze) When analyzing the source database(s) what should be the outcome? Easy to understand excluding list Identify Source type (Simple data move; data + Intelligence; data mart) In detail review per schema of complexity Detailed assessment of modification and effort database objects Detailed assessment of functions/functionalities used (also in the application) Application assessment and review 15

15 Mitigating risk of failure (analyze) Easy to understand excluding list Create a rank on the impedance o Apply it to analyzed schema i.e.: Issue Workaround Grade* Notes Reference to external schemas in the a different instance (db 10 Not portable link) Packages See Writing stored procedures 9 Require full recode Procedures See Writing stored procedures 9 Require full recoding Unique key longer then 255 characters See Key length limitations 4 Views alias Manually added 4 Columns alias must be added manually Sequences See Migration of Sequences 3 Whenever possible convert to autoincrement Empty schemas See empty schema definitions 2 Convert to User definition *The lower grade the better 16

16 Mitigating risk of failure (analyze) 1. Identify and understand differences - Oracle vs MySQL behavior - DDL differences MySQL Oracle - DML differences - Data formatting and encoding - Data set dimensions 2. Identify and understand business logic differences - map Oracle functions to MySQL - convert Oracle logic to MySQL (if possible) 3. Realize a Proof of Concept - involve an experienced Oracle DBA - involve an experience MySQL DBA - involve the developers - use real data - use real traffic 17

17 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding server behavior Identify different behavior between Oracle and MySQL, some basic differences (cont.) Oracle is case insensitive in the schema object definition while MySQL is case sensitive (remember to set lower_case_table_names) Oracle does not provide DEFAULT value for NOT NULL, MySQL does. Oracle supports millisecond MySQL only from 5.6 Oracle does not apply silent conversion to data types MySQL does (set sql_mode) Oracle maximum VARCHAR2 dimension is 4,000 bytes, MySQL 65,535 18

18 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding server behavior Identify different behavior between Oracle and MySQL, some basic differences 1.what is what, understanding the naming conventions AUTO COMMIT Default enabled in MySQL - you can't ROLLBACK - Non Transactional Storage Engines - SET AUTOCOMMIT = {0 1}; 2.securing the database Database Authentication/Privileges - MySQL Privileges (local; no roles) - Oracle System Privileges (local/external; roles) 3.Dual in MySQL is not required - e.g. SELECT 1+1 but we provided for Oracle Compatibility - SELECT 1+1 FROM DUAL - SELECT CURRENT_USER() FROM DUAL 19

19 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding DDL differences Key length limitations Oracle handles index with a length up to the 40%(plus some overhead) of the database block size (db_block_size), this could be a problem with MySQL. MySQL can use 767/1000 bytes as a primary key or an index. But because in UTF-8, one character is 3 bytes, a primary key or any key can be at most 255 characters. Work around only for InnoDB innodb_large_prefix in case of Dynamic/Compressed ROW format. 20

20 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding DDL differences autoincrement/sequence Oracle uses sequence, while MySQL is bound to AUTO_INCREMENT AUTO_INCREMENT must be NOT NULL and part of the primary key Oracle can retrieve sequence values MySQL need to use the function LAST_INSERT_ID(). The LAST_INSERT_ID() is maintained per connection and is thus safe for concurrent use. Do not use SELECT MAX(id)+1 FROM tab 21

21 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference Given The relevance in a Migration of the presence of SP/Trigger it is worth to talk about it a little bit more in details Procedure and triggers difference one trigger for event in MySQL, all the different actions needs to be group no packages, workaround using a fake schema different behavior by storage engine and if transactional or not Security assignments and security definer/invoker Up to 5.5 very basic error handling and lack of signal. So version 5.5 is almost mandatory if in the need to use decent error handling. 22

22 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference MySQL stored programs can often add to application functionality and developer efficiency, and there are certainly many cases where the use of a procedural language such as the MySQL stored program language can do things that a non procedural language like SQL cannot. There are also a number of reasons why a MySQL stored program approach may offer performance improvements over a traditional SQL approach It provides a procedural approach (SQL is a declarative, non procedural language) It reduces client-server traffic It allows us to divide and conquer complex statements But 23

23 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference One graph tells more then 1,000 words: 24

24 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference IF and CASE Statements When constructing IF and CASE statements, try to minimize the number of comparisons that these statements are likely to make by testing for the most likely scenarios first. For instance, in the code in the next slide, the first statement maintains counts of various percentages. Assuming that the input data is evenly distributed, the first IF condition (percentage>95) will match about once in every 20 executions. On the other hand, the final condition will match in three out of four executions. So this means that for 75% of the cases, all four comparisons will need to be evaluated. 25

25 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference Non Optimized IF (percentage>95) THEN SET Above95=Above95+1; ELSEIF (percentage >=90) THEN SET Range90to95=Range90to95+1; ELSEIF (percentage >=75) THEN SET Range75to89=Range75to89+1; ELSE SET LessThan75=LessThan75+1; END IF; Optimized IF (percentage<75) THEN SET LessThan75=LessThan75+1; ELSEIF (percentage >=75 AND percentage<90) THEN SET Range75to89=Range75to89+1; ELSEIF (percentage >=90 and percentage <=95) THEN SET Range90to95=Range90to95+1; ELSE SET Above95=Above95+1; END IF; 26

26 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference Looks simple and the effect is relevant: 27

27 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference Using Recursion A recursive routine is one that invokes itself. Recursive routines often offer elegant solutions to complex programming problems, but they also tend to consume large amounts of memory. They are also likely to be less efficient and less scalable than implementations based on iterative execution. 28

28 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference Recursive CREATE PROCEDURE rec_fib(n INT,OUT out_fib INT) BEGIN DECLARE n_1 INT; DECLARE n_2 INT; IF (n=0) THEN SET out_fib=0; ELSEIF (n=1) then SET out_fib=1; ELSE CALL rec_fib(n-1,n_1); CALL rec_fib(n-2,n_2); SET out_fib=(n_1 + n_2); END IF; END Not Recursive CREATE PROCEDURE nonrec_fib(n INT,OUT out_fib INT) BEGIN DECLARE m INT default 0; DECLARE k INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE i INT; DECLARE tmp INT; SET m=0; SET k=1; SET i=1; WHILE (i<=n) DO SET tmp=m+k; SET m=k; SET k=tmp; SET i=i+1; END WHILE; SET out_fib=m; END 29

29 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference The difference is quite impressive and evident 30

30 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference When you need to retrieve only a single row from a SELECT statement, using the INTO clause is far easier than declaring, opening, fetching from, and closing a cursor. But does the INTO clause generate some additional work for MySQL or could the INTO clause be more efficient than a cursor? 31

31 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference Trigger Overhead Every database trigger is associated with a specific DML operation (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) on a specific table the trigger code will execute whenever that DML operation occurs on that table. Furthermore, all MySQL 5.x triggers are of the FOR EACH ROW type, which means that the trigger code will execute once for each row affected by the DML operation. Given that a single DML operation might potentially affect thousands of rows, should we be concerned that our triggers might have a negative effect on DML performance? Absolutely yes! 32

32 Mitigating risk of failure (understand) Understanding Function Triggers difference When using Trigger be ALWAYS sure to have the right indexes. 33


34 Mitigating risk of failure (match) Understanding DML differences 1.Join syntax 2.SQL_mode 3.Data comparison using collation 4.other common differences SQL macro differences NVL() --> IFNULL() ROWNUM --> LIMIT SEQ.CURRVAL --> LAST_INSERT_ID() SEQ.NEXTVAL --> NULL NO DUAL necessary (SELECT NOW()) NO DECODE() --> IF() CASE() JOIN (+) Syntax --> INNER OUTER LEFT RIGHT No Hierarchical (connect to prior) 35

35 Mitigating risk of failure (convert) Data export & Index redesign Re-organize the schema/table not just convert data types Storage engines Index full redesign Data organization Sharding Partition Logic rewrite Inside MySQL Move to application 36

36 Mitigating risk of failure (POC) Realize a Proof of Concept Don t work Alone Involve Oracle experienced DBA Involve MySQL experience DBA Involve the developers Use real data Use real traffic Take one source for each type; start with the easy one Go Back to the analysis phase if you have to 37

37 What should my migration doc contains? General document Description of the main differences between platforms Description of the work around found Explanation of what to do to avoid most common issues Code write instructions Common function mapping List of the blocking issue(s) List and explanation of what cannot be migrated and why 38

38 What should my migration doc contains? Per schema document Overview of the effort for the migration Schema Name: Test Objects Number Time(min) hrs Cost(0,50 cent/min) Table ,3 2,65 Views ,08 0,04 Procedure ,33 41,67 Function ,33 1,67 Trigger ,67 20,83 Package 3 5 0,08 0,04 Total Time ,80 66,90 39

39 What should my migration doc contains? Per schema document Effort per table like: Schema Name: Test Table City Rows 2000 Estimated min 10 Attribute Data type source dim source Data type dest dim dest Name VARCHAR2 50 varchar 50 lat FLOAT FLOAT long FLOAT FLOAT population Number 10,0 INT 10 SqKm Number 7,0 MEDIUMINT Country CHAR 3 CHAR 3 40

40 What should my migration doc contains? Trigger section Effort per schema Effort per Table: Schema Name: Test Events Before Time(min) After Time(min) Insert Update Delete Total Packages 3 3 Total Time Schema Name: Test Table Total 24 action time Trigger name Source Insert* Update* Delete* Trigger name dest Before Ins_change_ID 20 Ins_actions Ins_change_ISO 10 upd_population 15 upd_population After del_died_male 10 del_died_male avr_pop_calculation 15 avr_pop_calculation Total *time in minutes for conversion 41

41 What should my migration doc contains? Procedure - function section Effort per schema Schema Name: Test Package Number Time(min) Cost(0,50 cent/min) Pack Pack Pack Total 521 Packages 3 Total Time 5200 Effort per Table: Schema Name: Test Table Total 3 Procedure name Code rows Impedance** Time* Packge comments Proc_ Pckg1 Complex Error handling Func_ Pckg2 No problem Proc_ Pckg1 Use of connect by prior Total 600 *time in minutes for conversion ** The lower the better 10 means no portable 42

42 What should my migration doc contains? Document from the Proof of Concept per source type Expected results Real value from test Issues found Work around identify Time/Effort per schema Breakdown per object (Table, View, Trigger, SP) Redefine expectations Review efforts and costs Be ready to drop something from the migration list 43

43 Should I do all this manually? No! there are tools on the market but: Choose your product carefully! Better a simple one than something too complex Always double check before applying Nothing will replace human/professional knowledge/experience 44

44 Thank you and Q&A To contact us PYTHIAN To follow us 47

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