The Rise of CHAPTER. History. The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation The Making of. Nationalism in Europe

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1 History CHAPTER The Rise of Nationalism in Europe During the 19th century, nationalism emerged as a force, which brought about sweeping changes in the political and mental world of Europe. The end result of these changes was the emergence of the nation-state in place of the multi-national dynastic empires of Europe. A nation-state was one, in which the majority of its citizens and not only its rulers, came to develop a sense of common identity and shared history or descent. This commonness was forged through struggles, through the actions of leaders and the common people. The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation The French Revolution (1789), paved the way for the modern nation-state and also had a big part in the birth of nationalism. Across Europe, radical intellectuals questioned the old monarchical order and encouraged the development of a popular nationalism, committed to re-drawing the political map of the continent. From the very beginning, the French revolutionaries introduced various measures and practices that could create a sense of collective identity like the ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) amongst the French people. These ideas emphasised the nation of a united community enjoying equal rights under a Constitution. A new French flag, the tricolour was chosen to replace the former royal standard. A centralised administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform laws for all citizens within its territory. Regional dialects were discouraged and French (as it was spoken and written in Paris) became the common language of the nation. With the outbreak of the revolutionary wars, the French armies began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad. There was no doubt that Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative field, he had incorporated revolutionary principle by introducing the Civil Code of 1814, usually known the Napoleonic Code. This code did away with all privileges based on birth, established equality before the law and secured the right of property. The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation The Making of Nationalism in Europe The Age of Revolution: The Making of Germany and Italy Visualising the Nation Nationalism and Imperialism Nation-State The region in which the majority of its citizens and not only its rulers, came to develop a sense of common identity and shared history or descent.

2 2 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II This code was exported to the regions under French control. Initially, the French armies were welcomed as harbingers of liberty, but the initial enthusiasm soon turned to hostility, as it became clear that the new administrative arrangements did not go hand-in-hand with political freedom. The Making of Nationalism in Europe If we look at the map of mid-18th century Europe, we will find that there were no nation-states like today. Now, what we know as Germany, Italy and Switzerland were divided into Kingdoms; Duchies and Cantons, whose rulers had their autonomous territories. The Habsburg empire, the Ottoman empire, etc were the patchwork of many different regions and peoples. The only tie binding of these diverse groups together was a common allegiance to the emperor. There were many factors that led to the nation-states. Among them some important factors were The rise of new middle class. The spread of the ideology of liberalism. The new spirit of conservatism and the Treaty of Vienna. Ernest Renan, What is a Nation? In a lecture delivered at the University of Sorbonne in 1882, the French philospher Ernst Renan ( ) outlined his understanding of what makes a nation. A nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavours, sacrifice and devotion. A heroic past, great men, glory that is the social capital upon which one bases a national idea. To have common glories in the past, to have a common will in the present, to have performed great deeds together, to wish to perform still more. These are the essential conditions of being a people. A nation is therefore a large-scale solidarity Its existence is a daily plebiscite A province is its inhabitants; if anyone has the right to be consulted, it is the inhabitant. The Aristocracy and the New Middle Class Socially and politically, a landed aristocracy was the dominant class on the continent. In Western and Central parts of Europe, there was an emergence of commercial classes whose existence was based on production for the market. Due to industrialisation, the new social groups a working class population and middle classes made up of industrialists, businessmen, professionals came into being. It was among the educated, liberal middle classes; the idea of national unity gained popularity. What did Liberal Nationalism Stand for? Ideas of national unity in the early 19th century, Europe were closely allied to the ideology of liberalism. For the new middle classes, liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all before the law. Throughout the 19th and early 20th century, there were the movements demanding equal political rights, i.e., Universal suffrage or the right to vote. In the economic sphere, liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital. In 1834, a Customs Union or Zollverein was formed at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the German states. The union abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two. A New Conservatism after 1815 Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, European Governments were driven by a spirit of conservatism. Conservatives believed that established traditional institutions of state and society like the monarchy, the church, social hierarchies, property and the family should be preserved. The European powers like Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria, who had collectively defeated Napoleon, met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe. The Congress was hosted by the Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich and they drew up the Treaty of Vienna of Habsburg Empire The empire that used Austria, Hungary including the Alpine region of Tyrol, Austria, Sudetenland and Bohemia. Ottoman Empire Turkish empire ruled by the Caliph-the spiritual and temporal head of the Muslims. Ideology System of ideas reflecting a particular social and political vision. Conservatism A political philosophy that stressed the importance of tradition, established institutions, customs and preferred gradual development to quick change. Suffrage The right to vote. Plebiscite A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.

3 ll ne The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 3 The main intention was to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by Napoleon and create a new conservative order in Europe. Conservative regimes set up in 1815, were autocratic. Most of them imposed censorship laws to control what was said in newspapers, books, plays and songs and reflected the ideas of liberty and freedom associated with the French Revolutions. The Revolutionaries During the years following 1815, the fear of repression drove many liberal-nationlists underground. Main objectives of revolutionaries were to oppose monarchial forms that had been established after the Vienna Congress and to fight for liberty and freedom. Most of these revolutionaries saw the creation of nation-state as a necessary part of this struggle for freedom. The Age of Revolutions : Liberalism and nationalism came to be increasingly associated with revolution in many regions of Europe such as the Italian and German states, the provinces of Ottoman empire, Ireland and Poland. The first upheaval took place in France in July The July Revolution sparked an uprising in Brussels, which led to Belgium breaking away from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. The growth of revolutionary nationalism in Europe sparked off a struggle for independence amongst the Greeks, which began in Poets and artist landed Greece as the cradle of European civilisation and mobilised public opinion to support its struggle against Muslim empire. Finally, the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832, recognised Greece as an independent nation. The Romantic Imagination and National Feeling The development of nationalism did not come about only through wars and territorial expansion. Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation. Art and poetry, stories and music helped express and shape the nationalist feelings. Poland which was no longer existed as an independent territory, kept nationalist feeling alive through music and language. Karol Kurpinski celebrated the national struggle through his operas and music, turning folk dances like polonaise and mazurka into nationalist symbols. Many members of the clergy in Poland began to use language as a weapon of national resistance. The use of Polish came to be seen as a symbol of the struggle against Russian dominance. Hunger, Hardship and Popular Revolt The 1830s were the years of great economic hardship in Europe. The first half of the 19th century saw an enormous increase in population all over the Europe. Population from rural areas migrated to the cities to live in overcrowded slums. Small producers in towns were often faced with stiff competition from imports of cheap machine-made goods from industrially developed England. In those regions of Europe, where the aristocracy still enjoyed power, peasants struggled under the burden of feudal dues and obligations. The rise of food prices or a year of bad harvest led to widespread pauperism in town and country. In 1848, food shortage and widespread unemployment brought the population of Paris out on the roads. Barricades were erected and Louis Philippe was forced to flee. A National Assembly proclaimed a republic and granted suffrage to adult males above 21 and guaranteed the right to work. Events of February 1848 in France, had brought about the abdication of the monarch : The Revolution of the Liberals In other parts of Europe, like Germany, Italy, Poland, the Austro Hungarian Empire men and women of the liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism with national unification. On 18th May, 1848, 831 elected representatives marched in a festive procession to take their places in the Frankfurt Parliament convened in the church of St Paul. They drafted a Constitution for a German nation to be headed by a monarchy to subject to a Parliament. When the deputies offered the crown on these terms to Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia, he rejected it and joined other monarchs to oppose the elected assembly. The Parliament was dominated by the middle classes, who resisted the demands of workers and artisans and consequently lost their support. In the end, troops were called in and the assembly was forced to disband.

4 4 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II The issue to extending political rights to women was a controversial one within the Liberal Movement, in which large numbers of women had participated actively over the years. Women had formed their own political associations, founded newspapers and had taken part in political meetings and demonstrations. Despite this, they were denied the suffrage rights during the election, of the assembly. Monarchs were beginning to realise that the cycles of revolution and repression could only be ended by granting concessions to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries. Thus, serfdom and bonded labour were abolished both in the Habsburg dominions and in Russia. The Habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarians in The Making of Germany and Italy Germany : Can the Army be the Architect of a Nation? In Germany, nationalist feelings were widespread among middle class, who in 1848, tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state governed by an elected Parliament. This liberal initiative to nation-building was repressed by the monarch and military, supported by large land-owners (Junkers) of Prussia. The first step towards unification of Germany was unconsciously taken by Prussia, when Prussia established Zollverein or Customs Union, joined by most German states. Prussia took on the leadership of the movement for national unification. Prussia s Chief Minister Otto von Bismarck was the architect of this process with the help of Prussian army and bureaucracy. In January 1871, William I, the Prussian Emperor, though deeply conservative, believed in the National Mission of Prussia to unify Germany. Bismarck followed aggressive foreign policy, the Blood and Iron Policy and relatively subdued domestic one, playing with the nationalistic sentiments of the people of Germany. Bismarck set the diplomatic stage for challenging Austria as well as trying out his new enemy Denmark over the question of the control of two Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. In 1864, Bismarck fought a war against Denmark and took control of Schleswig. Bismarck made Russia neutral by helping it at the time of Polish insurrection. He also secured the neutrality of France and Italy. In 1870, Prussia defeated France and occupied Alsace and Lorraine. On 18th January, 1871, an assembly comprising the princes of the German states, representatives of the army, important Prussian ministers including the Chief Minister Bismarck gathered in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles to proclaim the new German empire headed by Kaiser William I of Prussia. The new state placed a strong emphasis on modernising the currency, banking, legal and judicial systems in Germany. Prussian measures and practices often became a model for the rest of Germany. Italy Unified During the middle of the 19th century, Italy was divided into seven states of which only one, Sardinia-Piedmont was ruled by an Italian Princely House. The North was under Austrian Habsburgs, the Centre was ruled by the Pope and the Southern regions were under the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain. Even, the Italian language had many regional and local variations. During the 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini had sought to put together a coherent programme for a Unitary Italian Republic. He formed a secret society called Young Italy. He believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind. So, Italy could not continue to be a patchwork of small states and kingdoms. It had to be forged into a single unified republic within a wider alliance of nations. The unification of Italy owed much to the diplomacy of the Chief Minister Cavour, who became the Prime Minister of Piedmont from 1852 to Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France engineered by Cavour, Sardinia-Piedmont succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in Apart from regular troops, a large number of armed volunteers under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi joined the fray. Garibaldi was a central figure in the unification of Italy, since he personally commanded and fought in many military campaigns that led eventually to the formation of a unified Italy. He has been called the Hero of Two Worlds, because of his military enterprises in South America and Europe.

5 ll ne The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 5 In 1860, they marched into South Italy and the kingdom of the Two Sicilies and succeeded in winning the support of the local peasants in order to drive out the Spanish rulers. In 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of United Italy. The states of Tuscany, Modena, Parma and the Papal joined hands with Sardinia. By March 1860, the entire Central Italian states were unanimously united with Piedmont. Rome became a part of Sardinia and in this way, the final unification of Italy, was also achieved in The Strange Case of Britain Some scholars have argued that the model of the nation-state is Great Britain. It was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution. It was the result of a long-drawn out process. There was no British nation prior to the 18th century. The primary identities of the people who inhabited the British Isles were Ethnic ones like English, Welsh, Scot or Irish. As English nation steadily grew in wealth, importance and power, it was able to extend its influence over the other nations of the islands. The English Parliament, which had seized power from the monarchy in 1688, was the instrument through which a nation-state, with England at its centre came to be forged. The Act of Union (1707), between England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, meant in effect, that England was able to impose its influence on Scotland. After a failed revolt led by Wolfe Tone and his United Irishmen (1798), Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in A new British nation was forged through the propagation of a dominant English culture. The symbol of the new Britain were the British flag (Union Jack), the National Anthem (God Save Our Noble King) and the English language. Visualising the Nation Artists in the 18th and 19th centuries found a way out by personifying nation. Nations were then portrayed as female figures. The female form that was chosen to personify the nation did not stand for any particular woman in real life, rather it sought to give the abstract idea of the nation in a concrete form. The female figure became an allegory of the nation. In France, the female allegory was christened Marianne. Her characteristics were drawn from those of Liberty and the Republic the red cap, the tricolour, the cockade. Germania became the allegory of the German nation. Germania wears a crown of oak leaves, as the German oak stands for heroism. Attribute Broken chains Breastplate with eagle Crown of oak leaves Sword Olive branch around the sword Meanings of the Symbols Significance Being freed Symbol of German Empire strength Heroism Readiness to fight Willingness to make peace Black, red and gold tricolour Flag of the Liberal nationalists in 1848, banned by the Dukes of the German states Rays of the rising sun Beginning of a new era Nationalism and Imperialism By the last quarter of the 19th century, the nationalism no longer retained its idealistic liberal democratic sentiment of the first half of the century. During this period nationalist groups became increasingly intolerant with each other and ever ready to go to war. The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871, was the area called the Balkans. The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic variation comprising modern-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, whose inhabitants were broadly known as the Slavs. A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman empire. The spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism in the Balkans together with the disintegration of the Ottoman empire made this region very explosive. Ethnic Relates to a common racial, tribal or cultural origin or background that a community identifies with or claims Allegory When an abstract idea (for instance greed, envy, freedom, liberty, etc) is expressed through a person or a thing. An allegorical story has two meanings, one literal and one symbolic. Romanticism A Cultural Movement which aimed at developing a particular form of national sentiment and promote a feeling of collective heritage as like basis of nation.

6 6 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II The Balkans states were fiercely jealous of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the expense of the others. Matters were further complicated because the Balkans also became the scene of big power rivalry. Each power Russia, Germany, England, Austro-Hungary was keen on countering the hold of other powers over the Balkans and extending its control over the area. This led to a series of wars in the region and finally the First World War. Nationalism, aligned with imperialism, led Europe to disaster in The anti-imperial movements that developed everywhere were nationalist, in the sense that they all struggled to form independent nation-states. European ideas of nationalism were nowhere replicated, for people everywhere developed their own specific variety of nationalism. The idea that societies should be organised into nation-states came to be accepted as natural and universal. Timeline 1789 The French Revolution occurred Napoleon invades Italy; Napoleonic wars begin Napoleonic Code was introduced publishing privileges based on birth. Upheld equality before law Fall of Napoleon; the Vienna Peace Settlement Greek struggle for independence begins Greece gained independence Zollverein or the Customs Union was formed in Prussia to abolish tariff barriers Revolutions in Europe: Artisans, industrial workers and peasants revolt against economic hardships; middle classes demand Constitutions and representative governments; Italians, Germans, Magyars, Poles, Czechs, etc demanded for nation-states Unification of Italy Unification of Germany The Prussian King, William I was proclaimed the German Emperor Slavs nationalism gathers their force in the Habsburg and Ottoman empire Beginning of the First World War. Websites for Additional Information /unification.html History

7 EXAM Practice Summative Assessment Multiple Choice Questions [1 Mark each] 1. Who has been called the Hero of Two Worlds? (a) Garibaldi (b) Cavour (c) Mazzini (d) Metternich Ans. (a) Hint Because of his military enterprises in both South America and Europe, Garibaldi has been called the Hero of Two Worlds. 2. In 18th century, political clubs became an important rallying point for people who wished to discuss government policies and plan their own form of action. Of them which club was most successful? (a) The Jacobins (b) The Marseillaise (c) The Bolsheviks (d) None of these Ans. (a) 3. When did the Greek struggle for independence begin? (a) 1821 (b) 1850 (c) 1870 (d) 1890 Ans. (a) Hint Greece was the craddle of European civilisation and Greek nationalists mobilised public opinion to support their struggle against the Turk emperor. 4. Industrialisation began in England in (a) the first half of the 18th century. (b) the second half of the 18th century. (c) the first half of the 19th century. (d) the second half of the 17th century. 5. In, representatives of the European powers, Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria who had collectively defeated Napoleon, met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe and signed the Treaty of Vienna. (a) 1817 (b) 1815 (c) 1818 (d) In which year all men of 21 years and above in France regardless of their wealth did get the right to vote? (a) In 1791 (b) In 1789 (c) In 1792 (d) In 1795 Ans. (c) Hint France experimented liberal democracy and the right to vote or suffrage was introduced. 7. is a political philosophy that stressed the importance of tradition, established institutions and customs and preferred gradual development to quick change. (a) Liberalism (b) Conservatism (c) Radicalism (d) None of the above Hint After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, European Governments were driven by the spirit of conservatism. 8. On 21st September, 1792, the newly elected assembly abolished the monarchy and declared France as a (a) republic (b) democracy (c) sovereign state (d) socialist state Ans. (a) 9. American Constitution came into force in. (a) 1790 (b) 1789 (c) 1850 (d) Mazzini, Garibaldi and Cavour, all made their contribution in their own way in the unification of. (a) Germany (b) Italy (c) Russia (d) Britain

8 8 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II 11. Who was called Bismarck of Italy? (a) Mazzini (b) Garibaldi (c) Cavour (d) None of these 12. The Habsburg empire ruled over which area? (a) America (b) Denmark (c) Poland (d) Belgium-Holland Ans. (c) 13. In which one of the following events, we observe the clear expression of nationalism? (a) The Russian Revolution (b) The French Revolution of 1789 (c) Glorious Revolution (d) The American Revolution 14. Which one of the following types of government was functioning in France before the revolution of 1789? (a) Dictatorship (b) Monarchy (c) Military (d) Council of French Citizen 15. During the middle of the 19th century, Italy was divided into states. (a) five (b) six (c) seven (d) nine Ans. (c) 16. Elle, the measuring unit in Germany was used to measure (a) land (b) thread (c) cloth (d) height Ans. (c) 17. Who said, When France sneezes, the rest of the Europe catches cold? (a) Garibaldi (b) Metternich (c) Mazzini (d) Bismarck Hint The effect of French Revolution was felt all over Europe. 18. What does a blind-folded woman carrying a pair of weighing scales, symbolise? (a) Equality (b) Justice (c) Liberty (d) Harmony 19. Which of the following states was ruled by an Italian Princely House? (a) Papal State (b) Venetia (c) Sardinia-Piedmont (d) Tuscany Ans. (c) Hint Italy was divided into seven states of which only one, Sardinia-Piedmont was ruled by an Italian Princely House. 20. Who was Cavour? (a) He was the Chief Minister of Germany, during its unification. (b) He was the Chief Minister of Italy, during its unification. (c) He was the Chief Minister of France, during revolution. (d) He was the Chief Minister of Prussia, during its unification. 21. Which of the following was the result of the Act of Union, 1707? (a) United Kingdom of Ireland (b) United Kingdom of Great Britain (c) United Kingdom of Scotland (d) United States of America Hint The Act of Union between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and after that England was able to impose its influence on Scotland. 22. Liberalism in the economic sphere did not entail (a) freedom of markets. (b) abolition of state imposed restrictions on good. (c) abolition of restriction on movement of capital. (d) feudal privileges. Ans. (d) 23. In which of the following years was unification of Germany achieved? (a) (b) (c) (d) Ans. (c) 24. Which area was known as the Powder Keg of Europe? (a) Balkans (b) Ottoman Empire (c) Italy (d) Germany Ans. (a) Hint It refers to the Balkans in the early part of the 20th century when there were a number of overlapping clan territories. 25. What did the German Sword stand for? (a) Heroism (b) Readiness to fight (c) Beginning of a new era (d) Symbol of German empire-strength

9 ll ne The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 9 Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks each] 1. How did nationalism and the idea of the nation-state emerge? Ans. Nationalism and the idea of the nation-state emerged within the culturally and regionally diverse groups of Europe. Due to industrialisation and transformation of society, they emerged a middle class consisting of businessmen, working professionals, industrialists, labourers and working class people. Out of these, the educated people thought of uniting the culturally compatible sections of people in Europe. This led to nationalism and emergence of idea of the nation-state. 2. Describe the political ends that list hopes to achieve through economic measures. Ans. A customs union known as Zollverein was formed at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the German states. This union abolished tariff barriers and summed up 30 currencies into two. Besides this, the aim of the union was to bind the Germans economically into a nation by strengthening the nation materially through its protection of interests externally and stimulating its internal productivity. It must be awakened and national sentiments should be raised through a fusion of individual and state interests. 3. Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of way in which they were portrayed? [NCERT] Ans. Marianne and Germania were the female allegories of France and German nations respectively. They stood as personifications of the Republic and Liberty. They were portrayed such that would instill a sense of nationality in the citizens of these countries. 4. Explain what is meant by the 1848 Revolution of the Liberals. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals? [NCERT] Ans. By the 1848 Revolution of the Liberals, we mean, the revolution led by the educated middle classes of Europe. Events of February 1848, in France brought about the abdication of the monarchy and a republic based on universal male franchise was formed. Social and economic ideas supported are (i) Politically, it emphasised the concept of government by consent, abolition of autocracy and special privileges. (ii) Socially, the liberals supported the abolition of discrimination based on birth. (iii) Economically, it stood for the abolition of trade restrictions imposed by the state. 5. Choose three examples to show the contribution of culture of the growth of nationalism in Europe. [NCERT] Ans. Examples of contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe are (i) The idea of a nation can be created through stories, poems and writings. Music too can help in expressing nationalist feelings or sentiments. (ii) Romanticism, a Cultural Movement which emerged in Europe, sought to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiments or national feelings. The main aim of Romantic artists was to create a sense of a shared collective heritage and a common cultural past. (iii) Language also played an important role in developing the national sentiments or nationalist feeling. For example in Poland, language began to be used as a weapon of national resistance. The wide scale use of Polish language came to be seen as a symbol of struggle against national dominance. 6. What area was known as the Balkans? Ans. The vast territory lying between the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea comprising the modern states of Romania, Albania, Greece, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro was known as the Balkans. All these states were once the part of the Ottoman empire and were inhabited by people broadly known as Slavs. The spread of the ideas of Romantic nationalism and the disintegration of Ottoman empire made this region very explosive. The Balkans states were fiercely jealous of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the expense of the others. 7. How did Romanticism seek to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiments during 18th century? Explain. Ans. Romanticism referred to a Cultural Movement which sought to develop a particular form of national sentiment. Romantic artist and poets generally criticised the glorification of reason and science. They focused on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings. Their effort was to create a sense of a shared collective heritage, a common cultural part as the basis of a nation. Some German Romantics thought that through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dancer, the true spirit of the nation could be popularised. They claimed that true German culture was to be discovered among the common people. 8. (a) What was the Zollverein? (b) What were its wider implications? Ans. (a) In 1834, a Customs Union or Zollverein was formed at the initiative of Prussia. It was joined by the most of the German States.

10 10 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II (b) The aim of Zollverein was to bind the Germans economically into a nation. The Union abolished the tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to only two. It helped to awaken and raise national sentiment through a fusion of individual and provincial interests. The German people realised that a free economic system was the only means to engender national feeling. 9. (a) What is a nation-state? (b) Mention any two measures and practices that the French revolutionaries introduced to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people. Ans. (a) A nation-state is one in which the majority of its citizens and not only its rulers, come to develop a sense of common identity, common language and shared history or descent. The most noticeable characteristic of nation-state is the degree to which they use the state as an instrument of national unity, in economic and social cultural life. (b) The two measures introduced by the French Revolutionaries were (i) A new French flag, the tricolour was chosen to replace the former royal standard. (ii) A centralised administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform laws for all citizens. 10. Explain any three features of Frankfurt Parliament. Ans. In the German regions a large number of political association came together in the city of Frankfurt and decided to vote for all German National Assembly. Three features of Frankfurt Parliament are (i) On 18th May, 1848, 831 elected representatives marched in the Frankfurt Parliament, convened in the church of St Paul. They drafted a Constitution for a German nation to be headed by a monarchy subject to a Parliament. (ii) When King of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm IV was offered the crown on these terms, he rejected it and opposed the elected assembly. (iii) The Parliament was dominated by the middle class who resisted the demands of workers and artisans and consequently lost their support. 11. Giuseppe Garibaldi ( ) is perhaps the most celebrated of Italian freedom fighters. He came from a family engaged in coastal trade and was a sailor in the Merchant Navy. In 1833, he met Mazzini, joined the Young Italy Movement and participated in a republican uprising in Piedmont in The uprising was suppressed and Garibaldi had to flee to South America, where he lived in exile till [Value Based Question] Read the above passage and answer the following questions (i) Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi? Write about his role in uprising in Piedmont in (ii) What values/lesson you have learnt from the above passage? Ans. (i) Giuseppe Garibaldi was one of the most celebrated Italian freedom fighters. He came from a family engaged in coastal trade and was a sailor in the Merchant Navy. In 1833, he met Mazzini, joined the Young Italy Movement and participated in a republican uprising in Piedmont in The uprising was suppressed and Garibaldi had to flee to South America, where he lived in exile till (ii) From the above passage I have learnt the values like nationalism, patriotism and desire of becoming independent. Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks each] 1. Summarise the attributes of a nation, as Ernest Renan understands them. Why in his view, are nations important? Ans. Ernest Renan was a French philosopher, who outlined the attributes of a nation as follows (i) A nation is not formed by a common language, race, religion or territory. (ii) To form a nation, social capital, common glories and deeds of the past and common will are necessary. A nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavours, sacrifice and devotion. (iii) Nation is a large scale solidarity, its existence is a daily plebiscite and its inhabitants have the right to be consulted. (iv) The existence of a nation is not only a good thing but also a necessity. (v) A nation has never any real interest in annexing or holding on to a country against its will. Nations are important because existence of the nation is a guarantee of liberty. Liberty would be lost if the world had only one law and only one master.

11 ll ne The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Discuss the importance of language and popular traditions in the creation of national identity. [HOTS] Ans. The development of nationalism does not come about only through wars and territorial expansion. Culture plays an important role in the creation of national identity. Culture of a country includes its language, art and poetry, stories, music, popular tradition everything. Philosophers think that to know folk culture, i.e., tradition of a country is essential for a nation-building. Because these traditions of folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances of a country bind the people by the thread of togetherness and pride. They give the feeling of culturally one united nation. Languages too plays an important role in developing nationalist sentiment. After Russian occupation, the Polish language was forced out of schools in Poland and Russian language was imposed everywhere. Many members of the clergy in Poland began to use Polish language. The use of Polish came to be seen as a symbol of the struggle against Russian dominance. Thus, the language and popular traditions of a country help in the creation of national identity. 3. Describe the cause of the Silesian Weavers uprising. Comment on the viewpoint of the journalist. Ans. The cause of the Silesian weavers uprising was the cheating of the weavers by the contractors. In 1845, the weavers raised a revolt against the contractors who used to supply them raw material to weave textiles in finished form. The contractors drastically reduced their payments. The viewpoint of the journalist Wilhelm Wolft for this uprising was Weaver s crowd reached the house of the contractor and demanded higher wages. They were not treated well, so a group of the crowd entered the contractors house forcibly and destroyed the furniture, window panes and plundered it. This shows that the viewpoint of the journalist was based against the weavers and in favour of the contractor. On the other hand, the journalist did not understand the root cause of the uprising. He did not understand the misery of the weavers. 4. Imagine you are a weaver who saw the events as they unfolded. Write a report on what you saw. Ans. I have worked very hard to supply the woven cloth in time, but received very little payment than what was agreed to by the contractor. Since other weavers had also got less payment, on the afternoon of 4th June, I went alongwith my partner and other weavers to the contractor s home for asking for better wages for our weaving. Our demands were scornfully refused and we were even threatened that no more work would be given to us if we did not work at the same rate as what was paid to us. Some of my fellow weavers got angry at this and broke the window panes of the contractor s house, barged inside and damaged his furniture and crockery. Some weavers also broke open his store of woven cloth and tore it all up. Seeing this, the contractor ran away from the house with his family to a nearby village, but there also he did not get shelter. Next day, the contractor returned with soldiers from the army, who fired at our group of weavers, killing eleven of us. I was injured in the leg by a bullet and now I am nursing my wounds as I write this. 5. (i) Compare the positions on the question of women s rights voiced by the three writers cited in the text. What do they reveal about liberal ideology? (ii) What values/lesson you have learnt from the given statement? [Value Based Question] Ans. (i) The liberal politician Carl Welcker, an elected member of the Frankfurt Parliament, says that (a) Woman is weaker dependent, timid and requires the protection of man and her sphere is the home where she keeps children and does household duties such as cooking, washing and cleaning, etc. (b) Equality between the sexes of woman and man would only endanger harmony and destroy the dignity of the family. According to Louise Otto-Peters, a political activist and founder of a woman s journal and a feminist political association, men try to gain freedom and liberty for all. Actually their untiring efforts are intended for the welfare of only one half of humanity that is men. She advocated that liberty can not be divided among the men and women. An Anonymous writer says that It is unjust to discriminate against women on the basis of gender.the women should not be deprived of the right to vote while an illiterate man has given the right to vote. The above discussion shows that Louise Otto-Peters and the Anonymous writer advocate for women s rights of liberty and equality but the first writer does not favour woman s rights of liberty and equality. (ii) From the given statement I have learnt the values like gender equality, and women s rights.

12 12 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II 6. Look at Figure (a). Do you think that the people living in any of these regions thought of themselves as Italians? Examine Figure (b). Which was the first region to become a part of unified Italy? Which was the last region to join? In which year did the largest number of states join? [HOTS] SWITZERLAND SAVOY SARDINIA MONACO TUNIS LOMBARDY PARMA MODENA TUSCANY VENETIA SAN MARINO PAPAL STATE KINGDOM OF BOTH SICILIES Figure (a). Italian states before unification, SWITZERLAND 1858 TUNIS AUSTRIA 1860 Figure (b). Italy after unification. The map shows the year in which different regions [seen in Figure (a)] become part of a unified Italy. Ans. In 1858, Italy was divided into seven states, with the North being under the Austrian Habsburgs, the centre being ruled by, the Pope and the Southern regions being under the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain. Only one state, Sardinia-Piedmont was ruled by an Italian Princely House. The Italian language also had not acquired one common form and had many regional and local variations. So, people living in these regions, except Sardinia-Piedmont, would not have thought of themselves as Italians. The first region to become a part of united Italy was Lombardy (1859). The last region to join was the Papal State in The largest number of states joined in Write a note on [NCERT] (i) Giuseppe Mazzini (ii) Count Camillo de Cavour (iii) The Greek War of Independence (iv) Frankfurt Parliament (v) The Role of Women in Nationalist Struggles Ans. (i) Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary. He was born in Genoa in He was sent into exile at the age of 24 in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria. He founded two secret societies, namely Young Italy and Young Europe. He inspired the young members of these societies to involve in revolutionary activities. Following his ideas and on the model of his secret societies, more such societies were set up in Germany, France, Switzerland and Poland. Austrian Chancellor Duke Matternich once describe him as the most dangerous energy of our social order. (ii) Count Camillo de Cavour was the Chief Minsiter of Piedmont. He was neither a democrat nor a revolutionary. But he led the movement to unify the regions of Italy. Through tact and diplomacy, he entered into an alliance with France and succeded in defeating Austrian forces in (iii) The Greek War of Independence was a successful war waged by Greek revolutionaries between 1821 to 1832 against the Ottoman empire. Greek nationalists were influenced by the idea of Liberal nationalism. They were supported by the West European countries in this war of independence. Further, the poets and artists, who added romanticism to the Greek struggle of independence, participated in this war against the Ottoman empire. With the Treaty of Constantinople in July 1832, Greece was recognised as an independent nation.

13 ll ne The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 13 (iv) Frankfurt Parliament The German middle class decided to vote for an all German National Assembly in 1848 and 831 persons were elected. They comprised the National Assembly. The assembly decided to organise the Parliament at Frankfurt in the church of St Paul. Thus, on 18th May, 1848, the famous Frankfurt Parliament was convened. The assembly decided that the German nation would be a constitutional monarchy controlled by Parliament and offered the crown to the Prussian King, Friedrich Wilhelm IV. But he rejected it and joined other monarchs to oppose the elected assembly. The Parliament also faced strong opposition from the aristocracy and military as it was dominated by the middle class who resisted the demands of workers and artisans. As result of this, the middle class lost their mass support. Ultimately, the monarchy and military combined together with the aristocracy and won over the Liberal nationalist middle class. This forced the assembly to disband. Therefore, the Frankfurt Parliament is famous in history as a failure of liberalism and a victory of the monarchy. (v) Role of Women in Nationalist Struggles Women played very significant roles in nationalist struggles all over the world. They actively participated in movements, faced the tortures of police, stood by their male counterparts, spread the idea of Liberal nationalism and also were members of various revolutionary organisations. A good example is the French Revolution, in which men and women participated equally. Even the concept of Liberty is personified as a woman. Liberal nationalism proposed the idea of universal suffrage, leading to women s active participation in nationalist movements in Europe. In spite of this, they were given little or no political rights or right to vote till the end of the 19th century. Note This type of questions will not be asked in the examination, only its one or two sub-parts will be asked. 8. (i) What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among French people? (ii) What values/lesson do you imbibe from the struggle of French Revolutionaries? [Value Based Question, NCERT] Ans. (i) The French revolutionaries took the following steps to create a sense of collective identity among the French people (a) They introduced the ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen), emphasising the concept of a united community enjoying equal rights under a Constitution. (b) They choose a new French flag, the tricolour, to replace the royal standard. (c) The Estates General was elected by the body of active citizens and renamed the National Assembly. (d) In the name of the nation, new hymns were composed, oaths taken and martyrs commemorated. (e) They established a centralised administrative system, which formulated uniform laws for all citizens. (f) They adopted a uniform system of weights and measures. (g) All internal custom duties were abolished. (h) They promoted the French language, as spoken and written in Paris and discouraged regional dialects. (i) They declared that it was the mission and destiny of the French nation to liberate people of Europe from despotism. What is meant was that they would help other people of Europe to become nation-states like them. (ii) From the struggle of French Revolutionaries I have learnt, the values of patriotism and nationhood. 9. What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him? [NCERT] Ans. Napoleon introduced the following changes to make the administrative system more efficient in the areas ruled by him (i) He established Civil Code of 1804, also known as the Napoleonic Code. This did away with all privileges based on birth. It established equality before law and secured the right to property. (ii) He simplified administrative divisions, abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues. (iii) In towns, guild systems were removed. Transport and communication systems were improved. Due to the above measures, peasants, artisans, businessmen and workers enjoyed a new found freedom. Businessmen and small-scale producers realised that uniform laws, a common currency and standardised weights and measures would facilitate movement and exchange of goods between regions.

14 14 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II 10. Briefly trace the process of German unification. [NCERT] Ans. The Frankfurt Parliament, which was convented in 1848, was the first major step taken towards the unification of German states. But these liberal initiatives of nation building were repressed by the monarchy and big landlords of Prussia. From then Prussia took the initiative to unify Germany. Otto von Bismarck, the Chief Minister of Prussia, carried out the process of unification with the help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy. Bismarck was convinced that the unification of Germany could be only achieved by the princes, not by the people. He wanted to achieve his aim by merging Prussia into Germany. In 1867, Bismarck became the chancellor of the North confederation. Bismarck s main objective was to unify Germany and was accomplished by three wars with Austria, Denmark and France which were fought in a brief period of seven years. These wars were ended with the victory of Prussia which helped in compteting the process of German unification. On 18th January, 1871, in the Royal Palace of Versailles, the king of Prussia, Kaiser William I was crowned as the German emperor. It symbolised the birth of a united Germany. 11. How was the history of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe? [NCERT] Ans. No, British nation was in existence before the 18th century. Different ethnic groups of people were there in the British Isles, such as English, Welsh, Scot and Irish. Each of these ethnic groups had its own cultural and political traditions. Nationalism in Britain was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution. It was due to a long drawn process. The English nation possessed the other three nations of the islands through a steady growth in property, wealth and power. Besides this, the English language, British Flag and National Anthem were promoted as national symbols to identify the nationality of the nation. The British Parliament became the chief instrument to curb the power the monarchy in 1688 through a bloodless revolution. The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland formed the United Kingdom of Great Britain. With the advent of English power, the English removed the cultural, political institutions of Scotland forcefully and the Scots were banned from speaking the Gaelic language and put on their national dress. There were two classes of the people in Ireland; Catholics and Protestants. The English liked the Protestants in comparison to Catholics. The English with the help of the Protestants supressed the Catholics and forcibly united Ireland with the United Kingdom in The symbols of the new Britain the National Flag (Union Jack), the National Anthem (God Save our Noble King) and the English language were actively promoted. Scotland and Ireland became the subordinate partners of the United Kingdom. 12. Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans? [NCERT] Ans. Nationalist tension emerged in the Balkans because the Balkan states were aspiring for nationalism. The Balkans was a region comprising modern day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro and their inhabitants were called Slavs. The major portion of the Balkans was under the Ottoman empire. All through the 19th century, the Ottoman empire attempted to remove the internal backwardness of the state and its people by adopting modern techniques, but could not succeed. There was jealousy among the Balkans states and each hoped to expand the boundaries to their land. The ideology of Europe was changed during this period and liberal democratic feelings became a narrow creed with limited ends. There were intolerance towards each other and they were always ready to fight a war. The European powers, Russia, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Britain were also interested to further their own imperialism. During this period, these European powers were involved in an intense struggle over trade, colonies and naval and military might. Each power was keen on countering the hold of the other powers and extending its own control over the area. This led to a series of wars in the region and finally the First World War.

15 ll ne The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 15 Miscellaneous Questions 1. Plot on a map of Europe the changes drawn up by the Vienna Congress. Ans. Europe After Vienna Congress Ans. The symbolic meaning of the painting is that the German nation has emerged. The female figure of Germania is an allegory of the German nation. All the attributes of the German nation can be seen in the painting as given in the chart. The replacement of the Kaiser s crown with the broken chain signifies that the German nation is now free from autocratic monarchical rule. ICELAND (DENMARK) ATLANTIC SEA NORWAY (SWEDEN) 3. Describe what you see in figure below What historical events could Hubner be referring to in this allegorical vision of the nation? [HOTS] [NCERT] SCOTLAND SWEDEN IRELAND GREAT BRITAIN WALES ENGLAND NETHERLANDS DENMARK HABOVER (G.B.) PRUSSIA POLAND RUSSIAN EMPIRE PORTUGAL MOROCCO SPAIN 2. With the help of the chart given below identify the attributes of Veit s Germania and interpret the symbolic meaning of the painting. Broken Chains Attributes Breastplate with eagle Crown of oak leaves Sword FRANCE ALGERIA TUNIS Olive branch around the sword Black, red and gold tricolour Rays of the rising Sun GALICIA BAVARIA AUSTRIAN EMPIRE SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA CORSICA SARDINIA SMALL STATES KINGDOM OF THE TWO SICILIES HUNGARY SERBIA BULGARIA GREECE CRETE MEDITERRANEAN SEA Meanings of Symbols Being freed Significance Symbol of the German empire-strength Heroism ROMANIA OTTOMAN EMPIRE CYPRUS EGYPT Readiness to fight PALESTINE Willingness to make peace Flag of the liberal-nationalists in 1848, banned by the Dukes of the German states Beginning of a new era ARMENIA In an earlier allegorical rendering of 1836, Veit had portrayed the Kaiser s crown at the place where he has now located the broken chain. Explain the significance of this change. SYRIA GEORGIA PERSIA MESOPOTAMIA Ans. The painter depicted Germania as a fallen woman with the crown and stick thrown aside because German people s hopes to be united under one monarch (King Friedrich Wilhelm IV) were dashed as he rejected their demand in The artist, Julius Hubner, depicted Germania in a forlorn state due to this rejection by the king. It symbolised the loss of hope. The crown and stick are symbols of the monarchy, which have been cast aside. 4. Look at the picture given below Imagine you were a citizen of Frankfurt in March 1848 and were present during the proceedings of the Parliament. How would you (i) as a man seated in the hall of deputies, and (ii) as a woman observing from the galleries, relate to the banner of Germania hanging from the ceiling? The Frankfurt Parliament in the Church of St Paul. Notice the women in the upper left gallery.

16 16 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II Ans. (i) As a man seated in the hall of deputies, I would relate positively to the banner of Germania, as I would feel all that it symbolised was coming true. (ii) As a woman observing from the galleries, I would consider the banner to depict the truth only partially. Women had participated with men equally in the struggle for constitutionalism with national unification, but they were denied suffrage rights during elections to the National Assembly. Women were only admitted to the assembly as passive citizens and observers. 5. Through a focus on any two countries, explain how nations developed over the 19th century. [NCERT] Ans. We will focus on the development of the German and Italian nation states in the 19th century, considering the following points (i) Political Fragmentation Till the middle of the 19th century, the present-day states of Germany and Italy were fragmented into separate regions and kingdoms ruled by different princely houses. (ii) Revolutionary Uprisings 19th century Europe was characterised by both popular uprisings of the masses and revolutions led by the educated and liberal middle classes. In the case of the German people, the middle classes belonging to different German regions came together to form an all German National Assembly in However, on facing opposition from the aristocracy and military and on losing its mass support base, it was forced to disband. In the Italian region, during the 1830s, revolutionaries like Giuseppe Mazzini tried to establish an Italian Republic. However, the revolutionary uprisings of 1831 and 1848 failed to unite Italy. (iii) Unification with the Help of the Army After the failure of the revolutions, the process of unification was pursued by the aristocracy and the army in both these nations. Germany was united by the Prussian Chief Minister Otto von Bismarck with the help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy. Finally, the German empire was proclaimed in The Italian state of Sardinia-Piedmont played the role of uniting Italy, similar to that played by Prussia in the case of Germany. Count Camillo de Cavour (the Chief Minister of Sardinia-Piedmont) led the movement to unite the separate states of 19th century Italy with the help of the army and an alliance with France. The regions annexed by Giuseppe Garibaldi and his Red Shirts joined with the Northern regions to form a united Italy in The Papal states joined it in Describe the caricature. How does it represent the relationship between Bismarck and the elected deputies of Parliament? What interpretation of democratic processes is the artist trying to convey? [NCERT] Caricature of Otto von Bismarck in the German Reichstag (Parliament), from Figaro, Vienna, 5th March in Ans. The caricature depicts Bismarck, chancellor of Germany as holding a whip (signifying that he is a ruthless man ruling with an iron hand) while leading the Parliament. The deputies who were elected are afraid of him and so are hiding under their tables. The caricature depicts the dominance of Bismarck over the deputies and how he despised liberalism and parliamentary assemblies. The artist is trying to convey that the democratic system in a funny way in which democracy exists only for the sake of name. In reality it is one man s i.e., Bismarck s autocracy that exists in Parliament.

17 ll ne The Rise of Nationalism in Europe In what way do you think this picture depicts a Utopian vision? Ans. The base of the boot symbolises the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, which lay in the Southernmost part of the Italian peninsula. Garibaldi had won this Kingdom and handed it over to King Victor Emmanuel II. This cartoon signifies the unification of Italy and Garibaldi s role in it. 9. Match the term given in Column A with suitable explanations in Column B A B 1. Absolutist (i) Vision of society which is too ideal to be fulfilled. 2. Utopian (ii) A customs union formed by Prussia. The Dream of Worldwide Democratic and Social Republics. The Pact Between Nations, a print prepared by Frederic Sorrieu, in Ans. Utopian vision means that it is depicting something idealistic. The French artist Frederic Sorrieu was visualising a dream of a world made up of nations (all of them did not exits as nations at the time that these prints were made). He had showed the German people with a common flag, although actually they were a number of different states at that time. So it is an idealistic or Utopian vision. On the earth in foreground of the image lie the shattered remains of the symbols of absolutist institutions. 8. The artist has portrayed Garibaldi as holding on to the base of the boot, so that the King of Sardinia-Piedmont can enter it from the top. Look at the map of Italy once more. What statement is this caricature making? [NCERT] 3. Nation-State (iii) A region in Europe comprising many ethnic groups. 4. Balkans (iv) Authoritarian rule or government without restraint. 5. Zollverein (v) A state having people with a sense of common identity and shared history. Ans. 1 (iv), 2 (i), 3 (v), 4(iii), 5 (ii) 10. The Civil Code of 1804 of France is generally known with which name? Ans. The Civil Code of 1804 of France is generally known as the Napoleonic Code. 11. Read the clues in Column A and identify me. Write my name in Column B. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) A (I am) The king of Piedmont and Sardinia. I helped in the unification of Italy. A French emperor. I introduced a Code in The Austrian Chancellor considers Mazzini as the most dangerous enemy to our social order. The founder of a Secret Society, Young Italy. I inspired the youth to work towards unification. The Chief Minister of Prussia and was the architect for the procedure of unification of Germany. B (My name) Garibaldi helping King Victor Emmanuel II Sardinia-Piedmont to pull on boot named Italy. English caricature of Ans. (i) Victor Emmanuel II, (ii) Napoleon Bonaparte, (iii) Klemens von Metternich, (iv) Giuseppe Mazzini, (v) Otto von Bismarck

18 18 ll ne Social Science Class 10th Term II 12. Much of the Balkans was under rule throughout the early modern period. (British/ Ottoman). Ans. Ottoman 13. The Byzantine empire was the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman empire during the. (a) Ancient period (b) Middle ages (c) Modern period (d) Roman period 14. What does la partie mean? Ans. The fatherland 15. In which year Treaty of Vienna signed? Ans. In 1815, the Treaty of Vienna signed. 16. What did German sword stand for? Ans. It stands for readiness to fight. 17. Which country is known as the cradle of civilisation? Ans. Greece is known as the cradle of civilisation. 18. Who was the first Prime Minister of Italy? Ans. Cavour was the first Prime Minister of Italy. 19. The basic aim of Zollverein was (to abolish tariff barriers/to reunite Germany). Ans. To abolish tariff barriers 20. Who was Johann Gottfried Herder? Ans. Herder was a German philosopher who claimed that true German culture was to be discovered among the common people. Checkyour A. Multiple Choice Questions 1. The Treaty of Vienna signed in 1815 (a) set up a new Parliament in Austria (b) introduced democracy in Austria and Prussia (c) brought the conservative regimes back to power (d) destroyed the conservative power of Europe. 2. Who was Frederic Sorrieu? (a) Philosopher (b) Writer (c) Economist (d) Artist 3. When France snezzes, the rest of Europe catches cold. Who said these words? (a) Metternich (b) Lenin (c) Napoleon (d) Rousseau 4. Germany was unified in (a) 1871 (b) 1872 (c) 1996 (d) Romanticism refers to a (a) religious movement (b) cultural movement (c) political movement (d) literary movement B. Short Answer Type Questions 1. What do you mean by nationalism? Mention some factors which give rise to nationalism. 2. What was the spirit of conservatism? 3. Explain any three features of Napoleonic code. C. Long Answer Type Questions 1. Explain any four provisions of the Napoleonic Code of Describe any four features of the Vienna Treaty of 1815 in brief.

19 ACTIVITY Time Assessment Activities Activity 1 Topic Study the cartoon The club of Thinkers and answer the following questions (i) Why do you think muzzles were being distributed to the members? (ii) In what kind of regime would such a practice be adopted? (iii) Based on your understanding of the present day world, identify some countries where this situation may still prevail. Learning Outcomes This activity is expected to enable the student to do the following Compare, analyse and reason the importance of freedom of speech. Hint (i) (ii) (iii) The caricaturist is depicting the club of liberal nationalists which dates back to The board on the picture suggests that to stop the temptation of speech, muzzles are distributed among the members. Conservative regimes were set up in These regimes were autocratic. They were not ready to tolerate criticism and dissent. They curbed all the actions which put a question mark on the legitimacy of autocratic governments. Most of the regimes had imposed censorship law to have control over freedom of the press and over books, plays and songs motivating the ideas of liberty. In some middle East countries like Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran this situation may still prevail.

20 Activity 2 Topic Comparative Study of the Two Paintings of Germania. (i) Germania, Philip Veit, in The artist prepared this painting of Germania on a cotton banner, as it was meant to hang from the ceiling of the Church of St Paul where the Frankfurt Parliament was convened in March, Hint (i) In the 18th and 19th century nations are portrayed as female figures by the artists. The female figure became an allegory of the nation. Germania was the allegory of the German nation. Germania wore a crown of oak leaves, as the German oak was the symbol of heroism. The first picture depicted this. (ii) In the second picture Germania had fallen down in the front of Kaiser s crown and stick. This symbolises that National Assembly of all German s that began at the church of St Paul as Frankfurt Parliament had failed. Activity 3 Topic Study the picture given below and identify the different symbols depicted in this picture. List the symbols and explain the attributes of each. Figure A (ii) The Fallen Germania, Julius Hubner, in Figure B Study the paintings of Germania by the two different artists. What are the differences between the Figure A and Figure B? Analyse the reasons for this difference in perception. Ans. Broken chains Meanings of the Symbols Attribute Breastplate with eagle Crown of oak leaves Sword Olive branch around the sword Black, red and gold tricolour Rays of the rising sun Being freed Significance Symbol of the German empire-strength Heroism Readiness to fight Willingness to make peace. Flag of the liberal - nationalists in 1848, banned by the Dukes of the German states. Beginning of a new era

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